unix tutorial for freesurfer users allison stevens

Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

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Page 1: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Unix Tutorial for

FreeSurfer Users

Allison Stevens

Page 2: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

What is Unix/Linux?

• An operating system (like Windows and OS X)

• Linux is the free, modifiable, and redistributable version of Unix

• Why use it?

Page 3: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

What is Unix/Linux?

• An operating system (like Windows and OS X)

• Linux is the free, modifiable, and redistributable version of Unix

• Why use it?– power to write many scripts with many

commands to work with lots of data– to use computer resources on the

network efficiently, such as clusters

Page 4: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Getting Started

Communicate with operating system through a “shell” or terminal window.

For course-provided Linux computers:Double click Terminal icon on Desktop For Macs:Applications > Utilities > XQuartz (double click)Applications > Utilities > Terminal

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Warm Up

Type: and hit enter.


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Warm Up

Type: and hit enter. Should see

date Mon Apr 6 8:05:24 EDT 2009

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Warm Up

Type: and hit enter. Should see

Type: and hit enter.

date Mon Apr 6 8:05:24 EDT 2009


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Warm Up

Type: and hit enter. Should see

Type: and hit enter. Should see

date Mon Apr 6 8:05:24 EDT 2009

cal April 2009Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30

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• Unix uses a hierarchical file system (think folders in Windows)

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• Unix uses a hierarchical file system (think folders in Windows)

Home is like “My Computer”

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• Unix uses a hierarchical file system(think folders in Windows)

Home is like “My Computer”

Like “My Documents”

Page 12: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens


• Unix uses a hierarchical file system (think folders in Windows) Home is like

“My Computer”

Like “My Documents”

Like “My Photos”

Page 13: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens


• Unix uses a hierarchical file system (think folders in Windows) Home is like

“My Computer”

Like “My Documents”

Like “My Photos”


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Type: and hit enter. Should see

shows “present working directory” or current location as a path





Page 15: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Opening a Directory

• Not double clicking • Type command to “open”

• Commands to open files will differ

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Navigating Directories

“change directory”: move into a folder

“list”: see contents of directory


cd __

ls __

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Navigating Directories

“change directory”: move into a folder

“list”: see contents of directory


cd __

ls __

Desktop matlab tmp TUTORIAL_DATA

Page 18: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Anatomy of a Command

command -option1 –option2 file

command - -help

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Anatomy of a Command

command -option1 –option2 file

command - -help

ls --help


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Directory Contents

• List contents of directory you are in lists names of directories/filesls

ls -lrt

ls -l

ls -a

Page 21: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Directory Contents

• List contents of directory you are in lists names of directories/files lists hidden files too





ls -lrt

ls -l

ls -a

Page 22: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Directory Contents

• List contents of directory you are in lists names of directories/files lists hidden files too lists file details


user groupothers


ls -lrt

ls -l

ls -a

Page 23: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Directory Contents

• List contents of directory you are in lists names of directories/files lists hidden files too lists file details lists recent files last


ls -lrt

ls -l

ls -a

Page 24: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Save Some Time

Filename Completion

hit Tab key should see hit



hit key should see

ls Des

ls Desktop

ls Desktop

Page 25: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Changing Directories

makes a new directory “practice”

changes to directory “practice”

mkdir practice

cd practice

ls -lrt






should see

should see

should see Nothing!

Page 26: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Changing Directories

Page 27: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Changing Directoriesmkdir stuff


makes folder “stuff” inside practiceshould see “stuff”

Page 28: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Using an Editor

If using a Mac:

Type: I could write a script.File > Save (Buffer)

File > Exit emacs

should see “mynotes.txt”

emacs mynotes.txt open -e mynotes.txt


Format > Make plain textFile > Save

Page 29: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Using an Editor

If using a Mac:

Type: I could write a script.File > Save (Buffer)

File > Exit emacs

should see “mynotes.txt”

gedit mynotes.txt


Format > Make plain textFile > Save

open -e mynotes.txt

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Using an Editor

Page 31: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Copying files


cp --help

cp mynotes.txt stuff

cd stuff

more mynotes.txt

learn all the options or “arguments”

is the copy command


Page 32: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Copying files


cp --help

cp mynotes.txt stuff

cd stuff

less mynotes.txt

learn all the options or “arguments”

is the copy command


Page 33: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Changing Directories

shows one directory up

ls ..

pwd /home/nmrclass/practice/stuff

ls ../.. goes up two!cd ..

should see

cd ../..

can also do (but don’t right now):on

Page 34: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Copying / Moving files

cp mynotes.txt myothernotes.txt

Could also use do:

mv myothernotes.txt hernotes.txt

mv hernotes.txt ..

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Removing Files

rm mynotes.txt


pwd should be in “stuff”


Page 36: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Things to know

• Case sensitive• Does not like spaces in file names

(e.g. filename.txt vs. file name.txt)

• Ctrl+c kills a process & brings back command prompt

• Type ‘q’ to quit the program ‘less’• Highlight & middle click to copy & paste• Use ‘&’ to open a program in the background

Cannot open a 2nd program if do not have a command prompt

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• no double clicking• mkdir• ls• cd• pwd• emacs, gedit, vi, pico• cp• rm

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Using FreeSurfer

With FreeSurfer, certain variables must be set in order to use it correctly:



tell Operating System where FreeSurfer is

tell FreeSurfer where data is

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Required Variables

• To use FreeSurfer you’ll have to do:

setenv FREESURFER_HOME /home/apps/freesurfer

source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh

tell Operating System where FreeSurfer is

source this script to get your computer ready to use FreeSurfer (sources other scripts & sets other variables)

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /path/to/data

Page 40: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Required Variables

• To use FreeSurfer you’ll have to do:

export FREESURFER_HOME=/home/apps/freesurfer

source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh

tell Operating System where FreeSurfer is

source this script to get your computer ready to use FreeSurfer (sources other scripts & sets other variables)

export SUBJECTS_DIR=/path/to/data

Page 41: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Required Variables

To go to location of your data:

$ means take the value of the variable


setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /path/to/data

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Required Variables

To go to location of your data:

$ means take the value of the variable


cd /path/to/data

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /path/to/data

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How ‘echo’ works:

To set a variable:

To check what a variable is set to:echo $TEST_VARIABLE

setenv TEST_VARIABLE yourfirstname

echo Allison is cool.

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Required Variables

With FreeSurfer, certain variables must be set in order to use it correctly:



tell Operating System where FreeSurfer is

tell FreeSurfer where data is



To check variables

Page 45: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

More Help


Links on Wiki under “Unix Tutorial”

Glossary of Unix commands

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The End

Good Luck!

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Intro to FreeSurfer Jargon

voxelsurfacevolumevertexsurface-basedreconcortical, subcorticalparcellation/segmentationregistration, morph, deform, transforms

(computing vs. resampling)

Page 48: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

What FreeSurfer Does…

FreeSurfer creates computerized models of the

brain from MRI data.

Input:T1-weighted (MPRAGE)

1mm3 resolution(.dcm)

Output:Segmented & parcellated conformed


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Intro to FreeSurfer Jargon


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Intro to FreeSurfer Jargon


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Intro to FreeSurfer Jargon


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Intro to FreeSurfer Jargon


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“recon your data”…short for reconstruction

…cortical surface reconstruction…shows up in command


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orig.mgz T1.mgz brainmask.mgz wm.mgz filled.mgz(Subcortical Mass)

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Cortical vs. Subcortical GM



subcortical gm

cortical gm

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Cortical vs. Subcortical GM



subcortical gm

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Parcellation vs. Segmentation

(subcortical) segmentation

(cortical) parcellation

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Intro to FreeSurfer Jargon

voxelsurfacevolumevertexsurface-basedreconcortical, subcorticalparcellation/segmentationregistration, morph, deform, transforms

(computing vs. resampling)

Page 60: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

FreeSurfer Questions

Search for terms and answers to all your questions in the Glossary,

FAQ, orFreeSurfer Mailing List Archives

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Goal:to find a common coordinate system for the input data sets

Examples: • comparing different MRI images of the

same individual (longitudinal scans, diffusion vs functional scans)

• comparing MRI images of different individuals

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12/13/2011Flirt 6 DOF


Flirt 9 DOF


Inter-subject, uni-modal example

Flirt 12 DOF

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Linear registration: 6, 9, 12 DOF

Flirt 6 DOFFlirt 9 DOFFlirt 12 DOFsubjecttarget

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Linear registration: 6, 9, 12 DOF

targetsubjectFlirt 6dofFlirt 9dofFlirt 12 DOF

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Linear registration: 6, 9, 12 DOF

targetsubjectFlirt 6 DOFFlirt 9 DOFFlirt 12 DOF

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Intra-subject, multi-modal example

before spatial alignment

after spatial alignment

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before spatial alignment

after spatial alignment

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before spatial alignment

after spatial alignment

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Inter-subject non-linear example

target CVS reg

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Some registration vocabulary

• Input datasets:– Fixed / template / target– Moving / subject

• Transformation models– rigid– affine– nonlinear

• Objective / similarity functions

• Applying the results– deform, morph, resample, transform

• Interpolation types– (tri)linear– nearest neighbor

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Page 72: Unix Tutorial for FreeSurfer Users Allison Stevens

Writing Scripts

• Putting multiple commands together. • Automatically running a sequence of

commands• Example: create a file named

my_first_script.csh with the contents: #!/bin/csh

setenv name FreeSurferecho I love $name !

% chmod u+x my_first_script.csh% ./my_first_script.csh

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Loops in Scripts

• You can create loops, if statements, …• Example: create a file named

my_first_loop.csh with the contents:


foreach name (‘Bill Murray’ ‘Wes Anderson’)echo I love $name !


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Inputs to Scripts

• You can create take inputs from the command line

• Example: create a file named my_first_IO.csh with the contents:


echo The $0 command is called with $#argv parametersecho parameter 1 is $1echo parameter 2 is $2

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Required Variables

• To use FreeSurfer you’ll have to do:

setenv FREESURFER_HOME /home/apps/freesurfer

source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.csh

tell Operating System where FreeSurfer is

source this script to get your computer ready to use FreeSurfer (sources other scripts & sets other variables)

setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /path/to/data

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-align subjects-common space-reference points b/w subjects will be








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More Help

alias e emacsman alias

ls file* lists file1, file2, file3ls file[12] lists file1 and file2 but not file3

command >>& file.txt save output to screen and errors in text file