university of the future. the digital university

« For those who like to learn, there’s never been a better time than now. » Águeda Benito. Rector universidad europea the digital university a connected world new learning opportunities hybrid degree programs hybrid courses want to know more? The D igital University We’re ready. THE UNIVERSITY OF THE FUTURE

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Page 1: University of the future. The Digital University

« For those who like to learn, there’s never been a better time than now. » Águeda Benito. Rector

universidad europea

the digital university a connected worldnew learning opportunities hybrid degree programshybrid courses want to know more?

The DigitalUniversity

We’re ready.


Page 2: University of the future. The Digital University

« We can make connections that we never thought existed. » Viktor Mayer-Schönberger

The digital age we live in has brought about a paradigm shift in education: media, channels of communication and learning opportunities have multi-plied and been transformed. And the same applies to the need to acquire new competencies.

Universidad Europea is ready to respond to this paradigm shift: our academic model is characterized by constant innovation and adaptation to the new demands of the labor market and the needs of our students.

la universidad del futuro. the digital university

being the university of the future is in the dna of universidad europea’s academic model.


Page 3: University of the future. The Digital University

« The world’s a huge place. We should learn, communicate with each other, and stop missing out on opportunities. » Carmela Capuchino, Universidad Europea student

Technology has connected the world in ways we never imagined. This forces us to evolve and align learning strategies: the professionals of the future must be capable of adapting and demonstrating their skills and knowledge in virtual and physical contexts.

la universidad del futuro. the digital university

the digital age offers the student innumerable opportunities: it facilitates connections between people, countries, professions, disciplines and areas of knowledge.


Page 4: University of the future. The Digital University

« We need to help our students manage a hybrid memory, half biological, half electronic. » Jose Antonio Marina

«It’s now possible to combine and take full advantage of online and on-campus modes without having to choose one or the other. This combination also optimizes both learning settings, which traditionally have remained separate.» Osorio, 2011

These new learning opportunities are to be found in the virtual campus, classroom technology, mobile devices, social networks, professional technology (simulators, etc.,) and gamification, among others.!

la universidad del futuro. the digital university

technology applied to education facilitates interdisciplinary,interprofessional, experiential and technological learning, both in physical and virtual learning environments.


Page 5: University of the future. The Digital University

« Education should help stimulate the development of new skills and attitudes, at all times and in any context » Cristobal Cobo

The education of the future materializes in Hybrid Degree Programs comprising campus-based courses with technological support and online courses with personalized support.

The ultimate goal is to give each student a customized educational experience.

la universidad del futuro. the digital university

hybrid degree programs combine the best aspects of on-campus and online education.


Page 6: University of the future. The Digital University

« Universidad Europea is equipped with advanced tools, as well as labs where you can learn with the latest methods. » Student representative 2014-2015, Universidad Europea

Hybrid courses will be introduced gradually throughout the 2015-2016 academic year in all our Bachelor’s Degrees, representing up to 25% of credits in some degree programs.

1 campus-based course (6 ECTS) = 48-72 hours on campus + self-study

1 blended course (6 ECTS) = 12-24 hours on campus + 48-60 h online + self-study

The gradual appearance of these courses guarantees more effective learning based on an autonomous and collaborative model of knowledge acquisition, guided by the professor, and of on-campus consolidation and evaluation of this knowledge.

la universidad del futuro. the digital university

the hybrid course is a course with a strongly interactive component and with personalized support.


Page 7: University of the future. The Digital University

« Our task is to educate our students’ whole being so they can face the future. » Sir Ken Robinson

la universidad del futuro. the digital university

if you want to know more about the education of the future, the new educational and digitalparadigm, feel free to check out all the bibliographic resources in the university libraries.
