university college oxford annual fund 2014-15

...I’m already benefitting from the experience of being here. Fiona Coffee (2010, Law) ...the extraordinary opportunities and lasting friendships the College gave to me . Priya Hickey (1998, PPE) ... the College really understands the value of tutorials. Elizabeth Paris (1979, History) ...a bursary from two alumni completely changed my life. Dan Keyworth (2000, PPE) ...Univ inspired me, and Univ students will go on to carry inspiration to many. Nick Rawlins (1968, PPP) (Fellow 1981-2007) ...I have devoted my life to the College, and care about it very deeply. George Cawkwell (Emeritus Fellow, Fellow in Classics 1949-87) ...Univ provides opportunities for students, regardless of their background . Joram van Rheede (2008, Psychology) ...the happy memories Univ has given me. Joanna Green (2007, Biochemistry) 2014-15 Annual Fund IGive Because

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Page 1: University College Oxford Annual Fund 2014-15

“...I’m already benefitting from the experience of being here. ” Fiona Coffee (2010, Law)

“...the extraordinary opportunities and lasting friendships the College gave to me . ”Priya Hickey (1998, PPE)

“... the College really understands the value of tutorials. ” Elizabeth Paris (1979, History)

“...a bursary from two alumni completely changed my life. ”Dan Keyworth (2000, PPE)

“...Univ inspired me, and Univ students will go on to carry inspiration to many. ”Nick Rawlins (1968, PPP) (Fellow 1981-2007)

“...I have devoted my life to the College, and care about it very deeply. ”George Cawkwell (Emeritus Fellow, Fellow in Classics 1949-87)

“...Univ provides opportunities for students, regardless of their background . ”Joram van Rheede (2008, Psychology)

“...the happy memories Univ has given me. ” Joanna Green (2007, Biochemistry)

2014-15 Annual FundI Give Because

Page 2: University College Oxford Annual Fund 2014-15

We asked this question in 2013/14, and a record-breaking 2,352 individuals contributed, collectively raising more than

£1 million - the first time this milestone has been surpassed

since the Annual Fund’s launch in 2001. Some of your individual

reasons for supporting Univ are displayed across this leaflet.

Why give to Univ?

With these resources, Univ is able to bridge the gap between the true cost of an Oxford education and the income received from tuition fees and the Government, as well as offer a wide range of scholarships and bursaries, attracting a diverse and global student body to attend the College. Thanks to your support, we have also been able to fund the essentials that make an education at Univ so unique, from travel scholarships and internship grants to funding for societies and clubs such as the Univ Music Society and UCBC.

As our community of donors grows, so too does the difference that we can make to current students, our academic teaching, and the social life of the College.

We hope that you will

consider making a gift this year.

“Jill and I give to Univ’s Annual Fund each year because two of our children studied here in the 1990s, and

they had a wonderful experience. I have no doubt that the College was pivotal in the fulfilling and successful careers that they have gone on to have, as well as the lifelong friends that they have made.

I want future generations to benefit from the College in this way, and that is why I am asking you to join me in supporting Univ’s Annual Fund every year. The College is proud of the generosity of its Old Members and Friends; with your help, we can work to ensure that you will always be proud to call Univ your College.”

Sir Ivor Crewe

From the Master

Page 3: University College Oxford Annual Fund 2014-15

Undergraduate Bursaries and Student Support Awards, ensuring an education at Univ is affordable to all, regardless of financial circumstances.

Schools Liaison & Access initiatives, encouraging students from all backgrounds to apply to Univ.

Graduate Scholarships, attracting the best from an increasingly competitive global graduate market.

You can direct your gift to an area of your choice from a wide range of activities and projects, including:

The quickest and easiest way to make a gift is online at

Alternatively, please complete and return a gift form, or call Ruth Lindley, Annual Fund Manager on

+44 (0)1865 286208 to make a credit card gift or set up a regular direct debit.

Thank you!

Which area of Univ would you like to support?

How you can give

These initiatives are made possible and strengthened by the continued support of our Old Members. More than 1400 of our supporters last year chose to make a regular donation every month, quarter or year, as this can be an affordable way to form a substantial gift over time, and means that Univ can make assured plans for the future.

The Tutorial system, safeguarding our world-class teaching and the unique foundation of the undergraduate experience.

The Goodhart Building renovation, improving its energy efficiency and increasing our accommodation provision.

Research Projects, helping our Fellows and postgraduates promote their work to a wider audience.

Page 4: University College Oxford Annual Fund 2014-15

“...I feel very strongly that finances shouldn’t be an object in talented students studying here. ” Aimee Campbell (2008, PPP)

“ is a new relationship between Old Members and the development of the College. ”Herman Bell (1956, Oriental Studies)

“...from my first day I was made to feel part of the family by everyone at Univ. ”Sarah Smith (1981, History)

“ has been my Oxford home for nearly sixty years, and the foundation for many treasured friendships. ”John Morrison (1955, Law)

“...the support Univ gives to the graduate community. ”Tom Barfield (2005, English)

There are several ways to maximise the value of your gift to Univ. For details on tax-efficient giving methods and matching gift schemes please visit

For more information please visit

Or scan the code below using your smart phone

Every gift to Univ is also a gift to the University’s Oxford Thinking Campaign

Or contact

Ruth Lindley, Annual Fund Manager, The Development Office, University College, Oxford OX1 4BH

Tel: +44 (0)1865 286208

[email protected]