university internship program (depaul uip) orientation

Goals: Learn about Internship programs offered through the Career Center: The University Internship Program (UIP) To understand options for earning academic credit with your internship Identify best practices for having a great internship experience University Internship Program Orientation

Post on 18-Oct-2014




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A quick, informal presentation on the basics of DePaul University Career Center's Internship Program. Please take this survey when you are finished:


Page 1: University Internship Program (DePaul UIP) Orientation


Learn about Internship programs offered through the Career Center:• The University Internship Program (UIP)

To understand options for earning academic credit with your internship

Identify best practices for having a great internship experience

University Internship Program Orientation

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Why are internships important?

→ Better understanding of your major→ A stronger grad school application→ Possible full-time job offer after graduation→ A reference or letter of recommendation→ Robust professional network→ A competitive resume

Internship Stat: According to the NACE 2010 Student Survey the median accepted salary offer for seniors with an internship was $45,301—nearly 31% higher than the $34,601 median accepted salary offer tonon-intern seniors. -

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Want more information?Send us an email!

[email protected]

University Internship Program

LengthRequires a minimum of100 hours of work at an

internship site during the quarter you participate in UIP.

Year in school Freshman, Sophomore, Junior or Senior standing.

MajorInternships do not needto be related your major.

Pay Positions can be paid orunpaid.

CreditEarn up to 24 academiccredits by enrolling in all

UIP courses.

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How can I earn credit for an internship?To earn academic credit for an internship, you take an academic internship course at DePaul while working at your internship.

Earning credit for an internship or job is one of many ways to fulfill the Experiential Learning Requirement at DePaul.

Each course is 4 credits. It is not recommended that you take an internship course as a 5th class as it tends to be a very busy quarter!

Other methods of earning experiential learning credit include:• Community-based service learning courses• Study abroad courses• Academic seminar courses

Internship Scoop:Employers like to see 2-3 internships on your resume (or at least one comprehensive long-term internship) by the time you graduate.

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To enroll into a course for credit, your internship, job or volunteer experience must meet the following UIP standards:

1. It’s a significant position- no more than 25% clerical work.

2. You need a supervisor or mentor

3. Work at least 10 hrs a week /100 hrs per qtr.

4. You must take your UIP class and intern at the same time to earn credit.

University Internship Program Standards

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Building a Network via Internships

Internship Tip: If you use LinkedIn as a networking tool, make it a goal for yourself to add your internship network (fellow interns, your managers, colleagues from other departments) to your professional LinkedIn account at the end of the internship. Don’t do it the first week of the job! Wait until you have an established professional networking relationship.

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Research key people and projects. Ask yourself:– “What types of projects will I be working on?”– “Will I be working in a team setting? How can I effectively communicate and set

goals with my supervisor?”– “If I finish my work early, is there a long-term project I can contribute to?”

Keep Commitments– If you accept an internship or job… don’t keep interviewing for other positions!– Return phone calls & emails promptly for interviews.

Make internship goals for yourself– Be specific, volunteer for events and to observe meetings.– Treat your internship like a full-time job to increase your chance of it turning

into one!

Internship Tips: Leave a good impression

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• Don’t gossip in the office…ever• Keep in mind you will likely be

working with people from different generations

• Be mindful of using social media or your phone on the job

• Give as much notice as possible when calling off work or requesting vacation. Don’t send an email at the last minute, talk to someone.

• Get help if needed, that includes help from your manager or the Career Center. We are here to help!

Internship Pitfalls: Avoid common mistakes

Bob needs to chill out! Cranky

boss alert! Bob is my Dad!

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• It was a pleasure working with and mentoring Super-Intern, her reliability was off the charts. Her outgoing personality and genuine interest in people enabled her to a smooth develop a rapport with everyone-ranging from working professionals to my 10-year-old son. She was a welcome addition to our staff.

• Super-Intern is very dependable and is always willing to jump in wherever needed even if it means coming in on the weekend or staying for an evening event.

• Super-Intern has not missed any days of her internship that were not previously discussed weeks in advance.

Actual quotes from employers on having a DePaul “Super-Intern”

Image from CIPR and London Metropolitan Internship Competitions.

• Super-Intern worked extremely well with others. She grasped the concept of financial planning and how our database makes us more efficient. Had a great attitude and wanted to learn as much as she could. • Super-Intern always meets any structured deadline I assign. He is proactive in creating and researching new ideas and projects. He always asks questions and has a positive attitude when working on a difficult project or a heavy workload.

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Actual quotes from employers on having a “super-villain Intern”• Needs a lot of direction and not able to get things done on his own. Not able to problem solve.

• Super-villain Intern had an attitude problem at the beginning of the internship. I don’t believe the internship was what he expected coming in, and he exuded a negative attitude. He felt entitled, and was unwilling to work his way up to more exciting projects which we would have liked him to participate in.

• Super-villain Intern had a poor work ethic. During midterms she decided to email me an hour after her shift started saying she would not be coming in that week due to midterms. This was something she could have given me ample warning about.

• Needs to take initiative to ask if he can assist others in the office.

• Super-villain Intern needs to work on how to create a professional e-mail. She tends to forget about small things such as a greeting or salutation or a title. She often sends emails with grammar mistakes to donors and it reflects poorly on the entire organization.

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A note about UIP academic internship courses…

All UIP courses are 4 credit courses and fulfill JYEL or elective credit.

You can take multiple UIP classes with one internship or with new internships in future quarters.

UIP courses meet 4 or 5 times a quarter in the evening.There are several sections that are offered online only. D2L

participation is required.

All classes will help you prepare for your career.

You can request a syllabus from an Internship Advisor or via [email protected] if you would like more information on a course

before enrolling.

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UIP 250 – You, Your Work & The World

***Some sections of this course are completely online Course Description: This course is for students who wish to integrate work and learning. Students will learn about societal and world issues and gain valuable career planning skills, including the creation of a career e-portfolio. This course offers online sections as well as hybrid sections that meet five times per quarter. Final Project: Career Portfolio and Presentation Design your own career portfolio to personally brand yourself to prospective employers. The high-impact Career Portfolio should be in electronic format and highlight the following aspects: Work results, academic/work/personal achievements, your value as a team member, and how your efforts contributed to your organization’s overall success.Present your career portfolio to a class audience of “prospective hiring managers.” You will have the opportunity to deliver a 5-10 minute oral presentation of your Career Portfolio highlights.  

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UIP 251 – Values-Based Leadership

Course Description: In UIP251 students will learn about the principles and practices of effective leadership through the study of leadership topics and by researching visionary leaders. Students will also strengthen key leadership skills, apply those skills at their internship sites and identify ways to be a leader in a potential career. This is a hybrid course the meets five times per quarter.

Final Project: PowerPoint Presentation of Career and Leadership Action Plan Develop a PowerPoint presentation in which you walk us into your future career. Your PowerPoint should: (1) introduce the intention of your presentation; (2) address the content of your Career and Leadership Action Plan; (3) state the academic, leadership and career development skills necessary for achieving your career goals; (4) clarify the values associated with your new career; (5) state your career’s connectivity to our society.

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UIP 252 – Creativity In the Workplace

Course Description: UIP252 examines creative innovations related to invention, leadership, advertising and marketing, teaming concepts and collaboration, and the drive behind entrepreneurship. This is a hybrid class that meets five times per quarter. Final Project: Power Point & Power Point Review Forum Referring to Beyond Bullet Points, prepare a creative power point presentation that focuses on a future creative of change within your field of interest. The content of your power point should be directed to a specific audience and it should introduce a new idea in a persuasive, engaging way.

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UIP 253 – Explore Nonprofit, Government, & Community Careers

Course Description: Public Service Careers involve working with organizations that produce a public good. Those organizations may be nonprofits (providing low-income housing, or supporting the arts, e.g.); community organizing groups; foundations, which typically provide funding; unions; and the local, state and federal governments. Students will familiarize themselves with career options and gain valuable networking opportunities. This hybrid course will meet five times per quarter. Final Project: Public Sector PresentationThink of a public or societal concern to you and develop a way to address the issue through the creation of one of the following entities: a nonprofit organization, a foundation, a branch of government, a union, or a for-profit company that provides a public service that you believe can have a valuable impact in addressing the issue.

For more info on government jobs & internships visit:

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UIP 254 – Corporate Social Responsibility

Course Description: Students will examine their own internship experiences, along with real world case studies, research, and commentary, to learn about the critical decision-making processes organizations address as they balance competitive advantages against the weight of social progress. This is an online course. Final project: PowerPoint and Presentation DiscussionCorporate Social Responsibility Power Point Project: Prepare a vivid & highly persuasive power point presentation in which you create a NEW socially responsible relationship between a company or firm of your interest & its local, national, or global reach. Pretend this power point would be presented to the "decision makers" at the designated company or firm of your choosing. Power Point Presentation Discussion: Go to "Discussion Forum" and post your presentation for your classmates to review and comment on. With your classmates, enter into an evaluative discussion about each other's projects.

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UIP 350– Navigating the Changing Workplace

Course Description: UIP350 is an online course, where students use their current work experience to examine and report on key issues impacting their organizations and personal work lives. Students will study internal and external factors affecting their work environment, traditional and virtual work arrangements, the increased influence of technology, as well as ethical questions and leadership styles. They will also develop interviewing and networking skills. Requirements for UIP350 enrollment are more than three years of work experience, or an already-completed department or UIP internship course. Final Project: Final PaperReview your Personal Career Plan from our first Discussion post. As you reflect on your internship, other outside experiences and knowledge gained throughout this quarter, create a fully developed Action Plan to achieve the objectives you set in Step 1. Consider incorporating some of our forum topics, i.e., change management, leadership, ethics, virtual work environments, social media and/or social responsibility into your plan.

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UIP 367– Global Perspectives

Course Description: Global Perspectives is designed to support students’ developing viewpoints and experiential reflections during an intensive internship in Honduras. Students will explore case studies, commentary, research, and personal interviews in order to draw conclusions and apply what they’ve learned to their own future careers. Final Project: Experiential Learning PowerPoint Project The student should develop a power point presentation in which he/she creates a visual and written description of three to five significant experiences during his/her Global Brigades trip to Honduras. The visuals can include photos of work being done individually or in teams of people who helped on the project, before and after photos, or other images that demonstrate skills, successes, or developmental changes.

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1. Have an internship & want to earn credit? Submit a proposal at:

2. Receive an “approved” proposal. This means your manager has responded to our confirmation email. We send a confirmation email as soon as you officially submit your proposal.

3. Once you have an approved proposal, you will need to officially enroll into a course. To enroll, Send your top 3 UIP course choices (please include the course section you would like) and student ID to:[email protected].

Example Enrollment email: My name is John Smith, and my student ID is 1234567. My top 3 UIP enrollment choices are listed below in order of preference:

1. UIP 250 – section 201 2. UIP 250 – section 204 3. UIP 253 – section 101

Next steps to Enrolling into an Internship Course

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