united nations

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Chapter Exercise


The United NationsQuestion and AnswersQ.1When was the United Nations Organization founded and, (briefly) what inspired its foundation?Ans.The United Nations organization was founded in April1945 after the World War II. The thing that inspired its foundation was the desire of world peace because the War had brought deaths, destruction throughout the world and desolation to mankind.Q2.How successful has the United Nations Organization been, so for in preventing local wars?Ans.The United Nations organization has not been very much successful so far in preventing local wars. It has got achievement in few cases but for the most part it has failed completely.Q3.What part of the work of the United Nations appears, so far to have yielded the most promising results?Ans.The most promising result of the United Nations is that it is fighting against social evils namely ignorance, poverty, disease; and social and political injustice.Q4.What are the more important differences between the General Assembly and the Security Council?Ans.The general assembly represents all the nations of the world as members of the U.N.O, while the Security Council is the supreme body of the U.N.O and its five members have veto (proscription) power. Q5.What is the designation of the Chief Officer of the United Nations, for how long is he appointed and by whom is the appointed?Ans.The chief officer of the United Nations is called the secretary general. He serves for a term of five years and is appointed by general assembly with the approval of the Security Council.Q6.How large staffs are employed by the Secretariat and where does it work?Ans.In the United Nation secretariat, there is a staff of about 3500 employees and it works under the secretary general in New York. Besides hundreds of employees also work in the other special branches of the secretariat of different centers. Q7.What is the function of International Bank?Ans.The International Bank gives loans to member nations for carrying through projects of public welfare such as electricity, power plant, roads, railways, canals and flood control.Q8.Who do the initials W.H.O stand for and what is the function of this organization?Ans.The initials W.H.O stands for the World Health Organization. Its function is to wage a war against many widespread diseases and to advise member countries about public health and control of diseases. Q9.What do the initials F.A.O stands for and what is the function of this organization?Ans.The initials F.A.O stands for the Food and Agriculture Organization. Its function is to grow more food and other crops, how to increase the production of farms, fisheries and forests. This organization also provides useful brochures on agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Q10.What is the function of UNESCO?Ans.The UNESCO makes efforts for the advancement of science, knowledge and culture in the world. Its main function is to wage war against illiteracy and it has been quite successful in this field.