unlocking potential assessing materials for accessibility dr neil witt institute for science...

Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

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Page 1: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

Assessing materials for accessibility

Dr Neil Witt

Institute for Science Education

University of Plymouth

Page 2: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

How to achieve accessibility?

• WCAG Level A (Priority 1) should be seen as the starting point for the development of an accessible academic website.

• For an inclusive website Level AA (Priority 2) and Level AAA (Priority 3) need to be investigated and efforts made to fully exploit adoption of these guidelines

Page 3: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

Use common standards

• WCAG Guideline 3. Use markup and style sheets and do so properly.

• Mark up documents with the proper structural elements.

• Control presentation with style sheets rather than with presentation elements and attributes.

Page 4: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential


• Cascading Style Sheets

• W3C initiative

• Valid CSS2

• Can be user defined

• If a formal grammar is being used CSS will be embedded within the page design

Page 5: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential


• CSS has a much wider array of attributes than HTML and gives a greater choice of page elements.

• Gives the designer greater choice and makes the page accessible.

• However care still needed

Page 6: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential


• Link to non-scaling text

• Link to scaling text

Page 7: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

How to check for accessibility

• There are a large number of tools which can be used to support web page development, these include:

• Evaluation tools.

• Repair tools.

• Filter and transformation tools.

Page 8: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

Are these tools of use?

• Yes and No!

• A full audit can be found at http://www.science.plym.ac.uk/warp

• And next - the good, the bad and the ugly…………

Page 9: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

Types of Tools

• Accessibility getting commercial

• Don’t believe all you read

• Differentiate between accessibility and usability

• Accessibility tools not what they seem

Page 10: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

Types of Tools

• Utilities – specific to one checkpoint or issue. Either installable or online

• Online diagnostic (S508 or WAI)

• Stand alone solution (S508 or WAI)

• Third party embedded solution (S508 or WAI)

Page 11: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

Section 508

• Market is dominated by S508

• Useful indication but is it relevant to SENDA?

• Use S508 tools with care – minus some P1 checkpoints, plus some P2 checkpoints

Page 12: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

Health Warning

• None of these tools will guarantee accessibility

• Human intervention is compulsory

• Care is needed – marketplace is very commercial

• Education and understanding is vital

• Beware of the logo – it may bite back

Page 13: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

Types of Tool A-Prompt

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Unlocking Potential

Types of Tool - Bobby

Page 15: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

Online Diagnostic

• Bobby – http://bobby.watchfire.com/

• HTML Validator - http://validator.w3.org

• CSS Validator http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/

• Lift Online http://www.techdis.ac.uk/usablenet/

Page 16: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential

All-in-one Toolbar

• Accessible Information Solutions - Web Accessibility Toolbar

• http://www.nils.org.au/ais/web/resources/toolbar/

Page 17: Unlocking Potential Assessing materials for accessibility Dr Neil Witt Institute for Science Education University of Plymouth

Unlocking Potential


• There is no simple solution for SENDA and electronic information

• W3C WAI gives us a benchmark

• Inclusive design must be a priority

• It is not a mechanistic process, it is strategic and embedded.