uo s. polaris aid from 1961-62 budget subs...

- _ z . Traffic i)eath Scoreboard Ha^te V^nnr ■Bd.fer Iht B«'Coart«oDfl Idaho, lofil . D« C»uU8B»S . Maglc-Vnltey, ___ZJra-Lonxtr:_-.MagiC-VaUei'..ltSL-^16. -TheMnffic-Vallej VOL. 43, NO. 24 r-Dcdicatry-to-Scn'init-aiyl»,PromotlnRMhe'(Jrowth-of-Nine-IrrlB:nlcd-ldnho-CounlieR - — “TWnrFATXSrTimiOrrUE3bA;MIA-¥-9,-liWl- JPinat Edition T.F. School Board Votes To Slice $5.000 Federal Aid From 1961-62 Budget A school boaril vote 1« remove ?5,000'federal aid from the budset for 19G1-C2 fen- turcd an otherwise routine monthly-meeting,of the-board-MQiiday, night. The^S-- vote came near] the end of the aeasion; During the brief discussion of the $5,000 alh- ^cnted under the, national defense .cduction act, board members cxprcascd their |itr- ^ o n al feelings about accepting the aid. Originally, a motion to accept the aid-had been made and aecondcd, but: was withdrawn ‘in the fnce of dlscUMlon requested by Tnu- ice Olto Florence. ___ AtUr.Uio briei.dlacuulon. Plor- «nee moved to drop the $S.OOO from the budget. The motion -Ain.i sec- onded by Elmer Sommer, and J: T. Anderson, board elwilmtan, Toted with them to carry the mo> tlon over the voles o( David Barry and Henry Coiner. The vole nec- eaalUtea.revomplnB and bftlanclnR - U r ................ the budget, set at $1,403,480, be< Federal aid funds Rnd'bcjn M* located to Junior high school scl< ence. *300.08: hlsh school blolosy, ♦810.87: h«h school chcntUtry, •702JS; high school phy.iic-v «3S0.80: high school senior science, $70.44: ' h l ^ s^ o o l torelRn Innr SUBRC. WS0.40, and high school jnathmatlcs, J333.60. The remalh- ----- jier’ oflhTantrcipated-K^OM-wei/rd- ^ v e been allotted to the guidance ffojram. Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool district budget Included tlO.OOO ([ranted under the •aaUonal de- |tase education act. . Wrhe board hired three new teachers, Max P. Peleraon, BS de- cree from Utah Slate. unlversUy, to t«oeh seventh g ra d o social studies and language arts: Itoberl • Lowell Llnnbergcr, maaler’s degree from Colorado State coilcsc, nlnlh- srade Spanish and EnRlt'Ui, and John Endrud, BS degree from State Teachers college. Mayvllle, N. D, as Junior high school dean ot boys and to Uach two daises o( speech. Asst. Supt. Arthur M. Klelnkopt reported the Twin Palls system still needs nine more leachcrs lor .. B u t year,. Including lour at the high Khool, VMatlonal home- maklni;.apeecli and drama, algebra II and plane geometry. Needed at Junior high school are a seventh and eighth grade gcrieral sclen<ie teacher and a counselor. Also . 's e e d e d are tbrea flrst'grade Uteben. .............. i-»ny rjufilor high school auditodum.^ 'rench Tiirn on Austerity Bid PARIS, May 9 on^-Trench roll- PARJS, M ay ____ - ............. ___rM4_»Dl_dtz_Uans^rt_wtrtOT spread Batlon-wldc «aos with, a 24-hour strike today In support ot their demands for higher wages ' and other benefits. In doing so, they turned a.4eaf ear'tfl President Chorlea Gaulle's plea that the nation i. Untie ft program of austerity so that It can bullet up to a “gigan- tic renejjftl" of Ita economic herl- The strike was organized before Se Oaulle told a nation-wide radio and television audience lost night; “The conttliJon which dominate* t lhV future 6rmtt>c8-l*-XIUkt children rally themselves for a *.vAt naUonat task—the develop- ment of France." t. In launching the atrikes, the wed thetr eampaifftnor ^in ia> “ ■poHsri greater 1 renew)----------------- ----- ------- ,..*ater Immediote benefits. Their drive had been interrupted by the Algerian uprislDs because they rallied behind E>e Oaulls at that ;tlma.to avert clvU ]\Jan Captured In Gun Battle the .most wanted list battle here today. The fugitive, lUchard Charles Ituip, 34, Akron, o.. was wounded In the small'finger of his left hand In the gun batU ^n Ohjo S between Canton and Dover. He was -gtM ............... who disarmed an FBI >4:^ . ICcot - ^ Voufigstown-' a few months ago during his crime spree, " was first seen by two FBI agtnla . who were part of a detaU-cheeklng for him In this area. . Rulp opened fire on the officers . Snm his fleeing car. An FBI agent returned the fire with a shotgun, lilttlng.Rulp In the hand. Rulp lost .eontrol; of the'ear -r -temporarily, brought It to * atop and surrendered. Gourt Exempts City From Pirating Law BOISE, May 9 — The Idaho.supreme court has up- held a Burley district judge's ruling that unti-pirating provisions of the Idaho public utilities law does not apply to cities. In a second ruling issued ypstcrday, tho high court-upheld-the-induBtrlnl-aceident-boardTord6^Ai?y«ng- WorKmen’s" compensation deatKT>eneni.s to~Oie widow of a McCall lumber worker. The anti-pirating case con- cerjied-two actions; one by Unity Light and Power com- ------------------ ------------- ---------pany and the other by Rural 8 Charges of Treasdn-Face LTOPOLDVILLB. -the Congo, May g (UrD—K atan g a President Molse TBhombe was.tndlcted today on eight counts of treason against signed by Interior Minister Oyrllle Adoula a few hours after Security Chief Victor Nendeka and Public Prosecutor Reml Bom returned from\ CoqulalhatvlUe where they discussed the case with ministers attcndlnif a conference, the^e. The-charges, against Tshombe weri that ho: —Abused power and- luurped powers of a chief of sMte. —Without being regularly In- vested, proceeded to declare Ka- tanga Independent.—....... ....... •- —Arbitrarily forced his tubor- dlnates to commit Crimes gravely threatening the peace of the country. —By press and radio Intlmaied would- continue this Illegal ae> the secession' .. ............. forces from those of the nfttlonal Congotese army. appeals by —Created his own currency. The tJnlted Nations meanwhile fm«p to-the. South JCasal .province roll center of Port Francqul where Ohananlan UJI. troops Were re- ported massacred la days ago. Broadcasters Are Praised ii^d Warned WASHINOTON^ JJRr-JThS bnadeosting Indust^ today heard some high words of praise and some stem words of warning from chairman of the federal tions commission. New- ton-N^Mlnow^ In his first talk before an ustry gathering, Mlnow told .... National Association of Broadcast- ers he a^eed with Leroy CoIUns, NAB president, that-"ft- much- bet- ter Job can be done and should be done." *T wont to see broadcasting Im- proved andJ want you to do the Job.” Mlnow said. .'.Mlnow called attention to cent .presidential wamipg oi record contacts with federal regu- latory agencies, and said he “mDy thta seveh-mem- - ______ ______ name to The Seven Untouchables.’ ” - The chairman elected In what he called his “maiden station break",to concentrate on televi- sion. because, he said, “most of the., controversies, a n d . cross- —- rents - In broadcast in recent yean. i-ls good, noth- better," he said. "But when television is bad, nothing Is worse." . "International TV *1^11 .be with us soon." he said. “No one knows how long It will be until a broad- cast from a studio in New York will be viewed In Jndla.as well as In Indiana. W e -------------------- LANOLEY ASK FORCE BASE. Va.. .M iJ 9 ... ______________ spaceman. Cmdr. Alan i! Shepard. Jr., and hU backup pilot, marine ueut: Col. John H. Olenn, jr., have' been gianted a week's leave, na* , UonU aeronauUcs and space administration offloUIs.reported today. RICHMOND. Va, May 9 (n_Tbe;'JusUe« depMtment today tfrew -heavll3j-tipon-ltr-wrtlon»-ta^-t4llto'BoekrAiter*nd-NBW Orteaia. ^ Khool aefretaUon eases to baek up Ita bU to eBte^-lha ease ef • the Prtnee Edward wmntr. Va.. aehocU as a ceplalatlW. , Jlectric company, both non- profit cooperative associti- tions, against the city of Burloy,— : --------------------- 1- The uilhMcs had sought an In- junction to prohibit the city of Burley from constructing It^ e s and sei-ving customers in areas whieh the city had recently an- nexed. DUtrlet Judge Edward H. Heop held the Idaho statute prohibiting the so<called.“plraUng'.' of electric customers by power companies and cooperatives wns not applicable bQtween cooperatives.and munlcl- poUtio and refused to grant the injunction. ' In a unonlmou-t opinion written by Justice Joseph J. McFadden, the high court upheld tha ruling of Judge Heap. th e case stlrr^ up considerable controversy in the recent Idaho legislature; A blU specifically ap^ plying the antl-plratlng law to city electric distrilsutlon systems failed to-paaa.------ -------r------ U.S. Cheated Ouf of Taxes, “'4)iIlon Claims WABmNOTON, May . Secretary of the Treasury Douglas Dlllon.sald today Uncle Sam each yter Is cheated out-of-taxes on nearly 39 blUlon dollars of Income —more than enough to balance the ^^e^^budget,. tlons subcommittee------------------- ury lelieves 24.4 bUUon dollars of taxable Income was not reported In 1959—the latest year for which Mortimer ’ M. Caplin,' <eommis. sloner of internal revenue, told re- porters that at least 30 per cent of this amount—or nearly 4.9 bil- lion dollarft—would have been col- lected in addlUonal taxes had the Income been declared on tax re- turns. Dillon urged the subcommittee to restore 16.9 mlllioa dollars cut by the house for the appropria- tion which President Kennedy ask- ed for the Internal revenue service. Most.of the money would go for Wring 00 m o rr tasragratK-------- Preliminary 'Zoiring Plan' Is Submitted Preliinlnary'reionlng plana,'foc^ mulated by BonAld Thompson, Butte, Mont:, toning consultant hired by the city, were turned'over to city commissioners for study Monday evening. Thompson anUclpates the survey will' be completed by June 1, with the .excepUon of the traffic study, K. L. Derrick, city manager, re- ported. Derrick noted that Thomp- son had advised him by letter that be expecu to be In Twin Falls In approximately two weeks to confer with city officials. The taki Blds'on the roller will be opened at 4 PA. May at city haU. Es- timated cost ls'|S,000. Bids will be submitted on tho J to 8-ton machine. The present rubber tire roll^ Will be traded In. If a feas- ible trade-in bid Is made. The new m arine <ahould >eliminate waves In the asphalt street. Derrick asserted. Money for the machine, If pur- 'w in oome from funds for the purchase of dump of a steel roUer, Commissioners passed a resolu- ,-------------- Is worked o u t Derrick was request- ed to submit ft new seheduie ftt next M on^'s,a^ng. At the prwent tlme;*the mlnl- -------- jtlota was tftkan after Der- rick. Informed the. oommlsslon a had.beensub> Walls Come Tumbling Do>vn Walls of the'Park hoUl start to eoma down fo-aak«.warSfor iwln: Falls'jsew tUO.OOO peateifle*. Worker* hate tunnt the walls on (be bpper ftoor aad.put Hoot's exterior walls wlU be pulled down. flrst..a:^.se«>btilldtaiswlU'faca Third streei'wcst. .iritl^’IntUnr do«kS*loei1«a'In'^he'araa'Where tM Tha »ey_pestoIflce Is scheduled'to Uc 1 In xnld^Ofj^ (SWMAoto-ei TwbDieon Gallomfor .NAfiSAU. Bahainu. May 9 Two Americftns died on the i " Qt./Nas»ti"^rison.,V),dfty. t miiriler' of a Florida charter boai captain. They were .Alvin Table Jr^ and Billy Wayne sees ond were the first Americans ever executed In the Bahamas. Table. 35. mounted the scaffold at 7 ajn. and an hour laUr, his partner In crime. Sees, 23, was put to death. Table and Sees were convicted ot slaying Capt. Angus Boat- wright, SB, Islomorftda, Fla., A pril'34, IMIO. a t Elbow key iherBahamas.------------------------- Testimony at the .tsial aho^ that Table and Sees stole a 43-f cabin cruiser In Key West and headed to sea with Table's bride nf « T»nfhii''ii^ IB fian An . tonlo, Tex. They ran out of gas and- the boat -drifted onto, rocks and broke up. The trio took refuge in an abandoned-llghthouse-whers -they nokanson, 30, -also. Islamortida. happened alons In their. SB-foot charter boat, Muriel lU, with ' “ passengers aboard. Sees signaled the boat, then Uter swam out and boarded. It. Testi- mony showed he pulled a revolver and ordeced Boatright and the others Into the stem. - When Boatright grabbed a rifle. Sees shot. arid faUlly wounded Calif.,- May B ' W -Research pilot Joe Walker plans to fly the 3£15 rocket plane with throtUe wide open In the next few days In an attempt to reach 3.400 miles.an ‘-our—almost a mlla'k aeeond. The national aeronautics and space admlnlstraUon -says the purpose of the flight will be to obtain datft on aerodynamle st» biUty and control and heating. Automatic PrrrePXELD, Mass.. May 9 flJTS -^JiA automatic clgarelte iULter.oiiter-hm htfa Inventjd. m n k 0. Qulda, » mechani- simple device were on ____ cigarette, countless lives now lost in .fires started by careless s^HfigmlgKtTje saved............... QuidA,'s device consists of a small tube made of foil on the Ipslde and. paper on the out- side. The tube slides down the cigarette to the point where a smoker wants it to- go out. When It bums down that .far, oxygen is choked off and the cigarette goes-out. Ouido soys the tube in no way. affects the enjoyment of the smoke. Jailf-Term J s C^en to Man' t^l-Gver-jPeekiag A series of window-peeking irrgnt^M In tha ^el^^bortipy W alnut'stm t'and Fourth avenue FlooB Water Still Boils in “Mdl^W^ By United Press intemaUonal _Bolll[ig_flood_watjua_nn.'-ber- serk today through scores of .towns and hundreds • of'"farmlng.. muAlties -Jn the rain-drer Mlddlo-Wut. Rivers and streams broke their bonds, rampaged over rich low- lands and pushed toward • record or near record crests throughout the lower Ohio and middle Mis- sissippi valleys. 'Torrential rains—up to 10 Inches .n Indiana—slacked off In the M ississippi'valley. But many streams kept rlsltig. Thundershowers' continued feed swollen rivers in the eastern streams, ............ ............. ........... jtage, swirled’ toward their high- est levels In more t ^ 34 years.- The jiatlon's new population center of Centralla. HI., was vir- tually isolated, short of drinking water and facing & fir? hasard. Flood conditions eased in some communities but worsened In oth- ers In the five-state flood tone. Hundreds of schools wera dosed, thousands of-highways airash In Illinois. Indiana. Kentuoky. OUo «n>^ Missouri. east elided Monday night with the arrest ot a 4fl-year-old Twin Falls lan by city police. Harry Bffggs was sentenced to 30 days in the Twin Falls county Jail and assessed court costs Tues- day morning by Twin Falls Police Judge Robert E. Pence.for disturb- ing the peace by window-peeking. "The practice of prowling and window-peeking in any given if the window-peeker Is per^tent. the citizen cannot be bhimed for defending his home. I want It to be~lcnown we‘'re goIiig't5T>e~as rough as we can on anyone guilty of this practice." Monday-nl^t.IS!ah?.>lclnlty.]!of Barmon park ai^d was charged gpeclflfolly with a window-peeking Nixon tJrges Summit Meet DETROIT, May 9 (UTi-Fonner Tice President Richard M. Nixon called tonight for a sumnit meet- ing of President Kennedy and So- viet- Premier Nikita Khrushchev as ft means of destroying any com- --------- naUflhf"-* ________ our bite." Nixon‘ also took'an apparent swipe at the Kennedy admihlstra- tion's handling.Af the Ziftotlan and Cuban crises. Be said that i Khrusheher "sssumes, because o imo of the things thst have.oe- nrred in the past few weeks, that our bark U worse -than our bite, he may be tempted to push us loo far In.an area where »a would have to resist. Thus he would predpitste tho war.aelther he nor Uo s. Polaris Subs Offered m rO .Epree J OSLO. May 9 (UPI)—The Uni'ted-Statea.told Its.alllea ^ ;oduy"lt will commit Poiaris missife~carrying~nucl£fir-" ’ ™ submiiriiiL'.H to the defense of NATO. Secrctarj* of State L>ca» Rusk miide,the offer to the foreign ministers of :he NA'ip ulliiince at the uccond day nessionB of t-|ieir. current Uiree-day meeting here, hlgfi'conffrencb'sources <iaid. Uiiak did not spell out the offer in'dethll. bnt it was understood that it will include five nuclear submarines equipped with mpdium r . Polaris missilea. The United States has eatnbllahed a bn!<c III Holy i-ocii, Scotland, \viiK .he USS Protcuii set up there as ..................................... ip.q£.gjj.i Idaho Young submnrlnes, The forcirt ministers ot the 16- NATO powers Includlng-the Unit- ed Stales aRreed earlier need for sirengthenlng en . plans to dcnl with any sudden irlsls with RuMirt over Berlin. A wnminit that Soviet Russia may be building up to new di mands oii Derlln-and.may.sign separate peace treaty with East Oermnny wns Riven the confer- ence at Its opening yesttrday by Secretary ot state Dean Rusk. Acknowledging the seriousness of the situation. Norwegian For- eign Minister Hnlvnrd Lange pro- po.<«d today that the "big. four" of Jie conference—the U. S„ Brluln. West Oermony end France—re- The conference spokesmen told newsmen .that Lange had urged the-blg-four to “consider whether their contingency plans for the Berlin problem are adequate to “ le present, and foreseeoble sltua- hOO." ' It wa5~agrced-thot-the-Unlted SUte*. West Oermony. FroncB ond Britain would toKe a look at pres- ent plans and take whot action as deemed necessary. ’ . The conference fuUy backed Rusk's statement yesterday that any atUmpt by the Soviets to act unilaterally In Berlin would be - slsted by the western aUles. - There would^hfl. no western re- treat from Berlin under Soviet pressure, Rm mmla clear. .4& .a8re«bs..ii}th.,M ^s,,^, poMl to^ay for ft,aew look ftt what Ke ameTcould do .U.Russia atr. temped any-kind of communist tcke-orer in Berlin, Busk at the same time endorsed the sugges- Uon thfttaU members of the NATO aHlahce~wouM~be~kepf Informed f future developments. - ' - • Tho w e s te rn powers earlier greedTto tum -d( ------ -- -------- p ^ iir direct T. F. Confab Some M Idaho young Repub- licans will be In -twin I'alls Fri- day and Saturday for the Idaho Young Republican conveutlon, ac- cording* to John Coleman. Twin Falls attorney in charge of looU arrongemenls.— -------- ' --------- Orvol - Hansen, Jdalio Palls, state representative from Bonne- * vllle county, will ba ■keynote speaker at a Saturday noon lunch- eon. and Oov. Robert E. Smylle and Ray Robbins, Idaho 'Falls, chairman of the sute Republican central committee, have -Indicated that they will attend. - Purpose of- the convention V.-1U be-to-«Iect'new-.otfleeT8-and con- sider platform Ideas lor the 1983 campaign. Each county Young Republlcon group Is allowed' to send as many delegates as thii number of representallvts and senators from the county. —Reglstration-wUlJ>eJr)mJ.te,7_ p.m. Friday In the Rogcrson hotel Desert room. -All meAtlngs will be , held In the hotel, y Americans in-^ > the-Qetmaa and Berlin prob- Schools Help Plan Is OK’d ^In Committee ed, ftnother of 'President Kenne- By a 4-3 vote, with Democrats for and Republicans ftgainst, the house educaUon subeommlttee sent the bill to the full house edu< ' and labor committee. . _Zba_mumfi_Kculit.pisz!A«Jia 3J> billion dollars In three years to sUtes for publio elementary and secondary school dassroom con- struction and teacher pay. It ftlso pwwMw Kin mllllni^ rirtliim program dUtrlets crowded 0f federal .workers Ifhyear-ol for. “Imi by the and sei _______ Other congressional <Jevdoi>- mentsV -Cuba—Rep. Chester E. Merrowi R.. N. a - mu;oduced a resolution asking congress to go on record as favoring an. Immediate air and naval blockade of Cuba. Publio powera-Joseph C. Swid- ler. - ------------ -- * tL_Teatl his aosdlnaUoa before the senate commerce committee..SwlcUer said he favored a continued coexistence belifetn private and publio power. He predicted there would-be no major changes In the present bal- ftnee between tha two. Ih e senate' armed services'com* mittee overrode President Kenne- dy and Fonner President 'Eisen- hower today, and unanimously vot- ed more 'manhed, long-mnge bombers for-the'strategie sir eom- GOP to Hold Cuba^y'antto hair of the estlma&l 800 U. & a&- . Uonals ■ln-Cnbft-who:.'waBtt:to i o home fiavs applied, for repatrifti- (In Washington the state de- - . partment said an "undetermined , nBmber“*of-AJBedeans*aro-beln»— detained' In Cub* and some-»00 . arm & l— ---------------------------- Invaslon attempt may stUl ba ua» derarresU Th«.appUekttons were submitted ' the Swiss embassy's bu«- foreign affairs whieh bat .... handling United States In^ tervU in Cuba slnee the break la diplomatlo rtlaUons last year.. A new Uw requires all peiaoaa who have been in Cuba .for 39 daya or'more to obtain-an exit permit-, from the departmeht of technlesil a3TI) of the aai Many cannot'^ply:fw an esdt ■ permit because’ pesqibrts, Cubaa residence and other - documents . were confiscated by Cuban (Intel- , Ugence) . agents in mass arrests • raids during and aftes tha and raids dUring and aftes t Johnspn Off For 2-Week Trip Asiai WASHINOTOHki'May .» tit Tice President ]Uyndcn B. John- son took off fc^^utheast Asia to- day voidnff ty ir concern over “tha threat of- arm « aggwssion there.’* Johnson carrlet) personal Intcera from Presljent Kennedy pledging ujB. support to re d s^ ftl »ni« 'T the critical are*. ^ ' ' On his two-week trip Jotmsoa wlU visit south ,yiet: Nam. -the lodla and'Pftkutaa;~Be may also make'ft stop to. Greece. 1 beUeve that by Umlnc ta d tar iUnerary this trip speaks tor lU . self,** Johnson said la » departun statement at Andrews air 'lore* ‘•ise • ^ e 'United 8tata'‘ U TltaOr concemM with the peace, security, and Independeaeo ot the'tree peo- ples In -Asia. -Wa ar« disturbed br- the threat of army s«gres»to - there." - ' — .. . ■ Foster Parent of H uiiteds Is 1961 Mothern’S ^ a ^ d^eds-o pendent or delinquent children was named American Mother of IfiSl today, • Winner of the annual selection from state mothers ocrosi the na- tion—Is-iLeBise-Bevler—Oiddlnge CurTey;'-68,Al*okout " Tcnn. - i: L She w u 'd trt 'fbr rewlng her efforu In Improving V>e bousQig and-treatment of Juvenile d ^ - quents. neglected and dependent chlldieni and mentally or emotion- ally disturbed, children, regardless • race or creed. al training schi ,Hie A m erican Mother and ference _______ Committed, me, The'commlttee is. an organisa- tion devoted primarily to provid- ing couwlor -services for. young mothers with pre-school dred and similar-service cpnt^pl*Un*_iparrlage^ _ Mrs. CMrrey gasped In BStaSish- _v.._ announced u ............... . -il winner at a gather - ing. of ^tate winners. ^ '*T>ont be afraid to be affection- ate.’* she said. "As ft gener^ rule.! when you have ft alee.'' spoiled husband, you know where- ho Is.' because h e .s w home at ^ght." Eer husbaiid.'Bradley Ourrey.li In the Investment business.' She said the iommlttee that se- correctly wtUu ' aboUshlnc - S e sss'rssfsfas ; Ihtide.-roil.ciy.N : pabUe P a g e '4 ^ ^ t o r l ^ : ‘^JnsUea*; -Demerit Syat^r. :- •. at Burley.cem'etery*, -;£i^,u.. ; Face-8^ P0rtl0B'<iC'0r«ro trail to be , r ------ ■■ --------

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Page 1: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

- _ z .

T ra ffic i)e a th Scoreboard

Ha^te V^nnr ■Bd.fer Iht

B«'Coart«oDfl Idaho , lofil .D« C»uU8B»S . Maglc-Vnltey,

___ZJra-Lonxtr:_-.M agiC -V aUei'..ltSL-^16. -TheM nffic-V allej

VOL. 43, NO. 24

r-Dcdicatry-to-Scn'init-aiyl»,PromotlnRMhe'(Jrowth-of-Nine-IrrlB:nlcd-ldnho-CounlieR - —

“ T W n r F A T X S r T i m i O r r U E 3 b A ; M I A - ¥ - 9 , - l i W l -


T.F. School Board Votes To Slice $5.000 FederalAid From 1961-62 Budget

A school boaril vote 1« remove ?5,000 'federal aid from the budset for 19G1-C2 fen- turcd an otherw ise routine m onth ly-m eeting ,of the-board-MQiiday, night. T he^S -- vote came near] the end of the aeasion; D uring the b rief discussion of the $5,000 alh-

^ cn ted under the, national defense .cduction ac t, board members cxprcascd their |itr- ^ o n a l feelings about accepting the aid. Originally, a motion to accept the aid-had

been made and aecondcd, but:was w ithdraw n ‘in the fnceof dlscUMlon requested by T n u - ice O lto Florence.

___AtU r.U io b riei.d lacuulon . Plor-«nee moved to drop the $S.OOO from th e budget. T h e motion -Ain.i sec­onded by E lm er Sommer, and J: T . Anderson, board elwilmtan, Toted w ith them to carry the mo> tlon over th e voles o ( David Barry and H enry Coiner. T he vole nec- eaalUtea.revomplnB and bftlanclnR - • • ■ U r ................th e budget, s e t a t $1,403,480, be<

Federal a id funds R nd 'bcjn M* located to Junior high school scl< ence. *300.08: h lsh school blolosy, ♦810.87: h « h school chcntUtry, •702JS; h i g h school phy.iic-v «3S0.80: h igh school senior science, $70.44: ' h l ^ s ^ o o l torelRn Innr SUBRC. WS0.40, and high school jnathm atlcs, J333.60. T he remalh-

----- j ie r ’ oflhTantrcipated-K^OM-wei/rd-^ v e been a llo tte d to the guidance f fo j ra m .

Lost year, th e T w in Falls sch’ool d istric t budget Included tlO.OOO ([ranted under th e •aaUonal de- |t a s e education act.

. W rh e board h ired t h r e e new teachers, M ax P . Peleraon, BS de­cree from U tah S late . unlversUy, to t«oeh seven th g r a d o social studies and language a rts : Itoberl

• Lowell Llnnbergcr, m aaler’s degree from Colorado S tate coilcsc, n ln lh- srade Spanish and EnRlt'Ui, and John E ndrud, BS degree from S tate T eachers college. Mayvllle, N. D , as Junior h igh school dean o t boys and to U ach two da ises o( speech.

Asst. Supt. A rthur M. Klelnkopt reported the Twin Palls system still needs n ine more leachcrs lor

.. B u t year,. Including lour a t the h i g h K hool, VMatlonal home- maklni;.apeecli and drama, algebra I I and plane geometry. Needed a t Junior high school are a seventh and eighth grade gcrieral sclen<ie teacher and a counselor. Also

. 's eeded a re t b r e a f l r s t 'g ra d e Uteben.

.............. i-» n yr ju f i lo r

high school auditodum .^

'rench Tiirnon

Austerity BidPARIS, M ay 9 on^-T rench roll-PARJS, M a y ____ - .............

___rM 4 _ » D l_ d tz _ U a n s^ r t_ w tr tO Tspread Batlon-wldc « a o s w ith, a 24-hour strike today In support o t the ir dem ands for higher wages

' and other benefits.In doing so, they turned a .4 ea f

e a r ' t f l President Chorlea Gaulle's plea th a t the na tion i. Untie ft p rogram of austerity so th a t I t can bullet up to a “gigan­tic renejjftl" of Ita economic herl-

The strike was organized before S e Oaulle told a nation-wide radio and television audience lost night;

“The conttliJon which dominate*

t lhV fu tu re 6rm tt>c8-l*-XIUkt children rally themselves for a *.vAt naUonat task—the develop­

m en t of France." t. In launching th e atrikes, th e

wed the tr eam paifftnor^ i n ia>

“ ■ p o H sri g rea te r 1

— renew)----------------- ------------,..*ater Immediote benefits. Their drive had been interrupted by the A lgerian uprislDs because they rallied behind E>e O aulls a t th a t

;tlm a.to avert clvU

]\Jan Captured In Gun Battle

th e .most w an ted lis t battle here today.

T he fugitive, lU chard Charles Ituip, 34, Akron, o . . w as wounded In the sm a ll 'f in g e r of h is left hand In the gun b a t U ^ n Ohjo S between C anton and Dover. He was

-g tM ...............w ho disarm ed an FBI

> 4 :^ . IC c o t - ^ Voufigstown-' a few m onths ago during h is crim e spree,

" was first seen by two FBI agtnla . who were p a r t of a detaU-cheeklng

fo r him In th is a rea . .Rulp opened fire on the officers

. Snm h is fleeing car. An FB I agent returned th e fire w ith a shotgun, lilttln g .R u lp In th e hand.

Rulp lost .eon tro l; of t h e 'e a r - r -tem porarily , b rough t I t to * atop

and surrendered.

Gourt Exempts City From Pirating Law

BOISE, May 9 — The Idaho.supreme court has up­held a Burley d istr ic t judge's ruling that unti-pirating provisions of the Idaho public utilities law does not apply to cities. In a second ruling issued ypstcrday, tho high court-upheld-the-induBtrlnl-aceident-boardTord6^Ai?y«ng- WorKmen’s" compensation deatKT>eneni.s to~Oie widow of a McCall lumber worker. The anti-pirating case con- cerjied-two actions; one by Unity Light and Power com- ------------------ ------------- ---------pany and the o ther by Rural

8 Charges of Treasdn-Face

LTOPOLDVILLB. -the Congo, May g (UrD—K atanga P residen t Molse TBhombe w as.tnd lcted today on e ight counts of treason against

signed by In terio r M in ister Oyrllle Adoula a few hours a fte r Security Chief Victor N endeka a n d Public Prosecutor R em l B om retu rned from \ CoqulalhatvlUe w here they discussed the case w ith m inisters attcndlnif a conference, the^e.

T h e-charges, ag a in s t Tshom be w eri th a t ho:

—Abused power and- luu rped powers of a ch ief o f sM te.

—W ithout being regu larly In­vested, proceeded to declare K a ­tanga Independent.— ....... ....... • -

—A rbitrarily forced h is tubor- dlnates to com m it Crimes gravely th reatening th e peace of the country.

—By press a n d rad io In tlm aied would- continue th is Illegal ae>

the secession' . . .............forces from those o f th e nfttlonal Congotese arm y.

appeals by

—Created h is own currency.The tJn lted N ations m eanw hile

fm «pto-the . South JC asal .province roll center of P o r t F rancqul where O hananlan U JI. troops Were re ­ported m assacred la days ago.

Broadcasters Are Praised ii^d Warned

WASHINOTON^ JJRr-JThSbnadeosting I n d u s t^ today heard some high w ords of p raise and some s te m w ords o f w arn ing from

chairm an of th e federal tions commission. New-

ton-N ^M lnow ^In h is f irs t ta lk before an

ustry gathering, Mlnow told ... . National Association of B roadcast­ers he a ^ e e d w ith L eroy CoIUns, NAB president, tha t-"ft- much- bet­te r Job can be done a n d should be done."

*T w ont to see broadcasting Im­proved a n d J w an t you to do the Job.” Mlnow said..'.Mlnow called a tten tio n to

cent .presidential w am ipg oi record contac ts w ith federa l regu­latory agencies, and sa id h e “mDy

■ th ta seveh-m em -- ______ ______ nam e to T h e

Seven Untouchables.’ ” - T he chairm an elected In w hat

he called h is “m aiden station b re a k " ,to concentra te on televi­sion. because, he sa id , “m ost of the., controversies, a n d . cross- —- ren ts - In broadcast

in recen t y e an .i - l s good, no th -

better," he said."B ut w hen television is bad,

no th ing Is worse." ." In ternational T V *1 11 .be w ith

us soon." he said. “No one knows how long I t will be u n til a broad­cast from a studio in New York will be viewed In Jn d la .a s well as In Ind iana . W e --------------------

LANOLEY ASK FO RCE BASE. Va.. .M iJ 9 . . . ______________spacem an. Cm dr. Alan i ! Shepard. Jr., a n d hU backup pilot, m arine u e u t: Col. Jo h n H . O lenn, jr., have' been g ian ted a week's leave, na*

, UonU aeronauU cs a n d space adm inistra tion offloU Is.reported today.

RICHMOND. V a , May 9 (n_T be;'JusU e« depM tm ent today tfrew -h ea v ll3 j- tip o n - lt r-w rtlo n » -ta^ -t4 l lto 'B o ek rA ite r* n d -N B W O rtea ia .

^ K hool aefre taU on eases to baek up Ita bU to eB te^-lha ease ef • th e Prtnee E dw ard w m ntr. Va.. aehocU as a ceplalatlW . ,

Jlectric company, both non­profit cooperative associti- tions, against the city ofBurloy,— :--------------------- 1-

T he uilhMcs had sought an In ­junction to proh ib it the city of Burley from constructing I t ^ e s and sei-ving customers in areas w hieh the city had recently a n ­nexed. •

D U trlet Judge Edward H . Heop held the Idaho s ta tu te prohibiting the so<called.“plraUng'.' of electric customers by power companies and cooperatives wns n o t applicable bQtween cooperatives.and m unlcl- poU tio and refused to g ran t the injunction.' In a unonlmou-t opinion w ritten

by Justice Joseph J . McFadden, the high court upheld th a ruling of Judge Heap.

t h e case s t l r r ^ u p considerable controversy in th e recent Idaho legislature; A blU specifically ap^ plying the an tl-p lra tlng law to city electric distrilsutlon systems failed to -p aa a .------ — -------r------

U.S. Cheated Ouf of Taxes,

“'4)iIlon ClaimsW ABmNOTON, M ay .

Secretary of th e T reasury Douglas D lllon.sald today Uncle Sam each y te r Is cheated o u t-o f-ta x e s on nearly 39 blUlon dollars of Income —more th a n enough to balance the

^ ^ e ^ ^ b u d g e t , .

tlons subcom m ittee-------------------ury le lieves 24.4 bUUon dollars of taxable Income w as no t reported In 1959—th e la tes t year fo r which

M ortimer ’ M. Caplin,' <eommis. sloner of in te rnal revenue, told re­porters th a t a t least 30 per cen t of th is am ount—o r nearly 4.9 b il­lion dollarft—would have been col­lected in addlU onal taxes had the Income been declared on tax re ­turns.

Dillon urged th e subcommittee to restore 16.9 m lllioa dollars cut by the house for the appropria­tion which P residen t Kennedy ask­ed for the Internal revenue service. M ost.o f the money would go for W ring 00 m o r r ta srag ratK --------

Preliminary 'Zoiring Plan'

Is SubmittedPre liin lnary 'reion lng plana,'foc^

m ulated by BonAld Thompson, Butte, Mont:, ton ing consultant h ired by th e city, were turned 'over to c ity commissioners fo r study Monday evening.

Thompson anU clpates the survey will' be completed by June 1, with the .excepUon of th e traffic study, K. L. Derrick, c ity m anager, re­ported. D errick noted th a t Thomp­son had advised h im by le tter th a t be expecu to be In Tw in Falls In approxim ately two weeks to confer with city officials.

The tak i

B lds'on th e roller will be opened a t 4 P A . M ay a t city haU. E s­tim ated cost ls'|S,000. Bids will be submitted on tho J to 8-ton machine. T h e presen t rubber tire r o l l^ Will be traded In. If a feas­ible trade-in bid Is m ade. T he new m a r in e < ahould > elim inate waves In th e a sp h a lt s tre e t. Derrick asserted.

Money fo r the m achine, If pur- 'w in oome from funds

fo r th e purchase o f dump of a steel roUer,

Commissioners passed a resolu-— ,--------------

Is worked o u t D errick was request­ed to subm it ft new seheduie ftt nex t M o n ^ 's , a ^ n g .

A t the p rw e n t tlm e;*the m lnl-

-------- jtlota was tftkan a fte r D er­rick. Informed the. oommlsslon a

h a d .beensub>

Walls Come Tumbling Do>vn

W alls o f th e 'P a r k hoU l s ta r t to eoma down fo -a a k « .w a rS fo r iw ln : F a lls 'jse w tUO.OOO peateifle*. W orker* h a te t u n n t th e walls on (be bpper f to o r a a d .p u t H oot's exterio r walls wlU be pulled down. flrs t..a :^ .se«> b tilld ta isw lU 'faca Third s tree i'w cst. .iritl^’In tU n r do«kS*loei1«a'In '^he'araa'W here tM

T ha »ey_pestoIflce Is schedu led 'to U c 1 In x n ld ^ O f j^ (S W M A oto -e i

TwbDieon G allom f or

.NAfiSAU. B a h a in u . M ay 9 Two Americftns died on th e i " Qt./N as»ti"^rison.,V ),dfty. t m iiriler' o f a Florida charter boai cap ta in . T hey were .Alvin Table Jr^ a n d Billy W ayne sees ond were the f irs t Americans ever executed In th e B aham as.

T able. 35. m ounted th e scaffold a t 7 a jn . a n d a n hour laU r, his p a rtn e r In crim e. Sees, 23, was p u t to death .

T able a n d Sees were convicted o t slaying C apt. Angus Boat­w right, SB, Islomorftda, Fla., A p r i l '34, IMIO. a t Elbow keyihe rB ah a m as .-------------------------

Testim ony a t the .tsial aho^ th a t T able a n d Sees stole a 43-f cabin cruiser In Key W est and headed to sea w ith Table's bridenf « T»nfhii''ii^ IB fian An .tonlo, Tex.

T hey ra n o u t of gas and- the boat -drifted on to , rocks and broke up. T h e tr io took refuge in an abandoned-llgh thouse-w hers - they

nokanson , 30, -also . Islamortida. happened a lo n s In their. SB-foot c h a rte r boa t, M uriel lU , w ith ' “ passengers aboard.

Sees signaled th e boat, th en Uter swam o u t a n d boarded. It. Testi­mony show ed h e pulled a revolver and ordeced B oatrigh t and the o thers In to th e stem . -

W hen B oa trigh t grabbed a rifle. Sees s h o t . arid faU lly wounded

Calif.,- M ay B ' W -R esearch pilot Joe W alker p lans to fly the 3£15 rocket plane w ith throtUe wide open In th e n e x t few days In an a ttem p t to rea ch 3.400 m iles.an ‘-our—alm ost a m lla 'k aeeond.

T he na tional aeronautics and space adm lnlstraUon -says the purpose of th e flight will be to ob ta in d a tft on aerodynamle s t» biUty a n d control and heating.

AutomaticPrrreP X E L D , Mass.. M ay 9

flJTS -^JiA autom atic clgarelte iULter.oiite r-h m htfa Inventjd .

m n k 0 . Q ulda, » m echani-

simple device w ere on ____cigarette, countless lives now lost in .fires s ta r te d by careless s^ H fig m lg K tT je saved...............

QuidA,'s device consists o f a small tube m ade of foil on the Ipslde a n d . paper on th e ou t­side. T he tube slides down the c igarette to th e po in t where a smoker w ants i t to- go out. W hen I t b u m s down t h a t .far, oxygen is choked off a n d the c igarette goes-out.

O uido soys th e tube in no way. affects th e enjoym ent of th e smoke.

Jailf-Term J s C^en to Man'

t^l-Gver-jPeekiagA series of window-peekingirrgnt^M In tha ^ e l^^bortip y

W a ln u t 's tm t 'a n d Fourth avenue

FlooB Water Still Boils in

“ M d l ^ W ^By United P ress intem aU onal

_ B o lll[ ig_ flood_w atjua_nn .'-be r- serk today th rough scores o f .towns and hundreds • of'"farm lng .. muAlties -Jn th e rain -d rer M lddlo-W ut.

Rivers and s tream s broke the ir bonds, ram paged over rich low­lands and pushed tow ard • record o r near record crests throughout th e lower Ohio and middle Mis­sissippi valleys.

'T o rren tia l ra in s—up to 10 Inches .n Indiana—slacked off In the M is s i s s ip p i 'v a l le y . B u t many stream s kept rlsltig.

Thundershow ers' continued feed swollen rivers in th e eastern

streams, ............ ............. ...........jtage, swirled’ tow ard th e ir high­est levels In m ore t ^ 34 years.-

T he jia tlo n 's new population center o f C entralla. HI., was vir­tually isolated, sh o rt of drinking water and facing & fir? hasard .

Flood conditions eased in some communities b u t worsened In o th­ers In the f ive-sta te flood tone. H undreds o f schools wera dosed, thousands of-h ighw ays a irash In Illinois. Ind iana . K entuoky. OUo «n> Missouri.

eas t elided Monday n igh t w ith the a rrest o t a 4fl-year-old T w in Falls

lan by city police.H arry Bffggs was sentenced to

30 days in the Twin F a lls county Jail and assessed court costs T ues­day morning by Tw in F a lls Police Judge Robert E. Pence.for disturb­ing the peace by window-peeking.

"T he practice of prowling and w indow -peeking in any given

if th e window-peeker Is p e r ^ te n t . the citizen cannot be bhimed for defending h is home. I w an t I t to be~lcnown we‘'re go Iiig 't5T >e~ as rough as we can on anyone guilty o f th is practice."

M onday -n l^ t.IS !ah? .> lc ln lty .]!o f Barm on pa rk ai^d was charged gpeclflfolly w ith a window-peeking

Nixon tJrges Summit Meet

D ETROIT, May 9 (UTi-Fonner T ice President R ichard M . Nixon called tonight for a su m n it m eet­ing of President Kennedy a n d So­viet- Prem ier N ikita K hrushchev as ft means of destroying any com- --------- n a U f lh f" -*

________ our bite."N ixon‘ also to o k 'a n a pparen t

swipe a t th e Kennedy adm ihlstra- tion 's hand ling .A f the Ziftotlan a n d Cuban crises. B e said th a t i K h rusheher "sssumes, because o

imo of th e things th s t have .oe - nrred in th e past few weeks, th a t

o u r bark U worse -than ou r bite, h e m ay be tem pted to push us loo f a r I n .a n area w here » a would have to resist. T h u s h e would p red p its te tho w ar.ae lthe r h e nor

Uo s. Polaris Subs Offeredm r O .E pree J

OSLO. May 9 (U PI)—The Uni'ted-Statea.told Its.alllea ^ ;oduy"lt will commit Poiaris missife~carrying~nucl£fir-" ’ ™ submiiriiiL'.H to the defense of NATO. Secrctarj* of State L>ca» Rusk m iide,the offer to the foreign ministers of :he N A 'ip ulliiince a t the uccond day nessionB of t-|ieir. current Uiree-day m eeting here, hlgfi'conffrencb'sources <iaid. Uiiak did not spell out the offer in'dethll. bnt it was understood th a t it will include five nuclear submarinesequipped with mpdium r . Polaris missilea. The United S tates has eatnbllahed a bn!<cIII Holy i-ocii, Scotland, \viiK ’.he USS Protcuii se t u p there as

..................................... ip.q£.gjj.i

Idaho Young

submnrlnes,The fo rc irt m inisters o t the 16-

NATO powers Includlng-the Unit­ed S tales aRreed earlier need for sirengthenlng en . plans to dcnl w ith any sudden irlsls with RuMirt over Berlin.

A wnminit th a t Soviet Russia m ay be building up to new di m ands oii D erlln-and.m ay.sign separate peace treaty w ith East Oermnny wns Riven th e confer­ence a t Its opening yesttrday by Secretary o t s ta te D ean Rusk.

Acknowledging the seriousness of the situation. Norwegian For­eign M inister Hnlvnrd Lange pro- po.<«d today th a t the "big. four" of Jie conference—the U . S„ B rlu ln . W est Oermony end France—re-

The conference spokesmen told newsmen . th a t Lange had urged the-blg-four to “consider whether their contingency plans for the Berlin problem are adequate to “ le present, and foreseeoble sltua-h OO." '

I t w a5~ agrced-thot-the-U nlted SUte*. W est Oermony. FroncB ond B rita in would toKe a look a t pres­e n t plans and take w hot action

as deemed necessary. ’ .T he conference fuUy backed

Rusk's sta tem ent yesterday th a t any a tU m pt by the Soviets to act unilaterally In Berlin would be - slsted by the western aUles. -

There would^hfl. no western re­tre a t from B erlin under Soviet pressure, R m mmla clear. . 4 & . a 8 r e « b s . . i i } t h . , M ^ s , , ^ , poMl to^ay for ft,aew look ftt w hat K e am eT cou ld do .U .R ussia atr. temped an y -k in d of communist tcke-o rer in Berlin, Busk a t the same tim e endorsed th e sugges- Uon thfttaU members of th e NATO aHlahce~wouM ~be~kepf Informed

f fu ture developments. - ' - • Tho w e s t e r n powers earlier

greedTto tu m -d (------— ----------p ^ i i r direc t

T. F. ConfabSome M Idaho young Repub­

licans will be In -twin I 'alls F ri­day and Saturday for the Idaho Young Republican conveutlon, ac­cording* to Jo h n Coleman. Tw in Falls attorney in charge of looU arrongemenls.— -------- '---------

Orvol - H ansen, Jdalio Palls, sta te representative from Bonne- * vllle county, will ba ■ keynote speaker a t a S a turday noon lunch­eon. and Oov. Robert E. Smylle and Ray Robbins, Idaho 'Falls, chairman of th e s u te Republican central committee, have -Indicated th a t they will a ttend . -

Purpose of- th e convention V.-1U be-to-«Iect'new-.otfleeT8-and con­sider platform Ideas lo r th e 1983 campaign. E ach c oun ty Young Republlcon group Is allowed' to send as m any delegates as thii number o f representallvts and senators from th e county.—R e g ls tra tio n -w U lJ> eJr)m J .te ,7 _p.m. Friday In th e Rogcrson hotel Desert room. -All meAtlngs will be , held In th e hotel, y

Americans in-^

> th e -Q e tm a a and B erlin prob-

Schools Help Plan Is OK’d ^In Committee

ed, ftnother o f 'P re s id e n t K enne-

By a 4-3 vote, w ith Dem ocrats for and Republicans ftgainst, th e house educaUon subeommlttee sen t th e bill to the full house edu< ' and labor committee. . _ Z b a _ m u m fi_ K c u lit .p is z !A « J ia 3J> billion dollars In th ree years to sU tes fo r publio e lem entary and secondary school dassroom con­struction and teacher pay. I t ftlso

pwwMw Kin m llllni^ rirtliim

program dU trlets crowded

0f federa l .workers

Ifhyear-ol fo r. “Imi by theand se i_______

O ther congressional <Jevdoi>- mentsV-Cuba—Rep. Chester E . Merrowi

R.. N. a - mu;oduced a resolution asking congress to go on record a s favoring a n . Immediate a ir and naval blockade of Cuba.

Publio pow era-Joseph C. Swid- ler. - -------------- — *

tL_Teatlh is aosdlnaUoa before th e senate commerce committee..SwlcUer said h e favored a continued coexistence be lifetn private and publio power. H e predicted th e re w ould-be no m ajor changes In th e p resen t bal- ftnee between th a two.

I h e senate' a rm ed services'com* m ittee overrode P residen t K enne­dy and F onner P residen t 'E isen ­how er today, a n d unanim ously vot­ed more 'm anhed , long-mnge bombers fo r-the 's tra teg ie s ir eom-

GOP to Hold


h a ir of the e stlm a& l 800 U. & a&- . Uonals ■ln-Cnbft-who:.'waBtt:to i o home fiavs applied, fo r repatrifti-

(In Washington the state de- - . partment said an "undetermined , nBmber“*of-AJBedeans*aro-beln»— detained' In Cub* and some-»00 .

a r m & l — ----------------------------Invaslon a ttem p t m ay stUl b a ua» d e ra rre s U

Th«.appU ekttons were subm itted ' the Swiss embassy's bu«-

foreign affairs w hieh b a t .... handling U nited S ta te s In^

te rv U in Cuba slnee th e break l a diplomatlo rtlaU o ns la s t y e ar..

A new Uw requires a ll peiaoaa who have been in Cuba .for 39 daya o r 'm ore to ob ta in -an ex it p e rm it-, from th e departm eh t of technlesil

a3T I) o f th e a a i

M any c a n n o t '^ p ly : f w a n esdt ■ perm it because’ pesqibrts, Cubaa residence a n d other - docum ents . were confiscated by Cuban (In te l- , Ugence) . agen ts in m ass a rrests

• raid s du ring and a fte s th aan d raid s dUring and a fte s t

Johnspn OffFor 2-Week Trip Asiai

WASHINOTOHki'May .» tit T ice P residen t ]Uyndcn B . Jo h n ­son took off f c ^ ^ u th e a s t Asia to ­day voidnff t y i r concern over “ th a th rea t of- a r m « aggwssion there.’*

Johnson carrlet) personal Intcera from P re s lje n t Kennedy pledging u jB. support to r e d s ^ f t l » n i« 'T th e critica l are* . ^ ' '

On h is two-week tr ip Jo tm soa wlU visit s o u th ,y ie t: N am . -the

lodla and'Pftkutaa;~Be may also m ake'ft stop to . Greece.

1 beUeve th a t by Umlnc ta d tar iUnerary this trip speaks tor lU . self,** Johnson said la » d epartun statement a t Andrews air 'lore* ‘•ise

• ^ e 'U nited 8 ta ta '‘ U TltaOr concem M w ith th e peace, security, a n d Independeaeo o t th e 'tr e e peo­p les In -Asia. -Wa ar« disturbed br- th e th re a t o f arm y s« g res» to - there." - ' — — . . . ■

Foster Parent of Huiiteds Is 1961 Mothern’S ^ a ^d^eds-o

penden t o r delinquent children was nam ed A m erican M other of IfiSl today, •

W inner o f th e annual selection from s ta te m others ocrosi the n a ­tion—Is-iL eB ise-B evler—Oiddlnge C urT ey;'-68 ,A l*okout "T cnn. - i: L

She w u ' d t r t 'fbr rew lng her

e ffo ru In Improving V>e bousQig a n d -tre a tm e n t o f Juvenile d ^ - quents. neglected and dependent chlldieni and m entally o r em otion­ally disturbed, children, regardless

• race o r creed.

al train ing schi ,H ie A m e r i c a n M other and

ference _______Committed, m e,

T he'com m lttee i s . an organisa­tio n devoted prim arily to provid­ing c o u w lo r -services for. young m others w ith pre-school d red and sim ilar-service c p n t^ p l* U n * _ ip a r r l a g e ^ _

M rs. CMrrey gasped In BStaSish- _v.._ announced u

................ -il w inner a t a ga ther­in g . of ^tate w inners. ^

'*T>ont be afraid to be affection­ate.’* she said. "As ft gener^ rule.! when you have ft alee.'' spoiled husband, you know where- ho Is.' because h e . s w home a t ^ght."

E er husbaiid.'Bradley Ourrey.li In the Investment business.'

She said the iommlttee tha t se-

correctly wtUu ' aboUshlnc - S e

s s s ' r s s f s f a s

; I h t i d e . - r o i l . c i y . N :pabUe

P a g e '4 ^ ^ t o r l ^ : ‘ JnsUea*; -D em erit S y a t ^ r . :-

•. a t Burley.cem'etery*, -;£i^,u..; F a c e - 8 ^ P 0 rtl0B '< iC '0 r« rotra il to be , r ------ ■■ --------

Page 2: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so



B r tM « ^ ln c h :m e t« r

n i t o { 'th e customers on a stven •e rrlc a U n ^ ha noted.

I n MferenM to *rtvU lnj tiut*l- U U on fee t, I t m s pointed ou t lh * t p rcM st fees j»7. only a porUon or th e H tu s l eo«t InwlTed.

B«Donlnf of the Lyle Npvak property. 831 Blue Lakes boulevard

_ north , from resldcnUttt to com- ' m ere la l ta u w u approved. T he

p roperty formerly h a d been re- aoned, b u t due to an e rror In the le sa l deserlpU&n, approval was Tolded.

’ y Jock Radtlce to . rtlla

j^^rejuesl by '.

Weather, Temperatures^ -

r «l«a41n«M to a lf h l «B d-l

■T«.^tnr.«iolfr. iam B rm t-W tttU L JU ite i w i l r L o w U r t a lg h t W. M a t S a A and 78 a t noon.

" N p R T O ‘T D A H O ^ o u d y w l tlJ “ oe««lonal*T aln 'tn ro tig ii"t^m orrow

to eo.

V. s . weather bureau yeitcrday w as 6S defrcea, rc f^ te red a t Prcaldlc and Laredo. Tc;c, T herm al. CalJf.. and y u m a . Aria. T he lew M t'ton* peralure reported today was 2S derreea a t D lf Flaey, Wyo.

u » . » ln . Pep.

a re n u e o n tbs north. Robbins s u e on th e south, W endell s tree t on th e .w cst .and Jerom e 's tree t on tb a east was refeired to tiie. f ln e e r ln s departm ent fo r ap

D errlek reported work h u been s ta rU d on the Willow Lone well. T h is well Is being drUled deeper

- I n - a n - e l l o r t to find addlUonal w ater fo r the eomlns season of *eftvy useS<e. h# etplnlned.

E xtension of curb cu ts ad jacen t to 30a Second avenue n o r th and a t 309 Addison avenue e as t were ap< proved.

ro day for American W ar Moth* s o f Tw in Palls by V ernon Rfd-“ — DBTeamnnnn:---------

- -R o u tin e . bulIdlnB perm its ' and license appllcatlons-were app - ed. Paym ent of the AprU bills

-a u th o r l te d ..............................

Truce Team -Ignored by

Laos Rebels-VJENTZANE. U o s . M ay 0 (DPD-

I t i e govemment of Laos s ta rted worictnc w ith a th ree-nation peace team today bu t leaders o t the

te d cs and flew off to Geneva.

(rol commission (ICO) rig h t a t th e s ta r t o f lU mission to cool o ff th e U o U an er|Us.

• T h e commlsilor • Jnftla , Canada and P o la c d ~ a r-

rlved yesterday to help fix , super* —cease-fire

I Max. MIti. r<piiiT T Z Z Z Z Z Z ! »* « .0

r>Bi _ H M

OkUbocBft CUr -


Magic Valley FuneralsALMO — Funeral services for

Searlo Melvin W ard will be he ld a t lrJ> T O = W .rtn w !* jr itt= th e£ f tte a LOS ward chspeH v lth B lshop 'Z I- be rt Durfee ofriclatlnR. F inal rites will l)ft hsM a t 't h e Sunny Cedar Rest ccmelery, A tao .___^

T W D i FALLS-^-Puneral services for Mrs. Anna C aroline M ohr will be held a t 3' p jn . W ednesday a t the W hite m ortuary chapel, with th e ilev . Sugene T Ja rk s of C ur Savior L utheran chu rch offlclat* ihg. P inal rites wUl be a t Sunset U em orlal park In T w in Falls.

TWIN FALLS—arsvesldB es f o r Mrs, .O ra o « - j ;a n v r la n

H am llton-w l»-br^O H dtfctea ~ a t~ n a.m.-Wednes<la7 a t Sunset M emo­r ia l parlc-by-tha Rev. E rn est H as- se lbladrT he funeral proeesslon will leave Reynolds funeral chapel a t lO-.ii irn sT -

R U P EIT —P^meral aerrtces for Mrs. Velma A nderson will be a t

n. Wednesday a t th e R upert Chrlsllan 'church w ith Paul Moore, minister, officiating. -Concluding rites wUl be a t th o -Ru^^rt ceme* te ry .:-----------------------

O O O D IN O -Funeral se rrlces for John Anderson 81ms will be held a t the'fihosbone M ethodist church a t 3 pjn.-W ednesday.w lth-the Rev. P au l lA Rue officiating. Conclul* Ing rites will be held a t th e Sho­shone cemetery. Friends m sy call a t 'th e Thompson chapel, Gooding. untU i l : M a jn . W ednesday.

w hich h as been In effect since la s t W ednesday.

T h is momnlg. less th a n 34 - hours a fte r thelr 'arrlval. Com mis­

sion C hairm an Sam ar S en and h is aides m e t w ith Prince Boun Otun p ru n le r o f the pro-w estern gov­ernm ent, and D eputy P r im le r B rig . G en Phouml Mosavan.

A t th e end of th e 70>mlnule . . . alon. Foreign-M inuter Chao 6op- sa lsan a sa id the ICC h a d pledged to Ja je J p -u s-m a k s-th e cease-fire

. tffeeUve” and m a in ta in contacts - w i th - th o rebels.

Officials of U7S. Pack Bags for Geneva Meeting

G en e ra to d i^ ia t a Laos confer­ence w hloh m ight n o t be there w hen they arrive.

. '-m a in ly s ta f f aides—planned to leave la te r today or tomorrow for th e K -n a U o n Laos conference, to beg in In Geneva on Friday.

Officials said th e U nited S ta te s would have some kind of delega* tio n th a t day. w hether the re 's a confertnce or sot.

Secre tary of BU te D ean Rusk,& In

‘ Oslo. Norway, planned lo fljr to G en e ra from there, depending on w hat happens_ ln th e nex t few

■ * * ^ S . ro rlng Ambassador A rerell H arrlm an, ju s t back from a tour o f Asia, la also expected to a ttend th e Laos conference: B u t V . 8 . o f­ficials were still firm in saying th a t -unless there la a verified

—« e a e e .f l r e - I : ......................................1 th e

"Police Cliiefior“ Arco Is Rehired

ARCO. M ay 9 o n —Police Chief WUUkm r . Riley was back on th e Job in Arco to d a y -a t le as t tem -

•• porarily. ' . •Riley, whose -contract w as n o t

r e n e w e d '^ the new c ity council here lasti'Baturday. was. re in s ta t­ed a fte r a stormy special council meeting la s t n lg h t - a t least unUl the nex( regular meeting. May 16.

T en petitions, signed by some 40 t»er3oas. were presented to th e council • -■ - ' t a in e d a

persons turned up a t th e m eeting and. over objections of th e councU, fo rted i t to be held publlely.


_ s ls la a Prtslden t .Bablb Boursulba . Is “up" and about" a lte r an a ttack o f bronchitis and will be able to leave for Kew York on schedule tom orrow. Bourgullw. who artlved here M ay 3, had to n n c e l trips to TexaA-'and Tennessee because o t tUs mness.

TWIN FALLS — F uneral serv­ices for Mrs. M aranda .Grlnsted Wlgle will be held a t 3 pjn.- Friday in tho White, m ortuary chapel by th e Rev. Robert Jackson, pasto r of the Twin Falls C hurch o f the W ttren e rC o n c lu d ln g ^ te rw in -b e he ld a t Twin Palls cemetery.

BUR12Y — F u n e ra l serviees for Mrs. E thel Jodd TUley wUl bo held a t 3 p jn . Friday a t the Burley LD6 th ird ward ch ap e l w ith B ish­op Robert Ram sey offldating . F inal rites wiU bo he ld a t the P leasant View cem etery. Friends m ay call a t the M oCulloch fUr neral home ITiursday afternoon and evening and F r id t^ xmtU time of-servlceB.— - -------- ,----------------

BAZKLTON — Funeral serviees f o r Joseph F , Perkins will be con­ducted a t 1 p jn . T hursday in th e H aselton v-tw church by B ishop Jam es ChrU tophers<^ O oneludlng rite s will be h e ld ld t h e ~ H ^ t m tem etery ................................................

T w m FA L L S-R osary f6 r Sal- rad o r O arm endia will be rec ited a t 8 p . m . T hursday tn th e W hite m ortuary chapel and requiem m ass w U n » ~ c e le b ra le d 'a tn o 'a n n rP r i? day in S t. Edw ard 's CathoUo ohureh by th e R e r. Jo h n K oelsch. Concluding rites will be h e ld a t T w in F a lls cemetery.

TW IN FA L L S-FU nerai serrtces fo r Mrs. G race Frances Reynolds wUl be held a t 3:30 p. m . F riday a t th e Reynolds funera l chapel w ith th e Rev. D onald U H offm an, Tw in F a lls F irs t C h^istiaa church, officiating. Concluding r ite s will be held a t su n se t M em orial ^ k .

Magic-VaHeyJHospitalsMagic Valley Memorial

fe jn .;-in -a a ro th e rs , r r o m j l a jn .

ADMITTEDM n . Jo h n Jones, Mrs. W ilbur

Bell, JuUe Roberts, M rs. Robert -Earle-Hudebonr-M rST'Eunls

SUgall, William H einrich, Mrs. M artha W lldman a n d R lehard A. Pruden, a ll Twin FalU ; Jeffrey Beams. B uhl; Ricky R ay T Ippen and Alice Wygal, b o th Pller;-M rs. Clarence D anner, Kimberly; Mrs. Carl Leslie, j r , R upert; M llferd J . Schmeckpeper, W endell: W il­liam Thomsberry, Oastletord.- and Mrs. R osa Childers, Jerom e.

DISMISSED . M ark Jetmore, R obert w . E rans, A nita Jacobsen, G lenn G ergens, Mrs.'XawfeDce BT K e n C P S l K » . Mrs. H enry Persoiv a n d daughter,Mrs. Fred Bohning. E l d o n -------and Reese Davis, a ll Tw inL ura Gray, B uhl; M rs. I v a n ___ler and son. F iler; M rs. Irv in M c­Bride. H otellon: M r s . ' F o rrest U riennd-daughtc r a u d Mrs. W llllg July, all Kimberly, a n d Mrs. Lloyd Kllng, Pasadena, Calif.

BIRTU S A 'daughter w as b o m M onday

to M r. and Mrs. G eorge PArsons, BuhL

Benedict'fl, JeromeV lsltlns hours a t S t. B enedict's

hospital a re from 3 to 4 a n d fromT -to-rpan .-ln 'thB -m at^ m ltjC w al'd a h d 'tn m noon to 4 a n d from < to 0 p jn . in the m edical a n d su rg i­c a l ward.

ADMITTED , —B ebb la -M endykr-O oodlngr^and

Sidney Edward, Jerom e. DISMISSED

Mrs. Jam es Brow n a n d son, Richfield.

Cassia MemorialV isiting hours a t Cassia Memo­

rial hospital a re from 3t30 to 4 and from -7 to 8 p.m. In the m a ­tern ity ward and from 10:30 a jn . to 8 p jn . In the m edical and su r­gical wards.

ADMITTED Mrs. HAzel Parsons, Uowey.Rob-

..-ts and Mrs. Elsie Jacobjen , aU Burley; George Bailey, H ase lto n ..

JtkVksoiT H ey b u ra l^D d aM '^ iii... son.- Oakley; Mrs. c lare tta_ Jones. Mrs. Patricia Ince a n d Mrs. H elen EiUott, jOl Burley.

DIRTUS . A daughter was b o m to M r. and Mrs. John Parsons a n d a son was b c m ~ to Mr. and M rsr Douglas Shill, a ll Burley. '

Purdy OustedKAIl^ETr. M a y -» -Jo h n McGonl-

gal defeated incum bent L . N . Pur* cty, 43 to 34. in M onday's school trustee elecUon in th e P icabv : G annett area.

In trustee district th ree a t Belle* rue, Ray Williams, Incum bent, was reelccted w ith &7 ro tes . H is oppon­ent. K eimeth BeecAer, po lled-50 and Joseph.Bergln, a w rttein c an - dldaU, received. 39 nJlw ;'

Gooding Memorialv isiting hours a t Gooding M e-

morU i hospital a re from 8:30 a jn . to 8:30 p jn . -

ADMITTED N arvel Allen, Gooding; Liea Ba-

cos. BoUe; Mrs. R obert W aU lns, B ussrand-R lcky P e a k rS

■V. . DISMISSED Perry Snodgrass, W endell, and

Narvel Allen, O oo^ng .

■ Minidoka Countyvisiting hours a t M ln ldoka'M e-

morlal- • • -a n d from 7 to 8 p. m.

ADMITTED Mrs. M ary Reyes. NeU M oller

a n d LeRoy Denton, a ll Rupert,~and Ellglo Lopes, Paul.

K aren Looney and B ria n R a - mlrex, both' Rupert. .

BIRTHS A daughter was. b o m ' fo M rs.

M ary Reyes, Rupert.

6-State Compact Is Being Talked

BOISE, May 0 Iwi>-Tliere is U lk of, form ing a six -sta te Columbia river compact if Oregon continues to balk a t the proposed agree- m ent, a n Idaho member of the

George N . C a r te l Idaho rec la- inaU on.engineer, sa id tho idea of a six r a th e t than seveo^slate'coni- pa c t first was discussed abou t tWo years ago "when Oregon w as ob­jecting to everything.

“We though t Oregon w as 'go lng to walk ou t," C arter sald. " in stead , they ju s t <Jutwaited us."

Ju s t th is past week a t a m eet­in g of the commission in P o rtland , Ore., O regon announced ' I t was w ithdraw ing financial suppo rt Trom th o group and would a tten d n o fu rther negotiations th e n e x t two years. • . '

Driver-Finied- By J u ^ e in Traffic Case

Acta a s Insm cterK enneth 0 . J o h n s to n ;-a g e n t

w ith tbe Tw in F a lls d is tric t office of th e~Prudential~ Iife ~ ln m ra a e e

year_ in stru cto rjr t th e T ^ i to J ^ l ls life u riderw riting.tr a ln '" " course.

Burley police.‘ M anuel Flores. 37, Burley, was fined 'tlO O by Ju d g e A nnest for d runk driving. I n lieu of th e ilue, Flores Is serving SO days In the city jftU. H is d river 's license was revoked for one year. He was a r ­rested May 4 a f te r » tw o-car acci­d e n t-In B u rle y ^ --______ _________

Flores also w as fined t39 for failure to yield th e r ig h t o f way on a com plaint signed by Ed Burgess. He is se rrln g ou t th is fine also, in addition to a 10-d a y sentence.- G ary c . M artin . 17, Jerom e,-was fined $10 a n d given 39 dem erits, Tuesday by Je rom e Police Judge PTed E berha rd t f o r Im proper pass­ing.. .N ephLJ.-M lddlebrook,.3«wTiFln Falls, was flped 810 and given 30 demerits by J u d g e E berha rd t Tuesday fo r going 4B m iles per hour In a 35-mile zone.

Falls, was fined 810 and assigned 30 dem erits T uesday by Judge E berhard t fo r a a top sig n vlola- Uon-. . <•••

was fined 110 and given 30 demer­its by Ju d g e -E b e rh a rd t Tuesday f0r^a,^«tap-algn-vU>latl0 P ^ —

D enny W .-Cooley,- 93 Jerome, w u f ined >10 jm d costs and as- slgned-35-demerlts M ondayrby J e ­rome Ju stice o f th e Peace Leo T er- r ill-fo r golng-70 m iles p e r h o u r In a eo-mlle' zone;'

M arvin S . Spacek, H aselton, was fined IIS a n d costa and given 39 dem erits M onday by Judge Terrill fo r a to p s ^ vio la tion . ‘ _

Floyd D niw n, Ifl, T w in Palls'.'was fined 110 a n d costs and assessed 39 dem erits by Police Judge Robert Pence M onday f o r sp e e d in g '39 miles per h o u r In a 39-mlle sone. He w as cited F rid ay .by c ity police In th e 400 block o n Second avenue south.

G ary Luclch, IT, H ansen, was fined «10 a n d coaU and assessed 39 dem erits by J u d g e Pence Mon- day -fo r-faU u re-to * y le ld 'th e-rig h t of way. H e was c ited F riday by c ity police a fte r b e was Inrolved in an accident a t Second avenue and Second s tre e t east.

K rlsUn C all, 17. 331 FlUmore stree t. Tw in F a lls , w u cited fo r

involved In a o n e -c a r aocidenl E astland drive n o r th n e a r Addison avenue east a t 3:97 p m . Monday.

T h e l#9fl P lym ou th sedan she w u driving w en t o u t of control, slid Isa J e e t on th e pavem ent, w ent th rough a borrow p it, crash­e d 'th r o u ^ a w oven wire fence and came to re s t 70 fe e t ou t in a field. T here w u n o dam age to th e car. Estim ated speed o f th e e a r w u 7S miles p e r hour., mile p e r h o u r . - -

W hen c ity police Investigated. M c h a c l T e n n o c k .-U .~ i:« L -Jh lrd avenue west. T w in Falls, s ta ted he w u th e driver. H e w u taken into c ustody .and released to hl,s p a r­ents. Miss C all to ld h e r parents she actually w u ' th e driver and they took h e r <iowii to th e police s ta tion w here she w u c ited for reckless driving.. B oth Miss Call and-PennoclC'wer®,„to;'<ppear-ber f6ra‘T ollc6 Judge Robert Pence Tuesday afternoon .

T.'F. WomanM rs. M aranda' Q rinsted "Wlgle

87, died Tuesday m orning a t Magic Valley Memorial hospital. She bad been a resident of Tw in FalU since U 18.-m oving .here .lrom Sherm an, Tex.

S he w u a m em ber o f the Tw in F a lls Nazarene church . H er f irs t husband, John H arrison G rlnsted died Nev. 33, 1933, a n d 'h e r 's e c ­ond husband, Soloman J . Wlgle died In 1B38. ............................

Surviving are tw o sons. Jo h n Grlnsted, Kimberly, and W allace Grlnsted, Tw in Palls ; six daugh- U rs. Mrs. E dith 'B ush , M rs. Sidney O ra lg -an d -M rs.-W .-a-M aIb e rg .^ T w in Falls; Mrs. G race M itchell Baytown, Tex.; M rs. H arry Taylor M anteca, Calif., and M rs. Lloyd K lelnknecht. Newport, W ash.; -

^ o B le r - M .- ^ a r r o w , - 2 8 ; Tw in fifb thW 'John -M .-C alhoun .-W W '-m an. Tex.; three sisters, M rs. Lula Brinkley, Denison. Tex., a n d M n t L ennle GUI and M rs. R u th Dyer, both Sherman^ - O ‘ ‘

Mrs._KeUh._6i,,Dies at Hospital

M rs. NetUe K ^lth , 88. a Twin FU ls resident fo r one year, died ..................... a t Magic ValleyMemorial hosp ital a fte r a brief ill-

She w u bam Feb . 34, 1BS3, a't HartvUle, Mo., a n d was m arried to Gaylord K eith . H e died Dee. fi. 1BS5. She w u a m em ber o t the B aptist church in Missouri. -.S u rv iv ing—a re -- a - son. iJ K elthftJefferson C ity , Mo.; i ter, Mrs. E rn est W hite, Twin Falls; and a gnm dchlld. - .

W hite m ortuary is sending the body to M ou n ta in Grove, Mo., w here funeral services and eluding-rltea will b e held. '

e S l ^ y i S e _______________ ___p u to r ot the Twlti_gallB . C hurch of th e Masarene, Concluding-rites will be held in T w in F a lls cem- etery..... ._______ __________ _______

Death Oaims Mrs.TiUey,52BDRLEV, May 0 — Mrs. ih h e l

Judd TUley, #J„dled a t h e r home here a t 3:30 a. nu. T uesday a fte r a lingering illness. .

S h e w u bom Ja n . 8, isoe, a t p le asan t Grove, U tah , and came to th is community 48 years ago. O n Aug. 9. 1933. she w u m arried to A rihur M. U lley - a t S tarrhs Ferry . T heir m arriage w u solem- f l ia e d - a t - th e - Id a h o -P a l ls - L D 6 tem ple Dec. 13 .19S3.' S h e w u itcltve in th e R e lie f . .

c lety.and Sunday school. Survivors Include h e r husband, three sons, Leland A. Tilley, R upert; Wayne Tilley, Burley, and G erald Tilley, ~ ‘ -three 'Lois Jean Kraus. KeUonc: M rs. Phyllis New M i l l e r , Vacaville, C a lif , and Mrs. Lom o Tncy, B u r­ley; three brothers. Alonzo JUdd, Modesto. Calif.; M arshal Judd, V ale,. O re , and ..E d w ard . Judd, T a n ^ , Fla,; fou r sisters, M rs. Florence Downs, Orem, U tah ; Mrs. VlrgU Tadlock, Tw in FalU : Mrs. H elen CuUer, H agerm an, and Mrs. Nellie Pollard, Burley, and 19 grandchildren.- Funeral services will b e held a t 3 -p^m . Friday a t th e Burley liD S .th ird -w ard chapel w ith BUhop Robert Ramsey offlclntlng. F inal rites will be held a t the P leasant View cemetery. Friends may call a t th e McCulloch funeral home Tltursday afternoon a n d evening and Friday until tim e o ( services.

C a n a tle a Sal* S e t .T he American W ar M others of

Twin’ FalU WlQetnu tlon '*sale Saturday to raise

Bnsy Do-ets Meet T he Busy D o-ers 4-H club met

Friday a t the hom e of Mrs. G lenn

ed out by Mrs. Lee EIdredge;.club leader. Each member w u asked to bring 29 cents for IFY E a t the next meeting, which will be held June 1 a t the home of Jan e An> denon.

routine claims a n d approved pay­m ent of bllU for the .m on th of April'M onday.

Marriage ;LleeBse...T he Twin county clerk's office Issued a m arriage license Monday to Richard M. More and Busan V. Burieson, both San Ber­nardino, Calif. V

Mrs. Donald. Youtz w u elected rice president of the Idaho Fed­eration of Music ciabs a t the sta te conveotloi^ held ;recently in C ^ d ;

A rihur Childers 4»ome. A salon from Ariiona, “F lora a n d F auna ." wHl-be-shownrDavId-MIIch-ell-win

Admitted to a in le Jack Wayne, 336 Elm street,

adm itted- T u e a d a y - to - th e -T w ln Falls C l^ lc h o sp ita l.;

W ork Party Bet Members of Tw in Falls G range

No. 219- will hold a work p a r'8:30 p jn ; Wednesday to co m ,___painting of th e G range hall. Mr. and Mrs. - Jam es C atterson will

Higli JumpC o r l e y , M ay B — DennU

H b « , 14, son of Mr. an d 'M rs . Floyd H are, Burley, w u n o t

'in ju red 'seriously ,“ -according to his a ttending physician, when h e was thrown from h is bicycle

.on to the hood of a - 1998 M er­cury driven by M rs. - Em m a Sm ith, 33, thU m orning.

PoUce said M rs. Sm ith w u -^ riv ing -on -E u t'lcm -stree t ,T e i“ turning home a fte r tak ing h e r children to school, w hen th e youth came from a private foad o n 'h e r r igh t. i ;h e bicycle collided w ith th e r ig h t fender of the Mercury and th e im pact threw the boy on to the hood and through th e windshield.

Mrs. Sm ith took him hom e and hU m other rushed him to ft- local physician, who sta ted , a ccordlng-to Initial exam ina­tion, the boy -w u n o t h u r t se ri­ously.

T . - F . - ¥ p u t h s —AreSpeakers At OubMeet

“ 3 o H S T ^ « ‘,'" jrr ia iT y -N ye-and G ordoxtTobln. jr^ jeprescn tlng .tha T w t i r F a U ir in = T -c ln b n ^ * ¥ 0 « t a p ^ e r s a t th e Tuestfay noon luncheon of th e Exchange club tn th e Rogerson hotel Roundup room.

Roper noted th a t th e I m l Hi-Y club, sponsored by the YMCA, now h u 13 members. -

Nye, who w u elected secretary of the senate a t the M arch pre- legUUture meeting of YMCA'i youth legW ature, told of h li ex­periences a t tho leglslaUve slons April 14-15 a t BoUe. As a t e '^ e t a r y . he kep t riv'ords of all bilU passing through the senate u d w hat happened to each bllL H e noted th a t the you th leglsU- Uve sessions gave members a chance to see how government functions and they ;m et with-sev­e ra l sU te offlelaU. ‘

Tobin, who w u a lobbyUt a t the legUlaUve sessions, explained th a t th e mock' legislature gkve him an - ■ • -— in to —h ow _govB rnm ent

H e JwInUd out th a t the annual American Legion sponsored Boys' s ta te and GIrU* state ses­sions are sim ilar to th e YMCAyouth legUlature.-:---------------------

He aUo told of local YMCA ac- tIvIUes a n d noted th e importance

faclllUes for

D onald Dod-—sarcsec ity . • .

Norval W lldman announced th a t M ay 33 will be gueet day. I t w u announced-that -Bruce - L.-Roberts will be sponsored by the Exchange club to Boys' sta te In Boise.

The Exchange club will be re­sponsible fo r operation ’ o t the Chamber o f .. Commerce tourUt booth a t Perrine Memorial bridge Aug. 3-S, and Aug. 14.

S. Garniendia Is Claimed by DeathSalvador Oarmendia, 87. died

M onday evening a t Magic Valley Memorial 'hospital.

s w u born ln sp a ln -an d came to tb e U nited S U tes In 1903. He worked u a sheepman In the Twin FalU area for many years and v u a m em ber o f S t. Edward's Catho­lic church. T here a re no known survivors.

Rosary-.w iU -be-todted-at 8 p jn ; T hursday in th e W hite mortuary chapel and requiem mass will be celebrated a t 10 a jn . Friday in St. Edward's Catholic church by the Rev, John KoeUch. Concluding, rite s will be held In Tw in Falls^ cemetery.

Seen-Todavtruck down Second avenue w u t L. Jam ea K outnlk chatting with D avld 'M ead in ChamSer of Com. m efce-o ffle tfT rrM rsrH rB T B G rnr- m e r j ^ ^ b u n ^ w l t ^ m u s l a ^ c l u b — w'ort . . . L io y i '^ a lk e r discu.«in» bualneu w ith friend . . . Jo h n Oaiv conversing w ith Jo h n 0 > lem an .Connie Forrester typ ing . letiU w ith eleclrlo ly p W y w rT . . Jack ' Jones handing ou t cigars for ne* baby daugh ter , . . D uane Chrii. tenson looking forward to fUhini season , . ..-Man trying to catch brea th a f te r bicycle ride to work , . . J o h n O. Frederickson telling of daughter's approaching m ar- riage . , . E ari Fau lkner watching g ro w th -o f-p o tte d '- tre a - . overheard: "Do you h a re an ' r ig h t o r dow nright freezer?"

Annual Ruyal Mail Program Is May 15-20 1T h e an n u al ru ra l m ail box Im­

provem ent program to assist the posta l service in providing more effic ient deliveries and sUmulate efforts to Improve the appearance of th e countryside will be held May 19-30. according to T * ln FalU Poftm uter~W , W . F ran tz .

T h e program U sponsored to en­courage patrons to provide sultr able m all boxes.-erectM a i)(tina ln -— talned fo r easv and safe aceessibil-— I ty, presenUng a nS t appearance and . p rotecting th e mall.

Im p ro v w e n ta should b e made for boxes th a t a re no t properly erected—o r _ m a ln ta in e d ,_ b o x e a — w hich are- no longer serviceable and boxes which expose m alt to th e w eather. Name of th e box owner should be Inscribed on the side vUlble to th e m ail carrier o r on -the-door of the box, if sev­eral boxes a r i grouped togetluc, F ran tz said.

Boses a n d supporU . sh o u ld 'b e painted. W hite U preferred, bu t o ther colors may be used. Mall boxes on rura l, s ta r and mounted routes m u st be located o n 'tb e r l |g t side o f th e road tn the t'd lrecO b ': of trave l of the carrier, ^n oil cases w here traffic conditions a r e ' such th a t I t would sc dangerous •for-carriers-to'drlVe to th e le ft In order to serve the boxvs. '

A pproaches to boxes should be filled, properly graded a n d unob­structed a t a ll times, h e . added.


Gir« M other the Bert CHOCOUTESDeantifnlly Boxed

----- Special Orders. Filled

Frederickson'sC om er of 2nd S t A 3rd Ave. E.

Salvation^ Army Board Has Meet

day noon a t the shellei: fo dff^ cuss plans for th e annual appeal for-funds.

W arren Barry, chairm an of the board, presided. T h e goal for th e drive Is $11,000 and the campaign will la st two weeks.

stresied a t 't l i e meeting th a t th e Salvation Army is tho commonsense charitab le organiza­tion In Twit) Falls a n d jvrves as a clearing house for a ll destUuie and needy .cases. . • _ ,. ,


—Leaders from 30 ' '

'ireU ii ouiK or iMf eotbix kuu

Parking ;Is No ProblemW hen visiting the W hite

:;M ortuory, you do not have tp ' m oke three or four trips l nrnilh^- the ■ hinck- lookingfo r a ploce to park—A m ple- space is ' provided, in our b lack - topped, illuminated park ing potio.

Parking FinesPosting I I overtime parking

bonds with Twin FalU police M on­day .were Mervyn Jones, L a r ^ M. “ ■ ■ - D .-PhllllperG eorgeChellne; Mrs. Bob MoUtlne, P a t Tverdy. Jo A nn Russell, T he Vogue, Penny O ldaker, N orm an Drlggs, Vandella- Ballard, pecU ' ... ........... ..E m nry ,Jy .J.«n t£ing, R. R . Alleman, A1 Sonecny, Pearl Eager. Charles F. WaUs, L a r­ry Anderson. Lloyd Thompson. J . L. Higgins, G ertrude Moseley »nd Donna DeWaaL


A n American MedlciU association plftn to' guide doctors In se tting fees U being mailed to doctors now, a.spokesm an for the AMA says—The- plan , still-su )> Jeo t-to change, does no t s e t fees bu t sug­gests a relative value fo r each se rv ice .,

. Career Opportunity!

Be A High P a i^ ^ e m t i t i d r T

Enroll Now fo r Spring an'fl Summ er Claasesl You will tra in w ith the Best Instructors in Idaho.B«at o tj il l , you can earn while you learn. Bcauly

-A rts has been supplying aalona vaih" h’fghly-train- ed beauticians since 1937 and hiany have success­ful shdpa of their own! Scholarships 'Available! Take the firs t step by reqiiesting information today. W rite fo r booklet: ‘T he Story of W hal a Beauty Career O ffers You." •

. Beauty Arts-Academy135 MAIN WEST TW IN FALLS


AND PIXY PINUPSThat Were Made by Itinerant Photographers Recently .and Will Make you.a Negative and 20 Billfold Pictures for Only- :

The N ag ativ e .an d Prints will be ybCir property to use as"_ybu.wish.-

This Offer Gopd for Any Deo! th a t Is MCide by Any Itinerant that-Comes to Magic Valley__ (Remember—the' Out of Town "Kidnapper"— - Photographer Pays No Taxes h e r^ n o r does

•He Support Our Cbrhmunity.), - ■ . ■

BRING Y our PICTURES f o H b To BOB W ltU A M SS tH E A lB l/M S l^^

-231-Shoshone“Sl No inTTwin lFoiisrldah0~"—(We will riot(copy our lpcal photographer's photographs) .

Page 3: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


They’ll Take Part in Ptiblic Debate—{ Bui-Iey :Given= Talk on Heip For Retarded

f r - '- n u r e RrciU ntcd ioi: iiudy , iinnlyjii* And. most I m p o r t m u , th e rollow- tlirtfUKli to r llic menlfllly retnr<tfd child," declnred Dr. Jnmc.i Barclay.

clllne depiirtmcnt. IdoTto Stn(c cut- lege, Poentctlo. when he nddrr.ucd a jo lm mccUnK of the M iller. Jun­ior hiRh Mhool, D w onhnk and O pponunlty schoolsTTA '* held cit the Junior high K hool ln«i

T lie special program ua.-( *[Hm- w red by the O pportunity ichool.

A team of 4>i'ii(eaalonal.Voi‘ker& has been orcanlzed In Pocatella to study cases. I t Includes a Acclnl worker. psychlatrLit. doctor. nur«c and ca*e worker. P lana a rc being made to set up a team In LewMton soon.. He added th a t nrgnnlzlng (uch a te a m .h a d complication.',

. Erma B«b«rU on. leU; and Bin E llli wlU pracHco In » publio debate tournam ent a l 8 p.tp. W ednei- flay la tho T w in Fall* Junior hl*h aehool aodltorium. T hey will debate w ith anptlifr achaol from" -------------------------- - —------------- ------------- ---------"-•■ *.b«.»Irim eanH y.«lrentn ientd .'L ^Tl>e.proT .

The public (» Invited.

Report Made On Meethigs Set for T.F,

^ ^ m e $3S0.000.wlll be spen t dur* ^ ^ u n e by persons a tten d ln s eon.'

Tentlons In Tw in Ftvlls, aecordlnR to Wllllftm a ro n g e . Chamber of

. Commereo fiocrctftry-manascr.}fe noted Monday, m orning th a t

convention delegates spend a n av­erage of |2 0 p er day eo£h day they ftttend & convention. A n eaUcn&ted 3.015 eonvcntloh delegates o re ex-

• pected in.Tft-ln Fa lls during June and they will spend on average of

—th res 'd ay a 'ln 'T w ln Falls.' T he s ta te B e ta Sigm a sorority convenUon will be held Juno B-II w ith 125 persons expected; th e Ap- paloosa clubs of Idaho , OreRon and Nevada wlU hold & m eeting In Tw in P a lla -Ju n e-1 0 -ll! ‘the-ldftho grand chap te r O rder of Eastern S ta r convention Is scheduled for Ju n e 13.10 w ith abou t 1,000 dele* gates to a tten d ; th e Id ah o sta te lolrboard will m eet Ju n e 17; a

.sta to-w om en’s go lf-tou rnam en t-ls scheduled for Ju n e 18.34. w ith 135 women e^^gected. and abou t BOO persons ore expcc led 'fo r 'l b e Id a ­ho Veteroos of Fo re l^a W art con­vention Ju n e 31-34.

Attorney TalksBUHL. May S —'W lIllam T Iun=

gestcr. Buhl attorney, gave th e history of the system of law of oiir country during th e regu la r lunch­eon meetlog of the B uh l Rotary club a t the R a n d R cafe. He was Introduced by T ed Ahlm, program chairman.

Stanley Webber reported on the recent Rotary d istric t conference held o t provo. G rady SpradllAg - an^a Jack 'B ln rie rrbo lh B uh l, and -Douglas Carey, Sa lt L ake City, were guests and the R«v. John Tulk, Shoshone, was % visiting RoU rlan . •

fax, 63. died yesterday apparently a fte r a heart attaclt while or cation In Tahiti for fllmlnu ' tin y on the Bounty."


eran character actor Ja m es Fair-

a Marshal Approved. I WASHINOTON, M oy P (D?0-TOe

.4 senate.-has approved-the nom lna- - a tlons of six U ,>S.-moraluls. They

'in c lu d e A ston T . Skoro, a iarsha l fo r the d istric t o f Idaho.

Loolfor thiStori. WithThij Sigi

oi thi Door /BA T X nOLMES odvlM* «sln<

..... ........ iid sy ’a 'S o ^ 'S h 'e l l ---------

BULLETIN:Twin, Falls

------ Shell man“ tells you-where:

to ge t today’s Super Shell for

top performanceHere Is yonr chance to try th e re inariub le gasoline reported In th e SheU BalleUa on the rig h t. I t U now available a t a ll of th e SheU D««ler SUUons

.'n p p lle d by Ray Holmes, Shell dealer.

n e k the ataUoR nearest yoo. T hen try today's Super Shell gasoUne. Y ou'll iood hear and fe«I th e dlffercD ce.that U .top . perfonnaneej

'vpO D A Y ’S Super Shell, w ith J . nlQe Ingredients, Is the f in -

•• e»t gasoline I 've ever handled," say Shell distributor itolm es.

tim e.

'B esides h is thriving 'S hell business. Ray Isjactlve In tho T w in Palls Cham ber of Com -' merce, Klwanls, C h r i s t i a n church, M asons and Hies. Rajr Is also chairm an of tl)e Pish and G am e Commission.

Get today'* Super Sheli • from theiB Shell Daolert.

Service li th<

.Investments Secured- by,First • o r Second Deeds of Trust on , Idaho

Real Estofe Qf Other Seci/rities.

SECURED investment CO.. 824-Ban'nock . Phone-5-3621- B o ise-


LtMITED TO IDAHO RESIDENTS: ONLY ’ — THIS IS N o t a n o f f e r t o se l l .

SECURED in v e s t m e n t CO.;Please K nd n e FR EE broehnre th a t explalna how .m y raoney.aST »M «ei


RAY J . HOLMESTwin F a l ^ l d o k r —

for.slate emptoyM could no t oo.D thec.]obi-and-therr were alMUt a-dO M n pfcyclilatrlsts-ln •Idaho;. ............ , , ------------------

People demand lliltiE.' to be done b>- the Irciilalure. but the ir hands a r t . tied bcc«u.ie of lack of funds, he said,__Nauirr.dtdr<l£mocrni]r_iiii>niif:r_nnd_all_thlU. dren cnnnnt be rduc.-iird In the j-anie'm iiniifr. hr. notpd. Educa. .Cihnat »y»tnii5 ln■u t covrr the Rift. cil child a.s-»pll ilic handlcapptd

The MiadowA c a n ii|>oii n niei Inlly rrtardfil child rr.siik (roin iciniTled commuiiilv, 'H ie coiu miinliy mil /iluayji have .the prob- Irm of ilir>c ppr;ion.» a* two to ihrcp p tr c riit of tlip po|)ulatlon (alls m a low n\ciii»l c i\ira«ry. Dr. Biirt>Ei>-Xfr(r Soflriy nuist face Ihts iirntilemand th ru tir ra t Mrldea can br R.'tnnl.to lieJp mid cilucate the rpiardfd child, he a.s.MTlcd. •

A child can be ndju.su'd .socially In the tam e cla.M tia'tiiil(li;cn hix own age even though h ta 'iQ may be nn more llian 50 ir lilx family love-1 nml'acfppts him, h r <lpclared,

e d film, "flo-ond the Shadows,-. wM 'si«wm *nnrR 'T?5w -lhe-Kop*-8cliool-J«t“ Trfntnny tarded children- in Cnlorartosta rted by parpni.<i. -fUr flUu .....pre^enied ' by ih)* Colorado state departm ent of piibltc health , It l^ld of lhe^necp^Mlt^^ nrocedurc.s---- rffJlVft-—— T lie -gurM -lT duced by Mr5.'' Hairy W ltirr, lie.jrt teacher a t the O piwnuimy bclionl.

The Invocation was glveji by F rrn Treiiiaven and uromi s1iiglnT was led by Mrs. J a y Brown, ac- eompanied-by-Mr^.-Otn-W lllhm?:: T he iiicellns oiw cimducteii• by Har.cn Hatch. '

Parcnui and ir a c lin t nf th e Op- porlunlly »eliool K>rvrrt refrrAh- nient*.


J \ with AJ EM'S

FORMULA 12Tho ZJrim'Jewn

-SGIENTIFIG-WEIGHT-CONTROI:----------FORMULA 1Z Is i weight eontrollsnl.

T h is Is *11 you need to do. Tho lim ed rORM U U U cjp iu la 'Is wir.reaul«iino and will lid <n controllino yM r appetite throughout the^nlire day.

L O S E U P T O i s P O U N D S I n 1 8 D A T S

18-doy supply._ _ 3.00 36-day supply__ 4.95

BOOT B E E l tO R S l lM . . LEMOK-LIME. c in q e r ,

It Hasta Be Shdst'a

UJCRM going youx way...to

BOISE-SEATTLE• F-27- P rp p - je ts ;-------• Twice daily service

U/EST COnST RIRUnESJ, Cell REtlwood 3-6711 o ^ o u r travel ogent. \

b u l l e t i n :

Chemical “poUceman” in today’s Super Shell guards agamst gum-fouled carburetors

--1» give your cEir top performance

One special ihgredimt among tliia nine „ in today’s Super Shellifasoline Is a gain

preventive.U^e a policeman dealing yritH a moli,

—It'Worlffl'tokeepTmstabledemBnts- ^clotting iogefher. Hence no gum pibb*

lem. Besnlt: top nerformance. -VMACiNBshingredienttodrec- Jobs done by t}«e 9 ingredientsX tivetbatonlyonelhotuonilfh in Super Shell to cive your carof an oun<e is enough to treat a lop performance, jou owe it togallonofsaioline. your car to Icam what each o£

This tiny drop Is all today’s the othen can do for you. too. Super Shell n e w to tuve.olF . „ , ,

-g u m n o u b lo th atcn bm 'pa ' # 2 U TCP lor power,your car's performance. - . mileage and looger plag-Iife

Gum fofins'wlien. even tho- .......... ~ " -vToday’s Super Shell now ton-■putotg«olmts«re I ,c U in .» r - ^ l „ '„ bclar vmi™ of .gc. UnmUc t W n a in t i .

oxre=n .nd with e.ch o ? ™ r 'httCTiiwbat*aentmj call «l>i. ^ ^ 15 per cent more vow-malallon Cl gjxx! Ihijs i{ you ^» .n t n n .le p lu to , but n« I! ^ J , ^ ,

y o u t^ Im O . , M i, TCP dot, iSi, by ntu-S h a i o c l t a Ihc > . n i . t o v rf* J

■loecialinhlWorthatisdejigned tu,tion deposits. It is tdentifi-toVtcpgUmfcorafomlog. ,b i„

Gum tiiuJIy aid i up on rasl- dlvttUni! yout ip « ik -« mijot live a A a itm pain, Mhm ft ■ o.ui« of ■ miomB,

s ^ t o f r n “ “ d « , » * - > » « • .mixture. • » fo^powe^wlthapmr

Too rich a mKtute can waite TJ is Is petroleum that h u icti»*■ .»t . • -»|y'fjflc|iKd.under 900-degtee

this hlglt-octane Ingredient for Shell aviation fuel.

Alkylate-which took the dream of 100-octane gasoline out of the lab andnut it into die jkies-is DOW in Super Shell. It.

uorat Speakioj of controlling Imocks at Wgh ipetd*. lejnern- bcr that car engines frequendy turn'even fiaterlfcan the enf^nes of a D07. Think of this a m

-time you p w anodjet cat^-.-----

Thinlc what dils extra voIadUty &ieans;ncold^dier.

Your engine fires.in seconds. There-is'less ittain on your bat­tery. And none on your patience. NOTB f Super Shell. |s primed with Butane all year. In winter, Shell scientists just increase the dojc.

Is Pentane mix for fast ' on cold day*

Penlane* are made by tearing caiollne apart, miich as you split

.kinaiing to start a los’fire.Infhijcase;the’'log^aTef«’

Imixture can bum valves. Either heat and catalytic___

V, gum troubles cost money. heavier molecules have been in extreme cases, gum can tbattc^lntoUghterones.

eventtick your intake-valves.— T lje result is a supcroctane This means a-rough and noisy Ingr^ent that makes yout.ett* engine—loit power—and perhaps gine pun wilh ptwer the mo­an expensive repair job, roenryouputyourfootdown.

To My that Super Shell's c h c n ^ "policeman" protecn your pocketbook is u Under* statemeBt.

How flie

CDt la an oxidation inhiblcOT.'lt - helps k^tinstable elements in the gasoline- fn»n - sticking tp-. geiher-just l e way a skilled policman. prevents trouble: by. k ee ^g • crowd from fbiming.

As a residt p u r e n g ^ is cleaner—for'

worth of platintuB catalyst for Shell toprDdu«Plslfbtnuie.But fortunately this precious stuff can be used over and over again.

The platinum re-forming , which giverPlatfcrmate ■

such as benzene, 3[y)ena a toluene.

Thesa three olona relsosa 11 «er cent mor« energy pergaOoR than lOOoetBM gvMon aao- line. This is eneTgy ’.w|n« exthi mJicoge.

Test Snper9ieII tn yoniBeU

I 8 b a I^ P o o n i% p feB M r

JiiUkylate,iioted for.4ockcdnliioI.lilIi6lengtocs

TUs.is just one of the ipeda!' Jimmy Poolittle helped plQoecr

Fof-kn^-tree perfomiince. But' Shell’s sdentists have ears like musicians.

T l ^ iwljt oil aiding a »p*- tM imti-knock mix; A mix, so' effective, one teaspoon jief gal- .Jon eon hoest mli-htoek

five points.This mix has die tricky Job of

ragulaling'combustion so that Super.Sh^ gives eachpistona firm, even push-radia tban a' sharp blow which mmld cause a k r i ^ • ,#6 b Bntene for qakk ifaiti

oa cold iBondi^

l S a r ”-g5!fX iS -

" h g ^ . Into th e quieker-fJring •‘kinJJing.-.NET rbsult: I ^ warm-up and top performance hi a hurty.

^ S I s M ^ a n tM c e t ^ to c h e c k coId*wcaQier ttaDli^

Super SheU’afonnulaUadjmted ' up to eieht thnes a y w to beat the weather. For example, when-

' ever the temperature is likelf to b« less than tbrtyfivedrore^ i carbutetor anti-icer is a d d ^

^ V h y m U a n ti^ ce ra t/b r lH iw . degrees? Becauter even then,' frost can form in yoiu wburetot

Ju st as it docs In your refeiges- a tn .I t c a n s ta Q y o u r e n ^ e . •

"T ry ^ u ^ SheU next timcyoa - -fill uprVou'H soon'/eel and hear ■ a dilFcreneo in die way your cni gine runs. That difference is top ■per/’oTJ^ce.

A B D u x i i N n o x ; ;

«B*r0T. n o M mOteMA « n w a r id B j« t0 a k k i-----

Page 4: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so



H l R L l G r GW AfiBIN O 'tO K — PTMtdent .Keoo«dr‘s rvoffrun

rSr~li(U atruf^m portknt •b u i'ftiun t'te iu ie 'Indiu- i. lry ^ m a y . pw vent c o o jre u • tnim ! - juaU D^— U s s - m lp r o c A l- t r A d • ' «Breem entj act. wneo U expires

n«x t year^ 'n i« p ro t« cllo n la l-ip lrlt


Girl He Asked to-the-Dance

?n -T --

—Tho-jjubJlo t J f f • betwecn-two-Ju8tlco8-or 9 U. B. supreme-court .flcrvcU to point up

th» -difference of oj^nlon which results In M dedstons and majority and minority rc' porta.

In thla.pnrilcular-'lncJdent, Justice Felix F ran k fu rter called, a majority decision "In­defensible" In open court. Chief Justice Earl W arron answered th a fl^ a n k fu rte r 's state­m en t was.A lecture, "It Is properly made In th e court's confcrcnce room but not In the open couit?’ addfng th a t a dl»e~nt should n o t be delivered “for the purpose of degrad­ing th e couct.”

The 6-4 m ajority decision” ordered a fourth trial fo r Wllllo Lee Stewart, who had appealgd-te)m_a^eath sentence for th e 1053 holdup slaying of a Wtiahlngton grocer. I tie 17. 8. court of appeals had se t aside two earlier convictions. The latest appeal, which

-led. to t^e supreme .Court tUf. -was made on grounds of. a prejudicial error In questlotl^ lilk by the proSKutor In the-case. Justice Black wrote the m ajority opinion contend­in g Stew oit's constitutional rights w er^de- Bled by improper questioning.

'Justice F rankfurter dissented, saying the m ajority decision's assumption th a t the Jury was influenced_by. two Questlons-asked-by th e prosecutor "is to show less respect for th e Juiv system th an dO the-opponents of th e system."

Justice F rankfurter b likely to find many people who would support his stand;

Applications, of concepts of Justice have undergone .changes to the point th a t some­times Justice appears to -be governed by, technicalities and loophoI^sUn laws ra th e r th a n basic consideration's 6f guilt or Inno­cence. Apparently the nation has gravitated from one extreme e^giressed by th e thought, •‘We'll give him a fa ir tria l and hang him," to the o ther extreme, where a more or less minor'-teohnlcallty'^is--aufflclent-8ometlmesi to free a prisoner. Neither extreme is llkeJy

- • to be popular.Technicalities, split decisions and the like

• point up the basic philosophy of Justice in___ th is country-T hat phUosophy is expressed by

’ th e thought th a t i t is better to free nine[\ guilty-pet^le rather-than-to-convlct-one' In-pl '..I nocent-person.

.1 Eence, there Is n o t likely to be an end to » 5-4 decisions, new trials and technicalities

--------^*nd ei?en differences of opinion flaring into; . public tiffs a t sessions of th e s i ip r ^ e court'.I V Communists a n d others will continue to j: - tw ist laws and misuse 'them for their o ^ n

; u lterior purposes, making it appear a t timesr ■■ th» t^tftew 4s-n0:such-thing as.Justice. And

. y e t th e te n th case arises, th a t of th e Inno- cen t m an who finds himself wrongly ac-

j , pused an d Is freed eventuaUy-through-the • sam e processes.

I s 'l t r ig h t and proper o r should th e laws a n d ttoelr application be changed to deal ef- ■ tlvely -w lth -those-w ho-w ou l-d -in la

: i

them ? T he te n th m an would have an an< swer.

DEMERIT SYSTEM The Increase In demerits asdgned for

I various traffic violation* la. a atep In the ■I right direction, but is not likely to bring an

.. . overnight change in the habits, of careless ■ drivers. The new demerit system -was de­

vised because the state has found certain traffic violations are more hazardous.• -B-^Ss=a>pperj^coinm|ssionflr-or-law- en- fo ic m e h t. listed the more habuxt'ous vio­lations as following another car too closely, passing la violation of a double whit« line, failure to yield th e righ t of way a t an In-

,I... -teWecMon o r Whll«> w a lH n g fl_li»f;. fairhrfflH- ’ u re to drive teosoiiably an d prudently and

failure to reduce speed oti a curve. Five . more demerits als6 are being assessed now \ fo r stop sign violations. ,

■ W hat It.aU.bolls down to Is tlia t any vio­lation is e ^ d a l l y hazardous if i t leads to

.. an accident and 'particularly if th e accident ' claims a life.

StatlaUcs show some-sort of traffic viola­tion is involved in ' nearly all accidents. In fact, one.9f the old safety slogans Is “Acci­dents Just d o n 't happen." Even th e accident caused by doling behind th e steering wheel j u s t doesn’t happen. A lth o u g h there is iqore reason to understand .it th an the type of accident th a t Is caused by-a deliberatejvlq:: latlon such as speeding o r ignoring a: stop sign.-

The demerit system Is designed to pln- „i_4. traffic violator, the

—driver who willfully and knowingly speeds, riin s stop signs and Is deUberately guilty of the violations listed as especially haz­ardous. In fact. If a driver accumulates as m a n ; a s WO demerits during a . 12-month period, the^ cbmmlssloner. of law enforce­m en t is authorized to suspend the driver’s

. license fo r one yew.There m ay have been such license sus­

pensions--under the demerit system, but if so, they are indeed rare. The system Is not Ukely to reform drivers.

Even though the demerit increoss 'ls a step to th e righ t, direction, i t stUl' <«»ih 8hortH>f being, realistic There is no substl-

. ; t a te fo r a syrtem th a t would bring awlft. «ure an d heavy penalties lo r violators’. Some, s t a t n have discovered- the formula. For In-stonoe,-w hen C onnecticut'started Imposlns severe penalties, th e number of '-^latlons deereased.atanoeC immediately, Accompanied

“T T > y r f tT a r l » « r d B c l l n e n n - t r a i r i r f a C a U U e S . ------Tlolator.problem isn 't likely to

tM ioM A iff h a lfwgyjneasures. Like similar . get worse before the

1 ' t o Q ^

Only » few weeks ago, w «m lng to tha Whlt« Houm , . •en iM lubcom-mlttee on lextllei recommend m andatory ,Quoua o n these imports. U poinl* ed out th a t In IMO, mors than a billion y a rd s of cotton' textiles had

entered thU country, an Increase of alm ost 250 per-p e r cent I r o n the.lDM volume_______ ............

T he subcom m ittee was headed by Sen. Jo h n O. Pastore, Rhode Island . A s Persldent Kennedy said

' u w hsa b a .lra a ajienator.-N eiv h a rd h i t by foreign competition

In this and other Industrial.lines.Sen. Strom -Thurmond. 8ouUi Carolina, and Sea.

N orris’ Cotton. New H am pshire..' were the o the r members o f the subcom m ittee. M ore than 20 ators, mostly from New E ngland and the South participated In Uie subsequent |debat«. and praUed the Pastore proposals. '

-SU D SID IZ IN Q -CO M PETITORS— se n a to r Thur« mond emphasized th a t th e S outh hjvi'becn a prinr clpal victim of IncieaslnK im porti, since so m<oy textile firm s have moved- there to be nearer to the ir .sou rce .of .supply a n d to -u tc e '^ d v a n u g o of lower w ase scales.

A principal complaint fay the Industry Is directed against th e sale abroad by th e Borem m ent of sub> Bidi»*d-eotlan_laJtn eHMt to gnhuge 8urplu#..,Pocplen. f i r m c i— ---------------cenU a pound less Uian domesUo ffianufaelurer^ a n d the ftffure increases to e ight cents in August,

Lost year, tm der tills aystem , we dumped 879 million dollars w orth a t co tton Into the h a n d s 'o f rivals Uk^ low-wage Japan.'

V N IO 'N S -JO D rra A T ^ T b u s,rin '-ad d ltlo n 7 to -th e advantages which foreign competitors enjoy frofh cheap labo r a n d t a x incenUvea. our Bovemmenl virtually (loanees overseas interests . President K en­nedy has listed th is subsidy a s a subject for study a n d possible revision..

In addition to the-m anufac tu rers-and -their-con - - representatives, unions hitherto free-

trade minded, have begun to complain against th i nood of Im ports In - thU a n d other lines—steel, oil turbines, sm all au tos, baseballs, radios, television sets and parts , Japanese transistors, b rass anc r in es virtually given away by the armed forces a t th e close of W orid w ar I I .

Jacob Potofsky, he ad of th e Amalgamated Oar* m ent -Workers, had ordered members of h is imion - o t t e r s a n d fabricators—to boycott^ work on J a p a ­nese textllB.lmports. H s 'w as persuaded by the gov­ernm ent to call I t o f f 'le a t U Jeopardise relations w ith Tokyo. B u t Jap an - now applies voluntary quotas on textiles. , • . , .

t tlg -t o s s O P INDUSTRY—T h e u n e c i . , .............. ..ures. the th r e e - y e a r 11-b illio n -d o lla r balance of poym cnH .dcflcltLBnd_the.mlBratlon_of_indu8lry_:to lowwBge, low -tax a n d low -ton ff areas also tributes to th e growing congressional concern the consequences of almost 30 years of ta riff con­cessions to countries m ore, prosperous th a n the U nited S tates—Q erm any, fo r instance.

T h e P resident’s a ttem p t to provide relief for Ux* tiles wlU undoubtedly to u c h -o t t- a ehatci taBcUon O ther industria l-in terests w ill demand th a t similar

,-to -them -througJi-execuU ve -

^ A n d u ' l t ts n o t lortheo tn lng , there will b o a ba ttle royal over renewing the Roosevelt-Hull system of International trade *(treemcnls.

_ ; (K»l«**ri br,y«cl»T«.w«ww«p^


Technically, m any countries today have th e ability to-make nuolsac weApoas. b u t some .wlll r n ra in for economic reasoQs; A lthough n uc lea r weapons are bUU expensive, P ia a e t , X U lj. O trm ony , Japan , Bweden Bwitserland and perhapa In d U a n d A rgentoe aU exjM ott-to-produce aomo w eapons-in the future. Ghlnm th e effort w ill Involve m ore hum an suffering th a n one c ares to Im agine: b u t a ruthless goxemment c an hope to h&ve a weopon w ithin a fev

I o r earlier, even If no h e lp is received from thi

M v ^ na tions pM llng Uielr reaources, f irs t tup tng each o the r. aifd la ter perh^»a putting 'weapons ini^o-commerce. . .

I f noUons caA m ake nuclear’weapons, does i t lol. low U iat they.w iU m ake them ? NaUoos w an t t h eweapons fo r a varie ty o f ..................- * *prestige, since, they h a v e ------ ---- -------as is th e case w ith P iaa ee ; fo r tn c reu ed security, aa they I m a ^ e : fo r a n re ss lv e purposes, as may be the case vrlth Ohlna. A ny m ixture of these motives may spur a na tion to g rea t e ffo rt a n d sacrifice: -The spread of th e fission weapon# Is Itself a kind of “fis­sion p ro ce ss r each naUon th a t acquires weaponsinduces m ere naUons to g e t them too. ------------ .H i sonie-Q U K ierU t.lijatat»kealyjK llrod_H iat_jha se ed fo r tests Is a .m ajo r b a rrie r against the sp reaa u nuclear weapons. O f course, a aew ojmer to the nu o lw r d u b w ants to test- fo r various T «u o n s; In th e case, of Prance, to iumounce th a t i t has "arrived" a n d to be able to begin exercising pollUcal pressures. ITie w n e m ay be tru e la ter regarding China,.

B u t tc ju n g IS n o t necesaary lo r- a newcomer A tw r all, tho first bom b ever used, the one dropped

Hiroshima, had n o t been tested. I ts design was ............................from th e device tested a t A la­

mogordo. T h e risk o f failure taken then by the

newcomer doea no t need a refined .. b . All th e newcomer h u to do Is-to

produce a sufficient quantity of conventional

SENSIBLE TAX PO U CIES. .A number of companies have « lted M innesota's

corporate-incom e a n d personal property taxes " reasons for n o t expanding' existing plants in s ta te or fo r n o t loeailDg new p lants here. Tax study groups have ouggested re i^ io n s to provide more jobs.—Particularly o n e ro u Is th e peraoital property tax on Inventories and ^ ^u lp m en fc-T h n t-U -w h y -th d M innesota Form B ureau a n d other-bodies have been pressing for a ttifee p e r cen t sales tax. Much u o n c m f laaat

u -jers and fanners, T h e s ta te senate ind ii_____ _proval of fu ch a levy a t th e regular session ^ f the legislature a n d apparen tly th e proposal wUl'be made again to th e special fcsslon.

T he house seems p repared to again ro te for the tax program voted during th e .regular session. This provides none o f th e personal property tax relief of the senate plan a n d it provides addiUonai burdeiu for M innesota Industry by Increasing the corporate Income tax burden. -. .- . -

The p rrre n t M ihnesota r a te on corTMrmte In- .K ne is SS pe r cent. T he bouse bill cui4 the ra te to 1.8 per cen t, b u t in rea llty_ jh is :is a steep Increase, for under th e bouse p lan a company K-ould no t be able to .deduct_the t a x paid to f the federal govern- m e n t.T h a federal r a te ls 90 p « cen t on taxable J n - ^ e up to >33,000 a n d S3 p e r cen t on taxable :ln -

*ne over th a t am ount.Many stateso consider m a t th e Jobs and o the r eco­

nomic benefits c rea ted by expandlne industry are -mor«-lm portant-thJm ~in'e d l m t revenue from cor. p o rau income taxes. EventuaUy much of the cori porate Income Is taxed a fte r i t is paid to stock­holders as dividends. ,

o n have a n o tlig a tio n 'to con*s ld e r-th » ,-u lU m a l« -e ffe e t 'O f- ia x es-a a - ire ll^u - t tam edlate revenu i Invtdved/—M lnne^pells StarT'.'

- s o im c E > o p TAX R e v e n u e• W aised a re our vioe*. fo r they shall.serve a s a i

u a e a ^ couice of ta x revenue.—oonerete, Wash.

>VE-BE UNFAIR I t seem s we have to e x '^ l n the

m easage In thU com er to "Im a N ewcomer” In which' P o l Shots advised th a t I f s best to w ait .. U1 a f te r Ju n e l to 'set ou t plants th a t iH;e U k ^ to iree te . W e were

gMId ic fffl) uncertain term s th a t wfcVe- giving a bad—and not

en tirely true—impression of Mag.Ic V alley. _________

:t seem s the way d ither.garden- thlngs ■ device

cap." Furtherm ore , form ed ^ th e anonymous caller th S t lo ts o f gardeners already have 5 t t a va rie ty o t p ta a ta ovitaWe; in ­c luding the perishable tomato, bu t w e had, n o -w a y .o f-k n o w in g - th n t

W tia t we w ere advised to pass a long to “Im a Newcomer" was the Inform ation th a t fro st CAN occur a ny tim e during May, but i t “usu- ally-tila qu ite safe to s« t o u t plants If J> o t.cap s a re used along with heavy covers on n igh ts when frost tb rea tensl

O n o u r own, we will add th a t snow h a s been_reconleiUiere.duc= t o r every m on tft-o f-the year. I h tr e l

- .'—P U PS FO E K ID S D EP-T.— D anny D iy has six p a rt border

collie pups, mostly black, to give away. You can get them six and one-half' mllea east of W ashington

Five pups, about 6 weeks old. are fo r free. T heir m other Is a Ger* m an shepherd a n d the father is a boxer.'V ou c a n 'y e t them one*half mile n o r th and one mile west of th e B e ^ e r slore.^


W ith th e approach of several n o tiona l holidays, Memorial day on M ay 30, Independence day July- 4 . 'L abor day on Sept. 4, well a s Arm ed Forces day on Mav a o 'a n d P Ia g " a a y ‘oh“ JUffB“ H r x th ough t I w ould .jem lm l j-our m any re a d e rs th a t the marine corps .recru iters a t Pocatello have a very appropria te booklet, called "How to Inspectj>nd_D U Play^^ V ia g ,-* 7 ^ lch w e _ w o u ld ^ mweth a n hoppy to furnish free of charge to anyone for the asking.

T h e bo<riclet con tains many lit­tle know n b lta . o f information about t h e ' proper respect and proper display due th e flag of our country , a s well as a brief history. I t a lso , co n b ln s a ll three verses Of the *-Star Spangled Banner.'-' I t . Is th e 'm ost complete of Its type.- •

one w ishing a copy of "How . . .;e sp e c t. and Display Cur F lag" ahould address th e ir re> q uest to th e m arine co^ps recruit- ing office, t«dm 303. Fostoftice buildihg, Pocatello. I d a . '

S / 8 f t Bill Alien

OUR' B U tX E T lN BOARD 8aw l( .. 'lw Jn F a lU -W a s th a t

w here you. picked -u p your sta- tioneryl? T hanks, b u t-a n y com-

topics for the Public I they would appear d -

P R IC E O F ANONYMITY nem olritog anonymous some­

tim es can be costly, as demon- s tro ted In th e case of » reader who Signed' m erely •JKlmborlyite" to holler about- being too U te get a h u n tin g dog.

Som eone phoned to iisk th e iden- Uty o f ‘-Klmberlylter w ith the Idea of aatlsfylng th e request.io r a h u n tin g dog. O f coQne.^therc's a lso tb e . possibility someone had a i4 o« -fd r sale, b u t w e couldn't say fo ^ sure- because someone else hand led th e call. . '

Anyway, a s .y o u r to o d cortstltu- e n ts a re well’ a w a re ,-P o t ShoU does n o t Insist on use of true nam es.^There's no use spoiling the fun.. O f ciourse. poisoned pens are som eth ing ebe.

FAMOUS i-AST tiN E. . . _ J o r ^ l a bebaTlor depends

l ^ e t h e r tb e y re w a n t^ - c w antlog." ,■

GE.VTLeMAN IN TilE • ^ U R T a .B O W ____


WASHINGTON (NEA)—Repub­lican criticism of the Kennedy ad­ministration in its f irs t 100 days hasn’t been too effective.

I t m ay Improve now th a t for­m er Vice President R ichard M. Nixon's road tour, has started , which may Indicate th a t he-s running for something or o th . cr. or both.

B ut the princi­pal characteristic of the G O P effu­sions up to, now hasbeen-nltT)lcfc--fr Ing. Maybe the Republicans—and * - the D e m o c r a ts _too, for th a t m ptter—are sim ply overwhelmed by the 30 messages P resident. Kennedy., h a a .s c n t . , to congress. -This av en g e of one every_ th rw _ d ay a ,m u s t_ b # - i kind of k record.

I t has been suggested th a t w hat the OOP should do is hire some professors and -build up a brain tru st of its own to cotnpete w ith the Kennedy stab le of Inteileotu- a ls in ahaplng up a rival old fron- tier days program.

e Dem ocrats did something

cll in the 'e igh t'years t h e y _______of the 'W hite H o u se .'It wooa't too successful because of non.coopera. tion from the • - 'ership team of Lyndon Johnson' and Sam Rayburn.

There Isn 't a Republican alive who wouldn't ad m it the GOP coma do better, w ith o r witb~out the cooperation of the ir congres­sional leaders. Sen. Everett M Dirksen and Rev. Charles M. Hal- iccfc.

On foreign policy m atters — which haven 't been going too well on the sew fron tier President Kennedy has p u l le d ~ th e m g out from under the loyal Republican opposition by giving waii-to-wali red carpet trea tm en t to Eisenhow­er. Nixon and Rockefeller,. Even Ev and Charlie have .beeV invited U the W hite House and filled in.

TEIs f ia s 'so lia n 'le ir iH e T o ^ l'o ^ position to support the “ ' • -in defeat as well a.< In victory, which .the last adm inistration was never able to do.

The only real oppoaltion lo K en .

nedy ha^com e from the so>called “lunatle 'h-mge" of Ulto-reactlon- any extremUts on th e far. far right

' the pollUcal rug. This is a ra th - th in m inority ornam ent which

does no t have m uch appeal to the vast m ajority -ef voUrs.

Republican Sen. Barry Ooldwa- ter, AtlMna, lo r Inatoace. makes a lot o f speeches and is, the real darling of the tru e conservaUves. B ut New Y ork-S en . Jacob 'Jav lU wants Goldwoter replaced as sen­a te OOP cam paign committee chairman.

T h a t about says it. Until the Re- ■ "c»ns-can-, ____________________ _____ pro*

gram of opposiUon, their prospects will rem ain dim.

The T h u n d ay m orning handouts r OOP congressional leaders

Dirksen and Halleck have been mostly small.potAtoes...They. have o f f e r e d no th ing construcUve. .WhUB_Hou»a_ReaublIcans.appar- ently support th e "Ev and Charlie*' show, some of .the more progres­sive O O P'senators like a i f f Case, New Jersey, and Ken Keating, New York, have expressed grave doubts.

Even as conservative a.Republl- . j n a s Styles Bridges, New Bam p- shlre, was so bothered by the Dirk­sen and Halleck press conferences

8tcpolicy"com m utee.~

Dirksen spoke for the party. W hat may come of th is is prior agree­ment on w hat p arly policy U be- fore-anyone-starte-spouting-eboutit. . .

GOP national committee head­quarters. in th e meantime, has no t been much help. Sen. Thruston B. Morton. Kentucky, wants to resign as nauonal chairm an. But .when the executive committee-met here, they were imable to decide on a successor.-So they decided to do nothing till they convossedthe sit­uation.-Tha-pub'lio-reiailons-Hlepertmerit has p u t out some, allegedly cuto releases about Caroline Kennedy's Efttcn. B ^ t h e K a i l m e ^ f y au-

" have m u y votes foranother 16 year% so it's a little d ifficult-to see how this will help in 'S3 and '04. But maybe the GOP

Poor Man’s PlatoB Y -ilA L BOYLE

NEW YORK, May 0 «v-Pew actors since the late. Jo h n Barry­more have-been able to live up to the grand-m anner offstage.

Cyril R ltchard la one. - “n i l s Idea of Just being a Tom,

Dick or Harry is all wrong," .sold t h e Australion- b4rp star, now ap- peorlng on Broad­way. ,

“The people In k the theater should { t>e‘a -rac e apart, S c When they

should be'seldom, they should look, as glamorous a s they do on stsge.r th e / do on sUge.

m ie h ard made h is m ost memo­rable h it In this country several years baUc in -the role e f CapL Hook in "Peter Pan." in which he coeta rred 'w ith Mory M artin. B ut over a 44<year career on three continents he h as won renown las a play and opera director as well a s-.^ r hU genius-Jn musical — '

Just a sm all hideaway— 8M a c re s -w lth a sm all lake and a small waterfall.

'"Evei^thlng Is lit up a t night— ven th e trees—because, a fte r all, am thealricftl.*-1 have beavers and bird baths.

deer comes in now and again lo r afternoon -Ua.

“All ,th ls helps keep R ltchard keeps in shape by

swimming and playing badminton but says h is rea l hobby “U Jiving —enjoying a sound life ap art from the th ^ te r , a lthough Tm not sure Just wh%t is aound. '


A t 93 .'t£o . U l l .a c tw looks 48. T h a t can. a t least partly be a t- tr lb u ltd i.lQ .h ls th e o ry -tf ia t life should b e iU y ^ in -the grand m an-

- - Je In * sm all world bf ow n" he said, putUng down second luncheon m a rt in i, and reaching for h is sea food.

His "small w orld- includes his H e rr-E d d y -P a rrr-a n —cx ^rltlsh ';

army cook; and two o ther serv- antu In him rltv apwrtm^wf , includes' twcf more servants a t country place.

Describing h is .country • place, sold :--------------. hltcboi


^ A S H IN GTOK c a l l i

MARQUIS O ilEDS- o e L O —T h a.l5 :so rereIsa powers of th e N orth AtlanUc alliance a te rep rB seo trt.bere . by. the lr,fo« ign . BUnlster* for NATO-a annual re­view of where the ai)'«nce stands.

T h e-an sw er th is — — time is relatively

. . . . . .d^ep. • , ’ • .

NA-TO was a defense alliance pu t together under the th rea t of sov ie t m ilitary aggression a t i ttma when Europe had scarcely begun to recover from -W orid.war II. In term s of recovery—and even recovery in m ilitary strength—"the ■llianee was a conspicuous success. In. its very success the original reason for Its being has been re­moved and th is help* to explain why .lt seems to flounder *o un­certainly.

For w ith recovery each Individ­ual nation has come up with tne old nationalistic am bitions.the old fam iliar Insbtence on national alm s and national aspirations. P artly th is has been submerged In th e European Common A arket of six of th e NATO powers. But the outor seven. Including four of the~o ther_N A T O nations, have Iheir own ta riff organlzaUon-and the outlook U for a Uade w ar if

T he need—th e desperate need— Is for a new kind of unity to resist forma of Soviet ..aggression far

aubUe than , th e m ilitary th rea t, n i e ' Soviet invasion of m arkeU and the a tU ck on ^orl.d prices has, fo r example, ju s t begun.

T ake a aingle Instance and how . , ean a ffec t the AtlanUc powers, Russia h a s developed great new oil fields which only three or* four Europeana have Men permitted to see. W hile th e Soviets today con. U m piate exporUng 30 million tons of oil th e new incoming produc­tion-wlU make I t possible to send 40 million to n s 'o n to - th e world m arket w ithin a year or a year

nd a half.Italy , th o u ^ th e fabulous En-

rlco_M attei w ith h is seml-pubiii a iid M ml-prlvaU cotporallon. hsi a g n ed to take p v t o f the 8ov‘(i b ll 'a t a'pH ce below’th e world pctc* while a t 'th e i- a a m e . tim e •elUr,. Russia pipe to he lp complete i pipeline to W estern

only th e beginning. Soviet oil c , . be used-as In instruifient of poiK. to disrupt, if not- sh a tte r, the lationship between tho newly intif.

[pendent oil-producing counirim r| ‘the Middle E as t and N orth and the western powers.

T h a t is the k in d 'o f threa t uhlch •ls_very real and v e ry_ im rn tdu i,.. : and'w hle'h can Be m et only alUane# w ith fo r closer Mt» ’ cending the na tional amblilonit of individual powers. B u t there u Kn. i o ther and more profound rfa.^nn, . for th e political d isarray thai iht foreign ministers here in Na t o 'h northernm ost cap ita l m ust a t Ir^c confront,....................................................

T h a t is the la teralisatlon In nu­clear streng th opposing the two g la n t* - th e USA and th e U SSn-. against each o ther w ith -a vacuum of power in between. T h a t vacuum ' Is for the European powers in NATO a deep a ffro n t and It atli not long continue. I f some way ii

-not found of sharing autlicm ? over nuclear strik ing power so liiat the United SU tes does no t seem to have th e sole a n d th e ' only rleht to say when .it sh a ll be used, th e n . other NATO nations, PYancs t in t and cerUlnly G erm any sooner or later, will get th is power.

Y et the problem of sharing both kho'w-hbw-and o ro troL com ^dO T iC .

I readinesf In th a Amerlc'«n c o n fe ss to a Jler th e McM ahon se t ' th a t fOTWds It. And Just h « a th*i» is th e greatest^ political disarray and m istrust.

A rum or In ParU during th e r * i_ volt of the Algerian rebeU w a s .u ihs effect th a t the F rench s e t |R their fou rth nuc lear exploslon^n the Sahara proving ground h u r ." riediy in advance of schedule be- cause of doubts about th e security force guarding th e operation » d the fear th a t the test bomb m M t fall into hands friendly to generals.

This was probably tvo m ote than another inaunce of the freneilo and wildly uncertain atmosphere In Paris. B u t itsuggests w hat could happen and why th e resistance to any choBke'''lQ~the A m erican-law — has'grown.

(Coprritbl. IMl. w ValM rm ta n

Heiuy McLemoreROME. I la ly -P a re t its . Ju it

m uch as children, need a . . . routine.-Rob~them -ot~A -sehedule a n d t h e y , like, kids, become un-;, settled, peevish,^ nervous and. In . m a n y Instosdes,cranky— .... ............

T ^ke th e sleep rou tine — my own —a s a p erfec t ex-

tb e s a m e —s o to b e d whenever I ^ could m anage it. a n d awaken actly a t S :ai a jn . when Megan bounded onto our bed with a c r of,- "H ey. m onunyi hey, daddyl'

T h e m orning p a tte rn was as

w ith; “K ey,-m om m yl h ty . dad- I" Nor is she alone. I n h e r arms

_ a a r lb a ld i.-a -b c lg e 'a n d 'c h o c o -— late bundle o f Siamese kitten, blessed w ith th e claws of an eagle and th e cry o f a vexed banshee.

Megan, going. «n S, and G ari­baldi, going on 8 weeks, h i t thebed together.-- — ■ .................

* ^ a tc h us play , m e a n d kitty," Megan calls.

OaAbaldl, springing a s only a iomese in the early , hou rs Of, the

morning can.sprlng,-goes fro ra-t' - loo t o{ ttve I t t i to th e bead a^ back again, caring n o t w here 1:

grew accustomed to It. I aL-so grew accustomed to having m y eyes p ried open by little girl fingers If I d o sed them , to having a lltUe gUl bang me. on the head with a d rum , a toy telephone or a piaaV Uo bowling pin. Also to hav'Uttle girl tise my head as .a stool, m y chest as a spring . and to having my bathrobe tiirown over m y face and my bedroom s l i p p y laid on m y 'forehead ."AU a t exactly 8:3I..N ot a second

earlier, n o t a second lat^r. WhenXJicard .1/........................-down t h e ...... ......... .............. ..seconds sh o r t o f 5:31, and th a t my day h a d s tarted .

Now. th e schedule has been changed, and so has th e ritua l th ii -------- w ith M e g i n ' s ' —...........................................Tival. I ... .upset, bccomtog cranky, and have to keep a firm hold on mj-self to keep from Jumping out ..bed a n d scream ing or running Into th e d ining .room and hiding be­h ind th e sideboard.

T he m orn ing now sta r ts a t 6:03

Behind him ,'pow erfully u n s te a l , in the Jouncing bed.. U Megan:

flying. p igU ils flap-1

:n on m y face, th e n M egan.- 1 ruffle a cover w ith a foot and

O arlbaldl is a top It, scratching and chewing and pulling. X dive beneath th e covers e n d G arabaJdl Is under them In a flash, and ^ h t behind is M egan, for she adores to play t e n t " 'under the covers.

How I long for the quiet m orn­ings 0 fa few days'SBO. when 6:31, not 6:03, was the s ta rting tim e, and 1 had only a little girl end calm toys like d rum s and tele­phones, and -do lls—to—p u t. a n —end .- to my sleep.

T he k itten was th e g ift of P I t a l i a n friend, a n d -a l l 1 can think of to say in the way of Utanks is. r *------ *---------- * - * —

i wrUeTlollan bearing gU G T

I wish Dr*. Spock would M ^ a n a le tte r te lling h e r tiia t her parents need to go back to , tho old, peaceful rou tine o f 6 :31 a jn . And tiia t' if they don 't, there Is danger o f th e ir going to b lU .o n e - morning.

a m . and Megan, does no t greet (DiMribu<«i br W cNurbi StthKm u )

t . l T T I . 1 : l - t x I

T he government ought to be glad th a t th is eonatry 's taxpay- e f f h a v e w h a t-lt - ta k e a ..... - .


W ritten forE nterprise Assn.

A num ber of our senior citizens have inquired about osteoarthritis w ith particu la r reference to its r e la t io n s h ip t o ' -------------

like parties a fte r I a jn . They are boring. .

"W het else bores -me? Weil, self-appointed criUcs. smugness, successful businessmen — unless they're humble—people who are satisfied, and people who are hy­pertense M d lack control of them ­selves.

" p u t the young never bore me.They can .be helped, and I like to help.” - - ■ ■ '

eases a re entirely, d ifferen t. Rheu m atold arthriU s, i fo r exam ple ,. be- r. . glrva a t- a v e r y i / early age, Is prob- *■ f - .ably o f allergic v . origin. Is o ften -Vt . accompanied - h ^ i- 3 . 1 fever a n d .consid- . . erftble w eight loss. Dr. a ja iB and produces crippling deformi­ties o f .th e Joints, including: those of th e spine.-

'B y co n tra st, m ost o f us do not regard osteoarth ritis a s a diseoie- I n p o in t o f fac t. I re fe r to I t as osteoarthrosis . .s in c e tha --lUs'' ending m eans th e dXausa la type o f inflam m ation.

O steoarthrosU is o ften referred to as " th e grey h a ir" in Joints.’ W o the r words, i t ’s a m anifesU tlono f . l8 ‘n f _ ra th e r .Jh a n ^ d lse a sc ._ _

I t rarely begins before th e mid­dle years. W hen H occuni a t thet im e - 6 r - ih e - “c n 6 n g e r n t- im in =tim es is called menopausal v t h - r itis, a lthough m ost of us' are con­v in c ed -th a t n e ith e r eondltioU has a n y th U ir to do w ith th a o ther.

Osteoarthrosis usually affects persons .who are overweight. Ttiers seems to be a he red iU ry factory especially w ith h a n d InvolvemenU. ‘n ie nubbins th a t appea r on the finger (Heberden 'a. nodes) a rt often a fam ily trade mark.'

T here 's n o t a thing- to do. and nothing th a t need be done, In the

of a n osteoarthrosis. W e i ^ .

seting add- to com fort. Doses of o sp ltla relieve polui-

-nse application o f h e a t m ay be very helpful. .

B u t the re 's lltUe, If anything, to be 'gained by fadd is t diets, v ita - . m in supplem ents, .g land trea t­ments; vaccine Injections, pres­criptions for cortieo-sterolds and o th e r expensive drugs, exposure to violet or X -rays, v isits to spas, b o th s .ln m ud o r "radlo-acUve waters, dia therm y o r appllcaUons . o r electrical curren t.

I tru s t no one wlU I n te r w t w hat I tiave w rt tte a aa Indi­cation th a t I th in k osteoorthrosU Is "hoptiess.” Q lilte th e contrary-

Not be ng j i disease. I t will shorten life by -so m tich as hotn-. No_ being "curab le,'^ It n be e n d u ^ . N bt'lieln 'g ripmedK there 's no sense spending a io f m oney '"chasing a . cure."__ _____

Indeed, U you'll ta k e exam pU - from th e apple tree . youTl r e ^ th a t 'y o u 'c o a get delicious fru » from m any a p » r l e d branch . •

• ■ ' ■ r ■;

Page 5: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


-loayffli^tSss" —-fifita (irant^^|Sclieflii1<» ClubHamiiiig GuestMeeting

. ' i if in b e ri ofM oBlc TbftiitnlitrcM club wilt b rin s guesU for the May 18 meeUng. « t which Mra. John D. H tyes will be gucat speaker,

— Mra-HftjUT-Ef--------------------------Rian, reports. .

T h u n d ay n igh t, Mrs. Demard M ortyn. who presented an orlR- Inal reading tn verse, won the

. blue pencil. Traveling award for tftble topics w en l to Mr.%. Powers, Conducted by M rs. Alme? Brynn,

■ they were llcU tlouj occnslons a t which members m ight be intro-

' Aueed U )d u k c d for. brlcl - « A n t s .

O thers speakers Included Mrs. Lavem e fiirong. ■‘Curtnln Call." and Mr».Ho»* P ra ther.,-T he A rt or Success." T h e group voted (o have -Mrs. Jo h n WlUon or the Buhl club represen t them a t the regional meeUng. since no local

• member* wUl be able to atlend. A nomlnsUng committee of Mrs, Bertha Maxwell, Mrs. Strong and Mrs. P ra th er were elected.

Ofricers will be elected June l tQ d 'inaU lled Ju n e IS. The club voted to choose a n honorary mem­ber to r the coming year. Mem­bers d e c ld ^ to rec eu during July smd August. - '

Mrs. M artyo gave th e lexicol­ogist report. M rs. Rudy Ashen- brener was toastmlstreas and Mrs, Maxwell gave th e Invocatlon.nnd led the n a g salute.

Powers, chief evaluator, wa: M iUted by Mrs. Bryan. Mrs, Max­well and Mrs. G race Patrick. Pro­g r a m were m ade by Mra. Strong.

Party Givenfor New T.F. Pupils

N ext.year’s f irs t graders a t the Blckcl school w ere honored a t M ay day p a rty lo the-sohool-ai

€ torJum.Mrs. L. on iesp le . r o u n d u p

, vtialrman, was In charge of a r - . . rangem ents, a&slsted by Mrs. C ar­

roll OllberUon. M rs. Harold Mul­der. Mrs. d l l s G reener and Mrs.

, d f lh a Pool.S M rs . B ernard Russlng, netr

. president- o f th e PTA. welcomed th e children and the ir mothers 'Whne the children were touring the school under the .aupervuion of the f irs t grade teachers. F ra n ­ces Anderson, principal, 'spoke to the m others on w hat they could

- do tA -prepare th e ir children lor l lr s t grade.

Mrs.- E sthe r Choules, school — h ta l th - n u rs « -a ls o - ip o k » - t» - th i

group.Each child received a May bas-

. ke t made by the T inker Bells Blue B ird group, w hich Is sponsored by th e school.

Mock Battle I s__Record in West

YAKIMA, W ash., May 0 W -T h e largest mock ba ttle ever held In

. th e Pacific KortKwest exploited a t- the -arm y 's .367,000. acre.-dese rt

train ing area, n e a r .here yesterday.Approximately 19,000 troops and

airm en will participa te In the joint arm y-alr force exercise Lava -Pa-| llnejduring th e n e x t two — '

To Enroll for -Swihi Glasses-He«lstrftllon-fM-Twln*PBlls recV

rea tlon departm ent s w lm m ln n classes, will beem Monday and continue through Saturday, In the

KATHEBINE BA X TEE.■ . - . .d a u g h te r or M r. and Mr». W ll ia n Daxter, Buhl, haa re­ceived a Si;!00 M boU rthlp to the College or Idaho, CaldweU. MUs

-B ax ler,J« -» -m « iibet-o f lh e Na­tional Honor »oclety. Drill team ,' GlrlA' league and was a delegate to G irls' sU t«. Stie r e in e d as senior queen and w a i f irs t m n> ne n ip ' foV 'caniptu-qaecn-durliig . Campus day a t Pocatello, I n ad ­d ition she serres aa p ian ist for the local no ta ry and -K liranls clubs and th e First Presbyterian church choir. IStarf enpaT lng)


lQIl..gUdUate-OU2SSlQjll8ll-M]lfiSl: in d a jun ior a t the University of Jdfih'b'T^ioacow, nas Deen~erectcd corre-iponding secretary of Sigm a Gam me Epsilon, national .h o n ­orary fra te rn ity for studen ts in geography, geology, mining, ..and melflllurgy. Peterson Is m ajoring In ihe tallu fgR ar engineering. He is the son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Dave Peterson, Albion.

T w in Palls pnrk.< and recreation, reports.

Monday Ihrousli Friday regis­tra tio n will be (rom 0 a m . to noon and I to 5 p.m., with Saturday reg lstm tion Irom 9 a.m, to noon. Persons muai rcRlster In person, no t by telephone.

LesMns for children*-will b« ta u g h t a t both the H armon p.wk pool .and the H arry Barry pool. C ost.U $l for 10 ICMons a t H ar­m on park and SIO. tor 10 le.uons a t H arry Barry park. Reason for differen t rate.i Is tha t' the H arry S a rry parlc j>ooI U, sm a lle r-and there will be one Instrae tor' for each 10 pupils, with only one cla.« ta u g h t a t the pM l a t one time. A t H arm on pnrk, several classes can b« taught a t one time.

T he classes, beginning June 13, w U l-bo-U ught by-cerUMed w ater safe ty teachers.

Children's divisions Include be­ginner, intenucdlate beginner, ad­vance beginner, swimmer. Junior liresaving._sfnior liresavlng and diving. T here also will 'b e - ad­vanced adult claxses.

C raner notes th a t those Inter­ested In parllclpotlng on a «wlm- m lng team are asked to register a t th e same time

M an o f th e M onth

-TV.-JIM W IN K tBA fter only three foTt m onihs

w ith Syrlnga U fe , Jim lead th e Company In April u le s ,

o v e r .*4,000.00 In i *. n o i s e d premium.



M O B I t H V l A I Di x o j L ^ u _ T h e s o _ P l j i s _ E e a t u T e s „

» Needs no installation— rolls on wheels. .Holds NEMA service for 13

t New push-button cover release___

» New automaUc re*set detergent cup

) New non*splash Unicouple

• New B id e cup racks (holds 8 extra cups)




N e w p o w e r s h o w e rBuilt into the lid, hoses fire water down­ward—as the Power Impeller helow •throws water up. This exclusive “top-and-bottom" washing action power-scrubs dishes , on all

. sides . . . while the famous General Electric. Flushaway Drain whisks all soft food par- tigles harmle^^ly down the drain. Result: Sparkling.^lr-- j -*-'- —


A T . ......


Page 6: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

PAGE SDC : ’ TIMBS-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO •' - ^ • 'T t u e s d a y , m a y 9 '




■ . 1'H I,


,<c)uuse» neact budset- deficitwlU ba bigger UiAn th s bliltoo <IoU«n now Xoreeait. '

Fo r th U ^

cbn g re u should resist tec;pCaUoQ ; to approve U x chn^ges which

would c u t rercD ucs and add to the ' deflelt.

Bell and BocreU rr o f lA bor Ar* tu r 3. O oldbers tesUtlod In support o f P resident K ennedjr't p rop^a li to change .aeveral m ajor sectloni

.. o f. the ta x law , Kennedjr .iu s said th e re w ould’be no revenue lo u 1 h !a en tlra paekase la approved

Z vere tt H utchlnsan, chairm an 0 ' th e In te rs ta te commerce eommls-

■lon/ojiposed one p a rt o f the nd- minl<tratloQ'< prosram . Spenklns lo r th e commUslon. H utctilnion

. ta ile d fo r repeal of the 10 per cent ezcUe to x .on tra]na..bus a n d -a lr . ^ ine p u a en g e r tSckeU. >Ie said th u ta x . which K ennedr would ~ tinue , aggravates the tM Ucnger deficit of "

B e llJ o ld .th e ^ o A —onnB traU on to fa r

reason to revise Its — . . . — . m a tes , prepared In March, for the 1M3 fiscal year which begins July 1. l l i e forecast U for sp e n d ln r of M 3 billion do lln n and revenljea of ai.4 billion dollars.

However, Bell cited th ree poul- blllUta w hich could add more thnn one billion dollars to Uie Indicated defic it of 3£ billion doUora.-p o r one thing. Bell said, Ken-

ned7 Is reviewing eertaln aspects o f the defense an dtpflce-brogpuna. and . If ho dOM anylhlnR .'li likelyto call fo r fu rth e r .spending. In

- th e s e area*. •.. Atu). the budget d irector said

th a t J f congress rejects Kennedy’s II p ro p o u ls to raise postal ra te srth e <• deficit would be increased by sboui

_;;_800 tnllUoa d o U m --------------- --------II f ina lly . Bell sold a highway tax u . law approved by the committee

*Vould add 143 million dollars to II th e deficit by using some o t the IJ treasurer's general funds to help ti. finance-road building.

m er P w l d ^ f i i wfgHfU.- m se ^ hower indicated h e m ight have so u g h t.a th lid te rm — If the. constltuUoQ hod perm itted a n d I t he had ..foresees th e Bepub- Ucan de feat------- inhow er~m uM d~an~th~'e'

In a tiaturoay £ven1n j r Poat article—the first he has w ritten ilnce leaving the*Whlte House In '

lo r auery on the th ird te in th a t has been so often posed.**' " I think 1 know—blit bow can

I be absolutely sure?'* he asked. "X do not se e 'w h a t more one coa say th a n qua-act*, ser^*'— W bat will be, will be.

“QugSeralSer l Astronaut Shepjard Is Gool Customer,__^ ,Parked Car Hit L iqO O B . FUNDS D IS T niB itr^ BOISB; M ay 9 W -T h e 14

Cuba Readied For Scorched EarthDefense- Dy The A swelatcd Preaa —Prim e M inister ? 1del Castro ap'

pears to jn preparing the Cuban a scorclied earth de<

te“ Ul4n d 'w h lc h m ight plan to b u m Havana.

Castro haa told h is anned forces th a t Havana probably would be a major target In case of Invasion by the United s ta te s . '"Under no circumstances,” he told the trootu, -shall we perm it th e capital to. be occupied by Invasion forces.**

Castro has repeaU dly claimed the United S tates p lans to a ttack Cuba.

in the wake of th e prime m in­ister's statem ents publicised by :he governm ent radio, Cuban brofldculs.-hRTtrglvcorBromlncnce. to accounts of th e bum lng o t Ouaymnro, the symbolle rebel cap* U l in IBCO, to keep th e span : ‘ rom taking It.

i! Final Rites Held i: For Amos West;i JSPSS, M ay ft—Funeral services 'I lo r Amos O. W 0SI were held Mon. . ; day •afternoon a t W hite m ortuar • < chapel by th e R e f. Leon J .' Ilowell. ; ; M rs. David M ead was soloist and TT-^Mrs.-Helen-Alleo‘ a a '0 »Ban to tr~ r ;; Pallbearers wefS O. M. Lottl- V m er. Howard fllelaner, K ctiw th 'I - *nn8ley, .Carrol K nap, Vernon

X.aiu:e and C harlei Stone. Honor- 1, a ry pallbearers wore Jay LaJeuo* •; esse, rv e re t t Hughes, P . j . Elscn- ;; h au er, B arold B est. Riley HIte, M - .Atkinson - and - Olon-Crandolli

concluding r ite s were held a t th e Tw in Falls cemetery by' Eden JO O P lodge No. 144.

Petition Is Filed In Clough Estate

- ' — a o n o ld -Ii-C lo u g h .-T w ln Polls, fUed for le tte rs o f odmlnistraUon in- p robata cou rt M o n d ^ fo r the •s ta te of George M errill Clough■who died AprU 4. .........-

P robate Judge Zoo Ann W arberg ..............^Jiearlng for 10:1B oJn.

M ay l l ' t n ^ e s t o t « conslsU 'of’sep:' - a ra t« personal property valued a t

• » 0 . , ,B e ln listed ih th e petlUon are

lA ls Broer, Q rond Canyon, Aria., B em adetto H ufflne. Los Angeles;.

— Beraloo-L.-'WiOoten.—Weet-RlTcr*-_ a lde..C alif.. a n d C lo u g h .------- ■

> ta x Woodall, Tw in FalU U w . yer, Is representing q o u g h .

Mrs. HamUton Is Claimed by Death

M rs. G race Janv rlan . H amilton, «0. died M onday a t a P o u u n o bospltal After a brief Ulneas.

8ho was bom In D ecatur. H I, Aug. 11, 1680. Sh« came to Han* sen in IB14 a n d moved to Tw in Falla In 103^ She w as m arried to

-Joseph-H am llton-O ctr-lB .-l»O O rln •l>eeatur, HI. ■

She was a m em ber of the F irs t B i^ t l s t ■ church and a charter Auditor Victor K . C u t__________

m m b « - o f th e L o t^ w i t iu b tola s t week h a s grown to nearly $7.-,Surviving ora * ^ G erald

«an^ttton. S lm bct^y; » dauiM rs. XJorothy sk in n e r. T w in ____ _a n d /o u r g randchildren and nine g rea t groodchUdren.

G raveside servle'es will be con­ducted a t 11 BJn. W ednesday » t Sunset Memorial po rk by th e Rev. £ m e s t Hasselblad officiating. The <uneral procession will leave Rey­nolds < u n ^ chapel a t 10:45 a jn .

Dr. Howard Hill Funeral.Is Held

Funeral services fo r D r. Howard W. HIU were held Monday a fte r­noon In ' the *rwin F a lls m ortuary c h i ^ by the R s r . ^ e s t Hassel*

Clarence D udley w as soloist and M rs. stahJey Phillips was organist.

Pallbearera w ere D r; Fred K al- lusky, W illiam Slagle, Blythe Clem­ons, Irv ing Creed. E lm er Johnson and s te r lin g A lexander. ~ ' -

Pope’s Accent Called ItalianCLEVELAKD, O.. May 0 (itV^Is

Pope J o h n X X lI l learning EngUsh with a n Irish brogue? No. says Msgr. Thom as Ryan, an Irish- born priest w ho /ts h is teacher.

"Really, ho has a n Ita lian ac­cent,** Msgr. R yan h a s disclosed. **U n o t true th a t X am giving ■ Ira a n Irish one.”. .

Msgr. Ryan, who ts m U lng his f irs t Tlsit to th e U nited States, s t o p p ^ In Cleveland over th e w eek-rad. H e Is en rou te back to

, dlo-

ITie Pope*s E nglish lessons ac­tually sU rted In .Turkey, Msgr. Ryan explained.—" I-w a s - se n t- there ' t o . join- the aposlollc delegation to Istanbul,” he said. "T he apoatolle delegate, A rchbishop Roncalll, a s h e was then, decided th a t he should study English. W e h a d lessons for a year a n d a ha lf.^and h e .d ld qnlte well. . . .

'W hen h e became Pope, he leoraed th a t i was a t th e V atican and decided to continue hU les­sons w ith h is o ld teacher.'* .

Cruelty C harg^ —In-Divorce-Case

Mrs.- S lU H o h lv - 'lU e d -su l t fo r divorce In d is tric t cou rt M onday from B . S . H artley . S he charges extrema m e n ta l crucdty. ' '

T hey were m arried Ju n e 30,'16S7, « t-W lan e m ae o « i-N er;T -a ad -h a T r

children. Bhe asks to be aw ard-

Twta*Eunder th e nam « o t th e H uU Jtw In Tw in Falls, b ank account In the nam e o t X. V. H artley. a . l U 7 OldsmobUe, household fum .

Clgafetto m achines and a 19M statlonwagon.

RaytMtn. R o y to m , B aybom and Webb, T w in F a lls U w firm . Is reseating ,her. ■ >

— s n o % T iC d ^ t i r r s 'n A M ~

Defendan ivfen N b m d r l^ n ^

Oldonobitf d f tv o by C hariew pe rin ten den t-F red Chariior...®'' • B a« rm aB . 8J. rou te three, W n u ie totol; *350,000 goes lo i -S sT ln the 100 block eo N l o t h ................................................... BY ARTBUE ED SO N "

W ASHINGTON, May 9 tf>-Vp In o u te r space o r do«-R on soUd earth*Cm dr.-A l*n'B .-Bbepard.-Jrif

T h e firs t American to look down n h is country from o iittf ^ lace

had l^ls c h a n c e ^ ra d a y to 109k In

— ........ .. .................crowd;-andm am m oth news eonferenee.H e tu rned o u t 'to be th e calmest

m an In town.N ot only th a t, h e managed also

to str ike Just th e righ t noU. Shepard was modest, constantly illlng atten tion to those who had ado the n igh t possible. He was

fo rth rlg h t.-A n d '-h e -h a d an e u y


usually Is d row ned' out" by " th e m srch lug bands.

police guessed 250.000 w ere pres^ «Bt<-aod-you-iirould-have-thmiglit

crowds a ll h is life. A friendly wave w ith h is r ig h t hand to those on hU r ig h t, a nice wave w ith h u \e tt to thOM, .m Uw. t ltli

'M rs.~fihepard and h e r husband kt up on th e back of th e White

_lncola Contiuental convertible. Seated tfown to the middle, almost hidden, was Vice P residen t Lyn- don ' B .. Johnson .

At th « capttol Shepard w as pre-' seated to .cong rgs tnen , and-m ore showed up. tb a n ons-usually sees oc the floor of the house o r senate.

T he form al reception was tn

I f th e quesUon h a d .a book In It., he gently b iit ftrmlT removed It-

I f h e d id n 't w an t to answer it, h e 'd ld n X 'a n d -B o ttt lB iC w H 'iS ie :h lm .t e t o : ^ n g - s o r = ------- ^ = = =

U th e (luestlon was adeotlfie e ' lapsed easily Into sdentfle

argon th a t’ m ade It sound as If

And If hum or was needed, he tossed th a t off loo. w ith a dlS' arm ing smile.

MAN FINED May >-Roscoc Har­

ley, 90, Jerom e, was fined $8 Friday by Jerom e Police Judge Pred Eber- h a rd f 'fo r pa rk ing in a --------- ------

____X ucero , defendant - toeivU action brought by F.H .D onie, was awarded »I03 plus «6JS to- tcrest a n d *00^ easts i s a Judg­m ent fUed M onday by 'D lstrict Judge-TbsiTO-W r-W ard,

Henry F . R e td . sued. Kueera f ^ tM4.30 lor 41 squares of brick hangers allegedly purchased by Viir>r« «n«t n w r olUS>4«0"for-eoaimlsslon*-(m~jDhs-eO- " lalned by Donze for Kueera.

In a couoter-suit, Kueera, rep- , resented by A ttorney Lawrence B. , Q uins, claim ed the bill and com- f missions had been paid and-assert- . ed Donze owed tlse defendant |10S. f

> perintendent -Fred Chariions^;‘ of the totol; *350,000 goes lo' ties and Junior coUeges,• pIUm and Villases. &nd tlt-iVllMeoue east .at-4:80 M o w ^ c lU « and villages, f i d tiiajto !?

! L n ia J d » .r t f i j« W c le _ w * s b a ^ t b s - g s n s r a l J - ' ' •■ drivew ay ,.•ero ttthestiee t

tso damage to the Basserm aa auto inf< none to the Edw ards car.


old suprem e dourt cham ber. Just - few step s down from the

e. A lthough. m ost of the seostors were m eeting a se p a rd and h is fel-

W ASHINOTON MoT » im -’ " t r o n a u ts , the senate droned Alan B S i ^ d J r i o L i ^ “ “ N either tim e n o r Ude f r ^ u X ^ & h » S ; ^ « : « aJ*ttiri» our belovedmedical editor says Is a secret

‘than th a c a p n ^ .h e w as'ln .’. B u t I t d idn ’t la s t long. Off

again. T h U tim e to 'th e s ta te de- portm ent, a n d in such a ru sh an unbeUerable th ing happened.

Press association reporters were In the oecond convertible behind Bhepordr-As-theTarB'vnjrwarnJovT tag ou t. two tanned young men raced u p . NatufoOy we repo rten tried to b eat them off. W l^ does everybody try to g<t to to th e a c tt U ntil t h ^ Identlfied'theniselves ss astronau te V ho had losy^_eir,ow n

And th a t 's how m irln tt W eu t C o l.-Jo h n -o ienD -»nd;T illf“ /o>w Oapt. D onald Slayton got to their news conference, by hitchh ik ing to a press car.

Well, th e conference began w ith a long commercial by Jam es E. Webb, h e a d of the n a tional aero­nautics a n d spacePretty soon sh e p _ ._ ------ . . . .Rarely h a s anyone ever handler himself more competently befor* th e press.

boll team , w h ic h ____ _( to w n ,-a n d -th e n -a re n 't available fo r a m a n who h a s proved he can go f a r up7.

B u t In ano ther i t was nice th a t everything w as le ft so slm - pie. . . •

From th e m om ent th e modest

UBtU -lt-reach6d:thBTcaplto»,-thw« was continuous opplause, well OTcr > m ile of It. gpptousg iS iJ

T U E S .-W E D . f t THURS.

VThe Private Lives o f A dam and Eve"

Mickey Rooney, Mamie Van Doren, F a y Spain, Tuesday Weld

' and P au l Anka"> .


T - u e T r w e a i r t f i t i r t r i r T f l :

'C A N C AN''

Shepard 's m onum ental calm­ness Is one of th e most striking aspects of his personality. So are keen Intelligence and a love to laugh.

I t 1» Dr. Morris Flshbeln who lists lm perturbabillty>-the re­fusal to be J u s t« t !d . or-to -loss- tem per e s s l l y - ^ . a m ato In- m d lc tv t la hl» p rtscrlp tlon lorlong lif e .------- .. I t Li an anchor of Shepard'S personality. O thpr hearts beat foster th o a his th e tense m om -

;ta g j l .o jp o lc o x n n to : ip a e e : i :z ^

and th e re were .quite .'* - few of them — were a ll m ade by someone else. . .

Tako the opening scene of this hero’s welcome. In the rose gar-den_of_the_Whlt«.HQUse_________

F irs t Kennedy dropped the 'spe- clal m edal he was about, to pre­se n t to the astronaut. T hen be Ju st, handed i t to Shepard «nd Mrs. K ennedy had to remind her h u sband th a t on eueh occasions th a t th e P resident actually pins th a th in g on the hero himself.

*'Let m e p in i t on,'* Kennedy eald. “i n do m y duty."

A nd .he did. B u t you kind of get th e Idea , p leasant as I t a ll w m , th a t I t w as M t a s well the sclen> t l s ts .a n d not-the.poUU cians were to c harge la st Friday, o r we — jt l l l .b ft- ti

anaveral.W ell, th en came th e parade tha t

w a s n t officially a parode b u t was a ro u se r Just toe same.

I n th is capital entouslasm for pa radM often U whipped up me­thodically. Bands a re ordered out. M areh lng squadrons are called oB. F lags a re run up.

T h e re was none o t th is Mon- day, by order of Shepard 's bosses.

A nd In one-way It was too bad. W hy Is I t those splendid military bands c an show up to open the ---------. f e r - t h e - W ^ l n g m base-

iVnnk p tnn tr a , Hhirlwy

600 a fte r a m ore detallM audit; l _M aw lce cheTfdier, Louis Jourdan




s»TJiia week, something new and wonderful # tan ^ out in your Ford Dealer’s sliowrooin. It’s the Falcon FiUura, new luxury version of America’s favorite compact—«« exaltrtg^ tfeiv personal ear!. T ry the eomfort of custom-contoured twin front seals—lake in the-glcaming trim, tlie glomng colors, tlic tlcep Vvall-to-wall carpeting. And notice the custom console for personal cfTccla—beltveeit tlic front seats. Only the men who designed Thunderbird could have created this'masterpicce!’"

B eom om w K h e r e i t eo im tM t For all iu elegance and luxury, Futura never forgets it* Falcon breeding. Its engine is the famous Falcon Six, that proved its economy when a Falcon with standard - transmission obtained a phenomenal 32.68 miles per gallon in tliis year’s Mobllgas Economy Hun . . . the best gasmiUage ever obtained b j a € - o r 8-tylindercar in the 25-year history ofOte Run! For those who'arc more performancc-mindcd, Futura also offers a xcsty, new 170 Spccial engine..

t r k ^ g»m tr tm t l i t The new Falcon Futura gives you all these luxurious featurcs.i.yet it’s priced u jy Mow* other luxury- compacts—even below some standard compacts! Who could ask • for anything more? The new Falcon Futura is at your Ford Dealer’s now. Look it over—and lo6k o u t Cor your heart! -

Haw Cuilem'Consela. . . between Fulurt*s IndMduatly'centoUrw} front seats, provides handy storag* for personal.aflectt.

Page 7: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


Former Resident —Easses-ih^eattlc i— EAUL;-MAy-P-E<lw»rl Mcyira, '40..'former Poul rMlileiu. died' May 3 In Scaltle o( n hr.iri nlincK.

He >vns the ton o( Mr. nnd M n. D.ivld Mcyera. PAUt, Otlte.- »ur* vlvov* includc th i;« -jo n j;-E d d le iO cunie.aiid Ray Mrvrr>.'t\ll-WAAli- Ington. one dnURlucr, Shirley, and five Brondchildren.

■ III* wife precedcc 111’ 1037. Scrvlc'ct wcro held

PTAtoMeetnU PE IlT , Miiy 9 - D r . Carl H.

burR. will spenfc on civil ,u'!rcn« n l the L incoln - Memorial • PTA mectlnB n l 8 p .m .'lodny a t tlic M rmonnl school ^udltormmr

Appointed by Qpy. nobtrt E.l .5jpyll<>_asojixrn,ilo:y »i.iIKn:i^or_for, the IdiiUo civil d.rlriue, lie helped forniulnte the Alftle'i derpiji'e plniw

_ P A G B -S E V B M n I

s o v ie t : o f f i c i a l BEMOVEOBERLIN, May 9 l<IV-ThQ Soviet

commandivrit In— dlvlfled—Berlin. Mftjrr Ocn. -NlkolM - P.-Zftfcharorr!ha» tHtn rcmovprt, ,nl1l><1 -«nu rfport.* • •

W t Aro EqMipped to M ak«-------- ^ N Y -P H O T O -— OF-ANYTHINQI

The Album Studios

louJknows-Jie ll- get well faster if he takes his medicine

-JChose^WIio-GaveLives-Given- Honor at Burley-Dedication

BORLEV. May 8 - “Pre(cam e f irs t with these whom we he re honor, m It must always come Ilrat," declnrcd Mrs. Chnrlea Hohnhorat,— IiMeiton, UUrd na-

, A tlonnl Vico president ot Amcrlcnn : V W ar M others, when she spoke a t ' th e dedication of a monument a t

th e P leasan t View cemetery.T h e Cftssln chapter of American

. W ar M others sponsored the mon- ■ um ent.

' ” •■Unleis w e keep freedom in f ln t place, th e n it will be loat alto- Rether. I f we pu t m aterial enln firs t, If we pu t personal security I lrs t..w e a re on the rond to lose' our freedom .” the asserted.- “O ur nee<l now. more ih a n a t any time In our history, Is-to real­ly understand th is freedom. We m u st never foritet th a t the com* m u n ls ts ' hope to tAke over our country, a n d n o t'in ashes. T here­fore. th e ir plan Is to take I t from w ithin.” sh e anid.

8 h o praised the cliapter fo r Its h a rd work In having the memo-

__ L ilal.erecte<L .She gave *peclal.men.tio n to M rs. OUn Baker, chapter p r u ld e n t w hen the project was undertaken .

M rs. Boker. who was In charge o t th e service, thanked all those w ho had helped. She s ta ted th a t

- F a t Cosgrove, Boise Cascade com­pany . h a d /um lshed-m aterla l tor th s concrete p la ttona and Abo

a designed and made the

___ ______ In w hich had beenplaced th e b r o n u plaque. T he n a ­tive stone used w as trom )Vlnne- mucca, Nev.. » n d Hawaiian in color: W o rlro n the .pro jec t cbmpleted IH th e la te sum m er ot 1000. she added.

T he plaque s ta te s , t i n memory o t .A m erican w ar veterans and American W ar M others erected by Oaasla c hap te r o f American W ar M others, B urley. Idaho, June lOOO.'-

M ayor J . L eonard Salm on prols- ed the women to r th e ir h a r d work In p lacing such 'f t " tine tem em - bronce to those w ho h a d given the suprem e sacrifice for the ir coun­try . T hose w ho see th is m arker

old.' M n . A ugust Q uoostrom . Rupert,

sta te chapla in , o tte red th e open- ' g and closlDK praye rs and p a tri-

Ic solos were su n g by Mrs. Mar­vin Pearson.

Special guests w ere Mrs. Susan Ewing. A m erlcan-F alls . sto te.p res- Iden t o t th e A m erican W ar M oth­ers: M rs. C lark Brooks, s u te treasurer, « n d M rs. Nelle Cochran Dickey, bo th H azeJton, Immediate p ast s u t« president. .

T he ded ica tion ceremony receded by th e an n u al Oold and liver S t a r luncheon held jolnUy

by th e C ss s la - ‘ d < R a f t River chap te rs a t th o Nation*] h o te l M n . O d e n lY m ner a n d M n .'H a r-

E o j a g e j C m p , : ,

Testing LaB^ Project Set

BURLEY; May 9 - T h re e com ­m it tee s^ were nam ed d u r ln g _ a m eeting here of farm leaders from O oodlng, Cassia and M inidoka counties to study th e feasibility of

............. testing ...................fo r foraRe crops In sou thern Id a ­ho, accordlns to O lenn Bodily, county ..extension' agent.

H oward Royiance. extension agronom ist. Boise, showed com­para tive fiRures on dairy anim als fed w ith ROod forage a n d rfome th a t was no t quite a s good. T he figures showed th e dairym an saved '11 cents a day per h e a d of litock by feeding th e b e tter grade o t forage to h is anim als.

T h e meeting was called by Joe H all, OoodlnR county agen t, and Bodily. Men of th e dairy a n d beef c a ttle commltUes sen t tr ia l sam ­ples to the tcsUng labs a t th e XInl- v e n lty o t Idaho la st year a n d in ­form ation they received trom the 40 to 60 samples serit m_have p rov ; e'd 'valuable. I t was noted. . .

A committee was appoin ted o t J o e -H a ll, BUI Hawkes, L am en t Sm ith , Ron Hawkes. Bodily and B lake to study la b setups In other sU tc s and th e possibility o t ob ta in ­ing one to r sou thern Idaho . A second commltUe w ith 0 . P . Tol-

Attention All Space Pilots!



-Nothin?. To Buy! .No OJiliEationl. . . . _Just register your name and put your- - self in “ORBIT” with a Free Draw for

m an. Duane Hansen. Bud Wells. M ark Ntoorman, Arlo Montgomery W in re iio n -K in ir ttto -o b tn iA - in - - to rm n tto n -a s -to -a n organlaotlonal p lan to a id in #ecu rlng ,r 'te s tlng lab.

Bob H illard, Vance Sm ith . Ed H osier and Iv an Hopkins will form th e iducaU on committee and give inform ation to ,th e ranchers and tn rm eriro t th e 'n re a 'o t 'th e 'a d v a n - taRes o t a testing lab.

"More Inform ation .is needed on ferUllzlnR a n d trea tm ent o t for­age crops a s-w e ll a s production, harvesting a n d Its storage," Bodily notes.

A nother meeting h a s been se t to r June 6 I n . th e Jerom e area. Interested parties from all coun­ties are Invited to o ttend.

Birth Noted’RINQDALE. May » - M r. and

..wo. H. M ilton Reeves. Aberdeen, S .D ., a i& th e parents o f a daugh­te r b o m ^ a y < 3. She Is the for­m er Merllyn Bronson, daughter .ot Mr. and Mrs.. Jam es Bronson. Springdale.

Mrs. Thom as E. Bowen and Mr. and M n . Leland Bowen and fam - ily.-Po

T h e current t r e n d of under' s ta ted home decoratlnR Is on thi

■ .W e-an_hajpy_to_note_thls fac t because w e feel th a t_ tre n u

rsu ch ~ are llm ltlnc , and a ll too o ften .Jead to rigid .pa ttern s o t contorm lty.

T he understated trend, for In­stance, a ies color, sparingly and

I frequently th a n h o i featurns .. . lonochrom atlo o r one - color scheme.—T here V a re — rooms, ot course, where th is Is the Ideal color p lan ; b u t there are many rooms th a t require color and co ' 'ost to play up and helRhten tl

Tuctiiral beauty.T he room sketched above Is

f itting example. A n ordlnar>* re tangu lar a rea h a s been Riven con­tem porary charm and "dlstlnetion w jth the dlserim lnatlng

ng and walls o t r«Ie yellow-green m part light; airy look.

N ote how.th c - a re a . around .the enUance door~hirbeen~paint««» * deeper green (d em ptiaslu Ine coml door. Deep Rreen appears again In the 'sofa, and th rc o ra l Is repeated In tho lounge c h ain . Yel- ow h a s been Introduced In the

patterned draperies a n d .the sofa lushlons.

Would you like iomt4itofeaalonal advice on how to avoid the p it­falls o t tollowlnc popular trends too closely? O ur trained decorators will be happy to counsel w ith you — help you w ith color pUnnlng. room, arrangem ent- a n d Jurniture selection. See tu todayl


W d c om p ou n d nncl clis-

pcMsc m ctlic in a l nRcnt.<i

__ns in-c»eti|jc_cl_ b y . y o u r

.p h y .sic in n ,'n n d su p p ly

n il y o u r n e e d s .

Your regis^ r ed phgrm'ocist is an -

experienced,-skil led specialist,

- w o r t h y ^ ^ ? 4 - y e u F - u t r n G s t - t r u s H t i - f H + - —

ing your prescriptions. Service.___

e n d d o n 6TW IN FALLS

•50 Dloe Lakes North “ ■ s -V to BsSe P.M . 'Monday th ra Saturday

" rp u h d t h e c lo c k !

FREE DELIVERY” On Prescriptidnsr

“Our PrecUian /« Your Protedlon” ■


“ Dlal RE 3-«574 ---------- — -------- ------------TwIiTFalli

cash from our “SPACE BUCKET”

e v e r y o n e X s u r e „

C A S H ^ IN N E R !

8 p.m. to 12 a.m. Wed:

Tuesday Night


R o ast Prime Rib o f Beef . .

.2 5


Chicken Dinner . . ; .

S f .0 0



— TO'REGISTER!---------

A tree Jsiairnifi:

everyone e[seVecomeacrossinanyayoungfellow nice this in our job of cx^loriBg aod driliiflg for oil. '

a vUitor In'lhe fdrest7Standard ” . bat t responjibiuty'V^’ro t^ 'w iia - '"

life and keep the vdldemess fresh and green. And we accomplish this in several w i^byw offing doselywtH” fish and game and wfldlife offidals.

itecr around the feeding grounds, wiiig toft>tired-vdiicks,to-preserve~ the natural ground cover. When wells, arc in, we assure new growth by ro- . seeding grassland and p lan^g young trees on the work area.

Water-wells, essential to our drilling eperatioas. also nourish thirsty planu and ammals...and nesting and breed­ing p o n ^ are built, for wild fowl ■

Exploring teams in helicopten keep sharp watch for fires, and on the ground our men with bulldozers and water trucks-stand ready to help when' fire strikes.

W herever Standard tai>s new o il reserves to serve the-nation— the f o r e s t ^ the animals who. live there - ,« ie protected

'p lan n in g to « e /v s y o u

S T A N D A R D O I L C O M P A N Y '

r A U F O R N r A '~

Page 8: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

. P A O B E IG O T ‘ T IM E S -N ^ S ; TWIN FALLS, IDAHO;-TUESDAY, m a t -9,-1561-

~ Z F a ^ G ro u p ^ 'Take Part in Church Fete

BUHU Idsy t-rBeiio^Qn In the a m pvtlclp*t«d In — *T U ii^ -L ir i-* B u n d * r ic ^ c o p d o ^ »t t ^ P l r i t B y -

n o m ln f w onhJp J iou r on fiimd»7> o r iB tfa i rtp^tocn tcd • Included

B uh l O rance . S t e p C n c k OnB«q.; Cedar D raw O ran»e. PJUrrlew O ra n te , N nortbrlew O ra n jc . W en. dell O rango and W o t Po in t O range..

O raogera h a d charge of the war* ah lp aenrlea w ith E lm er'PhlU lpa giving th e caU to w oislilp; W. B. atonem eta . • lO T ocatlon.-and-M ra. U . K..CUTT{ngton. the -rta p o o tlre reading. M rs. S tonem eU ga te the welcome a n d H . W .. Lehm an, the m otn lng p ra /e r .

U n . B e r th a TlUey; M n . L eh- Dan, M n . c u rr ln g to a - and U ia. jAuren Sbrlve r explained mean* nga of ru ra l iriaboU ...A quartet

W E MEND C o v era lls!

TROY NATIONAL -U undry-«i-D ry-C lM B *r»-

M H ag-I O t ^Robert Bonar----------------

____ A -« a n i-^ )e e la l-» e le c t lo n * .Dtl« Ball aUo fa re d a i the aoto*................... —. I. „

Dr. E. U Ooee. paator, tp e k t on the w n ao n top le ,'**nu Su n . the SoU, and Ood.” T he B e r. Mr. O o u a l « o ~ ^ t ^ ~ o u l th a t R u i t i Lite Sunday U ^wnsored by the mtlonal-OoQOcU-or-Ohurehea and ob tew rt tolU ted. U to

a-OooocU-or-Gburehea and ,

U to em rtiailae C h ttatlan i ■ ■ ■ • ■Chrictlan

__ __ ru ra l life and to I n i ^ eOod'a bleaatog th e UUer, the •eed and th e aclL

I>tr. and M n . O«o>ge H udson ..era the receptlonUte. E lm er Phil* Ups. m U te r o f th e B uhl O range, w u chairm an for Ih s-eT ent. as* tUted by M n . TUley and Mrs. etonemeta. .....' _______ __

Radiators.N E ff AND USED

Service & Repairs

PKone RE-3-6080

—Tour Planned-- B W U g rrX a y -a Beedln y -WCT

a t Pp to t B jrlng ea*t of wlU be tou rtd W d ay , 1*.

agem ent. Idaho secUon. idahd

m a n a g e m e n t .-a o U coneerritlon ■ s«rTle« and county a te o s lo n »ecT-

l lo e . .............. ........ - • • ..


ni-W ay JO -O n B adlaton Are Onr

-------- N ot-a-ridelln«

F r ^ k < X C l ^ left, Oleno* Ferry p leneer wboee bobby U m ak- F»IU Connty n iito rlea l aoclety, U a l th e r i g h t T b taa t b « a ^ la g mape of old ploDeCTvfrall*. looU on a t J a n e t Ke\1y, n«U», o th e n Inipeeied Ibe eld ira l li aa a p a r t of th e combined effort

......................- -> D » t Mil conaerrallonU t, polole oot b li- of (he b lito rleil lo d e tr and th e bureau .oftorlo epota. D . W. IWayne) W alker, Dahl, a director of th e Twla them . (Kelker photo—a ta ff engraving)


Portion of Old Oregon Trail Will Be1,-SocietyiEresident Claims

An on t h e 's ^ t In^Mctlon made by m em ben of th e ' Twin. P bUi County jaatorleal.w clety , a repre* acntatlvo of th e bureau o t land m a n ag eae n t an d ' a. Olenni Terry pioneer who does 'making a i a hobby, will resu lt In the preser* ra tio n of a portion of tne Old Ore* gon tra i l for posterity, announces

Group Will Study Law on Bustling

BOISE, May 0 Wt A commlttce

elation.Leon Weeks, association secre­

ta ry . sa id the committee will study possible ways ‘ o f TputUng more te eth in to the' present laws rela t. ing to cattle rustling and b n n d s.”

T he board approved payment $1,100 Jn rew ardB jor-recent CO T ie U o ^ tovolvlng m tU n g . ‘~ IM sea8ol:oai«)l’'a a a ‘ s U l a - b ^ ta les sponsored by th e assoclatloa a lso were dlscuased a t the semU a n n u a n io S d m eeting wltfTspeclal emphasis -on Improving Idabo's beef herds; Weeks said.

A special committee .to work w ith th e University of Idaho's col­lege o f Kgrleulture and extension servlcsT.TU se t up to consider problem s affecting the Oem state cattle industry. Weeks said the problem s-Include morketliig, dis­ease a n d grading of catUe.

Break-in NotedBUHL. M ay '» -A breok-ln to th?

Nelson's Servlce-swtlon. located on _W cstJ4ftln-avenuo-and-lB th-etrect

S \i . b reak -la .w h ea .h e jtfg tjo .o p en .u p ' , for business Sundsy morning. En­

trance was gained by breaking a i glass w indow 'ln th e rea r o t the

i t ' building. Nelson discovered only K . th ree rccapped tires had apparent- .1 - ly been taken. H e noted new tires -f - -were ln 1 h e shop b u tU e y w erelett

untouched. .

O. A. (Ous) Kclkcr, hbto rlcal so­ciety president. '

W ith P ra n k O. Clark, 16, a Qlenns l»erry pioneer a s guide, and Jam es Kelly. Boise, burenu of land m anagem ent range conservation­ist, the p a rty of 10 persons In two v e h lc la a n d a pickup truck, spent nearly n lno hours on th e old trail between th e T hree Island crossing a t a iifnhs Pe 'n y a n d 'a p o ln fn ea r Salmon falls.

D uring th e trip, according to Kelker. C lark* guided tho party over practically aU the .Old Oregon tra il between th e two points and polnUd o u t th e stage route In the a rea and th e o ld fre ight traU.

The m ap w hich the m sd6'et~tho~traU s=after and down them since U . . . hobby a n d before th a t time In his w o rk -« 'a « tak en by Conservation­is t Kelly to. Boise where copies will be m ade w lth 'sym bols which wilt correspond to regulation gov­ernm ent m aps. They a re expected to .becom e a ..p a r t of the .afficia l g c ^ e n ff lc n t^ ^ il —

said h e w as "very much Invres'- sed** w ith C lark 's knowledge of th e -le tra ln -an d T w as-g ra te fu l-fo r th o record o{ th e historic trails which h a d been made available.

•Kelker aaid . " I t was one of the roughest TfctBs anyone ever made.

Farm Biuldihgs Saved at Burley

BURLEV. M ay 0 — Quick action of a m an doing th e chores a t the Jo h n Koyle ranch while th e family was In a a l t - L a k e City Sunday saved-th rtarm -buU dln g r fro m 'b e - ing destroyed from fire, i t was re­ported by O tis Williams, Burley tire chief.

T he llro w as reported to have ;m.cause<Lby.a.ahort.iiL .aa.eleo-

..’lo fence w hich burned a corral fence and b ad spread to a stM k o t 60 ra ilroad ties before being dis­covered. T h e ’ ties were w ithin 10 fee t o t th e fa rm bulldtags.

I t i e fire departm ent reported to the-flre a f e :« 'a :m r 8 u n d a y and returned to th e staUon a t 1:45 aon.

had ever been there un til we got in them . W e all aureed I t w as well worm th e effort, though, a n d were thrilled w ith the BLM's plan to not deface tho trail du ring range reieeding operalloiu.

th a t i t will be euler for Interested lo to visit the actual Three

jdT roaT In-fsctrw e-airaR recxl th a t continued efforts to preserve the trail should, a t the present time, center la the T hree Island area.". in addiUon to Clark, Kelly and Kelker, those making the inqw c- tion trip were Homer Roberts,

Buhl Club Seats Leaders at Fete

Mrs. Mildred Ayres.. .Mrs. Vivian Dalss was In^Ulled v lcB -prtaldentT -M abel-eandgrtn ; secretary, a n d M n. U lU an Bagley. treasurer. S rm a Callles, Immediate past president, was th e Installing -ftlcer.

Mrs. Mao ButVbart an d M rs. Florence parsons were selectM a s delegates to .represent th e local o1ut» a t th e BPW sta te convention to be held Junfl M a t Id ah o Falls .

ft« r th e breakfast n:m em ben sttended .. ______

convention a t Burley. T hey were M n . Ayres, Miss Sandgren. Miss Callles. Mrs. VanHouten. M rs. Cora S m ith ..'M rs.-Jan et L ath am ...a n d M n ; B rthe r W oodmffr - -

l u c k y a u t o. LICENSE N O ’S

Posted W ednesday ond Thursday

W IN $ 2 5 Nothlnsr to Buy



t Except Mo


■ We have 'AIl the Leading Brands




Medicaj Arts“ - ^ P h a r m a c y ; — - ;

t w i n f a l u

Hollister, society f irs t vice presi. dent; W ayne W alker. Buhl, so> e ie ty d l re c to r ; H elen Porterfield, secretary, a n d 'M r. and Mrs. Law­rence. Culver, M r. and M n . A rthur K lelnkopf. mctnbera, a ll Twin Falls.

A nother t r ip Is p la n n e d 'la te r th is year to photograph the trails, i t was announced. . *


- 2 U ' Moln Avanu* South ' ----------M ember Federa l D eposit Insurance Coxporatlon

-Production Gredit-Association' _ ' «1»»IIT»6ES

I ikoi Tht&io !' Every modern farnn’er needs q permonent and de- ^~peng5We^lourc^ CcD^d^t.TR^*S■■Ore-tf^e-torm— I credit cooperotivcs — organized throughout tho

United S ta te ond here In M agic Valley to serve you with porionalizod-farm loans.

!- PCA loons are_QvailabIe for ony form operotlng ' need— ond spjcioi loons for cqpltol purposes may J I be orronged with maturities up to 5 yeors. To effi- I

ciently operate your form, you need to use money | even though you may not hove It readily ovoiloble.

' Here's where Production Credit loons..help=r-slving I you the money you need— when you need it—poy- I I able according to o plan you con meet—^ n d a t th* |

lowest possible cost!

Southern Idoho


M ain OH:cc t w i n FALLS RE 3^6411 —

BURLEY, OR 8-7422 — GOODING, WE 4-4312

‘z e s t

Ram bler American Convertible. . . absolutel y: new^ a n d lowest priced, too !

- Step into a new world o f motoriag futi vcnience of the automatic power top. in the freshest coovcrtibie under the «ua- . The oplidn-of individually adjustable —tteonecompletelynirtcmconLvertiblc:_.liont scits . . . Airliner RccUning Seals that costs less than most 2-door s^ an s . . /.W eather Eye heating. . i gas-saving • Think what you gel with the Rambler Overdrive or Flash-OtMatic transmis- ^onvertibTel The top economy, high sion.:.power steering'..]power brakes performance of this 125 H.P. overhead T-at'surprising low cost. ■ ^valve Six that d^aifi tapped all cArs in - TSw your Rambler dealer: Fun-drive a-


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A


f l f l e a s tW le s s I . . than any Ford o r !

: L O W E S T j

Compact Car ExcellenceWILLS MOTOR CO.; ^36 Shoshone S t West

Page 9: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

W ESDA3ErHAT-Sr-: ± "'TiMfis-NEWs; TWirnpsEEgTrosto" PAGE NIKE •

/ TmckUnion— Signs Farm

Labpt Pact___ BALINA8, 9 J ^ T h e ,

T «*m st«n union h u «JimKl pne of CkliTomlA'i lu n e s t lettuce

— BrgU-or»-*Bd hM '-m nounced-plftns^ . to tign 110 more m nchcra to farmj

Etchen Sinkj tooUte kitchen lin k .' Mrs. RMft 'A kw l repo rted to pollta th a t l iU i . tb rtu re. pro- verblally . ^ f t und istu rbed b ; burgl»r*.-wM rem oved 'fro tn 'her a p artin tn t together w ith . tho bflthtub, w ater h e aU r a n d most o f-the-p lum trtn i; ' ■------ --------------

Camporee Plans • K"" " '"""'"L All 45 Safe . - For May-26 Are Near-at Burley

WorJrerf O rpujW nff eommJlt^e.— ------w h le h jo r th e post-year hns roughl

h a r t—laF felr 'th rw m fiT ta H k w -to mdrS, In to .California-* rich agri­culture.

TeamaUra local 890 and Diid A ntle; inc.. Sallna*. alRncd a con. trac t aetUDg minimum hourly wage jMtes a t 11.13 to 41.35, lender pleee-

^ I c and Incentlre clatises rietd Bonds could earn aa much ns $1.50

’ an hour.T hU U tho firs t Ume' local 800.

w hich has contracta coverlns pro* duce truck drivers throuRhout California and Arizona, has taken

■ In field hands.-------------------------T he stoning waa w en by nb-

eervera as a blow to AfX-CIO organisers.

T he m ain difference between the■ A h lle 'c b n lrac t'a n d 'th e 'o n e aoURhl

by AFL-OIO negotiators Involves the Mexican hracero prognm .

l ^ e AWOO has demanded sn ~ « n d 'to th e Importation of Mexican

nationals to work In the fields.'T he Teamatera con tract stlpu*

latea th a t If the union cannot produce enough domestic help, It will assist In obtaining Mexican workers. *“

New Officers ,-8uy=Y A i.iJjy ,'M sy~>~ii)rB—T ag ~ |— |

Idaho lUbrary assMlatlon'a annual I . '

Methodist MeetOO OD m O i M a y 9 — OoodlnR

Methodist Men'a club held the monUjly b reakfast meeUng Sunday m om inc with th e buslpeaa aewlon conducied by • P residen t Jwtiea Mulfliy.“ M uniey Introduced new 'o f f i­cers. Ira KUtler, p resldan t: Myron McPherson, vice presiden t, and Bob parrln , se cre tary ; T h e Rev. Pauj LaRua talked on •'C harity In a cold c llm V e .V '

Breakfast waa served by jriem - bera of the W om an's. Society ot Christian Service. I n charge w ere,| Mrs. H. M. Thompson, M rs. Ralph Sm ith, Mrs, A. D. Porter. Mrs.

B tm iiE Y , May B ^P lans a re pro- g r ^ l n g for the annual CossU distric t Scout camporee to be held Friday, May :<], the day school is ouiv-reporia-D alj-BnfflnfftenrCu«- ala iKlli tr lc t - t tcllvltlea—ehalrm anr a n d M erlin 8 iock ,'b o ih Burley, cam ping clmlrnian.—’lT00F«-<Bn i w r l ....... — — --th e sKe, Sastii patch w o t oLOak- ley. a t noon ntid s ta r t setting up cnmps. A council fire will be held KYldsy nlRhi and each troop Is aaked to prep.ire a skit. Comoetl- tlve events In Scoutcraft w ill take place Saturday. Troops and patrols will be JudgKl on camping ability ns-w ell os competitive events to de term ine their uverall scorc for ribbons and ccrtlllcatcs, nccorriln; to Fred W. Lliiton, Rupert, d istrict Scout executive, who is serving as

O thers a M ls tin f ra re - Q w e r i Wcedop. Jay w tk e ; D an Msbey. Floyd Went, Ray' t td d aod several other'nelghlw rhood eommiaslohfrs and -d ls trletnnem bers-a t-targe.—


la x e r ” “ * ' - ------- --------------- ------

^BALTIMORE. Md,, May 9 (tTB— An E astern airlines .E lectra ' w ith 41 persoiu aboard, circled lor an h o u i-a n d "a halt w ith 'n o seg ear trouble today before .'landing on a T oam ed-ninw ar-jK tw ^en'-row T'ofambulances. The nosegear held up but a Ure blew out — m ain' landing gear.

JjfL-eved 'o n r n e a r

FABUioN A U T n d n r rv d i e s WEW YOWC-Mky « ( * -c a rm e l

'snow. 13. editor-in-chief- of H ar­per's B a iaar magaalne for more th a n a quarter century and a lend­ing fashion authority, died In h f r s^eep Sunday nlgh t a t her M anhat­ta n home. • ■

Aiito Radio Experts


year, figure* showed to d a ^ thus fa r upholding predictions o t ii 7.4 -m llllon-dor ' ' 'f o f 'th e '

announces tKe rcrridval' o f 'h is law office


■ 131 2nd Street W est H n - ^ T W i n - F a l l s -

across from th e Times-News

Enjoy a clean c


01ms’ija d ran d -M ra .la ’l a ^ V j l a v e - . j ^ ^ f l M l A l > L ^ & ^ O T

Idaho'XUbrary assMlatlon'a onnual m eetlsg elected Mra. Dorothy C.

■. Jtleker ot l ^ h o 'T t i is pM^e library as association president.

O ther officers installed were A lice-M cC la in , -Pocatello, vice president: Hlilts Orlffln. Idaho Palls, secretary , and E dith L an ;

^ ^ a s tc r , Nam pa, treasurer.

STRANGE-W EATHER?-| h A ’ 1 1 could ruin your eropi n A l l a - and cu t your ineoma.

W E OFFER M a g i c v a l l e y .

l<>.»4NSURAN€E=r<>w -I------ -L E T -U S -Q U O T E A T NO-O BLlG A TIO N !-


“Let me^how you how to get roses,more continuous bloom

W i t h T0 6 e s , t h e s u r p r i s i n g ' s e c r e t o f m o r e b l o o m s i s < ^ 7 n o r e le a v e s !

N o w — w i t h t h e n e w S c o t t s E o m P r o g r a m — i t ’s s o ' e a s y t o k e e p

f o l i a g e s t r o n g a n d h e a l t h y , e v e n " a - b e g i n n e r ^ j o y s s u c c e s s . -

T h i3 a i d i n g a p p l ic a to r ia t h e k e y . I t ’s c a l l e d t h e S c o t t s Z e p h y r ,

a n d i t ^ s d e s i g n e d t o a p p l y n e w H A Z B ^ c o t t s o / ^ ' « - o n e p r o t e c t i o n

a g f l i W i n q p f t f l f l n d d lV f t f lP _ - — — ----------------------------------------- i----------

“ T h 'e ~ H A Z E c o n t a i n e r f i t s a n u g l y i n t h e Z e p h y r . N o t h i n g t o m i c , .

m e a s u r e , f i l l o r s p i l L T o a p p l y , j u s t t > o i n t t h e d e j f l e c to r a t t h e

b a s e o f t h e i ^ e b u s h e s , t u r n t h e c r a n k g e n t l y , a n d w a l k a l o n g t h e

b e d . A n a t o m i z e d d r y m i s t e n V e l o p s ' t h e p h n t r - d e p o s i t i n g ai n e a r l y

i n v i s i b l e h a z e f i l m o n b o t i i t o p e a n d lu id e r s id e a o f t h d l e a v e s . ..

C o m e s e e a n d M v e . y o u ’l l f i n d t h e s e n e w S c o t t s R o s e P r o g r a m

p r o d u c t s a t o i v b i g . B U ( X ^ W IT H B O S E S d i s p l a y .




READ t m i a - r r w s 'w X N T a d s 'r S i t T M e n n t v e n N r a K

GIFTS for MOM. . . for Graduates!. FASHIONS '. F i S h . YOUNG AND'PRETTY! '

Come in and see our dclirjliftil new selections. SIZES 5 to 15, and 10 to 46. HALF SIZES 12';. to 24V-*.

HANDBAGS. Sh^ll {hank you every: “ da'y she Mrrfes your

gift. See our 'sprln?' and «ummer collection

RAMBLERS S .95 to 12.50

---------H EW -«H AF£S_---------- 2 ; 9 8 t o - 4 ; 9 r “


B n n t 'a 'i j i a r l c T e to he r ereat Choose from faah> ion’s Jewelry here . Zndl> TldUBllr boxed.

1 . 0 0 . 2 . 0 0

J-------- Lcins-itflm-plni—. .

HANKIESThe more the n^errfer — hankies for' Momi' Pure Linens and Swiss dainty handkerchiefs.

J lc jJ S c^S s-

So nice for 'Bfother, ' they are in a choice'of lengths and colors. •


Beautiful^ift-W ropping-EREEJ_

"Muu Muu" GOWNS

with sMop liedc, tiny ffsth* ered,sleeves, waltz length, .

' c h a m i in r = f lo r a ! = T ) r ln t f = ^ o i i ^ .Dacron/Nylon/Cotton;,

. sizes S - M - L.

Lovely Stockings—The gift that always thrillsl Exquisite nylons in the pretti­est gift boxes. Fashion-wise colors, sheer beauty,and .avail-.

Page 10: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

■ G E T B N JlM E^N EW S. W I N f a l l s ; IDAHO “THpDAY,-MAY s .'lss i

ciaLFeature- Riebekah Unit

. HbnorsMotfiefsBAOE3U£ANri>I*y B -A ipeel*)

> hono rln r moUier* w m [ » t the Unlcm Rebelub

f i - U

____ s l u t week under' the dlree-~ ^ :o t :M n > J tc lf~ B n n l« H y r rT — :

W lz u e n In the c o o cu t for the m em ber w ith the moet srandch ll' d r e a were' Mr». JM k w oodhe»l


— WooJlhewi-sUo hK l the m o srcn ir dren . Mi». Jo h n 8 t« lc w u th e old- e i t m other and M ri. filU Peutz. th e jroungeat.

E ach w as pre»enled a eonufie from-Mrs. Sardsley by Mrs. George Lenker, eonduelresi. Mrs. Lenkcr a n d 'M n . p c u u . warden, prb»ent> ed each m em ber a card and hand*

— kerchlef rroni Mrs, B ardster. with t M other’s day poem In n c h card.

Poem* were read by Mrs. 0 . P. ' Russell. Mr*. O e n r Overlie, Mr*.

Lea 8eTey and Mrs: Cleitlce . . M w ah, under the direction or Mrs.

Blwood Orlmes, p tosram chilr> m an.. Mrs J lo y d Rom san s "My MoUier-s Bible.- aocompunl ' ' M rs. Ben Taylor, with Mri. and Mrs. PeuU acting ou t the words.

. ...M ra . N oK .nU len . w as,reported 111. by -the olck and visiting eom- m lttee and 33 visitations wer« re­po rted havlnis been made.

M n . Rex McAnulty, chairman ■ of th e eye bank committee, re­

ported on conUcUnB no resident . . aen ibe rs . M rs. Orlmes, -Mrs.

Engagements of-Val ley Misses Are .Announced-v

place her a s fUuutelal secretAry.A trao s fe ’ of m em benhlp of

Mr*. Maurice Berlna to th e soow — DKifi'TUbeuh lodre ia Ketcbum

waa Mkncrwledsed.U n . O m lle aod Mr«. Peuts

aerred refreshm ents, l l i e next m eetlo f wlU be May IS.

AAeet's Program Led by Member

Of th e t-____ ________ ______ .“d by Mra.How ard Todd for th e m eeting last week o f th e H annah circle of the U nited Presbyterian W omens a t th e hom e of K ra. M. K . MeU. Mrs. N eale AmbroM, president, was la cbarge of th e Bible study.

Ha nn ah d re le .wlU be hostess ^ lo r th e May fe llom hlp <t<nn«r to

be senred a t the church Thursday. Mr*. BUly Srow n wUl be the chairm an.

‘VUIUUOQ prosramfl were dls- cussed aad planned by th e group. Refrertxnenta ware aerred by Mrs, Brow n and M rs. NeU DePue.

•, ¥ ' * ¥

-Uni to f Hoi 1 ister—. Slates Purchase

ed to purchase two fiber r u ts for th e basem ent of tbe church a t the

"monthly-aeeUat.r------- ------A work day was obeanred with

th e women cleanlnz th e yard e u ttlo c tb e crass. Flowers will be p lan ted . '

M rs. S tere Paitoor. M rs. Homer - I toberts and M ra._w . J . Lahtln*

m ake 'i rraagem enU fo r a :s - a e o i

WANDA SHAFFER . . . whoM pikrta ti, Mr

Mr«. L. C. lihaffer, asneuoca her e n ticem en t to B ren t II. Cl»«- ■on. Mn of Mrs. lU rry Dodion, lla ie lton . and Jam ee ClawHit, H all.-M ont. M lu Shaffer Is a senlor-at-Twln FalN-hlch'Ktioot.-' CUwMn. a toss cra'doate of Mor- U o |h h lsh iKhoal. is employed by Pkcttlc P ru tt and Prfiduce company. A weddlnjr .date h a t no t been cheaen. (S U ff enfi'av- Inx)

Lincoln Chapter-EJans-4© ssistHI

At OES MeetingSHOSHONE. M ay 0 — Lincoln

chpater No. 42. O rder of Eastern StAT. pJans to a i l s t wJih en ter­ta inm ent a t th e grand chapter meeting to .be held In Twin Fiklls In June.

Mrs. E rnest Boeslger. Mrs. A rth­ur MorUn and M rs. M. R. Brown, worthy m atron, will be the com­m ittee In charge of serving re ­freshm ents a t th e grand chapter meeting.

C harles Pendleton gave the audit r e p o r t Mrs. M artin reported on a v isit to Magic chapter ot Twin Palls. U indm arka of the order were read and explftlned by th e worthy p a tro n , M. R, Brown.

Visitors from o the r chapters In­cluded Mrs. E m m a W ltham . Twin Palls, chap te r No. 39; M rs. a a r a Christensen, W e s t Yellowstone chapter. , and M rs. lA ila Dlnsmore, Carol ehftpter, B anbom ,'la .

Associate m a tro n ftnd patron, Mr.- and M rs. R obert Vaden, pre­sented th e w hite gavel to the worthy m atron.

A birthday anniversary oong was sung for M rs. Bm ery U fer and her dona tion . w as placed f E8TARL fund. -M rs,4 iteyd -K lsllng -reee lved -the -w re t g ift o f th e evening.

A M other’s day poem w u read y th e w orthy m a t r o n and loughU for th e evening were giv­

en by the worthy pa tron and osso- clatA patron.-

Servlng refreshm ents.w ere .M rs. S . Iv 8ha .« , M n . A rthur U arU a and Mrs. Clyde Rapp.

picnic -

Miss Gofford to —Marry-Ted Mraz

BUHL, Mny ft—T h e engagenient of Ju d ith O afford. daughter of J ^ W . O afford and M n . Ralph Skinner; to T ed Mroa, son of .Mr. and Mrs. Wllll&m M raz. h as been

T he bride-elect will be gradu­ated from B uh l h igh school this spring. H er flonce was graduated

and Is em ployed a t th e Jae li M ou bakery.

No deflnlted wedding da l«-hM been selected.

. * * ' ' Date Change fs '

Noted by GroupI m ade -a t lost week's

T he picnic, usually ....... ............fourth Monday of August, will be held the fou rth M onday of July.

A donation w as m ade to the MIh I daho candidate fund . T he pro­gram for the UtAh and Idaho gen­eral meeUng to be he ld In Mlltord, U tah, In Ju n e w as read and dU- cussed.

Mr*. Miles M iller, Mrs. H a« l P a tten and Mrs.. F e rn Wylie were hostesses for cards a n d lunch after th e m eeting. P r t i t s were rtceSved b r Mrs. Carl A lexander, M rs. Jack W esllng and M rs. W illiam Shlllato.

Shower Honors Shoshone Miss

SHOSHONE, Ma t ft—A pre-nup- tla l-show er'W ftaT ic ld 'in 'honoT 'of Earlene Elam a t tb e home of Mrs. R obert Vaden recenUy.

O am es were played w ith prizes going to M » . A rth u r K enier, Mrs. E dward echw agor, M rs. M arls Bur­ton^ Mrs. Dale S d e n and Mrs. Rob^ e rt.Jones.- '- - ..........-

A Ju n e w edding la planned by M lu E lam a n d R onald .Terry.

Cd're o f Y our C hildren...... By ANGELO 'f>XtRf“ "

1—— Mariaiiivteffiiv; Pattern

to consider a teacher’s qualifica­tions fo r h is poet and the ir basis fo r Judgm ent o ften makes me woqder Ju st how close or how fa r aw ay they come to being correct.

r « A iM .in a ^ ■W EEK'S BEWINQ BUT

. ' See how scoUops curve p reU j )---------- Beckltne In terest on th is

^ “ -OL.wJd its c o r o p « > l o a b B A valuable summ er coetume—Ideal fo r cool o r i j o m w eather. Easy-

I sew, too. _ P rin ted

flcaUon fo r • teacher u th a t he be » . f ln a h um uv being. Now' th a t sounds sim ple b u t I t U fa r from being so. A fine hum an being Is th e m ost complex creature on e arth ' b u t anyone who cares to take th e trouble can discover him. H e rad ia tes w hat, fo r a be tter term . I would call hum anity.

P lrs t he Is In sound physical and mentskl health . H e Is. very curious about a ll th a t happens, tmmedl' ately.about.hlm-or-*RywherB*eUJ In - lh e -w o r ld rH e n u k s “ wcstldnL and looks for answers and hopes h e gets th e co rrec t ones. Being a lert h e knows changes are to be expected a n d Is ready for them, |«aiou>_g\»ut^ t m .thev w iii.» nrk-

'T h ls person la generous, kind, bu t has firm opinions about be* havlor tow ard people In general. He likes learn ing ; h e llkea chil­d ren; he likes to work with chil­dren and younff people and to give ttaem .hls best w h e th e r 'a t ploy or a t work.■ W hat about h is education? I n u l d hope h e hod taken h is BA. legree a fte r a ,so u n d study In the hum anities, th a t h e had a t least 60 hours o f study In elementary psychology, had m astered one for> elgn language, knew the subjeet m a tte r thoroughly th o t he hoped to teach a n d was up to da te on it. A fter passing these testa, i would appoint h im feeling th a t h e could take care of th e rest o f hU educa­tion w ithout any* p u sh from any' body.

You see I do no t teacher* need th e a ig h er degrees. A doctor o f philosophy usually Is a studen t, a scholar a n d Is happy being so. ’Th'at d o ^ n o t m ean 'Qiat he U a good teacher. He m ay be, bu t again h e may n o t. I t U n o t the degree, t l ^ m akes th e teacher. I t is Ws perioaaU ty, sum of h is characteristics, W s 'p e c i ^ gifts, h is being a 'f ln eJa u m a n belng.

th a t a teacher take a higher de­gree before ge tting h is customary Increases In sa lary I t is. I im agine, th e only way they con feel safe a ^ t th e l e x e r ’s r ig h t to It.

.......................... 'TPBypnorrJU'm y opinion. Is I t th'e best way. I t ’s th e quality o t th e teacher th a t m erits his pay. A nd don’t te ll me th a t quality does n o t show.

it br "rt* 0*11 5mdle«u)

JU O V R A S n .. whoM eofB gem eot to AS/cl

D ennis M. Sldweli. son o t Mr. and Mr*. Jam es Max Sldweli, Je ­rome, ti arniounced by he r pa r­ents. Mr. and M rs. G. H. R u b ,

.aU o-JereBe. Mlsa-Rash Is a ja n ~ lor * t Jerom e high sehoel and h e r fiance w m graduated from Jerom e bigh school In 19S0 aod 1* sUUoned a t Sheppard air force bane. T rx. No datn for the wedding has been selected. (SU ff engraving)

Jerome Chosen Site for Annual Area Iris Event

JEROME. M ay S - ’TTie Parade of I r is ’* an annual, event sponsored by th e Mnglc V alley I ris society, will tw held Ju n e 3 and 4 a t the Je ffen im school bulW lng on North PHlmoro stree t, Jerom e.

M rs. 8 . M. H arels. Jerom e, and Mrs. T . W. Hicks. T w in Palls, are co-chairm en. O th e r members of th e . general com m ittee Include Mrs. O . D. Call. H un t. Iris Society president, u»d M rs. G uy Kennedy, society secretary. M rs. K ennedy also will a c t a s secretary.

Com mittee c h a i r m e n Include Mrs. Sidney Sm ith , Twin PalU. Judges com m ittee; Mrs. T . W. Hlcksi Tw in Falls, aw ards; Mrs. H arry Morris, hostess, and M n. Bea T tiom ason, Iris sale.

l i i o general com m ittee will handle the schedule. Jerom e mem­bers wUl be in charge al staging and Eden a n d H azelton members headed by M rs. O. D . Call will U ke

ire of reglstratloQ.CljisslficaUon wUl be handled by

W endell members, directed by Mrs. W ilma V ollette, Declo.

A specisl a re* Is being planned for experienced arrangers w ith M ts.-O uy K ennedy-as chairm an.

Jerom e m em bers vU l a c t a s m e cleanup committee. However, hlbltors are asked to be responsible fo r th e ir own .a rrangem en t con- talners.

Seventy-threo classes are sched­uled to be show n including i s ar> ttoUc arrv tgem ento . ,

Linda Haynes to Trade-Prorpises With T. F. Mari

Mr. »nd M ft. U oyd E . H ajnes announce th e engagem ent of theU doughter, L inds' Carol, to Conrai Lee Ebresmaii, son of M r. ani Mrs. Howard E hresm an, Twin Polls. No definite d a te fo r thi wedding'h&s'been chosen .—

Th‘n bride-elect attended Tw» Tmployief

Qreeir Moods. <10 bring ou t accents); Id ah o D aw n; . L — Sunset; D esert Springtim e, (sage or.rocka.accessorles) ;-ldaho-Sym >

contrasts; back to na tu re (natura l containers); InvlUUon class (ex­perienced arrange rs by Invitation only), a n d free lo r a ll ' w lth^ ttle -by -exh f “

pO Is . . . . . . -------- -----------—h e n . Her flsnce was graduated from the local high school In IMO and 1* serving In th e novy a t 'S sa Diego;- The. engagement.wmi announced S t « pkrty gfren by Mr. a n d Mrs. Howard Ehresm an a t th e ir home for m tm b e r r-o f -th e - Im m ed ia te family.

Those a ttending were Mr. and Mrs..Xloyd H ayses; Jk lr..and-M rs. Lester W ard snd Mrs. M argaret Calderwood. all B urley; Mr. end Mrs. Dennis Haynes and Mrs. f ta n k 'E h re s r ■ ' — ‘ “ " and Dennis,Ehresman, brothers of th e pro- specUvt btldesroom,

M # ,Smorgdsb.ord Is

Planned in BuhlBUHL. Moy ^ -U n ite d Presby­

te rian W omen will sponsor a mother-daughter smorgasbord a t e:SO pm . T hursday a t th e F irst Presbyterisn church here.

All women o f the church a re in ­vited with a special Invitation Issued to mothers a n d daugh ters to attend. M embers a re asked to furnish a h o t dUh, salad or dessert and their ow n u b ie serv ice .. .

A , merle wiJhbe shown a n d ’“The Nobles." B uh l's Ijtrbershop qiiartei; will sing. Bkckground din n er music will be furnished on th e organ by.W alter (Cap) Senften.

M rs. Robert Juker Is chairm an

Social Calendar__________ _f_clrclc_.w lU -m «etvrlih Mrs. Albert c;ederb<“ Pillmore street, a t 2 p. m. day. _

W b in a n L e a ^ D e m d n s tra tT o n

n u i n .S ha rp dem onsuaw d tn a ^n g l a ­m ents from .Un cans for the Mx t - Time club.

Mrs. Paul H ash wss hostess for t h s ^ s e t

Win PrizesV e ld a ja y lo r ,^ u l» -F a r r« rn rn iv

Bellevllfe-and B srbora PulJtr celved-Sunshine gifts durlnit t m eeU rig"6fthe Salm on Sojiai e '' T hursday a t ' t h e home o{ m '


Ntrs“Robert Rayl.Pclies fo r games, were won bv

H sie l Rayl a n d Estiier o 'd^]M<tfJorU4towaiu w m .b e -h o a te .i rf ,^


M emberj o f th e El-Lu-MiR-cm. S * iC a m p -« r* -g ro u p -iT O rt— — jnemory books la s t week

" flome of the ir leader. Mrs,‘ Fairchild. T he glris d lseuata I .I hike they took lost week Irom Mr.

Fairchild’s hom e-to Harmon p a r.'

T he Momlngslde club will me'et St 2 p. m. -Wednesday at. the home of Mrs. Eugene Stscy, 6S3 Alturas • ■

T he Goodwill club will meet a t the Twin Palls city park Wednes­day noon and will leave from there (or the M anhattan eafc, Shoshone, w here-4ew-.offlc«r» -■-win-be- In­stalled. All member^ are urged to a ttend the event, which b also the May luncheon.

* *T he T * ln Pulls sixth ward Re­

lief society will m eet a t 0:30 a. m. Wednesdsy a t th e stakehouse on Maurice s tree t north . T h d home nursing lesson will be given by Mrs. L. A. W heeler. O ther features will be making of costume Jeweliy and work on bssaar Items. Anyone wIihln«Tiirorm*UonrTon-i ' ‘ '

Another Suggestion -i Jor Mother’s Day!

a p. m . Friday a t th e home of Mrs. Evelyn Atwood. All members

re-urged to attend.

HAOERMAN - G eneral WSCS wlll m eet a t-the M ethodist church a t 2 j>. m. Wednesday. w lth Mrs. Jr tjn W. Jones and Mrs. Eleanors MoConkey a s hostesses. Mrs. Asa- hel Oridley will have the worship servles snd Mrs. Alfred Sandy, the lesson.

HAOERMAN — A n InltlsUon ceremony will be held s t the American Legion auxiliary meet­ing a t 8 p. m. Thursday a t the Legion hall.

>T he p ast Nobie G rands club will

m eet w ith Mrs. J ; O . Roth, 1510 N in th avenue east, a t 8 p.m. Thursday. All visiting P ast Noble G rands are Invited.

¥ * ♦

Girls HonoredCASTLEFORD, M ay 0-Castle*

ford high school senior girls were honored byjnejnbtrs.oL ihtatbooV s -Future Homemakprs o f America

new! ty b eltpop-on by Ship'n Shore*setting the fashion, with mandarin . collar and pointed tails. No-iron in 65% Dacron*^lyester, 35% cotton.

~-Whit8rnew-icy-past'els.28to-36;----- -In g l St week.

of A m u.« « «

County Agent Is Lesson's Leader

FILER M ay »—T h e lesson •D ress dollars go shopping" glven-by-P larence-S chult* ,-hbm e d e m ou tra tlon agent, a t th e m eet­ing of the Country Pals a t the

sented the program which 1____ed two accordion duets -by Chris­tine G arrison a n d Bethene Patrick, a reading by charlene Kennedy a n d a poem by Epen Chandler, the Mayfair shop

rlnted p e t t m »479: Misses’ - J 13. m; W. IB. s u e

IB ouU lt 3H yards 4S-lnch.Send 50 cents (coins) fo r th is

p a t t « r n . ^ d 10 cents, for

W est 18th stree t. ?ienr_York. i i .• K |Y, ttJ n t 'p Ia ln ly nam e, M d ita s ■ num ber.

' 100 Ptsdilon P ln d s^ th e best. I naw est. m ost beau tifu l prin ted : Pm ttam s fof ^>rlng-Sum m er, U81.I £ e s them all I n o u r brand-new

. d o lo r Q a tU o r .« e a d IS e e o ts n o v l '

L O W E S TX A R P E TP r i c e s :

“Drive Out and SoDc”

W alk eK 's

Page 11: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

TUESDAY, MAY 9,.1961- 4 - ------------------- —


i^lfeprDrives in^As Cowboys Tbp Billings;

and lanky righ thander Ted Dillnrd spaccd 10 h its as the Mairic Vrilloy Cowboys over- •powered the BilllngB Muatnngs 11-2 Slonday night. The victory moved the Cowboys into position fo r a series.with the Idulio Falls Russets, who move into Jaycc park to-

, n igh t fo r a fhree-gam e stand. Game time is 8 p.m. The Russets currently lead the Pioneer league and hold a

Htmt Powers Angels to Win Over Red Sox

Dodgers Nip ¥E jllie¥¥3 In 10 Innings

PH H iA D BLPHlA,0«£y 9 I fT — V e t m a OU H odses doubled home Wnlly Moon M onday n igh t In the lO lh Inning to give tb e Loi Ar.-

___ g e lu Dodser* * -4*3 come>(rom-behind victory over PbUadelphla.

Dick PWTtll. trad e d by the Phil­lies to th e D odsera l u t week, picked up tha .v lc to ry la relict , of S tu n w lU laos, h is tl r a t u a Dods* «r. ParrelT (S-I) c*me on In the #cvejjlh in n to f . a l te r V/UUa DbvIs befted % tw o-ruri h o m e r' In the D o dsen seven th to tie th e same, and allowed the PhlU lei four hits th e reat o f the w ay.

T h e wlnnln* ru n wa» M t up In th e 10th w ith two o u t w hen relief p itcher Otu-U B hort walked Wally M oon. H odses th e n ■ batted , for N orm -l-aH eer-and-pbked a double near the icoreboard . ” -r;

— P a rre ll-w as- ln -ao m e 'tro u b le - ln th e KRli when vUh two ou t Pbl]> Ilea' p lnch-hlttera C U y Dalrymple and Tony Curry slagled. B u t the b is rlBhthander r e ti re d Tony Tay-

£ s Anjcie3....ooo 000 soo i i . aPhiladelph ia 000 030 000 0 - 3 7 1

« W illiams,' Parre ll (7) and Roae- ^ b o rd ; O reen, S h o rt (1) and Cole-

W -P% rreU (3-1). L -S h o r t

—Los Angeles, W. D a-Q-1).

T.F.Netters Favored in

-District MeetT h e undefeated T w in ra ils

B rtiln tenn is team Is favored to w in the fourth d is tric t title .here S a turday In playoffs a t Harm on p « k .

T h e B n iln i tun e d up by beltlilg Pocatello ia-4-1 ove r the week-

4 1 1 0 a iim U 1 I tJranlnia 4 8 * t 8«ndrT»If I 0 JKnslHrf 4 0 0 0 Sbecklr lb 4 0 0Tvntndir4 0 1 O FulUrtne 4 0 1L«r.bSb < 0 I OlPMIIIptrf I 0 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 i i

Boys singles resu lts (Twin r a i l s a th letes naxned f ln t ) Include B rad H um phreys over Nielsen 6-0, 0-1;D ave M ontgomery over Call 6-4,8-7; Mike Wiley over Bonnell 7-6, H,pb» ib i o o o 7-&, and BUI O uffey lost to TUI- CondiWp i o o om a n fl-2. 0 -9 .2 - e . -----------------------l u « i . » n s m i . 0|• O lrU single, Lois U pe over K n igh t e-S. fl-4; Z^ngdon lost to Petersen 3-«. 0-6: Olsen lost to L ots M , 3-B, a n d Tbrelkeld lost to Jones 1-S, 3-6.

3 o y s doubles. -E u m p tire r a n d ...Uehener over B ohn an d CaU 6-1, re-0; M oatgom ery. an d Jim l in g - LB*w‘onr-G m ltb-and-Pordyoa>.7.6. B i r ^ m ’O uffey-B im -JfeU ^Satter- V b lte over Boblnson and Steele,B-a, 6-3.

Q lrls doubles U p e and I over Anderson a n d Howi— . . fl-1; OUen a n d T h rrik e ld Ued w ith

Mixed doubles. H um phreys and Ltpe over Nielsen a n itK n lg h t 6-1, 6 - i : M ichener a n d Olsen over Robinson « n d L o ts 8-3. 0-6, 6-3; W iley and Langdon over CaU and Peterson 6-4. 0-7, a n d Llagnaw a n d T liretkeld over B oh l a n d And- son 6-3, ,6-4.

WSU Nips Vandals ^In;Ri>aUnning^ HOSO O W ,:M a7 '« » - A n ln th ■ b n ln g hom enm liy -catcher . P a t T croS k b rought th e W ashington

S to te C o u g m - ------ --—

Monday..T lie hom enm b la s t by Crook

-■palked * uprt«lny ■W 8U th a t sen t th e Cougars o u t _ fro n t, a lthough th e V andali.cam e back strongly In th e ir ha lf o f the n in th w ith a ru n a n d th e tying ru n on th ird .

Id ah o took a 9-0 lead In th e f irs t and made I t hold u n til the n in th . W S 0 had picked up a lone ru n in th e seventh w hen Crook came hom e on a single by Nick August.

StandingsriONkKB LSACUt^

n o u # _______1 M»roeaulla ............ 7 S .4«TM«k.V»Uw S.. .T - .‘IT

Wr. i - v l ;------------ - 19. joo

three-game edge over the Cowboys. Allen, who w ent Into ihc Bamc.hlltlng_ODly_,154.>howr. e<l the power m anager Jack P hil­lips alwaj’s m aintained the 18* year-old second baseman had.

He drew walks h is . f irst two Unles up, one coming w itli the bases loaded to pick up an easy rbl. But the nex t three came even easier as he picked ou t a * * p itch and drove It o n a.Une righ t ccnlerfleld.. I n the #cvcnlh” Ufe’ bMpeet*cled

second baseman h it a towering drive over the fence In dead cen- tcrfield with Jo h n W eghorn aboard.

Dillard, who showed superlaUve control In walking only one m an— th a rm i-» -J -J eoun t-b recM d m er- •rily along“lhrough the first five Innings, giving up only three hits along th e '^ ay .

Billings got to him In th e sixth for two n ins w h e n Bob Dews doubled and B e e U ndsey . and Charlie Jennings followed w ith omglea.- A wild 'p ltch- le t U ndseyc a rrr - th e -s fo o n d -iu a -h w n e i_____

-Jo h-n-W eghorn—t h e - O .......

three hits, b u t no runs, ............top of th e n in th inn ing before D iU ard..could. safely.. c o u n t...th - game In the bag. '

Meanwhile,' t h e , Cowboys' were strUUng hard a n d early. Barry Pu l- le rton belted a tw o-rb t'sing le In the first to score W eghorn and Allen, who had walked.

In the second, Billings sU rter and loser, BUI Cundlff. gave up a double to AI D urllng and a single to Gary Curkendall and then wtklked four m en to force two n m s In.

Allen unloaded h is th ree-run b last In the th ird and t o j ^ It oft with h is .towering sh o t In the seventh. '

B ary Curkendall, w ho entered the game with a JIB average, got fou r-h lU -h ls f irs t- fo u r’ times- up bu t then bad to se ttle for two force outs. He came o u t w ith sha rp four-for>«lx n ight.

•brbrUOlM.ViiIIrr > brh t«nrlb-S

Hilie vuirr —...—I. wu cvx—iK—Ot«l, XaoirlM. FO>A—Dtlinn t4*

1», M«l«-V4Un « • « . LOD-OIUII.H I. ^XWD<wi!^JnDlst« I. Dsillac. lift—

Caadlff Lt i —

GibblsIVIain Speaker at Bulll Banquet

BUHL. May ^ " C t i ^ a u Just dod’t happen. I t takes h a rd work and dedleatibn," sa id R obert Olbb, fo n n tr U niversity’, o f Idaho a th - letio director a t the B uh l a thletic banquet.M onday n igh t. ' .

He.:.ouUlnfd;.a_flye..polat_prfr- *.............. h is sU tcm ent.

o t«ham .work; be able . t o ___ ..p repare tbem selves .bo th menUUy and physically, and have fa ith In

a n d d lstrlc tr iln n e r-u p plaque. J a r r e s Dowd,- stu d e n t body presi­

d e n t and member of bo th w inning teams, j) ru en U d th e trophies to Elwood <Rip) Q ledhlU rhlgh school prindpel.

O arry Matlock, th e Indians nd s ta r , received

the outstandlrw hich is based _________academic achievem ent a s weU as a thletla prowess.

Jensen Repents Hasty Benartureweek h e was quitting basebaU for good, rejoined th e Boston R A Sox M onday n igh t and sa id he had

• and regretU ble de-

. Jensen, who quit- once before and returned. Issued a b rief m im -

' 's U U m e n t H e would

K-PITCHKE’DIEB - ■ a a r a o y o A N P A ix a , w is . M a r f tf>-John‘W. Wyokoff. 6#, a for-

- “ -her. with tbe Philadelphia , . and toe Boston Red —

1 Monday a \ his hoae.

Cleveland, and. a s I've already told M ike B iggins. ; Z regret n o t only th a t decislon-but also th e m anner in which t le ft the (eafi. I h a n ­dled i t badly and I've apologised to Mike aad te thfl-ehib.“ - > .v.'

icss?T6iP:A uto Insurance?O ndsr Age< Ov«r Age, Peer : D r l v ^ B eee i^ ' 'Bte.T

" W e l n 8 U M ~ Y o u f


. lU Sba. 8L No. - BE S-U7«

d a y -n ig h t - o s (he L o s-A n g e la AngelsAnfieU defeated Bolton 6-5 a fte r 'a lm ost blowing a’ flve-i lead.

Jsckle Jensen , who announced la s t week he was quitting baseball, rejoined the Red S ox-M onday n igh t and h i t a liom erun ' aod ' a single in h b only l*-o offlclal-Um ei a t ba t. He also-walke<J'twlee and h e scored tw o of Boston's

Tlie V i c t o r y wns the third s tra ig h t for the Angels and It inoved them tb-wjuuri u half game o f the tcventh-plabe R ed Sox.

Tlie AngelA got l i h its off four Boston pitchers, S t a r t e r Gene Conley was tnitsed for the f irst eigh t and suffered Ms yciond lots

B osion .......... 000 030 300— 9 S 0Los Angeles I3i oio O O x -6 11

Conley, NlchoU (4), Hillm an (5), Stalln rd (7) and Nixon; McBride. Bon-sfleld <0), Morgan (7) tfnd Averlll. W — McBride <2-3). L —Conley ( 1 - 3 ) 7 ......................‘ Homemns — Boston, Jensen (1), Los Angeles; I ju n t (3);

Great Falls Is 7-4 Winner Over Braves

GREAT FALLS, M ay 9 ifl — G re at Palls bea^ Boise 7-4 M on- day n ight a s the Braves muffed th e bol la t several c rucial points a n d despite hcm enins by Mario d a s and K en Itoesler.

.T here were- costly Boise errors b u t a couple o f good double plays w hich stopped rallies, too.

I n the f irs t inning fo r the

e r's choice. B u t two singles fol­lowed and a walk to W endy W ear forced In one run. Jay A m ette h i t Into » double play.

In the th ird Dom Carrasquel singled In a ru n bu t W ear walked again and fUled the bases. John V an O m um . h it to righ t field w here Itoesler caught I t and threw ou t Dick McLaughlin a t home.

In the f if th Lou sn lpp ' aafe and w en t to aecond -on athrowing e rro r. A wUc.....................h im ' to th i r d where a insled h im home.IMm >b r h rbllOmt Fmlb ab r h

C«mnSb 4 0 0 O U<UIn» 4 1 iX 0P«ilb4 0 1 S Cnqutlu 4 I 4CUIftDM 4 0 e 0 WMrlb t 0. 0CuUwnef 4 0 1 0 Arn«tUcf 4 0 0E s ; ; , - . t i ! ! » ■ • ! ! !

7^l»l. “ l l ” *!! ToUlJ u ~ n ' ■—Slrvck otit (er 6i>«rre« In Mh.

Cm* 101 oi?E—G«nn t . CltrWB. Sbfm ir Z. FC

LOO—D»Im 4. Ortat Falli D. Sb -rra tll, Culluni. -McClur*. Sblnn,

noMltr. 811 — C>mi4UiLa r —Kcctur*.ab .f«w L _ ^ •- ••

. BOWL4DBOUS W aata's C k s ^ Lw n«

h n M m ta <taU m tt« t-1.n a TirUUr* tpUl Kl» and Tbckm .M Is r = £ i £ - . , s ' “r s i s “c ^ i- , ;2-]; flUihn Jilt «bS Mlu S-1.T S K r r . - t e . ' i a i r . K !i

•tua soil biKb W d k ip tmm wriM.blfli Mrtuli Im b

„*** ■ V trcluB k/'^ 'cM Cloa Book S ian M m M Okar Fo«a

C n u n Utilud OU C«. dtt««U4 lion* «ad Ooat S -t| UbIob ««■

. HIrt IfrflWdwt w i« . Mibi - •illfh M lrldm l n n x . Mika Frltara. i^ rrr T.rlor MSs hl(b IbJI.Wu.I parlM. nudr PluU tM t bixh Kraleh tMm tam>. ClM llenk B»r« ! » • ------ --------

tM a .M

;RTM«n INvwiKlad'^afMlad T*ln


■ •» !« , Unl«a Moten

‘ iadlrUual tinif, Dmb* BeUlaK

Failt Daaurowvn ««m . hMan bUh fcLidk:!!In tbllcbui Bowlit if’ uiV WMk, ZMlf


J U I X T IV E N T AT ' M y j: e e B A a .P A R K


FburtK District Frosh-Soph Meet

0 New York for Four Players.LOS ANGELES, May 9 (/P)— The Los AnRoles Anffcla Monday announced a four-

for-two player swap w ith the New York Yankee.<« — outfielder Bob Ccrv and pitcher Tex Clevenger of the Anfiel.<i fo r pitcher. Rypc Difron, p itcher Johnny James, outfield- er-Leroy-Thom na-and an uniinmed-onlfieldor of the Yanks. The Anncls, new entrj* in the Am erican leapue lonjr dominutod by the New Yorkers, culled it "our blffgc.st

and most im portant deal." A .Hpoke.smnn liaid the Angel b ro u feejs Duren wllV help the chib more than ClevenKcr, fo r­merly wllh Uie WnshlnRtoii S e n ­a to rs and Boston Red Sox.„T l)e..de#l._the.A ngels'-si«U ». iseffective ImmedlttUly._______ • ._!■'— C cnerarm nnager ^ re d H aney of

McGraw Paces I.F. to Win ©v^tChiefs —

POCATELLO. M ay 0 Power- h lttlng Tom m y M cCmw belted two 'hom eruns a n d a trip le Monday n igh t to lead th e league-leading Idaho Palls R u sset Sox to a - -

th e AngeLi and h is Yankee coun­te rpart. Roy Hamey, concluded U»o- ncgoliations here . ,

Tlie Ansel . spokesm an. «vdded th a t while they w anted D uren . "Clevenger was probably th e key

= M cC raw rthe-league’a -to p -h o in e -lo f: therun h itte r w ith five, drove . In a total of (our ru n s. H is tr ip le in tlie first sen t one ru n home, H e had a solo hom er In 'th e th ird and tu t a tw o-run hom er In th e sixth.

n ig h th a n le r T ^ d c lsc o Carlos gave up 11 h i ts to Pocatello, but proved steady i n the rc lu tchea and went all th e w ^ . Five Pocatello

Idaho Palls scored In every In. ning bu t the fo u rth and e ighth.

• rbl I'ouUtlo a b rb ib

ts ;! i I i !t.. I lkktb (

Crtlphr l( 4 WoJclk* t Ii4«nlaa >

0 I aula rf » t 1 0 Rynoldt If I

1 1 Wansp I I 0 0 OM itp e

f e - !

ToUlf JS S . . . OpMt la Ilb : b—

K-Fratui, AU t . Tal«ntln i. TO-A- Maho Kalb tVS. Pocatalto K-IS. O F- HeCall and H cCnw: ValUdaru,

t a , - .

DUrcn. 317 ts-one-o( the fastest pitchers In the m ajors but has been troubled th rough his career by w ildnus. D uren had an 0-1

■ record with the Y anks th is season, i Clevenger.'38, p itched In 13 of th e . AngeLV firs t 10. games a n d h a d an. earned ru n Average of less Utan 3.00. lie won -two and los(

In relief th is year, b u t D uren has ft more impreulve relief record over the years.

T he Yankees undoubieilly w an t­ed Cerv to add strength to' th e ir bench. T ltcy. lo s t .h im an d -D a le Long. a lsQ _D lnch-hlttef-lftst-sca. son . In the special American league p layer d ra ft held last wlnler. to s tock ' (he league's two new clubs — the Angels and the Senators.

I n Knjjsas City, where tlie Y anks piny tije A’s Tuesday night, Yaft- kee manikger Ralph llouk sa id he in tend f to use Cerv ••primarily a piiich h itle r and occasionally a stiirtliiK ' buttieider lit th e sec­o n d game of double-headers and tim es like that. He tills our im ­p o r tan t need — a right bonded p inch h itte r .

.TV. 34, hn»_ spen t Ills lO-year career ' / « H:e T najors' stiutcllng buck and forth between New York and K ansas City. Ho had h is best season In 19SB when he h it .305 for K ansas City, d riving In 104 runs and hitting 38 hom ers. Ho ap ­peared In 18 games for Los A n­geles, but was h ittin g only about .200. • •

James, 38-year-old rlgiit-hander. had a 4.40 earned run average w ith New York la s t year. Hefive and lo.<it one. He also ___three and lost two la st year w ith th e Yankee fa rm d u b a t R ich ­mond.

Thomas, 35, w ho baU le ft h a n d ­e d and throws r igh t; h it .340 for Richmond la st season. He h as b a t­te d bu t twice for th e Y anks th is y ear and hod one h it.

Observers felt th a t Angel m o­tives fo r thB deal m ight Include th e need to acquire an additional sU rtln g pitcher — Jam es. T hey badly need an additional capable s ta rter .

Clevenger has pltch6il_#uperbly

S la ted l^ ^ n esd a ^meet will bo conducted at. 3 p.m. Wcdneaday a t the Twin Falla track.-Tho m eet, which will iiidude freshmen and sophomores not golnff to the var.sity regional^ here Sat- urday, Rives area coaches a chance to compare their nros.pccts airainst Magic V alley------ ------------------------- ^schools fo r fu ture years.

Second Hoopsti

Tw in Falls is rated a favorite .... dep th .alone. a lth o u g h ..th ls .ls .th e m eet one school usually provides

individual t l » t dominates the t i r e field. Last year Rnv

Schnabel, Mlnlco. se t th ree recont* In the best Individual showing of the season.

T he oldest record on th e book* Is a 5-foot, B-lnch high Jump by Ray H endrix ,'Tw in Palis, se t In li)62.-Nlne-Tecords"wero” s e n a s l ' year.

Mlnlco's H elner, a freshm an, threatens the pole' v au lt record se t a t 10 feet, s Inches by Schnabel la s t year. Oregg Flint, Tw in PalLi freshm an, and 'M iller. Mlnlco, an ­other fro.ih. have equalled the 10,7 record In tlie IOO-y»rd dasli. Art Vandenbark. Tw in Palls, has an o u is ld e-« h o t-a t-th e mile m ark— 6:03,7. - •

Once again Twin P a lls Is pected to score heavily In the hur­dles w ltlj . Bob MeClusky. Tbm RobertMn end D an Sm ith. The Junior Bhilns also should garner

Heavy Action Lined up for

Has Tuberculosis•OLEAN. N. Y . May B OIPO — A

doctor confirmed Monday tt^at a secood member of the S t Bonaven- tu re basketball U nm , sophomore Preddy. Crawford, has tuberculo­sis.

Crawford's physician 'said tiukt th e 20-year-old toru-ard has the dbease In both lungs.

Crawford, from New York c ity , as a roommate of all-America

Tom Sm itli, who was stricken with th e disease In one lung. S tlth was transfe rred to Mt. Morris Sanato­riu m n e a r Rochester last Prlday a f te r f in a l tests la s t week firm ed th a t he had IB .

Crawford has been in St. P ra n - els hospital since Saturday. He tm d a ll m em ben of the school's a th le tic team s and coaching s ta ff w ere X -rayed a fte r SUlh'a case w as conflnned.

Thynk Again, a 3-year-old bay gelding, is ' aptly named. H e's by T hym us-R econsider ou t o f Re' voked.

Mat ProgramA women's m atch and a "winner

take all" battle feature Tuesday's pro.wrestling program -at the R a -—

IqTtoirdevbo'. Matches b ^ a t" '- ';30 p.m.T he a-omen’s m atch pits ilestle

Rogers against D ot D otson ..Tlie second bout pits Pete Coll-

Ingi. Burley, a 300-pounder, agalns Ihgs, B u r l e y , a 300 .-pounder, pound mass or muscle. The boutw as.set up la st week when C oll.__Ings. sitting In the audience, dls- and.lM ued-thechallengc.'TourTllle— and Issued the chalenge. Tounlilo accepted. .

The “Winner take a li’’-batUe plU Tourvllle, u k ln g -o n double duty, against Don (O ^ Anderson. Ap t _

Bevenu of the area’s outstanding Rtata__wlll no t..com pete. Doug Schow. Tw in Palls, se t the 230- yard records as a freshm an but won't defend th is year. Joe McCol­lum, Tw in Falls. Is a cinch to be tter both the low hurdles and lOO-yard dash'-m arks bu t a lso-Is being held ou t for varsity region* a b . Freshm an Curtis. B aton set the varsity district sho tpu t mark la st week-end and also will pass up W ednesday's event.


Monday n igh t won the Suropesin basketball championship fo r the th ird s tra ig h t year and th e .f if th tim e since. W orld w ar H , beating Yugoslavia' 00-53.___________.

- i r Y o u - p t A H T ' n OR f e e d i t

GLOBE SEED'W ill Hare U.


----- — ______ ,,_tf“be-lleves he's the m an to take the wind o u to f AndersonVM tls.-

A special bout wiU p it th e B at against Al Pago Pago.

Promoter Cliff, Thiede la id this special program h as ..been a r ­ranged to thank area fans f o t t h e l r _


iM tRumforYAaW P roet« «chlef»tiin40>,l«e^YBrti



D o n 't s e t ra l lie d . G e t« Dodge. R u g g e d . R u s t-p ro o fe d . W elded

" f a t h i r i h a n ' t S liru£S off b u m p s , crac k s, and y e a rs o f lo u g h serv ice. B uilt lo do (h e J o b and k e e p q u ie t a b o u t i t

It’s fa r th e r be iw een g a s s tops on today’s su p e rh lg h w a y l ' T h a t's w lia l o u r susp e n sio n w a s U*s f a r th e r betw e e n g a s stop^ in a D odge, to o . ReasonT m a defor.lfscalledT orsion»A lre.

I D odge en g in ^^ Two. sn a p p y n ew S ix es fo r D odge L an cer. Your choice o f a sp irited S ix o r o n e o f n va V 8s fo r D odge D a r t D odge o w ners can re la x , in easy ^ liv in ; s e a ts , a n d w atch th e g a s p um ps flash b y .

I t uses o ff-cen ter s p r in g in t h t rea r , to rsion b a rs In f r o n t T ak es I firm s ta n d ag a in s t roll, sw ay, d ip, a n d s q u a t T v I t a n d see .

W hy d o e s D odge Dfpvlde a . th fe a . sp e e d a u to m a tic transm ission fo r bo ih th e ir s t a n d a rd -a n d th e ir co m p a c t cars? t o g ive you th a t a d d e d -p u n c h fo r sa fe r p ass ing r ig h t w hen j^qu n eed i t m o s t

D o n 't ru n d o w n y o u r b a tte ry e v ery B m e y o u r en g in e I d l e i - .Your b a t te ry w on’t la s t very lo n g jlh a t w y . G et a D odge. Y ou’ll g e t a n a l te m a to r ln s t^ d o f a n n v e n t lo n a l g e n e ra to r. - A nd a n a l te rn a to r c h a rg e s y our b a tte ry w h ile y o u r e ng ine

, l d l e s . ^ o o d n ew s. A lle rh a to rs .n e e d le s s se rv ic e l h a i c o n v e n tio n a l g e n e ra to rs , too . A nd Itia l s a v e s y o u m oney.

- f - - f i l v e l o w u p k e e p t h e h lg h s lg i ia l ' - . . y our D odge d e a le i 's . H e’s pricing

th e full-si2e DodgB O a rt a s low ■. a s an y s ta n d a rd s ize ' n r ; a n d . th e co m p ac t U n M r t i g h t a tong w ith Ih es trip p ^ d d o w ii c o m p a c t i '




T uesday, M ay 9

T W I N . F A U t S — B O B . R p E M O T O R C O M R A N Y , S O O . S o c o n d A v e n u a S o u t h - G 0 0 b l N G f - 4 H A R B A g ^ ; * A ^ ( ^ C O . , . I N C ; 5 0 0 / M a i i } , _ S t

B U R U Y — B U R L E Y M O T O R CO.] I N C . , 1 1 3 7 O v e d o n d A y e . - ■ R U P E I J T - ^ U P E ^ . A S r a ' ^ R V I c i ^ ^ ^

1 . . ; ........- • . . . '.

Page 12: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


Times-News ComicsReading Fun for the Entire FamiSy

DanM Halt

Page 13: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

TUESDAY, K A X jd j_ im ’TIMES-NEWS. t w i n f a l l s , IDAHO I B N '-


! = < : . , T i S ' f l S t T S s f r e V r t ' C S y S... .. .............. ....... ... ............ ... ........ „,b»tai .J io - lB n n r

Mirlih sC m IIIiik br

twion—Mli»i«| V»>li bujtlniIlqaiaiUon.

CMofSIWhMV—lllilwr: •CWX"'! •<'cn<n4.Com—Kaiirr: trxW.0«l>~-KMl*r vllh tarn.

!«• I'llHm »— 10 »i— ......c,iii»—aii««ht»f ------

!( ccnli bl(b«ri tup t:i .! I..P tIT.TI.

i NEW YORK, May 9 lUPD—Stocks ' hoved e r r a t i c a l l y In ano ther

»um lnK tfldav. eloalng ntheir beal level* with th e llclccr

tApe running late In Iho final hall*

W lih th e popular morlcet Indl- a ilor* »ueiiRU»enlrtg n e a r th e rin- l9 li -b u t no t enough to show a deflnlte-trend-volum B crM ked the tlve.mUIIon ahare marlc lo r the •econd consecutive lession..

Defense lssue.i asn ln today toolc the ipo tllsh t nwny /roh» the .other, m ajor sroups. A vnet stArred In the (tlamor BweepxUlces. loslnK more Chan Mven a lte r slop orders on the Issue were banned. LlnR>

—Temoo rose nearly two a l te r a big rU« yesterday and Phllco suddenly

—cam e to m e-in.m ld»attem oon-w lth a Bain' o t more than ihree i . -

Cessna added rounhly two In the •IrcrafU were BoelnR, tm d ln s ex-

. d U ^end . tacked on close t o n point

be contlnuedr Texas Inatiiinienta and .IB M slid o tt a round .....

. . . . . b»rfowt' Us )•: lb«. i«.o«i IJ s;-WM IN. J80.n.U,M. :u«] na Milr m Im.

II«» ISO; n.linl.1.: «

t iMd Oi 111, •

■■nil hish rta^ ' h> avcrac' chale* miilt hflti'iml to » tr* i* eholet

{ » .u i lb. r>t MUm told t i :t u - i .n s ibi. ::.otf>:2.M: utiiit/ co<n I4.W.I7.SJ.S h M j > J , a o o . j ^ « M « I 0P i l n u f B l wh lfhir: tn i tlxarlnc UmlM• IMiHi-.' •prim Umb* n«l yn nUblUhM:rhoir* •»<! prim* oooM old -nrp larebi

•oUto-fMd 4 1- 11.01).


fractionally mixed n'hlle chemleald perked up after an easier s ta rt.

. D uPont rose over a po in t and Celanese Rained over two while

■ ’Amerace a t lU best.w na up five

C o p t^ 's to ck a also flrihed lole the session, featurlnir ph->—

TOodge and M ajna up well ov . point, on hope for a n o th e r red

m etal price Increase spu rred by a fu rther boost In scrap prices.

Kerr-McGee lost nearly two in

«ie oils. Brtstol-Myers. trftdlni; ex- ivldend. was up.lW In the drous. Helene Curtus. which boosted lU

dividend yesterday, rose ano ther point In the cosmetics a n d m m lly

------Finance Jumped about th rce ln .th efinance section.

____U _ tr f ld ln s _ « a J n r_ th l« ^ k has"proved anythlnc It Is th a P a i r th e

bullish brokernRe forecasts in the world do no t necessarily, send the m arket ahead.

Nearly all the m a rk e t le tte rs published since M cnday’a c-penlnR

- have been forecostlnR a quick Jump In the Dow Jones average throuRh llA recent record high , bu t a t the present time th e m arke t Is fu rther below this level th a n it

- was lost Prldny, However. Wall ' ' a tm te ra itlll Insist th e m arket

in u it climb again—a n d Boon................ aolcs on th e New Yorlc stock

exchanRe totaled S.380.000 today against 5.170.000 yesterday.

lf»a._optntd_i»Uier-ilo>»._lii»r jnoitt~ ttt lr pilcM itMtlr t" M Io<««rjU.'l K1 IM.»0 lb(. l«.DI>-l«.ei): top 1I1.7S. , CMlk IMOOi » l> « '23: fltushttr • l« r . >nd h tlfm »low. compkl<4 - wMli t« mottlir 1( l»wrr, but mii,...., m il In <{ri( hindt: toorf (o bl((> thoht H M t : i .u - u . t0; tn<Mt (ood and chalea :i.2}.23.:i;*(00d to hIsh cholca bflfrra 20.S0.:] .:} ; mot cholc*M.2S: CK.I •laaJy to Zi lowvr, ____orr SO: Iitllitr and <umiu>relal malniy U.0O.IT.01),

tihr^p t,«00; modaraUir aeti.a. ti-iD hlihar: (lh>k*anU prima lb. apcinzlamba l.HW.tt.01): cboir* «llh faw prIma PS lb. aborn ftldirrop lamba No. 1 pall

arwnd 101 Iba. full fall aWi. rrlti IS.Oi; cholca 104 Iba. No, I palU H.2S: moillr abotca ItT lb. (all ahorn

mba, wllh aoma jtrarllnst t.iO.OIICACO

.CHICAGO, liar * (USDA)—llosaround 7o“ hnd mMtfj ?a IKMIfl 'f uuhara ll.H : mliad ].J I ia .» ( II;

K . S f c l T . s J l ' m i . i d * J - V ^ n d ^ t . s i t s i . . ba.-ll.00>l«.M|,mUaJ.U.aB4.aa.lCO4IM......................................... lOatlr


CattU 4.0MI ciUraa lOOt alaurhtara ataadr I

> /aw loada ‘ ' a prima


.. blihti........................_.SJ-24.M.or bllb cholca and cholca ...... _

d l,IM.|,4»« Iba. 24.TMS.00: (oo<...S0-:2.(0; «bolc« balfaia U.e»-2J.S0 cood 20.t0.22.Ul; ulllilr and eommarclal uara lt.1S.l1,SO; ulllllr and cemmrrcUl

'urn and I.OOS8,00-2».0«i load o(- >ra 24,to; load tr

'' '8hMp'"»V:'*al»*u»hiar k ........... .. ..to hlgbar! et thnlc# and prima

Stock Averages

124.t i:«.0 2U.1 lao.o i:x.o !<i.i

— 1U.S--- tlft.4NCTf rn rn t htock rxciiA N fie ......YonK. Mar »

. - r t ^ r r . Cl>r

s : : i!ij


Am Mo^on

Am ToSJcO ‘i i S <!*•JSrJU !ia K?.*rArmour 4* PmnfrAT a s r 2«1i Pcnr. nil Allanlle Rat (T 1'<P>I.|:

Crpaum-ctn ifu— i»«r * - * - 15??

— again In the Bseendener on the « to c ? m M k -e tn r r ia -X K tth » r iA j | Invested position U a tlll advised^

However, the S and P publlea' Uon •■Outlook" w arm , a tten tion should be paid to sw itching opera­tions. parUeularly -w lth regard to

11(11 a Howtll i;: Ilandli t:

—llalh.Staal. . <i Iloalni 4'

■ Ilordcn 11llrunioltk >'

....... MorflaES'aSPullman ____

uiina. parucuiariy -w iu i recerta in la il movers t h a f t . ........ta ll a alteable elem ent of risk. F unds a re best placed In Issues thac are no t over-d lscountln^thelr foreseeable potenUols, I t aays.

T h is week s ta n d ard h as also published a lis t of seven speclol situations, suggested for package

“ ■■ w hich U says pro-

Cal Tratlor CtlanaaaOalotai .

. Oirralar

■ Jii; Ilry Tobacco ll»U Z4’k lUabdald O il. «SU m 2 n»a l Dutcb 4tl4JSi! safawar

. 3t(i Scbenla/.

9 0 o1«.ratm C<inl Can ('.ont Oil

4 = 4 i i i41% AInc

sI ••acll.d 2.:<,

(i.-;ii - 2i» : s u r n r .n a . - - ; l |zCudah/ lOH Sian Oil Cil U'ACurtlia.Wrlllit :0 Sian Oil Ind Uni D « , AlrtrV JJV. Hun Oil N JDow Chan 1j4> H'ati Pach 21BuPant • JOtll Bludabalcar Tj;

;n m “ !Ia MW T«aa C o ^ lOJiJKord llolnr m 1 T.* «;»ilf Sul UVr»r;»rt8ul >1 i T.» Itialni J»« ,Crn Drnamka ssii Tailron 2S>,Can Klac «4H Thiokol 4lli;Can rooda HU Tlmkfn

.Ran Motors 4«^ Tr«n> A.....

irS > S '. .T . i K B S t i i . u !Crrrbound. Alrllnaa 4Ogir 041 -42' Hn A lrer.ft ' 4{ftmaaiaka ' 4 t 'i tin Cerpdaho Powar «2j. U# Frull I

■^-^JaBfaU u.hl# «X»tin««'t'*** II Kar>»l<i;a. ' JW|S 7 .V , . , ■■Loakhaad- LorillanI

AUBniCAN BSCRANCi: ■NEW YOU. M«|r * ( «— lalai

iSkKla.'^n'A <1 } |< Tachalfolor U<2 JI41 UUh Ida BW.. SK


P u b lic Show"‘Of FUm warBe Thursday

B p ,ip . Thursday a t the-A m erican

- f - l l l l l . M t . ' a n d ’ > r n n H i n i h i a x n l I i r a . l l n i i < ; i < l > i

K outnlkott 12 tol Koutnlk said the 4J.m lnuie film

will be aho«'n free of c lu rg e . The „ . , , l l lm has been shown by sen lee nh. elubs and other organizations In

c'lMa ahorfir baCora'the poAt ftw wecks. buc th is will , , . I .tb e the llrs t public showing.

V ri7ihi‘Tb.m' liJ "Operouon Abolition" U a docu» •Upiim bacau.a nfim entary film on tlie rio ts which

.•.lii..-_jauU_mulsiuit|occurred a t 8an Francisco clly hall• I l a h t l ; a

•No StarsW ASHWQTON. May.a.HV-A.

bet-UAd riding wlU) niitronaut Alan B. Shepard. Jr., on his flight Into space Prlday, now*, men learned a t the navy

.tcrday.,^e - y w

DeatlFClaim¥ Mi’sillcynolds At A^e of 85

U kt *. l*lt (i'ran ,»»arla kf llaraai a( naalaiaallan,

Caalratnl-tfarrar’and-csopar. .....•Ilaf parllaa)

.■•lalloii- • -Dlach. Of C on ti-raar.d

miiri w n llt^ la I^ ^~tlt ^7 space capsule 115 mllp.i above the E arth In full daylight.

Shcpnrd couldn 't see the con* stellatlonA. so .U eu t . Col. John Oleiin of the marine corp.i will pay off a aleak dinner to Capt, VIrgll (QU.M QrUsoii) of the air force. ,

Mrs. Ornee Kranccs R o ’nold.'. &>. 33irBKTOtlrRftnUfc=woab-rfU«l_al 8:15 a, m. Tue-tday a t a local rest home a flc r a prolonged lllneM.

Man Collapsesbalm takan

li«)'baan«-al' r actUllr.

1 < H i U l < l a m a i k a l a t

. . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . -i n o m i n a l .n ■.< I" I h l E h a r ; N o . 2 J t a l l o w , ; . K o . a r a l l u o t , 124. IS; N o . '» l.« l 1.111 N... « rallow l.M'.;S yallcm' aampla fra<II UBctansrd' ia

hM »V'"VuJ''rr^’

IMrltr mtlilnc 1.IO-1.20 nominalu n r h a n i ' d ; N o . 1

during-hearings o t the hoiue m ittee on un*Amerlcan actlvltlr*.,

Oroups who defend th e film say - - cItlMns have an obligation ta be _

a lert to the subversive menace of A f f m * A«n a'arir In ternational communltm .---------- .-i. n k l l V / J .n htf'i.a irm.ial Somc in'oups have charged Uie; n r i c c »«.„ o _ t ^ t

....1 Pmnci«cA_B0llc0 were brutal!®®*** Justice of the Peace^thM? h S ^ ^ Of th ? rio ^^ ^^ ^ ' ‘rsoi",. Monday, for fall-

students |Ure to drive In a prudent and reas*Tlie charges have been 'fepeitted onable m anner,

and amw ered In congress and by m ajor Circulation mBgailne*. Many newspnpfrs have voiced editorial comment. . - —. •—"People sh o u ld -d o -m o re than Just read the proa and con* of th is f llm rth e y -e h u ld see It and m nV enhdrow n Judgments," K out­n lk said. The showing Is sponsored bjLJlie. - -

1878. a t Toulon. III. She'.wns mu rled to the Hev. H: J . neynolds Toulon Oct. 12. 18D8. She was member of the T u ln .PalU flr.st ChrL'Mlan church and th e Loyal Bible cliuM,

Tlie Rev. Mr. Reynold.^ preced­ed her III denih on Oct. 27,'IS48,

Twin PalLi. They had lived In Tu lil Pnlls alnci-1 0 3 0 .-------!-----

BfUjirada.a:i plump, i.oa

■CHICAC!0."H.riW h ..t-’' ' “ "

War ....,l,M'i J.HiJuly — I.Bt I.HiSapi i.aiDa« ..... I.KS t.tlMar .... 2.01% 2.0C

CornI'uir r,r.V,'r«^i i:”

OaUi i S ; : : ; :

r i.Mt*

!;> 'k

Mm. Reynolds U survived, by flaughler, Mr*. U. N. Terry, and one son. Jam es c . Reynold.\ both T«'ln Kalb; five Krimcinidrcn and five' greftl-grniidchlldvcit. She xvn.i p recedW ln death by th ree chil­dren, , «-

Funernl fervlcfs will be h d d a t 2:30 p. in. Friday nt the Reynolds funeral chapel, with tlie Rev. Donald L. Hoffmnn. Tw in Falla F irs t Christian church, olflelat' Ing.

He was lalien to Gooding Me- mqflnl ho-'piial for X-roys, His condition was listed as good to-

|lo n ' po.1t No. '

T he accident-occurred a t 4:45 p.m. Monday a t th e InterxecUon of U.S. hlghtfny 30 and auiKf high- ways 30 attd 30 one-quarter mile east of Bll&s.

n-Ch»OT-nlr^ pnnrl truck


wbolaaala,—prompt—d»ll»rry;—bulit—ton; fob track Portland! OaU, No. 2. !lll-lb. Wli*

IHMlar'a cloaa. Portland Grain £<. cbantai

" irlar bid to arriaa markat. X».dar

aprlni Inmbt ll.tO; »

Wall Street Chatter

a train

Wfaaal bJd 10 arrlaa Mrkat. Na. 1 bulk. 2bd>r ahlpmant. dallrarad aoaf.i Whlla WJjaai 2J>:j Sefl Wblt* J.»t; Whita Club I.M.’ Car racal»lii Wkaal 14: flour 4 | mill

Lumber Industry Slump Is Efiaing

BOISE^ May D W - A Senate — propriatlotis subcommittee was yesterday th a t the lumber m arket apparently has h i t bottom and Is on the way up.

Sen. Henry Dworshak, R ., Ida, said th a t testim ony was given by Edward P. Cliff. asslsU nc chief of the U. S. forest service.

•T he outlook, as wo view It. Is very much be tter th a n it was even a few m onths ago," Dwor8hak, ln a mea.iage from W ashington, quot­ed Cliff as telling the subcommit- u e . . ■

h e WM driving w ent out of control wTien h e falled"to“ « low -dow n 'a t Uie Intersection, knocked down a stop sign and slid Into -a guide light pole,-knocking it 'a c ro ss the highway.

te rn originating from an a ircraft 2?,0ob feet above W onipeller. Intir^ ' The schooU were m aking flnni odlustmenla to receive televlud courses of InsCrucllon In a 10 ntll*> lion dollar exp^lm en t financed

_8lAte_Pairolman_W altcc_K lrHex. . nH.'priu^ i« inrt.i.-and Deputy S h frlff Vem Rice, who witnessed the accident, .ea- tlm ated tSOO dam age to iHe truck.

1A3 ClTlf, Majf * 1*1 — Whaal

. oulbllltles fo r above-average cap ita l gains, “n ie se Issues, a re Hoover BaU and Bearing, Laroh- leld corporation, -M8L Industlres.

NorthwesU m S t e e l and W ire / ' L y ;-£ x p re u ,- ln o .,—U nited

Prin ters and PublUher# and W hlt- In M achine Works.

W illiam I. L aT ourette o f _____s o i^ H a m ill aivd company aays w ith the bfoad economic back- ,

—fa w a b lfr—<«■ 5iS

m aln.atroB g.Jssuea w h ic h ---------trac tive to him include Hercules Powder. Union Carbide. Bucyrus- S rie. F o r d , M ack Trucks, and Stokely-Viin Comp.. S pear and S taff aayi H am ilton Cosco Gr favorably situated to ben* e flt from the Indicated (rrowth of Its . m ajor lines, particularly be­cause of l u established name In th e field of Juvenile furn itu re . Selling a t around lA tim es ei ingi. th e stock seem s reiatlvely ....- dervalued In the c u rren t m arket. S and S says..'

M artin Gilbert o f ' Van Alstyne. N oel and company, says from both an Investment and

also a fu rther-upw ard penetraUon Into new high ground.

Because supplies o f copper and raas products are though t to be

comparaUvelylow. Horablow er and W eeks says a fu rther upw ard price revision in refined copper- would come as no surprise. I t lUts A na­conda a« chief beneficiary lo such action.

T h e firs t five cash crops In th e D oited States are . in order,'-wheat,' com . tobacco, co tton and »oy

i; BOffllnikll/ UBchaaiad — i Bithar. NO. 2 «hlU I.IM.M. No. 1 >JOJt.,No. i Tajlew.and tnUad l.OtK-

I carj nom^ailr'uBebantadi ^I wn>ia U-Tl. No. t U-70. ' :Mll«-nklia l.»».|,IO. kafli< l.tM.V..


oUiarwlaa alatad) i ___ _________ __u.— . aalaai, Maho bakara t.ti-t.ll

:k t4iaupp|iaa ]Riunit rada a,2t.S.(t: Wltcomln ruiiaU 4.2J. round vbltat 2 ,« .« t ., Onl<»a. A rrlj.li U : Ua ' llbaral: darnnd modaral* .. kat ataadr to alltbtlj> waakrr.

Tra«k aalaai T am jtalloi* iranaz Ursa l.(0. 1.1l, aadluma 1.00-t.2t.

Okay Is Granted; For'BusSecvice

BOISE. May 0 lA — T he Idaho public utlllUes commission has ap ­proved six m otor c arrier applica­tions Including one., granting the S un Valley Stages permission to transport passengers between Tw in Falls and Maglo M ountain ik t re­sort.■ iT ie commission gran ted tran s­fers of hauling authority from P au l Bragg. Hazelton. to Jay Crum rlne and B onald Sellers, op­era tors of .0 and S TriKXlng.

Officers for New 4-HGronp^^amed

cattle, has n o t been nam ed. Marlon Swensen is vice presl-

porter. , • 'Gerald Tews gave a talk c tlng :and raising beef cattle, ehe S harp Is leader and R alph lmsteiidTs” K ' ' ' ------------------

HagermanSchaoI Trustees ElectedHAOERMAN. - May B — Alfred

Sandy. Incumbent, was elected Monday to a .tt)rM>year te rm oa trustee for H agc/m an class B school d istric t No. 233. Sandy, with M votes, was oppoKd by GeorgeLemmon. 37 v o te s .______ _______

in distric t one. Vernon ^ v en ia - croft.-lncum bent,-unD pposed.. was ■elected'w lth-23 - • ••


Id t'ark Iln . l».SJO(a) 'iSiI.SMia)


] | k m I S i "'in* •"I?•li.JM'JMnil*

J. .•'»«'in

>r ouiatltlaa In <ubl«

•tna.lrr fft«rt: Kli1ln( I IVUJ. prinrllr.

• hlch dltanlona In tha

»;n»lnear In Cbarta. USrtS Vtiaka llliar WaUrmaitar Slal* o( Idibs

Ah-borne School TV Plan Tested

Tlje hVena g e u i u awkward humpbacked appcnrance from the fac t ( h a f lu hind legi a re ahorte Uinu Its front legs.


la par «r»r« paa dip <4 M >aH-M dap

SPECIAL NOTICES -ff ln i P l ' I N U - - a n d - r » i q o » « ! l a r a k * . ' - - - " l bIU.K-rtII'1'INU-

'.nii-i;;, :siuyrb" ,*b .'!?: . - j r *Klm-arl. CoU S u . . , . , ; /

.MTION t,. rugrcburcb .LbTr fni' dUUIlKitlnt It-boMlaa. » f

lhUI»1KIO.U Spanaar Jonatlar* SuUg ; rt?V.?g.7,‘y . V r e a t !


’i* X ,

try.A DC6B plane, bearing two tele*

vision' irnnsm lttera and a 34-foot antenna, began sending the test pa ttern yesterday. Following a week o( last-m inute tdJuttmenU', the plane will begin beaming sam ­ple courses of instruction next Monday.


five, Bob T upper was elected for: one-year te rm w ith 43 votes. He w as opposed by Scott P reston. 30 votes.

Mrs. Rex McAnulty, school board clerk. M rs. R aynard W right. Mrs; H ark HUseldlne, «nd M rs. Asahel Orldley were on th e election board. A to ta l of 203 T o tu was cast, in ­cluding six absentee ballots.

New Y ork sta te 's nicknam e o t ‘‘Em pire s ta te" 1s a n allusion to, Ita v ast w ealth a n d enterprise.

You've Had Your LAST FLAT TIRE

Goodyear Coptivo Air Tire W ith Saffl^ Shield


Safety Cleot


s u e s 1 : 9

Durable, lons.wcarlns lea ther uppers.^ Molded rub­ber cleats for extra trac tio n ,‘yctfrsafe.


Oct. lU.SO.C«tlfkat#d wool apot IIJ.ON.

aru**’io:^rrV u‘r . » T '‘o‘5 i ‘-<?i!.-'r«fj?Ik . UI.O: Hatch U7.U): Uar U?.tD: ulr u i.su .

Butter and Eggs«mCAC0. Map • {UPD — Cb<

Bl.da diUla. 40K-4Si kniboma' <

acor* Ml *( a«or« HU.Z na irran la r: wh(i« Urt« and mixad

U.S. Will Resume lb JPurchases

W ASHINOTON, M ay fl 'O B -T he agriculture departm en t aaid yes­terday J t haa reopened I t s lam b c a r c ^ purchase p rog raai. which bad beea ended Ap^ll H .

T he jwogram w m reopened be­c au se .o f a continued surplus of • a m b i and - un farprab le prices

hlch growers and feedwk sceiving f o r . t h e lr - la m b * .- ■ pu rchases w llfb e lim ited to U. S.

iho lee tad U .b . good grades of lambs in th e weight ranges o f 6B

05 pounds and under

Tw in FalU D uplicate Bridge club m et M onday n ight a t the A meri­can Legion ha ll w ith 10 tables In play.-.N orth an d .ao u th w inners were Mrs. J . 0 . Carson and M rs. J a c k Keheley, f irst; Mrs. E . H . Adkins and M rs. John Peldhusen, w cond; Mrs. D onald Ransom and Mrs. C harles Beymer, th ird , and Mrs. R o b e r t ' T ucker and Mrs. Hacel P ltrpatrlck , fourth.

E ast and w est winner* were Mrs. Bugone W alker and R ichard Cook. flr»t;_Mrs. Herm an H all and D on»

th ird and fourth’, Mrs. H erbert Burgess and Mrs. Robert Tucker and Mr*. Joseph Shelby a a d Mrs. M. O. Oliason.

Beginning May IB M onday and T hursday n igh t duplicate- bridge w ill-m eet In the basem ent of th e office o t Dr. H erbert E. Burgess. IS l Fourth avenue north.

^Trustee NamedBU RU :V , May 9—K irby WlUon.

Incumbent, was reelected trustee fo r th e Cassia County school beard M onday. Wilson received 48 votes to aa for h is opponent. Mrs. Pau l 2iUlner. ••

I n th e Tote on a flve-mUl bond levy for school-nialntenance and operaUons, IM voted yea and 19 no. A m ajority Is required to cajry th is levy,-A to ta l of 314 votes was

It unwinds the twisliest roadsTake the wheel « f a Buick ahd'tiid-

. denly roads seem to run straight as a rule.-w!tb(^t twists or bends. The

-secret?-.New ,Control'Arm suspen­sion^ tha t corners flat on tightest ’ turns. . . Irons out rou^bdst roads. - .

Feel thattmooiS Turhbxe Drlp« «c^ —Bulck’s'smooth- rido is matched

(Ally by the yel>^ smoothness of its in t h e b u ^ . ^ } l B t i l ^ y ( ^ h e ^ new trigger-quick '7\irblne Drive , J e g and shoulder |room.'Bti!;d^s e l^ (no extra cost)! It never sh ifts- g a n t t ! l^ L o o k .G o '^ v e i t a r u ^

'.neverje^kSvTeaih'edwith^id'sbig ; see why Biilck kales are'soaHbgr..rV. ■Wildcat V-8, It gives you the lilldest ^ t o f any car'going!.

T h e n there 'e S u ic k 'e b ig fin n e d "T"] aluminum foJbes (-hiiiled as the best

Exciting new p m l . . .when better • M ' ' ' mdbllea sre b'u9V.Bu*ek'wld buld


K ennedyiiulm talstw U onTs conald- e rlng aa^ executive oTder designed

a n d •trikM ’ a t .sUuUe b a n s , sto cording to S e n . Jo h n L . M cCleljaa.


yO O R -Q U A L lT y. ■BUICK - •

DBALER l a T W m FALLS IB: M IIIS j;B R O V ifW jj|ag g

Page 14: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so
Page 15: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so

TUESDAY/MAY 9, 1061^ rT T ] ire S ^ N E W S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O PAGE FIFTEEN

SEEDS A N D P L A N T S— ftTltftWUBKItY pUBU H ~w r bUBJrJ • d rt.Bb.rrT b14bu. TIE

ULACKCAi' >u»(«n7 ------ ------------

r - 4 '

PETUNIAPJ.ANTScH.n."JK ■fcukMJ. »4tl» IUt&



Op«B Sun>lj>r*RE ! • « » BU»« a<>tjt]

Dick of TarliUa Uundry


■ ROSE BUSHES - ' -$8.79 EACH-

V E G E T A B L E P L A N T S V____________ mdlrlduitH y Boxed ‘* nCocary-UKTTTttrdr^

98C -D O Z E N -

7/16" HOSE

All Sizes

i_:=r:TEELI:ISES„._ $1.59 and up

fioT c a ps" '■ 3c EACH


h a y ; g r a i n A N D FEED*V a n td to duy> c ^ . BUfiitr h>r.

C h t^ H6LLil!d!'8u.. »r >H'«. Jm a* . Pboi» EA M ill.

MUAUld-VALUV yllilDC MW.IUT L*r»OB. FbBBt 04r>

buiikLAMo UlilJBts.tB(. aolnBM mlilBiril«r. ^BA BX C H IC K S

nr-U K K w hiu «ct ‘Ur«r«. AUS*



HATOHDtO VESXLT. -tfc* followlar brmail---------- J — ait-w tprW . »B«t.

---------- . MEW_________ ___ . . rj Pt»-

^ VAM^EaS - WniTB ROC* •« « .

n itr . Id«t» DA M i l

lUS M7M.__________________ _ U V E S T O C K -& -P O U L T R Y

llNOLE llOiUE U.ll*r ^

Oni*.N*lI. on* of Ibi Uat. IlMMB*bl« • r«u«. Far lnfttrm«tlot» e>ll BE MMT.

rhant EA i^WI. J«ramt. toKlf ot AaxTtean DUllka BtrvlM M“

4p»ftIaaM bMM. 4 mlU w<(l. H MrOt ot J.rMBb Oolf doarM.

MW horm. CesUct J>«aB r«lUnea,WR MWi. a«<xllBC.

W E m E T T T C r T S H r n r - E ^ c c ;,, • crout*. I Berth. I w it. K BBrtb *

' Uek«r«. PboB« RE M IU . ■______ 'WaUES. jTMrllac 0

a - " -

din- BUUkaa, **lIUblBB4 lUnttr.’* 1400.O^^^CIuk, IW CbntBUt,l(«tUur«d BBd srsdt J«n«T — •-■-■- —••nelBr J»m».

*•11 er “ ■

M a r k e t - p i o c eo f


i t : R E 3 4 9 3 1M a g i c V o D e y


> .^w nrj >nd ep*r*l(d b» D«lr» tu m » n WuJMr A. Utcb. I'hen. M -M K Iluhl. Jim F0*ur. rboB. RE


. ot Dead and Oseleu


G O O D .T H IN G S T O EA TlUVKJW for Ml.. I'bon« lUC i-«H

CASH FO R YODR JUNK h.tUrln, (cr.p. olumlnum. bOM. copp.r wlr». riidUlor., irtHi.

H. K O PPEL CO.U t Snd A»»nu» Soulh — KE t-74U


UUKTON WUKWAll. pup. »B<1. Biotb.f.

w -iKC UEUIBTKUEU Tor JKxlflB T .rri.l.tud ..r rk t . U I U*ark« (tm l. riion* nr. »>sii4.

------------------ W•tud Mrric*. Ftoat RE

menth. 'dd. E»l{«*»ri«.?’ju»t'*?2bl fer Uotb.Ki dar- rbsn* OL 4-lOU, Darirr,

SMALL. CblbUBhua pupplM, atoo n*U> Urnl Bilult m ilt *nd 2 (m .In . lU*- MAablt. HE J-4400. ISM ilh Ai-----


2 B E D R O O lis' ■on One Acrel L lvlns room nnd bedrooms carpeted. FlreplBM, patio , a ttach ed RarwR. T rade o r.x e ll.fo r p lac8 -ln .tow n .-301 . Bobbin*—

R E 3-8199 .

M IS C E L L A N E O U S FO R SALE -------- 1 hon* t»i>.r----------------------

pouna. fir«»iMt

JH t "m odel Uoi>«j. Good (eBdlllon! Pbeii* VA HtMlmn.________

BAiiy,4Ji3>tBd,>MtUW.. COBTtrUlB

(nl (•iMtloB. Ara.iroB« VIbtI ... c«lea a t Uanntr TursUaN. It r*QUlrt«l«M WBllBg.

BT*r 10 t t t n . Pe.t mad* la srdtr, Oabl 7o>t aod Pelt Co.. » mil. WKilh or OuU an CuU.rerd iU i. Fben*»4Mrii._____________

I'klLLiHa ‘z v o la . » “ to <,r Ul. DrIIIIaK ric (or IWM. Sharp lU

LUMBER NEEDS ’ D»ll>ar»i Utiet Iran mlU

JIM CARWET • • HE t-tm

SWIMMING POOLS 'IntMOl Y o u ru lf w ith necewary •qu jpm ent and I H ' plywood aldewolls. A s Low a s -

•IfiBS •Ceiapl»U»r Inaulled .ir-da irtd___

■. U L L M A N •.CONSTRUCTION CO.; na'a-ino- • ' re j -tim

G-E MOBILEMAID ' ; i ) i S l f ^ A S H E R "

i-AINT THINn‘kU. talloa. rear ..... (■iB.r. Ctkll't I'alal Surt. 110 Main 8«uih.

VoUva. lrr>f.ll»r. .t.4 dDm.cle. ......... '_QuUk^lo.i.ll.llaa. Killlnfrr EUe,

. ____ . . . _ .i« to I- ..... . Odd .liAi tul frr«. All M.KlBS'i (tom. tad KInt'. la LrnwnShoppli

t. Runalnf'. UUSL--------' tad tlln._ uaii ui

phon. "hK V.:9m1 ttlLK.'^TUNl; 2|Mar .rU t.n

CMt. AhWit'. Auto Supplr. n i 1.. A rtnu. W..I. RK >•««. Clottd Sat- u rday ,...........................

♦v.ry W»dnf.,1.y i low prItM on m.n'i •h<K.. »8n..h-.

1 JatktlJ.

MAY SPE C IA L S 'L-nut. .iJ,4»

r.r.onal C.m»r» C<nl.r Gu»ranl«. IIEIIK AUK A TKW EXAKPLKs'

BELWtHOWELL-amm. .Iwlrle ♦».

tmm. Compl.l. eiOBAPLEX ...........

CAMERA CENTER'101 Sbeihon. South I\E


■ l-hon. RK4’ OUIIS-CIIA^T llarracudt. . . . ♦leetfk nan E.lnrud*. A .harp

lr>II«r and tkli..

InalraeilM- ^ 'k . ' ail for 4i>.~ CrMlIt urm., 8t*«lh«ad balu and lurrt. "• F ix Painu Sportlni (ioodi,

NSW ANU. W ----------____ ir.“\mbJIid ." r i in iStar boat dMi.r. Dt.a Motor Com* paay. Twin Fall.. Id.So._________

F U R N IT U R E & APPLI..TEDi -UMd. furallur»- and -applfc

Crt ear bid, llarta >uraUur«.

USEU ll>IB| room ««ta. I t and up. UUck.

E S-oltL*' "

1'FUUr Waallnshoui. r.lrlliratur In

S iMartin S t iM

r c 'a i r fi5i‘>i.iijo' ti;;Ur. h«w uait.s . i - a r T . s - n J . ' - ........

___'lt<.'<l«B( dad... SpmUIOaaaar FomUart. IM Hb». fattSeotti.------------------

------- . . . j Uob. il8«ulh. Call RE t.1140.

v ...^ __ _ . . . . . . . . I__ _____

r FlUOlOAIKE. Hpatka htatar, aparv m tnl tlactrla «to.«, weed' dlnMtii

tbalra. Dlnla*« . twla bada

....Iman ubU TV. m north on ri«ht . fd rFINAN CE COMPANY


OE U'* cenaol* TV llottman U~ cenaol. TV l«b> t^ m d Frisldaira watb.r tM»' Uetpolnt VMhn; i 11(1 St rabla (oet upttaht Irm tra

1 Mrp«U. 'i :o «ecb, .


SPO T CASH ^ ^.forB ltBr*,--A p»llane« - Thlpn

----- SPECIAL SERVICES.........

BKmC'TANE aad a

IKB :«■ NA.HIlUA .............. - ..............■ trnl fon.llHon. IWn KlmtWrir llaaA.

Alfl STKKAM. K.ntklll, Sha.la Iralltrt, lllu* Lakr. TnilUr Paik. blthwar

lie i joitv- .SAilllUA Ml««. IVSI lOl! Nuhoa Pfintna ItTH. U ff« .t«k n>w and uitd B* wldr* and trai..

.tn il .r ., . Ana.lita-nnlaa.Atro. Iloln* Z.nith. Made.Vallm Mobil. Ilbmn. xw mllr. w ot>f Hn.plUl on U. 8. JO. auulh aid. o( tt>ad. Clar.nra N>r. own.r, Clo«»l fiundan.__________


Completfl L ine of Trailer PnrU and Supplies


-T R U C K S A N D T R A IL ER S3MN Cbf»TOl«.- Karl ..............

KU.r. |-h..n» PA IMtH.

i r V s . a - " ■

>t( tITUDKUAKEU'pickup, -Hh au rack. i:uO. CoXia«t C*ry Clark. I ChM,nMl..Kl.gtrly. Idaho.

i«<u I'lrmoulh pickup. IB loo-l randlllon.•-RW atlfr S or~ ........ ............


■ ■■ KH»n.W A ^ ta j 1« acll l»S«

rac.nily o>crbaalad. I Truck,l.an».

HAlik: OK TltAUEl Cab forward Ilamond T. Cgmmlnia dia..!. Him '

IX.OOO mlln alnc. inaiort... WK 4.4870 or 114» Montana.



' }>4« rORO Pan.l



161 3 rd Avenue W est


-CMC^«-U»-lr^ltK-■f^a<^^BMMl. Z ipnd azW. Nnr Um Can’t ba leld /rem atw _IW»I

- l » l rORO X tea. VI. I apMd. 1 apMd azia. F.rfact la vtrr


» ‘* g g . ^ ^ u r t , ' i a r g g

SPAETH MOTOR CO.'~BlU~GII(io<i. Bain Uaaatar


1957 CACHXACSedan DeVille

Pow er Steering; - Power Brakes Pow er W indows • Pow er-Seat .a n d Pacto i7 A tr Condltlonlnff. New T ires - LocaUy Owned. VERY 'L O W MILEAQEI



m CORVAm 4 d«>r ai^B. H «l.

rt MERCURY O0B««t»r 4 deer■iSld”«iI!?*«Bl.kr‘ “1 «rwB (iBhb. Ma

pewar btakaa. wWU"i«n.«r.».' SumBMT tn ra l .pMtal — tU H

1»N FORO^tlrUM. 4 deer' aadaa.- - Sadto. baatar. Mtoa.alla tf»T.f

• • readjr te ' '

' IDOO CHEVnOI.CTWala•nilnr. I .M»d ’flw'r .hlfl- fnm» In and Krt our prlra on thii l.nutl(iil


lOSB OLDSMOBILR •harp f.r. 8m i'i. you'll Iki, \i,

1060 cH E v n o L E rrXlailnn waenn. Radio. h>al>r.

SliwI.I fi.r 1d»ya only —

217 Xnd-Axnua North » 1IE S.(OII

R IC E C H E V R O L E T ■ ’

: J IA G IC -V A L L E Y 'S


1958 OLDS.- S l»05» d...>-^l.n , -na.llo. J»r‘l 'f .- a a iZ -

r g S ' l ^ A S H - ^ " S ii5fiutnman. 4 iluir awlan. lU.lln. hral*- *r. aulemalle -ir«n.inU>Un, llntrd

• acritiionajiy tor rcnnoniicai

B sT m ERCURY. 51S5

tirn . Rr.l ct»a.


1957 C H E V R O L E T 51595ton. VH. 4 >p«rd Iranimlition,

<iuat whrvl., atock rack. 4 irly tlr^. 14,no Miual tnllr*. Can't irll from

'1 9 5 7 -S T U D E .-------- $1195-V, inn pickup. 4 tpcr.1 lran>mlnlon. VI motor, lone whMll>a>r. poaltrac. Uon r « r end. KNnsal hlifh. hravy ' duty tlrn. Motor eotnplrlrly ovrr- baulrl. Ready lo (0 tu work.

- r ic e 'CHEVROLET




— f r o m — U N IO ^M O TO R S. Inc.


1960 FORD , ?2495Ferdor; Oelaxl*.- Loadwt.1960 FORD $1995:

1960 WAGON $2295FALCON, rordor.' Fully Egulpprd.1960 WAGQN $2295RAMBLER. Fonlor. R«b*!. (Hilly Eqalpptd.1960 ilA M BLE R ,$18P5Aaarlcan. Ferdor M atuI960’FALCON $1995Terder. Radle. li.aUr. Fofdoaiatle.1960 DODGE $2695P e ^ . Ferder. KIsb Toraua. O>t0Q

1959*’WAGON. $1935.FORD Ferder Oountrr Sadan.1969 RAM BLER $1495Jerdg^ ( wllBdn. BUndard Trana-

1959 RAM BLER $1995AabM«aer. Ferdor. Dataie Medal.

^959-D O D G E ----------$W95-. fe tte r . Lew MItawra. Ob* Ownir.1058 FORD $1095Feodor. Bundard TraBamla.Ion. Naw Ttitoaa. ~1956 DESOTO------- $1395^Ferder, V*t. Autoaatla tntaimlMlon.1958 VAUXHALL $895Ferdor. CTaaa laatda aad Out. '1968 WAGON . $895m T . Ferdor. Lealbar laltrler.1968 T -B IR D $2695Fully Zoulpptd. Local Car.1967 WAGON $995FORD Tuder lUaali Waten. Stand. •Td- TraajBlaalea.1957 W AGON. $1295CIIBVSOLET.' Ferder. V.(. Powar» •llda.- ^ *1957 WAGON ' . $1295rORD. Ferdor.'V-S. FonSoaiatlc.

' i W l UKEVHOLET igiOUSIon. N.w'F e ^ ^ Sundard Tranai

1957.BUICK $1295' Farder. SpaelaL Tutona. Dynaflow.1967 RAM BLER $1295Ferder. VS. Autematle. ~__We Rave a Good S e le o U ^ 'o f

lOM AND O LDER M 0 D S 3 ~ To Choose From l

T rucks - P ickups.15 Trucks and Pldcups in Stock, 1949 th roush 1960 Models, J/i-Ton and %■ Ton and 2 -Tons. And 1

1959 4-Whccl DHvo •


1956-CHEV. -$399 1953 MERC. '3!299 1953, FORD. $199 1951LINC’LN$ 99 1950 Pontiac ? 89 1955 DESOTO $199MANY MORE TO CHOOSE

p n o M i

tARLESON’S l601 M iilifAvcmie Eosl

RE 3-1B23


.....................and Tiall.f,Hank Klnanelnr


“ in T T F T iu r r ■

_ n S E D i - C A R S -

Kull fo-ar. n.w paint, new1H7 cI'KVitoLiiT'vii''w«fln."l’o

«r alrtrlnic. air (on<y;lonlni(. 1H7 l‘O N ^A F“«u7'H iiT ''iiird'op

I tll KOIIO V» 3

■ PICKUPSti l l ClIKVnOLET M-ton. Lo&s hrdi

.7 INTKliNATidNAL "vi. Sharp.

„ T R U C K S .

tth whM. Air. Rood llraa.tSSDO in i lUlO INTSRNATIONAL,.i:000 19M CMC Mon. "JOi" nii>tor.w.lU»t ItS7 OODCK VS. I.aprrd. S .sp n d .^




n Z 3-4C0



1961 FORD $2495Falrlane soo, f-doo r ncd&n. a cylinder and overdrive Irans- mlsjlon, Only 3.500 miles. Ju st like new.

- 1 9 5 9 - C H E V r - $ r e 9 5 -Belalr 4 doer sedan . V>8 eii-

.1958 FORD $1260Custom 300, 4 door s e d a n . ' 0 cylinder economy engine. Clean liulde and out. ONE.OW NER.

1957 CHEV. $11.95Bel Air 4 door sedan. VB engine, powersllde. p o w .e r sleerlns. O ood-tlrci T ^-to n e p a ln L ., ._ .

1958PLYM. $14954 door suburban. V>8 eoKlne, torquefllte transmtssJon. Power

1957 DODGE $13954 door. S ierra wagon. GOOD.

‘195rCHEV.==^5a295=^4 door sta tion w agon. Sharp.

1955CHEV: $7954 door wagon. S ix and iUck]

1955 PLYM. $495-.One owner. Six and stick

1955 CHRYS. $895New-Yorker h a rd top coupe. One owner. Real clean. ' ' .


1559f)dfe&E‘$2fiS5-a ton truck. M otor orerhauled, new tires on rear.' 6 spe id and 3 speed. T his Is th e m ost ou t- staodlng used truck In town.

1955 CHEV. ■ $9953 ton truck. 3 sp ied ^ e ^ 'Oobd..

1955 INT-L . $995'a ton. Cab'.over truck.

IIU C i ty n ^ LCT V.S, pkk-

IttrCKEVROLET “IV ^ ^ tea plek-

ItM POOOE^Vl^^lyis ptcfc-

i m JQEP Forward'conltot. I tea pickup. F ix wbatlln* buba. Lus2Ka.%“* ^ K E f c . ’* - r

.SPE C IA L •1958 R A M B LER

AmbsMitdor custom 4 door.'na . dio. h e a t e r nnd automaiie tmnsmbsion. Very clean. One- owner.

D EANiM OTOR CO.T(t'ln Palls

b e t t e r b u y s ■ IN b u h l ,

1D67 C H EV R O LET ?1S95DtlAlr. CIf«o,_ona ownrr.195G FO RD $9‘J54 itcxir .rJan. I'altlan., air condition

More Trade-Ins Are Arriving a t the

; _ 0 K — CORRAL


“ W S ke 'Y our'N ^3C T ~ C A n an —OK— Uei;d C ar and Savel

;t STUDF-nAI^ER Lark, 4 d«>r •Mian. S cyllnd.r cnoter. tland- ard tranimlMlon. V«t7 tiaaa. ’


New Car Buyers Save Money

---------- in Buhl — --------Aulborliad Ch.trelrt Daal.r


rhsna I<M(I7 OUUL ItS-OSl

C - A ^ - E : e : S - 0 ^ ’:S-

'• W IL L 'PA Y ‘ CASHl ■

FOR .YOUR Clean, Late- Model Car and pay off the balance — or trade down for your equity—or give you Top Dollar fo r it on trade-in!


Steering. CLEANI

$1495 C-A-R-L-E-S-b-N’-S


flOl M ala EM t - HE 3-1833

„ OPEN 'E V EN IN aa




’51 BUICK....... $95S.wl.1 1 d.^r. Suab rd tnum U .

’52BtnCKSspn 4 deer.

’52 FORD



’55STUDE. $495

’66 STUDE. $(’55 Cadillac $1196actual

’57 FORD , $1145 i s L t s r

’57 FORD $1195TalrUM Vktorla.

^ .J ? n T T i> i1 p r $199.=;Aabtuador 4 eulom. Aale-.

B U ^atkT ^

(COMPACTS)•»68 VOLKSWAGEN $996' '*69 ■RENAULT'. $895

C O M fi^C IA L S ,'64‘C H E V a4ton .-.$_695_

■'69 CHEV. % ton $1495' »60 FORD % ton $1745, '55 STUDE. 2 ton . $ 795 '59 DODGE2 .toh $2295 ’55 INTNTL 2 ton $ '975

l » l OLDSMOniLE «!. 4 doer ban)- top irlan. Xydramatlc .trana.

. . nlp.lon, power al~rlnf. pewar biakn. Mwar aMtJ. anit win.


1117'rLyMOUTII 4 door ladaa. I tlllnd.r motor eicrbaulad aad full warranty. AutoBilla tnna-

i m 0tJ8M0Diy ^SS.^4^dw bard.•' brakM. radio, baatar andn.JOnli JH

ataarlBi. powar b ^ a i,A n«rDw StTJ.’mii

IISI CHEVROLET Ot a b Oe'ape. flUndard traaiailaalea. 0«d

_____ traB.porUU»n. Only ------»1M

OIIEVIUlLBr 4 deer. >eww»

—C O M M E R C IA I^l»i0 I'O RO ^ ton. ^ a s whoribawj

IH t CIIEVROLST U. whnlbaaa. aup alda bas. IX " rp ^ T 'o J .i’T v w a l

^ _V«ry alaaa „ ..... —






U U BUICX iW f ; a

tbarp -------- ^ I M

t u t RAKOLCR «, a»w B .

alia*. Sea aad drlre thU Itoa

IH I CDrVROLVr Behlr. 4 4ew

im .

IHS CSXVaOLBr T<S. U p iU tern.

JSaSao. Terr alaaa. pa ir in H

4 PLYUOmS Vo: 4 4e ’ Radle,. kaaUr mad <

IM OBXVBOLSr (. t 4K a - ' s r . s * -

■’“ S F f s s s t J s r s M ;

I t t l HUDSON, radia, b a a ts a s lh ^ '5 K a . s 3 n ^ i i L 5 5 . :

UU CO*VE<«*r Oak O a a j * ^ '

— p i c t o s ^

1»U CHEVROLET .% tm.daly » llb iteak-mk.' . '

IMS c 6 d o * ‘ M lea*— . i —

Page 16: Uo s. Polaris Aid From 1961-62 Budget Subs Offerednewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF208/PDF/... · Lost year, the Twin Falls sch’ool ... the so


_C. of C. Meet|_j_HearaJBju3by:

-Music-Grbi^p :j

Plans Made-to Honor Jerdme Man-

BURLBV. M tr »—T he ' Surley M utio club chorut, *n afflUaU * ' thfl nfcttonal federttJpn. p reaenl choral aelecUoM from the _ . w ay. m usical -aound of Music” <Jurln* Uio Burley Ch«mber. of Commerca Mond»y T un* jneeUng a t Cousin Rojfs.

T h e Broup was » special Buest in observance of National Music week w hich Is belne celebra led-from May 7 to 14. Members o t th e group ■re M rs. Willard H arpster. Mrs,

_____ M Dawson, M rs Con Annest. Mr*^K en t Lyons. M rsniort51d~W cni* baW. M rs. Bruce EllcnberBer. m u­sic week chairman: Mrs. Marvin Pearson. Mrs. Don M arlin and

■ 'M rs. O all Wolf. dlrector. •RepresenUtlves from th e D oto

Cham ber of Commerce will make a Boodwlll visit to Burley W ednes­day and will be host to 36 Burley m erchanU for a . luncheon n t the SIka hall. The merchants repre­se n t d ifferent i ln d s of business.

LeRoy Shetstad presided during the , meetln* In the absence of t t e p resident arid . Introduced M at

' ■ W arr. Burley high school ^Instwc- - to r fo r the class ln-d)strlbuUvo

education. •W arr explained th a t the pro-

' ‘ ^ k r iu n waa a slsU r to vocaUonal ag-• - rleu ltu re and vocaUonsl home

m aking courses. WUen th e pro ■ ------- ■ " ic Jn aJ lr” " '

1^500 AttendrBuFl^ ~Afe¥

Stake_.Harley-church," Bishop T horpe B. Isaac-

n .

D ean a c t . . . ------- ------- ' ^: b u t In 1 0 « funds were provided I under th e Borden act, he « ld .I He Introduced three studcnU---------- from Uia cJasj who attended the

na tional DEOA convention held In i Chicago recently. They are K cnae ' JonS T local chapter prelsdent and

,a U U , vice president; W a n d a- • Friedrich, sU te winner In th e j ta te

convention on 'a d laiyout and copy- , ■ writing, and Jean Steen, second

. place w inner In .the essay con test Miss Jones explained students

receive InstnicUon on dlstrlbu-

- Uon “ ‘* g j |^ J ^ “ "^yertislnB lay ou t, study of merchandlslDg m an-

- ua l, public speaking. Job In ter- Ylews,-study of types o f customer*, window a iid Interior displays and__ ttaaLflperal'

___ I 8t«en spoke o t the adultn ipervlsloa th a t J)BCA i;r%u;epelv- Ing to make I t successful She nam ed some of the big businesses

. backlog the tiasses, including ■ Safew ay stores. J . C. Penney,

Montgomery W ard and Pepsl-Colo. — A1 Pu tnam reviewed an a rtlclrfrom th e current Sports niusU ated m agatlna concerning boxing in FocaUUo. H e reported th a t bigger crowds were draw n by boxing events thera th a n by football basketbaU.

Pleads GuiltyNEW YORK. May fl on — Vlvl-

-en n e -K e aito g .-a tto m e y -w h o beat Charles T an D ortn on a TV quls •bow, pleaded guilty to ■ecood- deprw perju ry yestarday a n d got a suspended sentence.

Mrs. K earlng pleaded guilty to giving falsa testim ony to a grand ju ry w ben•abe:denlctl.getU nSiad•

' vaneo In fo raa tlo n on questions in h e r qulg' battle w ith Van Z>ortn

1 th a -T > e n ty -O n e- show.

work for tbeM and o ther members of th e ir eom m H tee; (SU ff pbotc-engravliic)

th e liD S, church told the l i ) S quarterly conference of the Burley sU ke Sunday in the Burley stake tabem acie. Approximately 1,500 pB sons a ttended the Sunday m orning meeting and about 1,300. th e aftcm oon session.

E lder LeRoy A. W in h lln ,____b e r 'o f the general church welfare committee, told of the growth and effccUveneas of th e church welfare program .

T h e conferertee w * under the d irection of Bishop Isaacson and conducted by members of the slake

Idency, Presiden ts-Isase Wil-____U c . P. M. C arter and E. R.Blalier. M iisic'w os furnished by th e Burley sevenlh ward choir U n d v the direction of A1 Putnam w ith Mrs: Herm an Bedke and R obert Ham blin a t the organ.

Reserved-: Mftts for teen-age you th s were filled to capacity. Re­po rts were made In Ujo afw m oon m eeting by returned missionaries, D allas McC • - • ••

. . . . Lee s tre ssed thB need for paren ts to live the laws of Ood a n d accept th e responsibility of

Jerome School C h ief^ ill Be Honored at Saturday Event

JEROME. May W alt Olds np' ireclatlon nla^it will be held m

. :30 p jn . Saturday a t the Jerom e armory, says John-T . Stelle, jr ., co- c halrm anw ltn 'A rH flllo f-ii-g roup of civic friends sponsoring theevent. . ____

Dr. H. W alter Steffens, executive

Graduates to Area Grange

BUHL, May ^ L u c e r n e O range-grade .-sen lD T S tu

and college g ^ u a t e s of th e com­m unity a t the May 18 meeting, ft was decided a t the regular m eet­ing T hursday night.

T he event will begin w ith • ban- nuet a t 7 p.m. to be followed with

special program. Ice cream will ) furnished by th e O range. Mrs.

Dale Hopwood, home economics chairm an, b In charge of rftngements.

... was reported a new Bible had been purchased for the O range. In Bbservonee of M other's dfty O range women were presented w ith a vase.

Jo a n A rford and M arla Arford, uhl h igh school jun ior'^Irls. sasg

lolos they will p resen t a t th e B ur­ley- muslo-lesUvaL A lthea .Wood-

oames « n d w hat th e nam e stood or. M r. a n d M rs. F rank Bedlvy presented a aklt and Mrs. BobD handler a-'readlng. - — -------

M rs. Clifford Brown, lecturer, gave the closing thought. M r. and M rs. C arl Rlngenberg were hosts.

dean of the U niversity of Idaho, will be guest speaker.

The publlo Is Invited to th e fare­well dinner. Special invitations have 'been-ex tended 'to* a i r friends of Olds. .

Superin tendent O lds h as accep t­ed a position a s superin tendent of th e Church county school system a t Pnllon, Nev., a fte r serving 30 years In the Jerom e school sy i-

A rth u r Chatburn, elem entary su­pervisor. for Jerom o schools, also wilt be honored a t th is d inner. Betw een them they have served 6

and l3 S to th s Bulck.i me was Injured. The accident InvesUgated b y 'a Burley po- (

llco .officer. ‘ IMiss Delaney was going w est on i

10th s tre e t and Zlilner was going ] sou th on H ansen avenue. 'i

PERRY'S TVGuaranUetf tervfee ori'

o il makes TV & Radios. PHONE RE-3-T037

-y T o u th 'ti iu ^ ra ip e o t- tb ^ r eats and n o t b e allowed to be dl*- re^ ec tfu l. b u t show love aad con- f ld e - ln > th e ir -parents,’* Bishop

Ig ln _ th e _ s u k e and^Prealflent • - rem inded .the

th a t “th e church Is. the guardian of th e people's conscience and must speak o u t against the sins

BoisfeMoiTbur In Magic Valley

..U rty-tw o Boise' businessmen aEe_touring_34M k_yaJley_Jodv . and W ednesday.—Th theComi____ _ ____Home, Olenns F e n r . Ooodlng.

Youth Slayer Is Sent to Agency

Twin Palls, Heybum, Burley, R u ­pert, Paul and Bliss.

They will be hosts i t a banquet Tuesday evening In .the Rogerson hotel and will s tsy overnight In Twin Falls. A sim ilar goodwill tour was taken two years ago by the Boise Chamber of Commerce. ’

WEAVERVILLE, Calif.. 'M ay 9 » ;-ln ._ayoourtroom _sfa irk .empty except fo r a le w . relatives and newsmen, l&-year-old Daryi Moss was assigned yesterday to the slate departm ent of correction for the m urder la s t Feb. '23 of his Mor­mon paren ts, formerly of Logan, UUh.

The tr ia l wlthout'jury before Su­perior Judge Harold Underwood, was conducted w ithout apparent In terest from townspeople.-T h e only words he u ttered were

In answ er to the Judge's quesUon whether b e agreed to tria l without Jury, i n a loud, firm voice h e said, 'Yes. I do.” T '


BUBLET-ICAN JAILED'- . - B u r l^ ; May #-OCTlIIe t t i e n .

40, Burley was fined t3S and sen­tenced to serve 30 days In the city laU by acUng Burley Police Judge ' Jam es-A nnest fo r Intoxication. He

The Russian balalaika resembles the m andolin, bu t It Is slightly softer In tone.. '

V e m ix t h a b e t t— . You do t h t r e s t— C A L L



FLYING IDAHO RANCHER-~t FEATURED IN THIS WEEK'S SATURDAY EVENING POSTIdahoari Floyd Silvo gives o new tw ist’to sheep ronch- Ing: H e files supplies to his g rea t g razing flocks. And in this'w eek^s-Soturdoy Evening Post, you 'll s r t 0 fuIl*coIor_FQet_of..Amerlca fe a tu re abou t th is en ter­prising 'IdohoM . And you 'll see a handsom e two-page photogroph of hundreds of. S ilva 's sheep — hovlng tK57r-dlnnBr-oround-hlg-plgnol-Dorxlt-mlss-l!EoI[qwjng the G rass" In th is w eek 's 'P o s t. P ick up your copy today!

Included In th a program will be n u m b e n by th e high school sex tetand various other-num bers.--------------

T ickets m ay be purchased from any mem ber of th e committee. O the r committeemen include M au­rice (Coke) Reid, C arl W orthing­ton, N a t Spofford a n d Clarence Fallon.

Cars CollideBURZtEY’, May 9 — Jam en e F ;

D elaney, 17, Burley,"w as Involved In a tw o-car acc ident a t A p .m . S unday a t the Intersection of 10th s tre e t a n d H ansen avenue.

I t w as reported th a t th e 1000 Bulck she was driving skidded In th e g rave l-as she w as m ak in g a r ig h t tu rn , ckuslng th e a u to to

at your UTOCO dealers!