university of nebraska–lincoln · 2019. 2. 7. · he omaha sixteenths yeae. omaha, monday morning...

HE OMAHA SIXTEENTHS YE AE. OMAHA , MONDAY MORNING , JANUARY 10 , 1887. NUMBEK 200. MUCH DISCUSSION PROMISED Lengthy Debate Probable on Discussing Civil Service Commissioners' Salaries. CARLISLE ENTERS THE CONTEST TheSncnkcr of the House Decides to- Ilccoino n Candidate AiraliistSena- tor ¬ IJcck . rrny mid Nnvy IJu- rcnu - Consolidation" . The President It Discussed.- WAsniNoro.v . , Jan. V. [ Special to the JKI.J } : When the legislative , executive niul judicial appropriation bill comes tip for con- sideration ¬ In the lionso , tlio probibilltles nro tint there will a lively discussion on the proposition to Increase the salailcs of the civil service commissioners , ns suggested by the president In his last ( iiinnal message to- congress. . 1 nm told that the president would llico to ace this entire question full } debated , and that was Ills principal icason foi lecom- mending additional compensation for the members of the coirlnlsalon. A gentleman whoso rotations with the president are qulto- filendly. . and accepted n responsible ap- pointment ¬ from him cnrly In the present ad- ministration ¬ , agrees with tills view of the situation. 1 met him nt tlm white house dasngo , and In the course of con- crsatlonhehaidtho - president had several times remonstrated against llio personal at- tacks ¬ made upon him because ho lias en- deavored ¬ to carry out the civil service law as- he found It when ho cntctod the executive chair. Ho sas the piesldont .has giown- veary of shnuldctlnc : the abnso frequently heaped upon him by politicians who Ime been dis- appointed ¬ In place hunting. The president takes the ground that congress enacted the civil service ) law and there is nothing loft for him to do but to execute It. It the con- ircss - ; Is tired of the obnoxious statute It can bo repealed and when the proposition to In- crease ¬ the commissioner's salary comes up , they will tlio Issue squarely before them , and It remains to bo seen what action botaUen. The probabilities are that the anti-civil Ice ( action In congress Is not large enough to accomplish the abolition of the law on tills subject. Senator Call , of Florida , is not a Htm be- liever ¬ in the civil service doctrine and ho takes no paitlcular pains to conceal Ids views on tills question. Ho has secured several ap- pointments ¬ under tlio picscnt admlnlstia- tlon - , but his circle o [ political fi lends Is so largo that he would iiko lohavoBotno moro. lie has a devoted filcnd whom ho promised to assist in seeming an appointment in ono ot the unimportant gi. dcs of tlio publicscivice.- Thosonatoi . thereupon called upon an olllcial having the power or apnolntmcnt , whose or- iginal ¬ selection the senator had strongly timed. The latter laid the claim ot the needy friend before the olliclal and added that any courtesv shown In this case would be es- teemed ¬ a personal f.tvnr. Tlio olliclal Shrugged Ids shouldcis tried to look wKo and Informed the bcnalor that no availco- e.Isted. . The senatoi rcmaiked that theio wore a number of lepubllcans who might be removed to piovldo a small salatlcd position foi his friend liom Tlorida. The olllcial said such au act was out of the question and de- clined to make any move In the matter until u vacancy CMcuried. The senator then lost Ids temper and told tlio olliclal In viiy plain language what lie thought of Him , ai.d added that a gieat many demociats acted , nftei they secured an appointment , as though no ono else had an ] ilirht to iccognition after tlioy were provided for. 'Ihero aio many Mich officials around Wellington , wlio shouted their loudest to liave republi- cans ¬ turned out to maKe room for them , and when requested to do likewise toi a ic-llow democrat they say , "We. cawnt do it , jou- Know. . " rAiti.isi.rc A cAxnmAin ion SI.VIOR.- Senatoi . Carlisle has been Induced toiecon- sldcr - his detorinlnatlon to not ho a candi- date ¬ for senator against Scimtoi Heck and lias his friends to use his name- .Senatoi . Heck's tcim does not expire until .March , ISsft lie is believed to no veiy strong with his constituents and Kenluck- ians - herosav Caillslo will havoa veiy hard light it ho wIns AKVIY AMI .NAVY : VU rONSOI IDATION- It the bill which has just passed the house foi the consolidation ot the different bureaus lor tlio n.ivj dtp irtment becomes a law it will doubtless lead to a slmllai move for sim- jlll - ) ) ing the methods which prevail In the armv. At picsent the stall Is tun heavy , Tlio anaitei-nustei's department , tlio sub- sistanee - den irtment and the pay coips aio three blanches of tlio mllitrnj service which conlltct with one another and there are those In congic-ss who believe that the quaitei- mastei'sdopaitment - could well bo chaiged With the duties which now devolve upon each otthoothers without dotiimont totlie service. Ills entlmated Mint In Miun a condition at least t.00000 a jeai would bo saved , A gentleman who has given this subject a great deal of attention , sild to jour correspondent today : "As alfalrh aio now conducted In the army tlio pa > maslci Mails out on his tilp once In Iho months and makes the loundsof- thohtationsor posts within hisdlstilct. For Instance , the eoi ps of pav mastoin ai e ordered to leave Tort Lc.ivonwoiih toi tlio puiposo of- iiajIng elf the men and olllceis in that divis ¬ ion. One paymastci may have to tuivelW)0 ) miles fiom post to post. Ho has to have ono cscoit ami the traveling expenses are some- thing ¬ cnounous. 'J'lio men , too , cet then pa } all In a lunibs lei twomonths and as they have boon conlined to temperate habits o long for the of money they nalm.ill } became hilarious with loity or fifty dollaii In their pockets and tlio icsult Is de- moralizing ¬ to tlio soivico. Then , too , the lominlsbaiy ordeis his supplies of snbsistenco- btouss to bo dcllvoicd at tlio post and ho Is compelled to ask the quattermaster lor the method of tianspurtlng them to the dlllerent places whoio thov may bo needed. the mmitci master had chin go of all thc- illnanuial atlairs of the company , leglment or- post. . as the ease might lie , he , with his an- ihoilty - todiavv on Now Voik , could relieve the Imni'-diatu wants ot the ulllee-a and men without violating an } Invv , and , instead of keeping them In poverty toi sixty dajs , and thus allowing the mitlei or post tiadet to play shloek on them , they would bo ahlo to sc-cuio inline ) when they nredeil it and the men and tholi families would live much bettci und with loss scandal about diunkonnoss , " "Ho jou think any consolidation of this kind willbeattempleilV" " 1 havti no doubt at all but that a bill hav ¬ ing this object In vliwwlll bo intrudttctd- cnily In the next congress , but thoboelal In ¬ fluence of tlm htatf of the ai my Is so great that It Is not at all inohablu that the lotoim ill bo biought about , for sometime , to come. on M'O tliciii is nobody that would bo par- tlculail - } iK'nelltted bv ( Ids It would reduce the numt ri of Malt officers and would | u out tlio pi > corps niul the subsistence coips enthel } while adding to the duties of the iiimrteriiinstci't , depaitmcnt. Foi this reason the opposition to the move will doubt ¬ less bo well and veiv poweiful , " m : viiMi nui HOAII CAIInv sii'AM. Slniottio ruvnt ti-iiiblo disaster on the llaltlmoru .x. Oliio nilhoad near Tlllln , O. , the. subject of heating ears by some other method than that now in vogue lias been tlio topleof agieat deal of discussion. At the pileni oflice , where Inventors all went to- uethei - , this subject has been ono of exceed ¬ ingly lively inteieat , and dining the past tin co da jo tliat poitlon of the otllco which has cluiiro ot appliances for rallwaj cars lias In-en beslefeu ( b } a throng c-aiertQseciiiaall the Information possible on the subjeu of heating apparatus which lias tints fai bien- patented. . It U thought by tlio oillcIaU of the depaitment that within a month n Hood of Appliances will be Hied for patents on- uoviics lei heating trains by the t-xli.uist bteam from tlio engine , by- clcclililty ft d by other metliods less dangerous than ktu > es. There have been itguMt many patents granted for devices of } h N Kind , but lor soiue reason tlioi have not imti the general ai uiovslof tho-railway pee- P - o , and the rlj-lit J UB tor ,Hao time has not jet been perfected , ev Idently. A ccnllcinan who Is the purchasing agent for one of the largest sjMcms of railway In the country , who Is In Washington to-diy , said that the Inventor who perfects some s > stem for car- heating which will do away with the dancer of lire. Is bound to mike a fortune. This gentleman declares that every trunk line and neirly every other smaller loid In the coun ¬ try would readily adopt such a device , and would pay for It liberally , but hesujs that everjthlng that has jet been perfected is cither too complicated for use or el e entirely Inadequate for tlio purpose. A intent attor- ley - , who Inndles a sreat many applications if mechanical appliances , sajs that ho has dcd not less than thice earvcats this week or Inventors who think thov h.iso struck thu It'lit tiling. He estimates tliat there will be- nt least ono hundred claims for pitcnts In his direction Hied before tiic close of the iiirient month , A vtii.iT.vm MAN'S Mitnum :. 'lo-ilay's Herald : "Captain M. 11. Hughes , of the army, stationed at Fort Mo- raia - , was married on Thursday evening , ) cremher !! 0 , at 8 o'clock to Mls Katharine Yale Siuvcns at the rim I'rc'siijtemn- lokljn church , , I theii L. 1. ' 11 icy have Nsncd to friends "at home" cards foi Thui'diiy , he lllth lust. Xo iri.Monint ! 1'laco , liiooklyn. Hie marriage of tlio gallant captain of tlm N'intli cavahy stilkcs a heavy blow nt Inchu- oidoiii - in the army , ns his man led friends who had his best Interests at he-ait , had long since despaired of his over becoming a bene ¬ dict. " MM.t. rAIlTVIS.- Hon. . . ( ic-orgo W. I' . Doisoj , of Nehiaska , and the Ulirgs house. It. Spencer , of linillngtun. la. , Is at the F.bbUt- .Fit . John Porter has encaced rooms nt IIOSH stieet for bis famllv. The } wlllarrlvoL- ite latter pait of this w ok ami lemaln heio foramonth. Pn.toi's duty as com- missioner ¬ ot police lor Now York will pre- vent ¬ him letnalnlng more than a few da.vs in the city. Mis. Charles X. Catlin nnd niece , Miss Montague , of New York , are to bo In the pirt } . Inspector ( Absalom Halrd lias been ordered from Washington to Fort lu Cliesnu Utah , on public business under special In- structions ¬ from the lieutenant ( ieorgu . ( II. Hiurl , forme-rlv of Dioko's bniuh of the goveiniueiitpilntlngoflico. but who has been icccnllv emiilojud In Omaha , Is visitiiiLr friends in this cltv.- Mrs. . . Miles went to Now York jestciday to Join hei husband. They go at one to Los Ansc-lc" , the newheadquaiteis of tlm Dcpirt- ment - ot Lieutenant D.ipiay , ot Cuncral Miles'slalT , will meet tlioin at Chi ¬ cago. Lieutenant Oatowood , Conuial Miles' other stall ollicei , Is at the National hotel lieieon leave- .Twoaimy . courts-maitlal In Washington will make quite a sensation. Tlio couit- wlilcli will convene at Washington Hauaeks- on Tuesday for tlio trial ot Lieutenant Charles Humphrey , Thlid aiMllery , will have for Its uicsldent Colonel Homy .M. Bl.icK , T'.venty-lhlid Infautiv , and will bo made up enthely of Infantiy olllcers who como heio from noithcrn posts lor the pin pose. Theio- isalongsloiy of which this couit-maitlal Is- a sequel , but It iclales to a domestic hlstor } of the post. The othei court-martial , it Is rcpoitrd , will be that of an ollicei ol the sigml corps who has been getting Into tioublo vvllh bib finances.- Hon. . . J. Conical and Miss Kalio Fiaser- weio man led in lliis city to-night. lev. ! Father Cullen peifoimed thu ceremony in- tlm Catliolfo chuuli in the presence enl } of a few ne.n relatives. Mr. Coideal is a dis- tinguished ¬ alloiney ol McCook and Is liio junto ! membei of iho well known legal firm of Collei ACordeil. . The brhlo Is a .joung - . lady , a lesldont of this clt- j.rouncAST . OK CONCHIES. The Senate Will Occupy the AVcelc- on the tutor-Mate Commerce Itlll.- WASHIXMON . , Jan. 9. Witli tlio excep- tion ¬ of thu time which will probablj'bu con- sumed ¬ In the consideration ot one or two of- tno appropriation bills which aio expected to- bo icported back lo the senate and called up- ilutlng the week the entile week will likely bo devoted to debate on the Intel-state com- nieico - bill. If a vote is reached betoio the end of the week , as Senatoi Culloin hopes , llcck will ask that the bill to piohibit mem- bers ¬ ol contriess from actlnir as i.illioul at- toi - nej'S be taken up and not laid aside again till acted upon. Matters pertaining to the District of Columbia will command thu at- tention ¬ of tlio house to moirow after the call ot stales foi the intioduclion of bills. The pending measure coming over from tlio second Monday of last month , foi the establishment of n school board isjllio subject ot gieit locil Interest and its consideration will consume most of the day. It Is the Intention of Mi. Willis to ask Iho house on Tuesday to consldci thu liver and IiarLoi appiopiiatlon bill , but no may bu opposed by lielmont in behalf of the consulai and diplomatic bill. Should cither ot tlieso- mcasnics oo taken up the debate will prob- ablj ¬ inn on foi thcgioatcr pait ot thu week , as the diplomatic bill pioposcs some radical cliangcsot sjstem and Iho ilvei andliaiboi bill always ptovokos an earnest controversy- .It . is possible that dining tlio week Handill may oiler a motion that the house pioceed to consider revenue matteis , though no plan looking to that end lias been form ¬ ulated. Should the motion bo made and caiiled It would destioj thu chance lor im- mediate ¬ consideration ol a iiuinbui of special oideis whoso m uiageis arc carefully vv atch- ing - foi oppoitunities to claim tlio attention ot the house. Ot these special eiders the naval bill and lliu bill tor Iho- eic.itlon of a department ol agilcultuiu and labor aio tlio two most likely to lecelvo eail } considciatlon. It Is understood to bo tlio- puiposo ot tlio friends of thu Inter-tt.ito com- mcico - bill to postpone action on that nieas- me - In the house till tlio senate shall have leached a conclusion on the matter. The Ciovv ol'Tivonty Ijost , Nonroi.u , VA. , Jan. 0. Litoi paiticnlais- fiom the wreck of the Ccnnan ship which went nshoro jcstculaj mornini; on Virginia ucach , tourtccn miles south ol Capo Homy , make the number ot the ciew tuentj Inste.ul- of lifteen , not ono man of whom was saved. This fact Is le .lined fiom the two men of the life sav Ing cicw , who survive and who ic- eoveicd - consciousness to da > . Tno bodies of five men of the life sav Ing ( icw and foui of- tlio shlpciow , which weie iccoveiod jestet- ilay - , were In lite prosei vers , and three moio of the ships crew without lite picservers were picked up lower down thccinstthiHiuornlng. A body which has bcon idon- tilled as tint of tlio eaptiin Is among those iceoveied. On Ids person was a photograph in irked Captain e. Haiber- st.ult. - . This evening the masts of the .ship were still blinding , though the seawas brc.uc- Ing - over her violently. As reported last night , not a word was .spoken between the shlpVcruw and l'ie litosavlng men when they bo irded In their desperate attempt at rescue. Tno eauso of the wieck can novei bo posi- tively ¬ known , although It Is supposed that In attempting to mal < o the capo undei lecfed sails snlliclent allowance was not made for the stiongciirients which caused scvcial dls- astious - wiecks alon this coast in the last few veals. _ Antliracllo Coal i ro.s , PH. , Jan. l . Tim nilneis and laboiers ot" Sub-dlviblon Xo. 1 of Distilet- Assombl ) No. I'M : , lepio entlng 100,000 mine employes of fields , which opened In convention hero lat Tuesday , eonclude'd Its pioeeedlngs vuiteiday. The prl'icipal work of the body was the tornu- tlon - ot all local n c'inblies undei onu head , a- lesiilt wlilcli Is ( xjieeti'd to bun MIUICO ot tnu utmost liai moil y , as It will btiengthen the mineis in tuelr union as Knights ot h.iboi , The hilc's Ollluers liullcicd. . XKVV Oni Jan. P. A special from Da ) on Ynia to the Tlmcs-Demociat says : Tlio grand jiny of tlio pirhh of Polnto Con- puo - have found a tnifl bill of manslaughter uirniuxt tlio ollici'iaof tliu bained stvamcr J. M. White. _ Settled TlielrDiftVi CHOPS- .Sr. . . Louis , Jan. 0. Coinmlttccs fiom the brewers' pool and brewers' union reticle I all their diiTeiences ve >lcrday and the ttriko- whlvli was becuu last hepte-mker b> iuombT- pf the latter lias becu cudel , German Citizens in Belgium Prepared to Rejoin Their Regiments , THE PRINCE TO TAKE A TRIP Alexander of llnttcnlmrs Will Make n Visit to ! 'K > pt 'V Thrtco Mnt i led Woman l envcs Trnnoc to Avoid Imprisonment.- A . Significant Order.C- opyi . [ I1S7 In Jnmn Gordon llnussi.ifl , Jan. 'J. [ New York Herald Jable Special to the llr.i :. I It Is asserted hat all tlio ( iciman citizens residing In Bel- gium ¬ have been requested by tin1 mllitaty authorities of thcli country to hold them- sclvosln - teadlness to join theii coips at the Irst notice. My own Information corrobo- rates ¬ this Intelligence. A similar request was sent to Ucrnnn residents hero once or twIce since 1STO and each time year was feared. Prince AlOMUider to Visit nt.- Cumnliflit . [ IWIjJJ Jitmcn JldinrC.l ] ) iui : IN , Jan. V. [ New Yoik Herald Cable- Special to the Uir.J : In icplj to a dnect telegraphic inquiry , which 1 sent to 1'ilnco- iMeniidpr of Hattonherg, a ° klng him vvliat truth there was in tlio icport that at the de- sire ¬ ot a veiy nigh personage ho was about to make n prolonged tout , I have just lecelvcd the following communication fiom Ooimstadt : "In about a tottnlglit his highness , I'rlncoAlexandci , thinks ot ciiry- Ing - out hi ; long-chcilshed plan of undcitak- Ing - a long jouincy In the south , probably Jl't. ' but the report that this jouincy Is in any way connected witli a wish cMnessed In certain high quarters Is unfounded. " This gives a quietus to the repoits of the prince's return to .Bulgaria. Took French I cnc.- LO . ] | fuht fVii Jiiiiica (liinhti llfuntil.1 I'AUIS , Jan.O. | New York Herald Cable- Special to the Hi n. ] To avoid nmlcigoing the ten dajs' Impilsonmont Imposed upon her for "lander by tln couit of the ninth eoncctlonal clmmbei Mine. Kattado ! Unto has loll the French tenltoij. Mine. Hat. Unto ( nco Uonapirto Wjse ), mar.- rled . first the Coinpto do halms , second Ui bane Kattathltd ! Senot do Itutc , Spaniaid. In hei book called "Matinee- Kspagnoles" she wioto very ficcly about Madrid sociefv and was especially soveto upon the late Maiquis ( ! uell Y. liciite , a- Spanlsli lltciatui and paifait gentilhominc- of the old school , who mariied the Infant. Josephine , sistei of King 1'iancis- d' Assise and sister-in-law of Queen Isabella II. The ptesent libel suit was bioivht bj the latoMaiquls Guell's two sons , the jiresont Maiquis Cucll Y Konte and Mar- quis ¬ Vaicailos , tlio latter a militaiy attache- of the Spanish cinMssy at 1'arls , and by the sisters and brotheis of the late Marqui- iiieirsvvldow.tlio ( Infanta IsabellaComplcssoii- ietovvsKI ( , the intantaof I'ancois d'AssIse , Queen Isabella's husbnml , tlio infanta Ilcini , lather ot the Duke ol Seville , the Infanta Louise DuCliesse de bessa. the Infant i Clnis- tine , widow ot tlio infanta Sebtslian and the Infanta Amelia , vvluovr ot 1'rinco Adelbeit ol- I3avana. . _ A Denial.- C . [ ( 1SS7 liu Jama Gtntlnn ItenntlLI- UO.MIOV , Jan. D. [ Now York Heiahl Cable Special to the IJii.J : : Tlio Newsagencj sends to ovciy piper tlio fol- lowing ¬ .statement : "Ii. IM ward Audlii- Kutesustli.itonliisaiiinl in England ho was shown a newspaper paiagiap'u indicit- Ing - that llio agency had quoted the Xcvv- Yoik Hciald for the btatcment that the New- York socialists were disgusted with Dr. Aud- Ing's - charges. To this ho gives a most ex- plicit ¬ denial. No chaiges weie made and the last meeting was of a most coidlal and delightful kind.'abounding In and liopca for anothci visit next jeai fiom- him. . ' - Scvoio Slot in al Xioc.- fojiyj . [ ttitit l buJiiinfA GunlinIrtiticK.l Nioi :, Jan. b. | York Hoiald Cable Special fo the Hi.r. All jewlciday and last nl-jht a scveio storm has been lading here , accomi ) inled by ( orients ot rain. The promenade des anglais suffered considerably and to-day presents anj thing but an attiac- ttvo - appearance , being strewn with debris of all soils and tlio giavel being completely washed awaj In imiiy places. The fact that tills was another ol the stoims piedlcted by the New Yoik Herald was the subject ot unl- veisal - comment among the ctowdslioc.imo out this morning tooo llio suif , which is- btlll tunning very high , although the wind has now fallen- .An . Invasion I ilistrntod.L- ONDON' . , Jan. 9. A dispatch Irom I5e- lcradu sajs tliat Hussla lias sentO.OOO lilies to- Colllnje. . An attempt hy an armed band of Montenegilns to make an Invasion into hervla was linstiatcd bj the vigilance of iho frontlci cnniiN It is riiinotcd tint Itussa- w : 111 endeavor to incite .mother Invasion , the object being tlm oveilhrovv ot Klnir Milan ami to put upon the throne a King of Itussla'as- e'Ieclion. . __ A I'oaoofiil Solution I'rohnhle. LONDON , Jan. 0. It Is stated that the Kusslan government has made pioposals which are calculated to peacefully sohotlio- llulgiiriau dirticiillj. Piiiuo Alexaudei , of- It.ittenhcig , who intends lo make an u- tcndcu - toni In the east In eider to set at list tlii- many rumors icgaiding his alleged pm pose ol icluinlngto luln'aila ! , will staittoi Kgjpt In a toitnlght. Gladstone on the Condition of AITnliJL- O.NDON , Jan. 0. (Jladstone , In a tili'n'iaii- to the liberal meeting ji'sterday , said : "I think altaiis are all moving In the rlglit di- rectlon. . " It Is Icained trom a lollahlo source that I Mill Iddesloltli. toicin ( secietaiy , is a- jiresent indHpoacd to take any other oflico lint that It the Interests of tlio eountiy am his pirty demand it ho will piobably iccon- sldei ills dctoimlnatlon- .I'rlnuc . Nicholas Jtcooininondod.- 1'Aius . , Jan. U. M. KloureiH , minister o- foielgn affairs In an intcntov with thn Hulcarl in delegates to-day , recom- mended that llnlgari.i accept as a rule I'rine-o Nicholas , of Mlngrellii. Trance , lie paid had no wish to lake nu arlha part it the settlement ot HID question at Isatio. .Sh simply desired peac- e.roihlddon . lo Stay in Alsnrp-l.ouilno lit in. IN, Jan. U. The Oeiman govcrnmc- nInsfoiblddcn rienchinen belonging to tin territorial army to stay In Alsace-Loralni longei than a few dajs. Some niannfactnrer In tliat province , who are In bjmpathy will France , have evinced preference lot Irenel workmen- .Pilncn . niMiiaik'8 Soothing Inflnnnco LONDON , Jan. 0. Advices fiom Vienna say that thu Influence exerted by Prince llismaick is having the effect of smoothing the relation between Austiia and A Now riect of jnillsi ] Crulseis.- Loxnov . , Jan. O.-Tho admiralty has adopted Lord Ueresford's olllco to build n fleet of fust cruisers. T he now fleet w 111 bo completed lu two j ears- .Injuicd . hy a Gas K.xploslon. LONDON , Jan. P. Ten persons were In hired by nn explosion of gas In a tcnemeii- uousuatUlafgOTt to-ulght , sciinsin- V Plan to Ivtnptj the New Jersey Pen- itentiary ¬ Nipped In the Hud. . Nr.wviiK , N. J. , Jan. ft [ Special Tele- cram to tlio UEK. ] A, startling story Is printed lo day of an attempt to deliver all the convicts In the penitentiary at Caldvvell and lll the keepers. Among the noted prisoners n the pilson are Charles Strauss and Oliarley Uernard. These two men , together with some others on the outside , weio iho ring- eaders - of iho plot. The scheme was laid ihroueh i secret corie-ponilonco canied on- A Itli friends outside. A number of small cweler's saws were conveyed to the prisoners n tobacco , soap and other aitlcles , and were .iscdat every opportunity to saw the lion jars of the cell door * . Sevenl of the bats wire cut almost entirely llnuugh and the cracks tilled wllh ; oip , coloied with shoo blacking so neatly as to almost detection. 'Jho plot was to have licen carried out Cbiistmas eve. Strauss , lieniiird and anothei were to llbeiatn tin in- reives - bv lemovlng the bars on theli cell doots and with these bars attack the slmrln guard , get the kev and open the main doors and idmlt those vvlio had asru-ed to be on hand oul ide. They then Intended toclnnge their clothes and obtain all the weapons ie- rmhcd - from the nimnry. If nil had worked well thej then weie to go upstairs and ovei- powet - the w union and his family, i oh t he- house and sale , llbento what other prl oneis they thoiurht lit. cut thu telegraph wires , t.iKo- a I ; am which was to be in wilting nnd bu miles oil beloie the allair was dKeoveied. It was distinct ! } undeistood by all tint tliej were not to stick at numler 01 iinvthlng necessary foi thoii safety. Tlio jail olliclal discovered the plot In time , however , nnd tlio wholcschemo fell tliumuli. The "United bailor" Msht.- Cnic.vno . , Jan. ft A long and bltteily- ontostcd ( stiuggle occurred last night In the conference of llio United labor patty. The assembly had been c.dled ostensibly to icor- ganlso - the parly for the puiposeof deburlng- as many as possible of tlio romiblican and douiociatlc nominees from obtaining ofllco- midei the city government In the spring election. The reorganization , however , was entlrel } subordinate to tlio question as to whether membership In the paity should fc- rtcnd - upon taklnz a rigid pledge foisvvonilng all connection with oilier political bodies and promlslmr implicit obedience to thu consti ¬ tuted authoiitles of the pirty , meaning the so called commltteo of twenty-one electo 1 when the movement was ot small cense ¬ quence. Manj delegates and organisations had lejecttvl the cist-Iron pledge and when the conlerenco met weio dcbaired from en- toiuifr. - . The meeting was he-Id with closed doors and nt neaily mid ¬ night was jet angrily debating the pledge question , while the delegates letnscd admittance chafed in tlionanow halls and staiiwavs. Among those on thu outsldo was Louis lllols at ono time piivito secictaiv of Mistei Workmen .lackson , ot local ns-einbly No. ( ,0 , Knights of Liboi. Against liim a- sneelal llL'htvvas being tn.ulc on ( ho giound that ho was not an Ameitcan Jack ¬ son claimed tint the onnosltion to him was spite vv m it on llio p.nt of the Ceinian social ¬ ists , many ot them aliens , whose national in ej ml lees had he-en worked upon bv a lew Oianccnieii in his assembly. At 1:15 a. m. the conference was still In session , but hnd I nallv decided In favor ol the plcdiso nnd denied recognition lo nil who would not sign. Jackson , though he cxpiessed Ins williniincss to give his assent to tlio pio- posed piomise , was shut out with othcis. A now commilleu of twonty-ono was elected In vvliich ( icorgo Schilling and othei locally luoiiilncnl soeiallsls appear lo havu the lead. Socialists CnVry the Ilaj' , ' AOO, Jan 9. TcAlay the socialistic clement added another tb Its rapidly growing listot successes in eaptiulng the maclilneij ot locil Ijboi An adjourned muclliie of tlio Chicago Tiades Assembly , was hold tliis attcinoon Jo complete the elec- tion ¬ of ollicers , and the radicals made a clean sweep. Last Sunday , hy effecting a post- ponement ¬ alter Io lnc the cliah maiishlp and vice presidency , the conseivatives tempo- raiily - stacd total defeat. To-'Ky the iadi- cils - elected over all opposition Louis Ilail- man lecordlng secretary, Joseph Plumtieu hnanclal societal j % li. 0. Owens tieasiirei and Ier ) H. hum statislici in. Kveiv ollicei In llio is now a pronounced with the cause of the seven men iindoi senteneo ol death foi the liavnmket Jionib thiowing. Ono officer Lnnf. statis ¬ tician Is mi avowed anaichlst. Alter the election the bncklacrs' and stoiiMuasons' union and Knights ot Liboi local assembly No. 4.J27 withdrew from the organI.dIon.- A . Coal Famine Imminent.- Niw . : YOIIK , Jan. ft Tlio sltualion in re- gaid - to the handlers' stsike Is gradually growing vvoisoand tlio outlook Is seiious. L. 1 ! . lianet , agent foi the Lchlgh Valley Coal company, said thisalteinoon thatno business was being done bj his company , and that if tlio strike continued a week 01 ten d.nstlieie would be a coal famine. He said tliat the companies did not piopose to givj In lo tlio- stilkcisandas to wages , tlio men have been able to make from S03 to SUO per month. When asked if byalianstei of the eais on flO'tts something ot a simply could ho fm- iilshed - the city ho shook his head and said that theio weio not inability twenty-live floats in the haiL-or of the kind necc-ssaiyand that llioii capacity was only ; ! 00 tons each , llioietalldealeisin the city have advanced tlio mice M cents a ton and the coal voids , as anile , uioonlj scantily supplied and some ot them empty. Whole-Nile dealets hav o not ad vanced the price , howo'or.- AVcekly . Crop Summary. CHICAGO , Jan. ft Tlio following croj ) summaiy will appear in tills week's edition of tlio tanners' Kcviuvv1ot this city : Tlio 10- ports from coiresiondents show the fields of- w Intel wheat in Ohio , Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin and Mlssoml to bo very Koneially well protected wltliMiow. In Atchl- son , Dickinson , Lincoln , Neosho and Sedfj- wickc - unities ot Kansas tiio fields aio 1- 0piiledbaio - and the cround dry. with tlio ciop looking pooiy. | Theie Is a fieemove- inentot - ( orii to maiket reported In Illinois and Nebiaska Theio In veiy llttlu move ¬ ment of coin in Iowa nnd one-fourth of the counties of thu state areImpoitlng coin liom adjoining states. There nio seiloiis reports ot ( hole-raamoiu'ho s from tully one-thlul ot thecouniles in Illinois wilii more01 less prevaloncoof thu disease In Indiana , Iowa n d Missouri. In Ad.pus and Mason coun ¬ ties in Illinois tliu disease U iiilltetini; seri ¬ ous lo ses , CliiHs C'ondoluii ( i . Pniir. Neb. Jan. ft f.Spj-clal to the Ui.E.l Iho following resolutions weio adopted hy tlio senior class of the State Nouua school : Whereas , It lias pleased Divine providence to remove fiom among us thu beloved father of our illcnd mid ( Lisa-mate , therefore I to It lie-solved , That we, members or thu senior class , extend our most he.utfult sjmpithios toMtss Laura Ihadforjjand bereaved lilunds tnistln0' that He , who Is a "Father to tlio fat hei less , " will sustain and keep them in this , tlieh liom of trlak- Monny Tor Jlrs. J.OKIU- I.riur.vno . , Jan. ft William Penn Nixon , on behalf of the committee having diargooi the Lo.jan fund that Is being raised in Chi- cago ¬ , forwarded to Mrs. Logan last nlgln checks amounting to ti'iOO , makiiit' a total 01 5W.OJO forwaulcd by tli'J committee. Tlio debts of ( Jeneral Logan's estate , which It Is proposed his Chicago friends will nay , aio in the nt-ib'hboriiood of Death of JudBO Shaw- .ST.Lons . , Jan , 9 , Judzo Aaron .Shaw, foi many jcars a prominent Illinois polltl clan , died at hw homo In Olney , III , Fildaj night , at the ago of pevcntjsljears. . Dur- ing ¬ his life he held the position ot state's attorney twioo , was a member ot thelcdsla- turoamlof - tlioThlitj liftUci njries , u.ud was once elected tireuit THE WEEK IN WALL STREET The Settling Up of the Accounts of the Oltl Year Not Yet Finished , AN UNCERTAIN MARKET FUTURE ACcsontlon of thoTalk Ahoiit u South.- ern . "Conthlno" The Nickel IMnto Decision the .SlnRle Unset- Inltncncc. - . Old Ycnr Aoconiils Not Yet Settled.- Ninv . YOIIK , Jan. I' '. [ Special Telegiam to the Hi.r. .] We have not jet llnlshed settling up the accounts of the old jear , nnd the future of the market is much moio uncertain now than when the accounts ot the old vear were bilanced. Tlio footing was sitlsfaetory enough , but thoclements ol nnceitainiy hove multiplied rapidly. ' 1 here Is no active pally- on the exchange , for the verv good reason that believers In fnttiio prosperity have olicady Invested. They mo willing to take speculative risks. ' 1 licit limitless nnd confi- dence ¬ are sufllciont to deter traders fiom reckless assaults on futuies and so the two paitlc'i seem lo bo icstlng upon the-li arms without the slightest thought of an armistice' . The movements of the week have been most mysteilous , fet they have not been dictated b > events. Thoieal diltt of speculation to- ward ¬ southern securities and stocks and bonds of lalhoads which have not pild div- idends ¬ for jeirs , which have hob-nobbed with receiveis and weailed bondholder , which have made nothing but losses lor those who have bought their stocks and bonds , continues to bo ono ol tlio w eights upon the maiket. Heading sccmltles are being deposited every day vvltli the oiganiratlon committee , but theio Is little hope of getting enough ol them to assuio tlio can.vlng through ol llio plan without loicclosme. The time Is1 not too shoit , but sccmltles- aio so widely scattered and there mo- so man } ol them that they cannot bo biought- in befoiQ the time uxpiies , noi w ill it bo sifo- to undei take If any nppie- elable - amount icmiiins out. Tlio plan Is the best that can bo sn gested and If all parties interested In It could bo made to see it and give it then support they would save a gieat deal ot time , tumble and expenses , but tliat- Is to much to hope for. The talk about the southern combineIs over , and so one of the unceitain factors Is out ol themaikct. Then- has been no uioic unsetllng Influences than thu Nickel Plato decision. which has been undo tlio Iqundatloti- of some haish criticism on the Vandcibllt- p uty. It is hunt to koo how they c ml I hive done an ) thing else. They hold liigo intei- ests - in tno stock and in the iuteic-sts of tlio Lake Hhoro the } were compelled to take tlio- stxnd which they did. Of eonr-o the deci- sion ¬ will DO appeiled , and theio is little doubt tliat innocent bondholder will be fully pioteded. Unt It was hatdlv tolbo expected the I ako hhoie people-could undeilake- to make a settlement when theio was the sli : htest question as to their legal slain- Vev - . ei t hele s ,t hc-i o w ere good i easonsenougli- to -ell bond" , foi Iho holdeis would have to wait a long time fet pat nnd inteiest. Tlio- liupiossion Is that they will gel what ( hey will be wllllnc to take long befoie the supiemo- couit ot Iho United btatcs lias an oppoitunity to piis upon tlio merits of the case , 'llieie is- ically less conlidencc In the market than might have been expected. His not heavy , but tlio people who nave bcon active in the nutket foi some time aie verv quiet now, and they a j.waiting the outcome ofthoI- ntcistate commerce mil and the chances of cold exports. The Impoits have ceased and there Is now little chance that they vv 111 bo i o- sumed - soon. Money Is not going to be an Important feat mo again. U was easy all week at C@0 percent , ol fen as low as :t per cent. Money is coming bick to the ccntct- nowan'd llieie was a veiy laige ineieaso in- deposits. . In the ptesent tone of tlm maiket- thoto Is no ptospect ot an > seaiclty lor some weeks. _ OMAHA TW- An liu'iciiso ol' lt7.7 l''r Cent the 1'ast Week. BOSTON , Jan. 0. [Special Telegram to the Hi.i :. ] Tlio following table , compiled from special dispatches to the 1'ost tiom Iho niana- goisoftliele.idingeleiiltirhousesof - ! the Uni- ted ¬ Htates , gives tlio gioss exchanges at each point tot tlio week ending Janiiaiy y , Ibb7 , together with the peicoulago of inciease or decrease fiom the coiiespondlng pciiod last } eai : cirir.s. New Voik- lloston WsTlS ) , IV ) ijy iKjirrON ) , , ! 0.1- fj.O I'lill.uleli.hla. . .. 71 , iiOlf , 0 'JjVi- KUi Chicago ( : ! .St. Louis Ualtimoie 47- 2s ban Kianoisco 111.71 ) , ! ) New Oileaiist U ,1M) , JO Cincinnati ll.MOiOO- H4M 1'ittsbiiri : Kansas City- Omnliii , > , 14)- 1iirrvs7 ) Louisville ; j.b Piovideiieo r.n : : , " Alilwaukee "io- Ss..l ! Detioit Indianapolis. .. 170.7 Denvei Cleveland Minneapolis. . . : ! . .071.fiU- SbSO.b I'.n Haiftoid T..l Memphis 17.D- r..f Columhust ' . ' ,100,000 New Haven. . . ] , '.ssI7i ( w. I'eoiia r Portland in i1. Calvestonl ... . 1,010,000 8 I hi. ,10eph- .Smlnglieldt 11 . Jll.h Won ester- Sjiaeusu l.VJ- Tolal . Lowell ( 1.71010 * § Olllshlo Now York1 iNIVi7.701 lil.'- il'artly * AppToxlinaled- .tNni . included in totals ; no clearing house last jear. Decided in of Iho I'lnlntlfT- .Niw . : YOIIK , Jan. ft The suit of the Oiegon nnd Trans-continental company against Mcssis. Knlin , Loeb Co , , has been compromised foi 3100,000 , and this sum has been paid to tlio plaintiff. The suit arose fiom a loan of which the defendants made to the Oregon and Tians-contlnuntal company onJuno IS , 161. Stocks weio. de- posited with the firm as security for the loan.- Tlio . stocks declined rapidly In prlcu after they weio deposited , and on Juno ' 1 Kuhn , Loeb it Co. eot frightened and after fast calling for additional collateral sold enough ot thucollateial to pay themselves the sum of Hie loan and letiirnc-d tlm lemalnder to Iho bonowers. ' 1 lie company sued tlio firm lor- conveislon ot collateral and demanded the ditrcrcnco between the price of the sccmltlesv- v hen sold , and their price at the time the loan became duo and Judge decided In lav or of the company und the general teim supported Ins lining. Thirteen J'uper Railroads.I- vA . > sAsCu v, Jan. U. The 'I lines' T special sajs : An Important move In rail- toad matters tiansplicd to night In the filing ot charters foi thirteen proposed lines wlilcliv- v III gridiron westcin Kansas. This scheme Isbco'ted by the Union Pacific. The pro jecttd loads cjum-U w th various points on- tlio Kansas Pacific and Central Hr.inch nt the Union Pacific from central Kansas to the wcstein bolder and extend in all directions- .NchrnHka . Weather. For Nebiaska ; Warmer , fair wcathpr , foi lowed by li ht snow. A Disastrous UlnVo"VJslts Hint Cltj- At Hnrtnnd , Conn- .Lvwr.rci . :, Kan. , , a Just bcfor- ouldnldittontght a belated elllren , passing .n front of Kahnweller's largo dry goods iou e In tlio center of town , noticed n pccn- lar - llamo In the reir of the store. In an Instant aftct ward the whole ot the Interior seemed to bo ablao , and betoro the p.i cr- by - could turn In an alarm or summon the file depaitment , the flames seemed to have obtained a complete control of the stole. Water was tinned on but it ran ver } slowly and In n short time out altogether , a break at the new waterwoiks cutting off the supply from tliat somee. In the meantime thoblayoln Kahnwetlni-'sstore , a largo double struetme , had gathered sticitRtti , and In less than half an hour the w hole of that structure was a mass of ihtues. The llnmes gathcied headway eicli Instant , the punj stieams whleh could bo obtained being piaetleilly useless to check their pio- gre - s and soon stole buildings on eichsldo- of the burning sttuctmu woio In llame-s. lo add to llio geneial conliision the eimlno team , which had been detached , broke loose Irom theii holdcisand dashe.l up the stieel- at full speed , ( blowing down soveial pel- sons , Injmlng them moio less seveielv.- Hy . this time the llio hid -plead to I'ollev s- icstauraiit , MonttfomeiNgioceiv and btraf- lion's - diiigeuipoilum , all ol which seemed lo be nbl al once- .At . 1 o'clock live stmes were In nolle *. I no- llimes spioad slowIv but smelv onward. Hy- a o'clock one-halt thu block was In ashes and ngoodlv poitlon ofthe othei half was burning , with moio fait prospects tliat the rest of tlio block would bedestroved- .I'oitunately . theio was a dead calm nnd the burning embeis were not canied over acioss the street. AtMo'elwkalmost the entlichioek had been destroyed , and the remaining build- ings ¬ weio in llames. It was not then tnoiiBhtl- iovvuvei , that the ilanies would spread be- jond - the limits of the foui stiects. Kahn- welier - had just finished invoicing his stock w hlcli ho found to bo vv orth W.OOO. Ills in- smancois - SW000. The business houses burned will bo icbullt- as soon as the Insurance Is collected. KANSAS Cm. Jan. ' .' . A special loathe Times sav s tliat the lire nt Lawience , Kan. , which stalled at midnight , bmned itsolt out about dav light. The firemen and were powerless ami Iho flames consumed llio- entlio block , roitunatoly no wind was blowimr and the conlhiL'iation did not Ic-avo the oiiginal block. The total loss Is S OO.OOO , divided nmoni : seven liims. Tlio Iiibiuanco- is less than : o,000- .At . , Conn. 11 viiTi-oiit ) , Conn. , Jan. ft The most s ous l- fno which has occuried In Haitloid lor- vearsbioke out at noon to-day In the diy goods store of O. O. Sawjcr * Co. Tlio- Iho got under L-ieat headway beloio tlio- froen hjdiants could bo ihavved. I'lio lite burned until after 0 p. m. and completely gutted Iho block in which 0. O. Savvjcr- Co's. . store was the central building. About an horn and ahull attei the luo stalled the Iliemen found in the real ot Sawjcr's slore- body of Thomas It. Lauglilln. elerk- ol the Cue board and one ol Hie editorial stall"of the Times. He had evidently gone Into thu stoic when the lire was Hist slatted and had bion unable to get out. Tlm binned block belonged to Aveiellc & T.Ue. and was valued at Sin.OOO. The iiismaneo is about 810000. ( ! . I. h.iwjci iv-Co. lose SfH.COJ ; insurance , SliO.lOO : Jaeohs.V. 'loibcs , In the south stoic ot the-block loseS'JJ.OOO ; insmance , felO.OC- O.At . New York. , NEW "ioitiv , Jan. ft tflrb to-night do- stro } ed thc.fivi story.blck buljdin and con- tents ¬ of Nos. 50 and 5,52 West Thirtieth stiect. The first floor was occupied by tlio owner , George Segmcr, as a kindling wood factory , and hero tlio lire began. The upper llooisvveie occupied by Fiost , IJobinson & Co. , veneer chair mannlaetmers , The stable adjoining was also dcstiocd. Sevcial Ine- nien - were hurt by falling walls. Lstlmalcd loss Is 5l.r ! > , eco , with some Insuiaucc. Cause unknown. At Hcllsfonte , Pa- .TiiirAiii.riiiA . : , Jan. ft A. special to Iho Times from Uellefonlc , Pa. , sis : l-'ho was discovered early this niornlnc In the base- ment ¬ of the Valentino c.ompaii's store and icsulted in tlio entlie desliut tlon of tlio- bulldinir , Including tlie Valentino diy goods stoio and gincaiics , Davvson it Hios" . fac- loiy - , W. T. 'Iwltmevei. stoves and tin w.iie. The cntiio loss U 8 jjO () to SHW.COO- .A . TUKUITOUyTOUGH. . Dontli of Ilohcrr Itcnni , Hiotlicr of the Well Know n Sculpt i P.SH. Four SMITH , Aik. , Jan. 0. [ .Special Tele- gram ¬ to the linr.J liobeit Itvani , a well known ol Indian Teuitoiy , died In this city last night of tphold lever. The deceased Is a brother of llio famous seulptiess , AMnnio Iteaiii , formeiiy of Washington , but now Mis. Hoxle , of Alabami , also ol Mis. Perry Fuller , ot Washington. Itobert Heam has been a noted chaiactei In Indian Teni- tory toi mote than twenty } ears , beingan adopted of the Choctovv tiilie fora much longei peilod. Ills eaily associations among tlio Indians led him to adopt In agicat- meastno the leclciess disposition of tlio class with whom he was biouglit In dally contact , and ho became dis- sipated ¬ , getting into double on more than ono occasion , getting out ot it onu time thiough the iulluem oof his sister , Viir- nio Ho was a man of nerve , and added a huge feather to his cap u yeius ago by klilingJones , the woist desiiei.ulo the Indian feiiritory cvei pioduceil , at McAllister. Jones had lei years he-en the loiror of that section , and was in the habit of riding into the llttlu towns out theio and making the in- hahltantslakotothowonds. - . On thedavhomet his death lie went to MeC.illlstei lor tlio avowed puinoso of killing Iteain , whun the latter cot In thu ( list shot and saved hlsownl- ite. . Ho was nevei punished lei II , tlio gen- eral - vcidlct b ilii ; that ho had pciloimed a- ilgiiteods ust , _ _ lie in1 } Oeorco UN n Ijnhor Iniider.- Civrjsv . u , Jan. 0. Tlio Sun will publish a sensational article to-morrow bearing on- iho prominence ot Heniy Ccorgu In the labor world. Slnco ( ieoigo's candidacy In New YOIK tlio laboring men have been pa- Ingconsldciablo } - attention to his views , and Heniy ( leoigo clubs , composed ol Knights of Labor , have bcon all over the eountiy. A membei ol n Heniy Cuorgo club In this cltv , in an Intei- view , dec ] , ues that the Catholic church Is bitterly opposed lo Ilemy ( ienign's land policy , and tliat it will use ail itselloits- to crush the Knights of Labor in case the lat- ter sustains Ceortro 'Iho article saS that a meeting ot Catholic bishops was held In Italtlmoio heforo the Kiehmond ronventlon and that the Knluhts- ot Labor worn given lo iindcistand 11 had best ie-elect Mr. Powdurly , who , tlio bun fa } s , Is devoted to his ic'ligion , D ) nuuillo , I'liii.Ain.i I'liu , Jan. ft 'I his evening a quantity ol dj irunlte used foi blasting , stored In a frame shanty on Twenty-ninth and States stieets , exploded , Instantly killing Patiick Powers , watchman , vviioso body was badly mutilated. 'I ho explosion ausod houses In the vlclmtj to rock and glass In- theii windows to rattle to such an extent that the inmates rushed into the stieet to- Icain the cause. Tlm loreo ol tlm explosion was felt over nearly the whole northern nor- tlon - ot thu city , Important Cases Decided , LAHNKD , Kan. , Jan. 0. Two Important cases against tlio Atchlson , Topeka V Saute Fo railioad company , have just been decided In the district court here , David UlaiK re- ceived ¬ a Judgment for C2 000 vvoith of prop- .crty . which was cfcstrotd | hy lire and SlO.ooO damages for the loss of his -A He , who was burned at tlio time. U Illlnin Sly recovered JuJcment lor 20,000 , foi ttersoual injurleii. GRAND EXODUS OF QUACKS The Now Medical Law of Iowa Oauscs That Class to Pnck Their Grips , KANSAS AND NEBRASKA WARNED The Operations or the Pharmacy Act eing Wittchod With Interest All- Over the State Dismissing Jim SucueSHor.- A . ( toed Imvv.- DKS . Moixi.o. la. , Jan. U. fSpcdnl to tlio- .] Although the now inedleal piaetlc * law has been In opeiatlon but a low dajs , Id- bcnollclal effects mo already seen. Some ol the most noted quacks who have been ply- Ing - theli vocation and taking thousands of- dollais ni'tiually fiom the people of Iowa , have already left tlio stale or nio piopailng to- go. . Kansas and oilier vveslein states tliat have not vet pioteeted themvelvcs with n law regulating the piiictico of medicine will bo the Hist to sulk' ! , as the Iowa qii icks proposu- to move In lliit dliectlon now Hut Iowa will no longer toleiato them.- Tlio . now law , which went IntoclTect on the lli t ot the jear , legulates the entlio practice of medicine In the state , sa > Ing In etlect w ho shall and who shall not piaetlce. Personr who can pioduco diplomas liom medical schools of good staiidlmr , as good by the state hnaid of health , and persons who have been In con- tinuous ¬ , reputable practlco In the state for live j ears are entitled to coitlllcates and practlco without other action. All otheis must pass an examination before the state boird of examiners. Tlio penalty lor at- tempting ¬ to practice without a certlllcato In- cludes ¬ line and linpilsonmunt , making Us disregard of the law a veiy setious mattei- .Theio . has been some grumbling and com- plaining ¬ at the law , but It has been well in- celved - bj the people ol the State generally- .paitlcuhuly . so by mcmbeis ol the medical profession who feel that they hav oat last a- motsurttof prote-ctton against Irresponslblo and untiustwoithy ilvals , who biitiic ills- gi - aeo upon the name of physician. Thu law Is not so exclusive In Its operations but that it allows magnetic hcnlcrs , ot whom them are a good many In Iowa , to come nndoi Its piovlslons. Where they have piactlced their ait foi live yoais , continuously In tlio state , tliev may continue loud ) people Into health if they ean without iiileileicuce , so far us the law is concerned. I Hi : I'llAHMACV LAW. The present will have soveial new Jaws to tii , and none of them is watched with moio interest thin the phaimacyaet.- so . far as It eonceins tlio sale ol- Ihiuois. . When the last legislature met , It was confiontcd with the facl that whllo the law piohiblting tlio s.iloof Ilipiois had gone into eflecl tlieio was oppoitunity foi much nilsundcistanding , und some injustice In tlio- mallei ol sales lei legitmato purposes , to- wlt - : medicinal , mechanical , eiillnaiandsacl- amental. | - . Under some Intcipiclations ol the law the fling-gist did not due , without n special penult , sell oven lor tlm legitimate uses not forbidden by law. In some locali- ties ¬ phjslclans could not get a gilt ol whisky foruse in fhelr piaetlce , 01 an ounce of al- cohol ¬ to prcparo their medicines. Under these circumstances it was felt that some re- lief ¬ was needed , and the Icglslatuio decided to frame an act that should glv n the druggists unquestioned light to sell foi legitimate pur- poses. ¬ . That was done with the expectation that the right would not bo abused , and that the legitlumtq business could bo hotter controlled In that way than the other. The state pharmacy commissioner eav o assurance that such w oulil bo the case , and has tiled ever since fo see that the law was faithfully observed. Thoiu is considerable complaint In many localities that the dtugglsts have abused their privl- lene - * , and have viitually supplanted the saloons and succeeded to then patronago. To some extent tlio complaint Is undoubtedly well loundcd. Thcio is no doubt tliat many di ugglsts , some ol them In this cltv , aio sell ¬ ing liquors lar bojond the matoilal require- ments ¬ for medicinal and otliei legitimate purposes. Their rotnins to tl-o county atid- itois - show this to be tine. Unt It is also true that tills piactico is no ! tliat against wlilcli public sentiment was so stiongly aimed that the nioliibltoiy law was demanded. The people who voted toi piohibitlon voted sub- stantially ¬ against the open saloons. Tlmv insisted Hint tlio saloon was an institu- tion ¬ wholly ovll , and a constant meiiaio- to Hie peace and good ordoi of the state. II was n place wlieio criminals icsorted , mid wheic clime was hied. It was a souico oC weakness to society and dangei to the stato. Aecoidingly llio saloons weio closed. Tliuir place lias not been taken bv tlio drug stoics. Kvou if men do under a plea ot djspupsia , carrj off bottles ol beei ovciy dav to their homes and diinlc them theie , the peace and prospent ) of tlio state is not put In very gieat jeopaidy. The puiposo of piohibitlon , wlilcli v > is to close the open saloons , thu bleeding place ol cilmo , has been accom- plished. ¬ . .So lent : as men do theli drlnklngat homo in the presence ol thoii families half ot Ibo evils of the piactico have been avoided.- A . SOI.IIIKII Foil U II , SON'S h'JIOl M. Thc'io isa pictty stiong feeling on loot for the election of a union soldiei to siiccieil- hcnatoi James F. Wilson , whoso term ov- plies next j ear. binco the death of l.o.-nn leaves but ono union uencial in the United htates henate , ( piovlding Suwell and Haul- son do noiietuin ) , tlic atlontlon ol tlio i - publicans of the west espi'olullv Is dhecteit to the nnfiuoiablo ( omjiarlson In thlsicspect with the south which sends the stiongcit- of its ex-iebel noldlcis to renre'cnt it in Washington. If n civilian IH to boietiirnea- as next senator fiom Iowa , Iheio Is Jlttlo doubt tliat WIKon will smceed himself. lint just now theio is much talk about electing some good lepublli an who was a good sol- dleiaswcll. - . Among the names mentloi edt in that event aio Conc-ia ! Chen , dl.slilct judge , < il this eltj ; Colonel Hepburn , cln- gicssinan - lei the Klglith dlslroi : ( < ' Dodge , ol Council Hlntls ; Colonel 1 lender son , toiiBiessnmii lei tlio 'Ihiid dlfetiid ; John T. blone. ot dlenwood , and seveial- othei men of gallant lecoid. It seems just a llttlu strange that a state w hose p iti iothiu poured out thu host of its to light lor the union , " -nillng bO.OUO soldleri. to tliuwar , should not and novel has elected ono of ItH- soldleis lo Iho United htaus senate A ( UK AflO l-AI'Ull's SI AM ) ) I- tOnool the Chicago pnpeislluilin under- lalien - to manage Iowa iillulis in gen- - . mid bioux City matters In nar- tlcnlnr - , lias a good deal to nay aio it Covoinoi Lanalxo and the prosiciitlon- ot the Haddock murdeieis It has elieiilatul the nijioit that thu pioplo ol .Sioux City had leiiuested him to appoint .Mr. Luther L. Mills , ( d Chicago , to assist the prosecution , and that he had iodised the lendci of Ml. Mills' soi vices. Inquliy at the exeeiitlvo- ofllcii shows this to bo entirely undue. Theiu had been u icqnost that tlio state would fur- nish - additional counsel to assist thu district attorney , and at his icquest nnd udvieo the govcrnm lias appointed Hon. .M. D. O'Con- noll.of - 1'oit Dod o , foimerlv Unllrd Stales distilet atloinuy. That Is all thrro U to Iho- storj . A f oMi'AiiiRON vvnii rwrxrv VJJAHS ADO- .An . old leltei liom Des Mnines. wiltlen tea jiapei in Ohio In JMIl , has just been ill cov- eiid. - . which Iseieuting Lonsliieiablo iiiinisc- milit - b > tlio foinpaiisons it suggests. Dus- .vlolnes then had not asingloralitoadlnplaco- of the fointeen It now has. The town then claimed 0,000 population In phco ot lO.oou- now. . Tlio wilier happened to bo lieio when llicio was ft lire In town , and im describes in- a very liiimoious wai the efToitsof tlio Imekct luigade tooYtingulsh It , thuonot beinw an engine ol any dcsuiptlmi In the place. Now Des Moim s lias ono ot the Ix'st oiiulpK | d nr.d most Lflielent fire dopai tmenls In iliLconutiy.- In . those dajb stfamboits eanio up to Dei- Molnes In hljjli watc'i. Now bojs play Ull In- llio bid of the river at low watei , and vvad- onciossit wlien tlio tide Is In. Hut the next twiintv-tlneojedis , It ! expected , will show still morn htailHngtlwngcs In ilioiiiowtltaiid. dev elopment of this <"itj . Ten Company 1'ouibviuiiii , N. 11. , Jan. 'J. Thu Cheat Kastciu Tu.i compinv assigned jctiteida ) for the benelit ol nedltois. Assets reported to bu only oDe-hftli ot thu liabilities.

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    Lengthy Debate Probable on DiscussingCivil Service Commissioners' Salaries.


    TheSncnkcr of the House Decides to-Ilccoino n Candidate AiraliistSena-


    IJcck . rrny mid Nnvy IJu-rcnu


    Consolidation" .

    The President It Discussed.-WAsniNoro.v


    , Jan. V. [ Special to theJKI.J} : When the legislative , executive niuljudicial appropriation bill comes tip for con-sideration


    In the lionso , tlio probibilltles nrotint there will a lively discussion on theproposition to Increase the salailcs of thecivil service commissioners , ns suggested bythe president In his last (iiinnal message to-congress. . 1 nm told that the president wouldllico to ace this entire question full } debated ,and that was Ills principal icason foi lecom-mending additional compensation for themembers of the coirlnlsalon. A gentlemanwhoso rotations with the president are qulto-filendly. . and accepted n responsible ap-pointment


    from him cnrly In the present ad-ministration


    , agrees with tills view of thesituation. 1 met him nt tlm white dasngo , and In the course of con-


    president had severaltimes remonstrated against llio personal at-tacks


    made upon him because ho lias en-deavored


    to carry out the civil service law as-he found It when ho cntctod the executivechair. Ho sas the piesldont .has giown-veary of shnuldctlnc : the abnso

    frequently heaped upon him bypoliticians who Ime been dis-appointed


    In place hunting. The presidenttakes the ground that congress enactedthe civil service ) law and there is nothing loftfor him to do but to execute It. It the con-ircss


    ; Is tired of the obnoxious statute It canbo repealed and when the proposition to In-crease


    the commissioner's salary comes up ,they will tlio Issue squarely beforethem , and It remains to bo seen what action

    botaUen. The probabilities are that theanti-civil Ice ( action In congress Is notlarge enough to accomplish the abolition ofthe law on tills subject.

    Senator Call , of Florida , is not a Htm be-liever


    in the civil service doctrine and hotakes no paitlcular pains to conceal Ids viewson tills question. Ho has secured several ap-pointments


    under tlio picscnt admlnlstia-tlon


    , but his circle o [ political fi lends Is solargo that he would iiko lohavoBotno moro.lie has a devoted filcnd whom ho promisedto assist in seeming an appointment in ono otthe unimportant gi. dcs of tlio publicscivice.-Thosonatoi


    thereupon called upon an olllcialhaving the power or apnolntmcnt , whose or-iginal


    selection the senator had stronglytimed. The latter laid the claim ot the needyfriend before the olliclal and added that anycourtesv shown In this case would be es-teemed


    a personal f.tvnr. Tlio olliclalShrugged Ids shouldcis tried to look wKoand Informed the bcnalor that no availco-e.Isted. . The senatoi rcmaiked that theiowore a number of lepubllcans who might beremoved to piovldo a small salatlcd positionfoi his friend liom Tlorida. The olllcial saidsuch au act was out of the question and de-clined to make any move In the matteruntil u vacancy CMcuried. The senator thenlost Ids temper and told tlio olliclal In viiyplain language what lie thought of Him , ai.dadded that a gieat many demociats acted ,nftei they secured an appointment , as thoughno ono else had an ] ilirht to iccognitionafter tlioy were provided for. 'Ihero aiomany Mich officials around Wellington ,wlio shouted their loudest to liave republi-cans


    turned out to maKe room for them , andwhen requested to do likewise toi a ic-llowdemocrat they say , "We. cawnt do it , jou-Know. ."

    rAiti.isi.rc A cAxnmAin ion SI.VIOR.-Senatoi

    .Carlisle has been Induced toiecon-


    his detorinlnatlon to not ho a candi-date


    for senator against Scimtoi Heck andlias his friends to use his name-.Senatoi

    .Heck's tcim does not expire until

    .March , ISsft lie is believed to no veiystrong with his constituents and Kenluck-ians

    -herosav Caillslo will havoa veiy hard

    light it ho wInsAKVIY AMI .NAVY : VU rONSOI IDATION-

    It the bill which has just passed the housefoi the consolidation ot the different bureauslor tlio n.ivj dtp irtment becomes a law itwill doubtless lead to a slmllai move for sim-jlll

    -) ) ing the methods which prevail In the

    armv. At picsent the stall Is tun heavy ,Tlio anaitei-nustei's department , tlio sub-sistanee


    den irtment and the pay coips aiothree blanches of tlio mllitrnj service whichconlltct with one another and there are thoseIn congic-ss who believe that the quaitei-mastei'sdopaitment

    -could well bo chaiged

    With the duties which now devolve upon eachotthoothers without dotiimont totlie service.Ills entlmated Mint In Miun a condition atleast t.00000 a jeai would bo saved , Agentleman who has given this subject a greatdeal of attention , sild to jour correspondenttoday : "As alfalrh aio now conducted Inthe army tlio pa > maslci Mails out on his tilponce In Iho months and makes the loundsof-thohtationsor posts within hisdlstilct. ForInstance , the eoi ps of pav mastoin ai e orderedto leave Tort Lc.ivonwoiih toi tlio puiposo of-iiajIng elf the men and olllceis in that divis ¬ion. One paymastci may have to tuivelW)0)miles fiom post to post. Ho has to have onocscoit ami the traveling expenses are some-thing


    cnounous. 'J'lio men , too , cet then pa }all In a lunibs lei twomonths and as theyhave boon conlined to temperatehabits o long for the of money theynalm.ill } became hilarious with loity or fiftydollaii In their pockets and tlio icsult Is de-moralizing


    to tlio soivico. Then , too , thelominlsbaiy ordeis his supplies of snbsistenco-btouss to bo dcllvoicd at tlio post and ho Iscompelled to ask the quattermaster lor themethod of tianspurtlng them to the dlllerentplaces whoio thov may bo needed. Now.ilthe mmitci master had chin go of all thc-illnanuial atlairs of the company , leglment or-post. . as the ease might lie , he , with his an-ihoilty


    todiavv on Now Voik , could relievethe Imni'-diatu wants ot the ulllee-a and menwithout violating an } Invv , and , instead ofkeeping them In poverty toi sixty dajs , andthus allowing the mitlei or post tiadet to playshloek on them , they would bo ahlo to sc-cuioinline ) when they nredeil it and the men andtholi families would live much bettci undwith loss scandal about diunkonnoss , "

    "Ho jou think any consolidation of thiskind willbeattempleilV"

    " 1 havti no doubt at all but that a bill hav¬ing this object In vliwwlll bo intrudttctd-cnily In the next congress , but thoboelal In ¬fluence of tlm htatf of the ai my Is so greatthat It Is not at all inohablu that the lotoim

    ill bo biought about , for sometime , to come.on M'O tliciii is nobody that would bo par-


    } iK'nelltted bv (Ids It wouldreduce the numt ri of Malt officers and would

    | u out tlio pi > corps niul the subsistencecoips enthel } while adding to the duties ofthe iiimrteriiinstci't , depaitmcnt. Foi thisreason the opposition to the move will doubt ¬less bo well and veiv poweiful ,"

    m : viiMi nui HOAII CAIInv sii'AM.Slniottio ruvnt ti-iiiblo disaster on the

    llaltlmoru .x. Oliio nilhoad near Tlllln , O. ,the. subject of heating ears by some othermethod than that now in vogue lias been tliotopleof agieat deal of discussion. At thepileni oflice , where Inventors all went to-uethei

    -, this subject has been ono of exceed ¬

    ingly lively inteieat , and dining the pasttin co da jo tliat poitlon of the otllco whichhas cluiiro ot appliances for rallwaj cars liasIn-en beslefeu( b } a throng c-aiertQseciiiaallthe Information possible on the subjeu ofheating apparatus which lias tints fai bien-patented. . It U thought by tlio oillcIaU of thedepaitment that within a month n Hood ofAppliances will be Hied for patents on-uoviics lei heating trains by thet-xli.uist bteam from tlio engine , by-clcclililty ft d by other metliodsless dangerous than ktu> es. There have beenitguMt many patents granted for devices of} h N Kind , but lor soiue reason tlioi have notimti the general ai uiovslof tho-railway pee-P

    -o , and the rlj-lit J UB tor ,Hao time has not

    jet been perfected , ev Idently. A ccnllcinanwho Is the purchasing agent for one of thelargest sjMcms of railway In the country ,who Is In Washington to-diy , said that theInventor who perfects some s > stem for car-heating which will do away with the dancerof lire. Is bound to mike a fortune. Thisgentleman declares that every trunk line andneirly every other smaller loid In the coun ¬try would readily adopt such a device , andwould pay for It liberally , but hesujs thateverjthlng that has jet been perfected iscither too complicated for use or el e entirelyInadequate for tlio purpose. A intent attor-ley

    -, who Inndles a sreat many applications

    if mechanical appliances , sajs that ho hasdcd not less than thice earvcats this weekor Inventors who think thov h.iso struck thuIt'lit tiling. He estimates tliat there will be-

    nt least ono hundred claims for pitcnts Inhis direction Hied before tiic close of theiiirient month ,

    A vtii.iT.vm MAN'S Mitnum : .'lo-ilay's Herald : "Captain M. 11.Hughes , of the army, stationed at Fort Mo-raia

    -, was married on Thursday evening ,

    ) cremher ! !0 , at 8 o'clock to Mls KatharineYale Siuvcns at the rim I'rc'siijtemn-lokljnchurch , , Itheii

    L. 1. '11 icy have Nsncd tofriends "at home" cards foi Thui'diiy ,

    he lllth lust. Xo iri.Monint ! 1'laco , liiooklyn.Hie marriage of tlio gallant captain of tlmN'intli cavahy stilkcs a heavy blow nt Inchu-oidoiii


    in the army , ns his man led friendswho had his best Interests at he-ait , had longsince despaired of his over becoming a bene ¬dict. "

    MM.t. rAIlTVIS.-Hon.

    .. ( ic-orgo W. I' . Doisoj , of Nehiaska ,

    and the Ulirgs house.It. Spencer , of linillngtun. la. , Is at the


    .John Porter has encaced rooms nt

    IIOSH stieet for bis famllv. The } wlllarrlvoL-ite latter pait of this w ok ami lemaln heioforamonth. Pn.toi's duty as com-missioner


    ot police lor Now York will pre-vent


    him letnalnlng more than a few da.vs inthe city. Mis. Charles X. Catlin nnd niece ,Miss Montague , of New York , are to bo Inthe pirt } .

    Inspector ( Absalom Halrd lias beenordered from Washington to Fort lu CliesnuUtah , on public business under special In-structions


    from the lieutenant (

    .( II. Hiurl , forme-rlv of Dioko's

    bniuh of the goveiniueiitpilntlngoflico. butwho has been icccnllv emiilojud In Omaha ,Is visitiiiLr friends in this cltv.-


    . Miles went to Now York jestciday toJoin hei husband. They go at one to LosAnsc-lc" , the newheadquaiteis of tlm Dcpirt-ment

    -ot Lieutenant D.ipiay , ot

    Cuncral Miles'slalT , will meet tlioin at Chi ¬cago. Lieutenant Oatowood , Conuial Miles'other stall ollicei , Is at the National hotellieieon leave-

    .Twoaimy.courts-maitlal In Washington

    will make quite a sensation. Tlio couit-wlilcli will convene at Washington Hauaeks-on Tuesday for tlio trial ot LieutenantCharles Humphrey , Thlid aiMllery , will havefor Its uicsldent Colonel Homy .M. Bl.icK ,T'.venty-lhlid Infautiv , and will bo made upenthely of Infantiy olllcers who como heiofrom noithcrn posts lor the pin pose. Theio-isalongsloiy of which this couit-maitlal Is-a sequel , but It iclales to a domestic hlstor}of the post.

    The othei court-martial , it Is rcpoitrd , willbe that of an ollicei ol the sigml corps whohas been getting Into tioublo vvllh bibfinances.-


    . J. Conical and Miss Kalio Fiaser-weio man led in lliis city to-night. lev.!Father Cullen peifoimed thu ceremony in-tlm Catliolfo chuuli in the presence enl } of afew ne.n relatives. Mr. Coideal is a dis-tinguished


    alloiney ol McCook and Is liiojunto ! membei of iho well known legal firmof Collei ACordeil. . The brhlo Is a


    . lady , a lesldont of this clt-



    OK CONCHIES.The Senate Will Occupy the AVcelc-

    on the tutor-Mate Commerce Itlll.-WASHIXMON

    ., Jan. 9. Witli tlio excep-


    of thu time which will probablj'bu con-sumed


    In the consideration ot one or two of-tno appropriation bills which aio expected to-bo icported back lo the senate and called up-ilutlng the week the entile week will likelybo devoted to debate on the Intel-state com-nieico


    bill. If a vote is reached betoio theend of the week , as Senatoi Culloin hopes ,llcck will ask that the bill to piohibit mem-bers


    ol contriess from actlnir as i.illioul at-toi

    -nej'S be taken up and not laid aside again

    till acted upon. Matters pertaining to theDistrict of Columbia will command thu at-tention


    of tlio house to moirow after the callot stales foi the intioduclion of bills. Thepending measure coming over from tliosecond Monday of last month , foi theestablishment of n school boardisjllio subject ot gieit locil Interest andits consideration will consume most of theday. It Is the Intention of Mi. Willis to askIho house on Tuesday to consldci thu liverand IiarLoi appiopiiatlon bill , but no may buopposed by lielmont in behalf of the consulaiand diplomatic bill. Should cither ot tlieso-mcasnics oo taken up the debate will prob-ablj


    inn on foi thcgioatcr pait ot thu week ,as the diplomatic bill pioposcs some radicalcliangcsot sjstem and Iho ilvei andliaiboibill always ptovokos an earnest controversy-.It

    .is possible that dining tlio week Handill

    may oiler a motion that the house pioceed toconsider revenue matteis , though no planlooking to that end lias been form ¬ulated. Should the motion bo made andcaiiled It would destioj thu chance lor im-mediate


    consideration ol a iiuinbui of specialoideis whoso m uiageis arc carefully vv atch-ing

    -foi oppoitunities to claim tlio attention

    ot the house. Ot these special eiders thenaval bill and lliu bill tor Iho-eic.itlon of a department ol agilcultuiu andlabor aio tlio two most likely to lecelvo eail }considciatlon. It Is understood to bo tlio-puiposo ot tlio friends of thu Inter-tt.ito com-mcico


    bill to postpone action on that nieas-me


    In the house till tlio senate shall haveleached a conclusion on the matter.

    The Ciovv ol'Tivonty Ijost ,Nonroi.u , VA. , Jan. 0. Litoi paiticnlais-

    fiom the wreck of the Ccnnan ship whichwent nshoro jcstculaj mornini; on Virginiaucach , tourtccn miles south ol Capo Homy ,make the number ot the ciew tuentj Inste.ul-of lifteen , not ono man of whom was saved.This fact Is le .lined fiom the two men of thelife sav Ing cicw , who survive and who ic-eoveicd

    -consciousness to da > . Tno bodies of

    five men of the life sav Ing ( icw and foui of-tlio shlpciow , which weie iccoveiod jestet-ilay


    , were In lite prosei vers , and three moio ofthe ships crew without lite picservers werepicked up lower down thccinstthiHiuornlng.A body which has bcon idon-tilled as tint of tlio eaptiinIs among those iceoveied. On Ids personwas a photograph in irked Captain e. Haiber-st.ult.

    -. This evening the masts of the .ship

    were still blinding , though the seawas brc.uc-Ing

    -over her violently. As reported last

    night , not a word was .spoken between theshlpVcruw and l'ie litosavlng men when theybo irded In their desperate attempt at rescue.Tno eauso of the wieck can novei bo posi-tively


    known , although It Is supposed that Inattempting to mal < o the capo undei lecfedsails snlliclent allowance was not made forthe stiongciirients which caused scvcial dls-astious

    -wiecks alon this coast in the last

    few veals. _Antliracllo Coali ro.s , PH. , Jan. l . Tim nilneis and

    laboiers ot" Sub-dlviblon Xo. 1 of Distilet-Assombl ) No. I'M: , lepio entlng 100,000 mineemployes of fields , whichopened In convention hero lat Tuesday ,eonclude'd Its pioeeedlngs vuiteiday. Theprl'icipal work of the body was the tornu-tlon


    ot all local n c'inblies undei onu head , a-lesiilt wlilcli Is ( xjieeti'd to bun MIUICO ot tnuutmost liai moil y , as It will btiengthen themineis in tuelr union as Knights ot h.iboi ,

    The hilc's Ollluers liullcicd. .XKVV Oni Jan. P. A special from

    Da ) on Ynia to the Tlmcs-Demociat says :Tlio grand jiny of tlio pirhh of Polnto Con-puo


    have found a tnifl bill of manslaughteruirniuxt tlio ollici'iaof tliu bained stvamcr J.M. White. _

    Settled TlielrDiftVi CHOPS-.Sr.

    .. Louis , Jan. 0. Coinmlttccs fiom the

    brewers' pool and brewers' union reticle I alltheir diiTeiences ve >lcrday and the ttriko-whlvli was becuu last hepte-mker b> iuombT-pf the latter lias becu cudel ,

    German Citizens in Belgium Prepared toRejoin Their Regiments ,


    Alexander of llnttcnlmrs Will Make nVisit to ! 'K > pt 'V Thrtco Mnt i led

    Woman l envcs Trnnoc toAvoid Imprisonment.-



    Significant Order.C-opyi


    [ I1S7 In Jnmn Gordonllnussi.ifl , Jan. 'J. [ New York Herald

    Jable Special to the llr.i : . I It Is assertedhat all tlio ( iciman citizens residing In Bel-


    have been requested by tin1 mllitatyauthorities of thcli country to hold them-sclvosln


    teadlness to join theii coips at theIrst notice. My own Information corrobo-rates


    this Intelligence. A similar requestwas sent to Ucrnnn residents hero once ortwIce since 1STO and each time year wasfeared.

    Prince AlOMUider to Visit nt.-Cumnliflit

    .[ IWIjJJ Jitmcn JldinrC.l

    ] ) iui: IN , Jan. V. [ New Yoik Herald Cable-Special to the Uir.J: In icplj to a dnecttelegraphic inquiry , which 1 sent to 1'ilnco-iMeniidpr of Hattonherg, a ° klng him vvliattruth there was in tlio icport that at the de-sire


    ot a veiy nigh personage ho was about tomake n prolonged tout , I have just lecelvcdthe following communicationfiom Ooimstadt : "In about a tottnlglit hishighness , I'rlncoAlexandci , thinks ot ciiry-Ing


    out hi ; long-chcilshed plan of undcitak-Ing


    a long jouincy In the south , probablyJl't.' but the report that this jouincy Is in

    any way connected witli a wish cMnessed Incertain high quarters Is unfounded. " Thisgives a quietus to the repoits of the prince'sreturn to .Bulgaria.

    Took French I cnc.-LO


    ] | fuht fVii Jiiiiica (liinhti llfuntil.1I'AUIS , Jan.O. | New York Herald Cable-

    Special to the Hi n. ] To avoid nmlcigoingthe ten dajs' Impilsonmont Imposed uponher for "lander by tln couit of the nintheoncctlonal clmmbei Mine. Kattado! Untohas loll the French tenltoij. Mine. Hat.

    Unto ( nco Uonapirto Wjse ) , mar.-rled

    .first the Coinpto do halms , second Ui

    bane Kattathltd! Senot do Itutc ,Spaniaid. In hei book called "Matinee-Kspagnoles" she wioto very ficcly aboutMadrid sociefv and was especially sovetoupon the late Maiquis ( ! uell Y. liciite , a-Spanlsli lltciatui and paifait gentilhominc-of the old school , who mariied the Infant.Josephine , sistei of King 1'iancis-d' Assise and sister-in-law of QueenIsabella II. The ptesent libel suit wasbioivht bj the latoMaiquls Guell's two sons ,the jiresont Maiquis Cucll Y Konte and Mar-quis


    Vaicailos , tlio latter a militaiy attache-of the Spanish cinMssy at 1'arls , and by thesisters and brotheis of the late Marqui-iiieirsvvldow.tlio( Infanta IsabellaComplcssoii-ietovvsKI( , the intantaof I'ancois d'AssIse,

    Queen Isabella's husbnml , tlio infanta Ilcini ,lather ot the Duke ol Seville , the InfantaLouise DuCliesse de bessa. the Infant i Clnis-tine , widow ot tlio infanta Sebtslian and theInfanta Amelia , vvluovr ot 1'rinco Adelbeit ol-I3avana. . _

    A Denial.-C


    [ ( 1SS7 liu Jama Gtntlnn ItenntlLI-UO.MIOV , Jan. D. [ Now York Heiahl

    Cable Special to the IJii.J: : Tlio sends to ovciy piper tlio fol-lowing


    .statement : "Ii. IM ward Audlii-Kutesustli.itonliisaiiinl in England ho

    was shown a newspaper paiagiap'u indicit-Ing

    -that llio agency had quoted the Xcvv-

    Yoik Hciald for the btatcment that the New-York socialists were disgusted with Dr. Aud-Ing's

    -charges. To this ho gives a most ex-


    denial. No chaiges weie made andthe last meeting was of a most coidlal anddelightful kind.'abounding Inand liopca for anothci visit next jeai fiom-him. . ' -

    Scvoio Slot in al Xioc.-fojiyj


    [ ttitit l buJiiinfA GunlinIrtiticK.lNioi : , Jan. b. | York Hoiald

    Cable Special fo the Hi.r. All jewlcidayand last nl-jht a scveio storm has been ladinghere , accomi ) inled by ( orients ot rain. Thepromenade des anglais suffered considerablyand to-day presents anj thing but an attiac-ttvo


    appearance , being strewn with debris ofall soils and tlio giavel being completelywashed awaj In imiiy places. The fact thattills was another ol the stoims piedlcted bythe New Yoik Herald was the subject ot unl-veisal

    -comment among the ctowdslioc.imo

    out this morning tooo llio suif , which is-btlll tunning very high , although the windhas now fallen-



    Invasion I ilistrntod.L-ONDON'

    ., Jan. 9. A dispatch Irom I5e-

    lcradu sajs tliat Hussla lias sentO.OOO lilies to-Colllnje. . An attempt hy an armed band ofMontenegilns to make an Invasion intohervla was linstiatcd bj the vigilance of ihofrontlci cnniiN It is riiinotcd tint Itussa-w

    :111 endeavor to incite .mother Invasion , the

    object being tlm oveilhrovv ot Klnir Milanami to put upon the throne a King of Itussla'as-e'Ieclion. .

    __A I'oaoofiil Solution I'rohnhle.

    LONDON , Jan. 0. It Is stated that theKusslan government has made pioposalswhich are calculated to peacefully sohotlio-llulgiiriau dirticiillj. Piiiuo Alexaudei , of-It.ittenhcig , who intends lo make an u-tcndcu

    -toni In the east In eider to set at list

    tlii- many rumors icgaiding his alleged pmpose ol icluinlngto luln'aila! , will staittoiKgjpt In a toitnlght.

    Gladstone on the Condition of AITnliJL-O.NDON , Jan. 0. (Jladstone , In a tili'n'iaii-

    to the liberal meeting ji'sterday , said : "Ithink altaiis are all moving In the rlglit di-rectlon. . " It Is Icained trom a lollahlo sourcethat I Mill Iddesloltli. toicin( secietaiy , is a-jiresent indHpoacd to take any other oflicolint that It the Interests of tlio eountiy amhis pirty demand it ho will piobably iccon-sldei ills dctoimlnatlon-



    Nicholas Jtcooininondod.-1'Aius

    ., Jan. U. M. KloureiH , minister o-

    foielgn affairs In an intcntovwith thn Hulcarl in delegates to-day , recom-mended that llnlgari.i accept as a ruleI'rine-o Nicholas , of Mlngrellii. Trance , liepaid had no wish to lake nu arlha part itthe settlement ot HID question at Isatio. .Shsimply desired peac-



    lo Stay in Alsnrp-l.ouilnolit in. IN, Jan. U. The Oeiman govcrnmc-

    nInsfoiblddcn rienchinen belonging to tinterritorial army to stay In Alsace-Loralnilongei than a few dajs. Some niannfactnrerIn tliat province , who are In bjmpathy willFrance , have evinced preference lot Irenelworkmen-


    niMiiaik'8 Soothing InflnnncoLONDON , Jan. 0. Advices fiom Vienna

    say that thu Influence exerted by Princellismaick is having the effect of smoothingthe relation between Austiia and

    A Now riect of jnillsi] Crulseis.-Loxnov

    ., Jan. O.-Tho admiralty has

    adopted Lord Ueresford's olllco to build nfleet of fust cruisers. T he now fleet w 111 bocompleted lu two j ears-



    hy a Gas K.xploslon.LONDON , Jan. P. Ten persons were In

    hired by nn explosion of gas In a tcnemeii-uousuatUlafgOTt to-ulght ,

    sciinsin-V Plan to Ivtnptj the New Jersey Pen-


    Nipped In the Hud. .Nr.wviiK , N. J. , Jan. ft [ Special Tele-

    cram to tlio UEK. ] A, startling story Isprinted lo day of an attempt to deliver all theconvicts In the penitentiary at Caldvvell and

    lll the keepers. Among the noted prisonersn the pilson are Charles Strauss and Oliarley

    Uernard. These two men , together withsome others on the outside , weio iho ring-eaders


    of iho plot. The scheme was laidihroueh i secret corie-ponilonco canied on-A Itli friends outside. A number of smallcweler's saws were conveyed to the prisonersn tobacco , soap and other aitlcles , and were.iscdat every opportunity to saw the lionjars of the cell door * . Sevenl of the batswire cut almost entirely llnuugh and thecracks tilled wllh ; oip , coloied with shooblacking so neatly as to almost

    detection. 'Jho plot was to havelicen carried out Cbiistmas eve. Strauss ,lieniiird and anothei were to llbeiatn tin in-reives

    -bv lemovlng the bars on theli celldoots and with these bars attack the slmrlnguard , get the kev and open the main doors

    and idmlt those vvlio had asru-ed to be onhand oul ide. They then Intended toclnngetheir clothes and obtain all the weapons ie-rmhcd

    -from the nimnry. If nil had worked

    well thej then weie to go upstairs and ovei-powet-

    the w union and his family, i oh t he-house and sale , llbento what other prl oneisthey thoiurht lit. cut thu telegraph wires , t.iKo-a I ; am which was to be in wilting nnd bumiles oil beloie the allair was dKeoveied. Itwas distinct ! } undeistood by all tint tliejwere not to stick at numler 01 iinvthlngnecessary foi thoii safety. Tlio jail olliclaldiscovered the plot In time , however , nnd tliowholcschemo fell tliumuli.

    The "United bailor" Msht.-Cnic.vno

    ., Jan. ft A long and bltteily-

    ontostcd( stiuggle occurred last night In theconference of llio United labor patty. Theassembly had been c.dled ostensibly to icor-ganlso

    -the parly for the puiposeof deburlng-

    as many as possible of tlio romiblican anddouiociatlc nominees from obtaining ofllco-midei the city government In the springelection. The reorganization , however , wasentlrel } subordinate to tlio question as towhether membership In the paity should fc-rtcnd

    -upon taklnz a rigid pledge foisvvonilng

    all connection with oilier political bodies andpromlslmr implicit obedience to thu consti ¬tuted authoiitles of the pirty , meaning theso called commltteo of twenty-one electo 1when the movement was ot small cense ¬quence. Manj delegates and organisationshad lejecttvl the cist-Iron pledge and whenthe conlerenco met weio dcbaired from en-toiuifr.

    -. The meeting was he-Id withclosed doors and nt neaily mid ¬night was jet angrily debating the pledgequestion , while the delegates letnscdadmittance chafed in tlionanow halls andstaiiwavs. Among those on thu outsldo was

    Louis lllols at ono time piivito secictaiv ofMistei Workmen .lackson , ot local ns-einblyNo. ( ,0 , Knights of Liboi. Against liim a-sneelal llL'htvvas being tn.ulc on ( ho gioundthat ho was not an Ameitcan Jack ¬son claimed tint the onnosltion to him wasspite vv m it on llio p.nt of the Ceinian social ¬ists , many ot them aliens , whose nationalin ej ml lees had he-en worked upon bv a lewOianccnieii in his assembly. At 1:15 a. m.the conference was still In session , but hndI nallv decided In favor ol the plcdiso nnddenied recognition lo nil who would notsign. Jackson , though he cxpiessed Inswilliniincss to give his assent to tlio pio-posed piomise , was shut out with othcis. Anow commilleu of twonty-ono was elected Invvliich ( icorgo Schilling and othei locallyluoiiilncnl soeiallsls appear lo havu the lead.

    Socialists CnVry the Ilaj' , 'AOO , Jan 9. TcAlay the socialistic

    clement added another tb Its rapidly growinglistot successes in eaptiulng the maclilneijot locil Ijboi An adjournedmuclliie of tlio Chicago Tiades Assembly ,was hold tliis attcinoon Jo complete the elec-tion


    of ollicers , and the radicals made a cleansweep. Last Sunday , hy effecting a post-ponement


    alter Io lnc the cliah maiishlp andvice presidency , the conseivatives tempo-raiily


    stacd total defeat. To-'Ky the iadi-cils


    elected over all opposition Louis Ilail-man lecordlng secretary, Joseph Plumtieuhnanclal societal j% li. 0. Owens tieasiireiand Ier) H. hum statislici in. Kveiv olliceiIn llio is now a pronounced

    with the cause of the seven meniindoi senteneo ol death foi the liavnmketJionib thiowing. Ono officer Lnnf. statis ¬tician Is mi avowed anaichlst. Alter theelection the bncklacrs' and stoiiMuasons'union and Knights ot Liboi local assemblyNo. 4.J27 withdrew from the organI.dIon.-



    Coal Famine Imminent.-Niw

    .: YOIIK , Jan. ft Tlio sltualion in re-


    to the handlers' stsike Is graduallygrowing vvoisoand tlio outlook Is seiious. L.1 ! . lianet , agent foi the Lchlgh Valley Coalcompany, said thisalteinoon thatno businesswas being done bj his company , and that iftlio strike continued a week 01 ten d.nstlieiewould be a coal famine. He said tliat thecompanies did not piopose to givj In lo tlio-stilkcisandas to wages , tlio men have beenable to make from S03 to SUO per month.When asked if byalianstei of the eais onflO'tts something ot a simply could ho fm-iilshed

    -the city ho shook his head and saidthat theio weio not inability twenty-live

    floats in the haiL-or of the kind necc-ssaiyandthat llioii capacity was only ; !00 tons each ,llioietalldealeisin the city have advancedtlio mice M cents a ton and the coal voids , asanile , uioonlj scantily supplied and some otthem empty. Whole-Nile dealets hav o not advanced the price , howo'or.-AVcekly


    Crop Summary.CHICAGO , Jan. ft Tlio following croj )

    summaiy will appear in tills week's editionof tlio tanners' Kcviuvv1ot this city : Tlio 10-ports from coiresiondents show the fields of-w Intel wheat in Ohio , Michigan , Indiana ,Illinois , Wisconsin and Mlssoml to bo veryKoneially well protected wltliMiow. In Atchl-son , Dickinson , Lincoln , Neosho and Sedfj-wickc

    -unities ot Kansas tiio fields aio 1-


    and the cround dry. with tliociop looking pooiy.| Theie Is a fieemove-inentot

    -( orii to maiket reported In Illinoisand Nebiaska Theio In veiy llttlu move ¬ment of coin in Iowa nnd one-fourth of thecounties of thu state areImpoitlng coin liomadjoining states. There nio seiloiis reportsot ( hole-raamoiu'ho s from tully one-thlulot thecouniles in Illinois wilii more01 lessprevaloncoof thu disease In Indiana , Iowan d Missouri. In Ad.pus and Mason coun ¬ties in Illinois tliu disease U iiilltetini; seri ¬ous lo ses ,

    CliiHs C'ondoluii ( i .Pniir. Neb. Jan. ft f.Spj-clal to the Ui.E.lIho following resolutions weio adopted

    hy tlio senior class of the State Nouuaschool :

    Whereas , It lias pleased Divine providenceto remove fiom among us thu beloved fatherof our illcnd mid ( Lisa-mate , therefore I to It

    lie-solved , That we, members or thu seniorclass , extend our most he.utfult sjmpithiostoMtss Laura Ihadforjjand bereaved lilundstnistln0' that He , who Is a "Father to tliofat hei less ," will sustain and keep them inthis , tlieh liom of trlak-

    Monny Tor Jlrs. J.OKIU-I.riur.vno

    ., Jan. ft William Penn Nixon ,

    on behalf of the committee having diargooithe Lo.jan fund that Is being raised in Chi-cago


    , forwarded to Mrs. Logan last nlglnchecks amounting to ti'iOO , makiiit' a total 015W.OJO forwaulcd by tli'J committee. Tliodebts of (Jeneral Logan's estate , which It Isproposed his Chicago friends will nay , aio inthe nt-ib'hboriiood of

    Death of JudBO Shaw-.ST.Lons

    ., Jan , 9 , Judzo Aaron .Shaw ,

    foi many jcars a prominent Illinois polltlclan , died at hw homo In Olney , III , Fildajnight , at the ago of pevcntjsljears. . Dur-ing


    his life he held the position ot state'sattorney twioo , was a member ot thelcdsla-turoamlof

    -tlioThlitj liftUci njries , u.ud was

    once elected tireuit


    The Settling Up of the Accounts of the OltlYear Not Yet Finished ,


    ACcsontlon of thoTalk Ahoiit u South.-ern

    ."Conthlno" The Nickel IMnto

    Decision the .SlnRle Unset-Inltncncc.



    Old Ycnr Aoconiils Not Yet Settled.-Ninv


    YOIIK , Jan. I''. [ Special Telegiam tothe Hi.r. . ] We have not jet llnlshed settlingup the accounts of the old jear , nnd thefuture of the market is much moio uncertainnow than when the accounts ot the old vearwere bilanced. Tlio footing was sitlsfaetoryenough , but thoclements ol nnceitainiy hovemultiplied rapidly. '1 here Is no active pally-on the exchange , for the verv good reasonthat believers In fnttiio prosperity haveolicady Invested. They mo willing to takespeculative risks. ' 1 licit limitless nnd confi-dence


    are sufllciont to deter traders fiomreckless assaults on futuies and so the twopaitlc'i seem lo bo icstlng upon the-li armswithout the slightest thought of an armistice' .The movements of the week have been mostmysteilous , fet they have not been dictatedb > events. Thoieal diltt of speculation to-ward


    southern securities and stocks andbonds of lalhoads which have not pild div-idends


    for jeirs , which have hob-nobbedwith receiveis and weailed bondholder ,which have made nothing but losses lorthose who have bought their stocks andbonds , continues to bo ono ol tlio w eights uponthe maiket. Heading sccmltles are beingdeposited every day vvltli the oiganiratloncommittee , but theio Is little hope of gettingenough ol them to assuio tlio can.vlngthrough ol llio plan without loicclosme. Thetime Is1 not too shoit , but sccmltles-aio so widely scattered and there mo-so man } ol them that they cannot bo biought-in befoiQ the time uxpiies , noi w ill it bo sifo-to undei take If any nppie-elable

    -amount icmiiins out. Tlio plan Is the

    best that can bo sn gested and If all partiesinterested In It could bo made to see it andgive it then support they would save a gieatdeal ot time , tumble and expenses , but tliat-Is to much to hope for. The talk about thesouthern combineIs over , and so one of theunceitain factors Is out ol themaikct. Then-has been no uioic unsetllng Influences thanthu Nickel Plato decision. whichhas been undo tlio Iqundatloti-of some haish criticism on the Vandcibllt-p uty. It is hunt to koo how they c ml I hivedone an ) thing else. They hold liigo intei-ests

    -in tno stock and in the iuteic-sts of tlio

    Lake Hhoro the } were compelled to take tlio-stxnd which they did. Of eonr-o the deci-sion


    will DO appeiled , and theio is littledoubt tliat innocent bondholder will be fullypioteded. Unt It was hatdlv tolbo the I ako hhoie people-could undeilake-to make a settlement when theio was thesli : htest question as to their legal slain-Vev

    -.ei t hele s , t hc-i o w ere good i easonsenougli-

    to -ell bond" , foi Iho holdeis would have towait a long time fet pat nnd inteiest. Tlio-liupiossion Is that they will gel what ( heywill be wllllnc to take long befoie the supiemo-couit ot Iho United btatcs lias an oppoitunityto piis upon tlio merits of the case , 'llieie is-ically less conlidencc In the market thanmight have been expected. His not heavy ,but tlio people who nave bcon active in thenutket foi some time aie verv quiet now,and they a j.waiting the outcome ofthoI-ntcistate commerce mil and the chances ofcold exports. The Impoits have ceased andthere Is now little chance that they vv 111 bo i o-sumed

    -soon. Money Is not going to be an

    Important feat mo again. U was easy allweek at C@0 percent , ol fen as low as : t percent. Money is coming bick to the ccntct-nowan'd llieie was a veiy laige ineieaso in-deposits. . In the ptesent tone of tlm maiket-thoto Is no ptospect ot an > seaiclty lor someweeks. _

    OMAHA TW-An liu'iciiso ol' lt7.7 l''r Cent the

    1'ast Week.BOSTON , Jan. 0. [Special Telegram to the

    Hi.i : . ] Tlio following table , compiled fromspecial dispatches to the 1'ost tiom Iho niana-goisoftliele.idingeleiiltirhousesof

    -! the Uni-


    Htates , gives tlio gioss exchanges at eachpoint tot tlio week ending Janiiaiy y , Ibb7 ,together with the peicoulago of inciease ordecrease fiom the coiiespondlng pciiod last} eai :


    New Voik-lloston

    WsTlS) , IV) ijyiKjirrON) , , ! 0.1-


    I'lill.uleli.hla.. . . 71 , iiOlf, 0 'JjVi-KUiChicago ( !

    .St. LouisUaltimoie 47-

    2sban Kianoisco 111.71) , ! )New Oileaiist U ,1M ) , JOCincinnati ll.MOiOO-


    1'ittsbiiri :Kansas City-Omnliii , > , 14)-


    Louisville ; j.bPiovideiieo r.n: : , "Alilwaukee "io-


    DetioitIndianapolis. . . 170.7DenveiClevelandMinneapolis. . . : ! . .071.fiU-


    I'.nHaiftoid T..lMemphis 17.D-

    r..fColumhust '.',100,000New Haven. . . ] , '.ssI7i( w.I'eoiia rPortland in i1.Calvestonl . . . . 1,010,000 8 Ihi. ,10eph-.Smlnglieldt

    11 .Jll.h

    Won ester-Sjiaeusu




    Lowell (1.71010*

    §Olllshlo Now York1 iNIVi7.701 lil.'-

    il'artly* AppToxlinaled-.tNni

    .included in totals ; no clearing house

    last jear.Decided in of Iho I'lnlntlfT-


    : YOIIK , Jan. ft The suit of theOiegon nnd Trans-continental companyagainst Mcssis. Knlin , Loeb Co , , has beencompromised foi 3100,000 , and this sum hasbeen paid to tlio plaintiff. The suit arosefiom a loan of which the defendantsmade to the Oregon and Tians-contlnuntalcompany onJuno IS , 161. Stocks weio. de-posited with the firm as security for the loan.-Tlio

    .stocks declined rapidly In prlcu after

    they weio deposited , and on Juno ' 1 Kuhn ,Loeb it Co. eot frightened and after fastcalling for additional collateral sold enoughot thucollateial to pay themselves the sum ofHie loan and letiirnc-d tlm lemalnder to Ihobonowers. '1 lie company sued tlio firm lor-conveislon ot collateral and demanded theditrcrcnco between the price of the sccmltlesv-v hen sold , and their price at the time the loanbecame duo and Judge decided Inlav or of the company und the general teimsupported Ins lining.

    Thirteen J'uper Railroads.I-vA


    > sAsCu v , Jan. U. The 'I lines' Tspecial sajs : An Important move In rail-toad matters tiansplicd to night In the filingot charters foi thirteen proposed lines wlilcliv-v III gridiron westcin Kansas. This schemeIsbco'ted by the Union Pacific. The projecttd loads cjum-U w th various points on-tlio Kansas Pacific and Central Hr.inch nt theUnion Pacific from central Kansas to thewcstein bolder and extend in all directions-



    Weather.For Nebiaska ; Warmer , fair wcathpr, foi

    lowed by li ht snow.

    A Disastrous UlnVo"VJslts Hint Cltj-At Hnrtnnd , Conn-


    : , Kan. , , a Just bcfor-ouldnldittontght a belated elllren , passing.n front of Kahnweller's largo dry goodsiou e In tlio center of town , noticed n pccn-lar


    llamo In the reir of the store. In anInstant aftct ward the whole ot the Interiorseemed to bo ablao , and betoro the p.i cr-by

    -could turn In an alarm or summon the

    file depaitment , the flames seemed to haveobtained a complete control of thestole. Water was tinned on but it ranver } slowly and In n short time outaltogether , a break at the new waterwoikscutting off the supply from tliat somee. Inthe meantime thoblayoln Kahnwetlni-'sstore ,a largo double struetme , had gatheredsticitRtti , and In less than half an hour thew hole of that structure was a mass of ihtues.The llnmes gathcied headway eicli Instant ,the punj stieams whleh could bo obtainedbeing piaetleilly useless to check their pio-gre


    s and soon stole buildings on eichsldo-of the burning sttuctmu woio In llame-s. loadd to llio geneial conliision the eimlno team ,which had been detached , broke looseIrom theii holdcisand dashe.l up the stieel-at full speed , ( blowing down soveial pel-sons , Injmlng them moio less seveielv.-


    this time the llio hid -plead to I'ollev s-icstauraiit , MonttfomeiNgioceiv and btraf-lion's


    diiigeuipoilum , all ol which seemedlo be nbl al once-


    1 o'clock live stmes were In nolle * . I no-llimes spioad slowIv but smelv onward. Hy-a o'clock one-halt thu block was Inashes and ngoodlv poitlon ofthe othei halfwas burning , with moio fait prospectstliat the rest of tlio block would bedestroved-.I'oitunately


    theio was a dead calm nnd theburning embeis were not canied over aciossthe street. AtMo'elwkalmost the entlichioekhad been destroyed , and the remaining build-ings


    weio in llames. It was not then tnoiiBhtl-iovvuvei , that the ilanies would spread be-jond

    -the limits of the foui stiects. Kahn-


    had just finished invoicing his stockw hlcli ho found to bo vv orth W.OOO. Ills in-smancois


    SW000.The business houses burned will bo icbullt-

    as soon as the Insurance Is collected.KANSAS Cm. Jan. '.' . A special loathe

    Times sav s tliat the lire nt Lawience , Kan. ,which stalled at midnight , bmned itsolt outabout dav light. The firemen andwere powerless ami Iho flames consumed llio-entlio block , roitunatoly no wind wasblowimr and the conlhiL'iation did not Ic-avothe oiiginal block. The total loss Is S OO.OOO ,divided nmoni : seven liims. Tlio Iiibiuanco-is less than :o,000-



    , Conn.11 viiTi-oiit ) , Conn. , Jan. ft The most s


    fno which has occuried In Haitloid lor-vearsbioke out at noon to-day In the diygoods store of O. O. Sawjcr * Co. Tlio-Iho got under L-ieat headway beloio tlio-froen hjdiants could bo ihavved. I'lio liteburned until after 0 p. m. and completelygutted Iho block in which 0. O. Savvjcr-Co's. . store was the central building. Aboutan horn and ahull attei the luo stalled theIliemen found in the real ot Sawjcr's body of Thomas It. Lauglilln. elerk-ol the Cue board and one ol Hie editorial stall"ofthe Times. He had evidently gone Into thustoic when the lire was Hist slatted and hadbion unable to get out. Tlm binned blockbelonged to Aveiellc & T.Ue. and was valuedat Sin.OOO. The iiismaneo is about 810000.( ! . I. h.iwjci iv-Co. lose SfH.COJ ; insurance ,SliO.lOO : Jaeohs.V. 'loibcs , In the south stoicot the-block loseS'JJ.OOO ; insmance , felO.OC-



    New York. ,NEW "ioitiv , Jan. ft tflrb to-night do-

    stro} ed thc.fivi story.blck buljdin and con-tents


    of Nos. 5 0 and 5,52 West Thirtiethstiect. The first floor was occupied by tlioowner , George Segmcr, as a kindling woodfactory , and hero tlio lire began. The upperllooisvveie occupied by Fiost , IJobinson &Co. , veneer chair mannlaetmers , The stableadjoining was also dcstiocd. Sevcial Ine-nien

    -were hurt by falling walls. Lstlmalcd

    loss Is 5l.r! > ,eco , with some Insuiaucc. Causeunknown.

    At Hcllsfonte , Pa-.TiiirAiii.riiiA

    .: , Jan. ft A. special to Iho

    Times from Uellefonlc , Pa. , sis : l-'ho wasdiscovered early this niornlnc In the base-ment


    of the Valentino c.ompaii's store andicsulted in tlio entlie desliut tlon of tlio-bulldinir , Including tlie Valentino diy goodsstoio and gincaiics , Davvson it Hios" . fac-loiy

    -, W. T. 'Iwltmevei. stoves and tin w.iie.

    The cntiio loss U 8 jjO( ) to SHW.COO-



    TUKUITOUyTOUGH. .Dontli of Ilohcrr Itcnni , Hiotlicr of

    the Well Know n Sculpt i P.SH.Four SMITH , Aik. , Jan. 0. [ .Special Tele-


    to the linr.J liobeit Itvani , a wellknown ol Indian Teuitoiy , died Inthis city last night of tphold lever. Thedeceased Is a brother of llio famous seulptiess ,AMnnio Iteaiii , formeiiy of Washington , butnow Mis. Hoxle , of Alabami , also ol Mis.Perry Fuller , ot Washington. Itobert Heamhas been a noted chaiactei In Indian Teni-tory toi mote than twenty } ears , beinganadopted of the Choctovv tiilie foramuch longei peilod. Ills eaily associationsamong tlio Indians led him to adopt In agicat-meastno the leclciess disposition of tlioclass with whom he was biouglit Indally contact , and ho became dis-sipated


    , getting into double onmore than ono occasion , getting out ot it onutime thiough the iulluem oof his sister , Viir-nio Ho was a man of nerve , and added ahuge feather to his cap u yeius ago byklilingJones , the woist desiiei.ulo the Indianfeiiritory cvei pioduceil , at McAllister.Jones had lei years he-en the loiror of thatsection , and was in the habit of riding intothe llttlu towns out theio and making the in-hahltantslakotothowonds.


    . On thedavhomethis death lie went to MeC.illlstei lor tlioavowed puinoso of killing Iteain , whun thelatter cot In thu ( list shot and saved hlsownl-ite. . Ho was nevei punished lei II , tlio gen-eral


    vcidlct b ilii ; that ho had pciloimed a-ilgiiteods ust , _ _

    lie in1 } Oeorco UN n Ijnhor Iniider.-Civrjsv


    u , Jan. 0. Tlio Sun will publisha sensational article to-morrow bearing on-iho prominence ot Heniy Ccorgu In thelabor world. Slnco ( ieoigo's candidacy InNew YOIK tlio laboring men have been pa-Ingconsldciablo

    } -

    attention to his views , andHeniy ( leoigo clubs , composed ol Knights ofLabor , have bcon all over theeountiy. A membei ol n Heniy Cuorgoclub In this cltv , in an Intei-view , dec ] , ues that the Catholicchurch Is bitterly opposed lo Ilemy ( ienign'sland policy , and tliat it will use ail itselloits-to crush the Knights of Labor in case the lat-ter sustains Ceortro 'Ihoarticle saS that a meeting ot Catholicbishops was held In Italtlmoio heforo theKiehmond ronventlon and that the Knluhts-ot Labor worn given lo iindcistand 11had best ie-elect Mr. Powdurly , who , tliobun fa } s , Is devoted to his ic'ligion ,

    D ) nuuillo ,I'liii.Ain.i I'liu , Jan. ft 'I his evening a

    quantity ol dj irunlte used foi blasting , storedIn a frame shanty on Twenty-ninth andStates stieets , exploded , Instantly killingPatiick Powers , watchman , vviioso body wasbadly mutilated. 'I ho explosion ausodhouses In the vlclmtj to rock and glass In-theii windows to rattle to such an extentthat the inmates rushed into the stieet to-Icain the cause. Tlm loreo ol tlm explosionwas felt over nearly the whole northern nor-tlon

    -ot thu city ,

    Important Cases Decided ,LAHNKD , Kan. , Jan. 0. Two Important

    cases against tlio Atchlson , Topeka V SauteFo railioad company , have just been decidedIn the district court here , David UlaiK re-ceived


    a Judgment for C2 000 vvoith of prop-.crty

    .which was cfcstrotd| hy lire and SlO.ooO

    damages for the loss of his -A He , who wasburned at tlio time. U Illlnin Sly recoveredJuJcment lor 20,000, foi ttersoual injurleii.


    The Now Medical Law of Iowa Oauscs ThatClass to Pnck Their Grips ,


    The Operations or the Pharmacy Acteing Wittchod With Interest All-Over the State Dismissing Jim




    ( toed Imvv.-DKS

    .Moixi.o. la. , Jan. U. fSpcdnl to tlio- . ] Although the now inedleal piaetlc *law has been In opeiatlon but a low dajs , Id-bcnollclal effects mo already seen. Some olthe most noted quacks who have been ply-Ing


    theli vocation and taking thousands of-dollais ni'tiually fiom the people of Iowa ,have already left tlio stale or nio piopailng to-go. . Kansas and oilier vveslein states tliathave not vet pioteeted themvelvcs with n lawregulating the piiictico of medicine will bothe Hist to sulk' ! , as the Iowa qii icks proposu-to move In lliit dliectlon now Hut Iowa willno longer toleiato them.-


    now law , which went IntoclTect on thelli t ot the jear , legulates the entlio practiceof medicine In the state , sa > Ing In etlect w hoshall and who shall not piaetlce. Personrwho can pioduco diplomas liom medicalschools of good staiidlmr , as goodby the state hnaid of health , andpersons who have been In con-tinuous


    , reputable practlco In the statefor live j ears are entitled to coitlllcates andpractlco without other action. All otheismust pass an examination before the stateboird of examiners. Tlio penalty lor at-tempting


    to practice without a certlllcato In-cludes


    line and linpilsonmunt , making Usdisregard of the law a veiy setious mattei-.Theio

    .has been some grumbling and com-


    at the law , but It has been well in-celved


    bj the people ol the State generally-.paitlcuhuly

    .so by mcmbeis ol the medical

    profession who feel that they hav oat last a-motsurttof prote-ctton against Irresponslbloand untiustwoithy ilvals , who biitiic ills-gi


    aeo upon the name of physician. Thu lawIs not so exclusive In Its operations but thatit allows magnetic hcnlcrs , ot whom themare a good many In Iowa , to come nndoi Itspiovlslons. Where they have piactlced theirait foi live yoais , continuously In tlio state ,tliev may continue loud ) people Into healthif they ean without iiileileicuce , so far usthe law is concerned.

    I Hi : I'llAHMACV LAW.The present will have soveial new

    Jaws to tii , and none of them is watchedwith moio interest thin the phaimacyaet.-so

    .far as It eonceins tlio sale ol-

    Ihiuois. . When the last legislature met , Itwas confiontcd with the facl that whllo thelaw piohiblting tlio s.iloof Ilipiois had goneinto eflecl tlieio was oppoitunity foi muchnilsundcistanding , und some injustice In tlio-mallei ol sales lei legitmato purposes , to-wlt

    -: medicinal , mechanical , eiillnaiandsacl-

    amental.| -

    . Under some Intcipiclations olthe law the fling-gist did not due , without nspecial penult , sell oven lor tlm legitimateuses not forbidden by law. In some locali-ties


    phjslclans could not get a gilt ol whiskyforuse in fhelr piaetlce , 01 an ounce of al-cohol


    to prcparo their medicines. Underthese circumstances it was felt that some re-lief


    was needed , and the Icglslatuio decided toframe an act that should glv n the druggistsunquestioned light to sell foi legitimate pur-poses.


    . That was done with theexpectation that the right wouldnot bo abused , and that the legitlumtqbusiness could bo hotter controlled In thatway than the other. The state pharmacycommissioner eav o assurance that such w oulilbo the case , and has tiled ever since fo seethat the law was faithfully observed. Thoiuis considerable complaint In many localitiesthat the dtugglsts have abused their privl-lene

    -* , and have viitually supplanted the

    saloons and succeeded to then patronago.To some extent tlio complaint Is undoubtedlywell loundcd. Thcio is no doubt tliat manydi ugglsts , some ol them In this cltv , aio sell ¬ing liquors lar bojond the matoilal require-ments


    for medicinal and otliei legitimatepurposes. Their rotnins to tl-o county atid-itois

    -show this to be tine. Unt It is also true

    that tills piactico is no ! tliat against wlilclipublic sentiment was so stiongly aimed thatthe nioliibltoiy law was demanded. Thepeople who voted toi piohibitlon voted sub-stantially


    against the open saloons. Tlmvinsisted Hint tlio saloon was an institu-tion


    wholly ovll , and a constant meiiaio-to Hie peace and good ordoi of the state. IIwas n place wlieio criminals icsorted , midwheic clime was hied. It was a souico oCweakness to society and dangei to the stato.Aecoidingly llio saloons weio closed. Tliuirplace lias not been taken bv tlio drug stoics.Kvou if men do under a plea ot djspupsia ,carrj off bottles ol beei ovciy dav to theirhomes and diinlc them theie , the peace andprospent ) of tlio state is not put In very gieatjeopaidy. The puiposo of piohibitlon ,wlilcli v > is to close the open saloons , thubleeding place ol cilmo , has been accom-plished.

    ¬. .So lent : as men do theli drlnklngat

    homo in the presence ol thoii families half otIbo evils of the piactico have been avoided.-


    SOI.IIIKII Foil U II , SON'S h'JIOl M.Thc'io isa pictty stiong feeling on loot for

    the election of a union soldiei to siiccieil-hcnatoi James F. Wilson , whoso term ov-plies next j ear. binco the death of l.o.-nnleaves but ono union uencial in the Unitedhtates henate , ( piovlding Suwell and Haul-son do noiietuin ) , tlic atlontlon ol tlio i -publicans of the west espi'olullv Is dhecteitto the nnfiuoiablo ( omjiarlson In thlsicspectwith the south which sends the stiongcit-of its ex-iebel noldlcis to renre'cnt it inWashington. If n civilian IH to boietiirnea-as next senator fiom Iowa , Iheio Is Jlttlodoubt tliat WIKon will smceed himself. lintjust now theio is much talk about electingsome good lepublli an who was a good sol-dleiaswcll.

    -. Among the names mentloi edt

    in that event aio Conc-ia ! Chen , dl.slilctjudge , < il this eltj ; Colonel Hepburn , cln-gicssinan

    -lei the Klglith dlslroi : (