universally composable computation with any number of faults ran canetti ibm research joint works...

Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal Rabin, Amit Sahai

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Page 1: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Universally Composable computation with any number of faults

Ran CanettiIBM Research

Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal Rabin, Amit Sahai

Page 2: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal
Page 3: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Nice sun…

Nice sun…

Page 4: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal


Page 5: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

You know,I’m richer than you.

You know,I’m richer than you.

Page 6: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

No way. How much are you worth?

No way. How much are you worth?

Page 7: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

I won’t tell you… How much are you worth?

I won’t tell you… How much are you worth?

Page 8: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

You tell first!You tell first!

Page 9: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

No, you tell first!

No, you tell first!

Page 10: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

No, you tell first!

No, you tell first!

Page 11: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

I have X$

I have X$

is X>Y?

is X>Y?

I have Y$

I have Y$

Page 12: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

I have X$

I have X$

is X>Y?

is X>Y?

I have Y$

I have Y$

The millionaires problem [Yao82]

Page 13: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Secure Computation

• A set of parties with private inputs.

• Parties wish to jointly compute a function of their inputs so that:– Privacy: each party receives its output and

nothing else.– Correctness: the output is correctly computed

• Properties must be ensured even if some of the parties maliciously attack the protocol.

Page 14: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Feasibility of Secure Computation

• Any multi-party functionality can be securely computed assuming an honest majority [BGW88,CCD88,RB89]

• Any multi-party functionality can be securely computed for any number of corrupted parties, assuming trapdoor permutations [Y86,GMW87]

Page 15: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal


• Above-mentioned feasibility relates to stand-alone model of computation only.– In this model, one set of parties executes a single protocol in isolation.

• But, does this capture security in real adversarial settings (e.g., the Internet)?

Page 16: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

General Adversarial Setting

• Network with many executions taking place concurrently

• Arbitrary protocols co-exist but are not aware of each other.

• Possibly related inputs used in different executions (malleability problems, etc.)

• Feasibility needs to be re-evaluated for this setting.

Page 17: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal
Page 18: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal
Page 19: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal
Page 20: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal
Page 21: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal
Page 22: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal
Page 23: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Universally Composable (UC) security

• A framework for obtaining security in a general, multi-execution adversarial setting [C01].

• Methodology:– Protocols are analyzed as stand-alone– Security in the multi-execution setting is derived

via a composition theorem

UC security guarantees security even in arbitrary, multi-protocol settings.

Page 24: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Secure Computation:Traditional definitions

The ideal model simulation paradigm [Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson87]:

• Ideal model: parties send inputs to a trusted party, who computes the function and sends the outputs.

• Real model: parties run the protocol with no trusted help.

• A protocol is secure if the adversary can do no more harm in the real model than in the ideal model.– More formally: the outputs of the real and ideal executions are


(Many formalizations, e.g. [Goldwasser-Levin90,Micali-Rogaway91, Beaver91, Canetti93, Pfitzmann-Waidner94,Canetti00, Dodis-Micali00, Pfitzmann-Schunter-Waidner00]),

Page 25: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

UC Definition

• Introduces an additional adversarial entity called the environment Z.

• Z provides inputs to the parties, reads their outputs and interacts with the adversary throughout the execution.

• Z represents the external environment, and acts an an interactive distinguisher.

Page 26: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

UC real model



writes inputs/reads outputs


Page 27: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

UC ideal modelEnvironment

Trusted party (ideal functionality)


writes inputs/reads outputs

Page 28: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

UC Security

• A protocol is UC secure if for every real-model adversary A,

there exists an ideal-model adversary S,

such that

no Z can distinguish between a real execution with A and an ideal execution with S.

Page 29: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

UC Security




Trusted party(ideal functionality)

Page 30: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Example: The ZK functionality (for relation R)

1. Receive (P,V,x,w) from P

2. Receive (V,P,x) from V

3. Send (P,x,R(x,w)) to V

Note: • V is assured that it accepts only if R(x,w)=1 (soundness)• P is assured that V learns nothing but R(x,w) (Zero-Knowledge)

Page 31: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Example: The commitment functionality

1. Upon receiving (“commit”,C,V,x) from C, record x, and send (C, “receipt”) to V.

2. Upon receiving (“open”) from C, send (C,x) to V.

Note: • V is assured that the value it received in step 2 was fixed in step 1. • P is assured that V learns nothing about x before it is opened.

Page 32: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Example: The Oblivious Transfer functionality

1. Receive (“send”,v1,…,vn) from A

2. Receive (“get”,i) from B

3. Send vi to B.

Note: • A is assured that B learns only one value out of v1,…,vn • B is assured that A learns nothing

Page 33: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Universal Composition:

1. Present the composition operation

2. State the composition theorem

Page 34: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

The composition operation (Originates with [Micali-Rogaway91])

Start with:• Protocol F that uses ideal calls to F• Protocol that securely realizes FConstruct the composed protocol :• Each call to F is replaced with an invocation of .• Each value returned from is treated as coming

from F.

Note: In F parties call many copies of F. In many copies of run concurrently.

Page 35: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

The composition operation (single call to F)


Page 36: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

The composition operation (single call to F)


Page 37: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

The composition operation (multiple calls to F)



Page 38: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

The universal composition theorem: [C. 01]

Protocol “emulates” protocol F. (That is, for any adversary A there exists an adversary A` such that

no Z can tell whether it is interacting with ( , A) or with ( F,A`).)

Corollary: If F securely realizes functionality G then so does .

(Weaker composition theorems were proven in e.g. [Micali-Rogaway91,

Canetti00, Dodis-Micali00, Pfitzmann-Schunter-Waidner00].)

Page 39: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Implications of the UC theorem

1. Can design and analyze protocols in a modular way:

– Partition a given task T to simpler sub-tasks T1…Tk

– Construct protocols for realizing T1…Tk.– Construct a protocol for T assuming ideal access to

T1…Tk.– Use the composition theorem to obtain a protocol

for T from scratch.

(Analogous to subroutine composition for correctness of programs, but with an added security guarantee.)

Page 40: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Implications of the UC theorem

2. Assume protocol securely realizes ideal functionality F. Can deduce security of in any multi-execution environment:

As far as the environment is concerned,

interacting with (multiple copies of) is equivalent to interacting with (multiple copies of) F.

Page 41: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal


• How to write ideal functionalities that adequately capture known/new tasks? do

• Are known protocols UC-secure? (Do these protocols realize the ideal functionalities

associated with the corresponding tasks?)

• How to design UC-secure protocols?zcyk02]

Page 42: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Existence results: Honest majority

Multiparty protocols with honest majority: Thm: Can realize any functionality [C. 01]. (e.g. use the protocols of [BenOr-Goldwasser-

Wigderson88, Rabin-BenOr89,Canetti-Feige-Goldreich-Naor96]).

Page 43: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Two-party functionalities• Known protocols do not work.

(“black-box simulation with rewinding” cannot be used).

• Many interesting functionalities (commitment, ZK, coin tossing, etc.) cannot be realized in plain model. More impossibility results in [Canetti-Kushilevitz-Lindell03].

• In the “common random string model” can do:– UC Commitment [Canetti-Fischlin01,Canetti-Lindell-Ostrovsky-Sahai02,

Damgard-Nielsen02, Damgard-Groth03].

– UC Zero-Knowledge [CF01, DeSantis et.al. 01]

– Any two-party functionality [CLOS02]

(Generalizes to any multiparty functionality with any number of faults.)

Page 44: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Two-party functionalities• Known protocols do not work.

(“black-box simulation with rewinding” cannot be used).

• Many interesting functionalities (commitment, ZK, coin tossing, etc.) cannot be realized in plain model. More impossibility results in [Canetti-Kushilevitz-Lindell03].

• In the “common random string model” can do:– UC Commitment [Canetti-Fischlin01,Canetti-Lindell-Ostrovsky-Sahai02,

Damgard-Nielsen02, Damgard-Groth03].

– UC Zero-Knowledge [CF01, DeSantis et.al. 01]

– Any two-party functionality [CLOS02]

(Generalizes to any multiparty functionality with any number of faults.)

Page 45: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Secure computation:The [GMW87] paradigm

1) Construct a protocol secure against semi-honest adversaries (who follow the protocol specification):

2) Construct a compiler that transforms protocols secure in the semi-honest model to protocols secure against malicious adversaries.

Page 46: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

The [GMW87] paradigm:Semi-honest parties

1) Represent the ideal functionality as a Boolean circuit (state represented as “feedback lines”)

2) Each party shares its input bits among all others (using a simple sum scheme)

3) The parties evaluate the circuit gate by gate. Each gate evaluation needs 1-out-of-4 oblivious transfer between any pair of parties.

4) Output lines are revealed to the corresponding parties. Shares of “feedback lines” kept.

-Works even in the UC model (using known protocols).

Page 47: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

[GMW87] Protocol Compilation

• Aim: force the malicious parties to follow the protocol specification.

• How?– Parties commit to inputs– Parties commit to uniform random tapes (use secure

coin-tossing to ensure uniformity)– Parties use zero-knowledge protocols to prove that

every message sent is according to the protocol (and consistent with the committed input and random-tape).

Page 48: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Constructing a UC “[GMW87] compiler”

• Problem: In [GMW87], both commitment and ZK are not UC.

• General approach to solution:– Construct UC commitment protocols– Construct UC ZK protocols – Construct a GMW compiler given access to

the ideal Commitment and ZK functionalities.

• Use the composition theorem to deduce security

Page 49: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Constructing UC commitment

• Roughly speaking, need to make sure that the ideal model simulator can:– Extract the committed value from a corrupted

committer.– Generate commitments that can be opened in

multiple ways.– Explain internal state of committer upon


Page 50: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Constructing UC commitment ([CF01])

• To obtain equivocability:– Let {f0,f1} be a trapdoor claw-free permutation pair

– Commitment Scheme:

• CRS: {f0,f1}

• To commit to bit b, send fb(r). To open, send b,r

– Simulator knows trapdoors {f0-1,f1

-1}, thus can

equivocate: find r0,r1 s.t. f0(r0)=f1(r1)=y, send y.

• But: Not extractable…

Page 51: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Constructing UC commitment ([CF01])

• To add extractability:– Let (E,D) be a CCA encryption scheme– Commitment Scheme:

• CRS: {f0,f1}, E

• To commit to b, send fb(r),E(r’,r). To open, send b,r,r’.

– Simulator knows D, can decrypt and extract b.

• But: lost equivocability…

Page 52: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Constructing UC commitment ([CF01])

• To restore equivocability:– Scheme:

• CRS: {f0,f1}, E

• To commit to b, send fb(r),E(r’,r),E(r’’,0). To open, send b,r,r’. (Don’t send r’’.)

– To extract, simulator decrypts the encryption– To equivocate, simulator chooses r0,r1 such that

f0(r0)=f1(r1)=y and sends y,E(r’,r0),E(r’’,r1).

• To avoid copying, add sender identity: send y,E(r’,id,r0),E(r’’,id,r1).

• To be adaptively secure, use E where ciphertexts are pseudorandom.

Page 53: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Constructing UC commitment ([CF01])

• To restore equivocability:– Scheme:

• CRS: {f0,f1}, E

• To commit to b, send fb(r),E(r’,r),E(r’’,0). To open, send b,r,r’. (Don’t send r’’.)

– To extract, simulator decrypts the encryption– To equivocate, simulator chooses r0,r1 such that

f0(r0)=f1(r1)=y and sends y,E(r’,r0),E(r’’,r1).

• To avoid copying, add sender identity: send y,E(r’,id,r0),E(r’’,id,r1).

• To be adaptively secure, use E where ciphertexts are pseudorandom.

Page 54: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Constructing UC commitment• [CF01] scheme:

– Needs trapdoor claw free pairs– Needs CCA encryption with p.r. ciphertexts

• [CLOS02] improvements:– Replace c.f.p. with the [FLS] equivocable

commitment based on any OWF.– Use double encryption, where internal scheme

is CCA secure and external is CPA secure with p.r. ciphertexts. (Can do from any t.d.p.)

Page 55: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Constructing UC ZK

• Run any 3-round ZK protocol for NP, using the ideal commitment functionality [CF01].

• Can use also “robust NIZKPOK” [DDOPS01]

(non adaptive).

Page 56: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

[GMW87] Protocol Compilation

• Aim: force the malicious parties to follow the protocol specification.

• How?– Parties commit to inputs– Parties commit to uniform random tapes (use secure

coin-tossing to ensure uniformity)– Parties use zero-knowledge protocols to prove that

every message sent is according to the protocol (and consistent with the committed input and random-tape).

Page 57: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

[GMW87] Protocol Compilation

• Aim: force the malicious parties to follow the protocol specification.

• How?– Parties commit to inputs– Parties commit to uniform random tapes (use secure

coin-tossing to ensure uniformity)– Parties use zero-knowledge protocols to prove that

every message sent is according to the protocol (and consistent with the committed input and random-tape).

• Problem: If ideal commitment is used, there is no commitment string to prove statements on…

Page 58: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

The “Commit&Prove” primitive

• Define a single primitive where parties can:– Commit to values– Prove “in ZK” statements regarding the

committed values

Page 59: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

The Commit&Prove functionality(for relation R)

1. Upon receiving (“commit”,C,V,w) from C, record w, and send (C, “receipt”) to V.

2. Upon receiving (“prove”,x) from C, send (C,x,R(x,w)) to V.

Note: • V is assured that the value x it received in step 2 stands in the relation with some value w that C provided earlier• P is assured that V learns nothing in addition to x and R(x,w). • Given access to ideal C&P, can do the [GMW87] compiler without computational assumptions.

Page 60: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

The Commit&Prove functionality(for relation R)

1. Upon receiving (“commit”,C,V,w) from C, record w, and send (C, “receipt”) to V.

2. Upon receiving (“prove”,x) from C, send (C,x,R(x,w)) to V.

Note: • V is assured that the value x it received in step 2 stands in the relation with some value w that C provided earlier• P is assured that V learns nothing in addition to x and R(x,w). • Given access to ideal C&P, can do the [GMW87] compiler without computational assumptions.

Page 61: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Realizing “Commit&Prove”(given ideal ZK)

Let COM be a perfectly binding commitment scheme.• To commit to w, C sends (“prove”,C,V,COM(r;w),(w,r))

to ZKRc, where Rc={(c,(w,r)) : a=COM(r;w)}

• Upon receiving (C,a,1) from ZKRc, V outputs (C,”receipt”)

Page 62: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Realizing “Commit&Prove”(given ideal ZK)

Let COM be a perfectly binding commitment scheme.• To commit to w, C sends (“prove”,C,V,COM(r;w),(w,r))

to ZKRc, where Rc={(a,(w,r)) : a=COM(r;w)}.

• Upon receiving (C,a,1) from ZKRc, V outputs (C,”receipt”).

• To give x and prove R(x,w), C sends (“prove”,C,V,(x,a),(w,r)) to ZKRv, where Rv={((x,a),(w,r)) : a=COM(r;w) & R(x,w)}.

• Upon receiving (C,x,a,b) from ZKRv, V outputs (C,x,b).

Page 63: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Extension to multiparty

• Generalize all primitives (Comm, ZK, C&P) to the case of multiple verifiers

• Realize using a broadcast channel• Can implement broadcast channels in an

asynchronous network with any number of faults.

(This is due to the fact that we don’t require parties to terminate.)

Page 64: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Extension to multiparty

• Generalize all primitives (Comm, ZK, C&P) to the case of multiple verifiers

• Realize using a broadcast channel• Can implement broadcast channels in an

asynchronous network with any number of faults.

(This is due to the fact that we don’t require parties to terminate.)

Page 65: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal

Recycling the CRS (while preserving modularity)

• In present formalization, each commitment needs a separate copy of the CRS.

• If we want to have multiple commitments use the same CRS, need to analyze them together, thus losing modularity.

• Can get around this problem using “universal composition with joint state” (JUC) [CR03].

Page 66: Universally Composable computation with any number of faults Ran Canetti IBM Research Joint works with Marc Fischlin, Yehuda Lindell, Rafi Ostrovsky, Tal


• Motivated the need for composability as a basic requirement in cryptography.

• Presented the UC framework and composition theorem

• Sketched how to realize any functionality in a UC way, with any number of faults.