university of illinois at urbana-champaign lisa janicke hinchliffe (@lisalibrarian), sarah...

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (@lisalibrarian), Sarah Crissinger (@sarahcrissinger), Emily Hardesty (@EmilyAHardesty), Aaron McCollough (@rondol) Charleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition Publishing Our Own Work: Contributing to the Professional Literature Through Systematizing Sharing of Library Reports

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Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe (@lisalibrarian), Sarah Crissinger (@sarahcrissinger), Emily Hardesty (@EmilyAHardesty), Aaron McCollough (@rondol)Charleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial AcquisitionPublishing Our Own Work: Contributing to the Professional Literature Through Systematizing Sharing of Library ReportsUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Lisa) Introduction1A Familiar Spectrum of Campus Publishing ActivitiesCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

The New Scholarly Communications and Publishing Unit @ The University of Illinois LibraryUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Aaron) 5-10 minutes total for all four slides2Publishing Without WallsCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Aaron)3Publishing Without WallsA view of the publication process from the scholars perspectiveCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial AcquisitionConceptualizationIncubation, Consultation, AssessmenteBookMultimedia PlatformExhibitionPress PublicationUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign4Established Tools, New Chains & Workflows

Charleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisitioncc-by-sa 2009 by ardonikUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Aaron)5The Library Occasional Reports Series (LibORS)Filling a gap in the libraryRecognition of workSharing workWithin the libraryWith other librariesFinding fundingInnovation Seed FundingGrant application processProject staffLead librarianGraduate assistant(s)Advisory committeeCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Lisa)6Working With IDEALSChoosing a host for the seriesLooked to current library publication for optionsConsidered Open Journal Systems (OJS)Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and ScholarshipInstitutional Repository Using IDEALSConsulted with the IDEALS team to choose the series location within the repositoryCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Lisa)7Crafting ProcessResearch:Find strong examplesReview the product while also looking for clues about their process

Conversation:Ask others about their expertiseAsk broad, overarching questionsCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Sarah) 8-9 minutes for 3 slidesBoth Emily and I read Lisas original LibORS proposal (hoping this would have already been shared) and searched for some of the examples that she cited as important or integral for doing this work. These included the University of Minnesota, North Carolina State University, University of Michigan, Harvard University, and the University of California at Los Angeles. We focused on process AND product. So, as we were saving examples of the reports for future templates and design examples, we tried to see if there was any mention of how the report was submitted, publicized, etc. So we saved examples and also crafted recommendations to ourselves for a workflow.

Something else we did (which I cant recommend enough) is tried to take advantage of the great amount of expertise at Illinois. We sometimes forget how useful it can be to ask others, especially if they are right on your campus! People are usually very humbled that you think that they have this knowledge and usually very forward and willing to share whatever expertise they have. So one thing we did was interview Maria Bonn, who most recently worked as the AUL for publishing at the University of Michigan. While Maria hadnt worked on a project specifically like this one, her broad knowledge about publishing processes, altmetrics, IRs, copyright, and editing really helped us understand some of the decisions we need to make. Think about these as informational interviews-- not necessarily asking for their advice but just trying to learn how they did things, why, and whether or not that relates to your project. 8Workflow ChallengesCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

*Ongoing Iteration and Assessment

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Sarah)Many of the examples we found were on too high of a scale. Examples include the OJS and specific OA journals. We just didnt need to do the same level of editing, author right work (since these were employees of U of I), administration. So we really had to figure out a way to take those basic tenets and scale them to this project. We tried to keep the most essential, pivotal parts and fit them to our needs. We came up with this visual, which has also been translated to an excel checklist. You can see that the most essential pieces here are submission review, formatting, metadata creation for discovery, marketing/ promotion, and then assessment. We see assessment as a constant so that we can continually evaluate how to improve this process. Again, this works for us. Think about how you might adjust for your specific project. 9Acquisition & OrganizationCriteria for inclusion:Applicable to the larger library communitys conversations and initiatives in specific area(s)Requires little to no editing for formatting or grammarFollows the Illinois Writing Style Guide at: The Chicago Manual of Style, 15th edition should be consulted for further questions: appropriate metadata about the submission and its creators, including date created, authors, committee (and committee charge, if available), original URL/ where it was originally publishedCites any outside information usedCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Sarah)How do we choose the reports that wed like to take through this process? How do we establish what is useful/ meaningful to this series? How far back should we go? When is a historical perspective needed? What types of reports are valuable? These were all important questions we had to ask ourselves. We tried to privilege these criteria more than a specific year, if that year was still useful. Beyond numbering and organization, we tried to craft guidelines that were appropriate. Again, this was difficult because of scale. For example, many of the examples we looked at had a specific code of conduct, citation style, etc. We had to be a little more fluid about length, how much grammatical editing we would be doing, citation requirements, hyperlinks, and publicity. Think about the goals of your publication and how these fit with those. 10Visual AppealDesigning the series templateExamples from other library publicationsConsulting our advisory committeeChoosing the face of LibORSStock imagesObtaining a graphic imageDesign by Crystal Sheu, e-learning specialist Charleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Emily)-Next step was to create the look of the series, first through a template.-Looked to other library publications for examples to create our own unique template. Also consulted with our advisory committee on minor details about the template such as pagination, copyright statements, and creating a sample citation.-Goal is for committees to use this template when they are writing their reports in the future.-Next, we decided that we wanted to create an identity for the series in the form of a graphic icon.-After sifting through many stock image sites and getting an idea for what we wanted, we decided to ask Crystal Sheu, our e-learning specialist, for help with creating an image. -Tested for accessibility for users who are color blind-Will be using this larger image on our Twitter account and WordPress blog. Using a smaller icon for the actual template.11Publicizing LibORSWordPress website promotion of new reports in seriesBlog-styleSummary of report and link to IDEALSTwitter account (@UIUCLibORS)Link to WordPress blogIgnite conversations that are relevant to reportsStandards and guidelinesCreated a list of procedures for both marketing toolsWhen to post, who to follow, when to retweet, etc.Charleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Emily)-How to get this series out into the world?-Decided to use WordPress to promote the series. Each time a report is put into the series, we will create short blog that includes a background of the report, a description of the committee or author, and who can benefit from reading this report. The blog will also include a link to IDEALS.-Social media. Turned to Twitter because it is a popular social media outlet that is frequently used by professionals in the library field.-Will tweet whenever there is a new report in the series, will tweet a link to the blog.-Also plan to start conversations about the topics of the reports and to be included in conversations about scholarly communication in the library.-Created a list of procedures that indicate when to post, who to follow, etc. 12Assessment Through AltmetricsNeed for preservation and assessment of dataWhy altmetrics?Non-traditional metrics for a non-traditional seriesChoosing a programFigShare, Plum Analytics, Impact StoryAltmetricGrowing popularityCurrently in use by IDEALSObtaining DOIsA long but necessary (and still ongoing) journeyCrossRef membershipCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Emily)-Non-traditional= alternative to classic bibliometrics such as impact factor or the h-index-Since this series is solely online through our institutional repository, it was important to us to have metrics that reflect the modern, online presence that we are creating around this series.-Altmetrics will show how many times a user has clicked on a report, how many times a report was mentioned on Twitter or another social media outlet-Many discussions with library admin about the importance of using DOIs to track metrics in the library.-University Library is in the process of obtaining a CrossRef membership, which will allow us to mint DOIs for not only this series but also for our historical reports in IDEALS.13Future DirectionsLibORS statusObtaining a CrossRef membershipChoosing to wait for DOIs(May wait for CC licensing option as well)The immediate futurePreparing for our first publicationsPutting reports into the templateSocial media alertsCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Lisa)14Implications/ Inspirations for All LibrariesThe case for publishing in the libraryWhere to begin?Choosing a focusFinding fundingRoadblocksPushing through to the end goalPlanning aheadCharleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Lisa)15Q&ADo you currently have any methods for sharing work within your own library?If so, do you have any suggestions for overcoming them?What is your experience publishing within your library?Have you come across any challenges while establishing new publications?If so, how do you believe this impacts the wider profession?Charleston Conference 2015: Issues in Book and Serial Acquisition

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(Lisa) 10 minutes16