universidad autÓnoma de querÉtaro...

UNIVERSIDAD AUTÓNOMA DE QUERÉTARO ESCUELA DE BACHILLERES PLANTEL NORTE TEMARIO Y REACTIVOS DE INGLÉS 1 LLM-I DIANA MARGARITA JUÁREZ JURADO Unidad de competencia 1: Presente simple de los verbos ser y estar Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica la estructura de los verbos ser y estar en presente simple del inglés y lo aplica en sus diferentes formas y contextos. Pronombres sujeto: El pronombre sujeto sustituye a un sustantivo y es la persona, animal o cosa que realiza la acción por lo que siempre precede al verbo. Carla is pretty = She is pretty, dónde Carla=Sustantivo propio/ Is=verbo / pretty=adjetivo SHE es el pronombre sujeto que sustituye a CARLA. Complete las siguientes oraciones con el PRONOMBRE SUJETO/SUBJECT PRONOUN correcto: 1.____ is tall. Carlos es alto. 2.____ are Smart Ustedes son inteligentes. 3.____ están en la escuela. Ellos están en la escuela 4._____are old. Los libros son viejos. 5._____is skinny. Mi caballo es flaco. 6._____are mexican. Tú eres mexicano. 7._____am student. Yo soy estudiante. 8._____is blode. Ella es rubia. 9._____are a team. Nosotros somos un equipo 10._____ am in my house. Estoy en mi casa. Pronombres objeto: los pronombres objeto son aquellos que sustituyen a un sustantivo en donde recae la acción o a quien se dirige la acción de manera directa o indirecta, se colocan después de los verbos. Carla loves Pedro =Carla loves him , dónde Carla= Sustantivo propio/ loves=verbo/ Pedro=sust HIM es el pronombre que sustituye a PEDRO Complete las siguientes oraciones con el PRONOMBRE OBJETO/ OBJECT PRONOUN correcto: 1. Tania está con Carlos. Tania is with ______. 2. Carlos no está con Ana. Carlos is not with_______. 3. Yo estoy con ellos. I am with _______. 4. Ellos están con nosotros. They are with ______. 5. Tú estás conmigo. You are with______. 6. Ella está con mi gato. She is with _______.

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Unidad de competencia 1: Presente simple de los verbos ser y estar Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica la estructura de los verbos ser y estar en presente simple del inglés y lo aplica en sus diferentes formas y contextos. Pronombres sujeto: El pronombre sujeto sustituye a un sustantivo y es la persona, animal o cosa que realiza la acción por lo que siempre precede al verbo. Carla is pretty = She is pretty, dónde Carla=Sustantivo propio/ Is=verbo / pretty=adjetivo SHE es el pronombre sujeto que sustituye a CARLA. Complete las siguientes oraciones con el PRONOMBRE SUJETO/SUBJECT PRONOUN correcto: 1.____ is tall. Carlos es alto. 2.____ are Smart Ustedes son inteligentes. 3.____ están en la escuela. Ellos están en la escuela 4._____are old. Los libros son viejos. 5._____is skinny. Mi caballo es flaco. 6._____are mexican. Tú eres mexicano. 7._____am student. Yo soy estudiante. 8._____is blode. Ella es rubia. 9._____are a team. Nosotros somos un equipo 10._____ am in my house. Estoy en mi casa. Pronombres objeto: los pronombres objeto son aquellos que sustituyen a un sustantivo en donde recae la acción o a quien se dirige la acción de manera directa o indirecta, se colocan después de los verbos. Carla loves Pedro =Carla loves him , dónde Carla= Sustantivo propio/ loves=verbo/ Pedro=sust HIM es el pronombre que sustituye a PEDRO Complete las siguientes oraciones con el PRONOMBRE OBJETO/ OBJECT PRONOUN correcto:

1. Tania está con Carlos. Tania is with ______. 2. Carlos no está con Ana. Carlos is not with_______. 3. Yo estoy con ellos. I am with _______. 4. Ellos están con nosotros. They are with ______. 5. Tú estás conmigo. You are with______. 6. Ella está con mi gato. She is with _______.

VERBO TO BE/ SER O ESTAR Las formas del verbo To be en presente simple son 3 : am, is, are y corresponden a diferentes personas y pronombres como se marca en la tabla.

1st person SINGULAR

I am Yo soy /estoy

2nd person SINGULAR

You are Tu eres /estás

3rd person SINGULAR He/she/it is El/ella/ eso es/está

1st person PLURAL We are Nosotros somos/estamos

2nd person PLURAL You are Ustedes son/ están

3rd person PLURAL They are Ellos/ellas son/están

Complete con el verbo Tobe que corresponda. 1.She ____ pretty. 2.He____turkish. 3.My backpack ____ blue 4.My parents ____young. 5.My grandfather ____old. 6.Laura and Tom ____ best friends. 7.My dog ____black. 8.Sweter and scarf ____warm clothes. 9. My friends ____in the University 10.The car ____broken. Unidad de competencia 2: Sustantivos contables, incontables y cuantificadores. Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica los diferentes sustantivos contables, incontables, cuantificadores y los aplica de manera adecuada según el contexto. En inglés existen dos tipos de sustantivos: los contables y los incontables. Los sustantivos contables como su nombre lo indica son aquellos que se pueden contar. Es decir se pueden escribir en singular o plural ( a car, two cars, three cars, etc.) Los sustantivos incontables son aquellos que no se pueden contar, es decir que no se pueden pluralizar, sólo se usan en singular. No se puede decir: two lemonades three waters para pluralizarlos se usa en su lugar some, much o a lot of. Además ten mucho cuidado en NO usar a o an con un sustantivo incontable Complete with some, any, a, an. 1.- My mother loves cooking ____ pozole to celebrate Independece

day. 2.- Is your sister taking ___ umbrella? It´s raining outside. 3.- I don´t want to drink ____ hot tea. It smells bad 4.- There is ___ peach in your lunch box. 5.- Are there ____ carrots in the fridge? 6.- We need ___ flour and butter to make a cake. 7.- Do you think we need ___ orange to prepare this cocktail? 8.- Would you like _____ coffee with your cake, Sir? Write “how much” or “how many” 1 We need some tea. ______ do we need? 2 We need some eggs. ______ do we need? 3 We need some paper. ______ do we need? 4 We need some money. ______ do we need? 5 ______ cigarettes do you smoke a day? 6 ______ packets of cigarettes do you have? 7 ______ butter do we have? 8 ______ water do you drink per day? 9 ______ hamburgers do you eat per week? 10 ______ bedrooms are there in your house? 11 ______ cream is there in the fridge? 12 ______ trees are in your yard? 13 ______ sugar do you take in your tea? 14 ______ apples do you eat in an average week? 15 ______ fruit do you eat in an average week? 16 ______ real friends do you have? 17 ______ chairs are there in your house? 18 ______ furniture do you have? 19 ______ juice do you drink in the morning? 20 ______ tortillas do you eat per day? Unidad de competencia 3: Presente Progresivo/Continuo Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica la estructura y distintas formas del presente continuo, y lo aplica al hablar de acciones que están en progreso.

Present Continuous. Add the –ing.

1. camp ______________ 6. write ______________

2. swim ______________ 7. cook ______________

3. travel______________ 8. shop ______________

4. walk ______________

5. have ______________

Complete the sentences PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

1. His dad and brother ____________________(cycle) to the shops.

2. We __________ _____________(not travel) in Japan.

3. I ___________________________ (sunbathe) on the beach.

4. She __________ ______________(not watch) TV.

5. They ________________________ (not swim) in the sea.

6. Sue __________ _________________(stay) at home today.

Write the questions and the short answers.

1. your dad / work / today /?


Yes, _________________________

2. you / have a good time / on holiday / ?


Yes, _________________________

3. your mum / cook dinner / now / ?


Yes, _________________________

4. your friends / play football / ?


Yes, _________________________

Complete the dialogues.

1. a. I´m going on holiday.

b. Where ______________ ?

2. a. He´s cooking dinner.

b. What ______________ ?

3. a. My sister is going to England.

b. Who ______________ ?

4. a. We aren´t staying in a hotel.

b. Where ______________ ?

Present continuous.

1. I ___________ (watch) a reality show on TV.

2. My favourite team ___________ (win)!

3. Someone ___________ (swim) in the sea.

4. Two people ___________ (cook) dinner on the beach.

5. We ___________ (not watch) a soap opera.

6. I ___________ (not do) my homework.

7. Mum ___________ (read) a magazine.

8. My brother ___________ (not listen) to the radio.

9. Dad ___________ (not cook) dinner.

10. Tara ___________ (talk) by phone.

Present continuous.

1. Trina ___________ (walk) past the supermarket.

2. Where are you? We ___________ (wait) for you!

3. I´m on a bus and it ___________ (not move).

4. When ___________ you ___________ (come) to see me?

5. I ___________ (sit) on a bus.

6. Pete´s mother ___________ (not have) a burger.

7. John´s friends ___________ (play) football at the Sports Centre.

8. My best friend ___________ (sit) next to me.

9. I ___________ (not wear) something blue.

10. My teacher ___________ (not stand) behind me.

11. I ___________ (not write) with a pencil.

12. Irama ___________ (have) a shower.

13. Montse ___________ (leave) the room.

14. Marcelo ___________ (make) a phone call.

15. What ___________ the boys ___________ (do) now?

16. Angela ___________ (eat) spaghetti.

17. What ___________ your teacher ___________ (say)?

18. Juanma ___________ (play) with the dog.

19. Where ___________ Eva and Mar ___________ (sit)?

Complete de conversations (TO BE IN PRESENT+ ING)

1. What ____________ you ____________ (wait) for?

I´m ____________ (wait) for John.

2. ____________ it ____________ (snow)?

No, it ____________ (rain).

3. What ____________ you ____________ (do) today?

We ____________ (go) to the park.

4. ____________ you ____________ (listen) to me?

No, I ____________ (listen) to the radio.

5. ____________ you ____________ (watch) TV?

No, we ____________ (study).

6. What ____________ you ____________ (do)?

I ____________ (do) my homework.

7. ____________ they ____________ (sleep)? Yes, they are.

Unidad de competencia 4: Presente simple

Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica la estructura y distintas formas del presente simple, y lo aplica al hablar de rutinas, hábitos y costumbres.

Present simple: affirmative, negative, questions.

Use the present simple affirmative.

1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class.

3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school.

4. School ________ (finish) at three o´clock.

5.You ________ (live) near me.

6. He ________(like) rap music.

7. She ________ (do) her homework before dinner.

8. We ________ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I ________ (watch) TV in the evening.

10. My mother ________ (teach) art.

4. Write the sentences in negative.

1. I study French.


2. School finishes at two o´clock.


3. You copy from other students.


4. We think English is easy.


5. My friends play volleyball.


6. I watch TV on Saturday morning.


7. She speaks Chinese.


8. The dog likes cats.


9. They listen to pop music.


10. I play with my hamster every day.

5. Write the sentences and finish the short answers.

1. live / at / you / Do / school / ?


No, ___________________

2. in / students / Do / the canteen / ? / eat


Yes, ___________________

3. to school / your brother / on Saturday / ? / Does / go


No, ___________________

4. live / near / Do / your friends / you / ?


Yes, ___________________

5. at / school/ finish / Does / three o´clock / ?











She is Diana her last name is Jurado. She is 35 and She is a teacher. She is medium height and

chubby she has brown eyes, white skin and black hair. She is grumpy. She likes pizza and She

doesn’t like lazy students. Her hobby is to read sci-fi books

Unidad de competencia 5: Presente simple y Presente continuo / progresivo. Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica y contrasta las estructuras del presente simple y del presente continuo para aplicarlas de manera adecuada en distintos contextos.

Une preguntas y respuestas.

1. What do you do? a Mathematics.

2. Are you at university? b Two other students.

3. What are you studying? c No, they aren’t.

4. Do you live at home? d I’m a student.

5. Where are you living? e In a flat, near the university.

6. Who are you living with? f Yes, we do – every night.

7. Are they studying Law1 too? g No, I don’t.

8. Do you go out a lot? h Yes, I am.

1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ 6 ____ 7 ____ 8 ____

Completa las siguientes mini-conversaciones con el

present simple o el present continuous de los verbos entre paréntesis.

1. A: Where__are you going______ (you/go)?

B: I _______________________ (go) to Mark’s house.

2. A: How _______________________ (you/go) to school every day?

B: I _______________________ (walk) to school.

3. A: What _______________________ (Paul/have)?

B: He _______________________ (have) some tea. He

_______________________ (love) tea.





LLM-I Diana Margarita Juárez Jurado

Contenidos temáticos: Unidad de competencia 1: Presente simple y presente progresivo/continuo Horas: 12 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante reafirma los usos y diferencias del presente simple y el presente progresivo/continuo. 1.James está de vacaciones en Italia. Completa los huecos con la forma correcta del present simple o el present continuous de los verbos entre paréntesis. James (1) __works____ (work) in London, but he (2) _____________ (not live) there. Every morning he (3) _____________ (get up) at 6.00 and he (4) _____________ (go) by train to London. The journey (5) ___________ (take) an hour and he (6) _____________ (not get) home until 8.00 in the evening. Then he (7) _____________ (watch) TV and (8) _____________ (go) to bed. He (9) _____________ (have) a good job, but he (10) _____________ (work) very hard. He (11) _____________ (not work) now. He (12) _____________ (have) a holiday. He (13) _____________ (stay) in a hotel near the beach in Rimini. He (14) _____________ (meet) a lot of interesting people. He (15) _____________ (learn) some Italian and he (16) _____________ (eat) a lot of good Italian food. James (17) _____________ (enjoy) his job, but he (18) _____________ (enjoy) his holiday so much that he (19) _____________ (not want) to go back to work next week.

Ejercicio 2 Une preguntas y respuestas.

1. What do you do? a Mathematics.

2. Are you at university? b Two other students.

3. What are you studying? c No, they aren’t.

4. Do you live at home? d I’m a student.

5. Where are you living? e In a flat, near the university.

6. Who are you living with? f Yes, we do – every night.

7. Are they studying Law1 too? g No, I don’t.

8. Do you go out a lot? h Yes, I am.

1 ____ 2 ____ 3 ____ 4 ____ 5 ____ 6 ____ 7 ____ 8 ____

Ejercicio 3 Completa las siguientes mini-conversaciones con el

present simple o el present continuous de los verbos entre paréntesis.

1. A: Where__are you going______ (you/go)?

B: I _______________________ (go) to Mark’s house.

2. A: How _______________________ (you/go) to school every day?

B: I _______________________ (walk) to school.

3. A: What _______________________ (Paul/have)?

B: He _______________________ (have) some tea. He

_______________________ (love) tea.

Unidad de competencia 2: Pasado simple y pasado progresivo/continuo Horas: 12 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante reafirma los usos y diferencias del pasado simple y el pasado progresivo/continuo.

PAST SIMPLE Reading comprehension Ben’s day. When I woke up this morning, I found my dog, Fox, waiting for me. He wanted me to take him for

a walk. I was too hungry, so first I had breakfast. I had a glass of milk and a piece of toast. Then I

washed my teeth and put on a tracksuit and a heavy coat, because it was really cold outside. Fox

was already impatient. We both went out, and walked to the park near home. He ran and jumped,

and pursued some passers -by. He also destroyed some pieces of furniture somebody left on the

road. I sat on a bench all the time, wishing I could be inside my warm bed. When my hands were

frozen, I decided it was time to go back home. Fox didn’t want to, but I pulled hard and I managed

to take him back. When we arrived at the front door, I realized I didn’t have my keys with me, so

we stayed out in the cold for more than an hour! Fox was happy, but I was late for work.

a.Fox was happy to stay outside T F

b.Ben ran in the park all the time with Fox. T F

c.Fox was bored in the park. T F

d.Ben have some milk and a piece of toast for breakfast . T F

e.The weather was cold but hot. T F


1. Tom and Alex ________ _(be) born in California.

2. The dogs _______________(not/have) a house.

3. _______________ (you/be) at school yesterday?

4. _______________(you/know) about A. Lincoln?

5. I ________ (go) to watch Avengers last night.

COMPLETE WITH THE CORRECT WH QUESTION AND DID OR WAS/WERE 1.______ ______ THE GRATEST QUEEN OF ENGLAND? -Elizabeth 1 2 . ______ ______ THEY CELEBRATE? -Thanksgiving 3. _______ __ _______ THEY DO THEIR PARTY? - In a discoteque. 4. _________ _____ THE REVOLUTION HAPPEN? -1910. 5.______ MANY NOVELS ______ DICKENS WRITE? -20 novels.


1. BE:_________________

2. HUNT._______________

3. GO _________________

4. HAVE________________

5. MAKE________________


1. ALBERT EINSTEIN ______________

2. ELIZABETH I _______________

3. CHIRSTOPHER COLUMBUS _______________

4. MARIE CURIE_______________

5. CHARLES DICKENS __________________

Unidad de competencia 3: Futuro en sus diferentes formas. Horas: 14 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica la estructura del futuro en sus diferentes formas y pone en práctica el vocabulario referente al futuro. Write the sentences in the correct group. I don't think I'll ever be famous./ I'll hold the door for you. I'll wash./ You dry. I'm seeing Jenny on Sunday./We'll help you!/ I'm sure you'll enjoy it./ It won't take long to get there./What are you doing next week?/You'll feel better soon./ Are you going to the cinema tomorrow night?/ I'm playing basketball tonight./ I'll ask him.

Predictions and hopes Spontaneous ideas Plans and arrangements

Check your grammar: multiple choice. Circle the best future form to complete these sentences.

1. Don't worry about your driving test! I'm sure you’ll pass / you're passing . 2. I won’t come / ’m not coming on Friday, sorry. I have a doctor's appointment. 3. Are you hot? OK, I’m going to / I’ll open the window. 4. Don't leave your bike there! Someone ’s stealing it / ’ll steal it . 5. Good morning and welcome to our school. In this talk I’ll / I’m going to tell you about ... 6. Look at the traffic! We're going to be / We're arriving late for school. 7. Oops, I forgot your drink! I'm going to / I’ll go and get it now. 8. I don't think he'll / think he won't go to the party. Check your grammar: error correction Correct and write these sentences on the line below. 1. That looks heavy. I help you. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2. I'll play at a music festival this weekend. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. He's playing really badly. There's no way he's winning this match. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4. I'll meet Charlie and Anna later. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Let's not go to that beach. I think it's too full of tourists today. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6. I'll start piano lessons on Monday. I'm really looking forward to it. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 7. I think it won't rain today. …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8. Ask her! I'm sure she isn't minding. …………………………………

Unidad de competencia 4: Verbos modales. Horas: 12 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica las posibles similitudes y diferencias de los verbos modales. Complete the sentences with the correct form of must, have to, or should You ……………………………………… tell anybody. It’s a secret. It’s Sunday so I ……………………………………… go to work. That skirt is perfect for you. I think you ……………………………………… buy it. We ……………………………………… wear a uniform at our school. I hate it. I ……………………………………… remember to give you back the money I borrowed. You ……………………………………… eat too much white bread. It’s not very good for you. Our car broke down on holiday so we ……………………………………… rent a car for a week. Circle the right form

1. I can’t find the receipt. I should have / must have thrown it away. 2. You can’t see / can’t have seen Gerry yesterday. He was in bed with flu. 3. John played really badly yesterday. He might not be / might not have been feeling well. 4. I don’t like those jeans. You should have / must have bought the other ones. 5. What a lovely girl your daughter is. You must be / must have been very proud of her. 6. A: I can’t find my car keys. They’re not in my bag.

B: Well, you might have not / can’t have / should have not left them at the restaurant. I saw you take them. Complete the following sentences using must be, can’t be or might be Ross and Jack ……………………. good players. They’ve won hundreds of cups. I’m not sure what my wife is doing this afternoon. She ………………….. doing yoga or she …………………….. at her dance class. I can’t remember. A: My grandmother is 80 and she goes jogging every day. B: Amazing! She ………………… very fit for her age. A: Beatrice is in Prague at the moment. B: She ………………….. in Prague. I saw her this morning! I don’t know where Kelly is now, but she …………………… at her sister’s. You passed all your exams! You ………………….. very pleased with yourself. A: I have no idea why my wife hasn’t arrived home from work. She …………….. …. doing overtime because I phoned the office and she wasn’t there. B: I suppose she ……………………… having a drink with her colleagues or she ……………… shopping.

Unidad de competencia 5: Presente perfecto Horas: 18 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante aprende y aplica el presente perfecto en sus diferentes formas. Unidad de competencia 6: Conectores y el uso de infinitivo y gerundio. Horas: 12 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante aprende el uso del infinitivo y gerundio después de los

verbos, así como el uso de conectores y verbos en pasado participio como adjetivos.





LLM-I Diana Margarita Juárez Jurado

Unidad de competencia 1: Presente Simple y Pasado Simple Horas: 16 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante refuerza las estructuras del presente simple y pasado simple, las aplica y contrasta con las diferentes estructuras previamente vistas en sus diferentes formas y contextos. Temas: 1. Repaso del presente y pasado simple. 2. Contraste con los tiempos vistos previamente. 3. Vocabulario: rutinas y pasatiempos; vacaciones; trabajo; preposiciones y expresiones de tiempo; actividades y experiencias personales. Present simple: affirmative, negative, questions.


Use the present simple affirmative.

1. I ________ (go) shopping with my brother.

2. We sometimes ________ (use) a dictionary in class.

3. My friends ________ (study) Italian at their school.

4. School ________ (finish) at three o´clock.

5.You ________ (live) near me.

6. He ________(like) rap music.

7. She ________ (do) her homework before dinner.

8. We ________ (play) tennis in school on Wednesday afternoon.

9. I ________ (watch) TV in the evening.

10. My mother ________ (teach) art.

4. Write the sentences in negative.

1. I study French.


2. School finishes at two o´clock.


3. You copy from other students.


4. We think English is easy.


5. My friends play volleyball.


6. I watch TV on Saturday morning.


7. She speaks Chinese.


8. The dog likes cats.


9. They listen to pop music.


10. I play with my hamster every day.

5. Write the sentences and finish the short answers.

1. live / at / you / Do / school / ?


No, ___________________

2. in / students / Do / the canteen / ? / eat


Yes, ___________________

3. to school / your brother / on Saturday / ? / Does / go


No, ___________________

4. live / near / Do / your friends / you / ?


Yes, ___________________

5. at / school/ finish / Does / three o´clock / ?


No, ___________________ PASADO SIMPLE Ejercicio 2 Completa las frases con el past simple de los verbos del recuadro. Ojo, son todos regulares. clean die enjoy finish want work 1. I ____________ the film a lot. It was really good! 2. My grandmother ____________ when she was 99 years old. 3. Frank ____________ in a pub during the summer. 4. I ____________ my room this morning. 5. The film ____________ past midnight. 6. When Harry was a kid, he ____________ to be a doctor. © Gonzalo Orozco Página 3 Ejercicio 3 Completa las frases con el past simple de los verbos del recuadro. Ojo, algunos son irregulares. buy go have play speak stop 1. My parents ____________ me the new PSP for my birthday. 2. This morning I ____________ breakfast at 7. 3. Megan ____________ the piano really well when she was 7. 4. The rain ____________ and we could go out. 5. Last night, we ____________ to the cinema. 6. The man ____________ English and French fluently. Ejercicio 4 Completa las frases con el verbo en forma negativa. 1. My mum went to the bank but she _________________ to the shops. 2. I phoned Fred but I _________________ Emma. 3. We studied French but we _________________ German at school.

4. I enjoyed the wine but I _________________ the food. 5. My father worked yesterday but he _________________ on Saturday. 6. I had a pencil but I _________________ any paper. Ejercicio 5 Haz preguntas para estas respuestas. 1. _________________________? Yes, I visited London. 2. _________________________? No, I didn’t go on the London Eye. 3. _________________________? No, she didn’t help me. 4. _________________________? Yes, I gave her a present. 5. _________________________? Yes, Steve passed his driving test. 6. _________________________? No, we didn’t play football. Unidad de competencia 2: Verbos Modales Horas: 13 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica y aplica los diferentes verbos modales de manera adecuada en distintos contextos. Temas: 1. Verbos modales: should, ought to, must, could, need y needn´t 2. Vocabulario: salud, educación, recreación, música, viajes, necesidades personales y de terceros. Complete the sentences with the correct form of must, have to, or should You ……………………………………… tell anybody. It’s a secret. It’s Sunday so I ……………………………………… go to work. That skirt is perfect for you. I think you ……………………………………… buy it. We ……………………………………… wear a uniform at our school. I hate it. I ……………………………………… remember to give you back the money I borrowed. You ……………………………………… eat too much white bread. It’s not very good for you. Our car broke down on holiday so we ……………………………………… rent a car for a week. Circle the right form

1. I can’t find the receipt. I should have / must have thrown it away. 2. You can’t see / can’t have seen Gerry yesterday. He was in bed with flu. 3. John played really badly yesterday. He might not be / might not have been feeling well. 4. I don’t like those jeans. You should have / must have bought the other ones. 5. What a lovely girl your daughter is. You must be / must have been very proud of her. 6. A: I can’t find my car keys. They’re not in my bag.

B: Well, you might have not / can’t have / should have not left them at the restaurant. I saw you take them. Complete the following sentences using must be, can’t be or might be Ross and Jack ……………………. good players. They’ve won hundreds of cups. I’m not sure what my wife is doing this afternoon. She ………………….. doing yoga or she …………………….. at her dance class. I can’t remember. A: My grandmother is 80 and she goes jogging every day. B: Amazing! She ………………… very fit for her age. A: Beatrice is in Prague at the moment. B: She ………………….. in Prague. I saw her this morning!

I don’t know where Kelly is now, but she …………………… at her sister’s. You passed all your exams! You ………………….. very pleased with yourself. A: I have no idea why my wife hasn’t arrived home from work. She …………….. …. doing overtime because I phoned the office and she wasn’t there. B: I suppose she ……………………… having a drink with her colleagues or she ……………… shopping. Unidad de competencia 3: Voz activa y voz pasiva. Horas: 19 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica y aplica la voz pasiva y activa en sus diferentes tiempos y formas. Temas: 1. Voz activa y pasiva en diferentes tiempos. 2. Preposiciones de instrumento: by / with 3. Vocabulario: países, inventos e inventores.

Rewrite the active voice sentences to passive voice. 1.He teaches English. ___________________________________________

2. The baby is eating bananas. ___________________________________________ 3.The mechanic fixed the car. ___________________________________________ 4.She has wrote a book. __________________________________________ 5.They will paint their house. __________________________________________

Passive voice with two objects. Rewritte the sentence and make sure it makes sense. 1 .I sent him a letter. __________________________________________. 2. She told me a lie. ___________________________________________ 3. They have written her a post card. ___________________________________________ 4. Kelly will make you a cup of tea. ____________________________________________

Unidad de competencia 4: Discurso directo e indirecto Horas: 16 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica y aplica el discurso directo e indirecto en situaciones reales en sus diferentes tiempos. Temas: 1. Discurso directo e indirecto en sus diferentes tiempos. 2. Vocabulario: actividades y experiencias personales.

A. Put the following into Indirect speech:

1. Mr West said, "I am very tired".

2. He said, "I am flying to Rome tomorrow",

3. George said, "I have lived in this village all my life"

4. Peter said to me Ί can't go out with you because I am not feeling


5. Helen said to me, "I hope you have enjoyed yourself"

6. She said, "I have been to Paris many times"

7. Jane said, "I want to study medicine, father".

8. Her friend said, "You are wrong, Mary".

9. He said to me, "I saw your friend a the cinema yesterday",

10. She said to him "I called you up but you didn't answer an hour


B. Put the following into Indirect Speech:

1. The teacher said to me, "write your name on this paper."

2. He said to me, "Wait for me here".

3. He said to them "Don't go out alone".

4. He said to me, "Type this letter immediately,"

5. Peter said to Tom, "Don't do it again".

6. The students said, "We may be a little late".

7. The teacher said, "You must answer this question in 5 seconds"

8. He said, "I can't stay out very late"

9. My mother said to me, "You ought to be more careful".

10. ! said to them, "Don't write on your desks".

C. Put the following into Indirect Speech:

1. He asked me, "How much did you pay for this book?"

2. The nurse asked him, "How are you feeling".

3. The teacher asked "Have you written your homework?"

4. He asked me "Do you know anything about the accident?"

5. My brother asked, "Has anybody called while I was out".

6. She asked me "Do you know where Mrs Baker lives?"

7. He asked her, "Has the plane left?"

8. She asked, "How much does this coat cost?"

9. She asked me "Where are you from?"

10. She asked him "When will you meet your friends?"

D. Change from Indirect into Direct Speech:

1. Peter said he had enjoyed himself very much.

2. She said that she was almost sure.

3. He asked me how long it would take me to go home.

4. She asked me if I had listened to the 9 o'clock news

5. He asked me if I was going to stay in.

6. She asked him if he would go home by bus.

7. My friend asked me where I had bought my car from.

8. Helen told Peter to be careful.

9. He told the children to stop that noise.

10. She told him not to wait for her outside the cinema.

Unidad de competencia 5: Verbos compuestos y Causativos. Horas: 16 Propósito de la unidad: El estudiante identifica y aplica los distintos verbos con preposiciones y los verbos que expresan causalidad. Temas: 1. Estructura sintáctica de los diferentes verbos compuestos. 2. Estructura sintáctica de la forma causativa de los verbos. 3. Vocabulario: hablar de sí mismo y otras personas.

Change these examples into the structure ‘have + object + past participle’ or ‘get + object + past

participle’. For example: I cleaned my kitchen (have) → I had my kitchen cleaned.

1. I washed my car. (have)


2. I cut my hair. (get)


3. I typed the documents. (have)


4. I fixed my washing machine. (get)


5. I cut my grass. (have)


6. I painted my bedroom. (get)


7. I repaired my fridge. (have)


8. I tidied my garden. (get)


9. I edited the article. (have)


10. I cleaned the carpets. (get)
