unit27task3week1 4-141222102214

Unit 27 Task 3 Week 1-4 and Review 1

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Unit 27 Task 3

Week 1-4 and Review 1

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Week 1/4Improvement Priority 1: (Set Moves) Improvement Priority 2: (Flexibility)Date: 05/2/15 Date: 02/2/15 & 06/2/15

Time: 13:30pm Time: 14:15pm both sessions

Venue: Sports learning zone Venue: Rugby Pitch (both)

Equipment: Ipad, pen and note pad/ printed table of moves Equipment: N/A

Weather: N/A (inside test) Weather: Clear Sky (both)

Coaches Review: This is something which I try and let the players do and manage independently, the resources are all available for the players to access and use for doing the video analysis .

Coaches Review: The warm up is completely left down to the players and what stretches they do, as we hope that the players are able to manage and condition themselves.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

Video analysis is important to do after every game, as it allows you to see what wrong and what you could of done differently to get a better outcome from the game.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

During our training we warm up ourselves, doing a number of stretches as a group before doing some individual stretches if need be.

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

As it’s the first week, and its an observational test for the first week. I chose to have the video analysis session in this first week to give Daan an idea of which moves he has a less success rate with.

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

The second session this week was more of a recovery session, after an high intensity week of training and game, so the intensity level isn’t as high as it normally would, however it is to keep the athlete safe from injury.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session I have planned is a training session of the moves, which I both myself and Daan feel in an appropriate progression following the analysis.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The sessions next week are progressed on from this weeks sessions as which seem to be appropriate and

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

N/A Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

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Week 2/4Improvement Priority 1: Improvement Priority 2:Date: 09/2/15 Date: 09/2/15 & 10/2/15

Time: 14:30pm Time: 14:15pm & 09:20am

Venue: Rugby Pitch Venue: Rugby Pitch / College Gym

Equipment: At least x2 rugby balls and a stack of cones. The cones can you used to give Daan and the other players in the move an idea of where they should be running their lines.

Equipment: N/A / N/A

Weather: Clear but Windy Weather: Clear but windy / N/A due to being inside

Coaches Review: Due to the windy conditions it was a difficult day for passing, which resulted in a few dropped balls an. The cones are a good idea to help the players keep their shape by running the lines. The guys then did a team run during training and Daan tried to run each move to see if they could do it in a higher intensity situation.

Coaches Review: The warm up is completely left down to the players and what stretches they do, as we hope that the players are able to manage and condition themselves.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

The wind made it difficult when passing it wide, which meant it was often went to ground, some of the guys started to get a bit frustrated and the team run wasn’t as smooth as it should have been. Especially with a game this week.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

After we did all our group stretching which involves both static and dynamic stretches, I focused more on dynamic stretches in my personal warm up. As well as this I did a number of dynamic stretches in a warm up before I did a gym session due to muscles in my legs feeling tight.

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

The session is progressive in my program and as for Daan’s actual progress, the work in training, using the cones really seemed to benefit him and he seemed a lot more confident afterwards in his knowledge and understanding of the moves.

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Daan spoke about feeling tight in his hamstring so we are going to careful not to over do the amount of training or the level of intensity of which he part takes in. But for the moment he has said he’s ok.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session was for Daan to play in game, which in fact was played this week, which means this weeks session also involves weeks 3 planned session. So this means week 4’s Video analysis will now happen next week instead. This means the next session is still progressive as appropriate.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next planned session is for Daan to look at active stretches which is a progression for the dynamic and static stretches previously done. Plus it also depends on whether or Daan will be fit enough, not he is not we well look at the contingency plan.

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

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Week 3/4Improvement Priority 1: Improvement Priority 2:Date: 16/2/15 (Half Term) Date: 16/2/15 (Half Term)

Time: Time:

Venue: Venue:

Equipment: Equipment:

Weather: Weather:

Coaches Review: Coaches Review:

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

The next session is overload and progressive as it is looking at isometric stretching which is about using resistance. I feel this is appropriate as the last few weeks have been about getting to stretch properly to decrease the risk of injury and make him aware of how important it is to stretch, so the sessions from now on will be all about increasing and improving his flexibility

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

Due to it being half term Daan went back to Holland so therefore I was unable to do the video analysis with him, however Daan downloaded copies of the game from the previous week and did the analysis at home, and he has since shown me the player profile sheets to see that he has done what is required of him.

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

Again due to Daan going home this was something which I had to leave to him to make he completed the training. However due to him still suffering from a tight hamstring, I suggested that he did some foam rolling and just did a few stretches of his choice to loosen it up. I did receive some evidence of him doing some rolling in the form of a SnapChat.

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Week 4/4Improvement Priority 1: Improvement Priority 2:Date: 24/2/15 Date: W/C 23/2/15

Time: 15:00 Time:

Venue: Sports learning zone Venue: N/A

Equipment: Ipad Equipment: N/A

Weather: N/A (inside) Weather: N/A

Coaches Review: Because Daan was having health issues this week he wasn’t able to be involved in what was happening whilst he was unwell, so sat out of training with week.

Coaches Review: Because Daan was having health issues this week he wasn’t able to be involved in what was happening whilst he was unwell, so sat out of training with week.

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

Due to being unwell I wasn’t able to play or train which is annoying and I was advised to not do any physical activity

Athlete Feedback / Questions:

Due to being unwell I wasn’t able to play or train which is annoying and I was advised to not do any physical activity

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

No, This week was a set back as Daan would have been training the set moves this week using the information he got from the video analysis to improve his performance.

Is Progress As Expected?If No Describe:

No, this week Daan was unfit to part take in any more of physical activity which means no progress was made.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

This will depend how Daan is feeling. If he is able to take part in physical activity, it then depends on whether he feels good enough to train outside doing skill and game scenario work or whether he just does some conditioning work in the gym.

Are the Next Session Overload and Progression Plans Appropriate?If No Describe:

If fit the next session I will have Daan do a Plyometric session to see how is able to cope with the overload. However if he isn't able to do the plyometric session as it can cause fatigue, so the isometric training may be a better option as he can vary the amount of resistance.

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

Daan spent the week going to and from hospital and having blood tests after becoming unwell. So rather than just doing nothing we did some extra video analysis, comparing his performances to those of one of the other Fly-halfs in the teams.

Was Contingency Needed? If Yes Describe:

Due to his health issues this week it would off been a mistake to make him do any physical activity or anything too strenuous, so it decision was made to have Daan rest and recover this week to help his chances of having a speedy recovery.

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Week 4 Review Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 1/2

Trait: running set moves

Test Name: Video analysis

Standardised Test:

No Normative Data: No

If Not A Standardised Test Detail Method Here:

• This will require the athlete to have writing resources for notes • This test will be consists of a interview and a observation, as

myself and Daan, will watch game footage and will pause it at certain points were we will discuss what he did, asking why it did it, and what he could of done instead.

• Moves check sheetTest Result 1: Test Result 1 Rating:

Test Result 2: Test Result 2 Rating:

Test Result 3: Test Result 3 Rating:

Best Result:

Best Result Rating:

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Week 4 Review Testing Excellence Trait – Weakness 2/2

Trait: Flexibility

Test Name: Sit and Reach Test

Standardised Test:

Yes Normative Data: Yes http://tinyurl.com/kh96bng

If Not A Standardised Test Detail Method Here:Test Result 1: 7cm Test Result 1 Rating: Good

Test Result 2: 6cm Test Result 2 Rating: Good

Test Result 3: 7cm Test Result 3 Rating: Good

Best Result: 7cm

Best Result Rating:

Good, although still towards the lower end of the rating.

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Describe whether the tests show that progress is being made as planned?

• There is a small amount of progress made with improving Daan’s flexibility, the results could have been greater, however we had to deal with a hamstring injury in the last few weeks which as slowed progress. As for Daan’s confidence and success rate of running set moves, again there are signs of progress in the number of moves attempted, the execution of them just needs improving, so perhaps more training under pressure it required.

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Does the mid point review show that weeks 5-8 need to be adapted?

Describe How you will adapt your sessions?• I think the target improvement 1, Running of the set moves,

needs to be adapted as we saw it the first 4 weeks I had to make an adaption due to Daans health as well as the fact that I should of put the training and games in the same week rather than spread then across 2 weeks. I think that I will adapt weeks 5-8 so that they are in the same week and if there is no games one week he can do game scenario training, training under pressure. As for the flexibility training, again I think weeks 5-8 will change to focus more on the development and improving of his flexiblity as weeks 1-4 were more about making him aware of the importance of stretches and managing to maintain that level of flexibility.

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• Before under going the 8 week training programme I asked Daan to complete a (PARQ) Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire, to make sure that he was fit and health enough to take part in training.

• PARQ Form