united states history: reconstruction to the present ... · through the civil war and...

High School Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present Indiana Edition (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010 CORRELATED TO Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History High School

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Prentice HallUnited States History: Reconstruction to the Present Indiana Edition (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010


Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

High School

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 1


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Standard 1 - Early National Development: 1775 to 1877

Students will review and summarize key ideas, events, and developments from the Founding Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction from 1775 to 1877.

USH.1.1 Read key documents from the Founding Era and explain major ideas about government, individual rights and the general welfare embedded in these documents. (Government) Example: Northwest Ordinance (1787), United States Constitution (1787), Federalist Papers 10 and 51 (1787–1788), Bill of Rights (1791), Washington’s Farewell Address (1796), The Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address (1801), Marbury v. Madison (1803) and McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)

SE/TE: The American Revolution 9-14; The Constitution 15-20; The New Republic 21-25; Democracy, Nationalism, and Sectionalism 34-38; Declaration of Independence D1, United States Constitution C1; Northwest Ordinance (1787), 16, 840; Federalist Papers 10 and 51 (1787–1788), 840; Patrick Henry “Liberty or Death” 837; Thomas Paine “Common Sense” 837; Abigail Adams “Remember the Ladies” 838, John Adams “Free and Independent States” 839, Thomas Jefferson First Inaugural Address 841; Marbury v. Madison (1803) 23, 28, 826, 831; McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) 28, 826, 831

TR: Tests A and B, 36-41; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 1-4; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 1-8

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.1.2 Explain major themes in the early history of the United States. (Economics, Government) Example: Federalism, sectionalism and nationalism; expansion; states’ rights; and the political and economic difficulties encountered by Americans and Native American Indians such as slavery; and liberty versus order

SE/TE: The American Revolution 9-14; The Constitution 15-20; The New Republic 21-25; Democracy, Nationalism, and Sectionalism 34-38; Religion and Reform 39-43; The Antislavery Movement 44-48; The Women’s Movement 49-52; Manifest Destiny 53-59; see American Issues Connector: Expanding and Protecting Civil Rights 19, Sectionalism and National Politics 26, Church and State 41

TR: Tests A and B, 36-41; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 1-4, 5-9; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 1-8, 9-20

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 2


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TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.1.3 Describe controversies pertaining to slavery, abolitionism, Dred Scott v. Sanford (1856) and social reform movements. (Government, Economics) Example: Temperance movement and women’s movement

SE/TE: Democracy, Nationalism, and Sectionalism 34-38; Religion and Reform 39-43; The Antislavery Movement 44-48; The Women’s Movement 49-52; The Union in Crisis 66-71; Lincoln, Secession, and War 72-79; The Civil War 80-86; The Reconstruction Era 87-91

TR: Tests A and B, 33-38, 36-41; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 1-4, 5-9, 10-13; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 1-8, 9-20, 21-28

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.1.4 Describe causes and lasting effects of the Civil War and Reconstruction as well as the political controversies surrounding this time. (Government, Economics) Example: The election of Abraham Lincoln; succession; the Emancipation Proclamation; 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments; formation of the Ku Klux Klan; election of 1876; Civil Rights Cases (1883); and Jim Crow Laws

SE/TE: The Union in Crisis 66-71; Lincoln, Secession, and War 72-79; The Civil War 80-86; The Reconstruction Era 87-91; The New Immigrants 128-135; Cities Expand and Change 136-140; Social and Cultural Trends 144-149; The New South 156-159; Westward Expansion and the American Indians 160-169; Transforming the West 169-177; Segregation and Social Tensions 184-189; Political and Economic Challenges 193-196; The Struggle Against Discrimination 228-232

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 26-31, 33-38; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 1-4, 5-9, 10-13, 73-75, 76-78, 79-81; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 21-28, 35-40, 41-47, 48-53

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 3


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Standard 2 - Development of the Industrial United States: 1870 to 1900

Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States during the period from 1870 to 1900.

USH.2.1 Describe economic developments that transformed the United States into a major industrial power and identify the factors necessary for industrialization. (Economics) Example: Growth of the railroads, major inventions and the development of big business, such as the oil and steel industry by John D. Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie

SE/TE: Technology and Industrial Growth 100-106; The Rise of Big Business 107-113; The Organized Labor Movement 114-121; The New Immigrants 128-135; Cities Expand and Change 136-140; Social and Cultural Trends 144-149; The New South 156-159; Transforming the West 169-177; Political and Economic Challenges 193-196

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 26-31, 33-38; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 1-4, 5-9, 10-13, 73-75, 76-78, 79-81; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 21-28, 35-40, 41-47, 48-53

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.2.2 Identify key ideas, movements and inventions and explain their impact on rural communities and urban communities in the United States. (Economics, Sociology) Example: Growth of political machine politics (Boss Tweed), Populism (William Jennings Bryan), Grange Movement (Oliver Kelley), agricultural innovations (George Washington Carver, John Deere and Joseph F. Glidden), refrigerated box car (Andrew Chase), the elevator (Elisha Otis), the telephone (Alexander Graham Bell) and the contributions of Thomas Edison

SE/TE: Technology and Industrial Growth 100-106; The Rise of Big Business 107-113; The Organized Labor Movement 114-121; The New Immigrants 128-135; Cities Expand and Change 136-140; Social and Cultural Trends 144-149; The New South 156-159; Westward Expansion and the American Indians 160-168; Transforming the West 169-177; Political and Economic Challenges 193-196; Farmers and Populsim 197-203; See also American Issues Connector: Technology and Society 122, Migration and Urbanization 141

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 26-31, 33-38; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 1-4, 5-9, 10-13, 73-75, 76-78, 79-81; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 21-28, 35-40, 41-47, 48-53

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 4


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TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.2.3 Identify the contributions of individuals and groups and explain developments associated with industrialization and immigration. (Government; Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Jane Addams (Hull House); Jacob Riis (child labor); immigrant groups that provided cheap labor in the railroad, coal, steel and agriculture industries; Chinese Exclusionary Act (1882); and United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898)

SE/TE: The Rise of Big Business 107-113; The Organized Labor Movement 114-121; The New Immigrants 128-135; Cities Expand and Change 136-140; Social and Cultural Trends 144-149; The New South 156-159; Westward Expansion and the American Indians 160-168; Transforming the West 169-177; Political and Economic Challenges 193-196; See also American Issues Connector: Technology and Society 122, Migration and Urbanization 141, American Indian Policy 165, Women in American Society 190, Social Problems and Reform 227; See also History Makers: John Dewey 147, Helen Hunt Jackson 168, Booker T. Washington 186, Susan B. Anthony 191, William Jennings Bryan 203, Ida B. Wells 223, Octaviano Larrazolo 231

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 26-31, 33-38; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 1-4, 5-9, 10-13, 73-75, 76-78, 79-81; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 21-28, 35-40, 41-47, 48-53

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.2.4 Describe the growth of unions and the labor movement and identify important labor leaders associated with these movements. (Government, Economics) Example: Homestead Strike (1892), Pullman Strike (1894), Haymarket Riots (1886), American Federation of Labor, Samuel Gompers, Eugene Debs and Terence Powderly

SE/TE: Technology and Industrial Growth 100-106; The Rise of Big Business 107-113; The Organized Labor Movement 114-121; The New Immigrants 128-135; Cities Expand and Change 136-143; Segregation and Social Tensions 184-192; Political and Economic Challenges 193-196; Farmers and Populsim 197-203; The Drive for Reform 212-220; Women Make Progress 221-227, The Struggle Against Discrimination 228-232

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 5


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TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 26-31, 31-36, 33-38; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Tests 1, 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 1-4, 5-9, 10-13, 73-75, 76-78, 79-81, 82-86; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 21-28, 35-40, 41-47, 48-53, 54-64

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.2.5 Compare and contrast government attempts to regulate business and industry. (Government, Economics) Example: Pendleton Act (1883), Interstate and Commerce Act (1887) and Sherman Anti-Trust Act (1890)

SE/TE: Technology and Industrial Growth 100-106; The Rise of Big Business 107-113; The Organized Labor Movement 114-121; Political and Economic Challenges 193-196; Farmers and Populsim 197-203; The Drive for Reform 212-220; Women Make Progress 221-227, The Struggle Against Discrimination 228-232; Roosevelt’s Square Deal 233-239, Wilson’s New Freedom 240-243

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 26-31, 31-36, 33-38; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Tests 1, 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 1-4, 5-9, 10-13, 73-75, 76-78, 79-81, 82-86; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 21-28, 35-40, 41-47, 48-53, 54-64

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.2.6 Describe the federal government’s policy regarding migration of settlers and the removal of Native American Indians to western territories. (Government; Geography; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: The Homestead Act (1892) and the Dawes Act (1887)

SE/TE: The New Immigrants 128-135; Cities Expand and Change 136-140; Social and Cultural Trends 144-149; The New South 156-159; Westward Expansion and the American Indians 160-168; Transforming the West 169-177; Political and Economic Challenges 193-196; Farmers and Populsim 197-203; The Drive for Reform 212-220; Women Make Progress 221-227, The Struggle Against Discrimination 228-232; See also American Issues Connector:, Migration and Urbanization 141, American Indian Policy 165, Women in American Society 190, Social Problems and Reform 227

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 6


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TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 26-31, 31-36, 33-38; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Tests 1, 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies 73-75, 76-78, 79-81, 82-86; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 35-40, 41-47, 48-53, 54-64

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.2.7 Describe and analyze the lasting effect of “separate but equal” established by the U.S. Supreme Court in Plessey v. Ferguson (1896). (Government; Individuals, Society and Culture)

SE/TE: See Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court: Can Separate Treatment Be Equal Treatment? Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) 192; See also 185-186, 192, 229-230, 580, 588, 832

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 82-86; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 54-64

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Standard 3 - Emergence of the Modern United States: 1897 to 1920

Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States during the period from 1897 to 1920.

USH.3.1 Identify the events and people central to the transformation of the United States into a world power. (Government, Geography) Example: Events: Spanish-American War (1898), Annexation of Hawaii (1898), Open Door Policy (1899), building the Panama Canal (1903-1914) and World War I (1914-1918); People: William McKinley, John Hay, William Randolph Hearst, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Alfred Thayer Mahan and John J. Pershing

SE/TE: The Roots of Imperialism 250-255; The Spanish-American War 256-262; The United States and East Asia 263-267; The United States and Latin America 268-275; From Neutrality to War 282-291; The Home Front 292-300; Wilson, War, and Peace 301-310; Effects of the War 311-315; See also American Issues Connector: Territorial Expansion of the United States 256, America Goes to War 290

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

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SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 7


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TR: Tests A and B, 31-36; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 87-89; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 65-73

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.3.2 Explain how “The Roosevelt Corollary” (1904) modified the Monroe Doctrine (1823) justifying a new direction in United States foreign policy. (Government)

SE/TE: 271-273; for additional information, see also The United States and Latin America 268-275, American Issues Connector: Territorial Expansion of the United States 256; Monroe Doctrine 27, 28, 263, 271, 273

TR: Tests A and B, 31-36; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 87-89; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 65-73

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.3.3 Compare President Woodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” address to the views of British leader David Lloyd George and French leader Georges Clemenceau regarding a treaty to end World War I. (Government, Geography)

SE/TE: Wilson, War, and Peace 301-310; Effects of the War 311-315; see also Primary Source Woodrow Wilson, “Peace Without Victory” 849

TR: Tests A and B, 31-36; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 87-89; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 65-73

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.3.4 Summarize the Versailles Treaty, the formation and purpose of League of Nations and the interrelationship between the two. (Government)

SE/TE: Wilson, War, and Peace 301-310; Effects of the War 311-315; see also Primary Source Woodrow Wilson, “Peace Without Victory” 849

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 8


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TR: Tests A and B, 31-36; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 87-89; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 65-73

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.3.5 Identify and compare the reforms of Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft and Woodrow Wilson. Example: Reforms brought about by the “Square Deal,” “New Nationalism” and “New Freedom”

SE/TE: Roosevelt’s Square Deal 233-239, Wilson’s New Freedom 240-243, The United States and Latin America 268-275, Wilson, War, and Peace 301-310; Effects of the War 311-315

TR: Tests A and B, 31-36; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 87-89; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 65-73

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.3.6 Identify the contributions to American culture made by individuals and groups. (Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Frederick Law Olmsted (landscape architect – Central Park), Frances Willard (educator, women’s suffrage movement), Booker T. Washington (African-American educator, Tuskegee Institute), W.E.B. DuBois (early civil rights activist), Muckrakers (journalists such as Lincoln Steffens, Jacob Riis and Upton Sinclair), Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

SE/TE: Segregation and Social Tensions 184-192; Political and Economic Challenges 193-196; Farmers and Populsim 197-203; The Drive for Reform 548-556; The Drive for Reform 212-220; Women Make Progress 221-227, The Struggle Against Discrimination 228-232, Roosevelt’s Square Deal 233-239, Wilson’s New Freedom 240-243; The Home Front 292-300; Social and Cultural Tensions 335-342, A New Mass Culture 343-353, The Harlem Renaissance 354-359

TR: Tests A and B, 30-35, 31-36; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 87-89, 91-94; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 65-73, 74-82

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 9


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TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.3.7 Explain the impact of immigration, industrialization and urbanization in promoting economic growth. (Economics, Geography)

SE/TE: The New Immigrants 128-135, Cities Expand Grow and Change 136-143, Social and Cultural Trends 144-149; Segregation and Social Tensions 184-192, Political and Economic Challenges 193-196; The Drive for Reform 212-220; Women Make Progress 221-227, A Booming Economy 324-329, Social and Cultural Tensions 335-342, A New Mass Culture 343-353, The Harlem Renaissance 354-359; See also American Issues Connector: Migration and Urbanization 141

TR: Tests A and B, 30-35, 31-36; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 87-89, 91-94; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 65-73, 74-82

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.3.8 Describe the Progressive movement and its impact on political, economic and social reform. (Government; Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Initiative, referendum and recall; direct election of senators (17th Amendment); women’s suffrage (19th Amendment); workplace protection for women and children; expansion of public education; prohibition (18th Amendment); city manager and city commission forms of government; and conservation movement.

SE/TE: The Drive for Reform 212-220; Women Make Progress 221-227, The Struggle Against Discrimination 228-232, Roosevelt’s Square Deal 233-239, Wilson’s New Freedom 240-243; Reflections: The Progressive Era 320

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 82-86; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 54-64

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 10


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TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.3.9 Explain the constitutional significance of the following landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court: Northern Securities Company v. United States (1904), Muller v. Oregon (1908), Schenck v. United States (1919) and Abrams v. United States (1919).

SE/TE: Muller v. Oregon (1908) 222, 831; Schenck v. United States (1919) 296, 300, 827, 833; Abrams v. United States (1919) 826, 828; see also Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court: What are the Limits of Free Speech? Schneck v. United States (1919) 296

TR: Tests A and B, 31-36; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 87-89; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 65-73

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Standard 4 - Modern United States Prosperity and Depression: 1920s and 1939

Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States during the period from 1920 to 1939.

USH.4.1 Give examples of support shifting to big business during the postwar period between World War I and the Great Depression. (Government, Economics) Example: Policies of Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover

SE/TE: A Booming Economy 324-329, The Business of Government 330-334, Causes of the Depression 366-372, Americans Face Hard Times 373-383, Hoover’s Response Fails 384-389

TR: Tests A and B, 21-26, 30-35; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 95-99, 100-102; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 83-93, 94-100

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 11


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USH.4.2 Describe the development of popular culture. (Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Langston Hughes, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jazz Age, Harlem Renaissance, radio, phonographs, motion pictures and federal funding of the arts

SE/TE: Social and Cultural Tensions 335-342, A New Mass Culture 343-353, The Harlem Renaissance 354-359, Culture of the 1930s 422-427

TR: Tests A and B, 21-26; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 95-99, 103-106; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 83-93, 101-108

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.4.3 Explain how America reacted to a changing society by examining issues associated with the Red Scare, Prohibition, the Scopes Trial, the changing role of women and African-Americans, the Ku Klux Klan, the Palmer Raids, the National Origins Act, and restrictions on immigration. (Government; Economics; Geography; Individuals, Society and Culture)

SE/TE: Segregation and Social Tensions 184-192, Women Make Progress 221-227, The Struggle Against Discrimination 228-232, The Home Front 292-200, Effects of the War 311-315, Social and Cultural Tensions 335-342, A New Mass Culture 343-353, The Harlem Renaissance 354-359, The Second New Deal 404-411; Effects of the New Deal 412-421

TR: Tests A and B, 21-26, 25-30; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 82-86, 95-99, 103-106; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 54-64, 83-93, 101-108

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 12


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USH.4.4 Describe the stock market crash of 1929 and the impact it had on politics, economics and America’s standard of living. (Government, Economics) Example: Breadlines and Hoovervilles, Smoot-Hawley Tariff, Near v. Minnesota (1931), Bonus Army Marches (1932), founding of the Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO), New Deal policies and programs (1933-1938),Wagner Act (1935), Court Packing Controversy (1937), the Dust Bowl, and West Coast Hotel v Parrish (1937)

SE/TE: Causes of the Great Depression 7366-372, Americans Face Hard Times 373-383, Hoover’s Response Fails 384-389, FDR Offers Relief and Recovery 396-403, The Second New Deal 404-411, Effects of the New Deal 412-421, Culture of the 1930s 422-427

TR: Tests A and B, 21-26, 25-30; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 100-102, 103-106; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 94-100, 101-108

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.4.5 Identify and describe the contributions of political and social reformers during the Great Depression. (Government; Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Herbert Hoover, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, Senator Huey Long, Dorothea Lange, and Mary McLeod Bethune

SE/TE: Americans Face Hard Times 373-383, Hoover’s Response Fails 384-389, FDR Offers Relief and Recovery 396-403, The Second New Deal 404-411, Effects of the New Deal 412-421, Culture of the 1930s 422-427

TR: Tests A and B, 21-26, 25-30; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 100-102, 103-106; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 94-100, 101-108

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.4.6 Describe New Deal legislation and its effect on government expansion and compare and contrast their views of New Deal proponents and opponents. (Government, Economics)

SE/TE: FDR Offers Relief and Recovery 396-403, The Second New Deal 404-411, Effects of the New Deal 412-421, Culture of the 1930s 422-427; see also American Issues Connector: America’s Role in the Economy 417

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 13


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TR: Tests A and B 25-30; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 103-106; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 101-108

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.4.7 Describe technological developments during the 1920s and their impact on rural and urban America. (Economics; Geography; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: The introduction of the automobile, Henry Ford’s assembly line production, mechanization of agriculture, introduction of modern conveniences, increased urbanization and growing economic difficulties

SE/TE: A Booming Economy 324-329, Social and Cultural Tensions 335-342, A New Mass Culture 343-353, The Harlem Renaissance 354-359

TR: Tests A and B, 21-26; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 2; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 95-99; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 83-93

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.4.8 Describe the cause and effect of American isolationism during the 1930s. (Government, Economics, Geography) Example: American preoccupation with economic conditions in the U.S., the military actions of Mussolini and Hitler, and the Neutrality Acts (1935-1937)

SE/TE: Dictators and Wars 436-442, From Isolation to Involvement 443-451, America Enters the War 452-459; The Allies Turn the Tide 366-472, The Home Front 473-481; Victory in Europe and the Pacific 482-491, The Holocaust 492-497; Effects of the War 498-503

TR: Tests A and B, 22-27, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 107-109, 110-114; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 109-115, 116-126

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TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Standard 5 - The United States and World War II: 1939 to 1945

Students will examine the causes and course of World War II, the effects of the war on United States society and culture, and the consequences for United States involvement in world affairs.

USH.5.1 Compare and contrast President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s world view with that of Germany’s Adolf Hitler. (Government; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Roosevelt’s 1941 State of the Union Message to Congress (“The Four Freedoms”), Declaration of War (December 11, 1941), the Atlantic Charter (1941) and Hitler’s May Day Speech (May 1, 1937)

SE/TE: Dictators and Wars 436-442, From Isolation to Involvement 443-451, America Enters the War 452-459; The Allies Turn the Tide 366-472, The Home Front 473-481; Victory in Europe and the Pacific 482-491, The Holocaust 492-497; Effects of the War 498-503; See also Primary Source: Woodrow Wilson “Peace Without Victory” 849, in-text primary source “The New Freedom” 241, Woodrow Wilson, on moral diplomacy 273

TR: Tests A and B, 22-27, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 107-109, 110-114; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 109-115, 116-126

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.5.2 Identify and describe key events that resulted in the United States entry into World War II. (Government, Geography) Example: The rise of totalitarian nations, cash-and-carry policy, Lend-Lease Act (1941) and the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941)

SE/TE: Dictators and Wars 436-442, From Isolation to Involvement 443-451, America Enters the War 452-459; See also in-text primary source Woodrow Wilson, on moral diplomacy 273

TR: Tests A and B, 22-27; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 107-109; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 109-115

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

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USH.5.3 Identify and describe key leaders and events during World War II. (Government) Example: Leaders: Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry Truman, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Russia’s Joseph Stalin, Germany’s Adolf Hitler, Italy’s Benito Mussolini, Japan’s Tojo Hideki, and Generals Douglas MacArthur and Dwight Eisenhower; Events: Battle of Midway, Stalingrad, D-Day (Invasion of Normandy), Yalta Conference, Potsdam Conference, and dropping of Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

SE/TE: Dictators and Wars 436-442, From Isolation to Involvement 443-451, America Enters the War 452-459; The Allies Turn the Tide 366-472, The Home Front 473-481; Victory in Europe and the Pacific 482-491, The Holocaust 492-497; Effects of the War 498-503

TR: Tests A and B, 22-27, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 107-109, 110-114; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 109-115, 116-126

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.5.4 Describe Hitler’s “final solution” policy and identify the Allied responses to the Holocaust. (Government, Geography)

SE/TE: The Holocaust 492-497; Effects of the War 498-503

TR: Tests A and B, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 110-114; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 116-126

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.5.5 Explain the significance of the Supreme Court cases Korematsu v. United States (1944) and Hirabayashi v. United States (1943), dealing with individual rights and national security during World War II. (Government)

SE/TE: Hirabayashi v. United States (1943), 827, 829; Korematsu v. United States (1944) 477, 479, 827, 830; Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court Can Government Limit a group’s Liberties During Wartime? Korematsu v. United States (1944) 479

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TR: Tests A and B, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 110-114; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 116-126

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.5.6 Identify and describe the impact of World War II on American culture and economic life. (Government; Economics; Geography; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Changes in the workforce, African-Americans in the military, rationing, mobilization of resources, use of media and communications, services available to returning veterans, sacrifice of lives and the effect on families, the G.I. Bill, and technological improvements in agriculture and industry

SE/TE: From Isolation to Involvement 443-451, America Enters the War 452-459; The Allies Turn the Tide 366-472, The Home Front 473-481; Victory in Europe and the Pacific 482-491, The Holocaust 492-497; Effects of the War 498-503

TR: Tests A and B, 22-27, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 107-109, 110-114; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 109-115, 116-126

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

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Standard 6 - Postwar United States: 1945 to 1960

Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States during the period from 1945 to 1960.

USH.6.1 Describe the domino theory and its relationship to the principle of containment. Identify key events and individuals as well as their connections to post World War II tensions (Cold War). (Government, Geography) Example: Events: Truman Doctrine (March 12, 1947), the Marshall Plan (1947), North American Treaty Alliance (NATO, 1949), Korean War (1951–1953), Immigration and Naturalization Act (1952), Taft-Hartley Act, and Supreme Court cases Dennis v. United States (1951) and Yates v. United States (1957); People: Harry Truman, Senator Joseph McCarthy, Dwight Eisenhower, Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, and Douglas MacArthur

SE/TE: The Cold War Begins 510-517; the Korean War 518-524; The Cold War Expands 524-531; The Cold War at Home 532-539; Reflections: Postwar Changes 576; An Economic Boom 546-551; Kennedy and the Cold War 616-622; Dennis v. United States (1951) 827, 829; Yates v. United States (1957) 827, 836

TR: Tests A and B, 29-34; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 115-118; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 127-135

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.6.2 Summarize the early struggle for civil rights and identify events and people associated with this struggle. (Government; Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Executive Order 9981, Jackie Robinson and the desegregation of professional baseball (1947), Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956), the Civil Rights Act (1957), and the Little Rock school crisis (1957-1958)

SE/TE: An Economic Boom 546-551; A Society on the Move 552-559; Mass Culture and Family Life 560-566; Dissent and Discontent 567-571; Early Demands for Equality 580-588; The Movement Gains Ground 589-590; New Success and Challenges 600-609; Kennedy’s new Frontier 623-628; Johnson’s Great Society 629-637; See also American Issues Connector: Voting Rights 603

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TR: Tests A and B, 24-29, 27-32; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 119-122, 123-125, 126-128; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 136-143, 144-149, 150-156

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.6.3 Describe the constitutional significance and lasting effects of the United States Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education. (Government; Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture)

SE/TE: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) 559, 582-585, 588, 616, 827, 828; see also Landmark Decisions of the Supreme Court: How does Segregation Affect Education? Brown v. Board of Education (1954) 588

TR: Tests A and B, 27-32; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 123-125; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 144-149

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.6.4 Summarize the economic and social changes in American life brought about by converting a wartime economy to a peace-time economy. (Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Growth of suburbia, the baby boom generation, opportunities for African-Americans and women, and the influence of popular culture

SE/TE: An Economic Boom 546-551; A Society on the Move 552-559; Mass Culture and Family Life 560-566; Dissent and Discontent 567-571; Kennedy’s new Frontier 623-628; Johnson’s Great Society 629-637

TR: Tests A and B, 27-32; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 119-122, 126-128; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 136-143, 150-156

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

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Standard 7 - The United States in Troubled Times: 1960 to 1980

Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States during the period from 1960 to 1980.

USH.7.1 Explain the civil rights movement of the 1960s and 1970s by describing the ideas and actions of federal and state leaders, grassroots movements, and central organizations that were active in the movement. (Government; Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: People: John F. Kennedy; Robert Kennedy; Lyndon B. Johnson; Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.; Malcolm X; Stokley Carmichael; George Wallace; Earl Warren; Organizations: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC); Congress of Racial Equality (CORE); Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC); the American Indian Movement (AIM); Events: March on Washington (1963); Medgar Evers and University of Mississippi desegregation (1962); Civil Rights protests in Birmingham and Selma, Alabama (1963 and 1965)

SE/TE: Early Demands for Equality 580-588; The Movement Gains Ground 589-599; New Success and Challenges 600-609; Kennedy’s New Frontier 623-628; Johnson’s Great Society 629-637; The Counterculture 682-685; The Women’s Rights Movement 686-691; The Rights Revolution Expands 692-697; The Environmental Movement 698-703; The Ford and Carter Years 719-726

TR: Tests A and B, 27-32, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Tests 3, 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 119-122, 126-128, 134-137; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 136-143, 150-156, 168-175

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.7.2 Read Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech (1963) and “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (1963) and summarize the main ideas in each. (Government, Economics)

SE/TE: “I Have a Dream” speech (1963) 595-597, “Letter from Birmingham Jail” (1963) 852

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TR: Tests A and B, 27-32; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 3; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 123-125; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 144-149

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.7.3 Identify and describe federal programs, policies and legal rulings designed to improve the lives of Americans during the 1960s. (Government, Economics) Example: “War on Poverty,” the “Great Society,” Volunteers In Service to America (VISTA), Civil Rights Act of 1964, Voting Act of 1965, school desegregation, Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States (1964) and Miranda v. Arizona (1966)

SE/TE: Early Demands for Equality 580-588; The Movement Gains Ground 589-599; New Success and Challenges 600-609; Kennedy’s New Frontier 623-628; Johnson’s Great Society 629-637; The Counterculture 682-685; The Women’s Rights Movement 686-691; The Rights Revolution Expands 692-697; The Environmental Movement 698-703; The Ford and Carter Years 719-726; Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States (1964) 827, 829; Miranda v. Arizona (1966) 636, 637, 827, 831

TR: Tests A and B, 27-32, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Tests 3, 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 119-122, 126-128, 134-137; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 136-143, 150-156, 168-175

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

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USH.7.4 Identify the problems confronting women, immigrants and Native American Indians during this period of economic and social change and describe the solutions to these problems. (Government; Economics; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Discrimination in education and the work place, Cesar Chavez’ formation of the United Farm Workers, Roe v. Wade (1973), affirmative action, Self-Determination and Educational Assistance Act (1975), Equal Opportunity Acts (beginning in 1963), and Immigration Reform Act of 1965

SE/TE: The Counterculture 682-685; The Women’s Rights Movement 686-691; The Rights Revolution Expands 692-697; The Environmental Movement 698-703; The Ford and Carter Years 719-726; Cesar Chavez 377, 577m 693-694, 693, 855; Roe v. Wade (1973) 690, 748, 827, 833; affirmative action, Self-Determination and Educational Assistance Act (1975), 19, 608, 712-713, 726, 793; Equal Opportunity Acts (beginning in 1963), 348, 625, 687, 689, 693-694, 696-696 Immigration Reform Act of 1965 338, 792

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 134-137,141-144; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 168-175, 182-190

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.7.5 Identify and describe United States foreign policy issues during the 1960s and 1970s. (Government, Geography) Example: Vietnam War, Pentagon Papers (New York Times v. United States, 1971), U.S. relationship with newly independent African nations, Middle Eastern relations and relations with China

SE/TE: Kennedy and the Cold War 616-622; Origins of the Vietnam War 644-648; US Involvement Grows 649-655; The War Divides America 656-663; The War’s End and Impact 664-671; Nixon and the Cold War 672-679; Foreign Policy Troubles 727-731

TR: Tests A and B, 22-27, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 126-128, 134-137, 138-140,; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 150-156, 168-175, 176-181

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

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USH.7.6 Explain and analyze changing relations between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1960 to 1980 as demonstrated by the Cuban Missile Crisis, the crisis in Berlin, the U-2 incident, the space race and the SALT agreements. (Government, Geography)

SE/TE: Kennedy and the Cold War 616-622; Nixon and the Cold War 672-695; Foreign Policy Troubles 727-731; The End of the Cold War 751-756

TR: Tests A and B, 22-27, 25-30, 28-33; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 126-128, 134-137, 138-140, 141-144; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 150-156, 168-175, 176-181, 182-190

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.7.7 Describe United States’ involvement in Vietnam and reactions by Americans to this involvement.

SE/TE: Origins of the Vietnam War 644-648; US Involvement Grows 649-655; The War Divides America 656-663; The War’s End and Impact 664-671; Nixon and the Cold War 672-675

TR: Tests A and B, 30-35; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 129-133; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 157-167

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.7.8 Identify causes and the effects of Richard Nixon’s decision to resign the Presidency and explain the constitutional significance of the Watergate Scandal and the United States Supreme Court case United States v. Nixon. (Government)

SE/TE: Nixon and the Watergate Scandal 710-718; The Ford and Carter Years 719-726; United States v. Nixon (1974) 716, 718, 827, 834

TR: Tests A and B, 22-27;AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 138-140,; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 176-181

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TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Standard 8 - The Contemporary United States: 1980 to the Present

Students will examine the political, economic, social and cultural development of the United States during the period from 1980 to the present.

USH.8.1 Describe United States domestic issues and identify trends that occur from 1980 to the present. Example: Air traffic controllers strike (1981), Equal Access Act (1984), Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act (1985), Iran-Contra Scandal (1986), impeachment of President William Jefferson Clinton (1998–1999), presidential election of 2000, and the attacks of and reaction to September 11, 2001

SE/TE: The Conservative Movement Grows 740-744; The Reagan Revolution 745-750; The End of the Cold War 751-756; Foreign Policy After the Cold War 757-761; The Computer and Technology Revolutions 768-772; The Clinton Presidency 773-777; Global Politics and Economics 778-782; The George W. Bush Presidency 783-790; Americans Look to the Future 791-793; see also American Issues Connector: Education and the American Society 796

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 30-35;AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 141-144, 145-149; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 182-190; 191-200

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.8.2 Identify and describe important United States foreign policy issues, the people involved and the impact on the country. (Government, Geography, Economics) Example: Hostage crises in the Middle East; the end of the Cold War and Ronald Reagan; the Gulf War and George H.W. Bush; the armed conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq and George W. Bush, Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden; and nuclear and biological proliferation throughout the world

SE/TE: The End of the Cold War 751-756; Foreign Policy After the Cold War 757-761; The Computer and Technology Revolutions 768-772; Global Politics and Economics 778-782; The George W. Bush Presidency 783-790; Americans Look to the Future 791-793

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TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 30-35;AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 141-144, 145-149; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 182-190; 191-200

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.8.3 Explain the constitutional significance of the following landmark decisions of the United States Supreme Court: Westside Community School District v. Mergens (1990), Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union (1997), Mitchell v. Helms (2000) and Bush v. Gore (2000).

SE/TE: Westside Community School District v. Mergens (1990), 835; Reno v. American Civil Liberties Union (1997), 832-833; Mitchell v. Helms (2000) 831; Bush v. Gore (2000), 784, 828

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30;AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 145-149; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 191-200

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.8.4 Describe developing trends in science and technology and explain how they impact the lives of Americans today. Example: NASA and space programs; identification of human, animal and plant DNA; Internet I and II and the Worldwide Web; global climate change; and U.S. energy policy

SE/TE: The Computer and Technology Revolutions 768-772; Global Politics and Economics 778-782; Americans Look to the Future 791-793

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 145-149; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 191-200

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

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USH.8.5 Describe social, economic and political issues and how they impact individuals and organizations. (Government; Economics; Geography; Individuals, Society and Culture) Example: Immigration, affirmative action and the rights of minorities and women, Social Security and changing demographics, wage earnings and income disparity, and government entitlements such as food stamps and Medicare

SE/TE: The Conservative Movement Grows 740-744; The Reagan Revolution 745-750; The Clinton Presidency 773-777; Global Politics and Economics 778-782; The George W. Bush Presidency 783-790; Americans Look to the Future 791-793

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 30-35;AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 141-144, 145-149; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 182-190; 191-200

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.8.6 Analyze the impact of globalization on U.S. economic, political and foreign policy. (Government, Economics, Geography) Example: Integration of financial markets, terrorism and dependence on foreign oil

SE/TE: The Conservative Movement Grows 740-744; The Reagan Revolution 745-750; The End of the Cold War 751-756; Foreign Policy After the Cold War 757-761; The Computer and Technology Revolutions 768-772; The Clinton Presidency 773-777; Global Politics and Economics 778-782; The George W. Bush Presidency 783-790; Americans Look to the Future 791-793;

TR: Tests A and B, 25-30, 30-35;AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies, 141-144, 145-149; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide 182-190; 191-200

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

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Standard 9 - Historical Thinking

Students will conduct historical research that incorporates information literacy skills such as forming appropriate research questions; evaluating information by determining its accuracy, relevance and comprehensiveness; interpreting a variety of primary and secondary sources; and presenting their findings with documentation.

USH.9.1 Identify patterns of historical succession and duration in which historical events have unfolded and apply them to explain continuity and change. Example: Using maps, databases and graphic organizers, such as flow charts, concept webs and Venn diagrams, identify and describe patterns of change regarding the relationship of the United States and Soviet Union leading up to and during the Cold War.

SE/TE: See American Issues Connector: 7, 19, 26, 41, 69, 89, 116, 141, 165, 190, 227, 254, 290, 338, 417, 536, 603, 631, 670, 702, 794; See timelines 28, 60, 92, 122, 150, 178, 204, 244, 276, 316, 360, 390, 428, 460, 504, 540, 572, 610, 638, 676, 704, 732, 762, 796; See infographics 10, 36, 50, 120, 146, 166, 170, 188, 198, 214, 234, 258, 264, 274, 388, 295, 304, 326, 340, 347, 368, 375, 387, 398, 418, 438, 470, 494, 515, 526, 534, 548, 554, 563, 586, 591, 606, 626, 632, 652, 661, 668, 684, 694, 724, 730, 748, 771, 780; see document-based assessment 31, 63, 95, 125, 153, 181, 207, 247, 279, 319, 363, 393, 431, 463, 507, 543, 575, 613, 641, 679, 707, 735, 765, 799; see focus on geography 77, 105, 270, 298, 378, 468, 723; see charts and graphs 13, 20 28, 29, 31, 35, 60, 74, 76, 86, 89, 92, 94, 108, 110, 111, 115, 118, 122, 124, 129, 134, 139, 140, 147, 150, 153, 158, 178, 181, 185, 202, 204, 205, 217, 218, 241, 242, 244, 247, 252, 259, 261, 271, 276, 277, 278, 283, 286, 293, 295, 303, 305, 310, 316, 325, 328, 329, 333, 336, 247, 250, 352, 253, 360, 368, 369, 372, 374, 374, 378, 386, 390, 392, 397, 398, 405, 407, 408, 409, 411, 415, 417, 420, 421, 428, 430, 437, 449, 456, 460, 462, 463, 470, 477, 489, 502, 504, 507, 514, 523, 525, 526, 540, 542, 537, 548, 550, 553, 570, 572, 575, 588, 602, 606, 608, 610, 627, 620, 630, 638, 640, 641, 657, 660, 662, 665, 676, 678, 684, 690, 693, 695, 701, 704, 706, 722, 713, 715, 727, 721, 722, 723, 732, 741, 744, 746, 752, 760, 762, 764, 765, 770, 771, 772, 775, 776, 780, 784, 790, 792, 793, 795, 796

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

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TR: Tests A and B;AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1-4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.9.2 Locate and analyze primary sources and secondary sources related to an event or issue of the past. Example: Use electronic and print sources – such as autobiographies, diaries, maps, photographs, letters, newspapers and government documents – to compare accounts and perspectives related to America’s involvement in the Vietnam conflict.

SE/TE: See primary sources 113, 310, 451, 517, 597, 750, 837, 838, 839, 840, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 851, 852, 853, 854, 855, 856, see in-text primary sources 14, 42, 46, 52, 53, 71, 76, 78, 84, 90, 101, 109, 117, 131, 140, 162, 163, 167, 186, 199, 214, 223, 234, 237, 241, 251, 260, 264, 273, 286, 291, 299, 305, 329, 332, 340, 342, 250, 351, 357, 358, 367, 374, 377, 381, 388, 397, 403, 407, 408, 410, 413, 416, 425, 440, 444, 446, 453, 469, 477, 483, 490, 497, 501, 513, 514, 516, 519, 526, 538, 562, 568, 569, 585, 590, 593, 601, 604, 605, 619, 624, 630, 633, 646, 653, 654 657, 667, 674, 683, 687, 696, 701, 713, 716, 717, 725, 630, 743, 747, 753, 776, 787; see document-based assessment 31, 63, 95, 125, 153, 181, 207, 247, 279, 319, 363, 393, 431, 463, 507, 543, 575, 613, 641, 679, 707, 735, 765, 799; see political cartoons 74, 109, 119, 125, 132, 185, 194, 207, 213, 234, 239, 258, 272, 279, 287, 308, 319, 331, 337, 383, 393, 401, 410, 431, 448, 506, 513, 533, 543, 625, 648, 655, 707, 711, 718, 735, 753, 779, 785, 799

TR: Tests A and B;AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1-4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 28


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appropriate resource(s))

USH.9.3 Investigate and interpret multiple causation in historical actions and analyze cause-and-effect relationships. Example: The bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Stock Market Crash and Great Depression, and U.S. involvement in Afghanistan

SE/TE: See American Issues Connector: 7, 19, 26, 41, 69, 89, 116, 141, 165, 190, 227, 254, 290, 338, 417, 536, 603, 631, 670, 702, 794; See timelines 28, 60, 92, 122, 150, 178, 204, 244, 276, 316, 360, 390, 428, 460, 504, 540, 572, 610, 638, 676, 704, 732, 762, 796see cause and effect diagrams 91, 92, 276, 316, 390, 420, 502; see document-based assessment 31, 63, 95, 125, 153, 181, 207, 247, 279, 319, 363, 393, 431, 463, 507, 543, 575, 613, 641, 679, 707, 735, 765, 799

TR: Tests A and B;AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1-4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.9.4 Explain issues and problems of the past by analyzing the interests and viewpoints of those involved. Example: The Scopes Trial, the Red Scare, Japanese internment during World War II, Watergate hearings and the actions of President Nixon, and U.S. involvement in Iran and Iraq

SE/TE: See comparing viewpoints 47, 109, 229, 337, 402, 511, 618, 660, 689, 785; see decision point 18, 308, 490, 522; see American Issues Connector: 7, 19, 26, 41, 69, 89, 116, 141, 165, 190, 227, 254, 290, 338, 417, 536, 603, 631, 670, 702, 794; see cause and effect diagrams 91, 92, 276, 316, 390, 420, 502; see document-based assessment 31, 63, 95, 125, 153, 181, 207, 247, 279, 319, 363, 393, 431, 463, 507, 543, 575, 613, 641, 679, 707, 735, 765, 799

TR: Tests A and B; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1-4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 29


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appropriate resource(s))

USH.9.5 Use technology in the process of conducting historical research and in the presentation of the products of historical research and current events. Example: Use digital archives to research and make presentations about the women’s movement, the 2000 Presidential election or current immigration issues.

SE/TE: See history interactive 10, 28, 60, 74, 92, 110, 122, 134, 150, 170, 178, 204, 214, 244, 264, 276, 304, 316, 326, 352, 360, 378, 382, 390, 406, 428, 454, 460, 480, 484, 504, 515, 530, 540, 554, 566, 572, 594, 598, 610, 632, 638, 652, 676, 684, 704, 714, 732, 755, 762, 771, 796; see geography interactive 5, 11, 13, 24, 26, 28, 37, 57, 60, 67, 74, 77, 85, 105, 137, 163, 173, 201, 202, 237, 241, 253, 261, 270, 27, 274, 276, 284, 288, 298, 303, 307, 312, 378, 393, 399, 418, 440, 445, 458, 468, 476, 484, 486, 488, 495, 500, 513, 525, 520, 528, 540, 550, 556, 573, 582, 691, 621, 645, 651, 659, 662, 676, 677, 700, 713, 723, 744, 760, 762, 784, 788, 796, 804, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812 see specifically Witness History Audio DVD 11, 55, 68, 139, 215, 286, 379, 474, 520, 607, 620, 647, 720, 753, 786

TR: Tests A and B; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1-4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM

USH.9.6 Formulate and present a position or course of action on an issue by examining the underlying factors contributing to that issue. Example: Herbert Hoover and the Great Depression, Japanese internment, the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, and the impeachment of President William Jefferson Clinton

SE/TE: See decision point 18, 308, 490, 522; see comparing viewpoints 47, 109, 229, 337, 402, 511, 618, 660, 689, 785; see American Issues Connector: 7, 19, 26, 41, 69, 89, 116, 141, 165, 190, 227, 254, 290, 338, 417, 536, 603, 631, 670, 702, 794; see cause and effect diagrams 91, 92, 276, 316, 390, 420, 502; see document-based assessment 31, 63, 95, 125, 153, 181, 207, 247, 279, 319, 363, 393, 431, 463, 507, 543, 575, 613, 641, 679, 707, 735, 765, 799

TR: Tests A and B; AYP Monitoring Assessments Benchmark Test 1-4; Progress Monitoring Transparencies; Color Transparencies; Reading and Note Taking Study Guide

Prentice Hall United States History: Reconstruction to the Present (Indiana Edition) (Lapsansky-Werner, et al) © 2010

Correlated to: Indiana Academic Standards - Social Studies - United States History

(High School)

SE = Student Edition TE = Teacher's Edition TR = Teaching Resources TECH = Technology 30


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appropriate resource(s))

TECH: Witness History Audio CD; Witness History Audio DVD; MindPoint Quiz Show; ExamView Test Bank CD-ROM