united states department of justice the goal : enable justice information sharing and protect...

United States Department of Justice www.it.ojp.gov/global The goal: Enable justice information sharing and protect privacy

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United StatesDepartment of Justice


The goal: Enable justice information sharing and protect privacy

United StatesDepartment of Justice


What is the rhinoceros in the information sharing living room?• Is it security?

• Is it quality of data?

• Is it privacy?

• Is it disclosure? OR is it ----

• All of the above

United StatesDepartment of Justice


How do we go for the goal?

• You need privacy and information quality policies to guide your agency’s and organization information sharing efforts.

United StatesDepartment of Justice


Privacy and Information Quality Policies:• protect your agency and organization and make it easier to do what is

necessary --- share information;

• help your agency and organization prevent problems;

• are developed to address concerns and directly impact the whole community;

• succeed when someone champions the initiative;

• were developed for the most part when records were on paper – may not translate well in the electronic and digital age.

United StatesDepartment of Justice


Should you be concerned about developing or reviewing your agency’s privacy and

information quality policies?

Take the Quiz!

United StatesDepartment of Justice


Does your agency or organization control, disclose, or provide access to information to persons or agencies outside of your organization?

Does your agency’s information systems(s) contain data or information connected to or shared with other information systems or agencies?

Does your agency or organization collect, use, or provide access to “personally identifiable information” – information that can be linked to individuals?

Does your agency or organization have a stake in the accuracy of the information it manages?

United StatesDepartment of Justice


If yes, what now?

United StatesDepartment of Justice


Privacy Technology Focus Group -November 2005-Phoenix, AZ

United StatesDepartment of Justice


The challenge for focus group members:

• Identify the most important issues in privacy policy and technology.

• Narrow the focus to areas that can be addressed within the given timeframe.

• Outline tangible, targeted technology solutions.• Develop specific recommendations for action.

United StatesDepartment of Justice


The focus areas of the group:

• Access and Authentication

• Data Aggregation and Dissemination

• Identity Theft

• Personal Safety and Protection

United StatesDepartment of Justice


Global Security Working Group


Global Privacy and Information Quality

Working Group(GPIQWG)

Global Infrastructure/Standards

Working Group(GISWG)

What happens next?

United StatesDepartment of Justice


• Develop standard elements/components for (access the authentication) interoperability. (Recommendation 1)

• Define technical requirements associated with the Federal Identity (ID) Management and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). (Recommendation 2)

• Create a matrix defining roles and associated services as a model to develop business rules and standards related to data content and messaging architecture. (Recommendation 5)

Global Security Working Group(GSWG)

United StatesDepartment of Justice


• Prepare a policy paper on data anonymization and its value for privacy protection. (Recommendation 8)

• Develop a strategic plan for use of anonymization in justice, public safety, and homeland security efforts to protect privacy while enhancing information sharing. (Recommendation 9)

• Request that the Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative support development of standards for audit functions. (Recommendation 10)

Global Privacy and Information Quality Working Group


United StatesDepartment of Justice


• Determine mechanisms to ensure persistence of metadata throughout transfer, aggregation, and dissemination of data.

Global Infrastructure/Standards Working Group


United StatesDepartment of Justice


Global Technical Privacy Task Team

United StatesDepartment of Justice


Deliverables for the (GSWG) Technical Privacy Task Team

• Propose actual metadata standards, as required.

• Propose any required business rules, and attempt to simplify privacy business rules across the JRA (Justice Reference Architecture) services.

United StatesDepartment of Justice


What about that rhinoceros in Information Sharing’s living room?

• Inappropriate disclosure of data raises many concerns:– Legal jeopardy– Privacy infringement– Compromise of operational

confidentiality, and– Public policy repercussions

United StatesDepartment of Justice


One solution – Cascading Disclosure Control Language - CDCL