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Unno School Global Negotiator Training Program Swingby Corporation June 1st, 2016 Multiculturalism in The Netherlands and Canada

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Unno SchoolGlobal Negotiator Training Program

Swingby Corporation

June 1st, 2016Multiculturalism in The Netherlands and Canada

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Points of Argument


What Is Multiculturalism? Immigration in The Netherlands Unemployment Disposable Income Welfare Crime Suspects Per 10,000 People Pim Fortuyn Geert Wilders Netherlands: Multiculturalism Retreat Disengagement in the EU: Multiculturalism vs.

Assimilation Early Examples of Multicultural Societies Netherland Statistics

United Kingdom Striated Social Class "Multiculturalism" Is A Reality Which Policy Was Most Successful? Disengagement from Natives Integration Has Failed Distribution of Languages Case Study: Canada Canada: Social Impact Canada: Economic Impact Canada: Political & Judicial Impact

18:30 20:30

Multiculturalism in Netherlands & CANADA

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What Is Multiculturalism?


Multiculturalism (異文化主義・異文化共存 ) describes the existence, acceptance, or promotion of multiple cultural traditions within a single jurisdiction, usually considered in terms of the culture associated with an ethnic group. In other words, the country is built and strengthened by having multiple cultures coexist.

Assimilation is when a country’s identity exists, and the new immigrants that come in must accept the existing culture of the country. Separate, new cultural groups are not what hold the country together.

‘Minorities Policy’ encourage immigrants from non-western backgrounds to organize themselves. This was a response to the perceived dangers of political and social exclusion. In fact they fostered organizational fragmentation, leading to a proliferation of small politically powerless associations, fostering segregation rather than social and political incorporation.

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Immigration in The Netherlands


There were three waves of immigration in the Netherlands:1. 1950-60’s from former colonies (Indonesia, Surinam, Antilles)2. 1955-60’s from Southern Europe (Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal), and

North Africa (Turkey, Morocco)3. 1970-now refugees (Eastern Europe since 1970, Yugoslavia, Iran,

Iraq from 1985)

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Immigration in The Netherlands


主題 ネイティブ

西洋人の外国人    西洋人でない外国人 モロッコ       オランダ領アルバ   スリナム  トルコ   




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Unemployment (1)










専門職合計 失業中の専門職人口

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Unemployment (2)

Unemployment in the Netherlands in the early 1980-1990s were between 5% and 10%, and showed a constant lower value under 5% in the 2000s. This is still lower than many other European countries.

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Unemployment (3)


The biggest catalyst in increasing Dutch unemployment happened after the international financial crisis, and another contributing factor with the lower real estate prices (falling by over 20% since 2008), decreased consumption, and now the Netherlands is facing its third recession within 4 years.

Source: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2013/05/04/neth-m04.htmlhttp://www.iamexpat.nl/read-and-discuss/expat-page/news/where-dutch-unemployment-highest

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Unemployment (4)


The biggest population hit within the Netherlands were those aged 25-45. As a result, the unemployment level reached a record high (first in 30 years) at 8.1% in March 2013. Over 643,000 people were without jobs. Since then; however, many have become self employed (800,000 people by March 2013), the government increased more unemployment benefits to those under 25 and another to people over 55 years old, and still the unemployment rate is still not back to pre-2008 values.

Source: https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2015/47/unemployment-rate-uphttp://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/dutch-king-willem-alexander-declares-the-end-of-the-welfare-state-8822421.html

The Dutch King Willem-Alexander has publicly announced in September 2013 that it is dropping the welfare state status, and converting to a "participation society" where each person will have to take care of his/her own future instead of relying on social security as a fall back option.

On right, the Dutch King making the announcement.

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Disposable Income (1)


世帯合計 一人世帯 2人世帯 単一の親世帯       その他     世帯収入      一人世帯収入     




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Disposable Income (2)


Source: https://economics.rabobank.com/publications/2014/april/the-netherlands-growth-figures-higher-again/

True disposable income per family dropped again by 1.4% in 2013 due to inflationary effects on wages, increased taxes and social security premiums, as well as the steady increase in unemployment.

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Overview of Netherland Economy (2014)


Source: https://economics.rabobank.com/publications/2014/april/the-netherlands-growth-figures-higher-again/

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失業手当をもらっている人 福祉手当をもらっている人

The welfare system in the Netherlands is said to be the most extensive in Europe, but also one of the most restrictive. There are three branches that make up the system:1.National Insurance (given by social insurance bank)2.Employee Insurance (also covers long-term disabilities and sickness3.Social Assistance (given by municipalities)

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Crime Suspects Per 10,000 People




モロッコ モロッコアルバ


犯罪容疑者合計 犯罪容疑者


窃盗犯 暴力犯


公序良俗犯 麻薬犯

逮捕者数 10000人当たりの犯罪者数

男 女

犯罪容疑者合計 犯罪容疑者 窃盗犯 暴力犯公序良俗犯 麻薬犯

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"Multiculturalism" official policy in 1980's Immigration is not a problem, beneficial Rate determined by the demand for unskilled labor & immigration of family Population 16m, immigrant: 3.5m (20%), non-western 2m (12%) - 1m second

generation. 55% of youth living in Amsterdam is non-western

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Pim Fortuyn


Pim Fortuyn: A democracy in shock Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pOl0xQfBvQ

Intellectual, populist, charismatic, open homosexual I don’t hate Islam. I consider it a backward culture Immigrants need to adjust themselves to Dutch values

Wilhelmus Simon Petrus Fortuijn, known as Pim Fortuyn, was a politician, and previously a professor. He was very voiced about multiculturalism and immigration, and strongly against Islam in the Netherlands. He even went as far as to say that if it were legal, he would close the borders on Islam, as this is a "backwards culture". Fortuyn was assassinated in 2002 during the Dutch national election campaign as the assassin, Volkert van der Graaf, said this was the only way to stop his anti-Muslim claims, and to stop the exploitation of innocent and weak members of society, just to gain favors in politics.

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pim_Fortuyn

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Geert Wilders


PVV (right-liberal) Fitna (movie name); Koran inspired Terrorism Not Le Pen nor Haider Stop immigration from Muslim countries

Following topic was broadcast on the news almost every day

But have not given up




Geert Wilders - Islam's War Against The Free West

Mercatorplein Rellen in Amsterdam West 1999 chaos

Multicultureel diner bij de Dreef(This is not in English but you can feel the tone of the lunch party)

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Netherlands: Multiculturalism Retreat(1)


The Netherlands first adopted multiculturalism policies in the 1980s but retracted institutional accommodations/political expression of multiculturalism

Retreated from multiculturalism in 1990s-2000s due to the serious negative consequences

Increased residential ghettos of immigrants, social segregation of immigrants Increased stereotyping, hate crime, discrimination Political radicalization of youth – Muslim Results of restricted liberties of women & girls (due to worsening illiberal cultural


Reasons for failure: Many original nationals found that they first needed to prioritize a Dutch national

identity, “Dutch first”, and then focus second on different cultures, ethnicities, and languages

Multiculturalism policies were a dramatic change for the nation, and created a temporary “moral panic”

Resulted in radical “anti-immigrant” groups, which worsened the atmosphere more than before the policies

*Failed case of multiculturalism

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Netherlands: Multiculturalism Retreat(2)


Lessons learned: Cultural practices should only be done in private life, and not

promoted/practiced publicly Instead, country should support “reasonable accommodations” to

religion/culture/ethnicities in multiculturalism Should gradually introduce policies for integrating immigrants into everyday


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Netherland Statistics


Native Dutch vs. Non-Western Immigrants Unemployment is 3 times higher Disposable income – more than 30% of non-Western immigrants Welfare is 7 times higher than Dutch Crime suspects for non-Western immigrants is 4 times higher These figures are similar to those of Germany, England and France

Immigrants Immigrants identified more with their country than with their religion (relationship with

God not an identity). They didn’t like getting treated differently, and were okay with disregarding their (cultural origins) to be accepted by the Dutch.

There were many riots, so authorities responded by creating policies. UK: creating an overarching ‘umbrella’, where many cultures would be brought

together to live cooperatively; however in reality, it was an excuse to allow segregation. Cultures created their own cultural groups and were separated from large UK society.

Dutch: cultural preservation led to a fractured society (couldn’t combine) France: forced integration or assimilation caused tensions within society (failed)

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Disengagement in the EU: Multiculturalism vs. Assimilation


Early Examples of Multicultural SocietiesFrench Revolution (18th Century) – resulted in mass emigration of French to neighboring European countries. Almost 200,000 emigrated by 1857 to Europe, and by 1939, 1 million emigrated to USA, Canada, and South America.During the Industrial Revolution, the United Kingdom adopted the social system to striate society according to various factors: heredity, occupation, political influence and social statusAliens Act (1905) – rule designed to prevent criminals or people from Jewish descent from coming into Ireland or the United Kingdom. It was revised to be more restrictive in 1914

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_diaspora

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United Kingdom Striated Social System

22Source: http://theday.co.uk/politics/class-obsessed-britain-bans-indian-caste-system

(Labor Class)

UK will ban the Indian-like caste system discrimination (class defined by birth), but still have its own British class system, which it will not ban.

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United Kingdom Striated Social Class

23Source: http://www.cityam.com/230425/there-are-now-seven-social-classes-which-one-do-you-belong-to

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"Multiculturalism" Is A Reality







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Which Policy Was Most Successful?


France: assimilation (pure democracy) tensions between immigrants and police but 42% of North-Africans identify themselves as French citizens, before identifying as North Africans. 40% of Muslims identify themselves as French citizens before identifying with the Muslim religion.

Germany: disengagement (only 25% Turkish people living in Germany have German passports).

England: There is still tensions between ethnic groups Overall: no European policy was successful

What About The Second Generation (in the Netherlands)?1.If they have 2 cultures (residing nation and parents’ culture), 2nd generation clearly identifies with residing nation’s culture – no identity conflict 2.Formalize disengagement by associating with what sets them apart in Western society; ⅓ of 2nd generation feels strong ties with Islam

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Disengagement from Natives


40% of Germans saw communities as a threat and 75% believed that Muslim culture did not fit in the Western World

50% French feel that decline is inevitable, politicians corrupt, sentiment = fear


The Terrifying Results of Muslim Immigration in the UK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8fzcT7jHG8Video

2014/11/11 This is What Happens Because the British Allow Muslims to the UK, and it's time for every freedom loving persons to stand against not just muslims but the appeasing politicians as well.

What Will Happen When Islam Takes Over Britain WAKE UP!


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Integration Has Failed(1)


Democracy: Merkel


Racism: Breivik

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKG76HF24_k Video


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQ1txn7DUNM Video

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said that attempts at creating a multi-cultural society in Germany have "utterly failed." Merkel was addressing a national meeting of the youth wing of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.

Echoing Angela Merkel's recent comment that 'state multiculturalism has failed' David Cameron presented his views on Islam, radicalization, and the problems Europe is facing in terms of integration. The UK Prime Minister was speaking in Germany, at the Munich Security Conference this weekend.

Anders Behring Breivik has admitted he killed 77 people in bomb and shooting attacks in Norway last July, as he appeared for the second day of his trial in an Oslo court. He showed no remorse and said he would repeat the carnage, as the prosecutors finished their cross-examination on the second day of the five-day testimony. Breivik read a 90 minute statement outlining his defense, in which he argued that he had acted to defend his country against multiculturalism. Al Jazeera’s Jonah Hull reports from Norwegian capital, Oslo.

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Integration Has Failed(2)



Freedom of speech: Geert Wilders

Muslim whistleblowers reveal hypocrisy of Islam & how Muslims exploit it onto non-Muslims



RACIST EUROPE - Far right on rise - MUSLIMS and AFRICANS regularly ATTACKED


"Peace" is limited to those who SUBMIT to Islam How does Islam, which condones killing non-Muslims who didn't convert, consider itself a religion of peace? Event by ECI: Ex-Muslims & Critics of Islam at UCI. "Freedom of Speech vs. Blasphemy in Islam: Should American Values Submit to Islamic Censorship?"

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Source: Esses et al. 2006; cf. Weldon 2006

Multiculturalism might lead to intolerance and xenophobia

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Distribution of Languages By Proportion


Source: Ethnologue-Languages of the World, CIA-US, Unesco, United Nations, University of Düsseldorf, Washington Post

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Distribution of Living Languages By Country


Source: Ethnologue-Languages of the World, CIA-US, Unesco, United Nations, University of Düsseldorf, Washington Post

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Case Study: Canada


In 1971, Canada was the 1st country to legally adopt multiculturalism

35 million population Mid-sized country Values on graph reflect immigration

between 2001-2006 Historically, population mostly aborigines,

French, and British (due to colonization) Canada welcomes the most immigrants

per capita than any other country (around 220k-260k/year).

i.e. in 1981, 97% of population was white

*Successful case of multiculturalism

Source: Graph based on 2006 census (http://www12.statcan.ca/census-recensement/2006)

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Canada: Social Impact


All citizens were deemed equal, regardless of race, origins, religion, or language

The 1971 Multiculturalism Policy of Canada encourages harmony and cooperation between existing Canadians and new Canadians, as they are both considered no more important than the other

All laws under Canadian citizenship, Canadian Constitution, and Charter of Rights and Freedoms will protect citizens

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Canada: Social Impact (Continued)


Canada’s multiculturalism has seen more positive results than other nations, due to above enacted policies

Second generation have higher socio-economic status than other countries Stable hate crime rate (~1,400/year) Race and ethnicity ~50% total black victims ~40% Jewish victims ~53-71% Muslim victims ~9-15%, Majority by young males

*Canadian Jews’ reporting higher because group already settled. *New Canadian Muslim reporting numbers may be low, due to unfamiliarity between

police and Muslim group

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Canada: Social Impact (Continued)


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Canada: Social Impact (Continued)


Hate crime (reported) average in 2008-2012

Source: https://multiculturalmeanderings.wordpress.com/2014/07/14/hate-crimes-five-year-trends/

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Canada: Social Impact (Continued)


Source: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/multi-report2011/part1.asp

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Canada: Economic Impact


Labor market integration – difficult during first few years (lack of network, unfamiliarity of customs/rules), but soon find conditions better than if were to immigrate to other nation

Absence of minority/religious ghettos

Areas South Asian Emigrants Arab EmigrantsQuebec 14.6% 16%

Alberta 5.9% 9.5%

Unemployment Rate in Canada in 2011

Source: http://www.dawn.com/news/1022553

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Canada: Economic Impact (Continued)


Shortfalls of PoliciesRecent emigrants are taking longer to find employment and assimilate, compared to native Canadians, as compared to earlier cohortsAt higher risk of poverty due to factors outside of Canadian policies:

Professional accreditation Education level Foreign job experience Language training Mismatch with actual current Labor market needs (IT bubble burst)

Source: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/multi-state.pdf

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Canada: Political & Judicial Impact


Electoral integration – many naturalized Canadians hold political offices

Most foreign-born citizens in Canadian Parliament than any nation (quantity and %)

i.e. Canada Parliament 13% of 19.3% population ratio;

US House of Representatives 2% of 14.7% population ratio;

Australia 11% of 23% population ratio

Mutual appreciation of immigrants and native Canadians

Canada's India-Born Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan

Canada's India-Born Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan

Source: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/pdf/pub/multi-state.pdf

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Discussion Points


Netherlands1.What rules should the Netherlands have implemented to make it a success story?2.What did they do wrong?3.Should they attempt at multiculturalism again, now that Europe is facing an influx of Syrian refugees?

Canada4.How can other countries learn from Canada’s experience?5.Is it the leaders that contribute to the success story, or is it the policy that driving the success of assimilation?6.Could the success be related to Canada having a lack of ‘Canadian Identity’ from the start?

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Summary (1)


Both countries, the Netherlands and Canada have attempted a multicultural revolution amongst their people. While the Netherlands were not able to benefit from the movement, Canada is now looked at as a live example of multiculturalism success.

Multiculturalism in the Netherlands – started in 1950 with immigrants from south east Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe flowing across borders in hopes of living a better life. The government created an official policy in 1980s that would allow immigrants to gradually assimilate to the culture, language, and work environment. This; however, did not succeed and the government retracted multiculturalism policies in the 1990s and 2000s. After the 1980s, there were floods of new ghetto neighborhoods, increased stereotyping and hate crimes, and further exacerbating doubts amongst the original Dutch nationals. Lessons learned: should always ease policies into the population so both new and existing nationals don’t get defensive, cultural practices should be tolerated and performed only in private, and support for cultural inclusion should be supported. 

Multiculturalism in Canada – started in 1971 when multiculturalism policies were legally adopted by the country. Approximately 80% of the population in Canada was ethnically white (culturally French, British, and aborigines) and the rest of the 20% were Asian, Native, Black, Latino, Middle Eastern, etc.

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Summary (2)


Out of all countries, Canada accepts the most immigrants per capita (220-260k immigrants/year). Still, even with the great influx of cultures, Canada is happily prospering. Policies include the following: all citizens are deemed equal, encourage cooperation amongst all, laws to protect all citizens exists, Unlike the Dutch, Canada does not have religious/minority ghettos. While there are still areas to work out like recent immigrants unable to quickly find employment, seeing that the current parliament has included 13% non-white citizens, it shows Canada’s appreciation of immigrants.