university of ha waii lisrarv pacific news from manoa

UNIVERSITY OF HA WAii LISRARV Pacific News from Manoa NEWSLETIER OF THE CENTER FOR PACIFIC ISLANDS STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF HAWAl'I OUT OF OCEANIA CONFERENCE New Deadline for Proposals! Titis year's international and interdisciplinary conference, Out of Oceania: Diaspora, Community, and Identity, which will be held 20-23 October in Honolulu, focuses on the expanding diasporic communities of Pacific Islanders in New Zealand, Australia, the United States, and elsewhere, as well as the complex flows of people, goods, and ideas that link them to their homelands. The new deadline for submitting abstracts for the conference is 1 June. An increasing number of Oceanians, especially from Polynesia and Micronesia, now live away from their island communities of origin. Although many spend most of their lives in the cosmopolitan urban environments of Auckland, Sydney, or Los Angeles, the home place continues to be a focus of cultural identity and the locus of ongoing circuits of cultural and material exchange. The conference will examine the economic, social, and cultural dynamics of these vibrant communities, paying special attention to the following themes: •capital, labor, and class • culture, ideas, and boundaries • biography, representation, and identity. Those interested in presenting a paper at the conference are invited to submit a one-page abstract to conference convenor Terence WESLEY-SMITH, by 1 June, at the address on the masthead or via email at [email protected]. Abstracts can also be sub- mitted via the Out of Oceania website at There is a possibility of partial funding for presenters. Applicants should indicate the nature and level of support they need to attend the conference when , _. they submit their abstracts. (A flyer is enclosed with this newsletter.) The conference will be open to the public. Registration is $20 ($5 for students). For more information see the Out of Oceania website or contact Tisha HICKSON (email: [email protected]; tel: 808-956-2652) or Terence Wesley-Smith (email: [email protected]; tel: 808-956-2668). HEYUM FUND SCHOLARSHIP FOR 1999-2000 The Heyum Endowment Fund was established by the late R Renee HEYUM, former Curator of the Pacific Collection, Hamilton Library, to assist Pacific Islanders in receiving educatioq. or training in Hawai'i. Qualified individuals are invited to apply for a scholarship in the amount of $3000 for the :: ::;;:·:. ;:;;:; \::::: .. )··:.:.ii:-j _ \ f::.:· !!!!!! .O···! .. ! .!! ... !!! :!,:,:!:!:!:,;:·,, -\l.l ;·:: .:·,"· have 1EAIWA (Fiji), and Robert ANDREAS (Pohnpei, FSM). ,. Applicants must be indigenous to the islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, or Polynesia and enrolled for academic credit as graduate or undergraduate students at a campus of the University of Hawai 'i. Pacific Island students enrolled in non-credit education or training programs may also be considered for assistance. The selection committee will review each applicant's academic performance, potential to make a contribution to their country of origin, and need for financial support.

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OUT OF OCEANIA CONFERENCE New Deadline for Proposals! Titis year's international and interdisciplinary conference, Out of Oceania: Diaspora, Community, and Identity, which will be held 20-23 October in Honolulu, focuses on the expanding diasporic communities of Pacific Islanders in New Zealand, Australia, the United States, and elsewhere, as well as the complex flows of people, goods, and ideas that link them to their homelands. The new deadline for submitting abstracts for the conference is 1 June.

An increasing number of Oceanians, especially from Polynesia and Micronesia, now live away from their island communities of origin. Although many spend most of their lives in the cosmopolitan urban environments of Auckland, Sydney, or Los Angeles, the home place continues to be a focus of cultural identity and the locus of ongoing circuits of cultural and material exchange. The conference will examine the economic, social, and cultural dynamics of these vibrant communities, paying special attention to the following themes:

•capital, labor, and class • culture, ideas, and boundaries • biography, representation, and identity.

Those interested in presenting a paper at the conference are invited to submit a one-page abstract to conference convenor Terence WESLEY-SMITH, by 1 June, at the address on the masthead or via email at [email protected]. Abstracts can also be sub­mitted via the Out of Oceania website at There is a possibility of partial funding for presenters. Applicants should indicate the nature and level of support they need to attend the conference when

, _.they submit their abstracts. (A flyer is enclosed with this newsletter.)

The conference will be open to the public. Registration is $20 ($5 for students). For more information see the Out of Oceania website or contact Tisha HICKSON (email: [email protected]; tel: 808-956-2652) or Terence Wesley-Smith (email: [email protected]; tel: 808-956-2668).

HEYUM FUND SCHOLARSHIP FOR 1999-2000 The Heyum Endowment Fund was established by the late R Renee HEYUM, former Curator of the Pacific Collection, Hamilton Library, to assist Pacific Islanders in receiving educatioq. or training in Hawai'i. Qualified individuals are invited to apply for a scholarship in the amount of $3000 for the

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1EAIW A (Fiji), and Robert ANDREAS (Pohnpei, FSM). ,.

Applicants must be indigenous to the islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, or Polynesia and enrolled for academic credit as graduate or undergraduate students at a campus of the University of Hawai 'i. Pacific Island students enrolled in non-credit education or training programs may also be considered for assistance. The selection committee will review each applicant's academic performance, potential to make a contribution to their country of origin, and need for financial support.

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Applicants must submit a letter of application that includes a statement describing academic interests and a plan of study for the 1999-2000 academic year, relevant transcripts of previous academic work, and three letters of recommendation. Applicants should contact their referees and arrange for letters to be mailed directly to the Graduate Chair, Center for Pacific Islands Studies, 1890 East-West Road, Moore 215, Honolulu, HI 96822. Applications are due on 1 June 1999.


Tuition Waiver for Hawaiian Students Passes in Hawaii Legislature


A bill that would grant Hawaiian students tuition waivers in the University of Hawai 'i system passed the House Committee on Judiciary and Hawaiian Affairs on 23 March. Proponents of the bill argued that the Hawaiian people have a special relationship with the federal and state governments based on the history of the illegal overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy by the United States. They argue that the issue is not race but the special political status of Native Hawaiians. Tuition waivers would be one step in redressing past injustices and promoting self­sufficiency for Hawaiians. Funding for the tuition waivers could come from revenues for the use of ceded lands.


January-March 1999

Center for Pacific Islands Studies have been placed in the University of Hawai 'i Archives as Manuscript A1999:004. The records are from 1973 through 1996 and include grant proposals and annual reports covering about three million dollars in grant funds. These materials provide a history of the center during this twenty-three year period. In 2000 the center will celebrate its fiftieth year as an ongoing program.

Janet Bell Pacific Research Prize Winner The 1998 Janet Bell Pacific Research Prize has been awarded to Ms Julie FIELD, a PhD student in anthro­pology, for her paper, "Landscapes of Choice: Settlement Patterns of the Sigatoka Valley, Fiji." The $100 prize is offered in honor of the late Janet Bell, Hawaiian and Pacific librarian at UHM. A copy of Ms Field's work is being catalogued for the Pacific Collection at UH Library. The judges, who met in January 1999, were very pleased with the number of excellent research papers submitted to the contest. UH undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to consider entering their research on a Pacific Islands topic for the 1999 contest this fall . For further information, contact Pacific Curator Karen PEACOCK (email: [email protected]).

SAMOAN ENSEMBLE AT UHM Thanks to Kuki TUIASOSOPO, a student from American Samoan, the Ethnomusicology Program at UH Manoa has been able to fulfill one of its dreams-to have a Samoan Performing Ensemble. Tuiasosopo is the first Pacific Islander to receive the Ethnomusicology Fellowship, the Music Department's most prestigious student award. He teaches his course, Music 311-Samoan Ensemble, alongside his own studies as an MA student in Pacific Music and singing Hawaiian choral music with Nola NAHULU. The ensemble, which is new this semester but which will be offered again next semester, expands the Pacific offerings of the department, which already includes Tahitian and Hawaiian ensembles.

The Samoan Ensemble meets Friday afternoons, but according to Kuki, many of the students are so enthusiastic about the ensemble that they voluntarily come to teaching sessions on Saturday and Sunday as well. The goal of the class, which has nineteen registered participants but as many as twenty-seven taking part, is to perform at the Music Department's Pau Hana Concert on 3 May. Many in the

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community saw a preview when the ensemble performed for the East-West Center's International Fair on 11 April.

Most of the participants are Samoan, and the others are interested in or involved with Samoan culture. Those that have come from Samoa come because they were used to dancing in Samoa and miss it when they come to study in Hawai 'i; dancing makes them feel closer to home. One student is a music major but the others represent a range of majors. The course focuses on the ensemble but is also a culture class of sorts as Tuiasosopo brings in material on Samoan culture, including videotapes, for discussion not only of dance as a part of village life but how Samoans and Samoan culture have been represented.

Kuki did not grow up thinking he would be an ethnomusicologist. His childhood, both culturally and musically, was one that blended Samoan and western elements. His father, Palauni "Brownie" TUIASOSOPO, the head of Samoan and Pacific Studies at American Samoa Community College, was the leader of the American Samoa Arts Council Choir, which traveled on the US mainland and in the Pacific and performed at the Pacific Arts Festivals.

Trisha Walker dances as the taupou in the taualuga at the East-West Center International fair. (UH Relations photo)


Tuiasosopo's real interest, however, was the piano, and his giftedness in this area was recognized at an early age. At UH Hilo he studied classical piano with Kayleen YUDA, choral and instrumental conducting with Robert ENGLE and John KUSINSKI, and choral music with Sharon VAN NEST and Leslie GUELKER­CONE and believed he was on the road to becoming a classical pianist. His father's questioning him about where he wanted to ultimately live, however, set Kuki


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to reconsidering whether he could sustain a career in classical piano in American Samoa. Ethnomusi­cology was suggested by his father as a field in which he could make a contribution both to Samoa and to the field as its first Samoan scholar. At the same time his interest was captured by Kalena SILVA' s Introduction to Polynesian Music course at UH Hilo.

Surech Hideyos, Suki Gi, Saueleele Malae, and Trisha

Walker dance with other members of the Samoan Ensemble at the EWC on 11 April. (UH Relations photo)

The Samoan Ensemble clearly fills an important role for the Ethnomusicology Program and for the students that take part. It is a job that Tuiasosopo takes on willingly, saying that he enjoys being able to give back something to the ethnomusicology program. Although he is teaching dances and songs he learned from his father, his' own gentle style of teaching has evolved and been adapted to a college campus outside of Samoa. According to Jane MOULIN, professor in the Ethnomusicology Program and the leader of the Tahitian Ensemble, the value of Tuiasosopo's teaching and the Samoan Ensemble reac!les far beyond the Music Department in its ability to blend elements of Samoan language, culture, and music, and its ability to capture students' interest in Pacific Islands studies.

RE-IMAGINING INDIGENOUS CULTURES: NEH INSTITUTE Twenty-five participants, representing twenty-four teaching institutions, have been selected for this summer's National Endowment for the Humanities

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(NEH) institute, Re-Imagining Indigenous Culture: The Pacific Islands. The institute, cosponsored by the East-West Center and the Center for Pacific Islands Studies, received 82 applications, which were rated on criteria that included past scholarship, relevance of institute to applicant's professional development and to the institution's curriculum plans, and access to institute subject matter in other venues. The institute will run from 14 June to 16 July.

The participants will be: Lauri ANDERSON (Suomi College, MI), Robin BOTI (Adrian College, Ml), Elizabeth BRUSCO (Pacific Lutheran University, WA), Michael CHIARAPPA (Western Michigan University), Tutii CHILTON (Palau Community College), Constance CORTEZ (Santa Clara University, CA), Charles DE BURLO (University of Vermont), Rochelle DELACRUZ (Seattle Central Community College, WA), Keseta FAUOLO (American Samoa Community College), Gisela HERRERA (Occidental College, CA), Allan HI.KIDA (Seattle Central Community College, WA), John HWANG (California State University, Sacramento), Kimberlee KIHLENG (University of Guam), Osumaka LIKAKA (Wayne State University, Ml), Yi-Chun Tricia LIN (Borough of Manhattan Community College, NY), Matthew LOOPER (California State University, Chico), Ely MARQUEZ (Community College of Philadelphia, PA), Matt MATSUDA (Rutgers University, NJ), Laurie MENDONCA (Kapi'olani Community College, HI), Virginia METAXAS (Southern Connecticut State University), Joakim PETER (College of Micronesia, Chuuk Campus), Judith RAISKIN (University of Oregon), Jenny WEATHERFORD (University of Copenhagen), Charlie WEEKS (Southern Polytechnic State University, GA), and Norma WILSON (University of South Dakota).

NEW MUSEUM ON TAHUATA IN THE MARQUESAS Thanks to a collaboration between Tehaumate TEHAIOTUPA, Mayor of the Marquesan island of Tahuata, and Barrie ROLETI, Pacific archaeologist, UH Manoa, Tahuata has a new museum, in the village of Vaitahu, housing artifacts from Rolett's 1984-1986 excavation of the Hanamiai dune, a rich site documenting 800 years in Marquesan prehistory (ca AD 1000--1840). Tehaiotupa obtained a $100,000 grant from the French government and worked closely with Rolett, both in designing the displays and translating the labels into Marquesan and French.

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According to Rolett, the displays portray voyaging, monumental architecture, and Marquesan tiki. The project's findings show that prehistoric Marquesan interaction spheres changed through time, with a sharp falloff in interisland voyaging after AD 1450, probably reflecting an internal focus of increasingly powerful chiefdoms. Monumental architecture is the clearest sign of this socio-political complexity in the archaeological record. The display in the museum presents the results of a study of architectural sites that were built between AD 1600 and AD 1850. The most spectacular of the project's discoveries, however, is a set of four carved stone heads or tiki.

The museum, the first in the Marquesas, is primarily for the islanders but it also serves an educational function for the 800 to 1000 tourists who visit Tahuata each year by sailboat or freighter. In an article in the Honolulu Advertiser, Bob KRAUSS says that the mayor named the museum Ta Ana Pe 'ua, The Cave That is Open, contrasting the museum, which is open to all, to tapu, closed, burial caves. The museum was funded by the Institute for Polynesian Studies at Brigham Young University­Hawai 'i Campus and by the National Endowment for the Humanities.


The twenty-third annual University of Hawai 'i Pacific Islands Studies conference, Pacific Collections: Developing Libraries for the Twenty­First Century, 5-7 November 1998, was cosponsored by the UH Center for Pacific Islands Studies and the East West Center's Pacific Islands Development Program. Speakers and participants came from Hawai 'i, the US mainland, Australia, New Zealand, the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Republic of Palau, Guam, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Samoa, and Papua New Guinea.

The program began with a welcome chant by Dr Kanalu G Terry YOUNG of the UH Center for Hawaiian Studies, and after welcome remarks from UH faculty the first presentation offered a roundtable discussion in which librarians described their institutions' programs and current activities. To highlight some examples from this regional reporting, Jayshree MAMTORA of the University of the South Pacific covered the work of the USP

4 Li~rary's well-known Pacific collection, and the

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Pacific Information Centre, whose latest South Pacific Bibliography has just been published. Kathy CREEL Y of the University of California at San Diegq's Melanesian Archive, works to collect, preserve, and provide access to anthropologists' field notes. Finding aids for these and other valuable resources are available through Online Archive (, and materials are filmed and sent gratis to Melanesian libraries.

Smaller island libraries were well represented. Mataina TE 'O of Nelson Library in Apia runs a public library with a Pacific Room that emphasizes Samoan materials. Ms Te'o also has a Robert Louis Stevenson collection and Samoan archival holdings. Togi TIJNUPOPO, head librarian at the National University of Samoa, covered the problems and progress in beginning an academic library, and stressed the importance of working closely with faculty. NUS Library has a separate Pacific and Samoan Collection, and has begun an online catalog. Emphasizing the importance of local ties, Tunupopo noted efforts to collect theses and papers by NUS faculty. Palau Community College librarian Jane BARNWELL faces space problems, but is building strong Palau and Pacific holdings and seeing a dramatic increase in users. Barnwell underscored the importance of acting locally to collect government documents and other Palauan publications.

At the University of Papua New Guinea, Joseph NAGUWEAN heads the New Guinea Collection, which

Eric Nandoma, Hudson Kwalea, and Joe Naguwean chat at the Pacific Collections conference reception.


January-March 1999

Togi Tunupopo and Mataina Te'o enjoy a light moment at the Pacific Collections conference.

contains 4,000 theses and over 20,000 photographs, in addition to the extensive monograph and serial holdings. Naguwean stressed the importance of UPNG's oral history work, the results of which are housed in the New Guinea Collection. At UPNG problems with lack of book budget and difficulties in training and retaining librarians sounded a common theme for many Island libraries.

. "/


At an academic library in Micronesia, Dr Nicholas GOElZFRIDT of the Robert F Kennedy Memorial Library at the University of Guam described the new Micronesian Resource File, a collection of over 2,000 articles, papers, and essays. Access to the RFK catalog is now available on the internet. Shifting the focus from Guam to New Zealand, Stephen INNES of the University of Auckland, works with the 90,000 volume New Zealand and Pacific Collection, which has been strengthened by Innes's acquisitions travel to Pacific Island nations. The Library recently produced the Index to Maori Land Records, a vital tool for research.

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Also in New Zealand, Max BROADBENT of the Macmillan Brown Library at University of Canterbury (Christchurch) described the growth of the Pacific Studies Centre and his collection development. Housed at Australian National University, the work of the Pacific Manuscripts Bureau (PMB) is internationally recognized, and PMB's Ewan MAIDMENT detailed the history of the Bureau, which has created over 3,000 reels of film, and which surveys Pacific Islands papers, placing highest priority on at-risk records.

From the Hawai 'i scene, UH' s Karen PEACOCK gave a brief survey of the work of the Pacific Collection and announced a $100,000 grant from the Institute of Museum and 'Library Services that will enable UH to put digitized images of photos from Micronesia on the web. UH Hawaiian Curator, Dr Chieko T ACHIHA TA, highlighted the painstaking nature of acquisitions work, from oral history to off­air taping, and noted the growth of on1ine databases such as UH's local journal index. Bishop Museum Library's Duane WENZEL raised a fascinating problem in the controversy that surrounds use of photographs of human remains from Hawaiian archaeological sites. A Native Hawaiian group has requested that public access be restricted, and the Native Hawaiian archivists at the Museum disagree. The debate continues, and raised questions for all at the conference.

A number of librarians and archivists from the Pacific attended and took part in discussion, but did not give formal papers. They included Simeon ADELBAI (Belau National Museum), Maxine BECKER (College of the Marshall Islands), Hudson KW ALEA (Solomon Islands College of Higher Education), Jeannette LITTLE (South Pacific Association of Theological Schools), Cheryl Morales (Territorial Librarian, American Samoa), Eric NANDOMA (National Library Service, Papua New Guinea), Dakio SYNE (College of Micronesia), and Cathy DeBrum WAKEFIELD (Republic of the Marshall Islands)

During the conference panels addressed issues and activities in bibliographic control and cooperative efforts. Keynote speaker Dr David HANLON, Pacific historian, recalled the physical chill of air-conditioned archives and the intellectual chill of Western institutions that have the "raw material from which history is fashioned." Han1on's call for the "democratization of history" led to emotional responses from the audience, as librarians and


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archivists made it clear that they struggle to provide access and build collections in the face of severe budget and staff shortages.

Chamorro historian Anne Perez HATTORI discussed her archival search for voices and the dream of "recovering truth about my people's past," only to find that the abundance of sources left out many voices, leading the scholar to the "centrality of orality." Participants also saw a teaching demonstration on exploring myths of Hawaiian history by UH librarian Joan HORI, and heard about exciting Internet developments from Dr. Michael OGDEN (Pacific Islands Internet Resources website), and Drs Alan HOWARD and Jan RENSEL, who gave the audience a tour of their interactive Rotuma website.

The final speaker was Dr Kanalu G Terry YOUNG, whose "Rethinking the Native Hawaiian Past" explored ways to see different meanings through a unique Hawaiian perspective, and offered the concept of haku mo 'olelo, the historian as "composer of the past." Dr Young ended his intriguing talk with a chant in honor of the librarians and archivists, whom he called "the keepers of knowledge." From that emotional moment the participants turned to final discussion on how to continue the dialogue begun in Honolulu. University of Oregon librarian Robin PAYNTER offered to set up an email discussion group, now underway (for information contact Ms Paynter at [email protected]). Participants urged further regional conferences, and the group agreed to try and meet through other organizations such as the Pacific History Association. Many expressed gratitude to the Center for Pacific Islands Studies for funding the conference.

(Most of this report appeared in Development Bulletin no. 47 (January 1999) pp 91-92, published by Development Studies Network, Research School of Social Sciences, ANU)

CENTER VISITORS Ors Randolph THAMAN, Professor of Biogeography, and Konai Helu THAMAN, Head of the School of Humanities, University of the South Pacific (USP), Fiji, visited the center for a week in January. In addition to meeting with Director Kiste to update him on activities at USP, Randy Thaman met with biology and geography faculty on a research and publishing project and gave an occasional seminar for CPIS. Konai Thaman gave a guest lecture in a Pacific literature class, and they both met with Dean Willa

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TANABE to discuss potential collaborations between the UH School of Hawaiian, Asian, and Pacific Studies (SHAPS) and USP.

Drs Andrew STRA THERN and Pamela STEW ART­STRATHERN, visited the center for two days at the beginning of February. They met with Director Kiste to discuss their activities and presented a joint seminar.

Career Foreign Service Officer, Mr John OHTA, Counselor for Public Affairs, American Embassy, Wellington, New Zealand, visited for consultations with Kiste on 21 January en route to his new posting in Wellington.

Dr Robert AYSON, Lecturer, International Relations, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, stopped at the center on 17 February on his way home to New Zealand. He was a participant in the US Information Agency's International Visitor Program and visited Washington, DC and other cities on the US mainland. He has a long-standing interest in the Pacific region and is an analyst and writer on issues affecting New Zealand's defense policy.

Francis X HEZEL, SJ, director of the Micronesian Seminar in Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, spent February as a visiting scholar at the center. He visited a variety of Pacific-related organizations in Hawai 'i and spent time in the Pacific Collection doing research for a book on contemporary issues in Micronesia.

Dr Kazuhiro EBUCHI, Professor of Cultural Anthropology, The University of the Air, Chiba, Japan, visited the center on 24 March to familiarize himself with the center and its activities. Dr Ebuchi has a wide range of experiences in North America. He studied with Jack FISCHER at Tulane in the 1960s and later completed his doctorate in Japan. His MA thesis (1964) was on race and caste in the American south. He has conducted fieldwork with Polish Americans, Ukrainian Canadians, Japanese Americans in California, African-Americans in Pittsburgh, and Pueblo Indians. Dr Ebuchi's current interest is in "new ethnicities," and he has recently taken up an appointment at the University of the Air,· which specializes in instruction via radio and television.

FACULTY ACTIVITIES Congratulations to three CPIS faculty whose promotions were announced at the beginning of the academic year. David CHAPPELL (History) received

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tenure and was promoted to associate professor, while David HANLON (History) and Jane MOULIN (Music) were promoted to professor.

Moulin recently contributed articles and recordings from Tahiti and the Marquesas to the Pacific Islands volume of the Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. This semester she was awarded an Educational Improvement Fund grant to assist in bringing video documentation into the world music classroom, and iri July she will be a guest lecturer in the Anthropology Department at the University of Auckland. In August she will present a paper at the conference of the International Council for Traditional Music in Hiroshima, Japan.

Chappell has three articles coming out soon: "The Noumea Accord: Decolonization without Independence in New Caledonia" (Pacific Affairs); "Transnationalism in Central Oceanian Politics: A Dialectic between Diasporas and Nationhood?" (Journal of the Polynesian Society); and The Forgotten Mau: Anti-Colonial Protest in American Samoa, 192~30" (Pacific Historical Review). He presented a paper at the PHA conference in Honiara last June and also did research in New Caledonia on the Noumea Accord that month. He will be presenting a paper on the forgotten Mau this coming June at the World History Association conference in Victoria, British Columbia.

Hanlon's latest book Remaking Micronesia: Discourses over Development in a Pacific Territory, 1944-1982, was published last year. In November he was the keynote speaker for the 1998 CPIS conference, Pacific Collections: Developing Libraries for the Twenty-First Century. He is the former editor of The Contemporary Pacific:"A Journal of Island Affairs, and the new General Editor of the Pacific Islands Monograph Series.

Caroline SINA V AIANA-GABBARD (English), a new CPIS faculty member, was the keynote speaker at the third annual literature conference of the College of Languages, Linguistics and Literature at UHM on 12 March. Her topic was "From Talking Story to Multiplex: Thinking towards Transmigrations of Genre in Oceanic Literary Arts." She teaches Pacific literature and film as well as comparative indigenous literature.

On 26 February the Tahitian Language Program classes at UHM welcomed the President of French Polynesia, Mr Gaston FLOSSE, to campus, along with Professor Louise PELZER, Minister for Culture and

7 Higher Education; Mr Alec ATA, Minister for

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Tourism and Pacific Islands Relations; and Dr Patrick HOWELL, Minister for Health. President Flosse was in Honolulu for the Pacific Islands Leaders Conference hosted by the Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center. Current and former Tahitian language students along with representatives from Brigham Young University-Hawai'i Campus and others, attended the reception, which was celebrated with singing, dancing, food, and the exchange of gifts. President Flosse and other observers also witnessed a language lesson/activity in an elementary language class. Jack WARD and Roiti SYLVA (Department of Hawaiian and Indo-Pacific Languages) organized the event and class demonstration, and Jane 'Moulin (Music) arranged for the dance presentation.

Jack Ward has been invited to teach Polynesian Languages Dialectology at the Universite Fran~aise du Pacifique at the end of spring semester 1999. The course is part of UFP's license degree work in Tahitian Language and Culture (Reo Ma 'ohi) program, and Ward's trip is part of an ongoing exchange program between the Department of Hawaiian and Indo-Pacific Languages and the Reo Ma'ohi program.

Pacific Curator Karen PEACOCK gave a presentation on resources for the study of whaling at the 1999 Symposium on Maritime Archaeology and History of Hawai 'i and the Pacific, held at the Hawai'i Maritime Center in February. Peacock's paper was titled "Sailing the Seas of Information: Whaling Logs and Other Treasures." Also in February, she and Pacific librarian Lynette FURUHASHI attended the Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania (ASAO) meeting in Hilo, where Peacock presented a paper on the Trust Territory Archives at the working session on repatriation. They attended seminars, visited with UH Hilo Library colleagues, and met with Kathy CREEL Y of University of California, San Diegf>'s Melanesian Studies Resource Center regarding a number of cooperative projects.

Librarian and Special Assistant to the Vice­President for Planning and Policy Paula MOCHIDA continues to work with Peter HEMPENSTALL, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zeaiand, on their biography of Wilhelm Solf. Hempenstall will be at the Center for Pacific Islands Studies from 18 June to 15 July to work with Mochida on their book. They will be part of the UH Summer Session Extra­ordinary Lecture Series on 8 July with their talk

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"Dangerous Liaisons": Co-writing a Biography of a Colonial.

Deborah WAITE (Art) will be teaching a new graduate seminar in the Art Department beginning in fall of 1999. The course, Art 677: Art of Oceania, will explore the arts of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia in the context of issues involving belief systems and cultural change. The focus for the course this fall is art of the body. It will meet from 2:30 to 5:20 pm on Wednesdays.

Terry HUNT (Anthropology) will lead an archaeological field school in Fiji in June and July 1999. (See Bulletin Board on page 11.)

Center director Robert C KISTE accompanied 43 Associates of the Smithsonian Institution on a study tour of Tahiti and several of the other Society Islands, French Polynesia, 2-14 February. He served as a lecturer and resource person for the associates, and on this occasion he worked with Mr Donald ,Hardy, the Smithsonian's Director of Government Relations.

Kiste also attended a meeting of Directors, Title VI, National Resource Centers (language and area studies programs), at the US Department of Edu­cation, Washington, DC, 8-10 March. The meeting was a Grant Assistance Workshop in preparation for the next round of competition for the three-year project period, August 2000-August 2003. The submission date for proposals for 2000-2003 funding is projected for fall 1999.

STUDENTS AND ALUMNI CPIS student and faculty are pleased to welcome two new students into the MA program as of January. Keoni KUOHA graduated from Kamehameha Schools in Honolulu and earned a BA in government and international relations from the University of Notre Dame. Masami TSUJIT A graduated from Kyoto Seika University with a BA in Fine Arts and earned a certificate in Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawai'i at Hilo before joining our MA program.

Naomi Noelanioko'olau Clarke LOSCH (MA 1980) has edited Huakai Makaikai a Kaupo, Maui: A Visit to Kaupo, Maui, by Thomas K Maunupau. Thomas MAUNUPAU accompanied Bishop anthropologist Kenneth EMORY as guide and interpreter on an ethnographic survey in Kaupo in the 1920s. He kept a journal of their trip and requested that it be published in the Hawaiian

8 newspaper Ka Nupepa Kuakoa, 1 June 1922 through

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newspaper Ka Nupepa Kuakoa, 1 June 1922 through 15 March 1923, "so that our friends of Kaupo and Nu 'u and other readers will know of the important things that we have found." His observations were translated by Mary Kawena PUKUI and Malcolm CHUN, and Roger GROSE added a biographical essay. As Naomi notes in her introduction, Huakai Makaikai a Kaupo "is a document rich in details of Hawaiian culture and history and a record of the youthful friendship and cooperation of Thomas K Maunupau and Kenneth P Emory to preserve the information for the future. It is at the same time an illustration of the Hawaiian language of the 1920s and, in translation, a glimpse of the themes and images of the Hawaiian voice." The book, published by Bishop Museum Press, contains both the original Hawaiian and the English translations.

Congratulations to Mariana BEN and her husband, Richard Dereas, on the birth of a beautiful son, Ryan Kawika Richard, on 21 January 1999. Also, best wishes to Michelle NELSON (Tupou) on her marriage to Sione Misa TUPOU. Michelle will be working as a freelance production assistant and researcher for Pacific Islanders in Communications (PIC) while she finishes her degree. _Misa's work in New Zealand invoived stints in front of the camera as well as behind it.

OCCASIONAL SEMINAR SERIES Robert HOPPER, Director of Political Training for the US State Department's Foreign Service Institute in Arlington, Virginia, gave a seminar on 12 January on the State Department's efforts to train diplomats to build better links in the Pacific.

Randy THAMAN, Professor of Pacific Islands Biogeography at the University of the South Pacific in Suva, Fiji, gave a talk on 13 January titled "Pacific Islands Biodiversity 2000: The Current Status and Constraints on the Sustainable Use of Pacific Islands Terrestrial and Marine Biodiversity in the New Millennium." Thaman is currently involved in conservation area planning and development and biodiversity conservation, with an emphasis on sustainable use by resource owners, community­based biodiversity conservation, and the development of community-based strategies for addressing the loss of biodiversity and promoting enviroiimentally sustainable development.

Andrew STRATHERN and Pamela STEWART­STRATHERN, from the Department of Anthropology,

January-March 1999

University of Pittsburgh, gave a talk on 1 February on "Slavery, Kinship, and Personhood in Eastern Indonesia and New Guinea: Some Tentative Comparisons." The Stratherns did not attempt to trace direct area links or migrations but looked at convergences in form between ideas of rank, prestige, and honor in Eastern Indonesia and the Mount Hagen area of the Highlands.

Kiyoko KUSHIMA, Nicole SANTOS, and David TIBBETTS, MA ·graduate students in the Micronesian Studies Program, University of Guam, gave a joint seminar on 2 February on their thesis research projects. Their topics, respectively, were "Perspectives of Japanese Occupation in Guam," "(Re)presentations of Filipina Domestic Helpers in Palau," and "(Re)negotiating Tobian Cultural Identity in Palau."

Jon VAN DYKE, Professor of Law at the William S Richardson School of Law, UHM, gave a seminar on )8 February on the struggle between the states and the national government over Federated States of Micronesia fishing revenues. Van Dyke is lawyer for the four states of Pohnpei, Chuuk, Yap, and Kosrae. The court ruled against the states, who had argued that the revenues should be considered taxes, but the case will likely be appealed.

"Art and Identity in the Mariana Islands: Issues of Reconstructing an Ancient Past" was the title of Judy FLORES'S talk on 1 March. Flores, an artist from Guam, is finishing her doctorate at the Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, the Americas, and Oceania, at University of East Anglia in England.

Kava: The Drink of the Gods, a new video by Thorolf LIPP, was shown at a> seminar on 30 March. Marty OLSON, who is associated with the Program on Environment, East-West Center, and the University of the South Pacific, introduced the video and answered questions following the showing.


UH Press Publications Voyages and Beaches: Europe and the Pacific, 1769-1840, edited by Alex CALDER, Jonathan LAMB, and Bridget ORR, is a collection of writings revealing a more varied and contradictory history for the Pacific than is generally portrayed. The twenty contributors, from the Pacific and beyond, represent

9 a range of disciplines including history, anthro-

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Pacific News from Manoa

pology, Maori studies, literary criticism, law, cultural studies, art history, and Pacific studies. Cloth, ISBN 0-8248-2039-8, $45.

Hawaiian National Bibliography, 1780-1900, Volume 1: 1780-1830 is a record of all printed works touching on some aspect of the political, religious, cultural, or social history of the Hawaiian Islands. It is compiled and annotated by David W FORBES. Cloth, ISBN 0-8248-2042-8, $100.

UH Press books can be ordered through the Orders Department, University of Hawai 'i Press, 2840 Kolowalu Street, Honolulu, HI 96822-1888; www

Other Publications ,. The Pacific Islands: Environment and Society, edited by geographer Moshe RAPAPORT, is a comprehensive survey of the contemporary Pacific with major sections on physical environment, the living environment (sea as well as land), history, culture (including language, religion, and art), population issues, and economies (from agriculture and tourism to communications). The book also has numerous maps, photographs, diagrams, and tables, as well as an atlas. It is being promoted as a college­level text. Hardcover, ISBN 1-57306-083-6, $49.95; paperback, ISBN 1-57306--042-9, $39.95. Available from Bess Press, 3565 Harding Avenue, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96816;

Hanamiai: Prehistoric Colonization and Cultural Change in the Marquesas Islands (East Polynesia) by Barrie Vladimir ROLETT is Yale University Publications in Anthropology Number 82. ISBN 0-913516-18-1, $25, available from Department of Anthropology, Yale University.

Historical Dictionary of Honolulu and Hawai'i (Historical Dictionaries of Cities of the World, No 5), by Robert D CRAIG, contains a broad range of information on historical and contemporary Hawai 'i, including photographs and appendixes on population, ethnic make-up, budget figiires, and holidays and celebrations. ISBN 0-8108-3513-4, $55, available from Scarecrow Press, 15200 NBN Way, PO Box 191, Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214-0191; tel 1-800-462-6420.

January-March 1999

methysticum) in Vanuatu, Fiji, and Samoa. It also addresses issues of intellectual property rights, kava's current commodification (particularly in overseas markets), and its evolution as a symbol of Pacific Islander identity. The video is about 80 minutes long and will be available in PAL format later this year from Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, Box 1168, Suva, Fiji. Cost is F$40 or US$20, plus postage.


Kuku Kapa: Making Kapa Kuku Kapa: Making Kapa is an exhibition of the kapa (backcloth) of Puanani Van Dorpe, sponsored by the East-West Center's Arts Program and the UHM Department of Art, and held in the East-West Center Gallery, 12 April-18 June 1999. Puanani · VAN DORPE, over the past several decades, has rediscovered many ancient skills in the making of Hawaiian kapa. Working in Hawai'i with a team of scholars and scientists, Pua accessed thousands of references in Hawaiian literature, legend, and chant on the making of kapa. She also studied, and in some instances cataloged, kapa and kapa-tool collections of the Bishop, Lyman, and Kaua'i Museums in Hawai'i, and the Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Her kapa have been proclaimed virtually indistinguishable from some of the finest eighteenth­century kapa. In 1990, Puanani Van Dorpe was recognized as a Living Treasure of Hawai 'i.

CONFERENCES Tonga History Conference in June The 1999 Tonga History Association Conference will be held 28-30 June at the University of the South Pacific Centre in Atele, Tonga. The conference theme is "Versions of the Past, Visions of the Future: Tonga at the End of the Twentieth Century." For information contact the convenor, Mrs Salote FUKOFUKA, USP Centre, PO Box 278, Nuku'alofa, Tonga; email: [email protected].

SPACLALS Conference in July in Suva The 6-8 July 1999 SPACLALS (South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature and

Videos Language Studies) conference is being jointly Kava: The Drink of the Gods, written, directed, and organized by the University of Waikato and the filmed by Thorolf LIPP in conjunction with the University of the South Pacific (USP) and will be Institute of Pacific Studies and the Media Center of held on the USP campus. The call for conference the University of the South Pacific, explores the ritual papers closes at the end of April; interested persons and increasingly non-ritual use of kava (Piper 10should email a 200-word abstract to Ralph CRANE at

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[email protected]. Conference fees are US$100 for non-Pacific Islanders, US$50 for Pacific Islanders, and US$25 for students. For more information on the conference, contact Margaret DUTI, Secretary for the SPACLAS Conference, Literature and Language Department, USP, Box 1168 Suva, Fiji; email: [email protected].

The conference will be accompanied by a week­long Pacific Artists' and Writers' Festival, 4-11 July 1999. The festival will include public readings, book launches, a book fair, a film festival, photography and art exhibitions, and theater performances. Persons wishing to launch, sell, or display books at the fair should contact Linda CROWL at [email protected] .

Pacific Science Congress in Sydney in July The Nineteenth Pacific Science Congress will be held on the Kensington campus of the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia, 4-9 July 1999. Major themes include public health, global environmental change, lessons from the past, keys to sustainability, natural disasters, urbanization and the environment, biodiversity, science communication and education, and Asia Pacific migration and social change. Send registration inquiries to Nineteenth Pacific Science Congress Secretariat, GPO Box 2609, Sydney, NSW 2001 Australia; email: [email protected]. Registration will also be available through the website www au/PacificScience.

Pacific Educational Conference 1999 The 1999 Pacific Educational Conference will be held at Marianas High School in Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, 26-29 July. The website ( has registration forms, exhibitor forms, and presentation forms.

World Indigenous Conference on Education The World Indigenous Peoples' Conference on Education (WIPCE) will be held 1-7 August 1999 in· Hilo, Hawai'i. Workshops and discussions will be held at several locations on the island of Hawai 'i. For information see the website at, email to [email protected], or mail inquiries to WIPCE, PO Box 6159, Hilo, Hawai'i 96720-8923.

Study Group on Musics of Oceania The Study Group on Musics of Oceania of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) will meet in Hiroshima, Japan, 26-27 August 1999, immediately following the ICTM World Conference.


January-March 1999

It will feature several special presentations and discussions (Agendas for Research in the Next Millennium, Pacific Island Music and Dance for and in Asia, New Video Documentation of Music and Dance, The Role of Culture Centers) and probably some further discussion of papers presented by study group members at the world conference. For further information, contact Barbara B SMITH, Music Department, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, 2411 Dole Street, Honolulu, HI 96822; fax: (808) 956-9657; email: [email protected].

Music Festival of Polynesia in Utah The Literature and Arts Heritage Guild of Polynesia will host their first annual Music Festival of Polynesia, 3-4 September 1999, in Salt Lake City, Utah. The guild is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of literary and artistic talents of the friends and peoples of Polynesian heritage. For more information see the ,guild's website at


UH Archaeological Field School in Fiji UH Manoa archaeologist Terry HUNT is offering an archaeological field school in Fiji this summer, 21 June to 31 July, on the small island of Way a in the Yasawa Group. Students will be excavating a 3000 year-old coastal deposit, which includes Lapita pottery. This is an excellent opportunity for students to learn about archaeology and village life and custom in Fiji and to earn six credits. Undergraduate and graduate students are welcome. Applications and detailed information can be found at the website The official deadline is 10 April, but applications received after the deadline will be considered for open spaces.

Pacific Arts Association Pacific Arts Quarterly, the new newsletter of the Pacific Arts Association, announces an important upcoming event as well as publications news. The association will hold a special symposium in honor of Dr Philip JC DARK who is retiring from the editorship of the association's journal, Pacific Arts, after 25 years of dedicated service. This special festschrift session will be held at the Field Museum, Chicago, 20-24 October 1999. Proposed sessions include imagery; content and meaning in art styles; persistence and change in the art of the Pacific; creativity, skill, process, and vision in Pacific artists;

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World War H's impact on Pacific art; and contemp­orary art. Other activities, including museum tours, are planned. For information contact Robert WELSCH, Department of Anthropology, 6047 Carpenter Hall, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH 03755; email : [email protected]; fax : 603-646-1140.

The new editor of the newsletter is Wendy ARBEIT at [email protected] or PO Box 23296, Honolulu, Hawai 'i 96823. The new editor of the journal Pacific Arts is Jerome FELDMAN. Articles for Pacific Arts 19/20 are currently being solicited. Feldman would like to enlarge their circle of contributors and is looking especially for people willing to review books and exhibitions. Inquiries should be sent to him at Hawai'i Pacific University, Honolulu, Hawai'i 96818.

Film Production Positions Advertised Torrice Productions is advertising openings for an associate producer, a production manager, and an assistant editor to work on a one-hour national Public Broadcasting System (PBS) television documentary, Rising Waters: Global Warming and the Fate of the Pacific Islands. The program will examine the social, cultural, economic, and environmental threats of global warming in the Pacific. For more information contact Andrea TORRICE, Torrice Productions, 430 South Pickard Avenue, Norman, Oklahoma 73069; fax (405) 447- 8455 ; tel (405) 447-8412.

University of Hawai 'i at Mano a Center for Pacific Islands Studies 1890 East-West Road, Moore 215 Honolulu, Hawai 'i 96822 USA



January~March 1999

Micronesian Seminar Announces New Website Micronesian Seminar, a research and educational institute on Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, invites visits to its new website at The site features articles by seminar director Fr Francis X BEZEL, SJ, and others on social issues in Micronesia, as well as a list of video programs produced by the Micronesian Seminar. Starting in May the website will host a series of forum topics, beginning with the role of traditional leaders. It will also offer a library page with online searches of the seminar's specialized library of 13,000 titles.

Indigenous Healing Summer Institute at UH University of Hawai ' i at Manoa will present an Indigenous Healing Summer Institute during July. Credit courses include Traditional Healing, Indigenous Research and Funding Opportunities in Indigenous Health, Indigenous Health and Spirituality, Policy Issues in Indigenous Health, 'HIV I AIDS and Indigenous Communities, and The Evolution of Alaska Native Health Care: Implications for Hawai 'i. In addition to credit courses, there will be non-credit courses that give institute participants hands-on experience in aspects of Native Hawaiian health, including lomilomi (massage therapy) and la' au lap a' au (herbal treatments). For more information, contact the institute coordinator at (808) 956-6234 or by email, [email protected], or call Outreach College at (808) 956-5666.

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lA \ I \-1- Q~

University of Hawai'i at Manoa Center for Pacific Islands Studies

School of Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Studies 1890 East-West Road· Moore 215 ·Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822

Telephone: (808) 956-7700 • Facsimile: (808) 956-7053 ·Telex (650) 3223611 MCIUW

·Heyum Endowment Furid

Scholarship for 1999-2000

The Heyum Endowment Fund was established by the late R. Renee Heyum, former Curator of the Pacific Collection, Hamilton Library, to assist Pacific Islanders receive education and/or training in Hawai 'i. Qualified individuals are invited to apply for a scholarship in the amount of $3,000 for the 1999-2000 academic year. The first payment of $1,500 will be made at the beginning of the fall semester 1999. Contingent upon satisfactory academic performance, tlie second payment of $1,500 will be made at the beginning of the spring semester 2000.

Applicants must be indigenous to the islands of Melanesia, Micronesia, or Polynesia, enrolled for academic credit as graduate or undergraduate students at a campus of the University of Hawai 'i. Pacific Island students enrolled in non-credit education and/or training programs may also be considered for assistance. The selection committee will review each applicant's academic performance, potential to make a contribution to their country Qf origin, and need for financial support.

Applicants must submit 1) a letter of application that includes a statement describing academic interests and a plan of study for the 1999-2000 academic year; 2) relevant transcripts of previous academic work; and 3) three letters of recommendation. Applicants are responsible to contact their referees and arrange for letters to be mailed directly to the Graduate Chair, Center for Pacific Islands Studies (address below).

Applications are due on 1 June 1999, and should be addressed to:

Graduate Chair Center for Pacific Islands Studies 1890 East-West Road, Moore 215

Honolulu, Hawai 'i 96822

An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution

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The Twenty-Fourth Annual University of Hawai'i

Pacific Islands Studies Conference

Diaspora, Community, and Identity

Honolulu, Hawai'i 20-23October1999

This international and interdisciplinary conference focuses on the expanding diasporic communities of Pacific Islanders in New Zealand, Australia, the United

States, and elsewhere, as well as the complex flows of people, goods, and ideas that link them to their homelands.

An increasing number of Oceanians, especially from Polynesia and Micronesia, now live away from their island communities of origin. Although many spend most of their lives in the cosmopolitan urban environments of Auckland, Sydney, or Los Angeles, the home place continues to be a focus of cultural identity and the locus of ongoing circuits of cultural and material exchange. The conference will examine the economic, social, and cultural dynamics of these vibrant communities, paying special attention to the following themes:

1) Capital, labor, and class 2) Culture, ideas, and. boun~aries 3) Biography, representation, and identity

Those interested in presenting a paper are invited to submit a one-page abstract to:

Terence Wesley:-Smith, Conference Convener Center for Pacific Islands Studies University of Hawai'i at Manoa 1890 East-West Road, Moore Hall 215 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96822

Abstracts and registration can also be submitted via the Out of Oceania website at, which contains current information about the conference and will be u dated eriodicall as the conference date approaches.

There is a possibility of partial fundi~for presenters. If you are interested please indicate the nature and level o support necessary for you to attend

the conference when su mitting your abstract.

The conference is open to the public. There is a $20 registration fee for the general public and $5 for students. For further information, please contact:

Tisha Hickson, e-mail: [email protected] - phone: (808) 956-2652 or Terence Wesley-Smith, e-mail: [email protected] - phone: (808) 956-2668