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Hundred and fifty-sixth Session 156 EX/37 PARIS, 22 April 1999 Original: English/French Item 9.3 of the provisional agenda REPORT BY THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL ON THE FUNCTIONING OF THE PARTICIPATION PROGRAMME AND EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE SUMMARY The Director-General submits this document to the Executive Board pursuant to 155 EX/Decision 8.2, paragraph 4(a) and (b). This report is presented in three parts: A. Possible criteria for incorporation in the draft resolution for document 30 C/5, B. Measures to strengthen the operational efficiency of the Participation Programme and Emergency Assistance Coordination Unit, C. The situation in tabular form for the Participation Programme for the 1998-1999 biennium as at 1 April 1999. The annex attached hereto presents the criteria already approved by 29 C/Resolution 51. Decision required: paragraph 3. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Executive Board ex

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Hundred and fifty-sixth Session

156 EX/37PARIS, 22 April 1999Original: English/French

Item 9.3 of the provisional agenda



The Director-General submits this document to the ExecutiveBoard pursuant to 155 EX/Decision 8.2, paragraph 4(a) and (b).

This report is presented in three parts:

A. Possible criteria for incorporation in the draft resolutionfor document 30 C/5,

B. Measures to strengthen the operational efficiency of theParticipation Programme and Emergency AssistanceCoordination Unit,

C. The situation in tabular form for the ParticipationProgramme for the 1998-1999 biennium as at 1 April1999.

The annex attached hereto presents the criteria alreadyapproved by 29 C/Resolution 51.

Decision required: paragraph 3.

United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization Executive Board ex

156 EX/37

Part A. Criteria and requirements as regards the possible approval andimplementation of projects in the framework of the Participation Programme(155 EX/Decision 8.2, paragraph 4(a))

1. In addition to the principles and conditions approved by the General Conference in29 C/Resolution 51, the following may be considered for recommendation by the ExecutiveBoard to the General Conference at its 30th session.1

(a) Requests may not be approved until all financial reports and evaluation reportshave been submitted for the biennium before last (i.e. in this case, before the1996-1997 biennium).

(b) Requests may not be approved until a Member State has paid its contribution oravailed itself of the SWAP system which was presented at the 149th session of theExecutive Board (149 EX/20 - Part III - Settlement of arrears in nationalcurrency). The idea proposed was “... that Member States with arrears ofcontributions can make arrangements with the Director-General to settle sucharrears in national currencies within the limits of possible utilization to payfinancial contributions under the Participation Programme”.

(c) As concerns the number of requests which may be submitted, a reduction could beenvisaged:

(i) Member States may submit 10 requests (or a number to be decided by theGeneral Conference);

(ii) NGOs must submit their projects through a Member State, it being notedthat the NGO is responsible for submitting the financial report and not theMember State;

(iii) IGOs, being financed by their own members, will no longer have access tothe Participation Programme.

(d) No additional assistance, in the form of a Participation Programme request, maybe granted, either financial or UNESCO-implemented, for a “UNESCO meeting”already provided for in the programme and budgeted for in the C/5 document.

(e) Anniversaries, exhibitions and artistic or cultural events should be provided forunder the Sector’s regular budget (in the C/5 document) and administered by theprogramme sector and/or OPI.

(f) There could be a two-phase system for submission and approval of requests. Afterthe General Conference has decided upon the number of requests which may besubmitted for the biennium, two thirds (also decided by the General Conference)could be considered during the first year and the second series in the following


Most of these proposals were discussed during debates:(a) by Members of the Executive Board (154th and 155th sessions) and the General Conference in the

Administrative Commission (29th session);(b) during the Regional Meetings of Secretaries-General of National Commissions in 1998;(c) in reply to the questionnaire on the “Second Phase of the Review of the Participation Programme”

in compliance with 28 C/Resolution 12.2 and document 149 EX/INF.3 Add. which was sent toNational Commissions, Permanent Delegations, NGOs and IGOs in June 1997.

156 EX/37 - page 2

year. The funds could also be divided in an appropriate manner for each phase.Deadlines could be set for submission of requests for each year bearing in mindthat the total number of requests may not exceed the total number approved by theGeneral Conference.

(g) A Member State may not submit a request for the same purpose during twoconsecutive bienniums.

(h) Strict confidentiality will be respected between the Member States and UNESCOas concerns the nature of the requests which they have submitted.

(i) New categories for assistance may be considered: UNESCO Chairs, UNESCOClubs and Centres, Associated Schools projects.

(j) When preparing requests, Member States should give priority to local initiativesrather than adding to projects which have already been approved by the GeneralConference (in the C/5 document) for the biennium.

(k) Projects which have a multiplier effect should be given special attention.

(l) An evaluation should be made of each project presented taking into account theimportance for the country(ies) involved and the programme adopted byUNESCO.

(m) Projects may be presented only by the National Commission or by the PermanentDelegation in consultation with the National Commission.

(n) International NGOs, not taking into account their status with UNESCO, maysubmit requests through a Member State, it being understood that the projectsrequested will be in addition to the official number approved by the GeneralConference.

(o) NGOs of a national nature and having no official status with UNESCO willcontinue to submit requests through the Member State concerned, such requestsbeing considered official requests.

Part B. Measures to strengthen the operational efficiency of the ParticipationProgramme and Emergency Assistance Coordination Unit(155 EX/Decision 8.2, paragraph 4(b))

2. The following measures should be proposed:

(a) The operational efficiency of the Participation Programme Unit has beenreinforced with the creation of an infrastructure designed to monitor andimplement projects. A central service, within the Unit is now responsible for thepayment and follow-up of each approved request.

(b) Member States will be informed, by letter, of the decision taken by theDirector-General. They will also receive a separate letter giving the details for thepayment of requests including the date of payment, the number of the cheque andany additional information relevant to the approval of the project; a copy of this

156 EX/37 - page 3

information will be sent to the Permanent Delegations concerned as well as to theappropriate services of the Secretariat.

(c) Requests which are approved for UNESCO implementation (i.e. purchase ofequipment, consultancy services) will be closely followed up in order to give rapidsatisfaction to Member States. This also includes funds which are decentralized toUNESCO field offices or via UNDP for implementation.

3. In view of the foregoing, the Executive Board may wish to adopt a decision along thefollowing lines:

The Executive Board,

1. Having examined document 156 EX/37, which provides a report on the criteriaand requirements as regards the possible approval and implementation of projectsin the framework of the Participation Programme and emergency assistance andadditional measures to strengthen its operational efficiency,

2. Considers the criteria and requirements found in 29 C/Resolution 51 to be correctbut wishes to include additional criteria;

3. Recommends that the Participation Programme and Emergency AssistanceCoordination Unit be the focal point for all urgent requests;

4. Further recommends that the General Conference, as a measure to enhance theoperational efficiency of the Participation Programme and Emergency AssistanceCoordination Unit, study the possibility of introducing a two-phase system whichwould enable Member States to submit their requests in two stages, two thirdsduring the first year of the biennium and one third for the second year. Part of thefunds provided for in the C/5 document could also be divided proportionallybetween the two years;

5. Invites the Director-General to follow very closely all the Board’srecommendations when preparing draft document 30 C/5.

Part C. Situation of the Participation Programme for the 1998-1999 biennium as at1 April 1999

(a) 3,031 requests were submitted by 189 Member States and Associate Members,198 non-governmental organizations and 11 intergovernmental organizationsunder the Participation Programme for the 1998-1999 biennium, the totalrequested amounting to US $114,271,768. The total amount approved isUS $27,313,254 for 1,280 requests.

(b) Under emergency assistance, 64 requests were approved amounting to a total ofUS $2,229,500. By comparison, in the previous biennium, 161 requests wereapproved amounting to a total of US $4,694,840.

(c) The tables set out below are as follows:

Table I - Analysis of requests approved by region;Table II - List of requests approved for each Member State;

156 EX/37 - page 4

Table III - Trends since 1979-1980;Table IV - Comparative table of emergency assistance granted since 1994-1995;Table V - Financial contributions accorded to Member States under section C(emergency aid);Table VI - Breakdown by priority group (least developed countries, women,youth).

156 EX/37 - page 6

Table II

Participation Programme 1998-1999Number of requests and amounts approved by Member State* as at 1 April 1999

29 C/Resolution 51.II.4(b)

Region Country MS1Amount




Africa South Africa 10 252 400Angola 6 120 000Benin 6 125 000 1 30 000Botswana 8 149 000Burkina Faso 9 155 000Burundi 9 175 000Cameroon 8 167 000Cape Verde 1 15 000Comoros 4 46 000Congo 8 150 000Côte d’Ivoire 11 271 000 1 15 000Djibouti 5 70 000Eritrea 7 124 000Ethiopia 8 186 000Gabon 13 289 500Gambia 12 210 000Ghana 6 144 000Guinea 7 88 000Equatorial Guinea 6 123 000Guinea-Bissau 5 78 000Kenya 9 169 500Lesotho 9 184 230Liberia 7 150 000Madagascar 8 166 000Malawi 6 103 000Mali 13 293 000Mauritius 3 55 000Mozambique 7 156 000Namibia 6 107 000Niger 6 120 000Nigeria 7 154 000Uganda 7 166 000Central African Republic 5 106 000Rwanda 7 119 200Sao Tome and Principe 4 75 730Senegal 9 172 000 1 32 000Seychelles 6 128 000Sierra Leone 6 100 000Somalia 2 65 000Swaziland 8 167 000United Republic of Tanzania 7 119 000Chad 5 97 750

* For technical reasons the French alphabetical order has been maintained.1 Requests submitted by Member States.2 Requests submitted by NGOs whose activities are conducted on the territory of the Member State.

156 EX/37 - page 7

Region Country MSAmount




Togo 11 216 000 1 18 000Democratic Republic of the Congo 6 108 000Zambia 8 168 300Zimbabwe 6 128 000

Asia and the Pacific Afghanistan 1 50 000Australia 6 170 000Bangladesh 10 219 000Bhutan 5 80 000Cambodia 4 79 000China 6 175 000Fiji 5 104 000Cook Islands 4 49 000Marshall Islands 4 69 000Solomon Islands 3 105 000India 7 160 000Indonesia 5 205 000Iran, Islamic Republic of 4 76 000Japan 5 124 000Kazakhstan 3 52 000Kiribati 4 76 000Kyrgyzstan 5 106 000Lao People’s Democratic Republic 10 160 300Malaysia 4 82 000 1 30 000Maldives 6 41 000Mongolia 5 106 000Myanmar 5 129 000Nauru 4 72 000Nepal 6 99 000Niue 5 91 000New Zealand 7 106 000Uzbekistan 5 114 000Pakistan 6 159 000Papua New Guinea 9 217 000Philippines 4 96 000Democratic People’s Republic

of Korea 4 120 000Republic of Korea 5 120 000Samoa 5 110 500Sri Lanka 7 144 000Tajikistan 5 84 600Thailand 5 119 000Tonga 5 100 000Turkmenistan 4 90 000Vanuatu 1 35 000Viet Nam 7 174 000

Arab States Algeria 4 81 000Saudi Arabia 5 51 500Bahrain 5 48 200Egypt 13 201 000United Arab Emirates 3 29 000Iraq 4 37 000Jordan 8 203 000Kuwait 4 35 000Lebanon 10 198 000 2 60 000

156 EX/37 - page 8

Region Country MSAmount




Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 5 70 000Morocco 7 174 000Mauritania 4 81 000Oman 6 77 000Palestine 10 247 000Qatar 6 101 344Sudan 5 89 000Syrian Arab Republic 7 119 500Tunisia 5 105 000Yemen 5 91 000

Europe (Group I) Germany 4 81 000Andorra 4 60 000Austria 5 65 000Belgium 3 48 000 3 80 000Canada 5 126 000 1 27 000Cyprus 4 37 600Denmark 3 86 000Spain 5 160 000 11 301 000Finland 4 103 000France 7 72 000 13 275 200Greece 5 111 000Ireland 5 50 000Iceland 4 72 800Israel 5 100 000Italy 7 130 555 5 135 000Luxembourg 1 30 000Malta 4 101 000Monaco 1 15 000Norway 5 90 000Netherlands 5 65 000Portugal 7 173 000United Kingdom 5 90 750 2 65 000San Marino 2 35 000Sweden 4 105 000Switzerland 5 100 000Turkey 4 80 000

Europe (Group II) Albania 4 84 000Armenia 2 45 000Azerbaijan 4 45 000Belarus 6 137 000Bosnia and Herzegovina 4 140 000Bulgaria 5 110 000Croatia 4 104 000Estonia 4 82 500The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 3 68 500Russian Federation 14 329 000 1 25 000Georgia 6 156 000Hungary 8 186 000 1 20 000Latvia 7 106 340Lithuania 7 140 000Moldova 7 151 200Poland 8 180 000 1 15 000Czech Republic 7 85 000

156 EX/37 - page 9

Region Country MSAmount




Romania 2 35 000 1 20 000Slovakia 6 121 000Slovenia 4 115 000 1 25 000Ukraine 13 236 000Yugoslavia 2 39 200

Antigua and Barbuda 2 40 000Latin America andthe Caribbean Netherlands Antilles 2 60 000

Argentina 6 101 600 2 41 000Aruba 3 58 000Bahamas 6 112 500Barbados 5 125 000Belize 4 73 000Bolivia 11 277 500 1 20 000Brazil 8 190 500 2 40 000Chile 6 115 000 2 59 000Colombia 9 258 000 1 30 000Costa Rica 5 105 000 2 45 000Cuba 9 201 000Ecuador 6 161 000Grenada 5 89 000Guatemala 7 180 000 1 38 000Guyana 6 119 700Haiti 10 240 000Honduras 9 198 800British Virgin Islands 4 78 000Jamaica 6 135 000Mexico 6 117 000 2 56 000Nicaragua 9 250 050Panama 5 107 500Paraguay 5 115 000Peru 7 215 000Dominican Republic 11 191 000El Salvador 7 167 000Saint Kitts and Nevis 6 129 000Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5 107 000Saint Lucia 7 64 100Suriname 5 101 500Trinidad and Tobago 6 170 000Uruguay 7 157 200Venezuela 7 192 605 1 50 000

IGO 19 346 500

NGO 90 2 490 0001 219 25 761 054 61 1 552 200

156 EX/37 - page 10

Table III

Participation ProgrammeTrends since the 1979-1980 biennium




Number ofrequest received





1979-1980 7 429 800 2 814 40 237 000 7 679 0211981-1983 15 048 800 4 532 62 903 026 15 788 8181984-1985 14 034 800 3 351 53 824 103 14 712 9041986-1987 10 605 800 2 800 44 973 885 11 243 3151988-1989 10 037 400 2 031 30 528 020 10 550 5111990-1991 14 662 600 2 277 46 272 049 14 933 1271992-1993 15 408 300 2 284 44 035 950 18 281 7411994-1995 25 000 000 2 774 59 716 437 27 072 7521996-1997 22 000 000 2 968 70 208 307 28 905 8621998-1999 27 313 000 3 031 114 271 768 27 313 254

Table IV

Participation Programme 1998-1999Comparative table of emergency assistance granted since 1994-1995

1994-1995 1996-1997 1998-1999RegionNumber of



Number ofrequests



Number ofrequests



Africa 23 1 185 000 45 1 306 800 13 391 500Asia and the Pacific 10 385 000 14 427 000 11 507 500Arab States 13 371 950 18 476 900 7 204 500Europe (Group I) 8 259 000 2 59 000Europe (Group II) 9 247 200 3 125 000 6 196 000Latin America 12 413 720 41 1 199 140 16 614 000NGO 1 24 300 32 901 000 9 257 000Total 68 2 627 170 161 4 694 840 64 2 229 500

156 EX/37 - page 11

Table V

Participation Programme 1998-1999*

Financial contributions accorded to Member States under section C (emergency aid)29 C/Resolution 51.II.4(c)

Region Country Number of requests Amount$

Africa South Africa 2 55 000Burundi 1 30 000Congo 3 50 000Côte d’Ivoire 1 40 000Ethiopia 2 80 000Gabon 1 6 500Kenya 1 20 000Liberia 1 60 000Somalia 1 50 000

Asia and the Pacific Afghanistan 1 50 000Bangladesh 2 65 000China 1 60 000Indonesia 2 150 000Lao People’s Democratic Republic 1 2 500Myanmar 1 30 000Papua New Guinea 2 100 000Democratic People’s Republic of Korea 1 50 000

Arab States Jordan 1 25 000Lebanon 1 35 000Palestine 4 119 500Qatar 1 25 000

Europe (Group I) Spain 2 59 000

Europe (Group II) Russian Federation 2 71 000Lithuania 1 15 000Slovenia 1 40 000Ukraine 2 70 000

Antigua and Barbuda 1 10 000Latin America andthe Caribbean Bolivia 1 50 000

Colombia 1 50 000Ecuador 1 60 000Guatemala 2 68 000Haiti 1 25 000Honduras 1 60 000Mexico 1 30 000Nicaragua 1 60 000Peru 2 110 000Dominican Republic 2 51 000El Salvador 1 30 000Saint Kitts and Nevis 1 10 000

55 1 972 500

* For technical reasons the French alphabetical order has been maintained.

156 EX/37 - page 12

Table VI

Participation Programme 1998-1999Breakdown by priority group as at 1 April 1999

Least developed countries

Region Number of requestsapproved

Amount approved$

Africa 211 4 076 210Asia and the Pacific 60 1 183 800Arab States 14 261 000Latin America and

the Caribbean 10 240 000295 5 761 010


Region Number of requestsapproved

Amount approved$

Africa 23 420 730Asia and the Pacific 16 345 000Arab States 8 153 000Europe (Group I) 8 191 000Europe (Group II) 3 70 000Latin America and

the Caribbean 7 132 00065 1 311 730


Region Number of requestsapproved

Amount approved$

Africa 6 121 750Asia and the Pacific 8 160 000Arab States 5 103 000Europe (Group I) 4 98 000Europe (Group II) 2 50 000Latin America and

the Caribbean 6 104 000NGO 2 65 000

33 701 750

156 EX/37 Annex


Criteria already approved in the framework of the 29 C/Resolution 51

in compliance with I55 Executive Board Decision 8.2. para. 4 (a). the Board invites the Director-General to propose for consideration at its 156”’ session. the “criteria and requirements as regards the possible approval and implementation of prqjects in the framework ofthe Participation Programme”.

51 Participation Programme’

.4uthorms the Director-General to participate 111 the xxivlties of Member States in accordance with the following principles and conditions:

A. Principles

submit through Nat. Corn. or other channel

number of requests: 15 $1.e order of priority

NGOs SL ICOs may submit

5 request with order of priority

III UNESCO’ s fields of competence

ensure requests devoted to WOMEN

\\ritten request to DC t’rom Nat Corn. or other channel

\I ritten agreement indicating type of participation ;rcceptance of conditions in section 6


I. The Participation Programme is one of the means employed by the Organization to achieve its ob,jectives. through participation in activities carried out by Member States or Associate Members, or by territories, organizations or institutions. in its tields of competence. This participation is designed to strengthen the partnership between UNESCO and its Member States and make that partnership,more effective through a sharing ot’contributions.

2. Each Member State may submit through its National Commission or, where there is no National Commission. through a designated government channel. up to IS requests. rkr requests should show an order of priority numbered from I to 15. II being understood that not all the requests submitted will necessaril\ be approved. International non-governmental orgnntzations. intergovernmental organizations and other international orzanizations may submit up to five requests show in g an order of priorit!, t~rom I to 5 and here as well not all the requests submitted will ntlcessaril! be approved. Each request must be related to the activities ot. the Organization. as described under the sections of the Approved Programme and Budget concerned with major programmea. transdisciplinary projects and transverse activities. and co-operation with National Commissions. Member States are requested to ensure that a sufficient number ofprqjects specificall! devoted to \\ omen are submitted under this Programme.

3. Assistance under the Participation I’ro~rnmmr ma! be accorded only upon: (a) a written request to the Dirtxtol--Gcnrral by the National Commissions or. where there is no National Commission. through a designated government channel. of Member States or of Associate Members or by territories. organizations or Institutions. intergovernmental or non-governmental organizations maintaining official relations with UNESCO. and (b) a Lkritten agreement bet\\,een the parties concerned specifying the form and manner of participation and acceptance of the conditions listed under section B below. together with such other conditions as ma>’ be jointI>, agreed upon.

4. In order to nchleve more rapid implementation :lnd with a view to still better management of the Participation IVo~ramme. a strict deadline for submission of requests hai buen \et 101. 27 February 1998.

5. Betwficictrr~~.~. Assistance under the I’nrticipotlon Programme may be accorded to:

(4 Member States or Associate hlembt~ upon rt’qut’st

156 EX/37 Annex - page 2

subregional, regional or interregional requests need support letters from two other Nat. Corn.

non-self-governing or trust territory may submit through Nat Corn.

national institutions may submit through Sat Corn.

intergovernmental or international organization co-operating with UNESCO may submit through Nat Corn.

SC;0 with formal relations may submit requests with support of Nat Corn. where activity will take place as well as support letters from two other Member States

>c(;O without official status may submit through Bat. Corn. with support letters from two other Member States

Palestine. as observer, may submit requests

Financial contributions may not exceed Nat. : S26,OOO RegJlntJSub.: S35,OOO

approvals within amount available

within 1;NESCO’s fields of comptence

through their National Commissions or. where there IS no NatIonal Commission, through a designated government channel. to promote activities of a national character. For activities of a subregtonal. regional or interregional character. requests are submitted b! the National Commissions of the Member States or Associate Members on whose territory they take place. These requests must be supported b! at least two other National Commissions of participating ~Member States or Associate Members:

(b) a non-self-~overiiili~ or trust territor! tip011 the

request of the National CornmIssion of the ,Member Starr: I-ehponslble for the conduct of the territor),‘s external relations:

Cc) a national institution. upon a request h\ the National Commission of the Member State or Associate Member 111 \\ hose territory it is situated;

(d) an intergovernmental or other International organization which has signed a co-operation agreement \\ ith UNESCO. where the participation relates to actlvlties ot’dir~ interest to several Member States:

(e) an international iion-goveriinieiital or~anization maintaining formal or operational relations \\,ith LI\;ESC( 1. u~x)ii 2

request endorsed by the National Commission ot the hlenlbc~- State OI Associate Member in whose territor> the planned actlvit! 15 to be carried out: the request must be supported b>, the National Commissions of at least two Member States:

(0 an international non-governmental institution having no official relations with UNESCO. upon a request submitted on its behalf by the National Commission of the Member State in \vhose territory it is situated: such requests must be supported I~! ;lt least tl1.o National Commissions ofother participating Member 3t;ltcs:

(5) the Permanent Observer of Palestine to I 1 I!SCO. where the participation requested relates to activltles 111 I ‘NISSC‘O’h fields of competence of direct interest to I’nlc\tinians.

6. For/ms CJ/ i/.\.V/.\/~/lli’C’. Asl~tallcc llllLl~l~ lllc‘

Participation Programme may comprise the provision 01:

(a) the services of specialists and consultants:

(b) fellowships and study grants:

Cc) publications. periodicals and documentation:

(4 equipment (other than vehicles):

(e) conferences and meetings. seminars and trnlning courses: translation and interpretation services. participants’ travel costs. the services of consultants. and other services ciee~nrd ~lecessar>

by all concerned (not including UNESCO stat‘fmembers~:

(0 financial contributions. if the DIrector-< ~cnc’ral determines that this is the most effective md r\pxi~cnt nlcan’r 01.

implementing the activity in questlon. and prov~cled that tht amount.

except in cases of emergency assistance specifically decided on b! the Director-General. is not in excess of S26.000 for a national prolect OI activity and $35,000 for a subregional. regional or interre:ionnl pro,ject or activity: and that the financial provision made b! the applicant IS sufficient to execute the activity satisfactoril!.

7. .-lpprmn/ of tvqttc.s/.s. When deciding upon :I rt’qurst

the Director-General shall take into account:

(a) the total amount approved b! the (icnrral Conference for this Programme:

(b) the contribution that such partlclpatlon c:~n rffectively make to the attamment of Llcmher Stilts\’ c)h~ccl~\ ~‘9 111 UNESCO’s fields of competence and 1~ ithin the frame\\ OI-1~ 01 111~ programme activities approved b! the General Cont’t~r~ncc. 10 \\ hich participation must be closel! linked:

156 EX/37 Annex - page 3

emphasis on 4 priority groups

equitable geographical distribution

payment within 30 days before start of project

Nat Corn. responsible for implementation

dates for commencement and termination of project must be given

ev,aluation report requested after completion of project

applicant must assume financial & admin. responsibility for implementation

financial report obligatory at end of project

unspent balance must be returned 110 new financing if financial reports not submitted within the delay allowed

compulsory submission of financial report irrrd evaluation report

iIppliCallt agrees to pay certain expenses

protect UNESCO property

protect UNESCO against claims or liability

(cl the needs of developing countries as well as the four priority groups: women, youth. African Member States and least developed countries;

(4 the need to achieve equitable geograph~cnl distribution of the participation provided:

(e) subventions or funding for each approved pro,ject should, to the extent possible. be allocated no later than 30 days before the date set for the start of the implementation of the ptoject concerned.

8. Implemcntcrtion:

(a) the Participation Programme will be implemented within the biennial programme of the Organization. of\chich it forms an integral part. Implementation of a request is the responstbility ofthe National Commission of a Member State. Associate Member or othet applicant. The request submitted to the Director-General must shove specific scheduled commencement and termination dates: ~111 effort has been made to rationalize and simplify implementation procedures for the Participation Programme. Field units will endeavour to help Member States that so wish to draw up their requests in a manner which will enable them to be processed more effectivei>,:

(b) the achievements ofthe Participation Programme must be made more widely known with a view to the planning and implementation of the Organization’s future activities. The evaluation reports, submitted after completion of each prqiect by Member States. will be useful to the Secretariat for this purpose.

B. C’onditions

9. Assistance under the Participation Programme will be provided only if the applicant. when sendin g in the \vritten requests to the Director-General. accepts the following conditions. fhr applicant shall:

(4 assume full financial and administrative responsibility for implementing the plans and programmes for \\ hich participation is provided: in the case of a financial contribution. submit to the Director-General at the close of the project an item ized statement accounting for the activities executed and certitj.ing that the funds allocated have been used for the implementation ot the prqject. and return to UNESCO any balance not used for prqiect purposes: it is to be understood that no new financial contribution will be paid until the applicant has submitted all the financial reports and all the additional supporting documents necessary’ in respect of contributions previously approved by the Director-General and for vvhich the funds were obligated prior to 3 I December of the first \‘ear of the previous budgetary period;

(b) undertake to provide on a conrp~~lsor!~ basks. together with the financial report mentioned in subparagraph (a) above. an evaluation report on the results of the activities financed and theit usefulness for the Member State or States and UNESCO:

(cl pay. where participation is accorded 111 the form ot study grants, the cost of the grant-holders’ passports. visas. medical examinations and salaries while they are abroad. if the!, are in receipt of a salary; help them find suitable employment vvhen the!, return to their country of origin:

(4 maintain and insure against all risks an! property’ supplied by UNESCO, from the time of its arrival at the point ot delivery;

(e) undertake to cover UNESCO against any claim or liability resulting from the activities provided for in this rcsolutton. exce’pt where it is agreed by UNESCO and the National Commission

156 EX/37 Annex - page 4

grant privileges and immunities

D.G. initiative for Emergencies

D.G. decides amount

Nat Corn. may indicate choice of assistance

No time for international competitive bidding

Emergencies pay despite outstanding financial reports

Itemized financial report must be submitted for emergencies

of the Member State concerned that SLICK claim or liability arises from gross negligence or wilful misconduct:

(0 grant to personnel recruited under the Participation Programme who are ofticials of UNESCO the privileges and immunities set out in Articles VI and VII of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies: it shall grant to personnel recruited under the Participation Programme who are not officials of UNESCO the privileges and immunities provided I’or in paragraph 3 of Annex IV to the aforementioned Convention. It being understood that additional privileges and immunities ma!’ be granted in suppleinentary agreements concluded with the Director-General: no restriction should be imposed upon the rights of entry. sqiourn and departure of the persons mentioned in the present subparagraph.

IO. Where emergency’ aid is co~~ctx~wi. the f<lllo\\,ing conditions and principles are to be observed:

(4 faced with an emergency situation. the Director- General shall take the initiative of informing the Member Slate through the National Commission. so far as possible. that he has earmarked a certain sum for immediate assistance and XI ggest as appropriate the forms (with options) that such assistance could take:

(b) the National Commission or the government shall then cable its choice of assistance or su ggest suitable alternatives:

(cl in the case of services or goods to be supplied by UNESCO there shall be no international competitive bidding. owing to the urgency of requirements:

(4 in the case of tinancial contributions. neither the US $26,000 nor the US $35.000 limit shall apply: the emergent!’ nld shall be paid even if financial reports have not !et been submlttcd: ;~n itemized financial report certifyin, (r that the funds allocatc’d have been used for the purposes approved shall subsequently be submitted by the Member State and any balance not used for project purposes shall be returned to UNESCO.


/mites the Director-General: I. To consult. in accordance \v lth UNESC( )‘h

decentralization policy, the National Commissions or. \\IIL’I.L’ there is no National Commission. through a designated government channel, before introducing changes in the order of priorit), of the requests submitted by Member States:

2. To communicate without delay,. in order to enhance the presentation, follow-up and evaluation of the prqjects submitted under the Participation Programme. to the National Commissions or. where there is no National Commission. through a designated government channel, the reasons for modifying or denying the requested amounts;

3. To inform the National Commissions or. \\,hrre there is no National Commission. a designated government channel. of all projects and activities undertaken by ~~o~~-~over~imental or othei lrganizations in their respective countries with support from the

Participation Programme: 4. To provide to every session of the Esccutive Board a

report including the following information:

(4 list of applications for contributions from the Participation Programme received in the Secretariat:

(b) list of applications approved for each Member State:

156 EX/37 Annex - page 5

Cc) list of financial contributions from the I’articipntion Programme to Member States accorded by the Director-(ieneral under C. Emergency aid;

5. To strengthen the operational efticienc!, OI the Participation Programme Unit;

6. To submit proposals. in preparing draft document 30 C/5, on significant increases in the Participation Programme budget line. taking into consideration the necessity to better meet the needs of Member States and to reduce the number of draft resolutions submitted to the General Conference;

7. To ensure that the Participation Programme’s administrative procedures continue to be made more efticient: the achievements of the Participation Programme must be made more widely known and be more widely used with a view to 111~ pl;rnning and implementation of the Organization’s future activities.