universal design

Universal Design By: Lucia Kollat

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Universal DesignBy: Lucia Kollat

What is Universal Design?“Universal design is an approach to the design of all products and environments to be as usable as possible by as many people as possible regardless of age, ability, or situation.”

This is an example of universal design in the kitchen for people in wheel chairs, making kitchen cabinets more easily accessible.

This is an example of universal design for a sink, instead of turning a knob, it is more easily turned with a simple touch.

“Universal Design for Learningis a set of principles for curriculum development that give all individuals equal opportunities to learn.”

What is Universal Design Learning?

How is Universal Design Implemented In Education?

Universal Design aims to make all aspects of the learning experience equal to all characteristics including race, gender, age, ethnicity, stature, ect..Expl: UDE can be applied to physical spaces. An example of this classroom furniture that is easily adjustable In height and can be easily arranged. Therefore it is easily accessible to all students/teachers/parents/ect..

Below is a great example of Universal Design in Physical spaces in the classroom. As you can see from the picture the furniture is easily shifted into multiple shapes and sitting areas/tables. It is easily stacked for differences in height and it also provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere due to the bright colors.

Universal Design in Curriculum?Allow students multiple options and place value on different skills and roles.Encourage interaction between all students by assigning group work and group projects. Use multiple resources when introducing topics such as lectures, collaborative projects, software. Fieldwork, ect..Regularly give students feedback on their work. Always accommodate all students and make sure all needs are met.