unlicensed professionals run amok in south florida

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  • 8/20/2019 Unlicensed Professionals Run Amok in South Florida



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    Enrique Norten in Miami Beach lobbying 321 Ocean Enrique Norten


    City of Miami Beach Officials Could Care Less

    6 November 2015

    By David Arthur WaltersPRESS INDEPENDENT

    Florida law is clear: building architects, landscape architects, and commercial interiordesigners among other professionals must not advertise or practice their professionswithout first registering with the State of Florida and obtaining either a permanent or atemporary license.

    The main reason for that law is also clear: to protect the public safety and welfare frommalpractice. Another reason is to protect Florida professionals from competitors whomay be just as well qualified by experience and education.

    South Florida officials, nonetheless, could care less about the licensing regulations, atleast not until building permits are applied for, particularly if the unlicensed professionalshappen to be internationalist practitioners, so-called starchitects  from out of stateretained by big developers that are often from out of state, seeking to colonize theregion for vested interests with surplus capital on their hands because only so much canbe wasted on pleasure before businesses stagnate. Especially popular in South Florida,Ground Zero for the last great economic crisis, are cheap glass boxes in air castleserected and sold at exorbitant prices for a fast buck.

    The developer and his famous architects and interior designer will proceed to lobbyofficials and local agencies for the necessary approvals of their plans including thedesigns. They will hire a licensed Florida professional to put up his license number on

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    the application of the actual building permit. That may amount to no more than rentingthe Florida professional‟s license and perhaps acting as the out-of-state professional‟sliaison with little or no review of the plans signed off on. The building official could careless “as long as the paper looks good.” 

    South Beach One Ocean Glass Box Project

    Florida‟s Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) is obviously

    responsible by virtue of its moniker for regulating professional conduct. Its staff,however, would rather not open an investigation unless a formal complaint is filed. Thatis, enforcement is complaint driven. That way, administrators can claim they are indeedaccountable to the public by counting the number of complaints. Respondents arenaturally eager to know who filed the complaint because ordinary members of the publicwould not know a violation if they saw one, so the complainant would probably be acompetitor who could be retaliated against in one way or another, wherefore complaintsmay be filed anonymously.

    In rare cases, especially where the press is involved in exposing misconduct, the DBPRmight look into information that comes to its attention indicative, for example, of

    unlicensed activity, especially when the activity is made obvious by the so-calledlegitimate press. Yet given the proverbial shortage of resources to address the vastamount of unlicensed activity, the department is not eager to dig into independent

     journalists‟ reports, for instance, to see if opening a formal investigation is warranted bythe information in the report, only to discover it has been on a wild goose chase,especially if confronted by the caviling lawyers of an influential design firm retained bypolitically influential interests eager to grow their capital lest it stagnate..

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    It DBPR officials were to examine daily reports on the real estate boom in South Florida,in Miami Beach, for example, they would see that some of the biggest designers in theworld, identified as architects, landscape architects, and interior designers, are lobbyingofficials for developers with designs in hand, and even signing contracts with agencies,yet many of them have no Florida license. The local officials could care less, and the

    republican public, which is not too sympathetic to government regulation in the firstplace, is awed by the very presence of these master builders in their city. As for thelocal competition, it keeps silent for a piece of the action.

    Of course if someone complains and the DBPR sees a winning case, it may go after abig league violator. The state may, after a lengthy battle, get a feather in its cap if notcollect a fine. The penalties appear to be pursued on a case-by-case basis by casuisticprosecutors who believe they have rational principles in mind, so punishment is ratherinconsistent. Someone might simply avoid punishment by applying for a license.Knowing that prosecutions are scarce and penalties minimal, unlicensed architects andinterior designers with substantial means have little to worry about if they get caught.

    Regulators excuse themselves for their negligence and leniency. Resources are limited,they say, and their objective is to obtain compliance, not to impose punishment. Well,then, perhaps judges should waive all penalties for driving without a license providingthat a license is applied for, and impose different fines for the same traffic violations inorder to encourage compliance at random. To obtain compliance instead of imposingpunishment, police officers should allow traffic law violators to go around the block andobey the laws they previously violated.

    The City of Miami Beach is rife with foreign i.e. out-of-state building and landscapingarchitects and commercial interior designers who proceeded with their professional

    without obtaining a permanent or temporary license.

    Yabu Pushelberg and Enrique Norten advertising One Ocean South Beach construction project

    Highly respected international interior design firm  Yabu Pushelberg  with studios inToronto and New York advertises itself as such in Florida and has helped designnumerous projects for the likes of Jorge Perez‟ Related Companies without the requiredlicense. The Florida Board of Architecture and Interior Design announced on 28 July2015 that it had settled for a fine of $5,000 plus costs against the firm and its designers

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    for contracting to provide commercial interior design services, advertising its services onits website, and offering those services through an uncertified business entity.

    Internationally acclaimed architect Enrique Norten,  with studios in New York andMexico, had no Florida license when he lobbied Miami Beach officials for approval of a

    condominium project designed by and named after him, 321 Ocean Enrique Norten inSouth Beach. Investigators for the Board of Architecture and Interior Design have beenlooking into the matter for some time.

    Renzo Piano, one of the most famous architects in the world, has designed a tower forerection at 8701 Collins Avenue on Miami Beach without a Florida license. The projectis hailed as the advent of the architect into the Florida market. Likewise an investigatorfor the Florida Board of Architecture and Interior Design is looking into the matter to seeif probable cause may be found to prosecute the firm.

    The City of Miami Beach would have a renowned unlicensed in Florida landscapearchitect with several marvelous local projects under its belt, West 8, with offices inRotterdam and New York, design the landscape for the 8701 Collins Avenue project.

    Incidentally, 8701 Collins Avenue LLC donated $10,000 to the political action committeecreated to celebrate Mayor Philip Levine‟s  accomplishments during his campaign forreelection, for which he laid out over $800,000 from his own pocket for the $10,000 seaton the commission, where he enjoys an allegedly “purchased” majority hence is a defacto strong mayor in a city with a weak mayor charter. A clamor was raised over the

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    money rapidly obtained from vendors and developers, and what appeared to be the saleof the city to developers, and the PAC was shut down.

    West 8 Soundscape Park - Miami Beach 

    Now the Board of Architecture and Interior Design retained a private law firm, SmithThompson Shaw Minacci & Colon P.A., led by Prosecuting Attorney David Minacci, toconduct its investigations and prosecute misconduct. That businesslike approach tohandling cases appears to be quite effective in the long run. Staff is more than willing tofollow up on press reports of probable unlicensed activity.

    Say that I am New York developer who owns Florida property. I have my New York

    architect design a property for it. We go down to Florida and lobby for any necessaryapprovals by planning board, land development board, preservation board etc. Then myarchitect draws final plans for building permits, environmental permits, etc. I hire Floridaarchitects to seal and sign them. They do some gopher work during construction as myNew York architect's liaison. Has my New York architect, who is the de facto or actualarchitect, violated Florida law? Probably, but that depends on who hired whom and whopaid whom and whatever related documentation reveals, such as architectural plans.

    The Minacci law firm will eventually look into the unlicensed conduct of Renzo Piano. Unlicensed landscape architecture, however, is not under the Board of Architecture andInterior Design‟s jurisdiction. That discipline has its own self-regulating industry board,

    the Board of Landscape Architecture, under the theory that building architecture andlandscape architecture require different types of education and experience. The statelegislature found that:

    “The regulation of landscape architecture is necessary to assure competent landscapeplanning and design of public and private environments, prevention of contamination ofwater supplies, barrier-free public and private spaces, conservation of natural resourcesthrough proper land and water management practices, prevention of erosion, energy

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    conservation, functional and aesthetically pleasing environmental contributions tohumanity‟s psychological and sociological well-being, and an enhancement of thequality of life in a safe and healthy environment and to assure the highest possiblequality of the practice of landscape architecture in this state.” 

    Investigations of landscape architecture irregularities are handled by state employeeswith the DBPR, not by a private law firm. My anecdotal experience with the DBPR,beginning with my investigation of its handling of licensed general contractormisconduct and unlicensed contracting, has been far from satisfactory. For example, itdid nothing about an unlicensed general contractor doing millions of dollars of businessin South Florida, and then renting a license for a few thousand dollars and somefurniture when reported by the press, yet at the same time stings were being conductedwhere, for example, an unlicensed plumber would be arrested at a house for trying tofeed his family.

     A public record request for disciplinary actions against landscape architects licensed

    and unlicensed is presently being run around the bush, so that information was notavailable by deadline.

    Press accounts tantamount to advertisements of real estate developments touting thelocal landscape architecture projects of unlicensed landscape architect West 8  werebrought to the attention of the DBPR. Erin B. Reisinger, Investigation Manager,Unlicensed Activity Unit. He acknowledged there was no record of a license on file, andsaid an investigation would be conducted once a complaint form was submitted.

    I identified myself as a reporter, and asked Mr. Reisinger if the policy of the State ofFlorida is to investigate apparent violations and enforce laws only on receipt of a formal

    complaint rather than proceed on information that comes to the attention of its officials.

    He referred me to Chelsea Eagle, DBPR‟s Deputy Director of Communications.

    “Your inquiry was forwarded to the Office of Communications,”  she responded. “Peryour inquiry, unlicensed activity cases can be opened in the event that sufficientinformation is received, whether in the form of a formal complaint, email, anonymouscall or mobile app submission. For your background, some of the information typicallyrequired to open a complaint includes sufficient evidence of unlicensed activity, such asa bid/proposal for services requiring a license, a contract for services requiring a licenseor an advertisement for services requiring a license.

    “Thank you, Chelsea Eagle. So what are you i.e. the State of Florida going to do with

    the information since it raises a reasonable suspicion of unlicensed activity? ” 

    “The Division of Regulation is monitoring the situation at this time,” she replied.  “For

    your background, the information included does not provide enough information to open

    an unlicensed activity case. As the attachments do not specify the types of services

    being provided by „West 8,‟ the Department of Business and Professional Regulation is

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    unable to allege unlicensed activity. For your background, certain landscaping services

    (i.e.  – landscape design, which is the design of planting plans and installing plants) do

    not require a license from DBPR. Additionally, „Fentress Architects‟ and „Arquitectonica‟

    are sufficiently licensed to provide architecture and/or landscape architecture services in

    the state of Florida.” 

    “Ms. Chelsea, I notice that 481.303 Definitions states that landscape architecture means

    professional services, including, but not limited to, the consultation, investigation,

    research, planning, design, preparation of drawings, specifications, contract documents

    and reports, responsible construction supervision. Further, the law states that landscape

    design means consultation for and preparation of planting plans drawn for

    compensation, including specifications and installation details for plant materials, soil

    amendments, mulches, edging, gravel, and other similar materials. Such plans may

    include only recommendations for the conceptual placement of tangible objects for

    landscape design projects. Construction documents, details, and specifications for

    tangible objects and irrigation systems shall be designed or approved by licensed

    professionals as required by law.

    “The release by the City of Miami Beach, as previously quoted, states that „Miami

    Beach‟s professional design team consisting of nationally recognized Fentress

     Architects, the local design firm of Arquitectonica, and international landscape architects

    West 8, have designed a project that will position itself among the top globally

    significant convention centers in the world.‟ 

    “The descriptions of the project and its illustrations provided in the indicate far more

    than the planting of a few potted plants, and give the general public reason to suspectthat landscape architecture is an integral feature of the comprehensive plan: „800

    parking spaces located across the street from the center will be relocated within the

    footprint of the building thus allowing the 5.8 acre parking lot to be converted into a

    public park surrounded by canopy trees, a flexible lawn area, a food pavilion, and a

    public plaza to honor the city‟s veterans. The park will become the new civic “heart” of

    Miami Beach as well as a shady destination long awaited by the residents of adjoining

    neighborhoods. In addition, a new pedestrian friendly and ecologically sensitive green

    space incorporating butterfly gardens and mangrove enhancements will span along the

    Collins Canal incorporating a native plant palette and providing pedestrian connectivity

    for residents and visitors.‟ And, as you can see, there is much more.

    “I believe that alone provides reasonable suspicion that that Chapter 481 may be

    violated, and that the matter should be looked into by professional state investigators to

    see if probable cause exists after examining any and all contracts, drawings, and plans

    and the like, as well as documentation if any that Fentress Architects and Arquitectonica

    adequately examined and approved the landscaping features of the project, which

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    would be required, as I believe you are saying, in order for West 8 to practice without a

    Florida license.

    “It does appear that such firms may easily obtain an endorsement from the state and/or

    practice temporarily in Florida. Of course one question asked would be, does this

    famous landscaper have a license somewhere else in the world, and is the firm in goodstanding?

    “Please point out where Chapter 481 allows a landscape architect not registered in

    Florida to practice landscape architecture under the registration of architectural firms

    such as Fentress and Arquitectonica.

    “ Attached again for your perusal is the James Corner   contract. The City of Miami

    Beach has continued with this engagement after inquiries were made of the Miami

    Beach city attorney and city manager as to the apparent lack of a Florida license. I

    suppose that the city attorney has communicated with the state on the issue and thestate has given the city leave to proceed without making a determination if a violation of

    law has and is occurring. Please confirm.

    “Finally, I want to make it clear that I have no personal complaint against West 8 or any

    other unlicensed in Florida practitioner. If I were to fill out a complaint form, it would be

    against regulators for ignoring violations for which no formal complaints had been filed,

    or for referring to information provided as something they are looking into or inquiring

    about or monitoring without diligent investigation and to no reported conclusion. As for

    architects and interior designers, thus far my investigation has concluded that the law

    firm that handles those issues diligently pursues them to their logical conclusions ”.

    I had wasted my breath on Ms. Chelsea, whose job is to apparently rebuff investigative

    reporters with silence on touchy issues such as specific legislative authorization for

    unlicensed landscape architects to practice under licensed building architects in Florida,

    and, generally speaking, to put them off with bureauspeak .

    “The Division of Regulation will continue to monitor the situation. The Department of

    Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR) has an overall goal of compliance.

    DBPR frequently works with businesses and individuals to help bring them into

    compliance with state licensing requirements. For your background, there is a

    landscape architect application on file for James Corner . Upon non-compliance, the

    Division of Regulation will take administrative action as outlined in Florida law.” 

    “ After additional cursory research,” I persisted,  “which you will find attached, I have

    reason to believe that West 8 has been and is engaged in landscape architecture, as

    defined by statute, without a license in Florida, as prohibited by that statute. Please

    monitor the information I have obtained. I suggest that we refer the matter to the

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    attorney general and the governor for their opinion on whether the DBPR should open

    an investigation into the matter based on that information and other information that

    may have come to the attention of its monitors. Also, please advise if the penalties

    provided by statute will be applied to James Corner dba James Corner Field

    Operations. Again, my concern is not so much with landscape architects as it is with the

    policies and practices of the Board of Landscape Architecture and the DBPR. ” 

    I reiterated my concern with competences in building and landscape architecture:

    “Please advise whether or not the minimum standards that qualify an architect for

    registration in Florida would alone enable him or her to pass the test required for

    licensure to practice landscape architecture. In other words, assuming that I have

    qualified to take and pass the test to obtain a license as architect, would I therefore be

    competent in terms of formal education to supervise the work of a landscape architect

    not licensed by the State of Florida? If so, it would seem that a separate license for

    landscape architecture would be unnecessary, or that I could obtain both licenses inone sitting.” 

    “Generally speaking,” she responded, “an architect can perform landscape architecture

    services when it is in conjunction with a building that the architect is designing. Licensed

    architects may not contract solely to perform or supervise landscape architecture

    services or hold themselves out to be a „landscape architect‟  without a landscape

    architect license. In order for an architect to qualify for licensure, he or she would still be

    required to submit proof of 3 years of practical experience in landscape architecture

    under the direct supervision of a landscape architect and pass the L.A.R.E. as well as

    the Florida section of the exam.” 

    That is, if I am a building architect, I can do landscape architecture for the building I am

    designing, but I cannot go out and practice landscape architecture alone or for others.

    That leaves the question as to whether I am competent by education and experience to

    practice landscape architecture. I wondered why Florida building architects even bother

    to engage landscape architects if they can keep that work in house.

    Neither did Ms. Eagle answer by deadline my question, “What is the specific Section ofFlorida law that permits architects to practice landscape architecture?” Nor did she

    respond to, “Does the Board of Landscape Architecture promulgate Rules on thissubject? A general Google search only turns up a single file, on another matter, by thisspecific board.” 

    Designing landscapes without a Florida license is not like driving its roads with an out-of-state license until one becomes a permanent resident. Natural conditions, for onething, are different in every region, and a great deal of technical knowledge is requiredto address them appropriately. Naturally every jurisdiction regulates the practice of

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    landscape architecture based on local conditions. If there were an InternationalLandscape Architecture License based on different conditions in the world, localitiesmight recognize it. As things stand now, Florida may issue temporary licenses to foreignprofessionals if they apply and meet the requirements, yet many of them do not feel likeapplying and fail to apply with impunity.

    I submitted further information on West 8  projects in Miami Beach to Ms. Eagle, andsuggested that we ask Florida‟s governor and its attorney general if they believe aninvestigation should be conducted based on a reasonable suspicion that probablecause could be found that West 8 was practicing its trade in violation of state law.

    “ As I mentioned,” she said,  “the information included regarding „West 8‟ does notprovide enough information to open an unlicensed activity case. The Department ofBusiness and Professional Regulation (DBPR) has an overall goal of compliance.DBPR frequently works with businesses and individuals to help bring them intocompliance with state licensing requirements. For your background, there is a

    landscape architect application on file for James Corner . The Division of Regulation willcontinue to monitor the situation.” 

    It appears that “monitor” (monere: to warn) means that we can rest assured that BigBrother is “watching over” basically self -regulated businesses without openinginvestigations unless private individuals without investigative powers obtain proof ofmisconduct, or unless officials have some other motive to exercise their discretion.

    Indeed, “discretion” is the key word. Officials enjoy sovereign immunity for negligenceeven if roofs cave in or buildings are blown down and people are killed. A buildingdepartment inspector once told me that perhaps half of construction is unpermitted and

    performed by unlicensed contractors. Inspectors simply cannot keep up with thevolume, and must rely on complaints to ensure compliance. In California, officials havegone so far as to say their duty is to “promote compliance” rather than ensure it.

    Whereas the Minacci law firm pursued interior designer  Yabu Pushelberg and settledfor an embarrassing $5,000 fine plus costs, the DBPR got unlicensed landscapearchitect James Corner to agree to apply for a license. Interestingly, a person with

     Yabu Pushelberg  was listed by the state as qualified to take the necessaryexamination, hence a license must have been applied for before it was caught doing agreat deal of commercial interior designing, and was prosecuted because a private lawfirm was duly diligent. Notably, Ms. Chelsea did not specifically respond to the question

    as to whether James Corner  would also be fined, and we may assume not. Notably, wepointed out to her that some time ago a competitor to West 8 had complained that West8 won a bid despite the fact that someone had pointed out during the bidding processthat West 8 was unlicensed by the State of Florida. The excuse offered in that instancewas that West 8 has promised when it held itself out with plans as a landscape architectfor bidding purposes that it would obtain the necessary license.

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    Why did the state even bother with James Corner when his company won a bid andsigned a contract to landscape famed Lincoln Road Mall? City of Miami Beach ManagerJimmy Morales certified that he had done the due diligence required, and all was well.Neither he nor City of Miami Beach Attorney Raul Aguila responded to concernsexpressed after questions were submitted to them with copies to the mayor and city


    James Corner‟s amazing Lincoln Road Miami Beach Design 

    “TO Raul Aguila re Aiding and Abetting Unlicensed Architecture: Dear Mr. Aguila: I didnot receive a response from you to the below inquiry as to James Corner 's practice oflandscape architecture for the City of Miami Beach without obtaining a Florida license,which may have easily been had by endorsement. Now it appears that a landscapearchitecture firm doing business as West 8  does not have a Florida license yet isinvolved in the city's convention center project. It is my information that the DBPR islooking into the James Corner  licensing issue. As for West 8, the DBPR has no recordof a license, and may or may not look into the matter further without a formal complaintbeing lodged. An interior design company that has done considerable work South ofFifth,  Yabu  Pushelberg, is being looked into by (a private law firm for) the DBPR.Enrique Norten, the architect of 321 Ocean Enrique Norten and other major projects in

    the region is also being looked into. May I suppose from your silence on the JamesCorner  inquiry that you have determined that no Florida licenses are required by such acontractor, or that it is none of the city's business, and that for officials to knowinglycontinue to do business with unlicensed architects is not aiding and abetting violationsof civil (fines) and criminal (misdemeanor) law? David Arthur Walters MIAMI MIRROR” 

    “Mr. Aguila, Attached are the first 75 pages of the city's contract with James Corner 'scompany for the renovation of Lincoln Road. I often check Building Department permits

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    to make sure the contractors and architects are licensed by the State of Florida, whichis the normal process. I cannot seem to find a Florida landscape architect license withthe DBPR for James Corner 's company. Maybe I am not searching in the correct place.Would you please have some verify whether or not this firm is licensed to practice in thisstate? And if not, please advise whether or not that would affect the validity of the

    contract. David Arthur Walters MIAMI MIRROR” 

    James Corner ‟s Underline Miami Design 

    Clearly, not only could City of Miami Beach, City of Miami, and and Miami-Dade Countyofficials care less that unlicensed building architects, landscape architects, andcommercial interior designers are running amok in their jurisdictions, but DBPR officialscould also care less unless someone lodges a complaint, or prosecutions are handledby a private law firm.

    That attitude extends to other trades as well, and is by no means unique to Florida, butis endemic wherever regulatory agencies have a complaint-driven “system” to obtaincompliance from violators “partnered” with to “help” them comply. That system of

    random enforcement is widely recognized as the worst kind of enforcement that a jurisdiction could have. It encourages non-compliance of violators, disparate treatmentof violators, and irrational behavior by compliance officers not to mention moral andcriminal corruption.

    Compliance with legal codes only occurs when the cost of disobedience exceeds thebenefits of obedience.

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    On the other hand, aggressive, systematic enforcement of codes with mandatoryminimum penalties has the best results. Complaint-driven or reactive enforcement whentransformed to systematic, proactive enforcement, with incentives provided to citizens toparticipate in enforcement and report violators, has proven to be the best policy in termsof results.

    It does appear that Florida officials, despite their frequent attendance at seminars onbest practices, are not that interested in the regulation of businesses and professionals,especially at the political level, which is virtually owned by major vested interests.

    The proverbial lack of resources is almost always the excuse. Proactive programs aretried upon occasion with good results, and then abandoned. Low priority is obviouslygiven to information that world-class architects may be practicing in Florida without thenecessary license. After all, old men are chained to walls like dogs in their ownexcrement in public institutions, prisoners and guards are beaten and stabbed atrandom in jails and prisons, kids are abused, maimed and killed after visits by state

