up - evols at university of hawaii at manoa:...

if Up 4 Up aggggMk : y Py Ji,ji; iij ji & j Jv j$ & jijI' t1 H5 Vol. VII. No. OBI, HONOLULU, H. I., SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 21, 1335 00 OENTB 8UD80niPTION PEn MONTH I. yr- " ' n & ' THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. l"," ((iicou Street, Olipuilid Wust'fi Cartlnso Factory. bscrlpUon. 50 cents por Monlh. All business communications to be nil. ilruascd. Mutineer Dally Bulletin, Post Ollloo Box No. 1 1. Telephone 2oG. O as In an, Ed tor Wuay Tayi.oii, Local Reporter Us. G. Clrviok, Manager Commission Merchants. Oereweb (LlmiK.il) st Company, General Mehcantim: and Commission Aokntb. LIST Of OFFlCEllS! Jones, Jr....Piesldent & Manager Uahtkk. . . ..Ticnsurer & Seorctnry dikkctors: Hon. 0. H. Bisuor. Hon. II. A. P. Carter. 338 ly Geo. W. Mncfarlano. II. R. Macfarlanc. G. W. MAOZAEIANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER-CHANT- S and Sugar Factors, Firo-Proo- f Building, - 52 Queen street, Honolulu. H. I. AGENTS for Tlio Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui, The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The Hecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Hanch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- - ablo Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlces, Watson & Co's Sugar Mnchln ory, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 0. O. BERGEB, 24 MnnoiiANT Street. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The- City of London Fire In. Co(liinit'd South British and National File & Ma. rino Insurance Co. Mucneale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gab Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. 238 j. lyons, l. .1. levey. Lyons & Levey, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Heaver Block, Queen St., - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Ileal Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro-pea- u mciuhandlsc. 318 GRINBAUM & CO., MS. Importeis of General Mer- - cluuidifle and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. 1 M. S. Gbinbaum &z Co., Commission Merchants, 121 California street, Sun Francisco, Cal. OIsub Srrcckcla. ffm, G. Irwin. WG-- . Irwin & Company, Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 OLEGHOEN & CO. AS. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in Geneial Merchan- dise, Queen and Kuahumanu sts., Hono- lulu. 78 M. A. GONSAIVES St CO., No. 07 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu, Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &c.. &c. &c. JOHN T. WATERHOU8E, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1 S.N. Cattle. J. B. Athetton. Ss COOKE, CASTLE Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importeis and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu, 1 TltriNG WO TAI & CO , Tt Importers and General Dealers in English, Americnn and Chineso Pro- visions. Plantation Teas and General Supplies. Also, White & Colored Con. tract Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 21 Nuunuu street, opposito Mr. C. Afong's. 523 Cm J. SI. OAT JL CO., SAII.MAKEUH, Loft in A. F. Cookes New Fire.Proof Building, foot of Nuunnu Street. Honolulu, II. I, Flags of all descriptions made and repnlred. ly b T. RHOADS, w CONTRACTOR & BUILDER Shop on Queen stieet, near Alakea. 835 Om St PHILLIPS, BROWN Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. 52T Houso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 iG, H.' ROBERTSON, Drayman best teams In town. Office, Queen st. ie Professionals. DR. S. ERNEST ORADDOOK, (Into Scholar and Piizcmnn Sin. eery and Medicine. Klnc's Collece. lOiulon) Phvslclnn nnd burccon. 101 Port Street, opnsllc Benson & Smith's. Ofllco hours 9 to 12 n in., 2 to 5 nnd 7 0 8 p in., or nl Hawaiian Hotel. 0J8 Cm DR. S. ERNEST ORADDOOK, Medico Ciruglno, 101 Fort Mrtet. Aohvsc em ensa, das 0 boms no molo-dl- Das 2 horns as ciuco, e das 7 boras as olio, tla tarde, o do nolto no Hawaiian Hotel. Folln o Poiluguco. 1)33 Cm TK. EMERSON. XJ Residence and consultation rooms nt No. 2 ICukul et., comer of Fort. Telephone No. 140. 59 2m Rosa, , JTX. ATTORNEY AT LAW. And Notnry Public, Ofllco with the Attorney General, Aliio lnul Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly JOHN RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ollioc, on Merchant street, (next door to Dr. Stnngenwnld.) 495 ly RICHARD F. BICKERXON, and Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Frco. holds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1 Brown, Attorner nnd Counsellor at Law-Notar- Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumnnu st Honolulu. x 1 J M. MONSAERAT, . ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estnte in any part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans ncgotia ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 WILLIAM AUL.D, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for the District of Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office of tho Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuu anu street. 181 I JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agout to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. AKANA. Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 7 King street, near the Bridge. Translations of either of the ubovt languages made with accuracy and dia patch, and on reasonable terms. 209 HONOLULU IRON "WORKS. ISteam ermines, sucar mills, boil- - eis, coolers; iron, mass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe. cutcd at short notice. 1 CHR. GERTZ, fl No. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fC" Importer and Dealer hi Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. H. S. Treqloan, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. ltobcrt Lew era, O. II. Cooko. T EWERS St COOKE. Jut successors to Lcwers & Dickson.) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ol Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu 1 Wilder & Co., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort und Queen sts., Honolulu. i HOI.LISTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor., S07 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b Wolfe &. Edwards Grocery and Feed Store, Corner King nnd Nuuanu streets. Fresh Groceries und Provisions received by every Steamer. P. 0. Box 130, Telophono 349. COl.Cm W31-- . McCANDIiESS, No. 0 Queen btrcct. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Ilcer, Vcul, aiuttou, Visit, &:., JLe. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock fur'nislicd to vessels nt short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confeotionor, Pastry Coolf and Baker. No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. Eastern Pine Snriir KogH, In Shooks or Set up, also Eastern Pine Barrels for Molasses. Hoops Iron ?(, , lln., 3x MO, a x yt. ax 8.10. For Sale by 080 8m b J. II. BRUNS, Somor. Tliis Space is To Ecs look: ottt for st Mrs. Mollis' Dress Making Establishment on JAMES BRODIE. Surgeon. OFFICE and residence, corner street and McKlbbiu lane. Office hours from 7 to 0 a. st., and 1 to 2 r. m. Orders left at the Pantheon Sta bles will bo promptly attended to. P. O. Box tO. 843 tf NOTICE. Halng leased the TRAINING STABLES X'SJB from II. J. Acnew. at Sii -- Kapiolnni Pnrk, I am now prepared to take horses to train, and prepare them for the coining Fair on the lltli of Juno next. Breaking and Educating Young Horses a specialty. It Is a point of importance to all own- ers of fine young colts not to have them jammed or hammered over the hard roads, nnd to get them properly handled for tho first lessons arc the ones thnt make the horse. Also in connection with my Training Stable0, 1 will bcivc a certain number of choice mares with niv Young n Stallion " AP'i'OS CHIEF." lip ias sired by Electioneer, owned by Gov. Stanford. The sue of Electioneer was RIsdeke's Hambcltonian. The dam of Aptos Chief was sired bySpcruld. lion; he by Risdeke's Hambcltonian so it will be been thai Aptos Is an of Hambcltonian. Terms for servico of Aptos Chief, $50 for tho scabon, payable nt the time of service; and all mures fulling to be with foal will have tho service of the horse the next bcason fieo of charge. HENRY KEITH. Kapiolani Pnrk, Jan. 22, 1885. U23 0m JLEKOY KUXAK, well-know- n HORSE TRAINER aHE BREAKER, is now prepared, at the old tinining stables of Cnpt. Clu- - ney, corner runcnuowi nnu ujueen sts, to break in nnd feed horses for $135. No responsibility, but every care taken. J2p-Ho- ne clipping n specialty. 028 3m LEVY & W00LHAM, Horse 15re niters nnd lEovxc Clippers. above linn will breaK horses to hlnglc and double h.irness, und be- ing well known us competent horso bieakcrs, they need no further recom- mendations, as they guarantee all work in their line. CllpplriK Done In tlio mont A.rtlHtlo Style. All orders left nt their office opposite the Kerosene Wuiehouse; or at the Of- fice of J. E. Wiseman, will be promptly tended to. 021 0m A Good Pasture for Horses, A few horses will bo taken to pasture al Ma-no- a Valley. Pasture se- curely fenced. (jgyFor terms, &c applvi to J. EMMELUTH, 010 No. 0 Nuuanu St. Offlp and Lew Trees, . Xtoatly GvixCLcd. These Troos are ol tho Vory Bost Kinds. Jjjl Each. WVOR SALE BY .J. KiaOW-ELL- , Oiatf HONOLULU NURSERY. FRANK HUSTACE, Drnvmnn, (Successor to C. P. Ward.) All orders for tartugo promptly at. tended to, at tho lowest rates, Also for sale: UnUnako Halt, Flru Wood, IVblto and Illack Sand in quuntlties to suit, at lowest prices. CCSly Reserved for flu Aioiuenl SACHS' -- OF- NEW Arrive per Alameda." :b-ajr.g-.ajci- v4 Veterinary UNION FEED o Hay, Grain and GOODS Corner of Queen and Edinburgh Streets Telephone 1 75. Island order solicited, unit goods delivered promptly. U. M. BKNBON, BENSON, SMITH & CO.. Maifactirine & Dispensing Plaraacisis, 113 St 116 FORT STREET .' HONOLULU, Depot for Boericke & Schreck's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Sense Nursing Bottles, And Allalro Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products. LUCAS, Contractor rMit5K5fcl, and Builder,1 Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla- nade, Honolulu. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll and Baud Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other solicited WIHIAM MILLER Cab inetmuker it. And Upholsterer, No. 60 Hotel street, Oppojito International Hotel, Canes and Walking Sticks, Made of every kind of NATIVE WOODS Brackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.' made of the latest designs, t.. Hay aj Feed. . Messrs. S. F. Graham & Go. Take pleasure in announcing to their old friends and patrons that they have JUST jtECii!rvii:i a fresh lot of Cloice Hay ai Grain Which they oiler at Tlio X.owcsit MnrlluL rttitos. X3T Hay nnd Feed delivered to any port of tho city, H. V. GRAUA9I A. Co., No. 83 KIngEtroct. Telephone No. 187. 8?g Ira ALVINII. KASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- aud BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of all description neatly and projptly executed. Gazette Building . . Merchant street 722 ly the premises. COMPANY. ' Chicken Feed. O. W. SMITH, Prussian National Insurance Comp'y ESTABLISHED 1845, Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks. npiIE undersigned, having been ap X pointed agent of tho above Company for tho Hawaiian Islandh, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In Honolulu. II. RIEMENSCHNEIDER, 070 ly b nt Wilder & Co's. Notice. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and all whom it may concert. rrtBrtm'"' The undersigned having tfjJTjrsJWJjJmadc alterations, additions, tra77ff?S!un Improvements in his -- &M,J SOAP FACTORY, is nowpropnred to givo Tho Highest Cash Value for any quantity of TAJL.Il.OW ; And will furnish containers for tho same free of cost to any one who may desire. , TIIOS. W. RAWLINS. Honolulu Soap Works. OfUco in Brick Building, King street, Lelco. 483 1) Beaver e25& The Bost Lunoh fn Town, Tea and Coffee at All Hours Tho finest UrnndB of Cigars und Tobacco, always on hand. THE CASINO AT TUB I'ARK IS OPEN EVERY DAY. EETTho only tea. side resort in the Kingdom. H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor J. M. OAT Jr. & Co. Dealers In al kiuds of STArrioivEitY, The Latest Foreign Papers always on linnd nt. ilia f2nmii 1)Ia1, X vi)int ' Street 1 by Honolulu Carriago Manufacfy 823 nnd 280 Fort Strett, Honolulu, . Hawaiian Is, W. n. PAGE, Proprietor. 080 ly Si. 2U. CARTER, AOi:ST TO TAKE Acknotolcdgmonts to Labor Contract!, Offlco with Mr. Fiehboumo. 009 3m WHAT IS THIS DISEASE THAT IS COMING UPON US? Like a thief nt night it steals lu upon us unawares. Many persons have pains about the chest and sides, and sometimes In tho back. They feel dull nnd sleepy; tltc mouth has a bad taste, especially in In the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about thclccth. Tho appetite is poor. There Is a feeling like a heavy load on tho stomnch; somctimos n. faint nll.gonc sensation at the pit of the stomach which food docs not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, tho hands and feet become cold and feel clammy. After a hilc a cough sets In at first dry, but after a few months it is attended with a greenish coloured expectoration. The afflicted one feels tired all the whil, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest. After a time he becomes nervous, irrita- ble, and .cloomy, and has evil fore- bodings. There Is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up suddenly. Tho bowels become costive; tho 6kin is dry and hot nt times; the blood becomes thick nnd stagnant; tho whites of tho eyes becomo tinged with yellow, tho urino is scanty nnd high, coloured, depositing a sediment alter standing. Thero is lrcqucntly a spitting up of the food, sometimes with a sour taste, and sometimes with a sweetish laste; this is frequently attended with of the heart; the vision ecomes impaired with spots before the eyca; there is a feeling of great prostra- tion aud weakness. All Qf these Bymp toms aro In turn prcicnt. It 1b thought that nearly one-thir- d of our population has this disease in some of its taricd forms. It has been found thai medical men have niistaucn tue nature or this disease. Some have ticatcditfora liver complaint, others for kidney disense, etc., but none of the various kinds of treat- ment have been nttended with success, because the remedy should be such as to act harmoniously upon each one of these oigans, and upon iho stomach as well; for in Dyspepsia (for this is really what the disease is) all of these organs partake of this disease and requiro a remedy that will act upon all at the sumo timo. Seigol's Curative Syrup acts like a charm in this class of complaints, giving almost innncdintcd relief. Thcfoliowlnglcttcrs from chemists of standing in the com- munity where they llc show in what estimation the article is held. John Archer, Harthill, near Sheffield: I can confldenily recommend it to nil who may be suffering from liver or stomach complaints, having the testi- mony of my customers, who have derived great benetlt from the Syrup nnd Pills. Tho sale is increasing wonderfully. Geo. A. Webb, 141, York btreet, Belfast: I have sold a larce quantity. and the parlies have testified to its being what you represent it. J. S. Metcalfe, GS, Highgate, Kendal: I huve always great pleasure in rccom. mending the Curative Syrup, for I havo never known a case in which it has not relieved or cured, and I have sold many glosses. Robt. G. Gould, 27, High Street, Andovcr: I havo always take a great iutciest in your medicines and I havo recommended them, ab I havo found numcious cases of cure from their use. Thomas Chapman, West Auckland: I And that the trade steadily increases. I sell more of jour medicines than any oilier icinu. l'rlockhcim, Arbroath, Forfarshire, Sept. 23, 1882. Dear Sir, Last year I sent you a letter recommending Mother Seigol's Syrup. I havo very much pleasure in still bearing testimony to the very satisfactory results of tho fumed Syrup and Pills. Moslpntcnt medicines die out with mo, butMotlirr Selgel has had a steady salo ever since I com. menced, and is still in as great demand as when I first began to sell the medl. cine. The cures which have como under my notice are chiefly those of livor complaint and general debility. N.Darroll, Clun, Salop: All who buy it arc pleased, and recommend it. Jos. Balkwill, A. P. S., Klugsbridge: The public scum to appreciate their great value. A.Armstead, Market Street, Dalton-tn-Furnes- It is uecdlcEs for. me' to say that your valuablo medicines have great sale in this district greater than any other I know of, giving great tatisi faction. Robt. Laine, Melksham: I can well recommend tho Curative Syrup from having proved its c&cacy for indigestion myself. A certain minister in my neighbour, hood says It is tho only thing wVich has benefited him and rcbtorcd him to his normal condition of health after being unablo to prcacli for a concldcrabla length of time. I could mention also a great many other cases, but sraco would not allow. A near friend of mine, who is very much addicted to costheness, n constipation, finds that Mother Scigel'a Pills are the only pills which suit h'a complaint. All other pills cause a reaction which is very annoying. Mother ScIgcL's Pills do not Jeavo a bad after-effec- I have much pleasure in commending again to suffering human- ity Mother Selgel's medicines, which are no sham. If this letter is of any service you can 'publish it. Yours very truly. (Signed) William 8. Glass, Chemist. A. J. White, Esq. 16th August, 1683. Doar Sir, I write to tell jou that Mr. Henry Hllllcr, or Yatcsbury, Wilts, in. onns me that he suffered from a severe form of indigestion for upwards of four years, ana took no end ot doctor's medl-cin- o without tho slightest benefit, and declares Mother Solgol'a Syrup which he got from mo has saved his life. Youra truly, (Signed) N.Webb, Mr. White. Chemist, Calnc. WMMti ,iiV1eH ' isf ti1tlftW-ttnY.ila- i rttt-itTHTi- rif r -- ' ,, l5yWA .,.. Mt .' , jjfA " 5 1

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l"," ((iicou Street,Olipuilid Wust'fi Cartlnso Factory.

bscrlpUon. 50 cents por Monlh.

All business communications to be nil.ilruascd. Mutineer Dally Bulletin, PostOllloo Box No. 1 1. Telephone 2oG.

O as In an, Ed torWuay Tayi.oii, Local ReporterUs. G. Clrviok, Manager

Commission Merchants.

Oereweb (LlmiK.il)st Company,

General Mehcantim: andCommission Aokntb.


Jones, Jr....Piesldent & ManagerUahtkk. . . ..Ticnsurer & Seorctnry

dikkctors:Hon. 0. H. Bisuor. Hon. II. A. P. Carter.

338 ly

Geo. W. Mncfarlano. II. R. Macfarlanc.




Sugar Factors,Firo-Proo- f Building, - 52 Queen street,

Honolulu. H. I.AGENTS for

Tlio Waikapu Sugar Plantation, Maui,The Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The Hecia Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huelo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Hanch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler & Co. Steam Plow and Port- -

ablo Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlces, Watson & Co's Sugar Mnchln

ory, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Line of Packets.



24 MnnoiiANT Street.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

The- City of London Fire In. Co(liinit'dSouth British and National File & Ma.

rino Insurance Co.

Mucneale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine

Gab Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.


j. lyons, l. .1. levey.Lyons & Levey,

Auctioneers and GeneralCommission Merchants,

Heaver Block, Queen St., - - Honolulu.Sales of Furniture, Stock, Ileal Estate

and General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Sole Agents for American and Euro-pea- u

mciuhandlsc. 318

GRINBAUM & CO.,MS. Importeis of General Mer- -

cluuidifle and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. 1

M. S. Gbinbaum &z Co.,Commission Merchants,

121 California street,Sun Francisco, Cal.

OIsub Srrcckcla. ffm, G. Irwin.

WG--. Irwin & Company,Sugar Factors and Commission

Agents, Honolulu. 1

OLEGHOEN & CO.AS. Importers and CommissionMerchants, dealers in Geneial Merchan-dise, Queen and Kuahumanu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

M. A. GONSAIVES St CO.,No. 07 Hotel Stieet, Honolulu,

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

289 &c.. &c. &c.

JOHN T. WATERHOU8E,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen t., Honolulu. 1

S.N. Cattle. J. B. Athetton.Ss COOKE,CASTLE Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importeis and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu, 1

TltriNG WO TAI & CO ,

Tt Importers and General Dealersin English, Americnn and Chineso Pro-visions. Plantation Teas and GeneralSupplies. Also, White & Colored Con.tract Matting, all qualities and prices.

No. 21 Nuunuu street, opposito Mr. C.Afong's. 523 Cm

J. SI. OAT JL CO., SAII.MAKEUH,Loft in A. F. Cookes New Fire.Proof

Building, foot of Nuunnu Street.Honolulu, II. I,

Flags of all descriptions made andrepnlred. ly b

T. RHOADS,w CONTRACTOR & BUILDERShop on Queen stieet, near Alakea.

835 Om

St PHILLIPS,BROWN Plumbeis, Gas Fittersand Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. 52T Houso and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

iG, H.' ROBERTSON,Drayman best teams

In town. Office, Queen st. ie


DR. S. ERNEST ORADDOOK,(Into Scholar and Piizcmnn Sin.

eery and Medicine. Klnc's Collece.lOiulon) Phvslclnn nnd burccon. 101

Port Street, opnsllc Benson & Smith's.Ofllco hours 9 to 12 n in., 2 to 5 nnd 7

0 8 p in., or nl Hawaiian Hotel.0J8 Cm

DR. S. ERNEST ORADDOOK,Medico Ciruglno, 101 Fort Mrtet.

Aohvsc em ensa, das 0 boms no molo-dl-

Das 2 horns as ciuco, e das 7 borasas olio, tla tarde, o do nolto no HawaiianHotel. Folln o Poiluguco. 1)33 Cm

TK. EMERSON.XJ Residence and consultation roomsnt No. 2 ICukul et., comer of Fort.

Telephone No. 140. 59 2m


And Notnry Public,Ofllco with the Attorney General, Aliiolnul Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly


Ollioc, on Merchant street, (next doorto Dr. Stnngenwnld.) 495 ly

RICHARD F. BICKERXON,and Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Frco.holds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1

Brown,Attorner nnd Counsellor at Law-Notar-

Public, and Agent for taking Acknowlcdgmcnts of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumnnu stHonolulu. x 1


and Notary Public. Real Estnte in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans ncgotiated, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190

WILLIAM AUL.D,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for the Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu, at the office oftho Honolulu Waterworks, foot of Nuuanu street. 181 I

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agout to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

AKANA.Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 7 King street, near the Bridge.

Translations of either of the ubovtlanguages made with accuracy and diapatch, and on reasonable terms. 209

HONOLULU IRON "WORKS.ISteam ermines, sucar mills, boil- -

eis, coolers; iron, mass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe.cutcd at short notice. 1

CHR. GERTZ, flNo. 80 Fort street, Honolul.fC"

Importer and Dealer hi Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.

H. S. Treqloan,TAILOR,

201 FORT ST.

ltobcrt Lew era, O. II. Cooko.T EWERS St COOKE.Jut successors to Lcwers & Dickson.)Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ol Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu 1

Wilder & Co.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort und Queen sts.,Honolulu. i


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

59 Nuuanu Street, Honolulu, and Cor.,S07 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

Wolfe &. EdwardsGrocery and Feed Store,

Corner King nnd Nuuanu streets.Fresh Groceries und Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. 0. Box 130, Telophono 349.


W31-- . McCANDIiESS,No. 0 Queen btrcct. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestIlcer, Vcul, aiuttou, Visit, &:., JLe.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock fur'nislicd tovessels nt short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly



F. HORN, Practical Confeotionor,Pastry Coolf and Baker.

No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.

Eastern Pine Snriir KogH,In Shooks or Set up, also

Eastern Pine Barrels forMolasses.

Hoops Iron ?(, , lln., 3 x MO, a x yt.ax 8.10.

For Sale by080 8m b J. II. BRUNS, Somor.

Tliis Space is


Ecs look: ottt for stMrs. Mollis' Dress Making Establishment on


OFFICE and residence, cornerstreet and McKlbbiu lane.

Office hours from 7 to 0 a. st., and 1 to 2r. m. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables will bo promptly attended to.

P. O. Box tO. 843 tf

NOTICE.Halng leased the


X'SJB from II. J. Acnew. atSii -- Kapiolnni Pnrk, I am

now prepared to take horses to train,and prepare them for the coining Fairon the lltli of Juno next.

Breaking and Educating Young Horsesa specialty.

It Is a point of importance to all own-ers of fine young colts not to have themjammed or hammered over the hardroads, nnd to get them properly handledfor tho first lessons arc the ones thntmake the horse.

Also in connection with my TrainingStable0, 1 will bcivc a certain numberof choice mares with niv Young n

Stallion " AP'i'OS CHIEF."lip ias sired by Electioneer, owned byGov. Stanford. The sue of Electioneerwas RIsdeke's Hambcltonian. The damof Aptos Chief was sired bySpcruld.lion; he by Risdeke's Hambcltonianso it will be been thai Aptos Is an

of Hambcltonian.Terms for servico of Aptos Chief, $50

for tho scabon, payable nt the time ofservice; and all mures fulling to bewith foal will have tho service of thehorse the next bcason fieo of charge.

HENRY KEITH.Kapiolani Pnrk, Jan. 22, 1885. U23 0m

JLEKOY KUXAK,well-know- n HORSE TRAINERaHE BREAKER, is now prepared,

at the old tinining stables of Cnpt. Clu- -

ney, corner runcnuowi nnu ujueen sts,to break in nnd feed horses for $135. Noresponsibility, but every care taken.J2p-Ho-

ne clipping n specialty. 028 3m

LEVY & W00LHAM,Horse 15reniters nnd lEovxc

Clippers.above linn will breaK horses to

hlnglc and double h.irness, und be-

ing well known us competent horsobieakcrs, they need no further recom-mendations, as they guarantee all workin their line.

CllpplriK Done In tlio montA.rtlHtlo Style.

All orders left nt their office oppositethe Kerosene Wuiehouse; or at the Of-

fice of J. E. Wiseman, will be promptlytended to. 021 0m

A Good Pasture for Horses,A few horses will bo

taken to pasture al Ma-no- a

Valley. Pasture se-

curely fenced. (jgyForterms, &c applvi toJ. EMMELUTH,

010 No. 0 Nuuanu St.

Offlp and Lew Trees,.

Xtoatly GvixCLcd.

These Troos are ol tho Vory Bost Kinds.


.J. KiaOW-ELL- ,



(Successor to C. P. Ward.)

All orders for tartugo promptly at.tended to, at tho lowest rates, Also forsale:

UnUnako Halt,Flru Wood,

IVblto and Illack Sandin quuntlties to suit, at lowest prices.


Reserved for flu Aioiuenl


-- OF-

NEWArrive per Alameda."


VeterinaryUNION FEED


Hay, Grain and


Corner of Queen and Edinburgh StreetsTelephone 1 75.

Island order solicited, unit goods delivered promptly.


BENSON, SMITH & CO..Maifactirine & Dispensing Plaraacisis,


Depot for Boericke & Schreck'sHomoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes

And Toilet Requisites, Tho Common Sense Nursing Bottles,

And Allalro Woodward & Co's Pharmaceutical Products.

LUCAS,Contractor rMit5K5fcl,

and Builder,1

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work finish. Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other



Cab inetmukerit.And Upholsterer,

No. 60 Hotel street,Oppojito International Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticks,Made of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.'

made of the latest designs, t..

Hay ajFeed. .

Messrs. S. F. Graham & Go.Take pleasure in announcing to their

old friends and patrons thatthey have

JUST jtECii!rvii:ia fresh lot of

Cloice Hay ai GrainWhich they oiler at

Tlio X.owcsit MnrlluL rttitos.X3T Hay nnd Feed delivered to any

port of tho city,H. V. GRAUA9I A. Co.,

No. 83 KIngEtroct.Telephone No. 187. 8?g Ira



Manufacturer.Book Binding of all description neatly

and projptly executed.Gazette Building . . Merchant street

722 ly

the premises.


Chicken Feed.


Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks.

npiIE undersigned, having been apX pointed agent of tho above Companyfor tho Hawaiian Islandh, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payable In


070 ly b nt Wilder & Co's.


and all whom it may concert.rrtBrtm'"' The undersigned having

tfjJTjrsJWJjJmadc alterations, additions,tra77ff?S!un Improvements in his

-- &M,J SOAP FACTORY,is nowpropnred to givo

Tho Highest Cash Valuefor any quantity of

TAJL.Il.OW ;And will furnish containers for tho samefree of cost to any one who may desire.

, TIIOS. W. RAWLINS.Honolulu Soap Works.

OfUco in Brick Building,King street, Lelco. 483 1)


The Bost Lunoh fn Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursTho finest UrnndB of Cigars und

Tobacco, always on hand.


IS OPEN EVERY DAY.EETTho only tea. side resort in the

Kingdom. H. J. NOLTE,Proprietor

J. M. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers In al kiuds of

STArrioivEitY,The Latest Foreign Papers always onlinnd nt. ilia f2nmii 1)Ia1, X vi)int'Street 1 by

Honolulu Carriago Manufacfy823 nnd 280 Fort Strett,

Honolulu, . Hawaiian Is,W. n. PAGE, Proprietor.

080 lySi. 2U. CARTER,


Acknotolcdgmonts to Labor Contract!,Offlco with Mr. Fiehboumo. 009 3m


Like a thief nt night it steals lu uponus unawares. Many persons have painsabout the chest and sides, and sometimesIn tho back. They feel dull nnd sleepy;tltc mouth has a bad taste, especially inIn the morning. A sort of sticky slimecollects about thclccth. Tho appetite ispoor. There Is a feeling like a heavyload on tho stomnch; somctimos n. faintnll.gonc sensation at the pit of thestomach which food docs not satisfy.The eyes are sunken, tho hands and feetbecome cold and feel clammy. After a

hilc a cough sets In at first dry, butafter a few months it is attended with agreenish coloured expectoration. Theafflicted one feels tired all the whil, andsleep does not seem to afford any rest.After a time he becomes nervous, irrita-ble, and .cloomy, and has evil fore-bodings. There Is a giddiness, a sort ofwhirling sensation in the head whenrising up suddenly. Tho bowels becomecostive; tho 6kin is dry and hot nt times;the blood becomes thick nnd stagnant;tho whites of tho eyes becomo tingedwith yellow, tho urino is scanty nnd high,coloured, depositing a sediment alterstanding. Thero is lrcqucntly a spittingup of the food, sometimes with a sourtaste, and sometimes with a sweetishlaste; this is frequently attended with

of the heart; the visionecomes impaired with spots before the

eyca; there is a feeling of great prostra-tion aud weakness. All Qf these Bymptoms aro In turn prcicnt. It 1b thoughtthat nearly one-thir- d of our populationhas this disease in some of its taricdforms. It has been found thai medicalmen have niistaucn tue nature or thisdisease. Some have ticatcditfora livercomplaint, others for kidney disense, etc.,but none of the various kinds of treat-ment have been nttended with success,because the remedy should be such as toact harmoniously upon each one of theseoigans, and upon iho stomach as well;for in Dyspepsia (for this is really whatthe disease is) all of these organs partakeof this disease and requiro a remedythat will act upon all at the sumo timo.Seigol's Curative Syrup acts like a charmin this class of complaints, giving almostinnncdintcd relief. Thcfoliowlnglcttcrsfrom chemists of standing in the com-munity where they llc show in whatestimation the article is held.

John Archer, Harthill, near Sheffield:I can confldenily recommend it to nil

who may be suffering from liver orstomach complaints, having the testi-mony of my customers, who have derivedgreat benetlt from the Syrup nnd Pills.Tho sale is increasing wonderfully.

Geo. A. Webb, 141, York btreet,Belfast: I have sold a larce quantity.and the parlies have testified to its beingwhat you represent it.

J. S. Metcalfe, GS, Highgate, Kendal:I huve always great pleasure in rccom.

mending the Curative Syrup, for I havonever known a case in which it has notrelieved or cured, and I have sold manyglosses.

Robt. G. Gould, 27, High Street,Andovcr: I havo always take a greatiutciest in your medicines and I havorecommended them, ab I havo foundnumcious cases of cure from their use.

Thomas Chapman, West Auckland:I And that the trade steadily increases.I sell more of jour medicines than anyoilier icinu.

l'rlockhcim, Arbroath, Forfarshire,Sept. 23, 1882. Dear Sir, Last year Isent you a letter recommending MotherSeigol's Syrup. I havo very muchpleasure in still bearing testimony to thevery satisfactory results of tho fumedSyrup and Pills. Moslpntcnt medicinesdie out with mo, butMotlirr Selgel hashad a steady salo ever since I com.menced, and is still in as great demandas when I first began to sell the medl.cine. The cures which have como undermy notice are chiefly those of livorcomplaint and general debility.

N.Darroll, Clun, Salop: All who buyit arc pleased, and recommend it.

Jos. Balkwill, A. P. S., Klugsbridge:The public scum to appreciate their

great value.A.Armstead, Market Street, Dalton-tn-Furnes-

It is uecdlcEs for.me' to saythat your valuablo medicines have greatsale in this district greater than anyother I know of, giving great tatisifaction.

Robt. Laine, Melksham: I can wellrecommend tho Curative Syrup fromhaving proved its c&cacy for indigestionmyself.

A certain minister in my neighbour,hood says It is tho only thing wVich hasbenefited him and rcbtorcd him to hisnormal condition of health after beingunablo to prcacli for a concldcrablalength of time. I could mention also agreat many other cases, but sraco wouldnot allow. A near friend of mine, whois very much addicted to costheness, nconstipation, finds that Mother Scigel'aPills are the only pills which suit h'acomplaint. All other pills cause areaction which is very annoying.Mother ScIgcL's Pills do not Jeavo a badafter-effec- I have much pleasure incommending again to suffering human-ity Mother Selgel's medicines, whichare no sham. If this letter is of anyservice you can 'publish it.

Yours very truly.(Signed) William 8. Glass, Chemist.

A. J. White, Esq.16th August, 1683.

Doar Sir, I write to tell jou that Mr.Henry Hllllcr, or Yatcsbury, Wilts, in.onns me that he suffered from a severe

form of indigestion for upwards of fouryears, ana took no end ot doctor's medl-cin- o

without tho slightest benefit, anddeclares Mother Solgol'a Syrup which hegot from mo has saved his life.

Youra truly, (Signed) N.Webb,Mr. White. Chemist, Calnc.

WMMti ,iiV1eH 'isf ti1tlftW-ttnY.ila- i rttt-itTHTi-

rif r -- ' ,, l5yWA .,.. Mt .' ,





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WAVHK XOTICK..Owruif to the crnuitly of water, the

"hour for trrlgntlon will be limited to4 hour per day, from 0 to 8 n. n.( nnil

from 4 to 0 p. in., until further noticeOIIAS. 11. WILSON,

Supt Water Works.Approved i Chad. T. Gumck,

Minlstet of Interior.January SO, 1835. 932 tf

BISIIOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Druw Exchange on the

Banlc of Calilbruln, S. 3?.Ami their agents in


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Son, London.

The Commeroinl Hank Co.. of Sydney,London,

The Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,Sydney.

The Bank of Nov Zealand: Auckland,Chrlstchurch, and Wellington.

The Bink of British Columbia, Victorla, 11. t and Portland, Or.


Transact a General Banking Business.009 lv

c gwUjjjPledgod to neither Boot nor Patty.Bat ottablhlied far the benefit of all.

SATURDAY, FEB. 21, 1885.


Skating, 7.


Casino at the Paik, open all day.Bethel Sunday School, at 9:45.Fort St.' Church S. S. at 9 :4o.St. Andrew's Cathedral S. S. 10.Bethel. Service, lnornincr audi

evening.St. Andrews' Cathedral, service,

morning and evening.Fort St. Church, service, morning

and evening.


There is a great deal of room forimprovement in the means and me-

thods of putting out fires in Hono-

lulu. As for the means, the Depart-ment must wait, with other importantbranches of public service, for a

more replete treasury. Methodsmay be expected to improve with

experience, as the' doubtless arc

doing. At all events, it cannot be

for want of gratuitous advice Unit

the efficiency of the brigade would

fail to steadily increase. Like the

running of a newspaper, the fighting

of fire, when that clement has

changed from the "good servant"to the "bad master," neveu wants

the able assistance of those who can

tell those engaged in the work "howto do it." Leaving for the present,

however, improvements in the ies-pec- ts

mentioned to be effected as

the wisdom of the authorities may

admit their necessity, and the re-

sources of the Government affoul

them, we would submit fire preven-

tion as a matter that cannot be al-

lowed, except at the great peril ofproperty-owner- s, to remain iu its

present loose condition. Perhaps no

reform can lie obtained bcfoie the

meeting of the Legislature, as the

preventive regulations upon the sta-

tutes, governing the living paits of

the town, are confined to tho state

of "fire-place- s, hearths, chimucys,.stoves and stovepipes." It is strange

that our legislators have not deemed

it necessary to place any restrictionswhatever upon the erection of build-

ings, their distance from otliors, and

inflammable connections between

buildings, witli the exception of the

chief business quaitcr of tho city.According to law nothing lint fire-

proof buildings may be erectedwithin the following bounds: "Allthoso parts of the city of Honolulu

bounded by the water front and by

a line running from the said water

front and eighty feet wcsteily fiom

the building lino on the "Ktva side ofNuuanti street Jto the makai side of

King street ; thence running along

King street to a point eighty feetdistant easterly from the Waikiki

side of Fort ti cot, and thence tun-

ning eighty feet from tho Waikiki

aide of Port street to the water front-An- d

also all those parts of tho city

of Honolulu comprising the lands

now reclaimed or which may here-

after be reclaimed from the land of

Waikahalulu makai of Queen street."Why such a stringent protection

against firo should have been adopted

for the business quarter, and noth-

ing whatever done to guard againBt

th freo course of fire among the


homes of tho people, is one of thosethings no fellow can understandllml is, none who nro noi puiuiits mtlic ways of llnwaiian legislation. ,

Wlillo the circumstances of tho citywould not permit of the prescriptionof llicproof buildings throughout thewhole town, yet the necessity ofusing wood ns the almost universalbuilding matciial should have dic-

tated sonic icstiicUoiis upon build-

ing methods. In the lato fire it was

seen that thcic was ti combustibletrain of sheds and fences connectingbuildings already loo close togetherfor safety. The great daugcr ofhaving wooden buildings of morethan one story in a thickly-bui- lt sec-

tion was also manifest. Yet the siteof that lite was by no means excep-

tional in dangerous conditions. On

the contrary, it was not to be-- coin- -

pat cd with hundreds of other spots'in the city in that respect. Anyonetaking the most casual survey of the

Chinese quarter, for instances doesnot need to diaw heavily upon his"

imagination .for the possible sourceof a terrific storm of firc. whichmay be hurled by the winds over thewhole city at any day or hour. Ifthere is any law or any authoritythat can be construed into the em-

powering of the fire marshal to lay acheck upon building operations, in

behalf of reducing the danger offire, we would strenuously urge thatadvantage be taken of it. Failingsuch power, then it is the duty ofthe press to keep up an agitation fora comprehensive law upon the sub-

ject at next session. Judging fromthe experience of the past few

months, there will be no lack ofoccasion in the intervening periodfor discussing the question.


" A feast or a famine," is thecomment passed upon the fact that,after a long intellectual dearth, Ho-no- l

ulu is being favored with a series ofpublic lectures by exceptionally dis-

tinguished men in their respectivespheics. Let all come to the feast,and prove themselves 'worthy ofregular rations at the board ofKnowledge.

The Huicaiian thinks" the news-

papers have too much buncomb onthe currency matter, and it, havingbeen upon more sides ot the ques-

tion than any other paper, ought tobe the best judge. It also wants tobe excused from thinking that "allthis talk about currency may behonest, and in the interest of thedear people." We are leady toexcuse it from thinking anything,after trying to harmonize all its ut-

terances on the currency within thespace of a few days. Moreover, itsays, "There is something otherthan currency back of this whole

matter." So we firmly believe, butall wo can discover at the baclof itis a lot of paper that purported torepresent gold when it only stoodfor silver. Now, will the, editor oftho Hawaiian "be honest," as hecounsels his contemporaries to be,and tell the public what he has foundnt the back of the currency matter.




To .Numerical Enigma Joseph E.Wiseman.Answers to all received from J J. N.

K. Keola and S. L. Kekumano, and toriddle from V. Fernandez.

PUZZLE.This woid has but a singls 11,

Wbloh try to take away,No matter how exact you are,

A hit Is surrto stay.


A man's name; a lcsldcneo; a sound;mental; hollow places.

NUMERICAL ENICMA.I am composed of seven letter,My 7, 1,4, to supply.My 3, C, 2, Cr Is a man's name.My whole is the';name of a place on this



That which extends in all directionsand contains all bodies; an antecedent;wing of a choir; a pain in tho bowels;upright.

V. Feknandkz.


To-da- y a transfer is ' made of thelease of the Marine Railway, theHon. S. G. Wilder selling it to

Messrs. Sorrenson and Lylo. Boththese gentlemen aio master ship-

wrights of long experience, and ifpractical ability can command suc--

cess they arc bound to achieve It.The one tit the veteran ship nndboat-bulld- cr and rcpnitcr of thisport, and the olhor as Superinten-dent of the Marine Railway, afterhaving been foreman in construct-ing it, itccd no newspaper commen-dation

toin thN country to induce

shipowners to entrust them withorders of either building or repair-ing vessels. The Murine Railwayhas proved to be one of the mostvaluable auxiliaries to commercethat the country possesses, and isno small factor in the industrial lifeof the city. By being Its chief pro-

moter, the retiring lessee, Mr. Wil-

der, conferred a boon upon tho com-

merce of the Pacific and a benefitupon this Kingdom, which will ever aredound to1 his praise.

Card of Thnnk.MR. WILLIAM WALL, orAlnkca

street, returns his sincere thanksto the Honolulu Fire Department, thopolice foicc, and the public generallyfor their strenuous effort In saving hispropcrlv nl the lire on the morning ofthe lOtli instant. 1)51 H

Honolulu Marino Railway.A LL nnrtle3 halmr nnv claims what- -

jtx. soccr agnlnU tho Marine Rail-wa- r

will present them at onru toWILDER it CO.

Honolulil.Teb. SI, 1883. 051 2t

NOTICEan Adjourned Meeting of the Re.AT clprocity Sugar Co., held at the

office of W. R. Castle, Esq., on Friday,Feb. 20th,. the following officer wereelected for tiic ensuing year:President John E. BushViccPrcsl dent W. II. dimmingSecretary E. D. TcunoyTreasurer II. R. MacfarlaneAuditor F. W. MacfarlaneManager W. 11. Cumin lugs

ISoni'tl of "Directors :

W. R. Cntlo, G. W. Macfarlane, C. I'.laukea, J. S. Walker, .1. H. Paty.

E. D. TLNNEY,931 lw Secretary.

FOlt SAliE,The American Bail;

mliiiEocSt- - CEYLONwill be offered for s.ilo as soon as dicharged, to close the Interest of the latoSamuel W. Sweet, of Boston.

The vessel is a good sailer, lias madethe passage from Honolulu to New Bed-ford in 10:1 days; she has just made thepassage from Hongkong in 4!) days ;

she will cairvSDO tons deadweight: Uwell fitted with sails, anchors, chains,&c. Has a good chronometer. Hasnow on board 240 tons ballast, and canbe sent to sea at once. The vestel canbe examined at Brewer's wharf, whereshe now lies.

For particular apply to051 lw C. BREWER & Co.

Beautiful lloincstds!

By Older of Hemy It. Mncftiilanc, Esq.1 will oiler nt Public Aurlion,

Saturday, March 20th,At 12 noon, at my Sales Room,

t'nlcHS previously dlsponeUof tit Xrlvivto Sale,

THOSE SPLENDID LOTS on thecorner of IJcrctauia and Piikoi Sts.,

Subdivided as follows into House Lots,and at the tollowiug upset prices,from which there can be no deviation,

Lot 1100 feet by 150 feet, Bcretmiiastreet TJpet price 1500

Lot 2100 ieet bv 150 feet, Kinausticet Upset price ?1200

Lot :i 100 feet by ISO feet, Bcrctaniastreet Upset price 1400

Lot 4100 feet bv 1C0 feet, Kinaustreet Upset price $1100

Lot 5100 feet by 150 feet, Bcrctaniasticet Upset price $1400

Lot 0100 feet by 150 feet, Kinaustrict Upset pilec $111)0

Lot 7100 feet by 00 fett, with thebuildings thcreon.Upsct price $2400

Lot 8100 feet by 150 feet, Bcrelaniastreet Up'-c- l price

Lot 0100 feet by 150 feet, Youngstreet Upset pi ice $000

Lot 10100 feet by 150 tcet, Bcrctaniastreet Upset price 1250

Lot 11100 feet by 150 feet, Youngstreet Upset price $000

The upper lots were purchased by Mr.Macfarlane for a residence, and for thopurpcce of improvement, it has hadgreat care and cultivation, so that atpicsent it is well covered by a largevariety of trees, as well as a choice col-

lection of plants nnd dowers, nil inbloom.

Among tho fruit mid shade trees willbe found the Traveler's Tree, the RoyalPalm, tho Wine Palm, the Lemon Tree,the Fan Palm, the Cocoanut, the Japanese Urange, tlie l'oncinna Kegia, tneMandarin Orange, tho Fig Tree, thoAlligator Pear, tho Algeroba and others.In Roses and Flowcis there nro a greatvariety, which must lie seen to bo nppredated.

Water pipes nro laid on in eacli ofLots Nos. 1 to 7, inclusive, and 50 feetof hose will reach any part of them.ThcfcC lots are situated just in the ccntioof Kalaokahua Plains, on tho principalstreet leading fiom Honolulu, and nicwithin twenty minutes' walk from town,as well ns being upon the omnibusroute to Punahoiu

I fchnll offer them on very favoinbloterms for purchasers, namely,

One-Fourt- Cash, nnd balance inequal payments of one, two, threeand four years, with interest at 7per cent., fcccurcd by mortgage.

Thin division of payments, and lowlate of interest, allows one for a com-paratively small sum annually paid forfour years, to becomo tho owner of abeautiful homestead lot.

Parties desiring Jots must make earlyapplication, as wo shall sell at privatesale to those who first apply.

Plans of tho property can bo seen atmy olllce.

Deeds at purchaser's e.pcusc.E. P. ADAMS,

017 ttlufcb trt Auctioneei,


At St. Andrews Cathedral the Bis-

hop preaches, moining, and Nov.

Geo. Wallace, evening.At Foil Sheet Chinch Pastor

Cruzan will preach in tho morningthe children upon "Having cars

but not hearing," and to adultsupon "How hard it is Not to Be-

lieve." In the evening the sermonwill be upon "A bliangc journey andnn unexpected ending." Bible class

nt C tflO.

At the Bethel Union Church to-

morrow tho services will bo as fo-

llows: Sunday School at 9:45o'clock. Service nt 1 1 o'clock with

sermon by Hcv. K. C. Oggcl on

"George Washington and tho Les-

ions of his Life." Evening, at 7:30,tke second utterance from the cross

"Jesus and His mother," a ser-

mon for parents and children. Allwelcome.


The Band will play at EmmaSquare this afternoon at 4 :30. Thefollowing is the piogrammc:Ovcrtuic Mozart (new) SuppoWaltz Sw cctlieurts (new) AlbeitRcinluisecnees of Veidl (new). GodfreyGavotte The Stars (new) EatonCavallna Springtime (uew)...GassncrPolka You and me (new) Faust

HJIST of the Ha-

waiian Islands. At Chambers.In the matter of the Bankiuptcy of

AIAU (or LAU KOOX YAU). BcfoieMr-.luti- MeCullv.

AIAU (or LAU KOON YAU) doingbusiness as a inciciiant In Honolulu,and n a rice giowu at Knlauao, inEwa, Island of Oahti, Inning this daybeen adjudicated bankrupt on his ownpetition. It is hereby ordered that allcreditors of said b.inkiupt come in andprove their claim1-- , before me, nt myClumber, iu Honolulu, on

Kntnrday, 'eb. 28, 1S&5,At 10 o'clock a. m.

AND IT IS FURTHER ORDEREDthat at 12 o'clock ot said day the cicdi-toi- s

do piocecd to hold an ELECTIONof mi assignee or assignees of Slid bank,nipt estate, and that notice hereof bepublished daily in the Daily Bulletinand P. C. Advertiser, nnd once til theIlavjaiiaii Gazette, newspapers.

Dated Honolulu, Feb. 20, 1885.LAWKEN'OE McCULLY,

Justice Supreme Court.Attest- - Hkxky Smith.

Deputy Clerk. S50 til

COUJS'J of the Ha.waiian Islands. At Chamber's.

In the matter of Bankruptcy of KENNEDY ii CO. Before Mr. Justice Mc-Ciill-y.

'II103. F. Kennedy and .las. Johnson,doing lmslnc in Honolulu, O.ihu, andWailuku. Maui, under the firm name ofKennedy ia Co, lming this day beenadjudicated bankrupts on the petitionof Messis. M. Phillips & Co.: It ishereby oidcrcd that all crtditois of saidbankrupts come in and prove theirclnims before me, at my Cliainbeis, inHonolulu, on

Wednesday, Feb. 25, II 885,at 10 o'clock a. in.,

Aud it is fuither. ordcicd that nt 11

o'clock of said day the creditors do pro-ceed to hold mi ELECTION of an assi-gnee or assignees ot said bankrupt es-

tate.And it is fuilhei ordeicd that notice

hereof be published daily in the DailyBulletin and '. C. Adveither news-papers.

Dated Honolulu, Feb. IS, 185.LAWKKSCE McCULLY,

Justiec Supreme Court.Attest. 1Ii:nhy Sun ii,

Depiuy Clerk. 310 td


JE. WISEMAN, Geneial Businesshas been authorized and

empowered by mo to collect all tho out-

standing accounts due the estate of B.F. Elileis fc Co., to leceipt for tho samennd to sue without reserve all delin-quent creditors.

II. SCHMIDT,Assignee B. V. Elders & Co.

Honolulu, Feb. 18, lfc85. 910 lw

Notice ofWE, tho undeisigned, havo this day

formed a co pailnership as Gene,ral Business Agents and Collectors.

II. E. AVERY,Attornev-at-Law- .

.1. A. PALMER,Gen'l Business Agl.

Honolulu, Feb. 10, 188"). 048 1W

NOTICE.A LL BILLS duo the linn of CHAS.J. J. FISHEL must be paid prior to

Mai eh 1st, otbcmhe they will be placed in tuc lianas ol-- u collector witli au-thority to enforce payments. Ollicq atHyman Bros., Queen sticet.

Cjrllyinnn Bio.' receipt w ill be suf-ficient.

048 lOt C. J. FISHEL.


Ofllcc, ilrst door west of Libraiy Build-ing. Horns, from 0 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m.

Residence, cor. Kinau nnd Pcnsacohistreets. 048 ly

SITUATION WANTED.A YOUNG Porlugueso ninn who

understands the English languagewishes a placo in a saloon or grocerystoic. Apply at thostoro of M. A.Gon-salve- s

& Co., Hotel sticet. 017 lw

TO LET.At Pulnina, near RefoimutorySchool, a now nnd commodiousicottai;e. Suitable for a family.

Has never been occupied. Easy termsto a good tenant.

Good stabling, snvaiits' looms, nnd ulargo yard.

JOHN ROBELLO,On the premises, or J. E. Wiseman, 27Merchant st. Honolulu. 888


,llJWIIlMJWJJilM'llljj.B i



Justdieoelvud by Inst sUnuittr one of tbu Inigvst invoices of

Lies'. Misses', Clita's & Mils' fear"Star Ladies' Aprons, -- BEST

Infant' Robes, " Drawers, Children's Chemises,'" Skirts, " Gowns, " A pi mis,

" Cloaks, " Skirt", " Dr.iwct.," Dressos, " Sncquis, " Skins'" Shawls, " Collurs, " Sou Bonutttn,

." Chsuilsc, " Flshucs, " Waists," Gowu " Chemises, " Drectoj," Wrappers. " Cornet Covers, " Cloaks.

-3- 52?- " Calico Wrappois. "UtsyALL THE ABOVE GOODS WE ARE ABLE TO OFFER AS


We also would state that we aie constantly lcceiving new and desir-able styles of goods direct from the manufacturer, and that u shallspare no exertion to meet, by prompt attention, low prioos, and tVo bastof goods, your eutiro confidence.

Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to.

Temple of Fashion,Nob. 61 and 63 Fort Streets.



Hardware, Agricultural HouseGoods, and General Merchandise- -

The combined stock of the two flrmsiycs us a very full and complete Hno ofgoods, at lowest market rnlcs. All oiders sent to the undersigned, or to Mr.Samuel Nott for specialties in the class of goods formcily sold by him, will atpieent receive his personal attention aud supervision.


OT anil OO llotol tdtreot,JUST RECEIVED, EX MARIPOSA, On Ice, Quail, Caia Fresh Salmon, Cala

Flounders, Cauliflours, Celcr-- , Eastern Oysters, in tin aud shell;aud Red Cabbage.

ALSO Boxes Table Raisins, Boxes Cala Dried Figs, CVes Diuet Snlad Oil, pint ,

nnd Yi pints; Cases Lucca Salad Oil, Kegs Silt Water Cucumbers, Kegs ot lMixed Pickle, Kits Salmon Bellies, Best Russian Caviar, Casks DupeeHams, Dried Peaches, Dried Fruits of all kinds, 2 lb tins Cala Butter, allkinds Canned Moats Fresh Cala Table Apples, Cases Eagle Cond. Milk,P & M Yeast Powder, Sacks Daiiy Salt, Boxes Aldcn Dried Apples, LegsSoused Pigs' Feet, Kits Mackerel, Cases Soused Mackerel, Casks Star Hams,Dupee Bacon, Fresh Gcrmea, Island Potatoes, all kinds Canned Vegetables,all kinds Canned Fruits, Fresh Ground Konn Codec, cveiy dny. OtirFiicesaie low. Goods delivered to all parts of the city,

Islnnd Orders solicited. Telephone




Implements, Furnishing

on imhbiw ts'eaiB'w'ii

No. 210. P. O. Box 297. (7G2

The Corner Harness Store

Still to the Front !

Large imoiccs of Goods (of all descriptions) having been lcceived by me,thoy

WILL BE SOLD AT LOWER PRICES,Than the same quallly of (Goods can be 'purchased elsewhere in Honolulu, and

satisfaction guaranteed. My stock consists of all kinds of AMERICAN,ENGLISH AND SYDNEY MANUFACTURE,

Saddles, Eelts, Pouches, Leggings, Saddle Cloths, School Bags, &c.,

Bits, Spurs and Stirrups, &c, in Nickel and Silver PlateThe reputation of my nOME-MAD- E HARNESS for supcrioi ity of workmanship

and material remains unchallenged during my six yenrs' residence here.Thankful for the geneious patronage of the past, Its continuance and increase iu

the' future is respectlully solicited at the old stand.

880 3m Corner of Fort nnd King streets, Honolulu, H. 1

JOSEPH. E. WISEMAN,Tho Only Recognized General Business Agent on the Hawaiian Islands.

't DRSXAI31-ISI-IE- r 1870,Offices in Campbell's Fire-pro- Building, 27 Merchant St., Honolulu, H I

T. O. Box !I15 i i i j Telejlioo 17S.

REAL ESTATE AGENT Buys and sells Itcal Estato in all parts of tho King-dom. Rents Ofllccs, Houses, Cottages and Rooms.

SOLICITING AGENT FOR WILDER'S INTER-ISLAN- D STEAMEHS-To- ur.Ists nnd the Traveling Public will apply to mo for Tickets and information tothe Volcano.

SOLICITING AGENT FOR THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF NEWYORK The Largest, Grandest nnd Soundest Institution of its kind In thoWorld.

AGENT FOR THE GREAT BURLINGTON RAILWAY ROUTE IN AMERICAThis Koule excels all other routes going EaFt, the scenery being the grandest,

tho meals the choicest and the Palnce and Dining Cms tho handsomest and mostcomfortable.

EMPLOYMENT AGENT Finds Employment for all seeking work In the vuri- -ous branches of iudustiy on tho Islands,


CUSTOM HOUSE BROKER Enters Goods at Custom House, pays and dischargesFreight and Duty Bills imdei power of Attorney.

MONEY BROKER Loans Money at all times on llrst-clas- s secuiitly.GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT Legal Papers of every description diawn. Bills

Distubuted and Collected. Books nnd Accounts kept nnd adjusted. RecordsScatched. Rents Collected. Taxes and Insuiauco on Properly looked after.Copying and Engiossing done. Advertisements, Ncwspupcr Articles, Corres-pondence mid Commercial Business of every naturo promptly and acciuatclyattended to.

AGENT FOR THE NEW MUSIC HALL AT HONOLULU-Compa- nlei ubioadwill correspond with mo for terms, etc. Oiders lor Island Shells, Cuilos, LavaSpecimens, Native Views nud Photos carefully filled nnd forwarded to all partsot the World.

t3ir Information nppcitnlniug to the Islands given and all coircspoudence faithfully answered.

JOSEPH K. WISB5IAN,878 Qonoral Business Agent, Honolulu, Hawaiian Island;,



"l ' Tfr,. & ." ..' 1 , . iHu. t ( e&..3wi ski je0t. i' Cate0M'&$PMte'' m

v- -i

Page 3: Up - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/14935/1/1885022101.pdf · Aohvsc em ensa, das 0 boms no molo-dl-Das 2 horns as ciuco,

' v





f -

.. '






All Hint; f oni noon of y, Fob. ill.li in.

Sun Srt 01

Sun Itlt" IS 20.Moon Sets 12 87.HlghTldo (large) 10 00.High Tide (small) 23 00.

WlSlI JIMI wr.ATIIt'ltlUrout lioin noon of yotterdn)"


Tliuunoinelor Itiiln.

41i I nti I Silt ah I oil 18 li'ltolSli29.01 30.(- 1- I 5(1.01 TOO ros I r.7 O (J 0.00

W'lml, N. 12. fresh; Sky, fair; Sea, smooth.wiuiimmw


Hchr Luka from Koholalok'Fob 21

llktuc 3Iair Wlnkleman fiom S V

Stmr C H lilsliop from Kauai & WaiauacStmr Likellko from KaluilulStmr KIuhu from AVludward PortsStmr ICilauea Hon trom Windward oi laSekr Kamui from LaupahochoeSehr JIalolo from LaupahochoeSohr Waimalu from llilo


Scbr Luka for KobolaloloBgtno Clan Sicekcls for S FStmr Likellko for KabululStmr W G Hall for Windward Port J

Stmr CltBUuop for Waianao & KauaiStmr Iwalaul for HnmakuaScbr lana for HonomuScbr JInlolo for LaupaboebooScbr Kamol for LaupabocbocScbr Mauuoknwai for KoolauScbr Waloll for Mallko


Or Ilk Meteor, CassonIlk Forest Queen, NcllsonBktne Amelia, NcwhnllBgtuo Claus Spreckcl, DrewBk Ceylon, Balstow

PASSENGERS.From Kabulul aud by-po- rts per stmr

Likellko, Feb 21 Father Lnuter. J TMcCrosscn, O B Makce, W S ManicMiss M 12 Green, Capt Reynolds, W IIPlace, U M White, M D Monsarrat. WD Alexander, Mrs E Jones.

From Windward Ports per steamerKlnau, Feb 21 Thco II Davies aud son,P X Makce, W II Bailey, P .Tones, J FGillillaH, T Elliott, Gov J O Domlulsaud two servants, J AV Young, A P Fra-r- y.

T Smith, M Cainavan, LAC Parish,Z Kalal and con, C Williams, Mr Kaula-he- a,

Mrs M Maiplneplne, C L Wightwife and two children and two servants.Mis? Potwin. Miss Sabina Hockley aud51 deck.

From Kauai and Waianao per stmrC K Bishop, Feb 21 F W Yeats,C Pckelo, .Enimcline Tltcomb, MrsLaluc, Miss Dinah, Mrs Mahcloua, F IIKauwahl, Mrs Abigail and daughter,and 34 deck.

From Windward Ports per stmr Kiln-w- ea

IIou, Feb 21 J Brown aud 10 deck.


The stmr Klnau brought 1737 bags ofsugar, 03 pkgs sundries aud SO bagR oftaro.

The stmr CR Bishop brought 2101bags of sugar. She tails ' on Mondaynext at S a m.

The scbr Luka brought 1900 bags ofsugar.

The scbr Kamol brought 3,000 bags ofsugar from Laupaboeboo.

The stmr C R Bishop sails on Mon-day at 8 a m. and the stmrs W G Hall,Iwalanl and Llkcliko sail on the same,day at 4 p m.

The new gallant top-ma- st for tboClaus Spreckels was put up y.

The steam whaler Xorwal ai rived offport this morning.

The stmr Kilauea JIou brought 3250bags of sugar, 40 bead of cattle and 2."dry bides.

The scbr Malolo brought 2300 bags ofsugar from Laupahochoe.

The stmr Likelikc brought 1S27 bagsof sugar, 302 bags of paddy, 22 horsesand 07 bags of potatoes.

The bktne Amelia will go on the Ma-

rino Railway on Monday morning tohave her bottom caulked and coppered.She will sail for Port Townsend on orabout Wednesday,


A shall cash boy wanted, inquirethis olfice. 950 3t

His Ex. Gov. Dominis returnedby the Kinau.

Fuiisuu Beckley of the Kinau re-

ports very rough weather in both'channels.

Two bundles of rags have beenleft at this ofllco for the LeperBranch Hospital.

Coin: and see our new oil paint-jng- s

and chromos, just received, atKing Bros.' Art Store. 946 St

Mussns. Wilder & Co. desire anyclaims against the Marine Railway,to be presented to them at once.

Go and hear the Band play sixnew selections at Emma Square

at 1 :30 o'clock.

Them: will be a gospel temper-

ance meeting at the vestry of tho

Bethel Church this evening.

Tue S. S. Alameda will probably

arrive in port bright and early Moil-da- y

morning from San Francisco.

Mu. Wale thanks the lire depart-

ment and citizens for tljeir efforts in

wiving his properly at tho late fire,-o

We remind our readers that Lewis& Co. will have a lot of good things

arrive by tho S. S. Alameda onMonday. Tho early bird catcheu

the worm.

--W. .ta't.'iVt.;. ; sitxnaiaiuiL.

Tnnur. Is no clinngo In the condi-

tion of ISIr. .1. M. Ont, Sr.,

Tiir. I'.M.S.S. Zenlnmlla Is hourlyexpected from Han Kmnd'co. Letterwriters to the Colonics should takenotice.

l'nor. Agassi?, will probably tie-liv- er

a lecture next Friday eveningfor the benefit of the HonoluluLibrary Association.

.- .'Ox our fomtli page wilt be found

n very interesting account of n visitmade to the home of George Augus-

tus .Sain by .loscph llntton.

A ntiuxnr.x white man was parad-

ing the Bethel churchyard this noon,probably waiting for the temperancemeeting in the vestry this evening.

As a consolation to the boys dis-

appointed in not getting oil tho floorlast night, the manager of tho skat-

ing rink has secured band music for


Tin: four-oare- d boat purchased ofCapt. Uarstow of the baik Ceylon,yesterday, by members of the Hono-

lulu Boat Club, was formerly usedby the harbor police at Hongkong.

....Is the Supreme Court this morn-

ing, clerk Foster was again occupiedin ndjusting claims in the case ofSilver vs. Lopez, damages. At noonthe sitting was adjourned until Wed-


Tub Rev. Robt. McKcnzie, of SanFrancisco, will deliver a lecture atFort Street Church, March 3rd, forthe benefit of tho Oahu Collegelibrary. This gentleman is said tobe a very humorous lecturer.

Mks. Dr. Whitney will organize ayoung people's Bible class in thePastor's study at Fort Street Church

morning at 10 o'clock.Young men and women are special-ly invited to join this class.

Otiu Kahului correspondent writesthat Messrs. Wilder & Co. aro paint-ing the town red, that is, all theirrailroad buildings aud warehousesare receiving a coat of red metallicpaint. This accounts for DemocraticWilliam Wildcr's absence.

The young Princes Ed. A. Kelii-ahon- ui

and Jonah K. Kalaniahaolcwill leave by the Alameda next "S-aturday to complete their educationat St. Matthews Hall, San Mateo,California. The elder brother PrinceDavid Kawananakoa, has been atthat school for some time past.

.As soon as the American bark

Ceylon is discharged she will beoffered for sale. This vessel hasproved herself a good sailer, havingonce made a trip from Honolulu toNew Bedford in 103 days. Shecarries 8C0 tons of dead weight andis well fitted in every respect. Thevessel can be examined at Brewer &

Co.'s wharf.

An adjourned annual meeting ofthe Reciprocity Sugar Co. was heldyesterday, when tho following weroelected officers for the ensuing year :

President, Jno. E. Bush ; Vice-Preside- nt

and Manager, W. II. Cum-ming- s;

Secretary, E. D. Tcnncy;Treasurer, II. R. Macfarlanc ; Au-

ditor, F. "W. Macfnrlane ; Board ofDirectors, W. R. Castle, G. W.Macfarlane, C. P. laukea, J. II.Paty and J. S. Walker.

We had a pleasant call yesterdayfrom Mr. A. T. Smith, of Lowell,Mass. This gentleman is one of theRaymond excursion party. He hasbeen to tho Volcano, and pronouncesit a wonderful sight. Mr. Smith isan asphalt contractor employing alarge number of workmen, and hiswork is seen on every street in thecity of Lowell, and also in differentparts of the State. Ho 'will returnto the States with the rest of theparty by tho Alameda, Feb. 28th.

A sli:ei'v-hkai)-looki- Chinamannamed Chun Wa was found guilty

"this morning, of having opium inpossession. He was lined 650 andsentenced to one mouth's imprison-ment at hard labor. Mr. Ilartwcll,who appeared for him, noted an ap-

peal to the Supreme Court. Under-

neath one of the rooms occupied bythis man thirty-si- x tins of opiumwore fouud, evidently there for trad-

ing purposes.

Osk of our well-know- n lawyers

had a case quite early this morning.It was not a case where a handcart-- f

ul of law books was required, but a

case of strength. On going lo his I

olllco ho put the key In tho door as i

usual and unlocked it, but ho couldnnl rrtii. In. TTft orrriinfl wlfli llin ilnm '

In strong terms, but no, it wouldnot budge an Inch. Finally he gotassistance, and it wns broken open.Someone had securely fastened thedoor to the. casing with seven largamills.

The Hon. 11. A. Wldeniann wasin thcl'ollcc Court this morning, noton any charge but merely as an ex-

port regarding the noblo art of selfdefence. Ho illustrated in a veryable manner how Wale poundedWicko the other day. Tho judgehad got the matter down to a veryfine point and the audience was de-

lighted with his free exhibition.

Tub assault and battery casoarising out of the late fire, wasbrought to a close this morning.Mr. Wale pleaded guilty. Mr.Ilartwcll who appeared for himasked under the circumstances fora light penalty. His Honor saidWale had made a mistake in follow-ing up the first blow by severalmore. He should fine him SU) andcosts. Wicko appeared in Courtwith his head in a bandaged state.

Pukseii Kiblin of the Lchuaslates that when tho steamer leftOokala, the Portuguese laborer whowas run over by the cars at thatplace, and had to have his leg ampu-

tated in consequence, was not ex-

pected to live twenty-fou- r hours.The accident happened on Fridayweek as reported by us on Wednes-

day. As we go to press we learnfrom Marshal Sopcr that the inten-tion was to have had the patient re-

moved to Honolulu by the Kinau,but gangrene sotting in, that inten-

tion was abandoned, as useless..m

Tun steamer C. R. Bishop bringsnews of a murder atllanalci, Kauai.A number of Chinamen were gamb-ling on Chinese New Year's dajand one of them won about $2,000.Last Wednesday, while a native wasriding along near the PrincevilleSugar Mill, he came across the bodyof a Chinaman. It was badly de-

composed, the head and arms weresevered from the body, and it lookedas if it had been partly eaten bysome animals. The body was after-

wards recognized as that of theChinaman who won the $2,000.Fuller particulars may be expected

by the Planter.. .

In the Police Court this morning,a man under the name of VacinteMadiars was fined $G for drunken-ness. R. Gerke, for assault andbattery on Adolph Kruck, had hiscase next tried. It occupied theattention of the Court for over twohours, a large number of witnessesbeing examined. His Honor post-

poned the hearing of the final argu-

ments until Monday. Ivon Kroner,a German, and Ah Chin, a Chinaman,were both committed to the TnsanoAsylum.

Last night was ladies' night atthe skating rink, aud a large num-

ber embraced the opportunity forexercise and amusement. Tho company of ladies and their attendantswas so largo that, while the floorwas pretty well filled with skatdrs,there was scarcely a seat unoccupiedbr spectatois. A detachment of theRoyal Hawaiian Band furnished ap-

propriate music, which heightenedthe pleasure of both skaters andspectators. The management of thispleasure resort deserves a word ofcommendation. Nothing could bomore orderly and respectable, ormore in harmony with the strictestpropriety.

Situation Wanted,BY an experienced stableman, with

best of references. Apply at HoseCottage, 125 Fort St. 950 3t

Just LandLedl,Ex Sletcor, from Bremen,

Stone Filters andine Coolers,

of Handsome Design, and of theMost Improved kind,


F. A. Schaefer & Co's.ma aw .


AVERY FINE imported MARE, ofstock, kind nud gentle, be-

tween 1 and 5 yeuB, a good roadstersold for no fault; also, a top buggy,nca lv now. Apply at this olllco, or toJ. P. MENDONOA. i'auo.i Valley.

930 1m




The Entiro Stock of Mrs. W.

II. Wilkinson's Millinery Storeto be closed out by the 2lthinstant. Tho store is now opon

with tho choicest goods dis-

played. BST No reasonable

offer refused.By ordar of Aisiguaei.


Chas. HustaceHas just received per Mariposa,


Cala Cheese, Kits Salmon Bellies,Case Codfish, Kegs Family Beef,Saloon Pilot Breau, Crackers,Table Raisins, Dried Peaches,Dried Apilcot, Prunes, Qermca,

California Comb Honey,Table bruits, Jams aud Jellies,Family Flour, Wheat, Corn, Potatoes,Onions, Candles,

Old Virginia Sweet & Sour Pickles,

And many other articles too numerousto mention, which will be sold at pricesto suit the times. 1ST Satisfactionguaranteed.

CIIAS. HUSTACE,Telephone 110. (043 2v) King St.

George GouletCHAMPAGNE

Unsmpasscd in Quality and


F. A. Schaefer&CoSole Agents for thoso Islands.

(53 Constantly on baud in quarts andpints. 943 2w

II m mmNew Iniportation.

LEWIS & CO., 07 and 09 Hotel St.,now for sale, at cost.

The Choicest Brands of these Fav-

orite Cigars ever sont away

from Mexico.

940 lw

Just Received i

E. Zcalnndia,




Henry May & Co.940 lw

Just Received,A Small Lot of Extr.i Quality $r

French Glaret!In Half Barrota.

For Hale, in Bond or duty paid, by


41 lm Queen Street,

Building: Lots for Sale.SEVERAL building lots for tale or

Kapalama, nenr the Niuhe-lerta- l

bridge, on the Ewu side of thelan'u le&diuc; to Austin's estate. Eanyterms. Apply to W. C. ACHI.Law office of W. IX. Cnstle. ' 837 tf


"Key" Brand GinFor Sale ill quantities to bult.

Freq.th & Peacock,2r( NUUANUtSTREET,

Ulu, ; i ; i : : H. I.

980 lm

A ,i.,''ftT,r-iflH,4,i- . j.MwwfcSM. ,r'niMit.'Jiksiii.iSm-m(iti- a J& 'j&&s&fet;su jUti:..- - i iti'' fin 'ilHT


Biw toil Hi Altai!


MBS. LOVE' desires to intimate tonumerous old customers and

the public generally, that her bakery,Destroyed by JTIre,

Has been restored in handsome sub-stantial and convenient form. She istherefore prepared to supply the largestcustom with

Plain and Fancy Breadof the best quality, and manufacturedby tho most approved methods.

Everything in tho line of a first-clas- s

bakery 'will be carried on with greaterfacility than before the lire.

The Lunch & Coffee RoomIs, also restored in more elegant stylethan ever, and at rates that cannot beunderbid by any restaurant.

Brick Building, 73 Nuuanu Strcol.Honolulu, Dec. 12, 1884. 892


Have on hand New Foreign and HomeMado Jewelry.

Watches, Braoelets, Neoklots,Pins, Lookots, Clooks,

And Ornaments of all kinds.Silver and Gold Plate.

Elegant Solid Silver Tea SetsSuitable for Presentation.

EiiKravliitf ami Xnttvn Jew IryA Specinlty.

Bcpalrlug in all Its branches.27" Solo Agontsfor King's Eyo Preservers.

817 0m


mm R I70 Hotel Street.

Ha just received, per Alameda, the fol.lowing choice brands of

American Cigars !

Beauty's Bower, Henry Clay,Sampler, Stud. Crane, Western BelleLa Belle California Las Ninfus,Full Moon, Snow Drop,Travelers' Comfort,Excuso Me.

E2T These Cigars aro manufacturedfrom the choicest of American nud Ha-vana Fillers.

Conic mitl try tlien I

POI ! POI !WIIcox'm Machine Made.

Families aud others in want of Good,Fresh, Clean,

Machine Made Poi,Can obtain the same In quantities to

isuit by leaving orders and con-

tainers with

F. U. OAT,At Pacific NaUgatlon Co.'s Building,801 Queen street. tf

MR. W. C. PARKEHAS AN OFFICE over Bishop & Co.'s

Bank, and will be happy to attendto any business entrusted to his care.

802 Om

NOTICE.TR. DRODIE has removed to No. 81XJ Jicrctaniu btrcct, tlto premises for-merly occupied by the lato Henry Slay.


STORE OF CHUNG WO KEETHE n.inalel, Island of Kauai, istransferred to the Hanalei Store Co.

CHUNG WO KEE.Hanalol, Kauai, Jan. 27, 1885. 011 2w

NOTICE.npUli doing businessX under the firm naino of Hanalei

Store Company, situated iu the Districtof Haualel, Island of Kauai.


01 3w K. KAALOA.

aiiiiliilWiii mkn'iii lu ...


Honolulu, .Inn. 11, 1S5C. O. BEIIOER, Kk ,

Agent Macnenlo & Urban Safes.Dkah Sin,

It U with great pleasure that1 add my testimony to tht FIrc-Pro-

qualltlw of your Safes.I had n small tingle dcor MncntaU

Utban Safv in last night's Urrlblu flte,and, on opening tho tamo this morning,found Its contents consisting of book,pnpors, nnd money to tho amount of$1040-- 1N PERFECT CONDITION.

I am so well satisfied with tho resultthat I wnnt another No. 3 Safe at once.

Yours truly,GEO. M. RAUPP,

020 Gcrmnnla Market.

D. FKKUTU. w. C.


Freeth & Peacock,23 Xnnnnii Street.


WINE & SPIRITMerchanits,


At tho XiOircNt Market BnteaGeo Goulet Champagne, pints & quarts.Chas Farro " '

Carlton Frere " " "Fine Old California Brandy, in bulk,Puro Virginia "White Ryo Whiskey,Budwciscr Lager Beer, pints and quarts

A large and well solocled stock of





4.C, i&c, &c,

Always on hand and for sale at pricesthat defy competition. Country orderssolicited. All goods guaranteed.

Tolcphone 40. P. O. Box 360.793 Cm.

SPECIAL NOTICE.HPHE Undersigned Proprietor of the



desires to inform his patrons and tbo publie generally that notwithstanding thorecent DISASTROUS FIRE, has erected


On a much more Extensive Scale whichIs now In Poll Opekation, and whichwill Co in complete working order by anEarly Arrival of new Machinery andTools; and is now again prepared ;to



and will always have on hand his dull,clous Fresh Made



CREAM CANDIES of great variety orrMARSH-MALLOW- B.

Gum Drops, and Gum FruitSon Bons

Of all descriptions. All those HomoMade Fresh and Pure Confections, soilAt fiO ccnlrt PER POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAKEOf tho Finest Flavor, in all sizes always

on hand and ornamented in the--

most artistic style.


always fresh, as also

Home Made Mince Meatfor sale at CO cents per pound.

"Will receive per'Consuelo the balanceof my how machinery of the nowest de-

signs for manufacturing all descriptions 'of plain Candies; thanking the publicfor previous liberal patronage and so-

liciting a continuance of same.

Very respectfully,

F. HORN,Practical Confectioner and Pastry Cook.

thk old btand. 71 Hotel Street

P." O. Box No. 70 j. . . ..Tclephono No. 74072 ly

LAINE & CO.Havo a Largo Stock of tho


Which is offered at Lowest Markot Price--AND

Delivered Froe to any part of the City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual Life Insuranoo Co.


Agents fur the Hoover Tlephon.

CommlsslonerofDoodsfor CaliforniaTclephono No. 147. 700

&&" Otsii&i




. iJ3&



Page 4: Up - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/14935/1/1885022101.pdf · Aohvsc em ensa, das 0 boms no molo-dl-Das 2 horns as ciuco,

L'.UL'JIiJLJWajaL. E'fiwagiiSfamt giuhi n!hiin.

SATURDAY, FEB 21, 188..Vl ;" y


It is n cozy, though somewhatspacious room in which I met Mr.George Augustus Sain on tho ovo ofhis lecture tour In the United Statesand Australia. The dado is a scriesof bookfllielves, full of literary andencyclopedic volumes. Above themhang many interesting woiks of art:a poetic landscape of Scottish High-land scenery by Dare,, especiallypainted for Sain j .mil In black andwhite, Long'H portrait of living, awell-know- n engraving of Tennyson,and several other inclines that illus-trate the life and times of tho presentday. Tho window look" out upon nquiet squat c.

"The best situation," says Sala," in London lor a literary man. Nothoroughfare past this corner of it,perfect quiet, with poisoned macaronijudiciously placed at the corner tosettle the organ-grinder- s, and twelveminutes from Fleet Street and theStrand.

" My wife, you know," lie says," is going straight to Melbourne.She objects to run the gauntlet oftwo custom-house- s, which she avoidsby going to Australia, via tho SuezCanal and the Red Sea, by thoOrient Line. She expects to arrivoon the 10th of March, and I shalljoin her there, after my run throughthe States, on the lOtli.'1,

"Vhat is the extent of yourtour?" I ask; "and what are thesubjects on which you lecture?"

"I open," ho says, "at Bostonand Harvard; and my i onto thenceiB New York, Brooklyn, Philadel-phia, Washington, Cincinnati, Chi-

cago, St. Louis, and San Francisco.I deliver four lectures, the first beingon ' Pageants and Rarec Shows,'beginning with the coronation ofQueen Victoria andJ the funeral ofthe Great Napoleon at the Invalidcs,Paris, and ending with tho funeralof Alexander II. at St. Petersburg,and the coronation of Alexander III.at Moscow. The other lectures arcdiscourses on ' Wars, Revolutions,Statesmen, Men of Letters;' 'Cul-ture, Costume, and Cookory ;' Press,Parliament, and Stage;' the wholeunder the comprehensive title of' The Life and Adventures of aSpecial Correspondent.' "

As he speaks, he turns to call myattention to a portable reading-des- k.

"I shall carry this with me, asDickens carried his. with candle-lamp- s

on either side.""You do not simply read your

lectures, of courso? I need not tellyou how- - much American audienceslike what they call spontaneity."

"Oh, no," he says. "1 like thenotion of reading, and it is a com-fort to have one's manuscript underone's hands ; but I do not put mynose into a book, and there arc manypages which I can repeat quite asextemporarily as most other wellthought-ou- t oral addresses. lii"writing an interview. I suppose youwill describe my personal appear-ance," he says, with a merry twin-kle of the eye; "and I shouldn'twonder if my white waistcoat comesin for a graphic touch."

"Well," I rejoin, "it has becomealmost a trade-mar- k in your toilet."

"It is," he says. "1 have worna white waistcoat foryears, every da', winter and sum-mer. Once, in Paris, at a storewhere I used to buy my gloves, a'serving-woma- n said to me, 'loualways wear a white waistcoat, Mr.Sala.' 'Yes, 1 wear one all thoyear round.' 'All the year round!'she exclaimed : 'n clean one everyday?' 'Yes, I suid. '0!' she ex-claimed, raising her hands; 'if I hadonly been your washerwoman1' "

Then, sotto voce, as lie conductsme into the hall, en route for hisworkshop and other rooms, he

: "Sixpence a day fortwenty-fiT- C years would make quitea little sum wouldn't it!'

Sala's house is literally packedwith intellectual and artistic treas-ures, souvenir of many lands andmany people: old china, Sevres,Dresden; Oriental lamps, knick-knac- ks

from Eastern temples, liter-ary and pictorial relics of London ;

dainty rugs, statuettes, bronzes,bnca-bra- c of every description. Thedrawing-roo-m to-da- y, however, hasa ghostlike appearance ; it is envel-oped in white calico draperies. Onthis winter day the effect is chilly inthe extreme. There is a satiricalsuggestion in nnn-chai- rs and otto-mans partially upholstered in whilelinen, water-color- s draped in Avhite

hangings, books in shrouds, oldchina peeping from behind packingsof white fabrics.

Remembering how Uwing dieduddonly last year at, the Brcvoort

House, Now York, there is somethingpathetic in a little figure which Salauncovers for my inspection.

"It was," ie says, "originallya nude subject, and, oddly enough,a Madonna, which I bought inMexico twenty years ago. Ewlngdraped it as you see, in a pocket-handkerchi- ef

dipped in starch. Theeffect is very graceful and nrtistic."Then, diving into a corner of thoroom: "This," he says, "was givento rao by Lord Woleoley ; he brought


It years ago from Africa, and gaveit to mo when ho was a captain onactive service. But let us icavo thiscave of despair," ho adds, "nnd gointo my room."

Wo enter an apartment which atfirst glance acorns to be literallychoked with books nnd papers, butthere is ample room for the innslrrat a desk where he can sit surroundedwith his tools.

"You asked me a question Justnow, 1 think, about my method ofwork. Now, the only volumes whicharc here as a mutter of sentimentare this little set of the 'FamilyHerald,' which contain my first nndjuvenile works in fiction and csny.All the other volumes which you seearc works of i cference things bolonging to the practical work ofjournalism : scrap-book- s, pictorialand otherwise ; dictionaries in almostevery laugungc ; encyclopedias, his-

tories, technical works ; and thoughsome of the shelves may at first sightseem to iudicate confusion of ar-

rangement, 1 assure you they are allso disposed that 1 can lay my handupon anything and everything I wantin a moment? Those volumes onthe left arc the 'Spectator,' nndclose by the 'Examiner' from thetime of Leigh Hunt and Hazlitt. Onthe next shelf, Cobbett's papers,and other Radical and Liberal jour-nals ; and close by, a complete fileof 'John Bull' and 'Blackwood' ofthe strong Tory days. You knowthat myself and Lord Roscbery havethe Napoleonic legend mania. Onthe shelves opposite to you arcseveral volumes that have been givento me by Lord Roscbery in connec-tion with this subject."

Here hc took out a unique work,"ThcIIistory of Napoleon in Medals,"exquisitely engraved, nnd includingthe medal struck in contemplation ofthe conquest of England. Close bythis was a wonderful collection ofthe English, French, and Italiandrama. Then we came to the "His-tory of Parliament," books of natu-ral history, lexicons, and books onvarious trades.

Upon a large square table near hisdesk were a number of other volumesof reference, and conveniently placedin their midst, and in adjacentdrawers, were boxes of photographsof places he had visited, copies offamous pictures, sketches of sculp-ture, and other aids to memory. Onhis desk were several common-plac- e

books, in his own hand, written withremarkable exactness, as close asprint, and almost as plain as copper-plate engraving. In the body of thetext were inserted numerals in littlecircles, which had reference to acarefully kept index at the close.Another book was literally an indexof letters, not that he had received,but which he had written, and thebeginnings of leading articles.

"Further aids to memory," he re-

marked; "how ncccessary, I neednot tell you, to a man who in histime has written for the "DailyTelegraph" 7,000 editorial articles.Here," he said, "are my referencesand notes for my next Brusselssketch in the 'Telegraph,' chieflyrelating to St. Nicholas. There arethose who will regard that, as theydo other similar contributions, ashaving been dashed off, as they callit thrown off, done on the spur ofthe moment ; but one does not exjjpect people outside our own circle toquite understand how much research,how much knowledge, how much ex-

perience, one often puts into a col-

umn that appears to be dashed off."While he is talking he beckons me

to an adjacent whichrepeats the calico aspect of thepacked-n- p drawing-roo- But heuncovers a bureau, in a corner bythe fire, which is literally packedwith cookery books, three hundredof them, in every language, amongthe most notable being the first edi-

tion of Mrs. Glasse's famous work,and the secret cookery book of Louisthe Eighteenth. Then we go backto the workshop, where, beneath theloaded table I have spoken of, hopulls out drawer after drawer con-

taining thousands upon thousands offashion plates and sketches of cos-

tume ; and in the hall, as we returnfor a parting chat to the library-dining-roo-

he shows mc a beautifulreplica of the famous repousse shieldfrom South Kensington, hangingover the doorway, and upon thowalls several panoramic-lik-e coloredplates which refer to his first techni-cal work when he waB a draughtsmanon wood, n lithographer and en-

graver in the atelier of Henry Hal--

ktn, with whom he afterwards wentinto partnership, and produced poli-

tical caricatures and pictorial skitsfor Mr. Akcrman in the Strand.

"First," he says, "we did a sortof panorama that folded up like analbum, and was called 'No Popery.'I engraved it for two colors on zinc.It was at tho time when Lord Russellwrote his Durham Letter nnd peoplewore very much excited about thecreation of Roman Catholic diocesesin England. That is a copy of it,"he continues, pointing to a still vividand effective picture. "It was pub-lished at a shilling, and 120,000copies were sold. It was yearsafterward, in 1852, in fact when Iwas writing for 'Household Words,'that I engraved one of those scenesupon steel. Thero it is, aboyo thebat-stand- ," pointing to 'a companion

ifiK I'rWf,,, ,6 J

iy.Bwy.i,ffii,.JsagiLiiU'ti'.iJiJLEiii6ipanoramic sketch vcprcwnllng theDttko of Wellington's funeral. "Ifound the work at night upon stoolplates, combined with the fumes ofthe acid 1 had to use, injured myeyesight, nnd I did no more of thatkind of work except on one occasion,at the Rpccinl request of Mr. GeorgoSmith, proprietor of tho "CornhillMngazino," when 1 executed a smalletching to accompany one of theHogarth papers which I wrote forThackeray."

Jusi.ru Hatiu.v.

The Texas editor and father whopenned the following paragraph musthave had a tough time: "If in pro-

portion to size a man could holler asloud as a baby, there would be notelephones needed in this country."

Cleveland Herald.The man who prayed for those

who sit under the ''dippings of thesanctuary" was a near relative ofanother who besought the Lord to"prop ud de bruddcrs and sisterswith the properations of the gospel."

llraper's Bazar.Policeman "Have you a permit

to play here?" Organ-grind- er

"No, but it amuses the little ones somuch." Policeman "Then you willhave the goodness to accompanymc." "Very well, sir, whnt do youwish to sing?"


Tlio American Ambassador at Vienna,Mr. Knsson, has lately forwarded to hisGovernment an interesting account of alcmarkahlc Mirgical operation latelyperformed by Professor Billroth, ofVienna, which, wonderful to tell, con-sisted in tho removal of a portionof the human stomach, involvingnearly one-thir- d of the organ and,str.iugc to say, the patient recovered

the only suiccssl'ul operation of thekind ever performed. The disease forwhich this operation was performedwas cancer of the stomach, uttcuded withthe following symptoms: The nppctltcis quite poor. There is a peculiar indes-crlbabl- o

distress in the stomach, a feel-iu- g

that has been described as a faint"all gone1'1 sensation; a sticky slime col-lec-

about the teeth, especially in themorning, accompanied by an unpleasanttaste. Food falls to satisfy this peculiarfaint sensation; but, on tho contrary, itappears to nggiavato the feeling. Theeyes are sunken, tinged with yellow; thehands and feet become cold and stickya cold perspiration. The sufferers feeltired all tho time, and sleep docs notseem to give rest. After n time the pa-

tient becomes nervous and irritable,gloomy, liis mind filled with evil fore-bodings. When rising suddenly froma recumbent position there is a dizziness,a whistling sensation, and he is obligedto grasp something firm to keep fromfalling. The bowels costive, the bkindry and hot at times; the blood becom-in- g

thick and stagnant, nnd does notcirculate properly. After a time thepatient spits up food soon after eating,sometimes in a sour and fermented con-ditio-

sometimes sweetish to tho taste.Oftentimes there is a palpitation of thoheart, and the patient feats be may haveheart disease. Towards the last thopatient is unable to retain any foodwhatever, as the opening in tho intcs.tines becomes closed, or nearly so.

this disease is indeed alarming,sufferers with the above named symp-toms should not feel nervous, for ninehundred and ninety-nin- e cases out of athousand have no cancer, but simplydyspepsia, a disease canity icmoved iftreated in a proper manner. The safestand best remedy for the disease isScigel's Curative Svrup, a vegetable pre-paration sold by ail chemists and medi-cine vendors throughout the world, andby the proprietors, A. ,T. White (Limit-ed), 17, Farringdon-rond- , London, K. V.ThisSyiup strikes at the very founda-tion of the disease, and drives it, rootand branch, out of the system.

Frank G-eit- z

inini--XKiiWifliimMMt i'53;

to inform his numerousBEGS and the public that ho is


In the sftiro

Adjoining Tregloan'sTailoring Ktablbbmtnt,

JHLotel Stieet.025 tf





BEVERAGE,According to the highest and best medi.

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No. 13 Liltha StS

P. O. Box, 870. Telephone, 2845yAH ardors receive prompt attwtioa.

.'(. - 'V A.'yfo.

K5SHS9smmmmmmTrtvphono ASW mum tiM ma


.Alnki'ii, iicur 4tie(ti St.t .T, It.Minr.r, Proprietor.

Contracting-- BuildingMouldings and Finish always on hand.

JST" Orders promptly attended to. -- Jvote nam:,

flurri ai)d Hat't Htovu Wood,n34 Cut gnd Split 1y



Central & Commodious Stableswe are prepared to furnish first-cla- ss

turnouts with gentle horses,, with orwithout drivers, A line wagonette inconnection.

Macks at nil SJonrs.day nnd night. Horses taken to boardby day, week, or mouth, on reasonableterms. Saddle horses to let.HorscM JBoujylit nnd Sold,

Satisfaction guaranteed.A Baggage Wagon delivers to all

parts of the city. Furniture movinga specialty.


020 Hm 'Telephone No. 32.






Cornel' ol fort ami Hotel StH.S70

Wilson Brothers,J,

GENERAL BLACKSMITHS.Horso Shoeing a specialty

A flrst-clas- s man being specially engagedfor that work.

Bhip and "Wagon work faithfullyattended to.

Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hopper's.204

JOHN K0TT,Tin, Copucr and Sheet Iron Worker

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,77 Uhandoljers, Lamps, &c.

WmMEK'S S. S. CO.Iimltoil.

f&Steamor KinauKing, Commander,

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Labalna, Man-lac- a

Hay, Makena, Mnhukona, o,

Laupaboeboe and Hilo.Returning, will touch at all the

nlove ports, arriving at Honolulueach Batuulny aftnruonn.


The Clipper SchoonerWAIEHU,

F. Kibbling, - Master,"Will run regularly to tho ports ofKOLOA, HANAPEl'E & WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage applyto the Captain on boaid, or to the

Pacific Navigation Co,,8S0 !)m Cor. Nuuuuu it Queen sts.


Schooner EHUKAIrnlrwtWi 26 will rim tmrtilnrlv

TO AVAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to tho

Captain on board, or toPacific Navigation Co.,

181 Agentl.'



OiTov for SaleTltr, KOM.OWINO


Light Exprcm Wagon,

Ex Top Carriages.

STEA C AL.Cumberland Coal,

Com. "Wood Chairs,


Fine Molasses Shooks,Rosin, Soap,

Ice Chests, Nos, 2, 2. and G,

Hoe Handles,Lobsters, lib tus; Boons, lllbtus

Sprurc Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.

Axle Grease,Fairbanks Scales, Nos. 7,8,10& 11J4

Leather Belting,Centrifugal Lining, 11 inch ;

Coinp. Nails, 114, Ml Inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKERS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordage, Assorted:Excelsior MattresBcs,

Galvanized Fence Staples,


Sisal Rope, Assorted,Ash Plank,

Dump Barrows,Ames' Shovels,


16, 18, 20, as, 24and2Coz.;

Hair Mattresses I

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,Hide Poison, Barbed

Wire, Refined Iron,


Galvanized Screws nnd "Washers.



Business DirectoryAuctioneers.

E. P. Adams, Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen st

Bindery.Alvln II. Rasemanu.... Gazette Building

BanUcrs.Bishop & Co., Merchant'st

Butcher,W. McCandless, Fish Market

Boot nnd Shoo.L. Adler, Nuuanu stChr. Geitz, Fort stTemple of Fashion Fort st

Billiard SaloonsNolte ...Fort stMcCarthy .' ..Hotel st

Clothinc.Gousulves & Co . .JlotclstTemple of Fashion .. Foit st

Cabinet Slakcrs.W.Miller . .Hotel stLycau& Co., ...Fort st

Carriage Jlukers.W. H.Pagc,-"- - Foit stHawaiian Carriage Co., Queen st

Cisars and Tobacco.C. McCarthy Astor Billiard SaloonNoltcs Beaver Saloon, Fort st

Cider,Fisher's Champagne Cider Lililia st

Candy Factory and Bakery.F. Horn Hotel st

Cnrncntcm and Builders.F. Wilhelm King stG. Lucas Foit st"WT Rhoads Queen st

Dry and Faney Goods.N. S. Sachs Foit ttJ.T. AVutci house, Queen stJ. T. Waterhouse, King stJ. T. Waterhouse, Foit htB. F. Ehlers & Co Foi t stM. A. GoiiMilvcsit Co., Hotel stTemple of Fashion Foij st

Bill Heads


Balf Programs

Bills of Lading

Business Cards

Book Work


Circulars m

Conceit Progr'mn

Draft Books

Delivery Books.at'-v-





Queen Street -


nrtiBglMo,Ilcnton, Bmltb it Co., . Port itIlolllntcr & Co,,.., .Nuunnu stHnlllMcrifc Co FotlM

llrnyiiKi' anil Cui-lnup- .

Frank llustncc,..i Queen etG. Robinson, Queen st

Kiti'iilMlird ltnrinn.Mrs. Tinner, King st

I'lt'i IiiMirniire AcenlH.11. Rlcincnschuclder,.. at "Wilder & Go's.C. O. Bcrgrr, Merchintst

Ucnt'N I'uriiNliiiitr I.'ooiIk.Ehleis & Co., Fort stN. S. Such's, FoltstUonsalvea & Co., stU STregloan Fort ,!s Hotel t.U

(Srorcrlc mid Provisions.A. S. Clcghorn & Co Queen stWolfe & Edwards,.. .Fort & Nuunnu sitLewis & Co, Hotel t

IIorHO Shoeing tMioim.Vllnn Bros., Fori st

Horse Trnlnern, Ae.II Keith Knplolnnl PathL HrunduKC Queen & PunchbowlLevy it womlhniu.Ordcis at Wiseman's

tiny mid Feed Stort-s- .

Wolfe it Eihvuids....King it Nuuuuu stsUnion Feed Co., Queen stLaluc & Co, Foi t st

llnvncsH SinkerG. E. Sherman, IClngst

linrdwarc.Dillingham & Co., Fort stJ.T. Waterhouse, Queeu st

Importer &. Coin.3IerclinutN.G. "W. Macfailnucit Co.,.' Fort stC. Brewer it Co., Queen stLyons it Lovey, Queen stM. S. Grinbuum it Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin & Co., Fort stA. S. Clcghorn & Co. Queen stJ. T. "Wntei bouse, Queen stFrecth & Peacock Nuunnu stCastle it Cooke, King stWing Wo Tai t Co., Nuuanu stO. O. Bcrger, Merchant stHymnn Bios., Merchant st

Jewclora"Wctinsr it Co Fort st

linbor Agents."W. Auld, Water. Works OfflccJ. A. Hnssingcr, Interior Office"W. C. Akana King stS M Carter

Lumber Dcalci-M- .

Lowers & Cooke, Fort st"Wilder & Co Fort st

31111tncry and Dress Slaking.MrB. A. M. Melli;-- , Fort st

Medical.Dr. Emerson, Kukut st

Xoivh lealern.J. M. Oat .It. &, Co., Merchant s

I'lumbcrH and Painters.E. C. Rowe,.... '..King stBlown & Phillips King stJ. Nolt, Kaahutnanu stMax Kolmi Korl st

Photographers."Williams it Co., Foitst

PasturesA Herbert Knlilii ValleyJ Emmeluth Mnuoa Valley

Tuning 3Suslcul Instruments.Lycan it Co., Fort st

Restaurants.Noltes Beaver Saloon, Fori tt"Windsor Restaurant, King stCasino, Kupioluni Pui kTourist's Retreat,. Honuapo,Knu,Hawail

Jteal 1'state Agents.J. E. "Wiseman Merchant st

Solicitors.A. S. Hartwcll, over BankJ. M. Davidson Kaahnmauu stA. Rosa Gov't Building"W. A. "Whiting, Knahumanu stJ. Russell, Merchant stS. B. Dole, Knahuinanu stF. M. Hatch, Kaahumaun stR. F. Bickerlon, Merchant stCecil Brown, ....Merchant stJ. M. Monsarrat, Merchant st

Soap Factory.T. W. Rawlins King st, Leleo

Stationers.J-- Oat Jr. & Co., Merchantst

Sail Sinkers.J. M- - Oat & Co., Queen st

Ship Chandlery.Pierce & Co., Queen st

Tinsmiths.J. Nott, Kaahnmauu y

Tniloru.n. S. Trcgloan Fort st

Travel.Intcr-Islan- d S. N. Co., Esplanade"Wilder's S. S. Co., Fort & Queen stPacific M S S Co Fort & Queen staO. S. S. Co., Fort & Queen stPacific Navigation Co, Queen st

Vctcx-inar- SurgcousJas Brodic Berctania st

"Wood nnd Coal Dealers,Frank Hustnce, Queen t

Wines and Spirits,G. W. Macfarlano & Co., .Kaahnmauu stFrecth & Peacock Nuuanu stBrown & Co., Merchant st

"Watch Makers.Wenncr & Co., Fort st


Every Duscriiin of M PrintingExecuted with neatness and dispatch,


Daily Bulletin Steam Office,


Haud ssss




MmtttmmtkimmitfMZ-mM- .-


Letter Headings


Law Reports

Note Headings

Plantation Book




Show Cards

Shipping Rooo'ts

. k.-- . oiutcments&

fff. TagsV,r,,., .

jK7 visuingumtiWay.BilU
