university gazette november 2010

Rs. 5.00 (Per Issue) Rs. 50.00 (Annual) Volume 47 November Number 11 2010 Aligarh Muslim University Gazette Vice-Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis felicitating eminent Vice-Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis and other urdu poet Sharyar who recently got the prestigious officials laying Chadar at the grave of Sir Syed to mark Jnanpit Award. the birth anniversary. Nawab Ibne Saeed Khan of Chhatari, former Honorary Treasurer Vice-Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis and Nawab Ibne Addressing the Sir Syed Day meeting. Also seen in the picture Saeed Khan of Chhatari giving the prize to a winner of Dr. Shakeel Samdani, Vice-Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis All India Sir Syed Memorial debate. Prof. P.K. Abdul Jaleel, Registrar and Prof. Ainul Haq DSW. Our News for the World

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Page 1: University Gazette November 2010

Rs. 5.00 (Per Issue) Rs. 50.00 (Annual)

Volume 47 November Number 11 2010

Aligarh Muslim University Gazette

Vice-Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis felicitating eminent Vice-Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis and other urdu poet Sharyar who recently got the prestigious officials laying Chadar at the grave of Sir Syed to mark Jnanpit Award. the birth anniversary.

Nawab Ibne Saeed Khan of Chhatari, former Honorary Treasurer Vice-Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis and Nawab Ibne Addressing the Sir Syed Day meeting. Also seen in the picture Saeed Khan of Chhatari giving the prize to a winner of Dr. Shakeel Samdani, Vice-Chancellor Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis All India Sir Syed Memorial debate. Prof. P.K. Abdul Jaleel, Registrar and Prof. Ainul Haq DSW.

Our News for the World

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Founder Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

Patron Professor P.K. Abdul Azis

Vice Chancellor

Aligarh Muslim University Gazette originated as The Aligarh Institute Gazette. Launched by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1866, it projected a vision much ahead of its times. Sir Syed is known for his devotion to education, support for intellectual pursuits and commitment to public welfare. Currently Aligarh Muslim University Gazette is a monthly journal brought out by the Publications Division, A.M.U. in cooperation with all university divisions. The Gazette promotes values and achievements that foster a sense of pride in belonging to the University. The goal is to encourage positive exchange of ideas and information.

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Tile, Victoria Gate

Editorial BoardProfessor P. K. Abdul Azis, Vice-Chancellor - Patron Professor V. K. Abdul Jaleel, Registrar - Censor Dr. Shafey Kidwai, Department of Mass Communication - Editor [email protected]

Members Professor N.A.K. Durrani, MIC, Publications Division Professor A.R. Fatihi, Department of Linguistics Professor S. Alim Husain Naqvi, Department of Applied Physics Professor Bilquis Nasim Waris, Principal, Women’s College

Contents Periodicity of Publication Monthly New Centres Heralds a Beginning of Resurgence 2 Registration Number CCaammppuuss AAccttiivviittiieess 44 Subscription Rates Rs.5.00 (Per issue) Reasearch 15

Rs.50.00 (Annual) Superanuations 18 Address Publications Division New Appointments 18 Sarfaraz House Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh - 202 002(UP) India Phone +91 571 270-0930 +91 571 270-0920 Extn. 1233 E-mail [email protected] Website

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New Centres Heralds a Beginning of Resurgence

Dr. Rahat Abrar

The mission of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, a symbol of Muslim renaissance in India was not only to establish an educational institution at Aligarh but his vision was that this institution gains the central position among Muslims by providing them leadership in educational matters and all Muslim institutions are affiliated with this. It is a great moment that the dream of Sir Syed is going to materialize with the establishment of Aligarh Muslim University’s centres in Murshidabad (West Bengal) and Malappuram (Kerala). It looks pertinent to turn attention to the chronology of events that culminated into establishment of new centres of AMU.

On February 8, 1873 while addressing a meeting of Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College Fund Committee, Sir Syed’s illustrious son, Justice Syed Mahmood submitted the plan of

proposed Aligarh Muslim University and suggested that the University might establish schools in the University town and “elsewhere”.

Laying the foundation stone of Mohammadan Anglo-Oriental College on January 8, 1877, Sir Syed said before Lord Lytton that “from seed which we sow there may spring up a mighty tree whose branches, like those of Banyan of the soil, shall in their turn strike from roots into earth and themselves send forth new and vigorous saplings; that this college may expand into a University whose sons shall go throughout the length and breadth of the land to preach the gospel of free enquiry of large hearted toleration, and pure morality”

While welcoming the then Governor General Lord Rippon at MAO College in 1884, the founder of the college, Sir Syed said that “the aim is to extending these schemes to places other than Aligarh”.

After the demise of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan in 1898, Sir Syed Memorial Fund was created in different parts of country and the effort for the establishment of a Muslim University was sped up. All the persons associated with this movement wanted all Muslim institutions of India to be affiliated to the Muslim University.

Dr. Sir Ziauddin, while presenting the idea of the Muslim University at Lahore session of All India Muslim Educational Conference in 1898, discussed at length the concept of a University and emphasized the importance of the right of affiliating colleges. Moving a step ahead, Maulvi Rafiuddin gave his own plan of the proposed Muslim University in a British periodical ‘Nineteenth Century’. He contemplated to widen its jurisdiction to all Muslims who lived in the British Empire and recommended affiliation of colleges all over the globe to this proposed University.

Theodore Beck, the Principal of M. A. O. College also advocated that such a Muslim University should have the power to affiliate all Muslim Institutions spread all over the country. In 1903, while addressing the annual session of All India Muslim Educational Conference, Sir Agha Khan delivered a very impressive speech in favour of a Central Muslim University at the Mumbai session. He wanted this University to be given the power to affiliate colleges all over the country in order to achieve the goal of establishing a Central Muslim University.

On April 17, 1911, a special debate was organized in the new building of Students’ Union in which affiliation of all Muslim institutions was emphasized. The same year in November, the draft constitution of the proposed Muslim University was submitted to London by the Government of India with the recommendation that the power of affiliation could be granted as there will be no abuse of it, if properly controlled.

The British Government was very apprehensive that in the name of Muslim University, Muslims of India might get united once again and the Aligarh movement might take a political turn, for the students of Aligarh were prominently active in the freedom struggle and the Jamia Millia Islamia came into origin on the very stairs of University Mosque.

On December 17, 1920, AMU Act came into force and the University was permitted to establish and maintain intermediate colleges and schools but very restricted powers of affiliating colleges and schools in the Aligarh district were given.

In 1968, the Beg Committee proposed to the Government of India that Aligarh Muslim University may be granted power to establish institutions of higher education and research outside the University campus.

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On October 17, 2002, Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, Mr. Digvijay Singh while addressing the Sir Syed’s birth anniversary celebration announced to provide free land for setting up of a Centre of the Aligarh Muslim University or a similar minority educational institution in Madhya Pradesh besides allocating one crore rupees.

After the announcement of Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister, the Gharib Nawaz Foundation invited the Aligarh Muslim University Vice Chancellor, Mr. Nasim Ahmad at a function organized in Bhopal on July 21, 2003. On July 24, 2004, the Gharib Nawaz Foundation presented a memorandum to the Union Minister of Human Resource Development, Mr. Arjun Singh demanding for the establishment of a centre of Aligarh Muslim University in Bhopal. MHRD forwarded the proposal to UGC for action.

The University Grants’ Commission on January 28, 2005 informed Gharib Nawaz Foundation that the Aligarh Muslim University has been asked to submit a detailed proposal in this regard. MHRD drew the attention of AMU to a resolution passed by the ‘national monitoring committee for Minorities education’ held on July 11-12,2006 indicating that AMU might be permitted to open another campus.

In the meantime, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, Shri Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee wrote a letter to the Prime Minister, Mr. Manmohan Singh on March 30, 2007 requesting for establishment of the Aligarh Muslim University centre in Murshidabad. MHRD forwarded the letter to AMU and suggested that the proposal be examined in terms of Section 12(2) of the AMU Act. MHRD again requested the University that the proposal be approved by the appropriate bodies of the University before the Ministry could process the request for obtaining necessary sanction to the visitor.

On November 21, 2007, the Education Minister of Kerala, Mr. M. A. Baby met the Union Minister of State for HRD, Mr. M. A. A. Fatmi and requested to establish Aligarh Muslim University campus at Malappuram.

Earlier to this, while addressing AMU Court, the apex body of the University on January 21, 2007, the former Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University, Mr. Saiyid Hamid suggested that the Government should either establish new Universities in India to meet the educational need of the minorities or Aligarh Muslim University should be allowed to start its campuses throughout the country.

Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis, after accepting the responsibilities of Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University on June 11, 2007, focused on the all round development of the University to fulfill Sir Syed’s dreams. On December 2, 2007 at the meeting of University Court, Dr. Mohammad Asif Khan moved a resolution that the University should establish Specil centers in North, South, East and west covering different regions under section 12(2) of AMU Act. The supreme governing body of the University approved the resolution.

The proposal to establish five centres at Katihar (Bihar), Pune (Maharashtra), Malappuram (Kerala), Murshidabad (West Bengal) and Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) was put before the Executive Council in its meeting on January 17, 2008 which was unanimously approved. Later, the proposal for Katihar was changed over to Kishanganj on request of the Chief Minister of Bihar. The Academic Council of the University endorsed the above resolution to establish the centres and authorized the Vice Chancellor to take necessary follow up actions. He was also urged to take initiative in the context of the mandate given to AMU by the Parliament “to promote especially the educational and cultural advancement of the Muslims of India”.

Honoring the decision of the EC, AC and the University Court of the University, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis submitted a proposal to the government of India for the “establishment of new five centres of AMU in the Muslim dominated educationally backward and under developed regions of India’. The proposal represented the biggest and most far-sighted initiatives of AMU in the context of Sachar Committee and Fatmi Committee reports.

AMU Vice Chancellor also wrote a letter to the Chief Ministers of all five states requesting them to provide 250-400 acres of land free from all encumbrances and free of cost to the University for the establishment of AMU Centres. The Kerala, West Bengal and Bihar governments responded positively and assured the University of their Full Cooperation in the establishment of its Centres.

The Aligarh Muslim University had submitted a detailed proposal to the Government of India for establishment of AMU Centres along with an estimate of expenditure on February 13, 2008. Responding to AMU’s proposal the Central Government allocated Rs. 25 Crore each for the establishment of Malappuram (Kerala) and Murshidabad (Murshidabad) centres in its 2009-2010 annual budget. The President of India in her capacity as the Visitor of the

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University provisionally accorded approval for the establishment of these centres under Section 12(2) of the University Act.

When Sir Syed Ahmad Khan established M. A. O. College in 1877, its area was only 78 acres of land but now it has reached to one thousand acres and with the addition of six hundred acres of land given by the Kerala and West Bengal governments free of cost, the University has taken a big leap in this direction. Today the products of Sir Syed’s institution are spread over 92 countries and perhaps this is the only University of India whose students are found in every part of the world. Sir Syed was the first Muslim social reformer who exhorted Muslims to gain modern education and helped them come out of the ghettos of ignorance. The establishment of these two centres should be considered as a glorious chapter in the history of Aligarh Muslim University. These centres would pave way for an educational revolution among Muslims and the institution considered a symbol of Muslims’ glory would expand its area of activity. Its centres would be established in other states as well and when the University would be organizing its centenary celebrations in 2020, new Muslim Universities would be taking birth from the Aligarh Muslim University.

CCaammppuuss AAccttiivviittiieess Sir Syed Day Celebrated

The 193rd birth anniversary of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan was celebrated with traditional gaiety at Aligarh Muslim University. A largely attended commemorative meeting, prize distribution of All India Essay Writing Competition, book exhibition, Quran Khwani and floral tribute at the grave of Sir Syed marked the occasion.

Delivering the commemorative address, Nawab Ibne Saeed Khan of Chhatari, former Honorary Treasurer of the University said that AMU is not just an institution but it should provide the affection of a father and caring of a mother to the students. The students need discipline of a father and love and affection of a mother.

He said that democracy provides right to everyone and its demand is also genuine but it also imposes restrictions in public interest. It is true that democracy preaches for the liberty but it also advocates for limitations or it would become an autocracy. If students cross this limit, then the message becomes a subject of criticism.

He pointed out that Sir Syed’s mission riveted on two objectives – education and character building but today we see a visible lack of stress on character building. He said that the students are the brand ambassadors of this

institution. Wherever the alumni of this great seat of learning have gone, they have laid down the Aligarh’s spirit of establishing associations, colleges and the university and have acquainted the world with the great movement.

Presiding over the commemorative meeting at Kennedy Hall today, AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis said “The creation of two centres has revived the spirit of Aligarh Movement as it enkindles new hope in Muslims who are still mired in educational backwardness. The approval of the Centre is the most befitting tribute to Sir Syed who strove for ameliorating the condition of Muslims”.

Prof. Azis said that the Muslims living in West Bengal and Kerala are exulted and five more states – Assam, Rajasthan, Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have requested the University to open centres as more and more states want Muslims to take up education on priority basis. Prof. Azis hoped that more centres would eventually emerge as full-fledged universities. By 2020, when AMU celebrates its centenary, it would not be the only university

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as new centres complement it. The Vice Chancellor declared that the admission to BALLB and MBA at new centres will be notified very soon. It is heartening to note that Sir Syed’s Prof. Azis said that the Muslims living in West Bengal and Kerala are exulted and five more states – Assam, Rajasthan, Haryana, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh have requested the University to open centres as more and more states want Muslims to take up education on priority basis. Prof. Azis hoped that more centres would eventually emerge as full-fledged universities. By 2020, when AMU celebrates its centenary, it would not be the only university as new centres complement it. The Vice Chancellor declared that the admission to BALLB and MBA at new centres will be notified very soon. It is heartening to note that Sir Syed’s dream of spreading education among Muslims across the country has come true after a century.

Paying rich tributes to Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis said that Sir Syed judiciously blended modern education with Islamic teachings and set the Muslims on the path of resurgence.

He asked students not to be carried away by any consideration except education that will arrest all pervading sense of deprivation. Cultivation of a sense of belonging will enable students to get associated with nation building, he exhorted. He urged the students to rededicate themselves to the ideals of Sir Syed and brook no suggestion that put their future into jeopardy.

Prof. Ali Mohammad Naqvi, Dean, Faculty of Theology highlighted the five-fold mission of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. He said that there were great personalities like Raja Rammohan Roy, Keshab Chandra Sen, Vidyasagar but they have not left any institution which may have shaped the history as Sir Syed did.

He said that Sir Syed Mission has reconstruction of religious thought in Islam and revival of its rational spirit.

While paying tribute to Sir Syed, Prof. Qazi Afzal Husain, Dean, Faculty of Arts said that Sir Syed was a symbol of secularism and he himself instituted a medal to non-Muslim students. He said that Sir Syed was a great social reformer of nineteenth century.

In his welcome address, AMU Registrar, Prof. V. K. Abdul Jaleel said that the commencement of AMU’s centres in Murshidabad and Malappuram this year is the greatest tribute our nation is paying to the legendary contributions made by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for the promotion of education. He said that today we are organizing the founder’s day commemorative meeting in a modest way because of

some factors which are beyond our control. On this occasion, Nawab Ibne Saeed Khan of Chhatari presented the award of All India Essay Writing

Competition organized by the Public Relations Office. Mr. Mahmood Alam Siddiqui, Research Scholar of JNU received the first prize of Rs. 25,000/-. Ms. Asma Shahid, student of Raza P. G. College , Rampur and Ms. Farheen M. Junaidi of Karnataka got the second and third prizes of Rupees Fifteen Thousand and Rupees Ten Thousand respectively. The toppers from one dozen states also received prizes.

Dr. Shakeel Samdani, Coordinator, General Education Centre conducted the programme and Prof. Ainul Haq Khan proposed the vote of thanks. Sports Authority sanctions Rs. 3 Crore 90 Lakh for Hockey Astro Turf

The Sports Authority of India has informed the Aligarh Muslim University and the CPWD (Agra) that a sum of Rs: 3 Crore and 90 Lakh has been sanctioned for Hockey Astro Turf in its meeting held recently. The CPWD has been asked to take necessary action in this matter.

The Secretary, Games Committee, Prof. Tariq Mansoor has expressed happiness over this matter and hoped that the laying of Astro Turf will go a long way in reviving Hockey at AMU and AMU will become the centre for Hockey Activities in Western UP.

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Prof. Tariq Mansoor thanked the Vice-Chancellor of AMU, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis for his keen interest and help in this matter. One of the long standing requirements of the Games Committee has been met by the sanction of Synthetic Hockey Turf which is expected to be in place within one year.

The Vice-Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis has congratulated the Secretary Games Committee Prof. Tariq Mansoor and President Hockey Club Prof. Jawaid Ali Khan on this important achievement. Decks cleared for New Centres President of India approves AMU Statutes

The Aligarh Muslim University Vice-Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis while addressing a press conference expressed happiness as it is a moment of exultation for the entire AMU community as the Visitor of Aligarh Muslim University has approved the amendments /additions in the statutes of the University for the establishment and

maintenance of centres at Murshidabad (West Bengal) and Malappuram (Kerala) as Institutions of the University.

Prof. Azis said that the Aligarh Muslim University is adding a glorious chapter in its long history of serving the national cause. The permission received from the Hon’ble President of India in her capacity as the Visitor of the University has further unlocked the potential of AMU. It is the greatest tribute our nation is paying to the legendary contributions made by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan for the

promotion of education and scientific temper among the people of India. The Vice Chancellor said that the commencement of Aligarh Muslim University Centres in Murshidabad (in

West Bengal) and Malappuram (in Kerala), indicate the birth of two Universities. These centres will be under the absolute authority and control of AMU Executive Council and Court. By 2020, when AMU will be celebrating its Centenary as a Central University, these centres will be full-fledged campuses with potential to become universities.

“On the occasion of 193rd Birth Anniversary of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan, I dedicate the two centres as a fitting tribute to the founder of Aligarh Muslim University”, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis declared.

He called upon the students, teachers and other staff to display the vision and dynamism needed to achieve the goals. He urged the AMU fraternity to come forward and support the establishment of these two centres as world class centres for higher education, research and training. He said that nation building was a mission that everyone in AMU should carry forward.

Prof. Azis exhorted the AMU community to reaffirm its unflinching commitment to the great ideals of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan.

He said that AMU got overwhelming response from the West Bengal and Kerala governments as they provided land free of cost to the Aligarh Muslim University for establishing these centres. He said that several state governments including Assam, Haryana and Rajasthan are also approaching the University to establish centres.

The Visitor of the University has approved the amendments/additions to the Statutes 6A, 6B, 8A, 14(1), 16(1), 17(2), 18(1), 27(1), 29(2), 35 and 36. The new amendment provides for the Directors of the Centres be declared as the officers of the University. Provision has been made for the appointment of Coordinators of the Units of the Centres. These Coordinators will also represent the University Court. The Directors of the Centres would be eligible to represent on the Executive Council and Academic Council. Further, the Executive Council has been empowered to appoint the Controller of Examinations and Directors of the Centres.

Directors of the Centres would be the members on the Selections committee for the appointment of teachers of the respective centres.

The amendments also provide for disciplinary jurisdiction of the Directors of the Centres and the Coordinators of Units of the Centres on the students of respective centres and units. Three Orientation Courses Started

The UGC Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University is organizing three Subject Refresher Courses in English, Oriental Studies and Women’s Studies. More than 100 UniversityCollege teachers from all parts of the country are attending these courses. Dr. Samina Khan, Professor Saghir Ifrahim and Professor Shireen Moosvi,

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Director, Centre for Women’s Studies, AMU are the Course Coordinators for English, Oriental Studies and Women’s Studies respectively.

The 18-days long courses will be based on interactive and interdisciplinary sessions with focus on evaluation, seminar presentation, teachers’ presentation and written assignments. Literary and cultural programmes will also be organized as part of the courses.

Addressing the inaugural session, Professor Kidwai, Director, UGC Academic Staff College welcomed the Course Participants and presented before them a synoptic account of the role of AMU in the spread of higher education and in social engineering especially among the Muslims of India. He appealed to them to derive maximum benefits from the on-going courses to deliver quality education.

Dr. Samina Khan, Course Coordinator, English welcomed the participants and assured them of a highly rewarding training programme covering various aspects of teaching English language and literature. Elections of the Resident Doctor’s Association

Dr. Faroze Ahmad Khan, Department of Surgery, Dr. Mahtab Ahmad, Department of Radio Diagnosis and Dr. Mohd. Sarfaraz Alam, Department of Anaesthesiology have been elected as the President, General Secretary and Vice President respectively of the Resident Doctors’ Association, J. N. Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University. Dr. Zafar Ahmad

Khan and Dr. Mohd. Reyazuddin have been elected unopposed for the post of Joint Secretary and Treasurer respectively.

Dr. Hamid Mustafa, Chief Election Officer said that 580 doctors out of a total 640 cast their votes. The election was conducted in a peaceful manner.

Free Eye Camp

The Ajmal Khan Tibbiya College, Aligarh Muslim University organized free eye treatment Camp in OPD No. 6 to mark the World Eye Day.

AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis inaugurated the treatment camp. On this occasion, Prof. Hkm. Saud Ali Khan, Principal, A.K. Tibbiya College, Prof. Tajuddin, Dean, Faculty of Unani Medicine, Prof. Anis Ismail, Prof. Iqbal Aziz, Dr. P.K. Sharma and Eye Surgeon Dr. Abdul Moiz Shams were also present. Dr. Moiz Shams checked 325 patients and distributed free medicines. He said that the patients who need operation will be treated free. Students of Tibbiya College including Wasiur Rahman, Mohd. Aslam, Mohd. Imran, Saba Khan, Sadiya Sherwani, Mamuna and Sana Taufeeq played important role in organizing the programme.

Vice Chancellor appreciated the efforts of the department in holding the camp and said such free eye camps should be held in future also. Tech Fest ‘Tameer’ organised

Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University organized “TAAMEER – 2010”, the biggest ever Tech Fest in the history of AMU. Over five hundred students participated in the fest from different colleges and universities from across the country. Students from BIT Mesra, Jamia Millia Islamia, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Punjab Engineering College, Integral University, Galgotia Group of Institution, Karunya University, Kerala and Aligarh Muslim University participated in the National level tech fest.

While addressing the inaugural session as Chief Guest, Prof. S. Abrar Hasan, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, highlighted the rich tradition and culture of the University.

Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Prof. S. M. A. Rizvi in his address congratulated the teachers and students for organizing the National Level grand Tech Fest.

Prof. Ekram Husain, Principal, Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology congratulated the teachers, staff and students and said such events should be organized at all departments of college.

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Prof. Razaullah Khan, Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering urged the students to maintain law and order and ensure peace and tranquility on the campus.

The Student Convener of the programme, Mr. Ibadur Rahman welcomed the Participants. Dr. Masroor Alam, the teacher incharge of the fest proposed the vote of thanks. The fest started with prelim of Crystal Cube and day ended with the AD-MAD Show. The Workshop on Disaster Management organized by Centre of Disaster Management in collaboration with

TAAMEER - 2010 was attended by over 250 students from different departments of the University. The speakers included Dr. Amir Ali Khan of National Institute of Disaster Management, Dr. M. Athar Ansari, Chairman, Department of Community Medicine and Dr. Shahid Farooq of Geology Department.

On second day of the workshop several events like General Quiz, Debate, Bridge Design, Dares, Lime Print, Treasure Hunt etc were organized. The technical events were coordinated by S. Anwer Ali and Mohd. Najibullah whereas the cultural events were organized by Raja Yaqoob Farooq, S. Adnan Haque and Usama Khan.

The Workshop on Vedic Mathematics organized by S. M. Asjad, Convener (Administration) and Mohd. Zain Alam Zaidi proved to be a very interesting programme, which was attended by more than 200 Students.

The concluding programme was featured by the distribution of Merit Certificates and Trophies to the students. Masood Hussain Khan Died

Eminent linguist and Emeritus Professor of Aligarh Muslim University, Dr. Masood Husain Khan died here at Aligarh.

92 years’ old scholar of Urdu, Prof. Masood Husain Khan served as Vice Chancellor of Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and Jamia Urdu, Aligarh.

His magnum opus, A History of Urdu language, originally his PhD dissertation which was published in 1948, advanced a new theory of Urdu’s birth, contradicting all theories hitherto popular among scholars.

Prof. Masood Husain Khan was felicitated by Ghalib Institute, New Delhi for his yeomen contribution to Urdu language and literature.

This year Prof. Masood Husain Khan was conferred with Delhi Urdu Academy’s highest honour – Kul Hind Bahadur Shah Zafar Award in recognition of his contribution to the study of Urdu language and literature.

The Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis expressed his condolences to his grieved family and said that AMU has lost agreat scholar of international repute.

Prof. Masood Husain Khan is survived by his son Prof. Javed Husain of Applied Physics in Engineering College and four daughters. Book Exhibition on Gandhi ji

The Officiating Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University, Prof. S. Abrar Hasan inaugurated a three-day exhibition of books and photographs on Mahatma Gandhi at the Maulana Azad Library. A large number of letters written by Mahatma Gandhi to the students and other AMU alumni freedom fighters are also put on display.

Delivering the presidential address, Prof. S. Abrar Hasan said that it is the need of hour to implement Gandhian values to achieve peace and prosperity. Ganghi’s non violence teachings transcend times, borders, races and religions and it Delivering the presidential address, Prof. S. Abrar Hasan said that it is the need of hour to implement Gandhian values to achieve peace and prosperity. Ganghi’s non violence teachings transcend times, borders, races and religions

and it is the moral duty of every Indian to keep the spirit alive. Prof. Hasan said that Mahatma Gandhi is the one of the greatest leaders that the world has ever seen. His

unending belief in non-violence helped India achieve freedom from British rule. It was the impact of Mahatma Gandhi’s observance that United Nation had to unanimously declare October 2 as International Non-violence Day.

Prof. Hasan observed that Mahatma Gandhi was always in favour of communal harmony and he wanted the people to understand that religious unity can only be brought about if it is based on equal respect for all religions.

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Such a mindset will not only remove the discord among the various groups but also lead to the realization of the fact that religion is in fact a stabilizing force and not a disruptive one.

Professor Emeritus Irfan Habib devoted his speech to what he called Gandhi Ji’s finest last six months of his life highlighting the way he stood up alone against the current and ultimately gave up his life in the struggle against inter-communal slaughter. Prof. Habib felt it is the day that the country should express its sense of gratitude to the unique great man.

Prof. Qazi Afzal Husain, Dean, Faculty of Arts spoke on the thought process of Gandhi Ji and said that Gandhi Jayanti should be celebrated as International Peace and International Justice Day as well.

AMU Registrar, Prof. V. K. Abdul Jaleel highlighted the role of Gandhi Ji against untouchability that prevailed in Indian society on the basis of caste and religion and said that Aligarh Muslim University has been celebrating the Gandhi Jayanti with great fervor and zeal.

Mr. Mohammad Naiyer Rahman, a student of M. Com and Ms. Sumaiyah Naaz, student of BA Final also expressed their views on the occasion. At the end of the programme the officiating Vice Chancellor, Prof. Hasan administered an oath to the audience. College Day Celebrated

The Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University organized the 48th College Day. A farewell was also given to the final year students of 2006 batch that was followed by a dinner hosted by the teachers as a part

of the JNMC tradition. Delivering the welcome address, Principal, Prof. Ashraf

Malik stressed on continuing the traditions of the University. He also exhorted the students to show sympathy towards patients.

Prof. S. Abrar Hasan, Dean, Faculty of Medicine highlighted the importance of teachers in a students life and advised them to focus on character building.

Prof. L. M. Bariar, Prof. Humayun Ashraf and Prof. Tabassum Shahab presented songs while Dr. Monica Chaudhary and Dr. Sehal Khan of 2006 batch, presented their views on their stay in the JNMC. Dr. Tamkeen Rabbani, Reader, Department of Gynaecology proposed the vote of

thanks while Dr. Saira Mehnaz conducted the programme. Prof. V.K. Abdul Jaleel, Registrar, Prof. Pervez Mustajab, Controller, Ms. Yasmeen Jalal Beg, Finance Officer

and senior retired teachers also graced the programme. A souvenir was also presented to the students on this occasion.

Earlier, the programme commenced with the recitation from the Holy Quran by Dr. Nasruddin, Department of Pharmacology. Call for enjoying ‘Joy of Giving’

The students of Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University organized “SADQAH- For the Sake of Humanity”, an exhibition of videos, posters, banners, poems and articles to celebrate the spirit of “Joy of Giving”. The message of “universal brotherhood and the spirit of giving at one’s own discretion” was beautifully represented by the event. The event emphasized on various social issues like child labour, hunger, poverty and aimed at the demolition of self-interest and subtle mindfulness.

The Principal, Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Prof. Ekram Hussain inaugurated the programme. On this occasion the students of ZHCET screened video clips portraying the reality of life of the needy across the globe and highlighted the stories of lost spring and stolen childhood. A slide show of heart touching images of people longing for a loaf of bread was also screened. These videos will be available for viewing on social networking website ‘facebook’ under the page “Sadqah”.

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An exhibition of Posters, Banners, Articles and Poems made by the students of ZHCET were also put on show that impressed the visitors greatly. The most striking feature of the exhibition was commemoration of 230 million undernourished people in India by 230 white flags with black spatter.

Apart from the work of engineering students, the exhibition also included some work of art from school students. The main objective of “Sadqah” was to create awareness among the masses and encourage them to do sadqah.

Pamphlets regarding the issues were displayed and distributed along with a list of NGOs of Aligarh and neighb oring areas working in this direction. New AC Members Elected

Fifteen teachers have been declared elected as members of the Academic Council, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh for a period of two years.

Professor Abul Kalam Qasmi, Chief Election Officer declared the result. Prof. M. Habib Raza (Surgery), Prof. Shamsul Haque Siddiqui (Geography) and Prof. Akbar Husain

(Physiology) were elected under Professor’s category. Five teachers – Dr. Mohd. Asim Siddiqui (English), Dr. Azhar Jameel (University Polytechnic), Dr. Rahat Ali

Khan (Psychology), Dr. Mohd. Shahid (Microbiology) and Dr. Jawaid Iqbal (Chemistry) were elected under Reader’s category.

Seven teachers were elected under Lecturer’s category. They are Dr. Khowaja Jameel (Zoology), Dr. Mohd. Amirullah Khan (English), Dr. Mohd. Rizwan Khan (Electrical Engineering), Dr. Naseem Ahmad Khan (Sociology), Dr. Anwar Shahzad (Botany), Dr. Mohd. Shadab Khan (Commerce) and Dr. Mohd. Shamim Khan (Geology). Grievance Redressal Committee Meets

A largely attended meeting of the Grievance Redressal Committee of the students from ten faculties of the Aligarh Muslim University was held. AMU Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis presided over the meeting.

The Vice Chancellor explained to the students the remarkable development that the University has made during the last three years. He also made it clear that the University authorities are not averse to the restoration of AMU Students’ Union. But as the University court has constituted a committee to review the Act of the University to bring it in tune with the modern requirements, the process of Union restoration has to wait for some more time.

Prof. Azis reiterated that the necessary action would be taken to restore the Students’ Union as soon as the report is submitted by the committee.

The students of the Grievance Committee who are the toppers of the University, clarified that they were not a party to the Dharna outside the Vice Chancellor’s Lodge and they wanted to have peaceful academic environment to continue in the University. The students aired their grievances and brought to the attention of the Vice Chancellor various problems they are facing in their departments of studies and courses.

The Vice Chancellor assured the students that the issues they have raised would be addressed in expeditious manner. 127 Got Admission to Residential Coaching Academy

The Residential Coaching Academy, Aligarh Muslim University has declared the final result of the interview of candidates seeking admission to the Residential Coaching Academy.

Prof. Ziauddin Khairoowala, Director of the Residential Coaching Academy said that finally one hundred candidates have been selected for admission to the Academy for Civil Service Exam while 27 students were selected for the PCS (J) exam. Prof. Khairoowala said that the admission procedure for the candidates of both the examinations would be completed on October 20-21, 2010. The selected candidates are required to produce all of their original documents along with the character certificate.

A written test was initially conducted by the Academy in this regard at Lucknow and Kozhikode including the home centre at AMU. The selected candidates in the written test went through an interview after which 127 candidates in total were finally selected for admission to the Academy.

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VC Seeks Student’s Cooperation AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis has appealed to the students to extend their support to expand and

modernize the institution and stay away from Dharna related activities launched by a few misguided students. Expressing his anguish, he said that he was deeply pained at the way a few students along with some former

students began a dharna in front of his lodge on 4.10.2010. It is really unfortunate that the Aligarh Muslim University is witnessing again a repeat of the turmoil that was witnessed in 2009 resulting in the sine die, and loss of classes, he added.

Explaining the recent strides, he observed that with great deal of effort, the teachers and students of the University have brought the University back on the normal academic track. All examinations, including entrance tests, were conducted, results published and admissions completed on time. Students were experiencing a vastly impressive and satisfying academic environment to pursue studies. This needs to be preserved and nurtured if the greater objective of preparing oneself for a better career in the world of competitive survival is to be realized, he added.

Prof. Azis said that the University was compelled to dissolve the Students’ Union in 2007 consequent to the lawlessness, violence and murder of three students. No institution can afford to allow continued violence and crime in the campus. A University cannot progress if its academic environment is disturbed.

Unfortunately, a few students supported by some outside elements and ex-students of doubtful credentials have started a dharna apparently demanding restoration of the Students’ Union. They are being backed with money and muscle power by certain quarters to gain political mileage. It is a disturbing situation to the University now.

While explaining the difficulty, he said that the AMU Court has decided to review the Act to bring it in tune with the modern times and since a Committee under Mr. Moosa Raza, an eminent retired Civil Servant is seriously engaged in the process of reviewing. The students’ request would be considered only after the Committee of Court Members submits the report. The committee has been advised to submit the report within three to four months. This is the minimum time needed for the AMU Administration to act on the demand, he added.

Prof. Abdul Azis felt that the University is poised to celebrate the Sir Syed Day. It is poised to open new Centres in Murshidabad and Malappuram. A lot of Selection Committees were on the anvil for the next three months. Our principal focus will be on academics. If peace is not maintained in the campus, our plans will be scuttled. Let us together avoid it. The University Administration needs the support of all of you to expand and modernise the institution. The elements inciting you are not your friends, they are the real enemies of the institution. He appealed to all the students to remain detached from the dharna and related activities reposing confidence in his words. AMU wins another legal battle

Allahabad High Court dismissed a writ petition challenging the decision to establish two new centres of Aligarh Muslim University at Malappuram in Kerala and Murshidabad in West Bengal.

The division bench of Allahabad High Court comprising Chief Justice F. I. Rebello and Justice A. P. Sahi held that there was nothing wrong in establishing the centres of the Aligarh Muslim University when the same was duly approved by the President of India in her capacity as the Visitor of the University.

A Public Interest Litigation was filed by Mr. Z. K. Faizan, former President of AMU Students’ Union seeking stay on University’s decision to start its centres at Malappuram and Murshidabad.

Senior Counsels Mr. S. M. A. Kazmi and Ms. Sunita Agrawal representing the University argued that prior to issuance of order sanctioning the new Centres by President of India thorough examination of reports related to the project was made by the authorities and the same cannot be challenged merely on someone’s apprehensions.

Earlier, the Kerala High Court division bench comprising Chief Justice J. Chelameswar and Justice P.N. Ravindran has also rejected the prayer of Mr. Janardhanan for interim relief against the establishment of Aligarh Muslim University centre in Kerala.

AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis has welcomed the decision of Allahabad High Court and said that AMU has won the legal battle.

The Aligarh Muslim University has decided to establish five centres in Malappuram (Kerala), Murshidabad (West Bengal), Kishanganj (Bihar), Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) and Pune (Maharashtra). The Central Government sanctioned Rs. 25 Crore each for the Malappuram and Murshidabad Centres out of which Rs. 25 Crore for

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Murshidabad Centre and Rs. 10 Crore for Malappuram Centre has already been released. Both the state governments have also allotted land to the Aligarh Muslim University for establishing AMU Centres. AMU has decided to start BALLB and MBA courses at these centres. Workshop on Culinary Terms

The Department of Linguistics of the Aligarh Muslim University has decided to hold a national seminar-cum-workshop on “Historical and Socio-cultural Study of Culinary Terms in Indian Languages during November 25-26, 2010.

Prof. Imtiaz Hasnain, Chairman, Department of Linguistics said that the proposed Seminar will examine the Indian Culinary terms that have been borrowed by foreign languages and find out the implications of such loan words for those languages.

He said that the Seminar is attempting to explore a new era to understand the process of borrowing and of national integration. Lecture on Management as Career

The Career Planning Centre, Aligarh Muslim University, organized a Career talk on “Scope of management as a career” by Dr. Irfan Rizvi, Director, IILM, Delhi in association with MBA Group, Aligarh. The lecture was organized in the memory of Prof. Sultan Akhtar, Founder Director of the Career Planning Centre.

Dr. Sabra Khatoon, Director, Career Planning Centre highlighted the aims and efforts incorporated by late Prof. Sultan Akhtar in establishing the Centre. Mr. Farukh Baig, Centre Director, MBA Group, introduced the resource person, Dr. Irfan Rizvi. Around 300 students participated Centre. Mr. Farukh Baig, Centre Director, MBA Group, introduced the resource person, Dr. Irfan Rizvi. Around 300 students participated enthusiastically. The lecture was embedded with full knowledge and awareness regarding the scope, demand and the future prospect of MBA. An interaction session was also held at the

end of the lecture in which students asked questions to the resource person. Prof. Bilquis Naseem Waris, Principal, Women’s College extended full cooperation in organizing the career talk. Mrs. Rafat Mukhtar, Senior Counselor, Dr. Jameela Khatoon, Counselor and staff member of the Centre played

the pivotal role in organizing the lecture. The programme was conducted by Ms. Shadaan Alam and Mr. Sayed Kamran Abbas, Centre Head (Operations) of MBA Group proposed the vote of thanks.

On this occasion a ‘Scholarship Package’ and ‘Best Participation’ award was also announced by the MBA Group. 30 Students Get Job

Thirty students of AMU have been offered job in HCL technologies. This was the outcome of the Central Campus Placement drive initiated by Prof. P.K. Abul Azis, Vice Chancellor, AMU. The Campus interviews were held on 5th October, 2010 in which 300 students of AMU participated. Most of these students are pursuing final year of graduation. Out of the total selections, 17 students belonged to Commerce stream. Mr. Ritesh Shirolla who represented HCL for Campus Selection desired that another similar event may be organized so that more students can get an opportunity to work in HCL, a leading IT company of India.

This effort was one step towards realizing the long cherished dream of Prof. P.K. Abdul Azis, Vice Chancellor, to establish a central placement cell in AMU. He had entrusted the responsibility to organizing this event to Faculty of Management studies and Research, AMU.

The event was made possible due to active participation and support of Prof. Ainul Haque Khan, DSW, Prof. Javaid Akhtar, Dean, FMSR and Prof. Parvaiz Talib, Faculty Coordinator of this event. Mr. Shad A. Khan, Student Coordinator (Faculty of Management) along-with his committed team of Volunteers of students belonging to

Management Faculty as also other concerned faculties worked overnight to make this event possible.

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Mr. Saad Hameed, Career Counselor was actively involved in the event. Apart from introducing HCL Technologies to AMU, he arranged 4 days long training for students to ensure their selection in jobs.

The event was organized in the newly spruced up cultural Hall of Maulana Azad Library. The representative of recruitment team described the arrangement of Prof. Shabahat Hussain, Officiating Librarian, Maulana Azad Library and his team at the venue as ‘grandiose’.

Members of recruitment desired that students who could not get selected may improve their communications skills so that they may get selected in 2nd round of screening. Other organizations like IBM Daksh, Genpect, Convergis etc have also expressed desire to visit AMU for Campus selection. Mehmood Alam wins Sir Syed Essay Competition

Mr. Mehmood Alam Siddiqui, Research Scholar, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi bagged the first prize of All India Essay Writing Competition on Sir Syed Ahmad Khan organized by the Aligarh Muslim University while Ms. Asma Shahid, a post graduate student of Rampur Raza Degree College, Rampur and Ms. Farheen M. Junedi of SECAB P.U. College for Women, Bijapur (Karnataka) got the second and third prize respectively.

In addition to the above, prizes for the best essays from each state have also been announced. The winners are – Abishek Kumar, Chanakya National Law University, Patna (Bihar), Bhupendra Singh Bedi, Punjab University, Chandigarh, Ms. Salmoli Choudhuri, National Law University, Delhi, Amit Ladha and Sunil Chaudhary, Gujarat National Law University, Dandhinagar (Gujarat), Tarique Ashraf Siddiqui, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Haryana), Mushtaqul Haq Ahmad Sikander, Kashmir University, Srinagar (J & K), Nirpen Kumar Nayan, National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology, Ranchi (Jharkhand), Mohammed Hamdan Moallim, Anjuman Arts, Science and Commerce College, Bhatkal (Karnataka), Mohammed Swalih, Madeenathunnoor College of Islamic Science, Calicut, Kerala, Md. Umar Hashmi, IIT, Mumbai (Maharashtra), Bharat Tiwari (Punjab), Balan R., Mahomed Sathak Engineering College, Kilakri (Tamil Nadu), Khalid Jamal Ansari, IIT, Kharagpur (West Bengal), Mukhtar Husain, Sai Institute of Paramedical and Allied Sciences, Garhwal (Uttarakhand), Ms. Shahla S. Shaheen, Naiyer Azam, Fahad Mahmood, Parvez Alam, Sunil Choudhary and Mohd. Jalaluddin shared the prize of state topper from Uttar Pradesh.

The All India Essay Writing Competition was conceived by the Vice Chancellor Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis in 2007 after taking over as AMU’s Vice Chancellor to promote Sir Syed’s vision and mission in length and breadth of the country. The competition carried cash prizes of Rupees Twenty Five Thousand for first, Rupees Fifteen Thousand for second and Rupees Ten Thousand for third position. Besides these, a cash prize of Rupees Five Thousand is given to individual participants each from different states as state toppers.

AMU Alumnus wins gold medal at CWG-2010 The Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis at a meeting of chairmen of

departments of studies today said that the entire AMU fraternity is delighted at the particular achievement made by Ms. Anuraj Singh, an alumnus of this University by winning the 31st Gold for India in women’s pair 10m air pistol event in Common Wealth Games, Delhi 2010. She did her graduation in Political Science in 2006 from Women’s College, AMU.

Prof. Azis has congratulated Ms. Anuraj Singh and announced that the University will felicitate her at an early date. Prof. Azis has offered special congratulations to her parents. Her father, Dr. S. P. Singh has earlier served as a consultant at the J. N. Medical College, AMU, Aligarh. Refresher Courses Concluded

Under the aegis of the UGC Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh organized two Subject Refresher Courses in History and Research Methodology in Social Sciences that successfully concluded today.

While felicitating the Course participants drawn from all parts of the country, Professor A. R. Kidwai, Director, UGC Academic Staff College drew their attention to the exemplary peace and cordiality observed by them in the post-Ayodhya verdict days on the Aligarh Muslim University campus. It augurs well for the prosperity of our country and hence the greater need for peaceful coexistence, he remarked.

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Professor Javed Akhtar, Dean, Faculty of Management Studies, AMU and Chief Guest of the programme underlined the importance of

Management Skills and related these to the changing role of a teacher in present time. Equipped with the latest management skills and concepts, teaching can be immensely rewarding both for the faculty and learners at any level, including higher education.

Course participants, Dr. Ambade Kisan Maruti, New Arts College, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, and Dr. Ugrasen Pandey, S.R.K. (PG) College, Firozabad also spoke on this occasion and lauded the delivery of the courses. They recounted their pleasant impressions of the Aligarh Muslim University.

Professor B. L. Bhadani, Chairman, Department of History was the Guest of Honour who too, congratulated the course participants on the successful completion of the courses. Both Professor Javed Akhtar and Professor Bhadani gave away certificates to course participants, while Dr. Reshma Jamal moved the vote of thanks. Knowledge Corpus Doubles Every Three Years- Orientation Programme at Academic Staff College

Orientation programme organised under the aegis of the UGC Academic Staff College, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh was successfully concluded today. University / College lecturers from various parts of the country attended this valuable programme. Professor A.R. Kidwai, Director, UGC Academic Staff College felicitated the Course Participants and urged them to strive for academic excellence in their respective institutions and for communal harmony and social justice in their neighborhood. While addressing the gathering Professor C.P.S. Chauhan, Dean, Faculty Social Sciences, AMU congratulated these teachers and drew their attention to the ever-growing body of knowledge. He underscored the need and urgency for mastering educational technology for the effective delivery of learning materials. He appealed to the teachers to ensure quality education as Indian educational institutions are not ranked very highly in the world. Apart from quantity, we should focus also on the quality of education imparted by teachers and institutions. Dr. Suman Sharma and Dr. Uma Singh, representatives of the Orientation Programme batch also spoke on this occasion and hailed the sprit of communal harmony on the AMU campus during the post-verdict days. They placed on record their appreciation for the Resource Persons drawn from both the AMU and other parts of the country. Dr. S. Reshma Jamal moved the vote of thanks. Seminar Hall Inaugurated

Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis, Vice Chancellor of Aligarh Muslim University today inaugurated a seminar hall at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management at Shafi House, Qila Road.

On this occasion, AMU Vice Chancellor, Prof. P. K. Abdul Azis released four books titled “Micro Finance and Women Empowerment”, “WTO and Indian Agriculture”, “Globalization and Economic Development” and “Cooperative Management and Development” edited by Dr. Rais Ahmad.

In his welcome address, Dr. Rais Ahmad, Chairman, Department of Agricultural Economics and Business Management said that the University Grants Commission has allocated ‘Ten Lakhs under XI five year plan and the construction work of this project has been completed well in time. He appreciated the efforts of Prof. Pervez Mustajab, the then OSD (Development) and Mr. Firoz Khan, University

Engineer to construct the building within time. AMU Registrar, Prof. V. K. Abdul Jaleel said that the building of this department was donated by Brig. Iqbal

Shafi before he migrated to Pakistan. His father, Prof. S. M. Shafi was the renowned teacher of Commerce. He congratulated the building department to complete the job in time.

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In his presidential address, Prof. Azis appreciated the efforts of Dr. Rais Ahmad for editing four books on important themes. Prof. Azis said that agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy and this institution needs a new generation of agricultural scientists. He said that the State of Uttar Pradesh is producing highest grains and water distribution system in UP is very excellent compared to South Indian states.

Prof. Azis said that the University is planning to establish Cooperative Society to provide all households items on cheaper rates to the staff and students. He urged the Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences to prepare a blue print. Prof. Farzana Aleem, Dean, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences proposed a vote of thanks.

Research 2010 S. No. Candidate Supervisor Topic of Research Department Ph.D. Faculty of Law 1. Mr.Mohd. Khalid Prof. Saleem “Workers Participation in Management: Law Akhtar A Comparative study of India and U.S.A.” Faculty of Commerce 1. Mr. Ehtesham Chairman, Dept. “Cost Benefit Analysis of Planned Urban Commerce Husain Abbasi of Commerce Development - A Case Study of Aligarh” 2. Ms. Asra Chairman, Dept. “Problems of Rural Marketing in Fast Commerce Inkesar of Commerce Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Sector in India” 3. Mr. Mohammad Prof. Sibghatullah “A Study of Impact of Liberalization on Commerce Naushad Farooqui the Growth and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in India: A Case Study in SMEs in Uttar Pradesh” 4. Mr. Naushad Prof. S.Husain “Indian Multual Funds Industry Since Commerce Alam Ashraf Liberalization: A Case Study of HDFC Mutual Fund” Faculty of Management Studies & Research 1. Mr. Ibrahim Abdo Prof. Javaid “A Comparative Study of Torism Business Saad Hassan Akhtar Promotional Strategies of India and Admin.. Yemen” 2. Mr. Rajiv Seth Dr. Valeed “Prospoects and Challenges of Weather Business A. Ansari Derivatives in India’ Admin.. 3. Mr. Sanjiv Sethi Dr. M. Israrul “Trade Relationship Management and Business Haque Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Admin.. Selected Service Sector Organisations” Faculty of Science 1. Mr. Raza Murad Dr. Mehtab “Chemical And Biological Studies of Chemistry Ghalib Parveen Extracts of Medicinal Plants” 2. Mr. Pushpendra P. Dr. B. P. “Probing of Incomplete Fusion Dynamics Physics Singn Singh At Energies ~ 4 - 7 MeV/ Nucleon” 3. Mr. Mohammad Asad Dr. Zeba N. “Studies in Chemistry of O & N Chemistry Siddiqui Heterocycles” 4. Mr. Tausif Dr. Riyazuddeen “Physico-Chemical Studies of Aqueous Chemistry Altamash Systems” 5. Ms. Shikha Dr. Mohammad “Pion Production in Nuclei Induced by Physics

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Chauhan Sajjad Athar Electroweak Interactions” 6. Ms. Sana Dr. Nafisur “Analysis of Central Nervos System” Chemistry Siddiqui Rahman 7. Mr. Md. Abdullah Chairman, Dept. of “Appraisal of Geoenvironmental Geology Khan Geology Parameters and their Implication in Parts of Imphal Valley, Manipur State NE Himalayan Region” 8. Mr. Aftab Hussain Dr. Noor Mohd. “On Epimorphisms Dominions and Methematics Shah Khan Semigroup Identities” Faculty of Arts 1. Mr. Noman Alam Dr. Shahabuddin “Bisween Sadi mein Ghair Afsanvi Urdu Saqib Nasar Ke Irteqa Mein Aligarh Ka Hissa” 2. Ms. Sarita Dr. Rani “A Critical Study of Kirikaumundi Sanskrit Priyadarshini Majumdar of Somesvaradeva” 3. Ms. Shagufta Dr. Mohd. Asim “The Theme of Attachment Detachment English Anjum Siddiqui as the Leit Motif of Indian Fiction in English with Special Reference to R.K. Narayan”. 4. Mr. Suhail Prof. Qazi Jamal “Urdu Mein Tajziyat Tanqeed” Urdu Ahmad Husain 5. Ms. Kausar Dr. H.S. Acharya “Urdu Navilon Mein Mashrti Aqdar Urdu Se Munharif Aham Niswani” 6. Mr. Mohammad Aal Dr. Ved “Swatantyottar Hindi Kahani Mein Hindi Ahmad Prakash Bhaya Ke Roop C Bheeshma Sahani, Krishna Sobti, Amarkant, Saani Aur Udai Prakash Ke Vishesh Sandarbh Mein” Faculty of Life Sciences 1. Mr. Ayesha Zafir Prof. Naheed “Modulation of Restraint Stress Induced Bio- Bano Biochemical Changes by Various Chemistry Therapeutic agents” 2. Ms. Deeba Shamim Prof. M. Muzammil “Studies on Antibody Glycation” Bio- Jairajpuri Chemistry 3. Mr. Sarmad Hanif Prof. S.M.Hadi “Mechanism of Physiological Action of Bio- Plant Derived Polyphenols” Chemistry 4. Mr.Mehdi Hayat Prof. Mohammad “Genetic Basis of Phenotypic Hetrogeneity Zoology Shahi Afzal in Primary Barian Tumours” 5. Mr. Sweta Agrwal Dr. Athar Ali “Angiosperm Species Diversity and Botany Khan Ecological Assessment of Hastinapur Wildlife Sanctuary, U.P. (India)” 6. Ms. Tabasum Prof. Qamar A. “Identification and Characterization Botany Jahan Naqvi of a Virus Causing Mosaic Mottling and Distortion Amaranthus” 7. Mr. Tanweer Dr. Hisamuddin “Studies on the Efficacy of Paecilomyces Botany Azam Lilaciomyces and Cassiatora Against the Root-knot Nematode (Meloidogyne Incognita) on Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum) in Fly Ash Amended Soil” 8. Mr. Qaiser Hayat Dr. Shamsul “Effect of Proline and Salicycli Acid on Botany Hayat the Cadmium Induced Changes in Chickpea (Cicer Arietinum L.)” 9. Ms. Rahat Prof. Nafees A. “Physiological Significance of Sulfur in Botany Nazar Khan Growth and Metabolism of Mustard (Brassica Juncea) Exposed to Salinity Stress”

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Research 2010 S. No. Candidate Supervisor Topic of Research Department M.Phil Faculty of Science 1. Mr. Mohd. Sadiq Dr. L.A. K. Rao “Hydrogeomorphological Studies in Geology Marginal and Special Reference to Bah Are of Agra District using Remote Sensing Techniques.” 2. Ms. Neha Sharma Dr. Subuhi Khan “Study of Some Polynomials Belonging Mathematics to Appell Family” 3. Mr. Irfan Ali Prof. Abdul Bari “Branch & Bound Techniquies for Statistics Solving integer Programming Problems” Faculty of Social Science 1. Mr. Zulfiqarullah Dr. M. Ilyas “Effects of Social and Family Role Psychology Siddiqui Khan stress on Achievement Motivation among Teachers.” 2. Mr. Md. Jasimuddin Dr. Rahat Ali “A Comparative study of Aggression Psychology Khan Khan as Related to Emotional Stability and Anxiety among Normal and Physicall Adolescents.” 3. Ms. Bushra Dr. (Ms.) Sameena “Marriage and Women among Muslims Sociology Asad in India” 4. Ms. Farha Prof. Mahmood “Job Involvement as Related to Psychology Rehman S. Khan Emotional Intelligence and certain Demographic Variables among Teachers.” 5. Ms. Naureen Dr. Md. Naseem “Iraq: A Study of changing political Politacal Khan Khan dynamics since 2001.” Science Faculty of Engg. & Tech 1. Ms. Shakeeba Prof. Asif Ali “Sol-Gen methodologies for the Applied Shaheen Khan preparation of new composite cation- Chemistry exchangers and their application in environmental pollution” Faculty of Life Science 1. Mr. Suleel Ahmad Dr. Ghazala “Studies on disease Complex of Castor Botany Bhat Parven (Ricinus Communis L.) caused by Meloidogyne incognita and Rotylenchulus” 2. Ms. Hena Irshad Dr.(Mrs.) Akhtar “Nutrient management through fly ash, Botany Inam waste water and fertilizers on Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek.” 3. Ms. Kavita Prof. Mansoor “Studies on the Integrated Management Botany Parihar A. Siddiqui of Meloidogyne Javanica (Treub) Chitwood infecting bottle gourd, Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standl.”

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Superannuations Teaching

1. 30.06.2010; Dr. (Mrs.) Kamla Srivastava, Lecturer, University Women’s Polytechnic. 2. 30.06.2010; Prof. Bahar Ahmad Siddiqui, Department. of Botany.

Non – Teaching 1. 30.06.2010; Mr. Mohd. Ahmad, UDC (A/Cs), Department of Forensic Medicine, JNMC. 2. 31.03.2010; Mr. Mohd. Tamhid Ahmad, Professional Assistant, Libaray & Book Bank, Z.H. College of Engg.

& Technology. 3. 31.07.2010; Mr. Aftab Husain Khan, Assistant (A/Cs), Dr. Z.A. Dental College. 4. 31.05.2010; Mr. Dilshad Hussain, Line Attendant, J.M. Medical College Hospital.

Technical 1. 31.05.2010; Mr. Dilshad Husain, Line Attendnt, J.N. Medical College Hospital. 2. 30.06.2010; Mr. Rahat Hussain, Ward Assistant, J.N. Medical College Hospital.

Group IV 1. 31.05.2010; Mr. Tej Singh, Safaiwala, S.S. Hall (North). 2. 31.01.2010; Mr. Jaswant, Safaiwala, V.M. Hall.

New Appoinments

1. Professor Mumtaz Ahmad Khan Chairman, Department of Applied Mathmatics. 2. Dr. Mashiatullah Siddiqui Chairman, Department of Bio-Chemistry, JNMC. 3. Mr. Minhaj Ahmad Khan Liaison Officer (SC/ST Cell). 4. Professor H.S.A. Yahya Officer-on-Special Duty at A.M.U., Malapuram Centre 5. Professor Shabahat Husain Librarian-in-Charge, Maulana Azad Library.

DISCLAIMER The views expressed in the articles are those of individual authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Editorial Board of

Aligarh Muslim University Gazette or of the University Administration, faculty, staff or students.