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    This dissertation is submit as a partial fulfilment for the award of a Bachelor of

    Computer Science (Software Development) with Honours at the University Sultan

    Zainal Abidin (UniSZA), Terengganu, Malaysia. This work is a result of my

    investigation. All section of the text and results, which have been obtaining from other

    sources are fully referenced.

    Signature : …………………………………………

    Name : Ahmad Faizuddin Bin Mohd Shukri

    Date :

  • iii


    This project report titled Tutor Finder Mobile Applicaion. Using

    Normalisation Technique was prepared and submitted by Ahmad Faizuddin Bin Mohd

    Shukri and has been found satisfactory in terms of scope, quality and presentation as a

    part of fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Computer Science (Software

    Development) with Honours in University Sultan Zainal Abidin.

    Signature : …………………………………

    Supervisor : MR. Mohd Khalid Bin Awang

    Date :

  • iv


    I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all who provided me the

    possibility to complete this report. A special gratitude goes to my supervisor, Mr. Khalid

    Bin Awang for guiding me in the development of this project. My warmest gratitude

    for my Final Year Project panels for aiding my system and giving the feedback and

    valuable guidance.

    I take this opportunity to thank my parents and my family for giving moral

    support and encouragement. Special thanks to all lectures under Faculty of Informatics

    and Computing for their attentions, guidance and advice in developing this project. I,

    sincere thanks to my fellow friends for their help in finishing this project.

  • v


    In this busy world searching of tutors for any subject is a very difficult. In order

    to make it simple here with we proposed an idea to find a subject expert tutor through

    mobile application. The proposed work has the common platform where the tutor and

    the student can access on their respective available views. In this application students

    can register and view the availability of the subject expert based on rating of the tutor.

    The locations are mapped based on Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin. Based on the

    students’ selection the slot of days and tutor will be blocked for their special classes

    and then they will be intimated through notifications. This system will be helpful for

    students to find their tutor.

  • vi


    DECLARATION ....................................................................................................................... ii

    CONFIRMATION ................................................................................................................... iii

    DEDICATION .......................................................................................................................... iv

    ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... v

    CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................. 1

    1.1 Background .............................................................................................................. 1

    1.2 Problem Statement ................................................................................................... 2

    1.3 Objective ................................................................................................................... 2

    1.4 Scope .......................................................................................................................... 3

    1.4.1 Tutor .................................................................................................................. 3

    1.4.2 Student .............................................................................................................. 3

    1.5 Implementing and Planning .................................................................................... 4

    1.6 Limitation of Works................................................................................................. 6

    1.7 Expected Result ........................................................................................................ 6

    CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................. 7

    2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 7

    2.2 Related Research Techniques and Tools...................................................................... 8

    2.3 Normalize Technique ................................................................................................... 10

    2.4 Summary ....................................................................................................................... 13

    CHAPTER 3 ........................................................................................................................... 14

    3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 14

    3.2 Spiral Model ................................................................................................................. 14

    3.3 Methodology Phase ...................................................................................................... 15

    3.3.1 Initial Planning Phase ........................................................................................... 15

    3.3.2 Planning Phase ...................................................................................................... 15

    3.3.3 Analysis and Design Phase ................................................................................... 16

    3.3.4 Implementation Phase .......................................................................................... 17

    3.3.5 Testing Phase ......................................................................................................... 17

    3.3.6 Deployment and Evaluation Phase ...................................................................... 17

    3.4 Hardware and Software Requirement ....................................................................... 18

    3.4.1 Software Requirement .......................................................................................... 18

    3.4.2 Hardware Requirement ........................................................................................ 19

    3.5 Context Diagram .......................................................................................................... 20

    3.6 Data Flow Diagram ...................................................................................................... 21

  • vii

    Data Flow Diagram Level 0 ........................................................................................... 21

    Data Flow Diagram Level 1 ........................................................................................... 22

    3.7 Entity Relationship Diagram ...................................................................................... 25

    3.8 Data Dictionary ............................................................................................................ 26

    1. Table user ............................................................................................................... 27

    2. Table tutor .............................................................................................................. 27

    3. Table student .......................................................................................................... 28

    4. Table booktutor ...................................................................................................... 29

    5. Table scheduletutor................................................................................................ 29

    6. Table subject ........................................................................................................... 30

    7. Table faculty ........................................................................................................... 30

    8. Table course ............................................................................................................ 31

    CHAPTER 4 ........................................................................................................................... 32

    4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 32

    4.2 Implementation of the System .................................................................................... 33

    4.3 Programming Language .............................................................................................. 33

    4.4 Interface Design ........................................................................................................... 34

    4.4.1 Tutor ....................................................................................................................... 34

    4.4.2 Student ................................................................................................................... 41

    4.5 Chapter Summary........................................................................................................ 49

    CHAPTER 5 ........................................................................................................................... 50

    5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 50

    5.2 Testing Analysis ........................................................................................................... 51

    5.3 Test Cases ..................................................................................................................... 52

    5.4 Chapter Summary........................................................................................................ 58

    CHAPTER 6 ........................................................................................................................... 59

    6.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 59

    6.2 Project Contribution .................................................................................................... 59

    6.3 Result Discussion .......................................................................................................... 60

    6.4 Project Constraints and Limitation ............................................................................ 60

    6.5 Future Work ................................................................................................................. 61

    6.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 61

    REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 62

  • viii





    3.2 Spiral Model 15

    3.5 Context Diagram 20

    3.6.1 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 21

    3.6.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 1.0 22

    3.6.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 2.0 23

    3.6.4 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 3.0 23

    3.6.5 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 4.0 24

    3.7 Entity Relationship Diagram 25

    4.1 Tutor Login Page 34

    4.2 Tutor Register Page 35

    4.3 Tutor Dashboard Page 36

    4.4 Tutor Profile Page 37

    4.5 Tutor Subject Page 37

    4.6 Tutor Add Subject Page 38

    4.7 Tutor Delete Subject Page 38

    4.8 Tutor Schedule Page 39

    4.9 Tutor Rating Page 40

    4.10 Student Login Page 41

    4.11 Student Register Page 42

    4.12 Student Dashboard Page 43

    4.13 Student Profile Page 43

    4.14 Student Find Tutor Page 44

    4.15 Student Find Tutor Page 45

    4.16 Student List Tutor Page 45

    4.17 Student Book Tutor Page 46

    4.18 Student Book Tutor Page 46

    4.19 Student Subject Page 47

    4.20 Student Schedule Page 47

    4.21 Student Rating Page 48

    4.22 Student Rating Page 49

  • ix





    1.5 GANTT CHART 4

    2.3.1 RATING TUTOR 3 11

    2.3.2 RATING TUTOR 2 11

    2.3.3 Rating tutor 1 12

    2.3.4 Normalize 12

    3.4.1 Software requirement 18

    3.4.2 Hardware requirement 19

    3.8.1 Table user 27

    3.8.2 Table tutor 27

    3.8.3 Table student 28

    3.8.4 Table booktutor 29

    3.8.5 Table scheduletutor 29

    3.8.6 Table subject 30

    3.8.7 Table faculty 31

    3.8.8 Table course 31

    5.1 Test case fail login 52

    5.2 Test case student success login 53

    5.3 Test case tutor success login 53

    5.4 Test case register new student 54

    5.5 Test case update student details 54

    5.6 Test case make new booking 55

    5.7 Test case update booking status 55

    5.8 Test case add new subject 56

    5.9 Test case student rate tutor 57

    5.10 Test case add new schedule 58

  • 1



    1.1 Background

    These days the most important thing in our life is education. We all need some

    extra care in education. Or in other perspective people who are willing to be a tutor

    needs good tuition. So, for both of them one great system is needed. Now there are some

    Facebook group where you can find some tuition. But in the end, it’s not so helpful. So,

    I propose to make this tutor finder app, where tutor and students can easily find what

    they are wishing for.

  • 2

    1.2 Problem Statement

    1.2.1 The existing manual system based on finding tutor for students is a very time

    consuming and tiring process for the students.

    1.2.2 The existing web based system not effiency because it’s just make a display or

    advertisement about the tutor only.

    1.2.3 Not responsive for student to find their tutor using website or laptop.

    1.3 Objective

    1.3.1 To design a system that can provide a way to make class outside class.

    1.3.2 To develop a platform for student to find tutor outside the class based on subject

    they need more attention using mobile application.

    1.3.3 To test the capabilities of the Tutor Finder Mobile Application useful to the user

    based on rating and review by student.

  • 3

    1.4 Scope

    The scope is important to set a boundary on what the area will cover in the

    system development. Thus Tutor Finder Mobile Application using Normalisation

    Technique is focused on online in campus of Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UniSZA).

    Scope of this system is Tutor and Student of Tutor Finder Mobile Application.

    1.4.1 Tutor Login Manage Profile Manage Schedule Manage Subject Manage Booking View Report

    1.4.2 Student Login Manage Profile Manage Booking Manage Rating View Report

  • 4

    1.5 Implementing and Planning

    Using a Gantt Chart that describes key of activities and timescales involves in

    implementing this project as shown in Table 1.5

    Table 1.5 : Gantt Chart

    No Task Week

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

    1 FYP Briefing

    2 Project Title Proposal

    and Registration

    3 Proposal Writing


    4 Proposal Writing

    (Literature Review)

    5 Proposal Progress

    Presentation and


    6 Discussion and

    Correction of the


    7 Proposed Solution –


    8 Proof of Concept

  • 5

    9 Seminar Preparation –

    Project Poster and


    10 Seminar Registration

    – Project Poster and


    11 Seminar Presentation

    and Evaluation

    12 Finalizing Report of

    the Proposal

    13 Final Report

    Submission and


  • 6

    1.6 Limitation of Works

    The rating are assessment by students. And then it is up to the system to order

    the tutor. This system classifies tutors through student assessment using the rating


    1.7 Expected Result

    This mobile application is expected to group part timer tutor based on their

    suitable subject to teach that suit their skill. Finally, students will give the review and

    rating to recommended another student about the tutor that teach them.

  • 7



    2.1 Introduction

    In my research is on Normalize Technique. It is an evaluative report of studies

    found in the literature that related to my selected area. The related journal and article

    about the various technique and approach was analysed to find out the best

    implementation technique that can be use in this tutor finder application. In this chapter,

    comparison between the different technique is done to get better understanding for each

    technique effectiveness. Then related system that have the same functionality as the

    Tutor Finder Mobile Application is reviewed to help in understanding and gain

    knowledge about how to implement the system in real mobile application.

  • 8

    2.2 Related Research Techniques and Tools

    A review of the research paper has been conducted to study on how others

    embedded the rating into their system. As a result, a few research papers have been


    The first article is conduct by author [1], the research stated Case-based

    reasoning (CBR system) is the process solving new problems based on the solutions of

    similar past problems. Case based reasoning first appeared in commercial tools in the

    early 1990's and since then has been sued to create numerous applications in a wide

    range of domains. in decision making, when faced with a complex problem, people

    often look for analogous problems for possible solutions. CBR systems have been

    developed to support in this problem retrieval process (often at the level of document

    retrieval) to find relevant similar problems. CBR is particularly good at querying

    structured, modular and non-homogeneous documents.

    The author [2] applied Data mining is the process of analyzing hidden patterns

    of data according to different perspectives for categorization into useful information,

    which is collected and assembled in common areas, such as data warehouses, for

    efficient analysis, data mining algorithms, facilitating business decision making and

    other information requirements to ultimately cut costs and increase revenue. The most

    popular algorithms used for data mining are classification algorithms and regression

  • 9

    algorithms, which are used to identify relationships among data elements. Major

    database vendors like Oracle and SQL incorporate data mining algorithms, such as

    clustering and regression tress, to meet the demand for data mining. Data mining is

    also known as data discovery and knowledge discovery.. Next, the author [3] applied

    methods Naive Bayes classifiers calculate the probability of a sample to be of a certain

    category, based on prior knowledge. They use the Naive Bayes Theorem, that assumes

    that the effect of a certain feature of a sample is independent of the other features.

    That means that each character of a sample contributes independently to determine the

    probability of the classification of that sample, outputting the category of the highest

    probability of the sample.

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a machine or a computer program to

    think and learn. The concept of AI is based on the idea of building machines capable

    of thinking, acting, and learning like humans.A more nuanced definition is that

    artificial Intelligence is an interdisciplinary concept that studies the possibility of

    creating machines capable of interacting with their environment and acting upon the

    received data in the a manner considered intelligent.

  • 10

    2.3 Normalize Technique

    There are so many normalize techniques are there namely Min-Max

    normalization, Standard Deviation, Z-score normalization and Decimal scaling

    normalization. So by referring in this case, normalize techniques we are going to

    propose is Standard Deviation.

    The standard deviation is kind of the "mean of the mean," and often can help

    you find the story behind the data. Standard deviation is the measure of spreading of

    numerical data about an average. Standard Deviation of a given set of observations is

    defined as the positive square root of the arithmetic mean of the squares of deviations

    of the observations from their arithmetic mean. It is an absolute measure of dispersion.

  • 11

    Table 2.3.1 : Rating Tutor 3

    Tutor 1 Tutor 2 Tutor 3 Tutor4

    5 star 5 star 1 star 5 star

    Table 2.3.2 : Rating Tutor 2

    Tutor 1 Tutor 2 Tutor 3

    5 star 4 star 4 star

    Finding Mean :

    N = 4

    5+5+1+5 = 16

    16/4 = 4 (mean)

    Finding variance :

    5-4 = 1

    5-4 = 1

    1-4 = -3

    5-4 = 1



    -3²=9 total = 12


    N -1 = 4-1

    = 3

    12/3 = 4 (Variance)

    Finding Standard Deviation :

    SD = √4


    Finding mean :

    N = 3

    5+4+4 = 13

    13/3 = 4.3 (mean)

    Finding variance :

    5-4.3 = 0.7

    4-4.3 = -0.3

    4-4.3 = -0.3



    -0.3²=0.09 total = 0.67

    N -1 = 3-1

    = 2

    0.67/2 = 0.33 (Variance)

    Finding Standard Deviation :

    SD = √0.33


  • 12

    Table 2.3.3 : Rating Tutor 1

    Tutor 1

    5 star

    Table 2.3.4 Normalize. Differentiate using standard deviation

    User Tutor 1 Tutor 2 Tutor 3

    1 5 5 5

    2 4 5

    3 4 1

    4 5

    5 4.3 4

    Finding mean :

    N = 1

    5 (mean)

    Finding variance :

    5-5 = 0

    Finding Standard Deviation :

    SD = √0


  • 13

    Tutor 1 Tutor 2 Tutor 3

    0 0.57 2

    After the calculation rating using standard deviation, the system will sort the total

    mean of star and sort the tutor based on assessment by student given.

    2.4 Summary

    In conclusion, the selection of accurate techniques is very important to make

    sure that the system is successfull implemented and achieved the objective. The

    integration of normalize technique is the most suitable method to use in developing the

    system. Normalize technique will consider the rating in that particular finding the best

    tutor in order to distribute processed to the student in finding their tutor.

  • 14



    3.1 Introduction

    The methodology is the set of the complete guideline that includes the models

    of tools to carry out activities in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC

    splits the work into phases of activity for better planning and management of the system


    3.2 Spiral Model

    The methodology that will be used in Tutor Finder Mobile Application Using

    Normalize Technique is Spiral Model. Spiral model is a combination of sequential and

    prototype model. There are specific activities that are done in one iteration which is

    spiral where the output is the small prototype of the large software. Thus, the same

    activities are repeated for all the spirals until the whole software is built.

    There are six phases involved in the spiral model which is initial planning phase,

    planning phase, analysis and design phase, implementation phase, testing phase,

    deployment and evaluation phase.

  • 15

    Figure 3.2 : Spiral Model

    3.3 Methodology Phase

    The explanation of each phase involves for developing Tutor Finder Mobile

    Application Using Normalize Technique as below :-

    3.3.1 Initial Planning Phase

    At this phase, the process occurred is brainstorming the project idea and

    proposed the title of the project. Then, Tutor Finder Mobile Application Using

    Normalize Technique was decided.

    3.3.2 Planning Phase

    Planning phase is the most important phase as a guideline to develop the system.

    During this phase, objectives of the system are identified and all the requirements

  • 16

    are gathered in order to develop the system. Research for the system are being

    allocated and designing a schedule to ensure that the system follow the timeline

    made. Research for the system is made by reading articles and journals related to

    the system and the method used. System scheduling is created using a gantt chart to

    ensure that the system will developed systematically and to make sure the project

    can be done on time. In planning phase also getting the user requirement by

    interview and observation from user around campus to meet the functionality

    requirement of the system that will develop.

    3.3.3 Analysis and Design Phase

    During analysis phase, some research has been done through articles and

    journals. The best approach and added value in Tutor Finder Mobile Application

    Using Normalize Technique. This leads to selecting Normalize Technique.

    Consequently, more research works have been studied to further understand the

    theory and how the technique can be applied in the system. All of the disadvantages

    of the system are listed and come out with the solution in developing this system.

    Methodology, techniques, hardware and software requirements are also analyzed in

    this phase. This is to ensure that every requirement and any related things need to

    be done are suitable with the system.

    Design phase of the system is done based on the output produced during analysis

    phase. First, all the required hardware and software requirements for the proposed

    system are working properly. Design the Context Diagram (CD), Data Flow

    Diagram (DFD), and Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) to translate the process

  • 17

    flow of the Tutor Finder Mobile Application Using Normalize Technique. Interface

    and database designed based on the requirements stated during analysis phase. Then

    the working prototype designed to get another further improvement to be added into

    the proposed system.

    3.3.4 Implementation Phase

    In this phase, all activities that have been planned during phase before are

    executed. The system is developed using CORDOVA, ANDROID STUDIO,

    XAMPP, MySQL and Notepad++ . Database and interface designed during design

    phase are started to be developed. The process of writing the coding are being done

    and the progress of the system are reported from time to time.

    3.3.5 Testing Phase

    When the system is fully developed, system are being tested. For this system,

    the black box testing and white box testing is used to test the correctness of the

    implementation coding and search for any errors and bug. If there are any errors, it

    must be recheck and come out with the solution.

    3.3.6 Deployment and Evaluation Phase

    During this phase, the system is released to be used by the user. The users use

    the system and give their feedback whether it needs to be improved or there is

    anything that needs to be modify. Then the modifications are being made based on

  • 18

    the feedback from the user to make sure the system is completely fulfilling the


    3.4 Hardware and Software Requirement

    In developing a system, hardware and software play a great role as a standard

    requirement which determines the accomplishment of the system. This standard

    requirement relates to each other to build a successful system.

    3.4.1 Software Requirement

    Table 3.4.1 : Sofware Requirement

    Hardware Description / Purpose

    Microsoft Office Word 2016 Prepare documentation of the report

    Draw.io An online software to create and design

    Context Diagram and Data Flow


    PHPMyAdmin As a system database and generate the

    Entity Relationship Diagram

    Dropbox Storage and backup on all the document

    Microsoft Powerpoint 2016 Prepare slide presentation

  • 19

    3.4.2 Hardware Requirement

    Table 3.4.2 : Hardware Requirement

    Hardware Type

    Acer Aspire v5 Windows edition : Windows 10 Pro

    Processor : Intel® Pentium ™ CPU 997

    @ 1.60- GHz

    Installed memory (RAM) : 12.00GB

    System type : 64-bit Operating System

  • 20

    3.5 Context Diagram

    Figure 3.5 shows Context Diagram

    Figure 3.5 shows the context diagram for Tutor Finder Mobile Application

    Using Normalize Technique is shown above. There are three entities are involves in the

    system, ADMIN, STUDENT and TUTOR.

  • 21

    3.6 Data Flow Diagram

    Data Flow Diagram Level 0

    Figure 3.6.1 Data Flow Diagram Level 0

    Based on Figure 3.3 above, this system will need five data stores which are D1

    for TUTOR that stores data about tutor, D2 for STUDENT that stores data about the

    student, D3 for SCHEDULE that stores data about the schedule, D4 for SUBJECT that

    stores data about the subject. D5 for RATING that stores data about the rating..

  • 22

    Data Flow Diagram Level 1

    Figure 3.6.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 1.0

    Based on Figure 3.6.2 above shows the Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 1.0

    for this system. This stage involve Admin only.

  • 23

    Figure 3.6.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 2.0

    Based on Figure 3.6.3 above shows the Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 2.0

    for this system. This stage involve Admin only.

    Figure 3.6.4 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 3.0

    Based on Figure 3.6.4 above shows the Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 3.0

    for this system. This stage involve Tutor only.

  • 24

    Figure 3.6.5 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 4.0

    Based on Figure 3.6.5 above shows the Data Flow Diagram Level 1 Process 4.0

    for this system. This stage involve two user (Tutor and Admin).

  • 25

    3.7 Entity Relationship Diagram

    Figure 3.7 Entity Relationship Diagram

    An entity relationship diagram (ERD) illustrates an information system’s

    entities and the relationship between those entities. ERD composed of three things such

    as identifying and defining the entities, determine entities interaction and the cardinality

    of the relationship.

  • 26

    3.8 Data Dictionary

    A data dictionary is a file or a set of files that contains a database's metadata.

    The data dictionary contains records about other objects in the database, such as data

    ownership, data relationships to other objects, and other data. The data dictionary is a

    crucial component of any relational database. Ironically, because of its importance, it is

    invisible to most database users. For most relational database management systems

    (RDBMS), the database management system software needs the data dictionary to

    access the data within a database.

    1. TABLE user

    2. TABLE tutor

    3. TABLE student

    4. TABLE booktutor

    5. TABLE scheduletutor

    6. TABLE subject

    7. TABLE faculty

    8. TABLE course

  • 27

    1. Table user

    Table 3.8.1 : Table user

    No Column Type Length Null Key

    1 username varchar 50 No PK

    2 password varchar 10 No

    3 role varchar 10 No

    2. Table tutor

    Table 3.8.2 : Table tutor

    No Column Type Length Null Key

    1 username varchar 50 No FK

    2 tutorID varchar 6 No PK

    3 tutorName varchar 50 No

    4 tutorIC varchar 12 No

    5 tutorphoneNo varchar 12 No

    6 tutoremail varchar 10 No

    7 price varchar 10 No

  • 28

    3. Table student

    Table 3.8.3 : Table student

    No Column Type Length Null Key

    1 studentID varchar 10 No PK

    2 studentName varchar 50 No

    3 studentIC varchar 12 No

    4 studentphoneNo varchar 12 No

    5 username varchar 50 No FK

    6 faculty Varchar 50 No

    7 course Varchar 50 No

  • 29

    4. Table booktutor

    Table 3.8.4 : Table booktutor

    No Column Type Length Null Key

    1 bookidID Int 6 No PK

    2 tutorID varchar 6 No FK

    3 studentID varchar 6 No FK

    4 subjectname varchar 50 No

    5 bookdate date No

    6 bookday varchar No

    7 starttime time No

    8 endtime time No

    9 status varchar 20 No

    5. Table scheduletutor

    Table 3.8.5 : Table scheduletutor

    No Column Type Length Null Key

    1 scheduleID int 6 No PK

    2 tutorID varchar 6 No FK

    3 scheduleDate date No

  • 30

    4 starttime time No

    5 endtime time No

    6. Table subject

    Table 3.8.6 : Table subject

    No Column Type Length Null Key

    1 subjectCode varchar 6 No PK

    2 subjectName varchar 50 No

    3 tutorID varchar 6 No FK

    7. Table faculty

    Table 3.8.7 : Table faculty

    No Column Type Length Null Key

    1 facultyID varchar 6 No PK

    2 facultyName varchar 50 No

  • 31

    8. Table course

    Table 3.8.8 : Table course

    No Column Type Length Null Key

    1 courseCode varchar 11 No PK

    2 courseName varchar 50 No

  • 32



    4.1 Introduction

    The implementation is the process of carrying out, execution, or practice of the

    method, design or model according to the specification given by the user requirement.

    The goal of this chapter is to show on the flow of the system during the development


  • 33

    4.2 Implementation of the System

    For developing the Tutor Finder Mobile Application, several programming

    languages has been used. The Xampp version 1.8.3-5 (v 3.2.1) with Apache version

    2.4.10 are used to run the localhost server. The Notepad++ version 6.3.6 are used for

    writing the code.

    The interface design is using the bootstrap template. The serverside

    programming language is using the Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP). The PHP is a

    powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web Pages and widely used because

    it is general purpose scripting language which can be embedded into HTML.

    The validation used in this system is HTML5, PHP and JavaScript. The

    validation is important to avoid the user from input malicious data and ensuring the

    input is clean, correct and useful. For example, the name can accept only the alphabet,

    if user input the number system will give a warning for the user to input the alphabet


    4.3 Programming Language

    PHP – use for form processes

    HTML5 – use to design interfaces and validation

    JavaScript – use for validation

  • 34

    4.4 Interface Design

    The interface design which will be used for developing the system is shown as

    below. The interface is developed from the data decomposition and the system

    requirements. This system can be divided into 2 users which us Tutor and Student.

    4.4.1 Tutor

    Tutor must login to the system before they can access to their module. The

    interface for Tutor to login into the system as shown in Figure 4.1. Login Interface

    Figure 4.1 : Tutor Login Interface

    Figure 4.1: above shown the main of login interface for tutor

  • 35 Register Page

    Figure 4.2 : Tutor Register Page

    Figure 4.2: above shown the register page for tutor. Tutor is required to fill in their


  • 36 Dashboard Page

    Figure 4.3 : Tutor Dashboard Page

    Figure 4.3: above shown the dashboard page for he tutor.

  • 37 Manage Profile

    Figure 4.4 : Tutor Profile Page

    Figure 4.4: above shown the profile page for the tutor. Tutor can view their personal

    details and their schedule. Tutor can update their details. Manage Subject

    Figure 4.5 : Tutor Subject Page

    Figure 4.5: above shown the subject page. Tutor can add and delete subject.

  • 38

    Figure 4.6 : Tutor Add Subject Page

    Figure 4.6: above shown the subject page for the tutor. Tutor can register new subject.

    Figure 4.7 : Tutor Delete Subject Page

    Figure 4.7: above shown the delete subject page for the tutor. Tutor can delete the

    subject that they registered.

  • 39 Manage Schedule

    Figure 4.8 : Tutor Schedule Page

    Figure 4.8: above shown the schedule page for the tutor. Tutor can view their

    schedule. Tutor can add their schedule and delete them.

  • 40 Manage Rating

    Figure 4.9 : Tutor Rating Page

    Figure 4.9: above shown the rating page for the tutor. Tutor can view their rating

    among another tutor in the system.

  • 41

    4.4.2 Student

    Student must login to the system before they can access to their module. The

    interface for Staff to login into the system as shown in Figure 4.10. Login Interface

    Figure 4.10 : Student Login Page

    Figure 4.10: above shown the main of login interface for student

  • 42 Register Page

    Figure 4.11 : Student Register Page

    Figure 4.11: above shown the register page for student. Student is required to fill in

    their details.

  • 43 Dashboard Page

    Figure 4.12 : Dashboard Page

    Figure 4.12: above shown the dashboard page for the student. Manage Profile

    Figure 4.13 : Profile Page

  • 44

    Figure 4.13: above shown the profile page for the student. Student can view their

    personal details. Student can update their details.. Manage Booking Tutor

    Figure 4.14 : Find Tutor Page

    Figure 4.14: above shown the find tutor page for the student. Student can choose

    whether they want choose find by subject or faculty.

  • 45

    Figure 4.15 : Find Tutor Page

    Figure 4.15: above shown the find tutor page for the student. Student can choose

    whether they want choose find by subject or faculty.

    Figure 4.16 : List Tutor Page

    Figure 4.16: above shown the list of tutor page for the student. Student can choose any

    of tutor the want to book.

  • 46

    Figure 4.17 : Book Tutor Page

    Figure 4.17: above shown the book tutor page for the student. Student need to tap book

    button to book tutor

    Figure 4.18 : Book Tutor Page

    Figure 4.18: above shown the book tutor page for the student. Student need fill the form

    to book tutor.

  • 47 Manage Subject

    Figure 4.19 : Subject Page

    Figure 4.19: above shown the subject page for the student. Student can view list of the

    subject that they learn and book with tutor. Manage Schedule

  • 48

    Figure 4.20 : Schedule Page

    Figure 4.20: above shown the schedule page for the student. Student can view list of the

    schedule that they book tutor and know the status of the approval tutor. Rating Tutor

    Figure 4.21 : Rating Page

    Figure 4.21: above shown the rating page for the student. Student need to insert tutor id

    to rate.

  • 49

    Figure 4.22 : Rating Page

    Figure 4.22: above shown the rating page for the student. Student can rate their tutor in

    range 1-5 only.

    4.5 Chapter Summary

    This chapter ensures that the system is developed according to the requirement,

    the framework (system modelling) and design. Each module involves in Tutor Finder

    Mobile Application Using Normalize Techniqueis described in the data flow. The

    system developed must follow closely the DFD and ERD designed in the earlier phases.

  • 50



    5.1 Introduction

    In order to ensure the system developed according to the functional requirement

    state by the user and fulfilled the main objective, the system testing is done throughout

    the implementation process. Testing is conducted to uncover error that is inadvertently

    during the coding phase. This is constructed by testing individual program component

    to get the intended result from the system developed. The process involve in the system

    testing are unit testing and environmental testing. This chapter outlines the steps

    necessary to verify if the system is correctly done and performs to the required

    specifications. The system is also being tested using two widely test methods, which is

    are white box testing and black box testing.

  • 51

    5.2 Testing Analysis

    The system is tested using two techniques of software testing which are a black

    box testing and white box testing after the complete implementation. The testing is must

    in order to get the respective input and output for each process involve in this system.

    5.2.1 Black Box Testing

    The module involves in this testing are :


    Manage Profile

    Manage Schedule

    Manage Booking

    Manage Subject

    5.2.2 White Box Testing

    The module involves in this testing are :

    Rating Tutor

  • 52

    5.3 Test Cases

    A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine

    whether a system under test satisfies requirements or works correctly. The process of

    developing test cases also helps find the problems in the requirement or design of an

    application. The table below shows the test cases for several processes of the Tutor

    Finder Mobile Application Using Normalize Technique.

    5.3.1 Login

    Table 5.1 : Test Case Fail Login

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Go to login page Preview page loaded Pass

    2 Enter the following details

    Username : abcde

    Password : abcde12345


    3 Click login button Message “Invalid

    Username and Password”


    4 Re-enter the correct username and


    Login page Pass

  • 53

    Table 5.2 : Test Case Student Success Login

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Go to login page Preview page loaded Pass

    2 Enter the following details

    Username : 043112

    Password : student12345


    3 Click login button Login successful

    Display Student Module


    Table 5.3 : Test Case Tutor Success Login

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Go to login page Preview page loaded Pass

    2 Enter the following details

    Username : 034330

    Password : tutor034330


    3 Click login button Login successful

    Display Tutor Module


  • 54

    5.3.2 Manage Profile

    Table 5.4 : Test Case Register New Student

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Click “Register New student” Form to register new



    2 Enter the new student details Pass

    3 Click “Register” button Display fail or success



    Table 5.5 : Test Case Update Student Details

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Click “Update Student Details” Display student details Pass

    2 Enter new updated student details Form update staff details

    3 Click “Update ” button Display fail or success



  • 55

    5.3.2 Manage Booking Tutor

    Table 5.6 : Test Case Make New Booking

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Tap “Find Tutor” Choose by subject or



    2 Select by subject or faculty Pass

    3 Tap “View” button Choose Tutor Pass

    4 Tap “Book” button Form book tutor Pass

    3 Tap “Book” button Display fail or success



    Table 5.7 : Test Case Update Booking Status

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Tap “My Student” Display list of student



    2 Select status to be update Form update status details Pass

    4 Tap “Submit” button Display fail or success



  • 56

    5.3.4 Manage Subject

    Table 5.8 : Test Case Add New Subject

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Tap “My Subject” at Tutor Home Display list of subject Pass

    2 Tap “Add Subject” Form add subject Pass

    3 Tap “Register” button Display fail or success



  • 57

    5.3.5 Student Rate Tutor

    Table 5.9 : Test Case Student Rate Tutor

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Tap on “My Tutor” on Student


    Display list of tutor



    2 Choose tutor and tap “Submit”


    Display rate form Pass

    3 Select rating Form add rating

    4 Tap “Submit” button Display fail or success



  • 58

    5.3.6 Manage Schedule

    Table 5.10 : Test Case Add New Schedule

    Step Procedure Expected Result Pass / Fail

    1 Tap on “My Schedule” on Tutor


    Display list of schedule

    and form


    2 Full fill the form to add new


    Form add schedule

    3 Tap “Submit” button Display fail or success



    5.4 Chapter Summary

    The implementation of coding and testing of the system is discussed in this

    chapter. For creating the robust and well function system, all test cases must be tested

    carefully to ensure the intended result. The main process and the flow of module are

    discussed. The system functionally had been tested and evaluated.

  • 59



    6.1 Introduction

    In this chapter, the finding in the project is discussed and concluded. The content

    of this chapter is summarized of the result or the project contribution, the limitation of

    this project and some suggestion for the future work.

    6.2 Project Contribution

    Tutor Finder Mobile Application Using Normalize Technique is developed to

    help student to find tutor around campus. In addition, it also helps customer to make an

    online crisp order. This system has been achieved the objectives and all scopes had been


    The achievement of this project is outline below:

    The systematic book system for to find tutor.

  • 60

    This system will sort tutor by rating that given from student.

    It helps student in finding tutor more easy.

    6.3 Result Discussion

    Generally, this project has been carried out and follow the objective that has

    been stated in Chapter 1. The system helps the student to tutor for the subject much

    easier. Additionally, the system assists student in booking and review tutor more

    efficient. Moreover, this project provide the rating using Normalize Technique.

    6.4 Project Constraints and Limitation

    There are several problems and limitation while developing this project. These

    are the problems and limitations in conducting the study are :

    Lack of reference on existing system.

    This system only allow booking but does not include payment online.

  • 61

    6.5 Future Work

    There are few suggestions that can be made to upgrade the system to be more

    efficient in future work. The suggestions are as below :

    The student can be group into a few type.

    Add functionality on payment online for the tutor.

    6.6 Conclusion

    Tutor Finder Mobile Application Using Normalize Technique is a system which

    focus on student to find their tutor around the campus. Based on the previous studies

    and discussion, the suitable approach is implemented in this system which is Normalize

    Technique. This system provide an rating for the student to rate their tutor based on the

    experience of the student with tutor. This is very important function that helps student

    to find the best tutor around the campus. Hopefully this system can help to overcome

    the problem in order to make a new production more efficiently.

  • 62


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