
THE UNITED STATES VAKIor? PHASES OF NATIONAL UFE CUSSED A HISTORY. OF THE UNITED STATES Set", ila. By .1 n !' ske, I. tt. 1».. Ll» 1>. Topical Analysis, Suggestive Quest! ni u rsctlons for Teach "- by Prank A pin« Lilt l) Pp. »*. 47*1 Houghton, Mlfllln «ft THK STORY «>F THK CIVIL WAR AC Ac«, mm if tl \\ .i in tii- t'nlted Stai America, Between i-'.l and 1MB Hy John man Ropes With Maopa and Plans, Part ti»" « ipenlna ol th« . umpalsns I.' 574 <; P. Putnam's B THE UNITED STATES Pact« and F ire« tratlns the Phj n il O gi ipl " C !:- Material »< ne« popula tl m, Imn In itlon By W'hltn. j l'|.. xxi m. .M. Little, t:i- iwn JOHN BROWN AMONO THE t»l'AKKR.*í OTHER SKETCHES. B) Irvln« B, .':. .! I*... VS. The Hist irlcal 1 »i pai trai nl .: lies Moines Professor Flsk'-'s little book Is adapted to tssts beeedee th<»so' for which it is maint», eli'iied. The text in its.or contains ;is mu< most small histories of the United States. the apparatus for the use of teachers furn taemoranrte systematically arranged n t I (lespis-l hy an < sperlenc« l reader tu sean directions for topical study and of books t studied, la this matter he baa bad the ai âne«» of I>r. Hill, to whom, as to Profess ir F wrltt'n history pe»esents lt««*if not merel; eoni.-th'.n?, to be committed to mem «ry, bul ai reoord of fevelopanent, a chain of cauees effects, appealing to th.-"ii and tii.- m standing. The more important facts bec m this view of the matter the centres nhout w gather thosje ,.f less signiflcan"e. Th" men appealed t.o Indirectly by Investigation w rouses the wh de min'l. eagerly seises and ret what it W »uld have merely taken up as a hu iindiT ordinary conditions. Th«? hist t> nation, if fully told, would comprise the doln| every human io.iricr and n.ot a fl w of the wii and four-fo ited creatures, beside changes In Inanimate things, within Its bordera. Ou' these infinit» details romimratrvely tew or- recorded, and from the record the most Inous historian has hlth« rto seln-cted only a here and there Th.-sc few facts he must arm as if they were linked I i each other. Tii" n important events may have escaped him a gethtr. simply because they attracted nob»* attention at the outset Nevertheless, if \ such material as he has he .1 »es n t make oi narrative ol orderly sequence, be is r.«»t wrii history. Th« se who f dlow him ¦ »metl nbrldse th.- list >f facts stIU more, but they ; arc amenable to the demand < f the mind for parent continuity; and the Individual n o 1er, may remember even less in quantity than emailc-st written synopsis, is Impelled to syi matiz» the little that be retains. Tims, whtl Is not sur» that any given th« >ry "f history correct, some theory is Indispensable, Gl nny »srell-worked-out ami rational theory, ; the fact«, which were before mere 'Maque ft merits, become luminous and attractive. In t way the main purpose of history as a study attained, which is the »wakening of the m ana its cultivation by means of a 1 >gl ! Wh may he lees definite, bul which Is certal t»ro»ader than that of the sden« a The scholar wh » studies all the auth lil cit^d In this- volume will have covered the ent field of what may be called eecondary resear that is. all ph irt ..f tiio- original rec .rds, an 1 so of these beeide». In making ur> an Independí opinion of his «own, might he better off w this b'-iok, which In disputed matters is comj m tlvely colorless, than with prni" more pretentl work. Sometimes there is a tinge In what V fessT Fisk» has to say, hut whether it is duo hrevity in expression or to an Intent! »nal turn thought would be hard to decide. For examp he gay!» of John Brown that ho »was a C inn» C cut man hy birth, anl a relinious fanatic hy r ture, a curious compound of self-devotion a ruthlessness"; and the reader pauses for a n ment to think over the exa^t purp.>rt of the luslon to Conne'ticiit in the«-' balanced phraa F 'r the sake of brevity, too, Ur wn's Invasl m Virginia is descrilxMl as "an Insan« i ill "f f j11> But this is not to judge Brown as every m; has a right to be Judged, namely, by the .*._«. which ho hlmaeM soberly In the conditions th surrounded him took of his plana. The pap which giv»s a title to Mr. Rlchinan'S thorough original contributions to history shows th Brown cann t be meaaured by th» usual stan W aids, and that he gauged more accurately thi Jm he seemed to the n a] feeling In th" N irth .i- lin «slavery. It required mor»" than his death, mo than the death of many like him, to bring thi feeling to th.« surfaoe; but when the Nati in gol slap in the face at Fort Bumter, it flamed oi hotly enough. Mr. Rlchman t- Us a st ry thi has been miss«-d by others'lntercsted In Brown career. It relates tu Br »wn's s ijourn In Frem« and Cedar counties, Iowa, at Intervals betwe» the autumn i f MM and the spring f 1859. Tl village of Bprlngdale, In Cedar County, was h habited by Quakers, and they all sympathie« with Brown on the slavery qu-sti m and on ti score of hin operations In Kansaa ll. i found a refuge, as well as at Tabor, Fremoi County, where he was among people wh se ¦-. had been formed In Oberlln, Obla Mr. Rlcl man'r paper sbowi that Brown had though much upon bis Virginia plan as early ¦.-¦> ly..7, an It Indicates that he had taken for his mod i warfare the Italian leader, Garibaldi. When h made the ac*qualntant*e of an Angloltatiai Hugh ForbeS, who had served under Qarlbal. and had written a for guenUla warfen he lost n'» time in hiring hitn as a drtll-mastei He then meant to se-ute as f rmldable a fore as possible, and to have his men trained in readl ness for his enterprise. But he could only .«. compllsh this slowly. Mer. as «willing as hlmsel to give up th»lr lives in order to shake the slave holding power w.-r<* only to he found lure ant there. It is needless to say that he never di' get su-h a tOTCS as he "iimd at. hut the smal group of vh. ,n he gathered In the unkn<«wi village of Bprlngdale was a remarkable one Most of them followed him later to Harper*! Kerry. It was to his humble friends in Spring dale and n.ot to the abolitionists of Boston tha he first disclosed ids plan, and aiming th»»m hi: words showed that he had .-.»..lly estimated th< value of his «own Ufe and had come to th«* con< elusion that he could open the struggle which would deatroy slavery. Buch ¦ mar, was prob- abiy useless for the ordinary purposes <'f civil and National Ufe. But .'!<. knew his power tc rouse the N'atlon. to bring It face to fa ... with it« own future, and he put forth this power With a clear sense of the conditions under which it would b»* m »st effective. His death In Kansas WOUld have been record»-«, without a secón i thought, but in Virginia it meant a revolution. It «?o«»m« as If Profess*» risk» in his nllus!«,n to Brown does violence to iiis own the« ry oft tion. Only those who honestly think that the .war of ¡»»el might have been averted can rightly speak of Brown as insanely foollah. Thoee who think of it as an unavoidable step in the evolu¬ tion of the Xati.-n mean in effect the same thing that Brown meant, though he cxpresso-d his thoughts in a religious dialect, accented by the explosions of a Sharp's rill«. That the war was in.'vltal.le Is a clear infer¬ ence from the summary of the relative positions of the parties to it when it b - gan given by Mi. Kop.-s. His aim is to keep his. readers in mind of the views held by both sld<»s. Aside from the question of slavery, there were fatal differences in the way the Fi'deral compact looked to the South and Niorth res-pec*- ivo.y. The former had cultivated the Idea thai the States were in fact separat»- nations, UlOUrgh a matter of fact it never nct-d upon its b»- lief. Instead of standing as lndepend-nt powers th« seceding States only repudiated one Pederá! system to form another. National property waj transferred to the «Confederate Government. All this was done before Fort Bumter was fired upon. that is, before war was begun. The North held thai the Kation was one, not many, but it »lid not maintain Its belief in very logical fashion. If on» a?k« when the Btatea were separate pow< rs th» answ.i- is plain that tiuy never acted ss such, The original thirteen colonies were sepa- ite fron ach other, I ut on n 1 a c »mtnon al¬ legiance t England, When thej threw >M that allegiance end declared rar th ..¦ did so not it» thirteen different documents, but In one 'lo.Mi¬ ment, is the Unit« i States of Amerl i. When tii" Revolution ended 'A» treaty of peace was nu le ; t in th» name of the states, but In thai of the United Btatea If the Civil «Vai had« with defeat for the North the resultanl divlsli n hav« produced two nations and rro more, Thus the chain from English domination down to the Rebellion ij complete, and there Is i ¦i li due to ti,.. .- ...¦.: .; sov« ;.. t-^vi-. f th« States. Not a publicist In tii" world outrid« I the eleven i.ling States would have dr« im« of inserting thai by the «recognition of th" Con¬ federa y each of its States had a< quired tii» right to lo» terme.i a nation. In short, if but on th.ii was established as the result of the Revolu¬ tionary War "but one ration existed within the limits of the United States in 1881." If S uth Carolina had carried out her own doctrine she w.'iii have taken the responsibility of firing on I' rt Sumter. But she deferred lo the Conf« 1er ate Oovernment. From th»' outset the war took the form mot of «.rclon against individual States, but of an aggressive effort t.o suppress s rival government. Mr. Ropes does n"t hesitate to call it a war of conquest. The word is dlsa- gn eaioie, but it will be well to consider its pro¬ priety coolly and deliberately, especially when th» country' has cot along far enough to aiscuss without heat the history if the r..nstructlon perl "1. Having placed the two parties In th.- re- spectlve positions which they honestly main¬ tained, Mr. Rop« - pr ds to th» study of the actual events "f th" war as tin-y occurred. His estimate of McClellan, masterly as an organiser, but weak almost to Incapacity as a commander in the field, Is not novel, but it is sustained by minute examination ol the recordé. In reviewing the preparations of McClellan for his «Peninsular project Mr. it-»p.-oa )o.ints out a curious error by which, in estimating he f rces to be l»ft at Washington, tii" Commander-in-chief count.-d the troops of Abercromble and Geary, number¬ ing 7,780 men, twice »ver. showing the haste and carelessness with which the estimate was made, This was in addition I counl of 3.500 men il I to l" ready In Pennsylvania, but hardly t" be considered when the safelj »f the National capi¬ tal was in question. The risk which McC propos« to run In des ending the Potomac and ike with an army crowded on trans- j. ot--. in ompl« te une« rtalnty as t«i tii Intentions of the Confcderat« r id Men ¡mac r aa to th» possibilities of a i ! battl« b t., en her and the M Itor, is cited to show th« "extei to which McClellan was continually influenced by his Imagination." This criticism is based on the fact known at the time that the Merrlmac had emerged from a two-days battle practically un¬ hurt. On the Confederate i one brilliant Idea of those ola\s was defeated by Jefferson Davis. General Joseph E. Johnston, n'ith th unanimous approval of his corpa commanders, proposed to have enough troops brought up from th»- far South t.o ral«-» the Army of Vln Inla to 80,000 men, and witn this force to Invade the North in the autumn of 1861. In view of th« i tiv.. proficiency »f ti.» Nortnern and Southern s Idlers at that lime, and the moral effect ol th battle of Bull Run, Mr. Rot, es pn r.< I plan a feasible one. Davis d i'.. '. not to move the troops asked for from the places th v were supposed t' t»» defending. His reason was p slbly the se:" that Lincoln gav« f r ti insl Blenker*s division from the Army of the P I .- mac to Fremont, in West Virgin!a, where there was i. en« my to fight.namely, "pressure." The sever .s1 struggle of the Nation In the r. ai futur.- s-»mis lik'-'.y to be on" erith nature herself. If the people in the ar! 1 region or upon Us vi rg in.lulge sometimes In rude language toward th.-ir more favored brethren ¡n th» Hast it should be consi lered that there are cause« f r this of which they themselves are only partly conscious. P It* tics turned once on State rights; It may yet turn on water rights, The question of Irrigat as Mr. Whltn.y shows, not m relj local to the Qreat Plains. It affecta the pi lern of In migration, and that is a problem whl h hi tracted wide attention. As population advanced westward It was hampered by tw adverse dltl mis. In the first place the distan ¦.. from Eastern and European markets lessen« l the value of crops, and in the nd the deer« is« water supply rendered the chances of any crops precarious, if the movement »f popula11 n bren steady and equal along the wh >le lln'- from North B uth, the difficulty w ml perhaps have been lessened. As it Is, Immigrants found them¬ selves transport« : i land In whl b tii ron- i were wh illy for. Ign th it- expei lei Th»y had to learn how to live as 11 to t a living. Ibe most obvious result has t.- m a marked falling in the percentage of In rease hi population, and that mi ans pressure up»n m ¡hi- kly settli 1 r glon« . . l » eastward. II natural conditions al ne are to be depended up n, pe of relief from thla présure i-: vain. Even the most sanguine of those wh look to means of relief do nol antic!) ite that the diy and sub-humid region« ol the c untry can be to supp rt their full sh ir« ol The question is to imiii'o.».- them as far aa pi slble. Opinions on 'Ms p Int, as Mr. Wh sh we, are of the most varied dei rlptlon. . t.iir. tracts will support considerable population for an Indefinite but nol endless peri i by their mineral deposits. As to the Great Plains, .\tr. Whitney maintains against all others that they will remain a sparsely Inhabited pas" ral rrglon watered from deep wells by steam power and windmills. He thinks the Importance of ai well is greatly overrated In contrast io there he minimize« the possibilities of th stor¬ age reservoir system, it has hitherto been ap¬ plied only In favorable regions, and it has nol yei heen subjected to the dang» rs of Irregular pr Ipt« tatioiii anl cloudbursts, Th'- question as to what sh ire the GeneralGov< mmentcughtl to take In the effort«» to make Lheee oiry regions habitable haa only begun rise Into consideration. Meanwhile Mr. Whitney exhibits i ene » .. ptlctsm toward 'la- theory thai the advance <<( populatl m and the widening »of the cultivated area hav.- Increased the rainfall. H'.s b k Is supplem« ni il t an ar- tl»d«* In the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" which was also publlshi l separately. II opene up a ii* ll for spéculât! n ai the futu.f th.. coun¬ try which Is not likely to be exhausted for many years t ime. The contest over the silver tion is only a premonition of what may happen when Nature and Man really grapple : eaalon of what used be called the Gr American i tee« rt. «instruction. For Roys and Young Men..City. COLol.Kfîii PREPARATION, Ragwt's IBsambwlloas 800 students sdmltli without ndltl n; brlvatc in s^ns. f«'»-. Isnguag« », lint.,.-ai ..:.¦.¦* i joupti«. :i Special!} I'kOFESSdH, 1.19 West 49th .'- ^EW-YORK IlL'SINEFS IMiLLEOI i.:,o|. ,t, «. «, . ilvr. practical school; üay er evsnlns. A»,lr^'«« ft» r.,' «logus. CfUEMENT C. OAINKS M ml M iirls Bank ;-.- *,. ITXXVKMITY Git VM.Vi,\ rfCHOOL 53 \V-.t .'.ofh-st 1 6*.th year. Off«"rs the but f.r-llltl«. for »horooueh tUssi.-ttl. ScUntlAc and Rtislricss Edueatlon . , ?jurr.lj*r of U.VÏ r»<rt\<.t\ Ir id, j-rin Ipal's fam'lv ,\|lr,|y . Ir cktaloeu* unj informai lita. '.DICKINSON' 7R pri. wv MJ.N' Young Ladles..City. »rn.yoisrci,u. veltin. ¦chooij vtA\ anas rnuEPRoor rciiooi, bcildino. 160 ANL 162 WEST T4TM-KT. _COLLEGE I'hl-.l'AHATroN. Jï>F OIM.O.N*,' SCHOOL fOm «IIKI.S. N>w«Tr.rk City. No. 80 W«*st ITllMl, MK8 SARAH H. EMERSON. _Prlnclpnl A f««f 1 <..r«llnt» pupils ti.lo-n. tt-HOOL ..!' THE SISTERS Ol Mi:: Ht'RCH ** Four.úeí by Mrs. Pylvanus SsoS, 1m;i ¡*.i .,# v»., L. .«"'I r'Vb- Addr.«» KIsUm In-Chargs. Ö »n»1 h g» rpHE Mir^ES BX.TB m nocí, von RIVERSIDE DRIVE. *** -öth snd MU> sir*»*g Nor«Tor*. Snttrnrtton. _ For «8* th «Sesea City. ^.'.- roRK i is r*o___i .-¦ .. N T .A ;ive prara l. day «ir »venlsf Addreai fot r*'- K. r-ue. CLEMENT C OAlNEfl M liai M n ¦¦¦ Bl-C »I'll:: PKKMTZ P* It' " .-' tXGt'AQCS, J Madia n .'.. .. * ¡»th-at, ..i R-«rar*. Bnsebea ir, ihe prln pal Al rrl .'. md I'» pesa err*«. *.'. tv t. *.i i »_tn.» n W. For Youna* Ladie.«..Country. S; ... ¡.. .- .-i., "i- i iRI i*N CTTT, M. T. , College Pri i'...«. |V* » -.'¦. " ' ' ;'-v X"" Ma ua ..-*.>¦ for th« Vi...« i!l'a i h MlfS .i;-i.iA it I'M:", r.t.r.. Principal. . .1 I I'¬ ll v. - .. Mr« perry will i ¦¦ ... -, II flat .-' p m I. v will fin ,. « In Apr! at No. "..« Aft-r A; Ml ¦< -.¦... Ml W U-Nt'T I.ANK "''!'' ."!.. :. irdlnc P ¦¦ »nd «' Be« IVeparator«-' fk«t elrts: *vn vear «prn«- ¦"" '. For rlrrnlnr _dda-*s mi- riion u \ a ihchah >_., ivn-ipv.. MISS -AliA i-Ui.l.-i. TRACY, a *.i -. ¦. »... Ot-rmunt,.wt». Philadelphia, Frt Boya ..nd Youni; Men..Country. I*« »RDKNTOWN .N l.i Mil.IlAl.v H-STITUTB. I> RKV T H. «&ANDON, PKIN« I!-Al,. CAPT. T. 1». LAN ION. COMMANDANT. Ira -.«.v.-««-«i« SCHOOL, «FOR HuTS «i _llir.>rd, -in * Parent« wli ara unfortunate in the;->m*r,t »f inelr »«n-* will J well la pr« fit by th« «da m' i«»* offend by my bit..*!, the b -!u*ol is in »<*«*.' ti during ih« -nttr« year. FRANK M. H(*aWR Supt {¡> \i::l-|rit. \. »demy «for l'-- Fal field, a*onn <.. -ri¬ ll pea thoi lU-rh mental an«i pnyal il irait -.«* w»it» com- fort« of HOME '.'«t «"""ranci H firewe A. M 1" In. F' n h haï INI Il n:. y.I l«l .'*' J '"'.. y«ar. h.*ol I'rlmary. «' c*ll*«_e, l'i'i .'..-.«". burine«« <".,.,ri. Shorthand. Typewrllln*. Telcaraphy. ". I ¦ !'I.i:w .. .;. iXSTITtT!" ' n* rdvlîle Pern tlliS ¿»I pea year A »ai ¦. »fui «chnol; .n«- f tl»e i--*" ta in- fusa wi'ti mers) «i wake up hojr» In il lutle» of llf«. Iioy« *n*t-t belt II .-.¦ Pndei IS year« «174. J -HORTMIXIE íTale), A. M. rrin. ^|.'.' T"\ ,N J INSTITUTE Homelike K.'-'iy Sen *l foi 7i S; rinl cr.rt. r.-re-.nal Instruction. P-jom» Slid hall s-eit-Ti heated. J. *VII_»nN. A. M I'rln Orliool _\ç,c;uu'o. AOEKCT..Miriam «'oyrleia «upi. lut .-. t - teooots, teacher«, k rnea-aca «*c.. in all depli r«.mend« «..«. Kila to [¦.«¦i-ntM. IM) "«ih-nve., 1' «j B'ldlflg, .- _Pth-»_ A,: ..:¦ w AND P-llÍEION TEACHERS" -Ol > « , I'rt.f* ' Ac 1. a «ind Fnm \, Mi m .i v*»t'\'<: FULTON 2A ni n Sqoara, Hi HEAt". 1 ..Mi ^¦«',v¦^: «i HAi'HEl « ¦; *. ti «.; ,t .... .-. '.{ i 1*. V. Hi- «¦ .«. W o Pra't N V y* -re. 70 Mm«. (tecali Strainers Pulda . ... v Kn «er 'A'. II. . .r-., '. O.n.l 1 \\ II.«I a . , ... !:¦¦. irn tick ' . :i .. t r.! m, «... n «J,.*, ant $"i0. Pound 'Il T « tail i.i " '. " , r- m Tr.-iv««.' '4-1 y TO SOirTHAMI ". ... 1 «' n ¦'.-,' '. " ''. ' ..... fl r-i N .- la S IT« fer I Oreen ,' Till* ai.VI.Y 1.1 N'K tí- y- .... ..,, NEW k'< >RK HOI IIAV.i »N «I i. n. 1 II " «*.!.!..', BAIL!NO.«a .'.«'¦ « '.-.¦.¦.-..¦.¦. 11 1 *.' 11 » i '-,¦¦ N rn nnta Mi« u. II . |. Cabin. flO an«) i \ \- . v I-1. *' « -i -r» ¦OPf-IDl . M. ' R CO miNA i 1 ,. ? m 'I.« ¡I*'. . .. ,-. f OF RIO 1 .:¦¦.-. ; 7.i.i Bi l«i o. .i i Bata* , pi« I VVIII'l K STAR LIXR bi...-.-.' «...Mar. 3f>, 2 p. a ,.. .Aptil 17. noon . ':. - ' .Ad .'!. -,, III - N'i « I- ,. t..ral». : Phil« Mí. T\ AIM» I.I NK, . TO MVEIlIt .. 'I. VI' l. i... M m .-.«. ... « ."iV ... fi .i; || vei ..-...¦ ' IS .. :. ii vi:i:*.'iN )i IM«' .*. t ... '.. ... ii ig -, * CLYDE i.i m:. l ,, ',!.'.;. ... .- JAa'KS' »NVII.bK in. all l'i m it. I. It. .!¦ ' '¦'¦ m. A I.« '^'.'I. -.' S'Ol.K. IP.a-yl 'l.M ., I All »I \". M. I-. .1 .'..-.'¦ Via. rvr.t A P* nn I .'. I. . (ir«*-i! I I Hii'l I T, *: Ei .-. Cen"l Aai . 3'J1 H v CO.MPAÎÏMK I'.EXKItAl.E I i'...«.' .1! LINE TO IlAVi.l: L.A OAHa-r»GNl I .' , -.- ¡, m l.\ II .,'!' '.-,-.:..' .. -,. i.\ iiii|-||i;ik; t. Steamer l.n Tiiarnlrie »»III mnki« un i:.\ :¦¦ ¦.' .i. il a VUE M ttliit til-it, *|.rll 10, ill - p. n,. New-Yorl Irla vail" 00 M*-«* A »KOICT. .;¦ ;.. ,: \. ¦". : ¡,*!'K<»i'i:. i:*;i it AND l'Ai.!m im; jLa at I :.- ticket« an«: Atlantic pa ¦ i,,,i: I . :. n : farll : 'ill.. ON W1 end l.'J-". U' -. n y « .". .- for « lines, MAM.OHY STEAMSHIP LIXEH »K te> i'i i. A i.i.i'iin y.i. voyahk TO OAL.VI .-.,., <-rr\ vnii r. .. .', - ;\' mi ; ;vkii <-.«;/ «i: \i ». ki-kinoi« ..i »..-.i..; i-, -. v-. r, HAN FitANCIH«'aa and all i l-'l,'i|;ll'A VIA HI TO JACKsaaaNVII.l.E, HT. AC* In itj 11 it'll MI7NI*'« i. .'ALI' "".\l \ i| -I! A n...i;i;,. ,. lre«l, Wrlte I Ou '. II MAI.I/Hl"! A- ¦;¦ « " IM* 2«l i; \- y NETHEItl.AMiS I.I M for ROTTEIil'AM ¡and AMSTERDAM, »la Roulocn« - it Mi K. .-. IVEKKENtMM »tin m IA AMIA M 119 in upwai S nd Mn "Eld ., v. ,¦¦ - Ipply f liillrl»! i-.: || O* '.<.-_ :«i ti- ,,i'v.,v. I. !> DOMINION LINE, St«.- for '.' »ItF» U.K. l m.], r*OIXT MKaillT and NEWPOHT NEWS, VIRQtNIA IlKA* II PETEIISRCRO «nd 1!I''IIM':\I VA.. « IT 'i' TON. ne Moi Tue» tV.d Thur« *n*1 Pat. p., Pi !-m« n I via JAMES Itl'-.'lt "." n \Y..i and Sal Fof V. I'ST POINT. VA T.... TI,..«-.. ar.i r ,. ¡' '¦'.'¦ new N* N R.. f*. «n* -., «.. aa :«. p m Hal. ur«J_va 4 p m "il,, .,--, iitlieta nn.l fr..|.lit rate« to nil Irrita S,,utli and «.',",... W I. Ol-lM.Attl'M' Traffl- M ...»».r. I>l-:r> .!»'. LINE OF Si i'A.MSllii's, *** ' '¦'..' ,; »era »Cal i:. | ttarw talbo, \ ,.. .1 . :i l\-n V .- I-illl.M,:-.!-||ls ' ", m ",-v ." '. * '¦. ». n. rhette An M built tapr..tly f r il.- irada h:.«.«- «up l-or *'-.i. i, ...t .,-.i Maracalbo, frei «ah ni» 6. S. MARACAIDO. -, «-,^h"l HOUI.Tf.N. nids«" A pai.TÏ-TT _¦«_-!_¦ Maù_tcr». I.i Front-it. () «Tccan dicamcrs. ._ "^EM-SÄä Û63B. KEW-VOKR MU rilAMPTON «L.ori.l.ti 1's'l»-» Psni.Mai 27 II A M Berlin...' '. N, à M Merlin..prll ». tl A M Rh V,rk. V»y t. Il A M -: .Mil i«»-. Il A M Paris. .Maj ». It A M |.arli .prii il n \ m m.- mi .Ma» 14. 11 A M i . TO .ÜK0E NEW-YORK -A.NTWI.KI". ..Mar. :<>. I r u ¡and....April X,. tttsto w/»., rt, 4 r M It nlsnd ... April 2«. 4P M April 3, 11 A M. »V< »I M a. I. .V..;i in, ., m N r.|ls Ma 9 \ 0 «NATIONAL NAVIGATION fOMPANT. ...... .- ol BuWllnS 'i"-a N V »j\v.\\,ll thkek times week* 13 If times I ;-. A, N R too« et Bprtag-et., Tuesday«. iurdaat .'! I" M. P't treuthl «r put- \V TOm, Onl ,gi t. I> HASHAOBM. Agi en' R It .,«" rews P. * W ti» -'¦' ,! J»fc J I. ADAMS -*. E A F.IH I- «TALKER. <\et-.O.i r a P. P. I? t.? '-..,¦ <"'» nets pier 99 N P. _Q M BORPiTU Msnsc»r._ Itnfnniiohci» «Xnadmcnif <lo -Cet. APARTMENT HOUSE, 615 FIFTH AVENUE (Betwees ©th and Omh Btreet*) Ftreppoof Throtetyhout, T|.<«.« fo-ntiv Balshed nroHrliDciit« (.2 f«-i*t 'in r»th Ave. I,» to»» deep) hav« ever] muden) i-onvenleDce. Being .in- i,...] i iii'o :.i.*. ill am HOTEL 1IT A PIREPno " HKIPOE, tenants rsn rnjoj« Ihe exclu Irene« ut s sufperb ...Mii ii.. ptlrllefei ,i tii.. hesl II .t.-l iif". All spart« complete f .:¦ hoasekeeplof. Kitchen sud working its m especial 'catar«. Particulars tnralshsg ioy pplj,ing in prernlees. 'I» t.«:.' IN THE DALHOPSIE, 4i> TO 4s WEsT 1 .'.a-' it., framing Central i m,i .«. a second Boor, 12- r. spartment, In the \ .-: > best order. Pleas« apply to ih lanitor. _ * VERTI8EMENT8 AND g^msjCRIFTIONa »TOB -Y THE NEW I'ORK TRIBUNE WILL BE UK ti.iviil' AT THE I'llOWS Or'FK'E, No. 1.242 Broad¬ way, 2d door r rth of Tl rtj (I. and At'VER- MI'NTd SI Ihe following Hroinrh «iffl.-«-s: 2Î1I Eighth-are., a t miner Twenty-thlrd-st. ; 182 Blxth-ar* Spring ticGcrta. .. mm Leu1 «ors î@ .so ¦'.'. mm II. ;i ie| ,i,i t'ottagwa and lb« iik.-t mplete bathing htti'tl ' o ¡( ni r.-.«i u una ( prlngs Valley of Virgin " ¦' . .. M.j i i. thi Chesapiske and Ohio I: io.ij *»; ¦. in ta in sui un lings ind ll s ill 'rtvs fi m 'he le«- lia oj can hath*. Ilvhs »i » up r h"t sir. hot si kn ..:... He, -. a). si« ni. n. i- i -.- .o | via the ''. A " P, Y \ l. -.¦..¦ '' A, n «>tn.». 3TS i»l Steriy. THE CHALFONTE, All.I m. \ a. ii. TI I "'. HE >.''H. It OCEAN VIEW »r« " m Ail IN TH*. HOCSE Al 11.' I.F.T »TREE. li Ico II RTS* SONS j ¡ ítPSOSfa "THE LAKEWOOD" Noiw OPEN Hi... »TERRY. M-on .«er. LAUREL in the PINES, "¦¦ : ; , \r-u » cl W Unit *t r. in.« I III. Mniiiiurr. I \l\ I \\ UOII, Mi W -.MltSf.V. LAUREL HOUSE, nwin n i" i i mi it. m w \«.rn. _ " .*«. ¡v. .| IMS. : ... ro-n. i heir wlntei «. sun | ¦¦.'¦¦«' II i'RASSTON. I.AKli'.v »OD. NEW JERK ET. Till OLD EH xlil.l-HKI« r cflom ¦: .. I,.» ; faroil» i.« .rt «'. muWrata t»r'..«. rlr alsis. 4a. J R. PALMER S J. A flrsl hotel "-¦-, HRTANT, I > I > ..... r, n or health; all eon* *. .!. Inn. Oi f if* .... ritxi »LEfl ! iR * SON fl t v ', l New-t -H- «« house; »\»ry en <-n -. ..-..-n '-.NACER. | i.l » HOMELIKE. l> rTEL ALI AMOS :. Et'ROI NI» A M Ell «N PLAN, El TAW I. v ' BALTIMORE |- ' t p..Int. on Lan ' uteeard. A " »»Inter .kl«, ...-.....¦. »i '. *¦.¦».*'.- A ti"Vfl NI "i .P.r.oi. on i king «h« .> f B illlm .r» »n 1 I»h »to- ,Out!.«*." 19 Astor PI WARNER STORK. ¦': f || || I. Now open; entirety n lera and h.'ilt II HRLES S II »IAH S MIMli" S IIOI.MP-' ^* o- . Ii V S" I v 11 ne aves. Alt .1 «' i1»PKI »NU II I I f v ... \- title ''.fv. .n . * s nd all i ¦' m iRf.E HEW. M I !. TRATMi \ I. IN TIC riTT V I. a p ... m-. mpi la i. rail n t.-« -. ti**d l III HOTEL I RATMORI «?0. to P WHITE. .Ht Mstisger. II W'l |.' ill Y. ¦«' I 11 I.. *. «t ho mi n the 'v. ' .n tl o- ean f Ji isEPH H BORTÓN THK PENNH1 ItsT O.-esn Mid of MUhlgan av«., Atli.nti. »'My. N. J., en- 1 »o. loo, i. % ,o, r ,i.i.m h«si. electric M.-lu«. MM «II -, So m inventen ri Opens Pebruory 2d l \Mli-i MOOD. rt* i.i IIMAB, I \;t.M. |.-'"irv. N J " in .. I of r-nn«»lvnn!s. ». I" W i.l.n M .Ni 'I*..i. Y. \Ml .TTAM, .' Ih ..Mil a i.»«- Ill || tic It» *.' J. M A, MELO.NET. 'I' i:: VND, ATLANTIC CITT, M. J. Ocean I.: -, .'¦:.! Ihe »'il Mie »m ' Hin AN A WILLIAMS. 'l'lil' IROYL1 VMM MV S I ¦¦!.!. o|. n all Hi"* »Mr, ¦' I" II < \ O', Hl. l,|.o IE '|»:n im.i. roN I i«ar ISesch. All mile Clljf S .1 n.-«'.y mi heal M il RAND 'I*!1 Kentucky are., near !...;». Atlantic I City, :.' 'iirTi heal; «un pari r. u'n, »2 'o |i* s-r .! by -reek A. i: MARION. 'I' i.NNANoA .ENTRAI-, .1.1- -t'l.V . ;- " or». MEI>HTM-PRK*ED IttJTI l. R it RAWLS, Otrner sad Ksnaaar. ill: ALBEMARLE. T ATI.ANTIC «I.V. ft. n«l season Virglnii usai Brach. Beautiful lure Kren m lern conrenlence. Steam heat. t'n- I location 12.50 pi r .lay. Hpe.-iui »». kl) 1,1. 111 |l I. ,|*| 0,,., ,. CHARLES E COPE r|»llli WA I.I n .Kl * OCRAN IN!. NKW Y.-01U. AVI. (Atlantl? City, N .1 Open all Hh »rar Perfect sanitary arrangem» nu Btrai al le« !:!. !.. Ils, n :.. V7RIQHT. ft*hm: REVERE. " * ATLANTIC 'ITV. N. .1 I'"t, "»."¦. '.. " ihe beach. N,,w open. <",,mf.»r'nt.iy heat« 'I JAMES M MOORI T".^^?!*^ v:"'i" ¦tV" ¦' "'"," K""'""«» A'lM 1 L\\||. <ir,, N. J. Th«»rr.«,r|.|v l,.-,«. i Special r 'ln>r Mi- M II WILSON '1*0 HE H!ViN"o;:i.\". 1 [.ANTIC CITT, N. .1 " ,:.n it. -, >. Elevator, steam i..:,t niierei "¦''"¦¦ mi part ¦¦¦¦. billiard and musl ... >mi CHAMBERS & HOOPML - Al'» i.» I..MI.MS AM. M li», KIPTIOHS rOB THK NEW VORK 11111:1 M; W||V ,. I «|:'* " «t un. piowN ..i i,i,- N!,'. i -'.,.,",'; »'¦..) 2d ., rth r Thlrt» Urs« «i »nd Al>\ r .¡-..».'i'V D| ,,,.. foil-wing .itti.'.."...i ¦¦»¦' !. ¦> .; a. e. .orner Twenti ihlrd^t.; 162 sut have '.urth ave.. ,i i..,.,,...n, m .,:,., Third-are.; 760 II ¦'¦¦;.»¦ cor -, seven!h - P2n Third are., pear »*,VJ '!". ' '"¦' * '»¦ ""'. '¦..." i-'-««» second . i- , --- A».nue A; 1.323 Third iva thi ,,SH \i"'\ '"¦ " "1'' ""' ""l "'¦" ."..""¦ Thlrd-ara 1...S ll..,,l ¦,». ¦:.,,., Thlrd-are.. i,.i»v.... . .... i.,,n .-1- .. indi ¦! m,' thirteenth «ih ». ti. HARLEM '"'KloliS ISO r,. ,... ,...,.«.,, ....p .,' .¦:¦'.;'.',',.' -'.' u."-' "" '."'' "" ¦'"¦' twenty fifth ¦' ".«" ""- hundred «n.lf.ort» flfili al., no, t., | i .i regular m raies In I'' ....ilvr.. ni ..'i;,,n.»i.; m «"'ourt-st.; 48 Pr»..*. ¦ '>'. '. I' IM Broadway; I.MO »Badfor-J-avt. up to 8 p in nt r.Kiilnr office rates. K,«l."1Í-n,V-,,r.*n''!¡' foî. .**'"rilsetnents only. 7f,, Fleel Etrfc, L. C. Ij«,ndon. England. REAL ESTATE. BU8INB8A AT TH« BXCHANOBS, Th«*- week opeswd ycstcrd.ay at the auction room- «-.lth the sal«*, under forecloseure pr.x-co ilngs, by William Kennslly, at tita ü S-.lesrojni, of No SSI to 7". «Vast Blfhty-nlnth-st., three ihra*- .«.tory brick dwellings, with Iota r-i'"h 2'«xl'i0.8. The «al« arss ord««r«-! i t the «Suprsma S «urt In the action «.f Edwin A. «i*itiikshjnk a«__Unat William A. «Wells mi i John Cost, defen lasts. Thsra aras «lue on prior mortcas-es 'iv««'. and an JudsmeSts $12,218. They arers sold to n ,r.-,tio a rlenriqiKsa, whu «iopposcd t> repreMRt th«- plaintiff In ths action, for V.M. J. * ». Mayer, ««f Buffalo, who purchaasd th.- estât* ..f «Robert It Mintiir.'i. al Dob-S I'-rry «and Hast- Inf-s-on-ths-Hudron, In s - ill In partition at v.'hi;«* Etalns, ii. August, __M, «-* resold a portion of It. ah Will! hi II. Hoyi .. *'»¦ William F. Foster. glove tnanufaciurer, purchaaed last «October the estate "f Mrs. Dudley Field, Jr.. which adj..Ins the Ulnturn estate. Mr. Fo-Ut purchased from Mr. Meyer twelve acres "f tl waterfront for MfcOW. The ImprovernenU -aï.'..-:. will make will amount t.. atom f..'««i'o. Another p-rcel of six acre.- of tiie Minturn estate was in ... *«i from Mr. «Meyer for .Bai.oua», b) W. Ward Tompklns i..- Thomas B. ¡Satler-hwalte, -«f No. 531 rirni- avc., '.vr,;.-> it Tîi- Tribune saying that he tas bot ¦'*"' * "'l "f ;h" S" I1",",'"'' '"I"'!,1 _K»_S" erty as had been announced He aays he negotia¬ tions Ml tiii..i»,'.. before an agreement wan re,«.«'hcd. REAL ESTATE TRANSFER«. ton a f 1'«:'"'.-«'', Kraft :.« J"lm S -i-VÖ M, it Bo«! .n-ave, s «* .'4 6x12 0x25.7x1*2 « Kr.ift . . . . .-.:.,-'»,'" Sam- property; John N Kraft to Mary Kraft., t'ftvnt*! road « on fann '. J - !'¦' I'-.'-'"'«' at n av corn land« f < * ¦"'. ' ¦'.'*''.. .¦."i'" u;.i Aitmni it id, (Wxiou; Th««nia« «Flt«es " J..!.n Kl-X|..itrl, K.,.;.._" HI Nil bo'.** ive, 11 -.-. :: r lllth »t. ».T« io*;.-x.r. 2x121 ii, I*-. '.' ildron t" I: * MorVu-av«! or"««««."! -. »' ft''it of "l«d or Heten-at. ¡""©xluo; (Thiu-le« l' Bleie ant art» to Kin.i Bleie..":.",," mm- »t, ., t, ISO ft of I«- re. _»xlO_: Ceellta Keppler I. ulaa Ft« hei. *""-000 *'r« I. ..v.- u «, 7«-.'« '. ft n Of '.'.-It. > St. 2_xla*o.3; Nary Daly to J hn B Teehan...... 7'nii--. No 226 We«t; Benjamin Stern to M.-ir- i*.tr .1 Maca.,- . . 7Iei So :.'..¦ Wx-tl; Herasn S Blattery to *.«.-- iw'.la It Phillip».,'.',"",".'. QOth-aa n '. corner l»t ave IS.hx»; Edward G Aiee»«ji«lro H gnaai and ther.... Same property ; Abraham «Fran« and «if- t> I ;.'.«* lid B 100 6.6«» 1 1 I 1 1 ,... i. 104 ii fr w f Bathaati ave. 210.6 fr n of i;:"!..-'. 50x Emma Brown to Stephen A Orave«.;,',"'* - in 1". a «s, 175 ft w -f lAtt n l t>2.3xll2.5SM-U23; Robert Dlcklnaon '.« Kmtly Inaon .,.,'-'.' ,.MI .. . -,., u ,. ..( Amslenlam-avc, l..«»x -.'.« il. ant other property; .1 Ian H rkel and wife * , «j| ... 100x140.3; i: ¦¦ ¡f .'.: ,1 Ma«lia m .1x102 2; M i, H Haines and ««n- floo 1 1 I.0W 1 1.1... .; . "»i: I«- H n 7'«« fl J W.ii.« ri i','- :. -, IMh -«. - IM ft Samuel B Haine« i ... ,;-. f't'e" »xtflb II. v.. «ta Xlchol« to the T »S« . ...; mo rt a »i lot ¦¦';.' ¦.. .... per «and v. if- to Kittle I Mar *4 para . .-,.; 1-'""' IS .1 . -. u.V. r. - .>' «iti ave, ."..«tl«*. '.I and . - ; . Ja« it. H ¦;¦.. « '¦.'" ;¦¦¦ ' " lam if. - «t irn r l-"-r. »t, _OX'Oo; »lin :--'u :. 10 Abraham ''. iMamlth. 1 luii n t,r 11 1I1M i>lv ,.:il: rife to t-_nl< H Ir- Irinii _. '" ... -;-, i\ia«»x_ai i*.;««" II* mann K m mmm 1.100 M..rrl ... '.v .«. T.*. f a of I.Wl 2'-:-¦'- .x,J*«''«i 71 ; ¦'-:.m."alvln, r. I. . the .' »ha l'.r.«t\lr._ Co . 1.000 t, s M; it rm in Ell '- to H»nry . i..r..-. N. 1.-1 Hannah V Street, Annie Ida K F to Ma.lel «PI« '¦-. \ ' ; Irvlns ; .ri «... BOO Hannah F Street and I I i ,. -. n i w I H«*nry M , .... 82.600 r u- lOOxOt 11. o -Un- . t M « lln«Ier . Í11.0O.I 7 a. 21»-»».»: Moa ... 10,000 .- . 2M j.-.\'.'- «.«. K .'¦. -.. ,.; '..... .* j | Ml « 17 ixlaaa '.« K x-b-. ..¦¦¦.¦. '.; t ..-¦ \\ .. -.i«.- . 1031x129; i: ..¦..-.¦. ai H rt -. s Han.- A . 00 o««i ITS fl f III ¦¦ 2*1x100 7.. I n - 100 ft e - W : . 23x100 '«. ¦,--.][. 1* irk W t. a « ;.«» nx i-«« ..;..,!it« K ii«.i ' ¦. . r 18*10«., 7- UM '-,.¦-. I ..\71 .. Merrill. l 12.1 el N 118 ". I i> Buck to SoJ. t. n I. -I-. loo loi No us __at; Delano «' Uaivln, r«-f^r,*e, to l'a'h.iriri.. W f'i.nier,,n . AOilO M*,ii«. n .¦. No i le«. Ritbeai s- un in to «"i-iri.-a 8 11 «i«.- *. ¡ i l-rl\ i- 1 -. :, , J I (i w ¦( I.--\',*i_' ¦:: .«-.». l'l l"X M H Taj » F Heckei IS 000 177. ft e «>f ..I .'¦.'.. W Will -.-¦«.. «;. .. -, *.*.» inta I.S00 ft av of J 7.»x'.««« H R a- rt II I wife I i A » ..... 1 w .. ;^i.; fi -i -...'.-i. «t, 2_xlun John > nna * r 1 12Ttl f. n 113 ft ",t of . 8ISS0 II; W Ham ttleatell I. ilaa I" Riedel I 1 ;..-.. . 130 ft * -' 23x100 II; UoMlS -..-.... i. . Mever.... 1 >¦¦ n I3«l at I'.-r« ;«« to i;."*th-.t. t- ¦«'. . a . i: Runt» in 1 ti tii ... r.*..:.*«>> 1,7- ¡ evard, _OxW 11. U iin.-in. ;r ..¦ 1" I. n ». ITS ft « f Al , J'.x i ! ' ivil n I* Plxon ai rife to « 'athar ISO We«t; Mary It Win.tri« t. Will- N '.'«i fl u .if Pi 2'.'\ lr- x «ol Witli im n \v rlslat and w It in I i-i ». y - : fi il -n. «a, r«)xai'x32.atx »¦ ..- -tif.- . An»*'I I' ;. :-.« ii 11, n 55 »Ixt22x.'i0xl27 J hn s O'Meaaa .. M '. . . 13.000 12 BOO *.7.-' 2.W« i.i;.-"|;!'17I« MOI a 11 I n i 222 fa « :. ' Kduurd ll-i Ii -' m, \;r il .; -, t|| rlKht, n i under ill .i *.- ¦. i, , «on, n ¦ 18 ft » f Ai 5 vears.. I :. mnn .'« ft e ml n n a i M I «rery, :«.« 7 .i Man il w m N 180 IV. -: i. . M, lo '¦.¦ Hi lmir . K ' :. I ther -.. - -t m- i, . **aaex-«l Plynn lohn, m s.m n ¦< i»7'n- -.'."«' f u,. l'l i.. I. i.. ., .. M.i, .. ton " a : ; . i \ rar H* *ir- M in il ','. Uli ,ni I. Raymond, ex-mator. .-t al, \. lia Rlvtngton-at, 13) ira ': \ n i:. w If« lu Irt In« S.n n.« iii iliution, n .s i;ta»th at, -.'-«i :; r- w i \i »12.000 3..-.--1 |0 ..... 8800 4.000 i.aoo .j .-.«.i -200 ¦ 7lK««l r. »..i ,.-,... Il M, Oolnea, Furman V, the Hi It« ft a' l.iiiiii.-.l. w s Kl holaa «ve. Ml .'. .1.111..ut ¦* ---l'i'. n A, .¦. mir.i lin,« n p Ht h "A.itd loan it \t ..f Hathgnle ,, n2l0.3 fl n of I7'"li «t, «or» i-, 2 f n-. "TAI lllllebert, Jame« 17. t-. i;.|.t.. |i y. ;; t«., - « h m ¦¦¦ -7 ' -' tt -i r 177' t yeat HT'» Il .i. \'« III .un. I«i .1 i >, .r. It ;. mi an N '«". Itewi .. ¦¦ m ind 4 000 Hau m..n. Wi.n.iiM. mid inf.- t, i*harlotta Usa* ¦¦'.. No «.«', I_»wi«-«t, Inataltnent« ".'-.«» Haine Napoleon .t. to Thonaaa l' .t ,n.-< «i ¦ AlexaiKler-av« nn,l l."..'' n and ther «I« m «m I. ..., 1.0*10 n le S, to "ii Il t, >tt l«. n s Maist* .. ion ft n uf *-tiii . i ... 8.600 r*' »an t.. Ihn Fal mai »" l....m »nd Trust < u ... prxpcrti. 3 year« . aonoo Il ...¦ Il« tu I! t.« Title« and 1 t*«», n « -,.. s",.,,., and I37th-«t, 1 \.\, 7iio,>,i II« .. i'f John II, an«l an .thci ' alara v n » Jnckaon ave, )'"* l" fi -f l*Kh.«t, demand fií»*> Isii.'ii. it.i,,ii il. in M.itt i: .'nui. nu another, n Op in... .,.¦ 7.HI fi ol Kai -ah sve, 3 yt ira 4 800 Julin«««n, \.._u-.i F. to John 1».* Hart, w l-'>x-at. M ¦'. ft n of II «t. 1 year. . S7.1 Same ... John Rrlnarhmidt, w h Fox.« m... ft n «.f n in.--.-, i t. .u . M Kitnrfi ut, i"h ni. », lo Katie -. hmldl, n «. * '_'7."ii ..« "'.n fi v of l«r :; years. 3.iioo Kraft, J»hn N, »fad aatother to r.-u.-ii.-r*.- -, »prratl Bul an I L an A - - laal. n, ¿ .* s Itoel. n .t.-, au: .; ft ... ,.f perot-«t, Inatal- ni-niM . . r.nno Morlarty John ml wlf« b ih« "Snilsrant In¬ dustrial Ravins» Bsnk, *< _8d -t I7*> y m .f :ti ive. 1 year . 2«a ooo Met' mh .Lin.. P, J«»hn Tl«-rname, w s 3.1- iv» 100 ft of 173 l-«t 8 year« . 8.000 McAuley, Rachel lo laabella Lyall, m SOth-et, 3-Hi ¦_. it ,. ,.f kah-ave, 3 yetir« il.000 M. i.iHi.niiii, lame», and avlfe »o William ftall'a s.:«,. -. ? îoivt ai, i*»» i' .. «r Amsterdam-ave Kewrombe, Man H. .o"1 another to William Rhlllaber, n » corner Central Weal and .*iii. i. 1 year . Owens, .inn«-. ... Margaret C Rwanton, N'¦ 110 l'li.-i rs r. I t.-11 Pierce, Mad«*llne, 10 Titii* Ouarantee »n.l Trust *... s'.. 17.1 Maiden l_.n.. :i raer». I'l.|..r Mot. '. I-I.-.I. rlt*I< Olllemuth nnd tritt h M 15 H h .-t. '-'"O ft '. "f l'.'.irtliiii II mi* ;l t, ,;, Quackenbuah Harri« A, lo «Swant A H rii« 1 \\.<t Kti.lnt- «nd 7l»lh Kt 2 ii-uiH Itellly, Ml. lu. I. .111.1 «rlf« !.. y. ill/ K ...i.e s a .'»tin »a, l»H 7 fi a ni _- .n... 8 «-..- :.'."*- «1 r. «'i«i:i--«. i.t'.l »if- la \ ll.*¡.re|-H s.u.« « «. Brlstoaa il, 272.0 tt n .«.' Jennlnaa^t, and tii.T propea-ty, 1 year . ftprueaata, ''hri.-iunii A, «nd another to Harlem Sitiii.s Bank, '* h lui r,.«, ,ti jfj r, ,, j,.,, alnas-at, I mortasaa-s, 1 . SmulL Ai-ii.h a. m .1 H 11 sj- Ht us n ,. ¦r Madlsnn-sve, 1 \.-i.. . Tuomey, Thomas f. .«t ni 10 laroh llr..,.kinnu. «'. l_nth-«L t'-«"« «t .. .«f 7ih ave, nnd other na.rtv « .....r.^,.....^ | ,..,,,r. lu 000 1 100 1 Boa u 000 MO 4.Y000 10,000 2 tOt 1,000 ¦ «sot ¦¿ m,,r'..ii-. Tall, it l'il.-iui H, and Witt i.« .1 .1 Utile « C-, x,. u..«.« w 78th-«i ilemand. 11841 Wi.-Hi »m «-in st.;,it and aril« it«ri>.rt 11 Turn.«.-, 11» irmt ..¦ a ,. a Vnn.lerlillt ive. llll ft n e i.f l«Ttli-»t, 1 vi-ur. POO "A'->Iih. John M. to Lucy Kaust, n a i"Mlt_-at,'»lit s ft e of .iirtlanlt ava, I vears. . Oflo Witt. <*.nr».|. .md «ilfa to ijrv Ooek Baa-lno in- sututlon. s s .»'--ve, tt s'of _0th-»t. 1 "year.. 13.000 Real (Petate. INSURE YOUR TITLE. Prudent men do it now when¬ ever they bay Th«. l.irRor th*» pur^hnsr*, the more particular th<*y arc to do it. Tho larpi'st privat«» rc-sMonc«» transactions In many B «lay. th.- asta <>f the H'obcrt L. Stuart iiianHlun at 6Sth St. & ¿«rh Av., an»! that of th*, i' nioiiiHi 'ii ai 7Hh St. & 5th Av., Invulv. in«, togatbar mors than n.' both went through :h'' hands "f this < »mpany for examina« ti'in and s"uaraats« of file JiTlE GU«^RANTeE AND TRUST C? t .'.a Llh.Tty St., N. V. ,,,.,. J 26 Court St., Brooklyn, ointes < N E (,or r)Sth St & -th Ave _ || ? ( 211 West 125th St.. «V. Y. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $3,000,000. ********* «~~^^ âtutton önlco of Kcal (Catate. Sll'lll..!». COI HT FORI.CLOSl RK IAUbV*' WILLIAM KENNELLY, AUCTIONEER, will S'il at sMtloa, at the m:\v-yo-ihk RCAL estate sai.kshoom, no. m BROADWAT, AT 13 tTCLOCK KOOM, ON TUESDAY, «March '¿(i, 1895, 31 PARCELS f vahssMa lu«*»*0»ad real estate In N»w-York City. mis, i »it«i, isas», tasa, un; tssé, a ins« TH IK II-A VI*., .'n'»ry bru»nut..n» st..r-« an. apart« nioMi". ROS. Ii;f».1, Mill.*», H.1I7. ISM. 1701, £ 1708 I.K\IMi't'(l>-AVi:., 4-s' ry broSTSStotMsS flP*.r.m«M«. HOB. 13S, IOS, IST. ISS, ISl, IM, I«.-», 167, S ISS BAST ISSTH-STh 4-sl ry Mow sumas arartm»*«*«, NOS. US, IBS, ISS, ISS, I «M. At UM EAST 107TM-ST., -)-«t »ry UuwilStues apartm<"nts. The ajtors 27 ¡ Is will I"* ms\A MhOIOtttf un-!«- th» direction of Edr» :: 1 K»lly. Esi., KefT.»*. Ooo. F. I>»mar«, .»«t, i'l.ilntlir««" Att'f, .'ti.' MSSSSH M., N. Y. City. MIS. <im», ([NU, <ls|, SSB KK.H lll-AVFX, A SOS. SSS. um. SSS. A MS WBWT 4:il>-ST. Tt.ii : plot, or, \. E. eotamt <-t fclh-av«-. an.] 4.1.1-St.. IM ft frcr.t "il Mh-av'-., atr! 1<K1 ft. ..n «JiM-st., with brlrk an! fr »roe ¡.t. ras an apartments. SOS. .".II. BIS. ."»1.%. A SIT KÄST ILVTIt-ST., «. NO. .'I I i: IST I H.TM-ST.. IM ft. fr.ont .,n ll.Vh «». a. <i'i ft. n IlSth-St., »ltd s< v.' frame tcn>»m»»r.ts BSE other In * Tas lost i.' I..M..Í« will h.« soM unolor th* 'llrftlron cf Charles E. Lydecker, Esq., Referse, I «^n ROMéAaS» Y. »tu »tfys, :.- M Mi-i'.. N. V. «'Im-. NO. 1<» V. I.V.» l.t.V."II-ST.. 4 ».I ry lor,,Wr«; apart- m»nr. NO. 117 « |>T IMD-ST«. .*!-«t >rv browniton« rast« Tha last 2 tur .Ms will bs k M tin-l-r tho« rllrcrtlon cf Thomas l' \v .. i;«. Referee, Darte«, st tat» & Auar- ' "- '.'". :..' N'aosau-st., N. V. City. '.. I¦.'"¦. i-, .ntly lern put In thot». .o kr h r. p |r THK «UTI \l. I.UK INHI II WCI. < OMI'A-fT OF M'.W-VOIIK WILL LOAM «Of OK THf Pl/RCHASBJ mit ISS at r«. to itl'si'ONSTBLI l'l II« II .Milis. I'tairri'ii» taú furtber r of'-'¡'..irs r.t the Auctioneer, N 111 fr » lu ay. or flM PlSlntlkW A'ty's. CEO. R. READ. Auctioneer, wir.r. MIA at AUCTION Till KM»Al. .Hiirrh «I, 1M95, AT 13 >' i" "K NOOM, nt tin- lli-sl linliil«' I. v.-lui ni;.* and Aacflom Itoolli, l.iiiiii.-il. ÔI* to M l.lloorly St., EXECUTOR'S SALE, By ontsr f Wm. I«. Skldmor«, Ess«, eri» avivUlss »i» ecvit r of the lata JEREMIAH BKIDMORB, deed. THE »i vu aiii.i: RBSIOBSCB 25 Park Ave«, llrt. .'!.»tli nml :t«!th Streets. j- .,-.«..;-... an^ ti-jframt brotinst n», slie 2*.««aVo*x,«»*A M.op uni portletjlara t HORACE B. ÍLT A OB\ St «'.-.lar S" rr Audi n««r. !) I'm» Ht., an.l 1 Madlso-m Ava. '.-¦;.'. : .'. Ill-' C "-i.nJ' Ö:. «4<tel > <Eitt) Propcrtn «for Sale. A.- V. K. STEVENSON & Co., MXe* i \, KfSl Estate Appraisers, Auctioneers and Brokeitb Ij<oan.<» or^otlate,!. Mortgages cashed. I ¦ k o. VTi íes setb st \ \ Heral I B I » " \ N I I At «'lutely the fin«*«.! !'"i:Mlng site fir sa'.e, with poo* sassloB, os «ii Broadway. N :/' r -rt r.'h Arg., 79 ft. frrnt on Er .»'»«»> :i .; ft n 8lh .\^.. svei !,.*.¦ depth, 173 ft. » li raid Square".In foot, l Is superb huUdtrig . '.. m ti.- "Inside .. t tas Tender! In" C*tf Ifjjalty ; -. V. K. STEVENSON' & CO., 177 llrtiml» a y. Co t!ct for Unoincoo Pnrpoeeg. DrriCEl AMI A STOHIÛ to l«"l in ike BjBST KNOWN' III II.IHNi; IN AMERICA. TWO I!.«or«, in'» <1«*»<>i«-il t<» iiii'i-liiinli-ul em« i»l.>« aiesls, In »i» «..¦¦ .nul DU» ««..ri.« ,»r Th« IrilMiiii* II.ill,Uni;. »«Ill l><- nlt«-r«*il lilt«» 9Aa\SOS in «Inn- for »i*«"U|»ii »»«. > >ln> l«l. Illrooi Miinllulit luilf II»«- «In) ¡ «»mees ot iii...i<i'iit<- sise, in salte If SeslreSi icnua as l<>»« In mii> »olln-r it.inil IjiiiIiIiiiu In this «l<-liill>; »It «uiltitii, »i.-i»i- Hi«« llro.o.klya SrlSst*. A|»|)l> In tin' llilsliM-s«! «Mil.-, of TIIK TRIHINE, lot Niihsiiu street. On the New Wide Street r of PARE I'l.A'E sn.| o'ool.I.EO.E TLACE. \\> h.iw av.. Lug.- light, >" t tj.-r loti«, 75x75. r. n^ with io...» r Apply *. JAMES j. I.IHHV A i»i^N. iol> Llt.erty-st agents. POTTER BUILDING. o»ffl.">s to lot g| tooif .,;!., i.,r,-*. ffl(-«a fr.»m $-V» ASÍS Appl) t.» Il S S\V»)Rl>S. Room 04. VT ¡¡épi ."Ei> RENTS Buildings, »tores, tofts sr.S rtftlcea t.. lei on Ehombar», Sprue«, n-tknun, Fulton. »I .:»-«. M»:'..n l.inn. I'..». Barcia) Par* Mac«, l'ark R.«r, Nassau W rr. I'eart, Water saâ many other streets RELA.N'I» .v wiutin.;. :. it. Ki'ian-st.^ Vl.Wl'.'.i: STo.Ki: AN"' I ÏHËMÊNT TO LEASE «'S n pi minent n rthwesl <.. uihi >'f btl»-«\^ ne^r 84th-au .' ROMAINS BROWN S «n., M «'«-si S3d«t kjÔi'TMÊART CORNER Washington and Kr.inhlln sta>. .^ ... ,:, m «i re, pflnelpala »»nly apply te JOHN N KARQt H ARSON. ,n [.rHinls^s. a !¦' ¦..*>¦ To Let for k lerm of >eiir« nn «'JefgnBt N..rtl. I.Oil.1 ««l«.«llo. .*.»» tooi OttéO «»n MnilUoi» S.,ii»i r«-. Beatoh, »vlllo .1 niljolulna* rooiiia el il«"««! sise. SjgfH'jt*«» . »... Kl HI/. Il l.nsl -.'.«1 St. (Tonntrn Propcrtn tîo Cet. To LET ON UPPER ST HE »is LAKE, Bf ANSON PHELP« STOIUCS, TWO ADIRONDACK CAMPS »"!. Iota* .. ¦¦¦¦ Bttea latoad« «rlth i». bulMIssa on no.- malnlana. and .. smatlee .».- .u !.. .ri IslanS HjUi fully futtilsli^.;. A|i|oiy to M.m..g-r SI k.» Ulis. 47 «VI.rut.. N. T. WKSTI 'IIKMTKII. on »,T..iiro!«> of «'.iintry «"lui» Aaao.. to let f,»r s»a«on of .'lir. |o***a ait m mi»,. h u*.- «rlth .»:i lnspi»o»>»rss(ata au« T. S. U. .HKSON «J. tO., 53 LIBERTT ST._ BAR HARHOR i' r rent, sots lurge .-»ttago*; c^r> ,.;.¦..h furnished; electric llghta; ..».-ry lmpr.»v«*e mont' (»n ocean frvnt; superb «rlewa; stable for .. hoWS . Por furthw Informatki« apply l'llos. H Mise.ItAV* « .¦.,.. :...:. are.. New-Ytxh_ (Tunntrn propertn »for Sale. .H SALE- TUE HEVEItWYo'K I.S.'AiK. abcoll 001) »icr.» .>' ..n .-H.»t ehats ot'ii Ht«. r. »»un .M.oout tvv.o null's .'f il\.-i fr.'iu frum Iloith »..pp-'Slte Al- ij.iiiv) ii.uil» ta Tl» y Manor House, etc lullt .¦> "». Von Ranssataers; suitable for magnUscen! i'rt\n'e ro»* lOanee or tor s syndleata «" uk.' or sum disida t * «le.ui»« «u.U. Po» pUna, \iiws, an.l »oih.r portlculSfS apply is B loi: I. PALMS*. !>5 Btsta sm. Albssy, N- »._ 1r miX PAT TOO t.» s.-n.l tor par'.Kulojs of t»rn- <* trn a.ivs. ..n- mil. from Est- Il- .|.-p..t. N. tM »nly t^"l loii.l traod «.n.oiigli on It t .ilmoKi pa\ till«. Salt o»n ln«'»»i* m.nt !.. RISLjBT, 81 9 10th St. PhHadotphtj U lîtal Rotate lX.antcî>« WANTED for Investor flrst-clust apartmeot-houe« OS business prperfy within in value. puiLLira s wí;lw. trt*»*"-6 b*»**»11!?* «

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A HISTORY. OF THE UNITED STATESSet", ila. By .1 n !' ske, I. tt. 1».. Ll» 1>.

Topical Analysis, Suggestive Quest! ni ursctlons for Teach "- by Prank A pin«Lilt l) Pp. »*. 47*1 Houghton, Mlfllln «ft

THK STORY «>F THK CIVIL WAR A CAc«, mm if tl \\ .i in tii- t'nlted StaiAmerica, Between i-'.l and 1MB Hy Johnman Ropes With Maopa and Plans, Partti»" « ipenlna ol th« . umpalsns I.'574 <; P. Putnam's B

THE UNITED STATES Pact« and F ire«tratlns the Phj n il O gi ipl " C

!:- Material »< ne«

populatl m, Imn In itlon ByW'hltn. j l'|.. xxi m. .M. Little, t:i- iwn .»


I*... VS. The Hist irlcal 1 »i pai trai nl .:

lies MoinesProfessor Flsk'-'s little book Is adapted to

tssts beeedee th<»so' for which it is maint»,eli'iied. The text in its.or contains ;is mu<

most small histories of the United States.the apparatus for the use of teachers furn

taemoranrte systematically arranged n t I

(lespis-l hy an < sperlenc« l reader tu sean

directions for topical study and of books t

studied, la this matter he baa bad the ai

âne«» of I>r. Hill, to whom, as to Profess ir F

wrltt'n history pe»esents lt««*if not merel;eoni.-th'.n?, to be committed to mem «ry, bul ai

reoord of fevelopanent, a chain of cauees

effects, appealing to th.-"ii and tii.- m

standing. The more important facts bec m

this view of the matter the centres nhout w

gather thosje ,.f less signiflcan"e. Th" men

appealed t.o Indirectly by Investigation w

rouses the wh de min'l. eagerly seises and ret

what it W »uld have merely taken up as a hu

iindiT ordinary conditions. Th«? hist t>

nation, if fully told, would comprise the doln|every human io.iricr and n.ot a fl w of the wii

and four-fo ited creatures, beside changes InInanimate things, within Its bordera. Ou'

these infinit» details romimratrvely tew or-

recorded, and from the record the mostInous historian has hlth« rto seln-cted only a

here and there Th.-sc few facts he must arm

as if they were linked I i each other. Tii" n

important events may have escaped him a

gethtr. simply because they attracted nob»*attention at the outset Nevertheless, if \

such material as he has he .1 »es n t make oi

narrative ol orderly sequence, be is r.«»t wrii

history. Th« se who f dlow him ¦ »metl

nbrldse th.- list >f facts stIU more, but they ;

arc amenable to the demand < f the mind for

parent continuity; and the Individual n o 1er,may remember even less in quantity thanemailc-st written synopsis, is Impelled to syimatiz» the little that be retains. Tims, whtlIs not sur» that any given th« >ry "f historycorrect, some theory is Indispensable, Gl

nny »srell-worked-out ami rational theory, ;

the fact«, which were before mere 'Maque ft

merits, become luminous and attractive. In t

way the main purpose of history as a studyattained, which is the »wakening of the m

ana its cultivation by means of a 1 >gl ! Wh

may he lees definite, bul which Is certalt»ro»ader than that of the sden« a

The scholar wh » studies all the auth lil

cit^d In this- volume will have covered the ent

field of what may be called eecondary resear

that is. all ph irt ..f tiio- original rec .rds, an 1 so

of these beeide». In making ur> an Independíopinion of his «own, h» might he better off w

this b'-iok, which In disputed matters is comj m

tlvely colorless, than with prni" more pretentlwork. Sometimes there is a tinge In what V

fessT Fisk» has to say, hut whether it is duo

hrevity in expression or to an Intent! »nal turn

thought would be hard to decide. For examphe gay!» of John Brown that ho »was a C inn» C

cut man hy birth, anl a relinious fanatic hy r

ture, a curious compound of self-devotion a

ruthlessness"; and the reader pauses for a n

ment to think over the exa^t purp.>rt of the

luslon to Conne'ticiit in the«-' balanced phraaF 'r the sake of brevity, too, Ur wn's Invasl m

Virginia is descrilxMl as "an Insan« i ill .¦ "f f j11>But this is not to judge Brown as every m;

has a right to be Judged, namely, by the .*._«.

which ho hlmaeM soberly In the conditions thsurrounded him took of his plana. The papwhich giv»s a title to Mr. Rlchinan'S thoroughoriginal contributions to history shows thBrown cann t be meaaured by th» usual stan

W aids, and that he gauged more accurately thiJm he seemed to the n a] feeling In th" N irth .i- lin

«slavery. It required mor»" than his death, mo

than the death of many like him, to bring thifeeling to th.« surfaoe; but when the Nati in golslap in the face at Fort Bumter, it flamed oi

hotly enough. Mr. Rlchman t- Us a st ry thihas been miss«-d by others'lntercsted In Browncareer. It relates tu Br »wn's s ijourn In Frem«and Cedar counties, Iowa, at Intervals betwe»the autumn i f MM and the spring f 1859. Tlvillage of Bprlngdale, In Cedar County, was hhabited by Quakers, and they all sympathie«with Brown on the slavery qu-sti m and on ti

score of hin operations In Kansaa ll. i

found a refuge, as well as at Tabor, FremoiCounty, where he was among people wh se !¦ ¦-.

had been formed In Oberlln, Obla Mr. Rlclman'r paper sbowi that Brown had thoughmuch upon bis Virginia plan as early ¦.-¦> ly..7, an

It Indicates that he had taken for his mod i

warfare the Italian leader, Garibaldi. When hmade the ac*qualntant*e of an AngloltatiaiHugh ForbeS, who had served under Qarlbal.and had written a for guenUla warfenhe lost n'» time in hiring hitn as a drtll-masteiHe then meant to se-ute as f rmldable a foreas possible, and to have his men trained in readlness for his enterprise. But he could only .«.

compllsh this slowly. Mer. as «willing as hlmselto give up th»lr lives in order to shake the slaveholding power w.-r<* only to he found lure ant

there. It is needless to say that he never di'

get su-h a tOTCS as he "iimd at. hut the smal

group of vh. ,n he gathered In the unkn<«wivillage of Bprlngdale was a remarkable one

Most of them followed him later to Harper*!Kerry. It was to his humble friends in Springdale and n.ot to the abolitionists of Boston thahe first disclosed ids plan, and aiming th»»m hi:words showed that he had .-.»..lly estimated th<value of his «own Ufe and had come to th«* con<

elusion that he could open the struggle whichwould deatroy slavery. Buch ¦ mar, was prob-abiy useless for the ordinary purposes <'f civiland National Ufe. But .'!<. knew his power tc

rouse the N'atlon. to bring It face to fa ... with it«

own future, and he put forth this power With a

clear sense of the conditions under which itwould b»* m »st effective. His death In KansasWOUld have been record»-«, without a secón i

thought, but in Virginia it meant a revolution. It«?o«»m« as If Profess*» risk» in his nllus!«,n to

Brown does violence to iiis own the« ry ofttion. Only those who honestly think that the.war of ¡»»el might have been averted can rightlyspeak of Brown as insanely foollah. Thoee whothink of it as an unavoidable step in the evolu¬tion of the Xati.-n mean in effect the same thingthat Brown meant, though he cxpresso-d histhoughts in a religious dialect, accented by theexplosions of a Sharp's rill«.That the war was in.'vltal.le Is a clear infer¬

ence from the summary of therelative positions of the parties to it when it b -

gan given by Mi. Kop.-s. His aim is to keephis. readers in mind of the views held by bothsld<»s. Aside from the question of slavery, therewere fatal differences in the way the Fi'deralcompact looked to the South and Niorth res-pec*-ivo.y. The former had cultivated the Idea thaithe States were in fact separat»- nations, UlOUrgha» a matter of fact it never nct-d upon its b»-lief. Instead of standing as lndepend-nt powersth« seceding States only repudiated one Pederá!system to form another. National property waj

transferred to the «Confederate Government. Allthis was done before Fort Bumter was fired upon.

that is, before war was begun. The North heldthai the Kation was one, not many, but it »lid

not maintain Its belief in very logical fashion.

If on» a?k« when the Btatea were separate pow< rs

th» answ.i- is plain that tiuy never acted ss

such, The original thirteen colonies were sepa-ite fron ach other, I ut on n 1 a c »mtnon al¬

legiance t England, When thej threw >M that

allegiance end declared rar th ..¦ did so not it»

thirteen different documents, but In one 'lo.Mi¬

ment, is the Unit« i States of Amerl i. Whentii" Revolution ended 'A» treaty of peace was

nu le ; t in th» name of the states, but In thaiof the United Btatea If the Civil «Vai had«with defeat for the North the resultanl divlsli n

hav« produced two nations and rro more,

Thus the chain from English domination down

to the Rebellion ij complete, and there Is i

¦i li due to ti,.. .- ...¦.: .; sov« ;.. t-^vi-. f th«

States. Not a publicist In tii" world outrid« I

the eleven i.ling States would have dr« im«

of inserting thai by the «recognition of th" Con¬federa y each of its States had a< quired tii» right

to lo» terme.i a nation. In short, if but on

th.ii was established as the result of the Revolu¬tionary War "but one ration existed within thelimits of the United States in 1881." If S uth

Carolina had carried out her own doctrine she

w.'iii have taken the responsibility of firing on

I' rt Sumter. But she deferred lo the Conf« 1er

ate Oovernment. From th»' outset the war took

the form mot of «.rclon against individualStates, but of an aggressive effort t.o suppress s

rival government. Mr. Ropes does n"t hesitateto call it a war of conquest. The word is dlsa-

gn eaioie, but it will be well to consider its pro¬

priety coolly and deliberately, especially when

th» country' has cot along far enough to aiscuss

without heat the history if the r..nstructlon

perl "1. Having placed the two parties In th.- re-

spectlve positions which they honestly main¬tained, Mr. Rop« - pr ds to th» study of the

actual events "f th" war as tin-y occurred. His

estimate of McClellan, masterly as an organiser,but weak almost to Incapacity as a commanderin the field, Is not novel, but it is sustained byminute examination ol the recordé. In reviewingthe preparations of McClellan for his «Peninsularproject Mr. it-»p.-oa )o.ints out a curious error bywhich, in estimating he f rces to be l»ft at

Washington, tii" Commander-in-chief count.-d

the troops of Abercromble and Geary, number¬

ing 7,780 men, twice »ver. showing the haste and

carelessness with which the estimate was made,

This was in addition I .¦ counl of 3.500 men il I

to l" ready In Pennsylvania, but hardly t" be

considered when the safelj »f the National capi¬tal was in question. The risk which McC

propos« to run In des ending the Potomac and

ike with an army crowded on trans-

j. ot--. in ompl« te une« rtalnty as t«i tii Intentionsof the Confcderat« r id Men ¡mac r aa to

th» possibilities of a i ! battl« b t., en her

and the M Itor, is cited to show th« "extei to

which McClellan was continually influenced byhis Imagination." This criticism is based on the

fact known at the time that the Merrlmac had

emerged from a two-days battle practically un¬

hurt. On the Confederate i I« one brilliant

Idea of those ola\s was defeated by Jefferson

Davis. General Joseph E. Johnston, n'ith th

unanimous approval of his corpa commanders,

proposed to have enough troops brought up from

th»- far South t.o ral«-» the Army of Vln Inla to

80,000 men, and witn this force to Invade the

North in the autumn of 1861. In view of th« i

tiv.. proficiency »f ti.» Nortnern and Southerns Idlers at that lime, and the moral effect ol th

battle of Bull Run, Mr. Rot, es pn r.< I

plan a feasible one. Davis d i'.. '. not to move

the troops asked for from the places th v were

supposed t' t»» defending. His reason was p

slbly the se:" that Lincoln gav« f r ti insl

Blenker*s division from the Army of the P I .-

mac to Fremont, in West Virgin!a, where there

was i. en« my to fight.namely, "pressure."The sever .s1 struggle of the Nation In the r. ai

futur.- s-»mis lik'-'.y to be on" erith nature herself.If the people in the ar! 1 region or upon Us vi rg

in.lulge sometimes In rude language toward th.-ir

more favored brethren ¡n th» Hast it should be

consi lered that there are cause« f r this of which

they themselves are only partly conscious. P It*

tics turned once on State rights; It may yet turn

on water rights, The question of Irrigatas Mr. Whltn.y shows, not m relj local to

the Qreat Plains. It affecta the pi lern of In

migration, and that is a problem whl h hi

tracted wide attention. As population advancedwestward It was hampered by tw adverse

dltl mis. In the first place the distan ¦.. from

Eastern and European markets lessen« l the

value of crops, and in the s« nd the deer« is«

water supply rendered the chances of any crops

precarious, if the movement »f popula11 n

bren steady and equal along the wh >le lln'- from

North t» B uth, the difficulty w ml perhaps have

been lessened. As it Is, Immigrants found them¬

selves transport« : i land In whl b tii ron-

i were wh illy for. Ign th it- expei lei

Th»y had to learn how to live as w« 11 to t

a living. Ibe most obvious result has t.- m a

marked falling in the percentage of In rease

hi population, and that mi ans pressure up»n m r»

¡hi- kly settli 1 r glon« . . l » eastward. II

natural conditions al ne are to be depended up n,

pe of relief from thla présure i-: vain. Even

the most sanguine of those wh look to means of relief do nol antic!) ite that the

diy and sub-humid region« ol the c untry can be

to supp rt their full sh ir« ol

The question is to imiii'o.».- them as far aa pi

slble. Opinions on 'Ms p Int, as Mr. Wh

sh we, are of the most varied dei rlptlon. .

t.iir. tracts will support considerable populationfor an Indefinite but nol endless peri i by theirmineral deposits. As to the Great Plains, .\tr.

Whitney maintains against all others that theywill remain a sparsely Inhabited pas" ral rrglonwatered from deep wells by steam power and

windmills. He thinks the Importance of ai

well is greatly overrated In contrast io

there he minimize« the possibilities of th stor¬

age reservoir system, it has hitherto been ap¬plied only In favorable regions, and it has nol yeiheen subjected to the dang» rs of Irregular pr Ipt«tatioiii anl cloudbursts, Th'- question as to whatsh ire the GeneralGov< mmentcughtl to take In theeffort«» to make Lheee oiry regions habitable haaonly begun t» rise Into consideration. MeanwhileMr. Whitney exhibits i ene » .. ptlctsm toward 'la-

theory thai the advance <<( populatl m and thewidening »of the cultivated area hav.- Increasedthe rainfall. H'.s b k Is supplem« ni il t an ar-

tl»d«* In the "Encyclopaedia Britannica" whichwas also publlshi l separately. II opene up a

ii* ll for spéculât! n ai the futu.f th.. coun¬

try which Is not likely to be exhausted for many

years t ime. The contest over the silvertion is only a premonition of what may happenwhen Nature and Man really grapple :

eaalon of what used t» be called the GrAmerican i tee« rt.


For Roys and Young Men..City.

COLol.Kfîii PREPARATION, Ragwt's IBsambwlloas800 students sdmltli without ndltl n; brlvatc in

s^ns. f«'»-. Isnguag« », lint.,.-ai ..:.¦.¦* i

joupti«. :i Special!} I'kOFESSdH, 1.19 West 49th .'-

^EW-YORK IlL'SINEFS IMiLLEOI i.:,o|. ,t, «. «, .

ilvr. practical school; üay er evsnlns. A»,lr^'«« ft» r.,'«logus. CfUEMENT C. OAINKS M ml M iirls Bank ;-.- *,.ITXXVKMITY Git VM.Vi,\ 1« rfCHOOL 53 \V-.t .'.ofh-st

1 6*.th year. Off«"rs the but f.r-llltl«. for »horoouehtUssi.-ttl. ScUntlAc and Rtislricss Edueatlon . ,

?jurr.lj*r of U.VÏ r»<rt\<.t\ Ir id, j-rin Ipal's fam'lv ,\|lr,|y. Ir cktaloeu* unj informai lita. '.DICKINSON' 7R pri.



Young Ladles..City.»rn.yoisrci,u. veltin.

¦chooij vtA\ anasrnuEPRoor rciiooi, bcildino.

160 ANL 162 WEST T4TM-KT.


Jï>F OIM.O.N*,' SCHOOL fOm «IIKI.S. N>w«Tr.rk City.No. 80 W«*st ITllMl, MK8 SARAH H. EMERSON.

_Prlnclpnl A f««f 1 <..r«llnt» pupils ti.lo-n.

tt-HOOL ..!' THE SISTERS Ol Mi:: Ht'RCH** Four.úeí by Mrs. Pylvanus SsoS, 1m;i ¡*.i .,# v».,

L. .«"'I r'Vb- '¦ Addr.«» KIsUm In-Chargs. Ö »n»1 h g»

rpHE Mir^ES BX.TB m nocí, von gu.laRIVERSIDE DRIVE.

*** -öth snd MU> sir*»*g Nor«Tor*.


For «8* th «Sesea City.

^.'.- roRK i is r*o___i .-¦.. N T .A

;ive prara l. day «ir »venlsf Addreai fot r*'-

K. r-ue. CLEMENT C OAlNEfl M liai M n ¦¦¦ Bl-C

»I'll:: PKKMTZ P* It' " .-' tXGt'AQCS,JMadia n .'.. .. * ¡»th-at, ..i R-«rar*.

Bnsebea ir, ihe prln pal Al rrl .'. md I'» pesa err*«.*.'. tv t. *.i i »_tn.» n W.

For Youna* Ladie.«..Country.S; ... ¡.. .- .-i., "i-

i iRI i*N CTTT, M. T.,College Pri i'...«. |V* » -.'¦. " ' ' ;'-v X""

Ma ua..-*.>¦for th«

Vi...« i!l'a i hMlfS .i;-i.iA it I'M:", r.t.r.. Principal.

. .1 I I'¬ll v.

- ..

Mr« perry will i



-, IIflat .-' p m I. v

will fin ,. «

In Apr! at No. "..«

Aft-r A; Ml ¦< -.¦... Ml

WU-Nt'T I.ANK "''!'' ."!..a» :. irdlnc P ¦¦ »nd «' Be« IVeparator«-' fk«t elrts: *vnvear «prn«- ¦"" '. For rlrrnlnr _dda-*s

mi- riion u \ a ihchah >_., ivn-ipv..MISS -AliA i-Ui.l.-i. TRACY, a *.i -. ¦. »...

Ot-rmunt,.wt». Philadelphia,

Frt Boya ..nd Youni; Men..Country.I*« »RDKNTOWN .N l.i Mil.IlAl.v H-STITUTB.I> RKV T H. «&ANDON, PKIN« I!-Al,.


Ira -.«.v.-««-«i« SCHOOL, «FOR HuTS «i _llir.>rd, -in

* Parent« wli ara unfortunate in the;->m*r,t »finelr »«n-* will J well la pr« fit by th« «da m' i«»* offendby my bit..*!, the b -!u*ol is in »<*«*.' ti during ih« -nttr«

year.FRANK M. H(*aWR Supt

{¡> \i::l-|rit. \. »demy «for l'-- Fal field, a*onn <.. -ri¬

ll pea thoi lU-rh mental an«i pnyal il irait -.«* w»it» com-fort« of HOME '.'«t v» «"""ranci H firewe A. M 1" In.

F' nh haï INI Il n:. y.I l«l .'*' J '"'.. y«ar.h.*ol I'rlmary. «'c*ll*«_e, l'i'i .'..-.«".

burine«« <".,.,ri. Shorthand. Typewrllln*. Telcaraphy.". I ¦ !'I.i:w .. .;. iXSTITtT!" ' n* rdvlîle Pern tlliS¿»I pea year A »ai ¦. »fui «chnol; .n«- f tl»e i--*" ta in-

fusa wi'ti mers) «i wake up hojr» In il lutle» of llf«.Iioy« *n*t-t belt II .-.¦ Pndei IS year« «174.

J -HORTMIXIE íTale), A. M. rrin.

^|.'.' T"\ ,N J INSTITUTE Homelike K.'-'iy Sen *lfoi 7i y« S; rinl cr.rt. r.-re-.nal Instruction. P-jom»

Slid hall s-eit-Ti heated. J. *VII_»nN. A. M I'rln

Orliool _\ç,c;uu'o.AOEKCT..Miriam «'oyrleia «upi. lut .-. t - teooots,

teacher«, k rnea-aca «*c.. in all depli r«.mend««..«. Kila to [¦.«¦i-ntM. IM) "«ih-nve., 1' «j B'ldlflg, .- _Pth-»_

A,: ..:¦ w AND P-llÍEION TEACHERS" -Ol >

« , I'rt.f*'

Ac 1. a «ind Fnm e» \,Mi m .i v*»t'\'<: FULTON 2A ni n Sqoara,

HiHEAt". 1 ..Mi^¦«',v¦^: «i HAi'HEl « ¦; *. ti .« -¦

«.; ,t .... .-. '.{ i1*. V. Hi- «¦ .«. W o Pra't N V y* -re. 70 Mm«.

(tecali Strainers

Pulda .... v

Kn «er 'A'. II..V« .r-., '. O.n.l1 \\ II.«I a. ,


!:¦¦. irn tick'


:i .. r»

t r.! m, «... n «J,.*, ant $"i0. Pound'Il T «

tail i.i " '." , r- m


yTO SOirTHAMI ". ...

1 «' n



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Till* ai.VI.Y 1.1 N'Ktí- y-.... ..,,NEW k'< >RK HOI IIAV.i i« »N «I i. n. 1

II .¦ "

«*.!.!..', BAIL!NO.«a .'.«'¦ «

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7.i.i Bi l«i o. .i i Bata* , pi«


bi...-.-.' «...Mar. 3f>, 2 p. a ,.. .Aptil 17. noon. ':. - '


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: Phil«


A» T\ AIM» I.I NK,. TO MVEIlIt .. 'I. VI'

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IS .. :. iivi:i:*.'iN )i IM«' .*. t ... '.. ... ii ig -,

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JAa'KS' »NVII.bK in. alll'i m it. I. It. .!¦ ' '¦'¦ ,¦ m.

A I.« .« '^'.'I. -.'S'Ol.K.

IP.a-yl 'l.M ., IAll »I

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Via. rvr.t A P* nn I .'. I. .

(ir«*-i! I I Hii'l IT, *: Ei .-. Cen"l Aai . 3'J1 H v

CO.MPAÎÏMK I'.EXKItAl.E Ii'...«.' .1! LINE TO IlAVi.l:

L.A OAHa-r»GNl I .' , -.- ¡, m

l.\ II .,'!' '.-,-.:..' .. -,.

i.\ iiii|-||i;ik; t.Steamer l.n Tiiarnlrie »»III mnki« un

i:.\ :¦¦ ¦.' .i. t» il a VUEM ttliit til-it, *|.rll 10, ill - p. n,.

New-Yorl Irlavail" 00M*-«*

A I« »KOICT. .;¦ ;.. ,: \. ¦". :

¡,*!'K<»i'i:. i:*;i it AND l'Ai.!m im;jLa at I :.- ticket«an«: Atlantic pa¦ i,,,i:

I.:.n : farll:'ill.. ON W1 end l.'J-". U' -. n y

« .". .- for « lines,


i'i i. '¦

A i.i.i'iiny.i. voyahkTO OAL.VI .-.,.,<-rr\ vnii r. .. .', - ;\' mi ; ;vkii<-.«;/ «i: \i ». ki-kinoi« ..i »..-.i..; i-, -. v-. r,HAN FitANCIH«'aa and all i

l-'l,'i|;ll'A VIA HITO JACKsaaaNVII.l.E, HT. AC*

In itj11 it'll

MI7NI*'« i. .'ALI' "".\l \ i| -I! A n...i;i;,. ,.

lre«l,Wrlte I Ou

'. II MAI.I/Hl"! A- ¦;¦ « " IM* 2«l i; \- y

NETHEItl.AMiS I.IMfor ROTTEIil'AM ¡and AMSTERDAM, »la Roulocn«

- it MiK. .-. IVEKKENtMM »tin m

IAAMIA M119 in upwai S nd Mn "Eld .,

v. ,¦¦ - Ipply f liillrl»! i-.: ||O* '.<.-_ :«i ti- ,,i'v.,v.

I. !> DOMINION LINE,St«.- for '.' »ItF» U.K. l m.], r*OIXT

MKaillT and NEWPOHT NEWS, VIRQtNIA IlKA* IIPETEIISRCRO «nd 1!I''IIM':\I VA.. « IT 'i'TON. ne Moi Tue» tV.d Thur« *n*1 Pat. p.,Pi !-m« n I via JAMES Itl'-.'lt "." n \Y..i and SalFof V. I'ST POINT. VA T.... TI,..«-.. ar.i r ,.

¡' '¦'.'¦ new N* N R.. f*. «n* -., «.. aa :«. p m Hal.ur«J_va 4 p m "il,, .,--, iitlieta nn.l fr..|.lit rate« to nilIrrita S,,utli and «.',",...

W I. Ol-lM.Attl'M' Traffl- M ...»».r.

I>l-:r> .!»'. LINE OF Si i'A.MSllii's,*** ' '¦'..' ,; »era »Cal i:. | ttarwtalbo, \ ,.. .1 . :i l\-nV .- I-illl.M,:-.!-||ls

' ", m

",-v ." '. * '¦. ». n.rhette An M .¦ built tapr..tly f r il.- irada

h:.«.«- «upl-or *'-.i. i, ...t .,-.i Maracalbo, frei «ah ni»

6. S. MARACAIDO. .« -, «-,^h"lHOUI.Tf.N. nids«" A pai.TÏ-TT

_¦«_-!_¦ Maù_tcr». I.i Front-it.


«Tccan dicamcrs. ._

"^EM-SÄä Û63B.KEW-VOKR MU rilAMPTON «L.ori.l.ti 1's'l»-»

Psni.Mai 27 II A M Berlin...' '. N, à M

Merlin..prll ». tl A M Rh V,rk. V»y t. Il A M-: .Mil i«»-. Il A M Paris. .Maj ». It A M

|.arli .prii il n \ m m.- mi .Ma» 14. 11 A M


..Mar. :<>. I r u ¡and....April X,. tttstow/»., rt, 4 r M It nlsnd ... April 2«. 4P M

April 3, 11 A M. »V< »I M a. I. .V..;iin, ., !¦ m N r.|ls Ma 9 \ 0

«NATIONAL NAVIGATION fOMPANT..¦ ...... .- ol BuWllnS 'i"-a N V

»j\v.\\,ll thkek times week*13 If times I ;-. A, N R too« et Bprtag-et., Tuesday«.

iurdar» at .'! I" M. P't treuthl «r put-

\V TOm, Onl ,gi t. I> HASHAOBM. E« Agien' R It .,«" rews P. * W ti» -'¦' ,! J»fc

J I. ADAMS -*. E A F.IH I- «TALKER. <\ a P. P. I? t.? '-..,¦ <"'» nets pier 99 N P.

_Q M BORPiTU Msnsc»r._

Itnfnniiohci» «Xnadmcnif <lo -Cet.


(Betwees ©th and Omh Btreet*)

Ftreppoof Throtetyhout,T|.<«.« fo-ntiv Balshed nroHrliDciit« (.2 f«-i*t 'in r»th Ave.

I,» to»» deep) hav« ever] muden) i-onvenleDce. Being .in-

i,...] i iii'o :.i.*. illam HOTEL 1IT A PIREPno "

HKIPOE, tenants rsn rnjoj« Ihe exclu Irene« ut s sufperb...Mii ii.. ptlrllefei ,i tii.. hesl II .t.-l iif". All spart«complete f .:¦ hoasekeeplof. Kitchen sud working

its m especial 'catar«. Particulars tnralshsg ioy

pplj,ing in prernlees.

'I» t.«:.' IN THE DALHOPSIE, 4i> TO 4s WEsT1 .'.a-' it., framing Central i m,i .«. a second Boor, 12-r. spartment, In the \ .-: > best order. Pleas« apply to

ih lanitor. _

* VERTI8EMENT8 AND g^msjCRIFTIONa »TOB-Y THE NEW I'ORK TRIBUNE WILL BE UKti.iviil' AT THE I'llOWS Or'FK'E, No. 1.242 Broad¬way, 2d door r rth of Tl rtj (I. and At'VER-

MI'NTd SI Ihe following Hroinrh «iffl.-«-s: 2Î1IEighth-are., a t miner Twenty-thlrd-st. ; 182 Blxth-ar*

Spring ticGcrta.

.. mm Leu1 «ors î ¦'.'. mm II.

;i ie| ,i,i t'ottagwa and lb« iik.-t mplete bathinghtti'tl 'o

¡( ni r.-.«i u una ( prlngs Valleyof Virgin " ¦' . .. M.j i i. thi Chesapiske and OhioI: io.ij *»; ¦. in ta in sui un lings ind ll

s ill 'rtvs fi m 'he le«- lia oj can hath*. Ilvhs»i » up r h"t sir. hot si

kn ..:... He, -. a). si« ni. n. i-

i -.- .o | via the ''. A " P, Y\ l. '¦ -.¦..¦

'' A, n «>tn.». 3TSi»l Steriy.


ii. TI I "'. HE >.''H.It OCEAN VIEW

»r« " m Ail IN TH*. HOCSEAl 11.' I.F.T »TREE.



Noiw OPENHi... »TERRY. M-on .«er.

LAUREL in the PINES,"¦¦ : ;

, \r-u» cl W

Unit *t r. in.« I III. Mniiiiurr.

I \l\ I \\ UOII, Mi W -.MltSf.V.

LAUREL HOUSE,nwin n i" i i mi it. m w \«.rn.



.*«. ¡v. .| IMS.: ... ro-n.

i heir wlntei «.

sun |¦¦.'¦¦«'


I.AKli'.v »OD. NEW JERKET.Till OLD EH xlil.l-HKI«

r cflom ¦: ..I,.» ; faroil» i.« .rt «'. muWrata t»r'..«. rlr alsis. 4a.


S J. A flrsl hotel "-¦-,HRTANT,

I >I > ..... r, n or health; all eon*

*. .!. Inn. Oi f if*.... ritxi

»LEfl ! iR * SON

fl t v ', l New-t -H-«« house; »\»ry en <-n -. ..-..-n


| i.l » HOMELIKE.l> rTEL ALI AMOS :.


|- ' t p..Int. on Lan ' uteeard.A " »»Inter .kl«,

...-.....¦. »i '. *¦.¦».*'.-

A ti"Vfl NI "i .P.r.oi. oni king «h« .> f B illlm .r» »n 1

I»h »to-

,Out!.«*." 19 Astor PI<¦ WARNER STORK. ¦': f

|| || I. Now open; entirety n lera andh.'ilt


Ii V S"I v 11 ne aves. Alt

.1 «' i1»PKI »NU

I II If v ... \- title ''.fv.

.n .* r» s nd all i

¦' m iRf.E HEW.

M I !. TRATMi\ I. IN TIC riTT V I.

a p ... m-. mpi la i. rail n t.-« -. ti**dl III HOTEL I RATMORI «?0.

to P WHITE. .Ht Mstisger.

IIW'l |.' ill Y. ¦«' I

11 I.. *. «t ho mi n the 'v.' .n tl o- ean f


THK PENNH1 ItsTO.-esn Mid of MUhlgan av«., Atli.nti. »'My. N. J., en-

1 »o. loo, i. % ,o, r ,i.i.m h«si. electric M.-lu«. MM «II-, So m inventen ri Opens Pebruory 2d

l \Mli-i MOOD.

rt* i.i IIMAB,I \;t.M. |.-'"irv. N J " in .. I of r-nn«»lvnn!s.

». I" W i.l.n M .Ni'I*..i. Y. \Ml .TTAM,

.' Ih ..Mil a i.»«- Ill || tic It» *.' J.M A, MELO.NET.

'I' i:: VND, ATLANTIC CITT, M. J. OceanI.: -, .'¦:.! Ihe »'il Mie »m


'l'lil' IROYL1 VMM MV SI ¦¦!.!. a« o|. n all Hi"* »Mr,

¦' I" II < \ O', Hl. l,|.o IE

'|»:n im.i. roNI i«ar ISesch. All mile Clljf S .1 n.-«'.y

mi heal M il RAND'I*!1 Kentucky are., near !...;». .» Atlantic

I City, :.' 'iirTi heal; «un pari r. u'n, »2 'o |i* s-r.! by -reek A. i: MARION.

'I' i.NNANoA.ENTRAI-, .1.1- -t'l.V . ;- " or». MEI>HTM-PRK*ED

IttJTI l.R it RAWLS, Otrner sad Ksnaaar.


n«l season Virglnii a» usai Brach. Beautifullure Kren m lern conrenlence. Steam heat. t'n-

I location 12.50 pi r .lay. Hpe.-iui»». kl) 1,1. :¦ 111 |l I. ,|*| 0,,., ,.


r|»llli WA I.I n .Kl* OCRAN IN!. NKW Y.-01U. AVI.(Atlantl? City, N .1 Open all Hh »rar Perfect sanitaryarrangem» nu Btrai h« al le« !:!. !.. Ils,

n :.. V7RIQHT.ft*hm: REVERE.


* ATLANTIC 'ITV. N. .1I'"t, "»."¦. '.. " ihe beach. N,,w open. <",,mf.»r'nt.iy


T".^^?!*^ v:"'i" ¦tV" ¦' "'"," K""'""«» A'lM1 L\\||. <ir,, N. J. Th«»rr.«,r|.|v l,.-,«. i Special

r 'ln>r Mi- M II WILSON

'1*0 HE H!ViN"o;:i.\".1 [.ANTIC CITT, N. .1

" ,:.n it. -, >. Elevator, steam i..:,t niierei"¦''"¦¦ mi part ¦¦¦¦. billiard and musl ... >mi


Al'» i.» I..MI.MS AM. M li», KIPTIOHS rOBTHK NEW VORK 11111:1 M; W||V ,. I

«|:'* " «t un. piowN ..i i,i,- N!,'. i -'.,.,",';»'¦..) 2d ., rth r Thlrt» Urs« «i »nd Al>\ r.¡-..».'i'V D| ,,,.. foil-wing .itti.'.."...i¦¦»¦' !. ¦> .; a. e. .orner Twenti ihlrd^t.; 162 suthave

'.urth ave.. ,i i..,.,,...n, m .,:,., Third-are.; 760II ¦'¦¦;.»¦ cor -, i« seven!h - P2n Third are., pear»*,VJ '!". ' '"¦' * '»¦ ""'. '¦..." i-'-««» second .

i- ,--- A».nue A; 1.323 Third iva thi

,,SH \i"'\ '"¦ " "1'' ""' ""l "'¦" ."..""¦ Thlrd-ara1...S ll..,,l ¦,». ¦:.,,., Thlrd-are.. i,.i»v.... . .... i.,,n 1» .-1-

.. indi ¦! m,' thirteenth «ih». ti. HARLEM '"'KloliS ISO r,. ,... ,...,.«.,, ....p

.,' .¦:¦'.;'.',',.' -'.' u."-' "" '."'' "" ¦'"¦' twenty fifth¦' ".«" ""- hundred «n.lf.ort» flfili al., no, t., |

i .i regular m raiesIn I'' ....ilvr.. ni ..'i;,,n.»i.; m «"'ourt-st.; 48 Pr»..*.

¦ '>'. '. I' IM Broadway; I.MO »Badfor-J-avt. up to 8p in nt r.Kiilnr office rates.

K,«l."1Í-n,V-,,r.*n''!¡' foî. .**'"rilsetnents only. 7f,, FleelEtrfc, L. C. Ij«,ndon. England.


BU8INB8A AT TH« BXCHANOBS,Th«*- week opeswd ycstcrd.ay at the auction room-

«-.lth the sal«*, under forecloseure pr.x-co ilngs, by

William Kennslly, at tita ü S-.lesrojni, of

No SSI to 7". «Vast Blfhty-nlnth-st., three ihra*-

.«.tory brick dwellings, with Iota r-i'"h 2'«xl'i0.8. The

«al« arss ord««r«-! i t the «Suprsma S «urt In the action

«.f Edwin A. «i*itiikshjnk a«__Unat William A. «Wells

mi i John Cost, defen lasts. Thsra aras «lue on priormortcas-es 'iv««'. and an JudsmeSts $12,218. Theyarers sold to n ,r.-,tio a rlenriqiKsa, whu i» «iopposcdt> repreMRt th«- plaintiff In ths action, for V.M.

J. * ». Mayer, ««f Buffalo, who purchaasd th.- estât*..f «Robert It Mintiir.'i. al Dob-S I'-rry «and Hast-

Inf-s-on-ths-Hudron, In s - ill In partition at v.'hi;«*

Etalns, ii. August, __M, «-* resold a portion of It.

ah Will! hi II. Hoyi .. *'»¦ William F. Foster.

glove tnanufaciurer, purchaaed last «October the

estate "f Mrs. Dudley Field, Jr.. which adj..Ins the

Ulnturn estate. Mr. Fo-Ut purchased from Mr.

Meyer twelve acres "f tl waterfront for MfcOW.The ImprovernenU -aï.'..-:. will make will amount

t.. atom f..'««i'o. Another p-rcel of six acre.- of tiie

Minturn estate was in ... *«i from Mr. «Meyer for

.Bai.oua», b) W. Ward Tompklnsi..- Thomas B. ¡Satler-hwalte, -«f No. 531 rirni-

avc., '.vr,;.-> it Tîi- Tribune saying that he tas bot

¦'*"' * "'l "f ;h" S" I1",",'"'' '"I"'!,1 _K»_S"erty as had been announced He aays he negotia¬tions Ml tiii..i»,'.. before an agreement wan re,«.«'hcd.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFER«.ton a .¦ f 1'«:'"'.-«'',

Kraft :.« J"lm S-i-VÖM, itBo«! .n-ave, s «* *¦

.'4 6x12 0x25.7x1*2 «

Kr.ift . . . . .-.:.,-'»,'"Sam- property; John N Kraft to Mary Kraft.,t'ftvnt*! road « on fann '. J - !'¦' I'-.'-'"'«'at n av corn land« f < * ¦"'. ' ¦'.'*''.. .¦."i'"u;.i Aitmni it id, (Wxiou; Th««nia« «Flt«es "

J..!.n Kl-X|..itrl, K.,.;.._"HI Nil bo'.** ive, 11 -.-. :: r lllth »t. ».T«

io*;.-x.r. 2x121 ii, I*-. '.' ildron t" I: *

MorVu-av«! or"««««."! -. »' ft''it of "l«d or

Heten-at. ¡""©xluo; (Thiu-le« l' Bleie ant art»

to Kin.i Bleie..":.",,"mm- »t, ., t, ISO ft a» of I«- re. _»xlO_: CeelltaKeppler I. ulaa Ft« hei. *""-000

*'r« .¦ I. ..v.- u «, 7«-.'« '. ft n Of '.'.-It. > St.2_xla*o.3; Nary Daly to J hn B Teehan......

7'nii--. No 226 We«t; Benjamin Stern to M.-ir-

i*.tr .1 Maca.,- . .

7Iei So :.'..¦ Wx-tl; Herasn S Blattery to *.«.--

iw'.la It Phillip».,'.',"",".'.QOth-aa n '. corner l»t ave IS.hx»; Edward G

Aiee»«ji«lro H gnaai and a» ther....

Same property ; Abraham «Fran« and «if- t>

I ;.'.«* lid









,... i. 104 ii fr w f Bathaati ave.

210.6 fr n of i;:"!..-'. 50x Emma Brown to

Stephen A Orave«.;,',"'*- in 1". a «s, 175 ft w -f lAtt n l

t>2.3xll2.5SM-U23; Robert Dlcklnaon '.« KmtlyInaon .,.,'-'.'

,.MI .. . -,., u ,. ..( Amslenlam-avc, l..«»x

-.'.« il. ant other property; .1 Ian H rkel and wife*

, «j| ... 100x140.3;i: ¦¦ ¡f .'.:

,1 Ma«lia m .1x102 2;M i, H Haines and ««n-







.; . "»i: I«- Hn 7'«« fl

J W.ii.« ri i','- :. -, I«

IMh -«. - IM ftSamuel B Haine« i

... ,;-. f't'e" »xtflb II.v.. «ta Xlchol« to the T »S« . ...;

mo rt a »i lot ¦¦';.' ¦..

.... per «and v. if- to Kittle I Mar*4 para . .-,.; 1-'""'

IS .1 . -. u.V. r. - .>' «iti ave, ."..«tl«*. '.I and. - ; .Ja« it. H ¦;¦.. «'¦.'"

;¦¦¦' "

lam if. - «t irn r l-"-r. »t, _OX'Oo;»lin :--'u :. 10 Abraham ''. iMamlth. 1

luii n t,r 111I1M i>lv ,.:il: rife to t-_nl<H Ir- Irinii _.


-;-, i\ia«»x_ai i*.;««" II* mann Km mmm 1.100M..rrl ... '.v .«. T.*. f a of I.Wl 2'-:-¦'- .x,J*«''«i

71 ; ¦'-:.m."alvln, r. I. . the .' »hal'.r.«t\lr._ Co . 1.000

t, s M; it rm in Ell '- to H»nry.

i..r..-. N. 1.-1 Hannah V Street, AnnieIda K F to Ma.lel n« «PI« '¦-. \


;Irvlns; .ri


Hannah FStreet and I I

i ,. -. n i w I H«*nry M,.... 82.600

r u- lOOxOt 11. o -Un-. t

M « lln«Ier. Í11.0O.I

7 a. 21»-»».»: Moa... 10,000

.-.2M j.-.\'.'- «.«. K .'¦.

-.. ,.; '......¦

.* j | Ml « 17 ixlaaa '.« K x-b-...¦¦¦.¦. '.; t ..-¦

\\ .. -.i«.-. 1031x129;

i: ..¦..-.¦. ai H rt -. sHan.- A. 00 o««i

ITS fl f III ¦¦ 2*1x100 7.. I n

- 100 ft e - W : . 23x100 '«.¦,--.][.

1* irk W t. a « ;.«» nxi-«« ..;..,!it« K ii«.i ' ¦. . r

18*10«.,7-UM '-,.¦-. I ..\71 ..


12.1 el N 118 ". I i> Buck to SoJ.t. n I. -I-. loo

loi No us __at; Delano «' Uaivln, r«-f^r,*e, tol'a'h.iriri.. W f'i.nier,,n . AOilO

M*,ii«. n .¦. No i le«. Ritbeai s- un in to «"i-iri.-a

8 11 «i«.- *. ¡ i l-rl\ i- 1-. :, , J I (i w ¦( I.--\',*i_' ¦:: .«-.». l'l l"X

M H Taj » F Heckei IS 000177. ft e «>f ..I .'¦.'..

W Will -.-¦«.. «;. .. -, *.*.» inta I.S00ft av of J 7.»x'.««« H R a-

rt II I wife I i A » ..... 1

w .. ;^i.; fi -i -...'.-i. «t, 2_xlun John> nna * r 1

12Ttl f. n 113 ft ",t of . 8ISS0 II;W Ham ttleatell I. ilaa I" Riedel I 1

;..-.. . 130 ft * -' 23x100 II; UoMlS-..-.... i. . Mever.... 1

>¦¦n I3«l at I'.-r« ;«« to i;."*th-.t.t- .¦ ¦«'. . a . i: Runt» in 1

ti tii ... r.*..:.*«>>1,7- ¡ evard, _OxW 11.

U iin.-in. ;r ..¦

1" I. n ». ITS ft « f Al , J'.xi -¦ ! ' ivil n I* Plxon ai rife to « 'athar n«

ISO We«t; Mary It Win.tri« t. Will-N

'.'«i fl u .if Pi 2'.'\ lr-x «ol .¦ Witli im n \v rlslat and w It in Ii-i ».

y - : fi il -n. «a, r«)xai'x32.atx»¦ ..- -tif.- . An»*'I I'

;. -¦ :-.« ii 11, n55 »Ixt22x.'i0xl27 J hn s O'Meaaa ..

M '.. .

13.00012 BOO



i.i;.-"|;!'17I« MOIa 11 I n .¦

i 222 fa «:.' Kduurd ll-i Ii

-'m, \;r il .; -, t|| rlKht,

n i under t« ill .i *.- ¦.

i, , «on, n ¦18 ft » f Ai 5 vears..

I :. mnn.'« ft e

mln n a

iM I

«rery, :«.« 7

.i Man il w m m« N 180 IV. -:i. .

M, lo '¦.¦ Hi lmir . K ' :. Ither -.. - -t m- i, -¦ . **aaex-«l

Plynn lohn, m s.m n ¦< i»7'n--.'."«' f u,.

l'l i.. I. i.. ., .. M.i, ..

ton " a : ; . i \ rarH* *ir- M in il ','. Uli ,ni I.

Raymond, ex-mator. .-t al, \. lia Rlvtngton-at,13) ira

': \ n i:. w If« lu Irt In« S.n n.«

iii iliution, n .s i;ta»th at, -.'-«i :; r- wi \i



|0 .....



.j .-.«.i




r. »..i

,.-,...Il M,

Oolnea, Furman V, the Hi It« ft a'l.iiiiii.-.l. w s Kl M« holaa «ve. Ml.'. .1.111..ut

¦* ---l'i'. n A, .¦. mir.i lin,« n p Ht h"A.itd loan it \t ..f Hathgnle ,, n2l0.3 fl n ofI7'"li «t, «or» i-, 2 f n-. "TAI

lllllebert, Jame« 17. t-. i;.|.t.. |i y. ;; t«., - « h

J« m ¦¦¦ -7 ' -' tt -i r 177' t yeatHT'»Il .i. \'« III .un. I«i .1 i >, .r. It ;. mi an

N '«". Itewi .. ¦¦ m ind4 000Hau m..n. Wi.n.iiM. mid inf.- t, i*harlotta Usa*

¦¦'.. No «.«', I_»wi«-«t, Inataltnent«".'-.«»Haine Napoleon .t. to Thonaaa l' .t ,n.-< «i ¦

AlexaiKler-av« nn,l l."..'' n and ther«I« m «m I. ..., 1.0*10n le S, to "ii Il t, >tt l«. n s Maist*

.. ion ft n uf *-tiii . i ... 8.600r*' »an t.. Ihn Fal mai »" l....m »nd Trust < u ...

prxpcrti. 3 year« . aonooIl ...¦ Il« tu I! t.« Title« and 1

t*«», n « -,.. s",.,,., and I37th-«t, 1 \.\, 7iio,>,iII« .. i'f John II, an«l an .thci ' alara v n» Jnckaon ave, )'"* l" fi -f l*Kh.«t, demand fií»*>

Isii.'ii. it.i,,ii il. in M.itt i: .'nui. nu another,a» n Op in... .,.¦ 7.HI fi .¦ ol Kai -ah sve, 3 yt ira 4 800

Julin«««n, \.._u-.i F. to John 1».* Hart, w l-'>x-at.M ¦'. ft n of II m» «t. 1 year.. S7.1

Same ... John Rrlnarhmidt, w h Fox.« m... ftn «.f n in.--.-, i t. .u . M

Kitnrfi ut, i"h ni. », lo Katie -. hmldl, n «. *

'_'7."ii ..« "'.n fi v of l«r i« :; years. 3.iiooKraft, J»hn N, »fad aatother to r.-u.-ii.-r*.- -,

»prratl Bul an I L an A - - laal. n, ¿ .* s

Itoel. n .t.-, au: .; ft ... ,.f perot-«t, Inatal-ni-niM . . r.nno

Morlarty John ml wlf« b ih« "Snilsrant In¬dustrial Ravins» Bsnk, *< _8d -t I7*> y m .f

:ti ive. 1 year . 2«a oooMet' mh .Lin.. P, '« J«»hn Tl«-rname, w s 3.1-

iv» 100 ft of 173 l-«t 8 year« . 8.000McAuley, Rachel lo laabella Lyall, .« m SOth-et,

3-Hi ¦_. it ,. ,.f kah-ave, 3 yetir« il.000M. i.iHi.niiii, lame», and avlfe »o William ftall'a

s.:«,. -. ? îoivt ai, i*»» i' .. «r Amsterdam-ave

Kewrombe, Man H. .o"1 another to William

Rhlllaber, n » corner Central Weal and.*iii. i. 1 year .

Owens, .inn«-. ... Margaret C Rwanton, N'¦ 110l'li.-i rs r. I t.-11

Pierce, Mad«*llne, 10 Titii* Ouarantee »n.l Trust*... s'.. 17.1 Maiden l_.n.. :i raer».

I'l.|..r Mot. '. I-I.-.I. rlt*I< Olllemuth nnd tritthM 15 H h .-t. '-'"O ft '. "f l'.'.irtliiii II mi* ;l t, ,;,

Quackenbuah Harri« A, lo «Swant A H .ffti.anrii« 1 \\.<t Kti.lnt- «nd 7l»lh Kt 2 ii-uiH

Itellly, Ml. lu. I. .111.1 «rlf« !.. y. ill/ K ...i.e s a.'»tin »a, l»H 7 fi a ni _- .n... 8 «-..-

:.'."*- «1 r. «'i«i:i--«. i.t'.l »if- la \ ll.*¡.re|-H s.u.«« «. Brlstoaa il, 272.0 tt n .«.' Jennlnaa^t, andtii.T propea-ty, 1 year .

ftprueaata, ''hri.-iunii A, «nd another to HarlemSitiii.s Bank, '* h lui r,.«, ,ti jfj ,¡ r, ,, j,.,,alnas-at, I mortasaa-s, 1 .

SmulL Ai-ii.h a. m .1 H 11 sj- Ht us n ,.

¦r Madlsnn-sve, 1 \.-i.. .

Tuomey, Thomas f. .«t ni 10 laroh llr..,.kinnu. «'.l_nth-«L t'-«"« «t .. .«f 7ih ave, nnd other na.rtv« .....r.^,.....^ | ,..,,,r.

lu 000

1 1001 Boau 000MO



2 tOt1,000

¦ «sot¦¿ m,,r'..ii-.Tall, it l'il.-iui H, and Witt i.« .1 .1 Utile « C-,

x,. u..«.« w 78th-«i ilemand. 11841Wi.-Hi»m «-in st.;,it and aril« t« it«ri>.rt 11

Turn.«.-, 11» irmt ..¦ a ,. a Vnn.lerlillt ive. llll ftn e i.f l«Ttli-»t, 1 vi-ur. POO

"A'->Iih. John M. to Lucy Kaust, n a i"Mlt_-at,'»lit sft e of .iirtlanlt ava, I vears. . Oflo

Witt. <*.nr».|. .md «ilfa to ijrv Ooek Baa-lno in-sututlon. s s .»'--ve, fí tt s'of _0th-»t. 1 "year.. 13.000

Real (Petate.

INSURE YOUR TITLE.Prudent men do it now when¬

ever they bayTh«. l.irRor th*» pur^hnsr*, the more particular

th<*y arc to do it.Tho larpi'st privat«» rc-sMonc«» transactions In

many B «lay. th.- asta <>f the H'obcrt L. StuartiiianHlun at 6Sth St. & ¿«rh Av., an»! that of th*,i' nioiiiHi 'ii ai 7Hh St. & 5th Av.,«, togatbar mors than n.' both wentthrough :h'' hands "f this < »mpany for examina«ti'in and s"uaraats« of file

JiTlE GU«^RANTeE AND TRUST C?t .'.a Llh.Tty St., N. V.

,,,.,. J 26 Court St., Brooklyn,ointes < N E (,or r)Sth St & -th Ave _ || ?

( 211 West 125th St.. «V. Y.

CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $3,000,000.********* «~~^^

âtutton önlco of Kcal (Catate.Sll'lll..!». COI HT FORI.CLOSl RK IAUbV*'WILLIAM KENNELLY, AUCTIONEER,

will S'il at sMtloa, at the

m:\v-yo-ihk RCAL estate sai.kshoom, no. mBROADWAT, AT 13 tTCLOCK KOOM, ON

TUESDAY, «March '¿(i, 1895,31 PARCELS

f vahssMa lu«*»*0»ad real estate In N»w-York City.mis, i »it«i, isas», tasa, un; tssé, a ins«

THIKII-A VI*., .'n'»ry bru»nut..n» st..r-« an. apart«nioMi".

ROS. Ii;f».1, Mill.*», H.1I7. ISM. 1701, £ 1708I.K\IMi't'(l>-AVi:., 4-s' ry broSTSStotMsS flP*.r.m«M«.HOB. 13S, IOS, IST. ISS, ISl, IM, I«.-», 167, S

ISS BAST ISSTH-STh 4-sl ry Mowsumas arartm»*«*«,NOS. US, IBS, ISS, ISS, I «M. At UM EAST

107TM-ST., -)-«t »ry UuwilStues apartm<"nts.The ajtors 27 ¡ Is will I"* ms\A MhOIOtttf un-!«- th»

direction of Edr» :: 1 K»lly. Esi., KefT.»*. Ooo. F. I>»mar«,.»«t, i'l.ilntlir««" Att'f, .'ti.' MSSSSH M., N. Y. City.MIS. <im», ([NU, <ls|, aí SSB KK.H lll-AVFX, A

SOS. SSS. um. SSS. A MS WBWT 4:il>-ST. Tt.ii : .»

plot, or, \. E. eotamt <-t fclh-av«-. an.] 4.1.1-St.. IM ft frcr.t"il Mh-av'-., atr! 1<K1 ft. ..n «JiM-st., with brlrk an! fr »roe¡.t. ras an apartments.SOS. .".II. BIS. ."»1.%. A SIT KÄST ILVTIt-ST.,

«. NO. .'I I i: IST I H.TM-ST.. IM ft. fr.ont .,n ll.Vh «».

a. <i'i ft. n IlSth-St., »ltd s< v.' frame tcn>»m»»r.ts BSEother In *

Tas lost i.' I..M..Í« will h.« soM unolor th* 'llrftlron cfCharles E. Lydecker, Esq., Referse, I «^n ROMéAaS»

Y. »tu »tfys, :.- M Mi-i'.. N. V. «'Im-.

NO. 1<» V. I.V.» l.t.V."II-ST.. 4 ».I ry lor,,Wr«; n» apart-m»nr.NO. 117 « |>T IMD-ST«. .*!-«t >rv browniton« rast«

Tha last 2 tur .Ms will bs k M tin-l-r tho« rllrcrtlon cfThomas l' \v .. i;«. Referee, Darte«, st tat» & Auar-

' "- '.'". :..' N'aosau-st., N. V. City.'.. 9» I¦.'"¦. i-, .ntly lern put In thot».

.o kr h r. p |rTHK «UTI \l. I.UK INHI II WCI. < OMI'A-fTOF M'.W-VOIIK WILL LOAM «Of OK THfPl/RCHASBJ mit ISS at r«. to itl'si'ONSTBLIl'l II« II .Milis.

I'tairri'ii» taú furtber r of'-'¡'..irs r.t the Auctioneer, N111 fr » lu ay. or flM PlSlntlkW A'ty's.

CEO. R. READ. Auctioneer,wir.r. MIA at AUCTION

Till KM»Al. .Hiirrh «I, 1M95,AT 13 >' i" "K NOOM,

nt tin- lli-sl linliil«' I. v.-lui ni;.* and AacflomItoolli, l.iiiiii.-il. ÔI* to M l.lloorly St.,

EXECUTOR'S SALE,By ontsr f Wm. I«. Skldmor«, Ess«, eri» avivUlss »i»

ecvit r of the lata JEREMIAH BKIDMORB, deed.THE »i vu aiii.i: RBSIOBSCB

25 Park Ave«,llrt. .'!.»tli nml :t«!th Streets.

j- .,-.«..;-... an^ ti-jframt brotinst n», slie 2*.««aVo*x,«»*AM.op uni portletjlara t HORACE B. ÍLT A OB\ St

«'.-.lar S" rr Audi n««r. !) I'm» Ht., an.l 1 Madlso-m Ava.'.-¦;.'. : .'. Ill-' C "-i.nJ' Ö:. «4<tel >

<Eitt) Propcrtn «for Sale.

A.- V. K. STEVENSON & Co.,MXe*


\,KfSl Estate Appraisers, Auctioneers and Brokeitb

Ij<oan.<» or^otlate,!. Mortgages cashed.

I ¦k o.


setb st

\ \ Heral I B I »


\ N I IAt «'lutely the fin«*«.! !'"i:Mlng site fir sa'.e, with poo*

sassloB, os «ii Broadway.N i« :/' r -rt r.'h Arg., 79 ft. frrnt

on Er .»'»«»> :i .; ft n 8lh .\^.. svei !,.*.¦ depth, 173 ft.» li raid Square".In foot, l Is superb huUdtrig. '.. i« m ti.- "Inside .. t tas Tender! In" lí C*tfIfjjalty ; -.

V. K. STEVENSON' & CO.,177 llrtiml» a y.

Co t!ct for Unoincoo Pnrpoeeg.DrriCEl AMI A STOHIÛ

to l«"lin ike

BjBST KNOWN' III II.IHNi; IN AMERICA.TWO I!.«or«, in'» <1«*»<>i«-il t<» iiii'i-liiinli-ul em«

i»l.>« aiesls, In »i» «..¦¦ .nul DU» ««..ri.« ,»r Th«IrilMiiii* II.ill,Uni;. »«Ill l><- nlt«-r«*il lilt«» 9Aa\SOSin «Inn- for »i*«"U|»ii »»«. > >ln> l«l.Illrooi Miinllulit luilf II»«- «In) ¡ «»mees ot

iii...i<i'iit<- sise, in salte If SeslreSi icnua asl<>»« n» In mii> »olln-r it.inil IjiiiIiIiiiu In this«l<-liill>; »It «uiltitii, »i.-i»i- Hi«« llro.o.klyaSrlSst*.A|»|)l> In tin' llilsliM-s«! «Mil.-, of

TIIK TRIHINE,lot Niihsiiu street.

On the New Wide Streetr of PARE I'l.A'E sn.| o'ool.I.EO.E TLACE.

\\> h.iw av.. Lug.- light, >" t tj.-r loti«, 75x75. t» r. n^with io...» r Apply *.

JAMES j. I.IHHV A i»i^N.iol> Llt.erty-st agents.

POTTER BUILDING.o»ffl.">s to lot g| tooif .,;!., i.,r,-*. ffl(-«a fr.»m $-V» t»

ASÍS Appl) t.» Il S S\V»)Rl>S. Room 04.

VT ¡¡épi ."Ei> RENTS Buildings, »tores, tofts sr.Srtftlcea t.. lei on Ehombar», Sprue«, n-tknun, Fulton.

»I .:»-«. M»:'..n l.inn. I'..». Barcia) Par* Mac«, l'ark R.«r,Nassau W rr. I'eart, Water saâ manyother streets RELA.N'I» .v wiutin.;. :. it. Ki'ian-st.^

Vl.Wl'.'.i: STo.Ki: AN"' I ÏHËMÊNT TO LEASE «'Sn pi minent n rthwesl <.. uihi >'f btl»-«\^ ne^r 84th-au

.' ROMAINS BROWN S «n.,M «'«-si S3d«t

kjÔi'TMÊART CORNER Washington and Kr.inhlln sta>..^ ... ,:, m «i re, pflnelpala »»nly apply te

JOHN N KARQt HARSON. ,n [.rHinls^s. a !¦' ¦..*>¦

To Let for k lerm of >eiir« nn «'JefgnBtN..rtl. I.Oil.1 ««l«.«llo. .*.»» tooi OttéO «»n

MnilUoi» S.,ii»i r«-. Beatoh, »vlllo .1 niljolulna*rooiiia el il«"««! sise. SjgfH'jt*«» .»... Kl HI/. Il l.nsl -.'.«1 St.

(Tonntrn Propcrtn tîo Cet.


ADIRONDACK CAMPS»"!. Iota* .. ¦¦¦¦ Bttea latoad« «rlth i». bulMIssa onno.- malnlana. and .. smatlee .».- .u !.. .ri IslanS HjUifully futtilsli^.;.

A|i|oiy to M.m..g-r SI k.» Ulis. 47 «VI.rut.. N. T.

WKSTI 'IIKMTKII.on »,T..iiro!«> of «'.iintry «"lui» Aaao.. to let f,»r s»a«on of.'lir. |o***a aitm mi»,. h u*.- «rlth .»:i lnspi»o»>»rss(ata au«

T. S. U. .HKSON «J. tO.,53 LIBERTT ST._

BAR HARHOR i' r rent, sots lurge .-»ttago*; c^r>

,.;.¦..h furnished; electric llghta; ..».-ry lmpr.»v«*emont' (»n ocean frvnt; superb «rlewa; stable for .. hoWS .

Por furthw Informatki« apply l'llos. H Mise.ItAV* «

.¦.,.. :...:. are.. New-Ytxh_

(Tunntrn propertn »for Sale.

F» .H SALE- TUE HEVEItWYo'K I.S.'AiK. abcoll 001)»icr.» .>' ..n .-H.»t ehats ot'ii Ht«. r. »»un

.M.oout tvv.o null's .'f il\.-i fr.'iu frum Iloith »..pp-'Slte Al-

ij.iiiv) ii.uil» ta Tl» y Manor House, etc lullt .¦> "».

Von Ranssataers; suitable for .» magnUscen! i'rt\n'e ro»*

lOanee or tor s syndleata «" uk.' or sum disida t * «le.ui»««u.U. Po» pUna, \iiws, an.l »oih.r portlculSfS apply is

B loi: I. PALMS*.!>5 Btsta sm. Albssy, N- »._

1r miX PAT TOO t.» s.-n.l tor par'.Kulojs of t»rn- <*trn a.ivs. ..n- mil. from Est- Il- .|.-p..t. N. tM »nly t^"l

loii.l traod «.n.oiigli on It t .ilmoKi pa\ till«. Salt o»n ln«'»»i*m.nt I» !.. RISLjBT, 81 9 10th St. PhHadotphtj U

lîtal Rotate lX.antcî>«

WANTED for Investor flrst-clust apartmeot-houe« OSbusiness prperfy within in value.

puiLLira s wí;lw. trt*»*"-6 b*»**»11!?* «