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UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK FREDERICTON CAMPUS SENATE MEETING The Fredericton Senate met at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 3 February 2015 in Room 303, Tilley Hall. The President, H. E. A. (Eddy) Campbell, was in the chair, and the following members were present: A. Adam E. Albert I. Allen B. Balcom L. Balcom D. Bell A. Benjamin N. Betts M. Boudreau J. Burkard D. Burns C. Canitz E. Choi S. Cleave A. B. Cooke S. DeVarenne C. Diduch D. DuPlessis K. Englehart P. Evans M. Grant-McGivney S. Hanratty K. Kent V. Lantz B. Leblon D. Lentz B. Lowry B. MacDonald G. MacLean D. MaGee A. McAllister A. McAvoy J. McEvoy J. Meng T. Mengel D. Mitra B. Monson M. O’Brien N. O’Byrne C. Poulin A. Sears A. Secco C. Shaw R. Sheppard A. Sherman C. Stacey L. Skinner L. Thomas K. Valentine K. Weaver Also Present: J. Redstone-Lewis, Associate University Secretary Members of the University Community and media Unable to Attend: W. Albert C. Brown D. Burke R. Cunjak K. Cunningham M. Davis K. Goddard D. Hinton R. MacKinnon E. Mancke O. Palazhchenko D. Russell L. Randall A. Reid M. Stewart M. Vangel D. Wright

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The Fredericton Senate met at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 3 February 2015 in Room 303, Tilley Hall. The President, H. E. A. (Eddy) Campbell, was in the chair, and the following members were present: A. Adam E. Albert I. Allen B. Balcom L. Balcom D. Bell A. Benjamin N. Betts M. Boudreau J. Burkard D. Burns C. Canitz E. Choi S. Cleave A. B. Cooke S. DeVarenne C. Diduch

D. DuPlessis K. Englehart P. Evans M. Grant-McGivney S. Hanratty K. Kent V. Lantz B. Leblon D. Lentz B. Lowry B. MacDonald G. MacLean D. MaGee A. McAllister A. McAvoy J. McEvoy J. Meng

T. Mengel D. Mitra B. Monson M. O’Brien N. O’Byrne C. Poulin A. Sears A. Secco C. Shaw R. Sheppard A. Sherman C. Stacey L. Skinner L. Thomas K. Valentine K. Weaver

Also Present: J. Redstone-Lewis, Associate University Secretary Members of the University Community and media Unable to Attend: W. Albert C. Brown D. Burke R. Cunjak K. Cunningham M. Davis

K. Goddard D. Hinton R. MacKinnon E. Mancke O. Palazhchenko D. Russell

L. Randall A. Reid M. Stewart M. Vangel D. Wright

Fredericton Senate 2 3 February 2015

CONTENTS Minute Page 1. Announcements .............................................................................................. 6 2. Approval of the Meeting Agenda, Section 7 of the Minutes of 21 October 2015 and Minutes of 25 November 2014 ......................................... 6 3. Business Arising from the Minutes ................................................................. 7 3.1 Motions from Senator Bell ................................................................... 7 3.2 Correction to 12 November 2015 Minutes of the Academic Policy and Procedures Committee................................................................. 7 4. Consent Agenda .............................................................................................. 7 4.1 Report of the Nominating Committee ................................................. 7 4.2 Certificate and Diploma Candidates .................................................... 8 4.3 Report of the Undergraduate Scholarships Committee ...................... 8 4.4 Report of the School of Graduate Studies ........................................... 9 5. Motion from Senator Thomas ......................................................................... 10 6. Question Period............................................................................................... 11 6.1 Questions from Senator Betts ............................................................. 11 6.2 Questions from Senator Leblon ........................................................... 11 6.3 Questions from Senator Bell ................................................................ 12 6.4 Questions from Senator Shaw ............................................................. 12 6.5 Questions from Senator Lowry ............................................................ 12 6.6 List of Outstanding Questions.............................................................. 12 6.7 Law Faculty Council .............................................................................. 12 7. President’s Report ........................................................................................... 13 7.1 January 2015 Report ........................................................................... 13 8. Graduation Lists .............................................................................................. 13 8.1 Graduation List of BN ASP January 2015............................................. 13 8.2 Early Issuance of Degrees .................................................................... 13 9. Report of the Academic Planning Committee ................................................ 14 9.1 Minutes of 1 December 2014 .............................................................. 14 10. Report of the Senate Curriculum Committee ................................................. 16 10.1 Part III: Faculties of Engineering, Forestry and Environmental Management and Nursing................................................................... 16 10.2 Part IIIa: Faculties of Arts and Education; Entrance Programs and PAEP ............................................................................................. 16

Fredericton Senate 3 3 February 2015

11. Strategic Planning ............................................................................................ 16 10.1 ‘Why UNB Project’ ............................................................................... 16 12. Motions from Senator Choi ............................................................................. 17 12.1 Motion re: Increasing the Frequency of Fredericton Senate Meetings .............................................................................................. 17 12.2 Motion re: Procedure for Restructuring Senate ................................ 17 13. Other Business ................................................................................................ 18 13.1 Motion from the Faculty of Business (Saint John) .............................. 18 13.2 Motion from the Faculty of Arts ......................................................... 18 13.3 Motion from the Faculty of Education ................................................ 18

Fredericton Senate 4 3 February 2015


Materials which were before members and which are not attached as an Appendix to the circulated minutes, are listed below and are attached to the Official Copy of the Minutes in the University Secretariat.

Minute 1. Announcements ............................................................................................ 2 pp. 3.1 Motions from Senator Bell ............................................................................ 1 pp. 3.2 Correction to the 12 November 2014 Minutes of the Academic Policy and Procedures Committee .......................................................................... 6 pp. 4.1.1 Report of the 6 January 2015 Nominating Committee Email Ballot ............... 2 pp. 4.1.2 Report of the 22 January 2015 Nominating Committee Email Ballot ............. 1 pp. 4.2.1 January 2015 Certificate and Diploma Candidates ......................................... 3 pp. 4.3.1 January 2015 Undergraduate Scholarships Committee Report ..................... 9 pp. 4.4.1 New and Modified Graduate Scholarships ..................................................... 5 pp. 4.4.2 Resubmission of Master of Engineering in Technology Management and Entrepreneurship to MPHEC ........................................................................... 2 pp. 6.1 Questions from Senator Norm Betts............................................................... 2 pp. 6.2 Questions from Senator Brigitte Leblon ....................................................... 3 pp. 6.3 Questions from Senator David Bell ............................................................... 1 pp. 6.4 Questions from Senator Cliff Shaw ............................................................... 4 pp. 6.5 Question from Senator Brian Lowry ............................................................. 1 pp. 6.6 Outstanding Questions.................................................................................. 1 pp. 7.1 President’s Report to Senates – January 2015 ............................................. 23 pp. 8.1 and 8.2 Graduation List for BN ASP January 2015 and Early Issuance of a Degree Candidates ........................................................................................ 2 pp. 9.1 Minutes of the 1 December 2014 Academic Planning Meeting ................... 121 pp.

Fredericton Senate 5 3 February 2015

10.1 Curriculum Report for Engineering, FOREM and Nursing ............................. 23 pp. 10.2 Curriculum Report for Arts, Education, Entrance Programs and PAEP ........ 46 pp. 11.1 ‘Why UNB’ Project ........................................................................................ 50 pp. 12.1 Motion from Senator Choi re: Frequency of Senate Meetings .................... 1 pp. 12.2 Motion from Senator Choi re: Procedure for Restructuring Senate ............ 1 pp. 13.1 Motions from the Faculty of Business (Saint John)....................................... 2 pp. 13.2 Motion from the Faculty of Arts ................................................................... 2 pp. 13.3 Motion from the Faculty of Education .......................................................... 2 pp.

Fredericton Senate 6 3 February 2015

1. Announcements 1.1 Announcements for 3 February 2015 (posted with agenda)

E. Campbell welcomed Senators and guests to the meeting and referred them to the announcements which were posted with the agenda. Senator Skinner thanked E. Campbell and A. Secco for meeting with Law students to discuss issues in the Faculty of Law. 2. Approval of Meeting Agenda and Minutes 2.1 Section 7 of the Minutes of 21 October 2014 (posted with agenda) 2.2 Minutes of 25 November 2015 (posted with agenda) The President noted that the meeting agenda had been amended to remove Item 10 Strategic Discussion regarding the ‘Why UNB’ initiative. He explained that the consultants that had planned to come to last week’s meeting were unable to reschedule when the meeting was cancelled due to inclement weather. The documents pertaining to the ‘Why UNB’ initiative had been included with the agenda package for reference should Senators choose to attend one of the planned town hall or other information sessions. Senator Thomas asked to introduce a motion after Business Arising. The President indicated that he would consider including the motion after the Consent Agenda. Senator Choi asked about the questions he had submitted; the President noted that the questions were submitted with one day’s notice and that they would be included in question period at the 17 February meeting of Senate. Senator Shaw asked that discussion of the Local Campus Committee, Section 7 of Item 8.1 Minutes of the 1 December 2014 meeting of the Academic Planning Committee, be considered after Question Period. Senator Leblon asked that Item 4.3.1 January 2015 Report of the Undergraduate Scholarships Committee and Item 4.4.1 New and Modified Graduate Scholarships be lifted from the Consent agenda. Senator O’Byrne asked that Item 4.1.2 Report of the 22 January 2015 Nominating Committee Email Ballot be lifted from the Consent Agenda. It was noted that the Minutes of 25 November 2014 were amended in advance of the meeting by Senator Lowry. A revised version of the Minutes was posted to CivicWeb. Senator Canitz asked that the following revision be made to the second line of the second paragraph of page 12: Senator Canitz spoke to the size of the task at hand and expressed appreciation for the avenues proposed, noting that these conversations could be beneficial as an activity to rebuild trust. asked that the removal of email access and the use of an external security firm during the labour disruption be addressed as part of the process. MOTION 2, 1 MaGee/Shaw “That Senate approve the agenda for 3 February 2015, as

amended and Section 7 of the Minutes of 21 October 2014, as presented, and the Minutes of 25 November, as amended to read:

Senator Canitz spoke to the size of the task at hand and expressed appreciation for the avenues proposed, noting that these conversations could be beneficial as an activity to rebuild trust. asked that the removal of email access and the use of an external security firm during the labour disruption be addressed as part of the process.”


Fredericton Senate 7 3 February 2015

3. Business Arising from the Minutes 3.1 Motions from Senator Bell (posted with agenda) D. Bell presented three motions about the expectations with regard to voting at Senate, explaining that they came about as a result of the response to Senator Shaw’s October question regarding the freedom of Senators to vote their conscience. The President provided context to the issue, noting events at the University of Saskatchewan where a Dean spoke out against the administration and was removed from his position. He thanked Senator Bell for withdrawing his motion at the November meeting of Senate to allow him time to speak with the Deans on both campuses. He noted that the Fredericton Senate Rules of Order and Procedure do not permit voting by proxy, explaining that Senators must attend the meeting and listen to discussion of an item before deciding how to vote. Senator Bell explained that the motion was applicable to all Senators, not just deans. MOTION 3,1 Bell/Sears “That Senate expects members to vote on all matters

before Senate according to their personal judgment of what is best for the academic mission of the University.”


MOTION 3, 2 Bell/Shaw “That this resolution of Senate noted in Motion 3, 1 appear at the head of every Senate Agenda.”

CARRIED MOTION 3, 3 Bell/O’Byrne “That Senate direct the Nominating Committee to consider

including the substance of Motions 3, 1 and 3, 2 in the Rules of Order and Procedure.”

CARRIED 4. Consent Agenda 4.1 Report of the Nominating Committee 4.1.1 Email Ballot of 6 January 2015 (posted with agenda)

The report of the Nominating Committee was received for information and approval of the following recommendations: “That the Committee recommend to Senate the appointment of Tammy Moore as the

representative from the Faculty of Law on the Undergraduate Scholarships Committee for a three year term ending 30 June 2018.”

“That the Committee recommend to Senate the following student appointments to

Senate committees and other bodies to which Senate makes appointments for one-year terms ending 30 June 2015:

Fredericton Senate 8 3 February 2015

4. Consent Agenda (cont’d) 4.1 Report of the Nominating Committee (cont’d) 4.1.1 Email Ballot of 6 January 2015 (cont’d)

Admissions Committee Ben Whitney (JD) as the alternate undergraduate student Curriculum Committee Mark Mancini (JD) as the primary undergraduate student Student Standings and Promotions Committee Michael Dunn (JD) as the alternate undergraduate student Teaching Excellence and Policy Committee Patrick Losier (JD) as the alternate undergraduate student Technology Services Committee Andrew Martel (BCS) as the alternate undergraduate student Undergraduate Scholarships David Hickey (no degree) as the alternate undergraduate student Fredericton Campus Budget Advisory Committee Andrew Martel (BCS).” “That the Committee recommend to Senate the appointment of Sherrie-Lynn J. Doğurga (PhD EDUST) as the student representative on the Search Committee for Associate Dean, Faculty of Education.”

4.1.2 Email Ballot of 22 January 2015 (posted with agenda)

The Report of the 22 January email ballot was lifted from the Consent Agenda.

4.2 Certificate and Diploma Candidates 4.2.1 January 2015 Candidates (posted with agenda)

The list of Certificate and Diploma candidates was received for approval.

4.3 Report of the Undergraduate Scholarships Committee 4.3.1 January 2015 Report (posted with agenda)

The report of the Undergraduate Scholarships Committee was lifted from the Consent Agenda.

Fredericton Senate 9 3 February 2015

4. Consent Agenda (cont’d) 4.4 Report of the School of Graduate Studies

4.4.1 New and Modified Scholarships (posted with agenda) The new and modified graduate scholarships were lifted from the Consent Agenda.

4.4.2 Resubmission of Master of Engineering in Technology Management and Entrepreneurship to MPHEC (for information) (posted with agenda)

The proposal to resubmit the Master of Engineering in Technology Management and Entrepreneurship to MPHEC was received for information. MOTION 4, 1 Secco/McAllister “That Senate approve matters included in

the consent agenda, from item 4.1.1 to 4.4.2, excluding items 4.1.2, 4.3.1 and 4.4.1.”

CARRIED Senator O’Byrne spoke to the report of the Nominating Committee’s 22 January email ballot be lifted from the Consent Agenda, which contained to Senate Committee appointments from the Faculty of Law. She indicated that she had not been consulted about her nomination to the Undergraduate Scholarships Committee for a three-year term, rather she had agreed, once told of the appointment, to serve for a six-month term, ending 30 June 2015. She suggested that her colleague appointed to the Admissions Committee may have had a similar experience. She expressed her belief that in these instances, proper procedure had not been followed and asked that the report be referred back to the Nominating Committee. One member of the Nominating Committee indicated that the Committee was not aware that there had been inconsistencies in the appointment process. It was suggested that the report might be amended to have Senator O’Byrne’s term of appointment ends June 30, 2015. Senator O’Byrne indicated that she believed the report should be referred back to the Committee. MOTION 4, 2 Secco/Burns “That Senate refer the 22 January 2015 Email Ballot Report

back to the Senate Nominating Committee for further consideration.”

CARRIED Senator Leblon asked that the Report of the Undergraduate Scholarships Committee be lifted from the Consent Agenda. She expressed concern regarding the Nelson Bertram Welling Undergraduate Entrance Scholarship description, suggesting that it was written such that non-UNB (visiting or exchange) students who did not pay fees to UNB, would be eligible to receive the scholarship. Senator Lantz explained that the intent of the language in the description was to provide the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management flexibility when selecting a recipient of the award and noted that the Faculty’s priority was to attract students to the Faculty who would pay tuition to UNB. Senator Leblon suggested that the description be referred back to the Committee and that there be further consultation with the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management.

Fredericton Senate 10 3 February 2015

4. Consent Agenda (cont’d) MOTION 4, 3 Secco/Shaw “That the Nelson Bertram Welling Undergraduate Entrance

Scholarship be referred back to the Undergraduate Scholarships Committee for further consideration.”

CARRIED MOTION 4, 4 Sears/MaGee “That Senate approve the new awards and

modification to existing awards, open to students on both campuses, as amended to exclude the Nelson Bertram Welling Undergraduate Scholarship.”

CARRIED Senator Leblon asked that the same additional consideration be given to the Nelson

Bertram Welling Graduate Entrance Scholarship. MOTION 4, 5 Burns/Mengel “That the Nelson Bertram Welling Graduate

Entrance Scholarship be referred back to the School of Graduate Studies for further consideration.”

CARRIED MOTION 4, 6 Burns/MacDonald “That Senate approve the new and modified

graduate scholarships, excluding the Nelson Bertram Welling Graduate Entrance Scholarship.”


5. Motion from Senator Thomas (verbal)

Senator Thomas asked that Senate consider a motion affirming free speech for students, specifically related to recent events in the Faculty of Law. MOTION 5, 1 Thomas/Lentz “That Senate affirm and advocate for the right of

students to speak freely about issues that affect them without fear of repercussions from peers, faculty, staff, or administration and that Senate advocated for the importance of student involvement in the resolution of these and other matters affecting student wellbeing and the quality of education delivered at UNB.”

The President noted that the Rules of Order and Procedure stated that motions to be put

before Senate were required to be submitted five days in advance of the meeting to the Secretary’s Office. Senator Thomas explained that the issue had been raised at the 1 February meeting of the Student Union Council and that timeliness was important. Senator Skinner indicated that the motion would affirm section 7.01 of the pre-existing University of New Brunswick Declaration of Rights and Responsibilities which states: “Every member of the University community enjoys freedom of opinion, expression and peaceful assembly.”

Fredericton Senate 11 3 February 2015

5. Motion from Senator Thomas (verbal)

Senator Secco expressed support for the intent of the motion but suggested that the wording ‘these and other matters’ was unclear and needed context, noting that everyone has the right to speak freely as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others. Senator Thomas explained that the purpose of the motion was to support students in the Faculty of Law. Senator Secco suggested that a more general statement of support might be more appropriate. MOTION 5, 2 Secco/Burkard “That Senate amend Motion 4, 7 to remove the

phrase “these and other’.

Senators discussed other potential amendments. Some Senators expressed concern about what matters the phrase ‘these and others’ was referring to. Senator Thomas explained that some students in the Faculty of Law were expressing concern that they may face repercussions from faculty, administration and their peers should they choose to speak to the media about events in the Faculty of Law. She explained that the purpose of the motion was to support and protect students who chose to speak out.

DEFEATED 21 For, 21 Against, 1 Abstention

Senator O’Byrne noted that there were issues in the Faculty of Law that students were struggling with and expressed support for their ability to debate these issues. The President spoke to the University’s responsibility to protect the rights and privacy of all faculty and staff. Senator Skinner indicated that students did not intend to speak to personnel issues. Senator MacLean asked why students felt that their rights to free speech were under threat. Senator MaGee asked why Senate would support a motion to affirm an existing policy. Senator Canitz supported the principle of the motion, noting that students have the right of free speech and that UNB in fact has a Human Rights Officer, who is mandated to ensure that members of the campus community can speak without fear of repercussions. Senator Choi spoke at length to events in the Faculty of Law, indicating that students were feeling pressure from their peers to avoid speaking with the media. Senator Sears noted that free speech means that others can respectfully disagree with the opinion of another, a right that is protected by the existing Declaration. Senators considered reaffirming the Declaration and other potential amendments to the original motion. Many Senators expressed support for students and their rights, but expressed discomfort with the language of the motion. MOTION 5, 1 was DEFEATED with a vote count of 22 FOR and 22 AGAINST.

6. Question Period 6.1 Questions from Senator Norm Betts (posted with agenda) Senator Betts asked about faculty complements. A written response was provided that included charts with information about retirements, resignations and new hires. Senator Betts noted that the information in the first chart was not aligned with that included in the second chart. Senator Secco explained that there were different time periods used for collection of the data.

Fredericton Senate 12 3 February 2015

6. Question Period (cont’d) 6.2 Questions from Senator Brigitte Leblon (posted with agenda) Senator Leblon asked about oral defenses for M.Sc and PhD students and gender diversity in university leadership. A written response was provided explain that the School of Graduate Studies processes PhD defenses and individuate GAUs organize Masters-level defenses. In response to her question regarding gender balance in University leadership, it was noted that search committees broadly encourage applications for senior positions from which the Search Committee selects a short-list based on qualifications. Some positions receive few if any female nominations. Senator Leblon indicated that she would submit follow-up questions. 6.3 Questions from Senator David Bell (posted with agenda) Senator Bell asked questions about the appointment of candidates to the Faculty of Law and the process for making Decanal appointments. Senator Bell noted that he had withdrawn his questions and that the Vice-President had withdrawn his response to one of the questions. A. Secco confirmed that he had withdrawn his response with regard to the appointment of candidates to the Faculty of Law. 6.4 Questions from Senator Cliff Shaw (posted with agenda) Senator Shaw asked about the University Management Committee’s position that fraternities and sororities not be recognized by the University. A written response was provided explaining the history of the position along with an extensive list of reference materials regarding research on this issue. 6.5 Question from Senator Brian Lowry (posted with agenda) Senator Lowry asked about legal representation for faculty members at SS&P hearings. A written response was provided noting that the Committee may obtain counsel from the University’s solicitors, if needed. Senator Secco suggested that a ‘faculty advocate’ might be helpful in these situations and indicated that he would welcome advice from Senators on the matter. 6.6 List of Outstanding Questions (posted with agenda) The President noted that, as requested by Senators at the November 2013 meeting, a table of outstanding questions has been created. The outstanding question is from Senator Lowry on grade conversion tables. He noted that the question from Senator Cindy Brown regarding contract academic instructor metrics was answered through the updated Senate Dashboard attached to the President’s Report. 6.7 Law Faculty Council (from the floor) Senator Skinner asked a series of questions about the President and Vice-President Fredericton (Academic)’s involvement with faculty council meetings in the Faculty of Law. He

Fredericton Senate 13 3 February 2015

6. Question Period (cont’d) 6.7 Law Faculty Council (from the floor)

asked how many times they had attended faculty council meetings since the appointment of Dean Levitt, if they intended to attend future meetings and if not, why were they not planning to attend. Senator Secco explained that he was responsible for eleven Faculties and tried to attend a meeting in each Faculty once every academic year. He noted that he had attended faculty council meetings in the Faculty of Law in years past but had not been to a meeting in the current academic year. He noted that there were still several months left in the current academic year and indicated that he planned to attend one of its future meetings. The President indicated that he also periodically attended faculty council meetings but had not recently been to a Faculty of Law faculty council meeting. He noted that he was paying close attention to the current situation in the Faculty of Law and was supportive of strategies to support the success of the Faculty. 7. President’s Report 7.1 November 2014 Report to the Senates (posted with agenda) The President drew members’ attention to the President’s Report, posted with the agenda. He highlighted the publication of a paper by Tim Koslowski, of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, and colleagues in the Physical Review Letters that had received acclaim and the reinstatement of the Harrison McCain Faculty Awards. He noted that Senator Shaw had submitted a number of questions pertaining to the Dashboard and Strategic Plan (November 2010) pertaining to the President’s Report that would be included in Question Period of the 17 February meeting of Senate.

8. Graduation Lists 8.1 Graduation List of BN ASP for January 2015 (posted with agenda) Senator Secco drew members’ attention to the list of BN ASP graduands for January 2015. MOTION 8, 1 Secco/Burns “That Senate approve the graduation list for the Bachelor

of Nursing Advance Standing Program for January 2015, as presented.”


8.2 Early Issuance of Degrees (posted with agenda under Item 7.1) A. Secco drew members’ attention to the requests for early issuance of a degree. In

response to a question from Senator Choi, it was noted that the Registrar was not in attendance at the meeting and the reasons behind the requests for early issuance of degrees were unknown. A. Secco undertook to ask D. Hinton to provide this information at the next Senate meeting. One Senator noted that many of these types of requests result from students seeking post-graduate employment in other countries.

Fredericton Senate 14 3 February 2015

8. Graduation Lists (cont’d) 8.2 Early Issuance of Degrees (cont’d)

MOTION 8, 2 Secco/Mitra “That Senate approve the early issuance of a Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) to Tiffany Ann Marr and a Bachelor of Business Administration to Ashley Dawn Cole, as presented.”

CARRIED Secretary’s Note: Registrar D. Hinton has provided the following explanation: The students

had work-related conditions required to secure work visas. 9. Report of the Academic Planning Committee 9.1 Minutes of 1 December 2014 (posted with agenda)

Senator Secco drew Senators’ attention to the Minutes of the 1 December 2014 Meeting of the Academic Planning Committee, posted with the agenda. MOTION 9, 1 Secco/Kent “That the Committee recommend to Senate

approval of the establishment of the proposed Centre for Advanced Studies.”

CARRIED MOTION 9, 2 Secco/MacLean “That the Committee recommend to Senate

approval of the establishment of the proposed New Brunswick Institute for Research, Data and Training.”

CARRIED MOTION 9, 3 Secco/Valentine “That the Committee recommend to Senate

approval of the proposed modifications to the Bachelor of Nursing.”

CARRIED MOTION 9, 4 Secco/Sherman “That the Committee recommend to Senate

approval of the proposed name change for the Mi’kmaq-Maliseet Institute to the Mi’kmaq-Wolastoqey Centre.”

CARRIED MOTION 9, 5 Secco/Adam “That the Committee recommend to Senate the

discontinuation of the bi-campus Chemistry model, established in 2007, to allow the merger of Chemistry in Saint John with the Saint John Biology Department.”


Secretary’s Note: The discontinuation is expected to be effective for 1 May 2015.

Fredericton Senate 15 3 February 2015

9. Report of the Academic Planning Committee (cont’d) 9.1 Minutes of 1 December 2014 (cont’d)

Senator Secco noted that a key item of the Committee’s business was the consideration of the composition of the Local Campus Committee. He reminded Senators of the President’s September 2014 letter to the University Community asking that a committee for each campus be struck to provide advice on how best to align the University’s resources with its academic strengths and use this information to inform the 2016-17 budget development process. Each Senate would oversee a Local Campus Committee (LCC) as it developed it mandate, membership, and eventually, its recommendations. He noted that the Academic Planning Committee had been tasked with the development of the membership and mandate of the LCC and its reports and recommendations would flow through the Academic Planning Committee to Senate for approval. A. Secco noted that the conversation regarding membership of the LCC had been extensive. He highlighted the need for information to come ‘from the ground up’ in the Faculties and the importance of involving and engaging as many faculty members as possible in the process. After a lengthy discussion, the Academic Planning Committee proposed that Deans Council be tasked to act as the LCC to organize the process in the Faculties and provide common and weighted metrics applicable to all Faculties. He noted that Deans are in a unique position as they are able to connect with each member of their faculty and they are aware of the financial parameters placed on the Faculty. Senator L. Balcom indicated that she was present at the meeting of the Academic Planning Committee and spoke to the care and concern taken with the recommendation being made by the Committee to Senate. She indicated that the Committee had considered representation from each Faculty and explained that using the Deans Council was felt to be the best way to honour both the role of Senate and the Academic Planning Committee in the process while ensuring that all faculty, staff and students are represented. Senator MacLean expressed support for the plan proposed by the Academic Planning Committee. Senator McAllister noted that tasking Deans Council as the LCC would result in tasking the entire campus to participate. Senator Shaw spoke to prioritization and expressed concern that a Committee was being tasked to create metrics without well-defined goals for the process. He spoke to personal experience serving on other committees where extensive time had been spent crafting a mandate as no clearly defined goals had been established, noting that committee members had not been happy with the final report created nor had the recommendations been implemented. He cautioned that Senate could be setting the LCC up to fail if goals and defined metrics were not in place before the LCC began its work. Senators discussed the LCC composition on the Saint John campus. It was suggested that it would be more important to take additional time at the beginning of the process to set up the LCC and its goals, metrics and mandate than rush to a set of recommendations that would not meet the needs of the University. Senator Betts stressed the importance of grounding the exercise firmly within the University’s financial reality so that recommendations resulting from the process are realistic. Senator Monson suggested that it would be beneficial to have definitions of terms like ‘academic plan’, ‘resource alignment’ and ‘metrics’ in place before the LCC began its work.

Fredericton Senate 16 3 February 2015

9. Report of the Academic Planning Committee (cont’d) 9.1 Minutes of 1 December 2014 (cont’d) Senators discussed exercises at other institutions that had not been successful and how the review of the administrative structure of the University would be carried out. Members discussed the need for creativity in the process. It was suggested that the Board of Governors be included in the process as the roles and responsibilities of the Board and Senate overlap with regard what is considered a ‘financial decision’. Senators also discussed the involvement of students, noting that they may provide an untapped source of creative solutions. Senator Secco suggested that the composition of the LCC be referred back to the Academic Planning Committee for further discussion. MOTION 9, 6 Secco/Sherman “That Senate refer the composition of the Local

Campus Committee back to the Academic Planning Committee for further consideration.”

CARRIED 10. Report of the Curriculum Committee

10.1 Part III: Faculties of Engineering, Forestry and Environmental Management and Nursing (posted with agenda)

10.2 Part IIIa: Faculties of Arts and Education; Entrance Programs; and PAEP (posted with agenda)

Senator Burkard drew members’ attention to the reports of the Curriculum Committee.

MOTION 10, 1 Burkard/MacLean “That Senate approve the Reports of the Senate

Curriculum Committee including new courses, course changes and deletions, changes and additions to programs and regulations in the Faculties of Arts, Education, Engineering, Forestry and Environmental Management, and Nursing, and Entrance Programs and PAEP, as presented.”

CARRIED 11. Strategic Discussion 11.1 ‘Why UNB’ Project (posted with agenda) The President explained that this item had been cancelled as inclement weather had forced the rescheduling of the Senate meeting from 27 January to 3 February. Consultants were scheduled to make a presentation on 27 January but were not available on 3 February to discuss the ‘Why UNB’ initiative. He noted that there were other opportunities for Senators to participate in discussions about this project and referred Senators to a list of events included in the meeting announcements.

Fredericton Senate 17 3 February 2015

12. Motions from Senator Choi 12.1 Motion re: Increasing the Frequency of Senate Meetings (posted with agenda) Senator Choi explained that he was proposing that Fredericton Senate meet every three

weeks rather than monthly. MOTION 12, 1 Choi/McAvoy “That Senate approve that future Senate meetings

shall take place on average once every three weeks during the academic year.”

Senator Skinner suggested that the matter be referred to the Nominating Committee. MOTION 12, 2 Skinner/Lentz “That Senate refer consideration of MOTION 12, 1

to the Nominating Committee.” Senator Choi expressed support for this motion. Senator Secco noted that the results of

the Nominating Committee’s consideration of this motion will come back to Senate at a later date.

MOTION 12, 1 and MOTION 12, 2 were withdrawn with the consent of the movers and

seconders. Senator Choi’s proposal to increase the frequency of Senate meetings was referred to the Nominating Committee by CONSENSUS.

12.2 Motion re: Procedure for Restructuring Senate (posted with agenda) Senator Choi proposed a motion that expressing Senates’ opinion on appropriate

procedures for abolishing or restructuring of a Senate. MOTION 12, 3 Choi/Shaw “That Senate approve that it considers

unacceptable any rule or procedure that would permit the abolishment or restructuring of Senate, without at a minimum the advice and consent of the Senate(s) in question. It urges the UNB Act Committee to refrain from making such proposals, and the Board of Governors to vote against it if presented.”

Senator Valentine expressed concern with the language of the motion, noting that Senate was not in a position to dictate to the Board or UNB Act Review Committee how it should vote on a matter and asked that the second sentence be struck. MOTION 12, 4 Valentine/Burkard “That MOTION 12, 3 be amended to removed the

phrase: It urges the UNB Act Committee to refrain from making such proposals, and the Board of Governors to vote against it if presented.”

Members discussed the meaning behind the word ‘urge’. One Senator noted that a Senate decision cannot ‘bind’ the Board. The Secretary suggested that Senate could provide

Fredericton Senate 18 3 February 2015

12. Motions from Senator Choi (cont’d) 12.2 Motion re: Procedure for Restructuring Senate (cont’d)

advice to the Board on various issues. Senator McAllister noted that the first phase of consultation regarding potential changes to the UNB Act was still ongoing. Members discussed the merit of using this motion to provide feedback from Senate as a whole rather than from individuals. Members discussed the development of bylaws. Senator Burkard noted that a process for collecting feedback is in place and that it might be preemptive to make such a motion as the final version of the draft Act had not been created. Senator Choi expressed concern that it might be too late if Senate waits to see the second draft before providing advice on this matter. MOTION 12, 4 was DEFEATED with a vote count of 19 For and 19 Against. Members discussed the notion of consent and how a majority would be calculated. Senator O’Byrne explained that a two-thirds majority is usually required in such situations. She spoke to the unique nature of university governance and the overlapping roles of the Board and Senates with regard to finances, explaining that although the Senates could not impose a financial obligation on the University, every decision relating to academics had a financial component. She expressed her belief in the importance of maintaining the voice of Senate in decisions surrounding the operation of the University. MOTION 12, 3 was CARRIED. 13. Other Business

13.1 Motion from the Faculty of Business (Saint John) (posted with agenda for information)

13.2 Motion from the Faculty of Arts (posted with agenda) 13.3 Motion from the Faculty of Education (posted with agenda) Motions from the Faculty of Business (Saint John), Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education

There was no other business.

The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Sarah DeVarenne, Secretary