universiti utara malaysia chapter 3 introduction to asp.net 3.5

Universiti Utara Malaysia Chapter 3 Introduction to ASP.NET 3.5

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Universiti Utara Malaysia

Chapter 3Introduction to ASP.NET 3.5

Universiti Utara Malaysia

ASP.NET is an exciting web programming technology pioneered by Microsoft that allows developer to create dynamic web pages.

Dinamic web pages are pages whose content is dinamically generated each time the web page is requested.

Microsoft dynamic web programming technology was called Active Server Page or ASP.

Although ASP is popular, it lack of importanat future found in other programming technologies.

Getting started with ASP.NET 3.5

Universiti Utara Malaysia

Getting started with ASP.NET3.5 cont..

History of ASP.NETASP.NET 1.0 – jan 2002ASP.NET 2.0 – November 2005ASP.NET 3.5 – November 2007ASP.NET 4.0 - OTW

Universiti Utara Malaysia

Getting started with ASP.NET3.5 cont..

To create ASP.NET web site, we need to install :- .NET Framework, Visual Web Developer and SQL

Server 2005. .Net Framework – a rich platform for creating windows-

based applications and is the underlying technology used to create ASP.NET websites.

Visual Web Developer – sophisticated program for creating, editing, and testing ASP.NET websites and web pages.

SQL server 2005 – DBMS- database engine, which specialized application designed to efficient to efficiently store and query data.

Universiti Utara Malaysia

Dynamic web pages – web pages in website where the content is determined dynamically based on user input or other information. Eg: any of website’s search engine page – content of the search result page is based on the search criteria and the search

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Static web page – contain content that does not change based on who visit the page other external factor.

ASP.NET is the only one of many technologies that can be employed to generate dynamic web pages. Other technology include PHP, JSP and ColFusion.

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Serving static web pages

Web servers A software application that continually wait

for incoming web request (for particular URL)

Examine the requested URL, locate the appropriate file and the sends this file back to client that made the web request.

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This model adequate for serving static pages, the web server merely returns the contents of the requested URL to the browser that initiated and request. The content of requested URL are not modified in any way by the web server based on external inputs.

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Serving dynamic web pages

To accommodate dynamic content, dynamic web pages contain source code that is executed when the page is requested.

When the code executed, it will produce HTML as the result which is then send back to and displayed in the visitor’s browser

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This model allow for dynamic content because the content isn’t actually created until the web page is requested.

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the web server can determine whether the request page is dynamic or static web page by requested file’s extension. If extension is . aspx, the web server knows the requested page is an ASP.NET web page and therefore hands off the request to the ASP.NET engine.

Universiti Utara Malaysia


To view ASP.NET web page that riside on web server, need to request it through a browser

The browser send request to web server and dispatches the request to ASP.NET engine.

ASP.NET engine process the request page and return the result in HTML to the browser.

Normally, when u develop ASP.NET web pages, to test it you must have a web server installed.

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Fortunately, when we installing visual studio 2008. you no need to concern about web server to test your web pages.

Visual studio 2008 has include lightweight web server specifically design for testing ASP.NET page locally.

Universiti Utara Malaysia

Advantages hosting ASP.NET locallyTesting can be done while offline – no need

internet connectionIts fast –localAdvanced debugging futures are available –

such as halting the execution, and stepping through its code line by line.

Secure – no worry about hacker.

Universiti Utara Malaysia

Disadvantages hosting ASP.NET locallyThey can be viewed only from your computer. Other

visitor on another computer cant enter some URL into their browser’s address bar.

Need to use company hosting to enable anyone visit your ASP.NET web pages.

Benefit using company web hosting Publicly available website – using internet connection Use of a domain – Ability to focus 100% building your website – all maintenance

will company will do.

Universiti Utara Malaysia

Installing ASP.NET Engine, Editor and DBMS To install ASP.NET engine, your computer must be

running on windows environment. Three (3) component need to be installed to work with

ASP.NET :- .NET Framework – contain the core library required

to execute ASP.NET pagesVisual Web Developer : tool to design the webSQL server 2005 as database engine.

To do installation and testing, please read from text begin page 16 to 22.

Universiti Utara Malaysia


What is difference between a static web page and dynamic web page?

What is purpose of the ASP.NET engineASP.NET web pages can be served from

computer using Windows Me operating system (true or false )

What software package must be installed to serve ASP.NET web pages from a computer ?

What should you consider using a web hosting company to your ASP.NET web pages