up ravioli alley oct 2014

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  • 8/11/2019 Up Ravioli Alley Oct 2014


    O C T O B E R 2 0V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 1

    A John the Barber Foundaon Publicaon

    Nothing but good news !

    And Good people doing Great things!

    From Arlington, Cherry, Ladd, Seatonville/Hollowayville,

    Spring Valley,and Dalzell, Illinois

    Jack May of Princeton Comes Through Big.

    his Pumkin Project for the Poor

    helps Ravioli Alley NeedyIt didnt happen overnight, but eight year-old Jack May

    of rural Princeton had a plan. He wanted to raise money

    to help the poor and decided to use his farming skills to

    achieve this goal. With the help of his dad, Jim and old-er brother Jake, Jack planted and grew pumpkins on his

    family farm. Once they were large enough, the family

    including mom, Jeannine, harvested the pumpkins and

    Jacks real work began. Thanks to neighbors, family and friends, Jack

    was able to sell most of his bounty. Jack and his family arrived at Hall

    Township Food Pantry to donate 80 pounds of pumpkins and gourds

    and his earnings of $150 to help buy groceries for people who have no

    food! When does one start giving back and helping their neighbors

    in need? Jack May began at 8 years of age! You are never too young . .

    and never too old to help a neighbor in need. Grow a pumpkin!

    John the Barber Foundaon

    Doing Something a lile bit Great for non-for-prot

    John the Barber is in the early stages of driving a strategic eort to assis

    local non-for-prots with their markeng and promoon eorts. The id

    revolves around JTB designing and producing quality hoodies and jersey

    that promote Ravioli Alley non-for-prot enes. Fans of that non-for-

    prot can buy these, wear them, and provide the non-for-prot with so

    free markeng and promoon that they would not otherwise have. JTB

    does the whole thing at breakeven. Check out the photos o

    the inial eort below for Holy

    Trinity Cherry. Other enes w

    follow shortly. These hoodies

    and jerseys are currently for sa

    at the Cherry County Store. St

    in someme to buy or order on

    Again items for other enes a

    currently being designed!

  • 8/11/2019 Up Ravioli Alley Oct 2014


    P A G E 2

    The John the Barber


    Box 88

    Cherry, IL


    Speaking to a group of

    children recently, a

    minister asked themvarious quesons

    about what would

    Jesus do if he were

    here in their town.

    Among other things he

    asked, Where do you

    think Jesus would go to

    eat. Creavely one

    child reply, Panara

    Bread? Along thosesame lines another


    the Olive Garden?

    Finally one child said,

    I know where he

    would go to eat

    the soup kitchen and

    bread line.


    What a Great answer!

    Funny how kids can

    nail things right on the


    Three-me Grammy Award Winner Ashley Cleveland

    coming to Seatonville Congregaonal!

    Crically acclaimed three-me Grammy Award winning gospel singer/songwriterAshley Cleveland will be at Seatonville Congregaonal Church, Independent on

    Sunday night, November 9


    at 6:00 PM. Ashley will be leadingworship for Second Sunday, the churchs alternave worshipgathering followed by a concert featuring her soulful andbluesy vocals and alternave tuning guitar playing. Availablewill be her latest CD tled Beauty in the Curveand her rstbook and memoir tled Lile Black Sheep. Join us for this rareopportunity to experience the music of Ashley Cleveland in theinmate and historic sanctuary at the Seatonville church.There is no cost for admission but a love oering will be takento help cover expenses. For more informaon call Pastor BillJacobsen at 815-228-6717 or visit Ashleys website atwww.ashleycleveland.com.

    Hey you 50-something Ravioli Alley residents..do something a li

    big Great and remember to support your town churchesWere you in a high school class when the word came that President Reagan had beshot? Did you wear painters pants to school? Did you run down to Al Cabodat noon for lunch?

    Geng to be the senior person at work? More of an empty

    nester at home? If so, you are no doubt in your magic 50s now. If you have been involved in your church in some me..maybe since your kids wereyoung.maybe since YOU were young..now is a good me in your life to make suyou are doing the basics to support your community churches. Churches are juslike your schools, post oces, and re departments in a sense, says Jim McDonaldCherry. It is a Great idea to support them all as best you can. To make sure youtown is strong. McDonald goes on to say, I spent my whole life here, was an alboy, all my friends and I went to school and church together. Now that I am olderam proud of my church and want to see it be successful. JTB suggests that itwould be Great if you could take a few minutes and do some things now to help yo

    town church.

    The following simple acons would be Great:

    Contact your minister/priest and have them email youthe weekly bullen

    Put your church web-site /Facebook page on your com-puter/smart phone favorites so you can keep track ofwhat is going on

    Have your minister/priest get you giving envelopes andmail one in every month

    Go to fundraisers and events that you church sponsors

    I started supporng the church again a few years ago, said McDonald. Im pro

    of my church as it is a part of me.Whether a person physically goes to church, I th

    it would be Great if the folks my age remembered to support the church here andthere. Besides helping your community, your kids and grandkids will noce and yowill feel good knowing you are doing the right thing.

  • 8/11/2019 Up Ravioli Alley Oct 2014


    P A G E 3V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 1

    Heres what people around the country

    are saying about Up Ravioli Alley! John Hull of San Jose, California, previously of Spring Valley says, I thoroughly enjoy your Ravioli Alley

    newsleer. It brings back great memories of the Illinois Valley of 40-50 years ago when I was a kid. Iwas kind of surprised that I knew a few nicknamesBuons Liebe, Rooster Baracanni, Mule Mauno,Buzzy Verucchi. I seem to remember a couple of Spring Valley fellas with names like Dua or somethinglike that..since they were the second-born in their family. Again, if there is anything I can do out in Cali-fornia for you, let me know.

    Audrey Sebben of Ladd writes, Can't tell you how much I enjoy "UpRavioli Alley". Wouldyou please addmeto your email list? Keep up the good work!

    Joanne Wieczorek of LaSalle writes, I very much enjoyed the August issue of URA sent to me by mycousin. I spent much of my early childhood in Dalzell as I had two aunts and families living there. Mymom was born in Dalzell. Enjoyed standing on the corner by Vallero's Bakery and smelling the breadbaking and eang Cho-cho's. The bocci ball games were fun to watch and what about the chicken ghtsup in the grove on the north end?

    Natalie Grider of Hillsboro, IL writes, "Up Ravioli Alley" was forwarded to me and I think it

    is Great! When my ve year old daughter Hadley found out her friend got her bike stolen,it broke her heart. Her friend's mom could not buy her a new bike because she is a singlemom of three and didn't have the money. Hadley poured all of her piggy bank money in azip lock bag and asked me if this amount would be enough to buy her friend a bike. I al-most cried. I said "for sure." So the next day we went to Walmart and bought her a newbike. I was very proud of her. She is a special girl who knows at a young age to be seless.Good kids doing Great things!

    Doreen Hozel Dellinger formerly of Ladd now of LaSalle writes, My Mom and I would beso happy when we received Up Ravioli Alley in mail. We would stop everything to read it togetherwhat a great memory for me. You are doing a great job John the Barber!

    Vicki Gensini formerly of Mark now of McNabb writes, Please add me to your email mailing list. Loveyour publicaon! Thanks for all your hard work in pung it together!

    Bill Mason of Spring Valley writes, How can I get back issues of "Up Ravioli Alley"? I would like to sendthem to my aunt, Mary Rita Mason, a life-long resident of Spring Valley. She is 94 years old. She wouldbe most interested in Up Ravioli Alley. (Readers, if you want access to back issues of Up Ravioli Alley,please send and email to [email protected] write us at Box 88, Cherry, IL 61317)

    Too many Good People Doing Great Things to menon

    at HTC Second Annual Walk/Run to benet the LaSalle Veterans Home

    Too many names to thank and menonbut heres a rst shot! Thanks tochairman Alan Ring and the many members of his awesome team for driving

    donaons, signs, t-shirts, set-up, and registraon! Thanks to Mayor Bob

    McCook and his team for all they did to set things up and work the route! 70parcipants and many donaons are going to allow HTC and the LaSalle Veteans home to acquire several special items that will make life beer and easi

    for their residents. More to come in future issues on that subject! Wow, th

    second picture is powerful! If you ever wondered how you should live yourife, just copy these three Great people! Abbo Philip of St. Bede (right)

    game through big with an awesome opening prayer and speech, subing for

    Father Pat who had suddenly been called away. Bill Craven of Spring Valley(middle) worked round the clock the last ten days to drive important public-

    ty and aendance. All around Great person, life-long athlete, and HolyTrinity Cherry alumna Lori Guerrini (le) AGAIN was there to do her thing!

    Hard to imagine a Greater day than that one!

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/11/2019 Up Ravioli Alley Oct 2014


    P A G E 4

    Dont Forget:Cherry United Churchof Christ/Holy Trinity

    Cherry Pie& Coee

    Social Hour,rst Thursday

    of each month.1:30 3:30at Cherry

    Church Hall.

    Bring a friend!

    Everyone far and near

    LOVES Up Ravioli Alley!

    Send us the email address

    of your friends and

    relaves who would en-joy receiving it and we

    can add them to our

    email mailing list.

    Send email addresses [email protected]

    Hall 1973 Football Squad inducted

    into Hall Sports Hall of Fame

    In addion to individual stars Rollie Himes and Jerry Stank anthe undefeated 1928 football squad, Coach Kelly Kanes unfo

    geable 1973 Hall football team was inducted into Hall Sport

    Hall of Fame recently. So many thrilling memories! Coach

    Kane personally selected the new Hall football uniforms that

    year. Copying the very popular and successful Ohio State Bu

    eyes of those years, the Red Devils wore sharp uniforms and

    helmets of red, white, and silver. Both Kane and his assistan

    coach Dan Darlington would go on to Illinois High School Foo

    ball Coaching Hall of Fame careers! Wow! Everyone remem

    bers the Red Devils trouncing their many opponents early in season. They also remember the famous mid-season head t

    head confrontaon against Geneseo at Hall. The Red Devils

    clearly were outplaying the Maple Leafs, controlling the ball a

    completely shung down Geneseos strictly run oense. Who out there reme

    bers Geneseo, late in the game, running a lile, slowly developing ea-icker p

    playa wobbely lile pass that went for a long touchdown and giving Geneseo a

    14 e? Although Red Devil fans were greatly disappointed, the following week t

    went crazy.as they were walking out aer another big win, news came across th

    radio that Rochelle had ed Geneseo 0-0! All the Red Devils had to do was bea

    Rochelle and the NCIC conference championship would be theres! One of the

    most important games in many years of Hall football was played at Rochelle. Rochelle had to be tough as they ed Geneseo 0-0 AT Geneseo! Kellys Heroes

    could not have been more focused and ready. One of the greatest single plays i

    Hall football history occurred in the second quarter. Backed up deep in Rochelle

    territory, Hall star running back John Romanelli hit the line hard for what looked

    a clear rst down. Happy, standing Hall fans slowly began to sit back down but

    denly there goes Romo popping out of the pile and heading straight down the ce

    of the eld! He is in an 85-yard dash with Rochelles

    fastest man but Romo out-runs him and the Devils take

    a lead they would never give up. Well have to do an-

    other arcle on this team someme.too many namesto menon here.cool as a cucumber, team leader

    quarterback Mike Argubright, triple threat

    star (oense, defense, special teams) Rick Donna,

    nothing but Great defensive star Jack McNally, you-

    cant-just-key-on-Romo running star Mike Pyszka.

    Again we will menon more in future arcles.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/11/2019 Up Ravioli Alley Oct 2014


    P A G E 5V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 1

    Heres a few quick Rav-notes...

    Ravioli Alley product and 1980 Hall grad Vicki Vacca has been nominated for an Emmy

    award for her work in the makeup industry. Vicki was nominated for her work in the show

    American Horror Story: Coven. Vicki is the daughter of Bonnie Vacca and the late Great

    Mickey Vacca. Always a beauty, heres a shot of Vicki from her Red Devil cheerleading days

    Wow, did you see what those Ladd Mens Club members did? In August, the group collected 1650 pounds of

    canned food for use by the Hall Township Food Pantry. Hats o to you guys! Good mens clubs doing Great


    Flu Shot Sunday at Holy Trinity Cherry: Sunday, Oct 5, 2014 aer 8:30 a.m. mass, Holy Trinity Cherry. FREE

    with medicare card or $30 without. (Everyone from the community is invited to ulize this service.if you

    would like to receive the treatment please arrive at the church at approximately 9:20 a.m.).Volunteering to

    provide the shots for the third year in a row is Lisa Clinton of St. Margarets Hospital. Thanks Lisa!!!

    Natures Corner childrens learning program begins at Echo Blu: Beginning on Saturday September 13, 201

    and running through May, 2015, Echo Blus will hold a weekly kids (ages 3-

    12) learning class from 10:00 a.m. noon the second Saturday of each month. Many fun and interesng topics all related to nature. Come on out

    If quesons, call Echo Blu at 815.447.2115.

    Congrats to Kaylee Golden of Hollowayville daughter of Tina and Vern Golden and Chelsea Wallaert of Cherry

    daughter of Lori & Mike Wallaert for being recipients of the Princeton Elks Childrens Care Corporaon scholar

    ships. Both plan to pursue degrees in physical and occupaonal therapy. Way to go Kaylee and Chelsea!

    Way to Moms and Dads! Way to go Hall High School! Way to Princeton Elks! Did we forget anyone?


    poem from the 1928 Hall Light yearbook

    Simply inserted into the beginning pages of the

    1928 Hall Light yearbook is the following poem entled

    Success. What a unique period.sll condent and energiz

    by the victory in WW I, the strong economy, and the promise

    a bright future, it was a joyous me for sure. The yearbook

    loaded with wonderful

    pictures of happy, well-dressed, good looking Ravioli Alley

    teens. Lile would they know how handy and relevant this p

    em would be in their lives. Just a year later the Wall Street cr

    would shock the world and turn the lives of all Ravioli Alleyfamilies upside down. Scratching and clawing their way throu

    the depression, they would then be tossed headlong into all t

    challenges, fears, sorrows, and eventual joys of World War

    From 1929 1945 in Ravioli Alley, there were hundreds o

    Good people doing Great things!

    This poem can be of Great use to you TODAY!

    Remember, that same blood that owed through

    their veins ows through yours!

    Read it, learn it, live it! (Cut out and keep on your refrigerat

  • 8/11/2019 Up Ravioli Alley Oct 2014


    P A G E 6

    The best witness to thefaith is not a loud and

    obnoxious bloviator (one

    who speaks pompously);

    God is found not in the

    lightning, nor in the re,

    nor in the great wind, but

    in the sll, small voice.

    The best (indeed the

    only) way to evangelize

    eecvely is by sterling,

    joy-lled EXAMPLE,

    obedient to the word and

    the will of God.

    Paul Wilson, religious

    news writer

    To view, download,

    or print this or any otherissue of Up Ravioli Al-

    ley go to

    www.Scribd.com and

    click the magnifying

    glass in the upper le

    and search for

    Up Ravioli Alley

    JTB needs good info from your home town for Up Ravioli AlleyHey Ravioli Alley folks, JTB needs your stories, photos, announcementsand bits of news for Up Ravioli Alley. We are looking for stories about

    Good people doing Great things both now and in the past, both inRavioli Alley and in other parts of the country.

    We could really use your help!Please email us at [email protected] write to

    the John The Barber Foundaon, Box 88, Cherry, IL 61317

    Ravioli Alley Non-For-Prot OrganizaonsAll Showing that John The Barber

    Spirit This Fall

    Do something a lile bit Great..

    TAKE someone who doesnt get a chance to get out too oen.

    BRING a carry out to someone new to your block.

    SEND in a donaon if you cant make it.DROP us a line and tell us about it!


    accronym doesnt mean anything but remember it anyway!

    Communies Against Bullying: Sunday October 5, 2014 1:00 p.m. 3:00 p.

    Spring Valley City Hall. Free hot dogs/chips/buddy bag to take home. Gue

    speakers and student tesmonials. Raise public awareness of the dangers of

    bullying. Together we can empower youth to be part of the bullying soluon

    Seatonville Congregaonal Church Independent Fall Church Banquet to Hon

    Fathers and Sons: Saturday, October 4, 2014 5:30 p.m. Seatonville Congreg

    onal Church Independent. All folks and families are invited to join us for the

    annual fall church banquet honoring fathers and sons. The potluck dinner will

    begin at 5:30 PM and the program will begin at 6:30 PM featuring Lanny Slevin

    the former WLPO sports announcer who recently rered. The church provide

    all meat and table service, but we appreciate if you can bring a side dish or de

    sert to share. Come join us and hear how God has worked and connues to

    work in and through Lannys life. A reservaon for the dinner poron is appre

    ated and can be made by calling Mary Michael at 815-875

    -1697 or Pastor Bill a


    Ladd Fire Department Pancake & Sausage Breakfast: Sunday October 12, 20

    7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Ladd Fire Staon. Adults $6, kids 4-12 $3. Bake Sale &

    50/50 rae.

    Seatonville Congregaonal Church Independent Clothing Pantry. Opening

    Saturday, October 11, 2014 running through Monday, October 13(Columbus D

    Holiday). Open from 9:00 AM unl 12:00 PM noon on both day. A variety of

    adult and childrens clothes will be available to individuals and families from t

    community. The Seatonville Congregaonal Church, Independent is located a

    110 W. Rt. 6, Seatonville, IL. 61359. For more informaon please call Pastor BJacobsen at 815-228-6717.

    http://www.scribd.com/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.scribd.com/
  • 8/11/2019 Up Ravioli Alley Oct 2014


    P A G E 7V O L U M E 2 , I S S U E 1

    Ravioli Alley Non-For-Prot OrganizaonsAll Showing that John The Barber Spirit This Fall cont...

    TWO BIG EVENTS IN LADD ON THE SAME DAY! (MON OCT 13, 2014) Ladd Mens Club Octoberfest Supper: Monday October 13, 2014 4:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. at Ladd Community

    Center. Pork Loin & Brats with German Side. $10 in advance/$12 @ the door. Free hot dogs for kids 8 and und

    Disaster Dogs of Illinois Rips of Ladd Fundraiser: Monday October 13, 2014 4:30 7:30 p.m. Rips in Ladd.

    $8 ckets at the door or by calling 815.663.8189. Gun rae: Ruger 10/22 & XDS 9 mm courtesy of Mean Met

    Guns. Bow rae: two bows courtesy of Big Buck Archery. 50/50, bake sale. Proceeds benet Disaster Dogs o

    Illinois, training and developing disaster and emergency response K-9 units.

    Princeton Lions Club 10th

    Annual Illinois Valley Toy Run/Car Show/Cruise: Sunday Oct 19, 2014, Soldiers &

    Sailors Park across from the courthouse. Enter your car in the 40 mile round trip countryside cruise. Entry fee

    $10 new, unwrapped toy for boy or girl of any age. Music, door prizes, vendors, 50/50, buddy bag program.

    Food/drinks provided by Princeton Boy Scouts. More info call 815.643.2040 or go to www.IllinoisValleyToyRun.c

    John the Barber /Cherry Country Store Halloween Party & Open House: Sunday October 19, 2014 10:00 a. noon. Cherry Country Store. ALL kids from all communies are welcome! Games, gras, hot dogstake a f

    pumpkin from the John the Barber pumpkin patch!

    Ladd Senior Sociables Guest Luncheon & Bingo Party: Thurday October 23, 2014 at 12:00 noon. Ladd Comm

    nity Center. Reservaons due by October 17, 2014. Barb 815.94.2893 or Ethel 815.894.2917 sponsored by

    North Central Bank & Lou WWasilewski/North Central Investments

    Ladd 125th

    Beer and Wine Tasking Fundraiser: Saturday October 25, 2014 5:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Ladd Com

    munity Center. $15 in advance, $20 at the door. Tickets available at Ladd Village Clerks oce or from 125th

    Commiee eorts. Raes, prizes, appezers. Sponsored by Hy-Vee, Euclid & Mauno Distribung.

    Seatonville Congregaonal Church Independent Ashley Cleveland Concert: Sunday night November 9, 201

    6:00 p.m. Please see separate arcle and photo in this issue of URA.

    Cherry Booster Club 105th Cherry Mine Disaster Anniversary Pancake and Sausage Breakfast: Sunday, Nove

    ber 9th

    , 2014 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon at Cherry Church Hall. Bake sale for Cherry Library going on concurrently

    Make a morning of it: Prior to breakfast.Sunday church services at Cherry United Church of Christ 8:15 a.m

    and Holy Trinity Cherry 8:30 a.m.

    Holy Trinity Cherry Dueling Pianos Fundraiser: Friday November 21, 2014, 6:00 p.m., Cherry Church Hall.

    Tickets are $25/each and are on sale currently at State Bank of Cherry and North Central Bank of Ladd. To ord

    by mail, send check made out to Holy Trinity Cherry to 212 S. Main St., Cherry, IL 61317. Dueling Pianos is an

    interacve musical comedy show and sing-along performed by a pair of touring musicians and stand-up comed

    ans. They provide audience members a fun-lled evening spent challenging the arsts with obscure song re-

    quests, dancing to classic tunes or playing the patsy for the performers during their rounes. The popular show

    consistently draws sell-out crowds to venues across the country throughout the year.

    St. Margarets Hospital Foundaon Lourdes and Fama Pilgrimage Fundraising Trip: Ten day adventure is

    scheduled for Friday March 6, 2015 Sunday March 15, 2015. The St. Margarets Hospital Foundaon is spon

    soring a pilgrimage to Lourdes and Fama. The group will visit Marian shrines in Portugal, Spain and France.

    Desnaons include Fama, Santarem, Alba De Tormes, Avila, Burgos, Loyola, Lourdes, Never and Paris. This

    prayer-lled journey during Lent will prepare you for a joyous Easter. For more informaon contact Frank

    Kobilsek in the Foundaon oce at St. Margarets 815-664-7268/ [email protected] or visit

    www.catholictrips.com. One lucky person will win a free trip being raed by the Foundaon.

    Watch for volunteers selling chances or visit the Hospital Gi Shop.

  • 8/11/2019 Up Ravioli Alley Oct 2014



    And the of the idenfy the famous Ravioli Alley newsman contest isn the August issue we asked readers to idenfy the face of a well know, long me Ravioli Alley

    newsman and columnist. Many wrote in to idenfy him as John Barron! We put all those names in ahat and drew and the winner of the John The Barber hoodie and the winner is

    Dawn Pantenburg of Dalzell! Congrats Dawn!

    See page 4 for the arcle about the

    Hall 1973 Football Squad inducted

    into Hall Sports Hall of Fame

    St. Bede Class of 64 Knows What Being Great Is All About

    Restore Famous Gateway Arch Welcoming Students and Friends to CampusIf you get a chance, stop by the St. Bede campus someme and check out the

    awesome newly restored famous gateway arch. The St. Bede Class of 64 is to blame!

    Ravioli Alley members of that class include John Davito (Spring Valley), Bill Frasor (Spring Valley), Alex Huenebu

    (Spring Valley), Ken Lee (Seatonville), Charlie Mason (Spring Valley), Richard May (Ladd), Dave Neill (Ladd), Dav

    Paroche (Spring Valley), Steve Pesch (Spring Valley), Charles Tiemann (Spring Valley), Gordon Virgo (Sping Valle

    "Ravioli Alley" boy and St. Bede Class of 64' alum Rich "Rock" May, formally of Ladd, now of LaSalle said, " Our cla

    wanted to do something to establish our legacy. We like to think that our eort is 'seng the pace' for other clas

    as we all work on St. Bede's large, mul-million dollar legacy enhancement project." In regard to "Ravioli Alley" R

    said, "I am a complete die-hard Ladd fan. I am anxious to see "Up Ravioli Alley." How can I start receiving it?"

    (Check out Noreen Grin of So Tailsin Ladd pulling the winning entry!)