
The How Much Do We Need To Know On Muscles?” Guide! S Porter Every year students ask me how much detail they need to know on muscles, the tables below give you the absolute minimum that you need to know to have a fighting chance of passing

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How Much Do We Need To Know On Muscles?”


S Porter

Every year students ask me how much detail they need to know on muscles, the tables

below give you the absolute minimum that you need to know to have a fighting chance of


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Lower Limb Muscles

This is the least that you need to know for your exams, but if you learn more, then it will

not be wasted.

Muscle Origin Insertion Action

Gluteus maximus

outer surface of ilium, sacrum, coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament

75% iliotibial tract and 25% gluteal tuberosity of femur

extends & laterally rotates thigh; through iliotibial tract, it extends knee joint

Gluteus medius outer surface of ilium

greater trochanter

abducts thigh. Tilts pelvis when walking

Gluteus minimus outer surface of ilium

greater trochanter

abduct thigh; anterior fibers medially rotate thigh

Tensor fasciae latae iliac crest

iliotibial tract assists gluteus mx in locking the knee into full extension

Piriformis lateral rotator of thigh

Superior gemellus lateral rotator of thigh

Obturator internus lateral rotator of thigh

Inferior gemellus lateral rotator of thigh

Pectineus lateral rotator of thigh

Obturator externus

lateral rotator of thigh

Sartorius anterior superior iliac spine

upper medial surface of tibia

flexes, abducts, laterally rotates hip flexes knee – like looking at the sole of your own foot.


iliac fossa

lesser trochanter

flexes thigh on trunk; if thigh is fixed, it flexes the trunk onto the thigh as in doing a sit up


12th thoracic body; transverse process, bodies & intervertebral discs of the 5 lumbar vertebrae

lesser trochanter along with iliacus

flexes thigh on trunk; if thigh fixed, it flexes trunk onto thigh as in doing a sit up

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Rectus femoris

straight head from anterior inferior iliac spine; reflected head from ilium above acetabulum

quadriceps tendon into patella; into tibial tuberosity by patellar tendon

extension of knee

Vastus lateralis upper end and shaft of femur

quadriceps tendon into patella; into tibial tuberosity by patellar tendon

extension of knee

Vastus medialis upper end and shaft of femur

into tibial tuberosity by patellar tendon

extension of knee

Vastus intermedius shaft of femur

quadriceps tendon into patella; into tibial tuberosity by patellar tendon

extension of knee

Gracilis inferior ramus of pubis; ramus of ischium

upper part of shaft of tibia on medial surface

adducts thigh

Adductor longus body of pubis

posterior surface of shaft of femur

adducts thigh; assists in lateral rotation

Adductor brevis inferior ramus of pubis

posterior surface of shaft of femur

adducts thigh; assists in lateral rotation

Adductor magnus

inferior ramus of pubis; ramus of ischium, ischial tuberosity

posterior surface of shaft of femur near linea aspera; adductor tubercle of femur

adducts thigh and assists in lateral rotation; hamstring part extends thigh

Biceps femoris

long head ischial tuberosity; short head shaft of femur

head of fibula flexes and laterally rotates leg; long head extends thigh

Semitendinosus ischial tuberosity

upper part medial surface of shaft of tibia

flexes and medially rotates leg; extends thigh

Semimembranosus ischial tuberosity

medial condyle of tibia; forms oblique

flexes and medially rotates leg; extends thigh

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popliteal ligament

Tibialis anterior

shaft of tibia and interosseous membrane

medial cuneiform & base of first metatarsal

extends the foot; inverts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints; supports medial longitudinal arch

Extensor digitorum

shaft of fibula and interosseous membrane

extensor expansion of lateral four toes

extends toes; dorsiflexes (extends) foot

Peroneus tertius

dorsiflexes (extends) foot; everts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints

Extensor hallucis longus

shaft of fibula & interosseous membrane

base of distal phalanx of big toe

extends big toe; dorsiflexes (extends) foot; inverts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints

Peroneus longus shaft of fibula

base of 1st metatarsal & medial cuneiform

plantar flexes foot; everts foot at subtalar & transverse tarsal joints; supports lateral longitudinal and transverse arches of foot

Peroneus brevis shaft of fibula base of 5th metatarsal bone

plantar flexes foot; everts foot at subtalar & transverse tarsal joints; supports lateral longitudinal arch


medial and lateral condyles of femur

by way of Achilles tendon to calcaneum

plantar flexes ankle, flexes knee

Plantaris lateral supracondylar ridge of femur

plantar flexes foot; flexes knee

Soleus shafts of tibia and fibula

by way of achilles tendon into calcaneum

powerful plantar flexor of ankle

Popliteus lateral condyle of femur

shaft of tibia flexes knee, unlocks knee by laterally rotating femur on tibia

Flexor digitorum longus

shaft of tibia distal phalanges of lateral four

flexes distal phalanges of lateral four toes; plantar flexes,supports medial and lateral longitudinal

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toes arches

Flexor hallucis longus

shaft of fibula base of distal phalanx of big toe

flexes distal phalanx of big toe; plantar flexes foot; supports medial longitudinal arch

Tibialis posterior

shafts of tibia and fibula & interosseous membrane

tuberosity of navicular

plantar flexes foot; inverts foot at subtalar and transverse tarsal joints; supports medial longitudinal arch of foot

Extensor digitorum brevis


by four tendons into the proximal phalanx of big toe and long extensor tendons to 2nd, 3rd and 4th toes

extends toes,( looks like a bruise on top of the foot