unleash the power ebook · unleash the power of god! 5 you, as openly and honestly as i can, how i...

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Page 1: Unleash the Power ebook · Unleash the Power of God! 5 you, as openly and honestly as I can, how I went from a sincere but POWERLESS Christian to someone who, although certainly far

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Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

Webinar Transcript

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!!Greetings in the name of the King! !I’m always excited to meet others who are passionate about seeing His Kingdom come in POWER and His Will being done with excellence. !Thanks so much for expressing your interest in Unleash the Power of God. What you now hold in your hands is an ebook edition of a webinar by the same name. I’m making it available because some of us still like to read! In many cases, we not only learn more, we actually retain more of what we learn. !So I pray this additional resource will bless you abundantly—perhaps even serving as your guidebook as you step up to your destiny. !If you’ve not seen the webinar, you can still watch the replay. !It’s my hope and prayer that you and I will be able to travel a season along this road together. !Until then, !!Donna Partow Author, Becoming a Vessel of God’s Power !!

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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This presentation is relevant for every believer who wants to know how to Unleash the Power of God. And it’s just a small example of what we do, every day, at WEU, empowering and equipping the church to advance the kingdom upon the earth in this critical hour. And I’m confident it’s going to be a blessing to you. The last time I hosted a presentation on the power of God, hundreds of people remained for more than 2 HOURS after I finished teaching, for a time of prayer and literally releasing God’s presence over the airwaves. Is that possible? Absolutely. God isn’t limited by time and space. Where two or three are gathered in his name, even if we’re gathered on our laptops, iPads and smart phones — He is here in the midst of us, as you are about to experience for yourself. I’m going to be sharing a combination of inspiration and very practical information about how YOU can experience more of God’s power in your life…and pointing out some things that may be hindering you right now. But once you understand, once you get the revelation of just how straight-forward, how profound yet so child-like in it’s simplicity—it is to clear away those hindrances — I believe this could be an absolute turning point in your spiritual walk with God.

This ebook is for you….Whether you’re hoping for a spark to get the fire going or believing for a BLAZE of glory. You’re reading this because in your most transparent moments, you look in the mirror and you KNOW you were meant for more. More love, more power, more of GOD in your life.

Something’s missing. You know it. Whether you had that fire for God once and you just need to rekindle it. Or whether the very idea of the Fire of God has you a little nervous.

You go to church. Maybe you help LEAD the church. God has done great things in your life yet somehow..you still haven’t fully accessed the power of God. The Power to overcome long entrenched sins. Or even just stupid habits like your addiction to diet coke or reality TV.

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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This ebook is for you if you long to unleash the power God to walk with spiritual authority — the ability to step into any situation, and just by showing up with the presence of God fully released in you, things begin to shift. Where is that power…to be the one SHAKING THINGS UP, rather than being shaken up by things?

You’ve come to the right place because I’ve been on a lifelong search for the POWER of God. I was actually born Donna M. Power so my mission was written on my birth certificate. To empower people. And my prayer is that I can empower you today.

We’re going to be covering 2 distinct areas. First, we’ll look at those things that may be blocking God’s power in your life. And then second, very practically, what can we do to invite God’s presence and power into our daily lives. Both sides of the equation are important. !A Little About Me !Many of you know me, but for those who don’t. I’m the author of 28 Christian books that have sold more than 1.1 million copies worldwide and have been translated into numerous languages. I’ve been featured on hundreds of radio and TV shows, in magazines,in both the Christian and secular markets. I’ve spoken all over the world, from the CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia to a group of pastors in a mud hut in Mozambique. My ministry has taken me to 6 continents and touched the lives of countless hundreds of thousands of people. !Some of my most popular books include Becoming a Vessel God Can Use, Walking in Total God Confidence and Living in Absolute freedom . And of course, I’ve written a book on this topic, Becoming a Vessel of God’s POWER !I praise God for all the wonderful opportunities he has blessed me with. But there’s another side to the story. I want to share with

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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you, as openly and honestly as I can, how I went from a sincere but POWERLESS Christian to someone who, although certainly far from perfect, routinely walks in the Power and the FIRE of God. And to show you that this IS available to you. And more available because I’m actually going to strip away the MYSTERY….the woo woo woo special few, super spiritual anointed people —-and make this so ridiculously down-to-earth. You don’t have to muddle around and figure this out the hard way. Unlike me, the Queen of the hard way. In fact, the reason, I’ve put this together is because so many people asked me how I went from Powerless to Power-packed. And I honestly wish someone would have told me everything I’m about to tell you. It would have saved me a lot of wasted years, lost opportunities and heartache. !Some of you know my testimony. Some don’t. I used to share my whole life story then God told me, That’s not a testimony, its a MESSTIMONY. the bottom-line is this: I became a specialist in turning messes into even bigger messes. The easiest way would be for you to name whatever mistake you can think of, because I’ve surely made it. I began drinking by age 12 and they say if you can’t drink without getting falling down drunk, you’re an alcoholic. So I guess I was. Then i graduated to drugs. To pot, then coke, crank and methanphantamines. Snorting. That was my thing. I was always quite the entrepreneur and I figured out the best way to get my drugs for free was to sell them to other people. I ran from one destructive, abusive relationship to another. Eventually, a group of Christians got all up in my business and told me I was out of control. That i was an addict. I told them they were religious fanatics and idiots. But they didn’t give up. Eventually one of them invited me on a free vacation. I often joke, “Boy, was I in for a big surprise when we pulled into the Lutheran Brethren Retreat Center. Of course I wasn’t nearly as surprised as the church ladies were when I showed up in a string bikini with drugs to sell.”

I spent the first 3 days telling them how stupid they were and trying to prove how smart I was. Funny, I was the one who couldn’t make it past 8 in the morning without getting high, but

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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as far as I was concerned, they were the ones who didn’t know what they were talking about. Finally on the 4th day, I was sitting alone by the Delaware River and the power of God came upon me. I sat down at that riverbank powerless to break free of the addictions that ruled my life, and I got up completely set free from drugs and alcohol. That was 34 years ago, and I have never again been tempted by either of those addictions. I think God gave me such a powerful deliverance in THOSE area because he knew I had so many more battles to wage…and I would need all the strength I could get.

The next night, under a beautiful moonlight sky, God spoke to me in a near audible voice and said, “Donna, I’m going to take you all over the world and I’m going to use you in a mighty way for my kingdom.”

Over the next four weeks, I read the entire bible, from Genesis to maps. Then I went off to college, where I immediately began teaching evangelistic bible studies on campus. I was on fire for God.

I became a leader in campus ministry and taught bible studies throughout college. Then I began teaching in my local church, eventually attracting as many as 1,200 people to a Tuesday night bible study. I wrote dozens of Christian books that were translated into numerous languages: Arabic, Chinese, German, Korean, Indonesian, Portuguese and Spanish, to name a few. As mentioned, I traveled in ministry on six continents and saw God do some awesome things.

But I knew something was missing. I had rugged determination. I had radical commitment. But the fire was gone. In it’s place was a plodding tedious religious commitment. That’s pretty much what my church taught. God sometimes does big dramatic things at salvation. But from there on out, you just read the book and do what it says. Which, of course, is better than NOT reading the book and ignoring what it says. But there was no FUEL, no FIRE. Does that make sense? I was running on my own steam instead of His fire. And I was absolutely exhausted.

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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In fact, I was literally sick. I mean chronically sick. And emotionally burnout to the point that I was taking anti-depressants.

You know what’s sad. During all those years, I was a sincere Christian. I loved God. I prayed and read the bible. I was a ministry leader. But working for God in my own strength—not His power, but my determination— literally just about killed me. Now, you may not be at that place. But you’re listening to me know because you know SOMETHING is missing. There’s got to be more power available to walk out all the great sermons we hear and beautiful songs we sing on Sunday mornings. I just want you to know, from my heart, I totally get it. !It’s time to say goodbye forever to just talking the talk and singing the songs. Time to walk the walk. Time to walk in power. Time to experience what many of us have only ever read about in church history books or heard others talking about in video documentaries. !Everything changed for me, several years ago, when I was invited to speak at a leadership conference in Brazil. top ministers from around the world.

I was humbled and terrified and shaking in my boots to be one of the team of speakers they were going to have at this national leadership conference. And then they emailed me two weeks before and said, "God told us to cancel all the other speakers. You're it. You’ll be speaking 13 times, about an hour and a half each time and then afterwards everybody will be waiting for you to have a time of personal ministry over them.”

I'm like, "Oh no. I am in it so deep!”

I couldn't speak Portuguese and I didn’t have a translator on hand so I had no way to tell them I couldn’t do what they were asking. I was terrified. I actually had a leader in my church say, "Girl, you can't get on that plane. You can't go.”

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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I'm not kidding you! She said, "You can't go, you gotta cancel."

Thank you for the vote of confidence!

But she was right! With where I was at spiritually, it would have been a disaster and I knew it. I was terrified. I’m just telling you the truth. I'd been to Latin America, so I knew. Those events where filled with the presence, and power and fire of God. They were expecting God, not my North American nice, polite little “I read the bible and this is what I learned today” kind of teaching.

Are you with me? And I want to clarify that there's a difference – God is omnipresent. God is everywhere always at all times. But there's a difference between His omnipresence and His manifest presence. I'm talking about those moments where it's like, "Hello, I'm in the room now."

Specific Steps For You To Follow !So I did a few, very specific things to prepare for my time of ministry in Brazil. And I'm convinced that if you do exactly what I did, you're going to experience the fire of God in your life. I believe that. We're pulling back the veil then we're just pushing away the mystery. This is not a mystery. Okay, are we ready? Because if I forget to tell you, when I got to Brazil, the power of God was unleashed in a way I had never experienced before. It was crazy, I was like, "Who am I? And what is happening?” But it wasn't me. It was God in me and it was amazing.

My goal is that you will know exactly what to do next. For some of you, the information I’m about to cover will be great and will be enough. But some of you are going to be so profoundly touched by what you experience during our time together, that you’ll want to keep coming back for more. You’ll want to go deeper. So at the end of our time together, I’ll show how you can do that. Anyway! Let’s dive deep into the process.


Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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7 STEPS TO UNLEASH THE FIRE OF GOD !Step 1: Get Desperate !I’m sure you heard the desperation in my voice when a church leader suggested I cancel my mission trip to Brazil, right? Have you ever felt that desperate? Have you ever been in that place where you Knew, “If God does’t show up, I’m in serious trouble.” Are you there right now? !There are two ways to get to Step 1. The first is voluntary. We make the choice and come to God in humility. We allow the Holy Spirit to hold the mirror of truth before us and when we do, we will automatically find ourselves in a place of absolute desperation. !The Psalmist wrote ”Listen to my cry, for I am in desperate need.” Psalm 142:6 What was the context: human conflict. Few things are more effective in driving us to the place of voluntary desperation than broken relationships. Divorce. Alienated from our children or extended family members. Broken friendships. !Now I need to clarify: Human conflict is NOT an automatic pathway to Unleashing the Power of God. Quite the contrary. In most cases, in most cases, it has the opposite affect, blocking the Power of God. Now here’s the secret. Listen carefully. If we want human conflict to become an opportunity to Unleash the Power of God in our lives, the entire secret is recognizing we had a part in it. !I homeschooled my kids and used to insist “My kids are making me sin.” And then God pointed out, “No, Donna, your kids aren’t making you sin; they are revealing your sin.” Ouch. !None of us like to admit this. I sure don’t. But the person in the mirror is the only common denominator in every broken relationship in your life. We can’t turn back time. We can change

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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anyone else. But we can get on our knees, own our stuff, honestly own our part in the whole sorry business. Willingly get on our knees and cry out, “Lord, you know my ways. So show me my ways — show me my long-standing patterns of behavior that need to change, so I can become filled with your power !Psalm 133:1-3 says: !

“How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity. It is like precious oil poured on the head running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard, down upon the collar of his robes…For there the Lord bestows his blessing, even life forevermore.” !

The oil is a symbol of the anointing of God. And where you have God’s anointing you see his Power unleashed. But the oil running down over his body and into his clothes, tell us the anointing also creates an atmosphere that fills the room when this person enters. !In other words, this verse is telling us, when you are at peace with yourself and the world around you, it creates an atmosphere The condition of your heart impacts the very atmosphere in which you live. Because wherever you go, there you are. You carry the atmosphere you create EVERYWHERE you go. And make no mistake, every human being carries an atmosphere. We need to be aware of it. When you walk in the room, is the atmosphere improved by your presence? Or are you—now don’t shoot me — but are you almost a human Eyore who drags the mood down? !That’s why the bible warns us to deal with bitter roots because they defile many, not just us. When we are not at peace, when we are bitter, it affects everyone around us. And we will not see the anointing, we will not see the Power of God flowing powerfully in our lives to the degree we otherwise would. !These are the kinds of truths God will gladly show you. He wants to show you, if you will humble yourself before him. If we are

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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hungry for a powerful move of God, this is where it begins. With an honest inventory of the condition of our relationships and a realistic assessment of the impact we have when we walk in the room. !If we want to Unleash the Power of God, let’s confess our part in any conflict, forgiving those who’ve hurt us. And repenting of the pride that holds onto the hurt. The pride that demands justice. The pride that insists we are right. The pride that says: “Let her come apologize to me” !If we want to walk in power, we must first walk in peace. !The other pathway to desperation is involuntary. That’s when God loves us so much He arranges circumstances to “get our attention.” !Psalm 60:3 tells us plainly: “You have shown your people desperate times.” The entire witness of scripture and history demonstrates that if a nation will not humble itself and pray, turn from their wicked ways, God will send devastation. And when he does, suddenly everyone gets desperate before him. Let’s pray it doesn’t have to come to that in any more nations of the world today. !Obviously, I recommend the first approach! !Here’s what I want you to do: Get radically honest about your part in any relationship that’s not at peace right now. !Ask God to show you the full truth, however painful, about your part in the whole sorry mess. Because I promise you, if you are not walking in peace, you are not walking in the degree of God’s Power that’s available to you. !!!

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Step 2: Declare A Fast !Okay, so not many people will tell this to you straight. There IS a secret. One believers throughout church history have known full-well. A powerful spiritual secret. But since it makes the vast majority of contemporary Christians extremely uncomfortable, the enemy has done a masterful job of labeling anyone who attempts to let the secret out of the bag a Pharisee. And as he always does, he takes scripture out of context to effectively hoodwink millions of believers. !Don’t be fooled another day. If you want to Unleash the Power of God, you must declare A Fast And if you want to succeed in your fast, you NEED the support of your brothers and sisters. That’s why the distortion of Matthew 6 into the idea that shhhhhh. Fasting has to be a big secret. Don’t ever tell anyone ever when you are fasting or you are a terrible person. in fact, you are the worst of all people! You are a pharisee. There is POWER in accountability and POWER in corporate fasting — so no wonder the devil has pawned off this preposterous lie on the church. !FASTING unleashes atomic power in the spiritual realm. Not many people know this, but there was a wave of corporate fasts in America after the Atomic Bombs were dropped during World War II in 1945. And what followed was a mighty Healing Revival from 1947 and 1958. I have no doubt the corporate fasting across our nation was critical to the Unleashing of that powerful move of God. If we want to see another mighty move, then we need to see widespread fasting first. There’s the secret. !When I speak of fasting, I don’t mean a 1 day or 2 day fast. Or a fast where you eat everything but cake and ice cream. We’ve dumbed fasting down to such a ridiculous degree, that now fasting is whatever we want it to be. Fasting can mean, I’m not going to pet my cat for a week. I’m fasting from cat petting. No, fasting is something very different. Fasting is going without food.

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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You may be able to have a little food, maybe a little soup, some people maybe a salad. But the goal of the fast is to get into what my pastor calls The Fasting Zone. It’s a specific place. The Fasting ZONE. And when you hit the Zone, you know it. You can feel it. It’s tangible. The Fasting Zone is a place where you literally disconnect with the world and connect with God. Remember the praise chorus: “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.” That’s what your aiming for with a fast. You’re not aiming for x number of days without eating Oreo cookies. It’s not about that. !When you’re in the fasting zone, your brain literally shuts down some areas and activates others into a higher gear. This is scientifically proven. They’ve done brain scans of people who were fasting. It’s real. I’ve lived it. And i’ve led many many women into it. !You have to experiment with it to discover what it takes for you to get into the zone. It varies from person to person and, for me anyway, it varies from fast to fast. I personally can’t hit the zone while eating any solid foods — maybe some nuts or seeds. But others can. Typically, it’s got to be liquids only. And it usually takes me about 4 days to begin disconnecting with the things of this world and really tuning into God. But I’m not creating a rule for you. I’m saying: find your Fasting Zone. !Corporate Fasting releases the power to finish. Fasting is never easy, but there is a supernatural ease when you tap into the corporate anointing. By the way, I routinely lead online corporate fasts and I would love for you to join us. We see God move in miraculous ways. !Here’s what I want you to do: Commit to fast until you reach the Fasting Zone. !Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Step 3: Determine Exactly What Has to Go in order to Make Room for God !The third thing I did was this: I committed to set everything else for an extended period of time. If you really want to unleash the power of God, you’ve got to set some other things aside. Listen, God loves you but He's not fitting Himself into your schedule. I love the song, Waiting Here For You. !God is waiting for you to come to the place where you put everything else aside and sit your precious little self down and say, "God, I'm waiting here for You. I'm not expecting You to be waiting in the hallway of my life until I call You in and say, 'Okay, I will see you now. This is Your 15-minute appointment with me. Lucky You, God.'" !No, it's exactly the opposite. God is saying, "Well, when that child gets desperate and serious enough to push other things aside, and says, ‘Lord, I'm waiting here for You. And I don't care what else I have to put on hold. I don't care what other appointments have got to be shoved aside. I'm sitting here and I'm waiting here for You. And I'm not going to move until You show up in my life. And I don't care how long it takes because I need You. I need Your power. I've been running on my own steam long enough. I'm tired. And I know there's more and I want it.'" !I cleared my calendar. Some of you need to clear out some space in your life. It’s so jam-packed, there's no room for God. Something has to GO. !What has to GO is actually different for different people. I can make suggestions based on 30 years of ministry on 6 continents. I’ve found that, although we are each hand-crafted and utterly unique, in many ways our fundamental dreams and battles are the same. !

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Often, we are tripped up in our spiritual walk, not by “bad” things, but by a never-ending barrage of “not-too-bad,” “no big deal,” “I’m sure God doesn’t mind” things. If the devil came to you to suggest you rob a bank, you’d say NO WAY. So he comes with endless hours of distractions to prevent you from Unleashing the Power of God. TV. Internet surfing. Texting. Phone calls. Idle chit chat. !We need to “SEEK FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you,” according to Matthew 6:33. Stop chasing things and start seeking God. !This is humorous and certainly not original with me. It’s all over the internet. But it’s actually pretty accurate, I think. It’s Satan giving advice to an army of demons about how to render Christians ineffective in their walk with God. !

The Devil’s Convention Keep them busy in the nonessentials of life and invent innumerable schemes to occupy their minds. !Tempt them to spend, spend, spend, and borrow, borrow, borrow. !Persuade then to go to work for long hours, so they can afford their empty lifestyles. Keep them from spending time with their children. As their family fragments, soon, their home will offer no escape from the pressures of work! !Over-stimulate their minds so that they cannot hear that still, small voice. Entice them to play the radio whenever they drive. Keep the TV, DVD, CDs, and their electronic devices going constantly in their home and see to it that every store and restaurant in the world plays non-biblical music constantly. This will jam their minds and break that union with Christ.

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Fill their coffee tables with magazines and newspapers. Pound their minds with the news 24 hours a day. !Invade their driving moments with billboards. Flood their mailboxes with junk mail, mail order catalogues, sweepstakes, and every kind of newsletter and promotional offering free products, services and false hopes. !Even in their recreation, let them be excessive. Have them return from their recreation exhausted, disquieted and unprepared for the coming week. Do not let them go out in nature to reflect on God's wonders. Send them to amusement parks, sporting events, concerts, and movies instead. !Keep them busy, busy, busy! !And when they meet for spiritual fellowship, involve them in gossip and small talk so that they leave with troubled consciences and unsettled emotions. !Crowd their lives with so many good causes they have no time to seek power from God. !Soon they will be working in their own strength, sacrificing their health and family for the good of the cause. !I guess the question is has the devil been successful at his scheme? You be the judge! !

Here’s what I want you to do: Pick 1 thing you are willing to set aside in order to make room for God in your life. !It should be something that occupies an hour of your time every day. Or a good chunk of time each week. Then of course, you need to be sure to invest that newly-found free time doing something else….which brings us to Step 4.

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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!Step 4: Embrace the Initially Uncomfortable Experience of Absolute Silence !One of my favorite verses is Isaiah 30:15: “In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.” There is an incredible strength that comes through quiet. Through solitude and silence. This, again, is something lost on the contemporary church. Even our church services are typically filled with noise. Never a moment of absolute quiet. In fact, when I try to create quiet at events where I’m speaking, the crowd gets nervous and restless after about 1 minute. No exaggeration. No wonder we are weak and exhausted. Something precious has been lost. I’ll never forget the first time I experienced this ancient spiritual discipline, still practiced by many of the oldest denominations in the world (we’re talking churches planted in the first few centuries of Christianity). But it’s quite out of fashion in most churches today. I stayed at a monastery for a 4 day silent retreat. No words were spoken. When it was time for meals, one of the monks rang a bell and we all gathered. !At first your mind is racing a million miles a minute. Then you suspect you might be going crazy. But eventually, you begin to rest in the silence. Silence means intentionally quieting both outer and inner voices. And it’s so very empowering. !

"Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16

The ancient path is the path of quiet. So turn off the noise. Turn off all the electronic devices. Yes. All of them. Even turn off the music. Turn off your religious checklists and charts. Turn off your own thoughts…harder than it sounds, by the way! But it gets easier with practice. Just be quiet for a season. Listen for that still small voice. God has wonderful things to say to you and

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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about you. When you turn off the rest of the noise, you will hear. And when you hear what God has to say to you and about you, you’ll be so fired up, you’ll become unstoppable! !There are few things on earth more empowering than a sure word from God. I can’t even tell you how many hardships and valleys I was able to endure just by clinging to that sure word God gave me that He was going to take me all over the world and use me in a mighty way for His Kingdom. !I wonder what amazing thing God would whisper to you in the silence? You’ll never know, until you turn off the noise. !Here’s what I want you to do: Begin with 15 minutes a day of absolute silence before God. Don’t listen to worship music. Don’t read anything. Don’t talk. Don’t even “pray” if praying means you are doing the talking. Just LISTEN. !If you are ready for a challenge, consider a Silent Retreat — go away to a quiet place to rest and listen more intently. Many convents and monasteries around the world will open up to visitors for this purpose. !Step 5: Make Sure Your Body Knows You’re “Too Legit to Quit!” !Yes, I know, I’m dating myself with that phrase. My daughter warned me about that yesterday. But there comes a time when we have to rise up (or lie down, or kneel, or walk or dance). We need to send a signal to Our Body that we are done playing games. We are pressing in and we are in it to win it. !This, for me, is one of the most powerful steps! And it’s small and simple to do! Hey, it doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult, it just has to be effective! !

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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I pray, flat on my back, on the hard floor. I don’t try to make myself cozy and comfortable. One reason this works for me is that I can keep my eyes open without being distracted by anything around me. Maybe it’s just me, but I prefer to pray with my eyes open. A friend told me yesterday, “The only time the bible records Jesus closing his eyes was when his work was finished on the cross. In every other case when he prayed, it says, “he looked up” or that “he lifted up his eyes” When I’m flat on my back, it’s just easier to look up and lift up my eyes. Try it! !I’m not saying you have to go as far as St. Simeon the Stylite and the band of Christian ascetics who were inspired by him. They lived standing on top of a Greek column or pillar. They stood there so they’d be sure to stay awake while praying. !According to trusty Wikipedia: !

A stylite, as these Christians were called, were permanently exposed to the elements, though he might have a little roof above his head. He stood night and day in his restricted area, usually with a rail around him, and was dependent for his scanty sustenance on what his disciples brought him by ladder. He spent most of his time in prayer but also did pastoral work among those who gathered around his column. A stylite might continue this practice briefly or for a long period; St. Alypius reportedly stayed atop his column for 67 years. !

More recent and closer to home. My daughter Taraneh stood on the night watch at IHOP, the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, from midnight to 6am for 6 straight months. And when I say she stood, I mean she literally stood. Almost the entire night. She stood. She took Psalm 134 to heart: “Bless the LORD, all you servants of the LORD, who stand by night in the house of the LORD!” She said it helped her to stay focused and not allow her mind to drift. !

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Here’s what I want you to do: Erect a 100 foot pole in your backyard and sit on top of it for an hour a day. Nah, I’m just kidding. !Just begin to do this: Pray differently. On purpose. If you usually sit, try standing. If you usually stand, try walking. If you usually walk, try kneeling. But mix it up and try something radically different that signals to your body: something new is happening here. We’re taking this to another level. !I highly recommend my prayer position but find what works for you. !Step 6: Just Agree With God !I was a pre-law major in college. And anyone who knows me will tell you, if I hadn’t been called into full-time ministry, I would have been a great lawyer. Because I can argue with anyone, anywhere about anything, with or without information. To be completely transparent, most of my so-called prayer time was spent “advocating my case.” Telling God what was wrong with everyone and everything around me. !Hmmm…wonder why THOSE prayers didn’t go very far. !That’s why I was astonished how powerful the internal shift was when I finally stopped arguing with God. Stopped explaining to Him why everyone else was the problem. Oh the freedom, the release, the tears of joy when I finally came to the place where I could Just Agree With God. !When God says, “Do everything without complaining or arguing” in Philippians 2:14, believe it or not, He thought we’d understand that prayer falls under the category of “everything.” !Uh-oh for me. Maybe for you, too? !Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Fortunately, there are alternative ways to pray. Jesus gave us the example in the Lord’s prayer. The disciples came to Jesus and said, “We notice that when you pray, power is unleashed. How can we pray like THAT.” And before he gave them the Lord’s prayer, he told them the secret. The secret that holds the key to effective prayer—the key to unleashing God’s power when we pray. He said, “Your father knows what you need before you ask. him” (Matthew 6:8). !Wow. Think about how much wasted time Jesus just saved us. We don’t have to waste our prayer time telling God what we want and what we think we need. He’s already got that figured out. He already knows what we really need and it’s often not what we think we need. !This simple, but profound truth, frees us to forget about ourselves and concentrate on something larger. “Thy Kingdom come…THY will be done.” It liberates us from wasting time pleading with God or arguing with God. And positions us to get into agreement and alignment with what God has already decided. It’s been said, “Stop asking God to bless what you’re doing. Find out what God is doing and get on board with it, because that’s already blessed.” !If you want to Unleash the Power of God, focus on the Kingdom agenda. On His will. !Speaking of what we think we need…I want to share the turning point with you. The exact moment when I decided to stop arguing with God. Stop defending myself to God. Stop demanding things from God and just listen to Him for a change and agree with whatever He said. !In the two weeks leading up to my trip to Brazil, I had been following all the steps I’ve shared with you so far. Being quiet and waiting and listening for God to speak. And as I would lie there day after day, God began to do this really wild thing. He began to show me my life. I'm lying on the floor, so picture this:

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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it became almost like a movie screen where God would show me one scenario after another where I blew it. Where I sinned. Sinning is just missing the mark. And He would show me an attitude. "You were unloving, Donna. You were impatient here. You lacked self-control. You weren’t faithful. You didn’t deal with that person gently." !And he would show me. There was no condemnation. There is no condemnation. It wasn't about God beating me up and telling me I was a loser. I'm in charge of that. Me and the devil. We've got that covered so God doesn’t need to do that. He doesn’t do that. !God would just show me scenarios and I would just watch myself in the situation like I was seeing my life through God's eyes. And He would just say, "See, daughter. That harsh edge there, that cutting sarcasm? Daughter, that's what’s holding you back." !Because I had cried out to God saying, "I want Your fire. I want to become a mighty woman of God. I want to move in power and authority. I want to walk into situations and when I show up, You show up. That's who I want to be." !And the Lord said, "Now if you're serious, let me show you the things that are holding you back from becoming the woman you want to be, the woman you say you want to be. Now if you're serious, Donna, let me show you." !And he would just show me situations and all I had to do was agree with Him. Sisters, that's the very definition of repentance. Agree with God. That was all I had to do; just agree with Him. Say, “Yes, Lord. I agree with you God. I agree with you, God. I can see that's why I'm not yet the woman I say I want to be. It’s little situations like that, those little foxes spoiling the vine of fruitfulness in my life. And one situation after another, I would agree with God, I would agree with God. That's true repentance. And I would cry out, "Empty me, God. Heal me, Lord. Cleanse me, Lord. Fill me with oil. Set me on fire. I want to be used by You."

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Is that the cry of your heart? You are not here by accident. You wouldn’t be here right now if the status quo was good enough for you. There's more of God and you want to experience it. That's why you're here. !Less than 24 hours before my flight to Brazil, the moment that would change everything happened. I will never recover from this moment. God said to me, "So daughter, do you remember the water bottle?" And I knew exactly what scene He was going to play. I knew! !And sure enough, He started playing the scene. !I’d been invited to speak at a retreat in California up in the high desert. I arrived a day early because I don’t like to play around. I like to get there and get situated. And they said, "Do you need anything, Donna?" And me — being the humble, easy to please servant of God that I am — said, “Actually, I do dehydrate very rapidly so the only thing I need is water. I don't need Caviar, don't need lobster, don't need anybody to entertain and amuse me. Please don’t take me shopping or site-seeing. All I need is a case of water. I'm a fish! I'm going to blow through that water. So could you, please pretty please — ASAP — please bring me a case of water?” !That was Thursday. But Thursday came and went: no water. Friday, the event began: still no water delivered to my room. Friday night, I preached and then I prayed for the women until two in the morning. I went back to my room: still no water. Saturday morning, afternoon, evening: still no water! !Finally it was to the point that whenever I wasn't preaching, praying, doing what I had to do, I was thinking, "Can you believe it?" I was in the middle of nowhere so I couldn’t go get water. Can you believe those women din’t give me a stinkin' case of water bottles? Do you see how I'm treated? !

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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I know you have compassion. So you’re thinking: ”I would never treat Donna Partow like that. Those horrible people." And that's the way I saw it too. So when God said, "Daughter, do you remember about the water bottle?" I knew exactly what He meant. So I said, "Oh, Lord. I know, I agree with you. I am definitely one of your best vessels out there. I see how I just suffer for you.” And He's like, "Yeah, that's not what I was getting at!” !And I broke. !I wept so hard my face hurt. I wept for four solid hours, grieving and weeping for four hours because I knew in that moment that I had let something so stupid, so ridiculous as a lousy water bottle stand in between me and the woman that I really want to be. Something so pathetically, ridiculously stupid between me and the woman of God — power-packed, full of faith, on fire, that woman I could be. !And do you know what God said? He talks to me like I dish it out. He dishes it right back. He said, “Daughter, if you were really that thirsty, you could’ve drank out of a toilet." I was broken. Now don’t get me wrong: God wasn't angry. I felt full assurance of his love for me. He was simply holding the mirror of truth before me. He said, "Daughter, you asked me to show you why you aren’t experiencing My power, my fire. Why you aren’t walking in the full anointing and authority that’s available to you? Why you aren’t the kind of woman who walks into a situation and it has to bend the knee to Me? It’s stupid stuff like this. It’s you wanting a lousy water bottle. Go turn on the tap, Donna. Stop being determined to get your way.” !Here’s what I want you to do: Ask God to show you anything that is preventing you from Unleashing the Power of God in your life. !And no matter what he shows you, no matter how small or large, just agree with him. Even if you are absolutely certain that YOU

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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are not the problem, that you are absolutely 100% in the right. Just agree with Him. And when you do, Step 7 will be super-easy. !So, in a nutshell, what’s holding us back from the FIRE of God, the Power of God. the theological term. Write this down: !s-t-u-p-i-d-s-t-u-f-f. !Step 7: Just Let Go of All the Stupid Stuff !When God showed me that the only thing standing between me and the mighty, power-packed, on fire woman of God I really wanted to be, it really boiled down to: Stupid Stuff !And I'm telling you. This is such a revelation. And when I finally just agreed with Him that it was stupid stuff – it wasn't drugs and alcohol. It was stupid stuff. Church-approved! Wanting my way! And believe it or not, as I laid there at that moment, it was like I was electrocuted by God. I was electrocuted by the power of the Holy Spirit. My whole body was shaking and trembling, my hands were on fire. !And when all the tears were shed, I stood up and walked in such extraordinary power — the very fiery presence of our Holy God — I have never been the same. !It was like being electrocuted with power. My whole body trembled. If this sounds strange to you, read the great revivalists throughout history. You will see it was exactly the same—even though i didn’t know it at the time. I thought something unusual was happening to me, but it’s actually very usual if you study the great revivals. !John G. Lake had an almost identical experience. !

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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So did Evan Roberts, who led the revival in Wales that saw 100,000 come to Christ in 6 months before spreading across the entire globe to touch millions. The revival in Wales was so powerful that the nation was transformed. There were more bankruptcies in Wales during His ministry than at any other time in history. Want to know what all the bankruptcies were? All of the bars declaring bankruptcy because they had no more business. The soccer stadiums were empty. No one went. There were no court cases. The jails were empty. The judges just sat there: "Hmm, nothing to do." The donkeys in the mines had to be retrained because the miners because Christians and no longer used the old orders filled with profanity. Millions around the globe were touched. That revival that started in Wales reached all the way to Australia. !Where did it start? It started with Evan Roberts shaking in his bed under the fire of God. !Charles Finney reported a similar experience. He walked in such power that when he would step on a train, everybody on the train would get down on their knees and start crying and confessing their sins. He didn’t even say anything! They didn’t even know who he was! The presence of God on him was that powerful. Read about the revival that Charles Finney led in the 1800's in America, it's unbelievable. !Why were Quakers called Quakers? Why were Shakers called Shakers? Because during The Great Awakening in America, people shook from the power and fire of God. And I hope I'm not scaring anybody, but we’ve had people in our online classes, over the phone lines, so filled with the presence of God, the same thing happened. I didn’t tell them it was going to happen. It just started happening and they started reaching out to me secretly on Facebook like, "This is weird, I can't stop shaking." !So I went to Brazil, electrified under the power of God. When all I had to do was agree with God about the stupid water bottle. Come on, can we not pay that price?

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Here’s What I Want You To Do: Get rid of the Stupid Stuff !I’m so glad I was willing to walk through these 7 steps…even if it made my face hurt from crying. !This is the journey God took me through before sending me to Brazil to “revive the revival” And ever since then, every time I have needed to Unleash the Power of God - to experience a fresh encounter with His Presence — retracing these same 7 Steps has been powerfully effective. !What’s Next for You?

!So now you know the 7 steps to Unleash the Power of God. And for each step, I’ve shared simple but effective strategies for how you can implement them. For each step, I gave you a specific strategy, right? And some of you will want to go and do that on your own. Absolutely fine. I’m so honored you spent this time with me and I pray God’s richest blessings on you as you endeavor, on your own, to implement these 7 steps. !But if you are ready to move forward with God, I want to let you know: I’m personally ready to take the journey through these 7 steps again. And I’d like to invite you to join me. Let me tell you, briefly, about the details for 30 Days in the Presence of God’s Power. If you thought 1 hour in the presence of God’s power was awesome, 30 days will radically change your life. !

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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I'm going to walk you, day by day, through the lessons God revealed as He invited me to move onward from being a sincere but powerless Christian....to one who walks in the power of God.I’ll answer questions like: !

Does God hear me when I pray? !Do my prayers change anything? How can I be sure I'm accurately hearing Him...and not listening to my own mind? !Why is it that sometimes when I pray, things actually seem to get worse? !I've prayed every prayer I can think of, but my situation isn't changing -- am I doing something wrong? You'll Learn Exactly How To: !Hear from God accurately.!Remove hindrances to answered prayers.!Break free from the guilt, shame and fear that prevent you from praying boldly and with confidence.!Slam the door in the devil's face --and prevent him from wreaking further havoc on your family!!Cultivate God's power within and upon your life.!

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Begin to walk in a level of spiritual authority you may never even thought possible. !Understand the different types of prayer, including corporate and prophetic prayer, and what the role of each is.!Experience the incredible power of Corporate Fasting — as I’ll be leading those who wish to participate in a corporate fast.!You can fast with us for a day, a few days, 10 days — whatever God leads you to do. Here's Exactly What You'll Receive!

LIVE Weekly Teaching/Prophetic Prayer calls with me!

30 Daily Teaching Videos !4 Hour-long Teaching Audios !6 BONUS Teaching Audios !Private Facebook Group where we

"spur one another on" & experience accountability. !

LIFETIME ACCESS to all Course Materials. All of the videos, all of the audios, even membership in our private Facebook Group.


Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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Our Guarantee !I have zero doubt that 30 Days in the Presence of God’s Power can transform your life. But you may have some doubts. So I want to help alleviate any lingering concerns by saying this: there is no risk. There’s Zero Risk. You can take the leap of faith with complete confidence, knowing that if you fully participate and discover I don’t deliver exactly what I promised, I will cheerfully return your money. !I can say that because I know, for an absolute fact, that this program is filled with the presence and power of God and that God stands ready to move you from glory to glory if you are willing. So if you provide the willingness, God and this class will do the rest. !So now, you have a choice to make. Where do you want to be 30 days from now? That’s really the choice, isn’t it? You’re here because you recognize there is something more God has for you. And the answers are found in the power of accountability and community. In fellowship and partnership with like-minded people who are every bit as committed as are to Unleashing the Power of God in this generation. !So it’s my hope and prayer and confident expectation that, right now, you’re going to make a great choice. Not just for yourself, but for the people God will use YOU to impact in the days and years to go. !You can register right away for 30 Days in the Presence of God’s Power. Class begins on Monday, September 22nd. The busy summer season is behind us. The kids are back to school….life is getting back into a routine. It’s time for you to focus on your walk with God. !http://donnapartow.org/fire !Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire

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That’s where you’ll see a recap of the Course Information I just shared with you. And where you’ll be able to register right away to experience 30 Days in the Presence of God’s Power. !I look forward to sharing this adventure with you! !Blessings ~ Donna

Copyright@2014 Donna Partow! www.donnapartow.org/fire