upanisad buddha

The Essence of Spiritual Development as Taught by The Upanisads and the Buddha – A Comparative Study Prof. P. L. Dhar I.I.T. Delhi

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A comparative study of the teachings of the Upanisads and those of the Buddha.


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The Essence of Spiritual Development as Taught by

The Upanisads and the Buddha –A Comparative Study

Prof. P. L. DharI.I.T. Delhi

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Comparison based on “Theory”

• Varied interpretations of Upanisads & Buddha’s Teachings

• They are the same--highlighting the similarities : law of karma, rebirth, transitory nature of individual existence

• There are irreconcilable differences: GOD, Atman, Nature of world, Enlightened Being after death etc.

• Not of much importance from a “practical” point of view

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The Upanisadic Path

• Cause of Suffering : “avidyadosena vidyamanasya atmanah tiraskaranat” ---Sankaracharya – denial of everpresent Atman through spiritual

blindness• Spiritual development: realizing that we are

not the body-mind complex but the eternal Atman

• How to do so ?

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The Upanisadic Path

• (b) Satyena labhyastapasa hyesa atmaSamyagjnanena brahmacaryena nityam;

• Antah sarire jyotirmayo hi subhro Yam pasyantiyatayah ksinadosah – Mundudaka Upanisad(III.1.5)

• This Atman can be realized by the constant practice of truth, self-control, true knowledge andchastity. The self controlled ones, freed from sin,realize Him, the luminous and the pure One, within their own being.

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The Upanisadic Path

• (d) Drsyate tvgryaya buddhya suksmayasuksmadarsibhih – Katha Upanisad (III.12)– “The Atman is certainly realized by the

one-pointed minds of those who arecapable of seeing subtle truths, by mindswhich have been trained to grasp subtlerand subtler facts.”

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The Upanisadic Path• (g) Yacchet vak manasi prajnah, tat yacchet

jnana atmani; Jananam atmani mahatimyacchet, tat yacchet santa atmani – (KathaUp III. 13)

• “Let the wise man merge the speech in the manas, and the manas in the buddhi; let him merge the buddhi in the great self (mahat), and that great self, again, in the Self ofpeace (the Atman or Purusa)

• Consolidation by Patanjali , Bhagwad Gita

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The Upanisadic Path:Patanjali’s Yoga

• 1. Yama (i.e. abstention from injury (ahimsa),untruth (satya), stealing (asteya), incontinence(abrahmacarya) and acquisitiveness (aparigraha)

• 2. Niyama (observances like cleanliness (sauca), contentment (santusa), austerity (tapah), self-study (swadhyaya) and surrender to God(iswarpranidhana)

• 3. Asana (posture)• 4. Pranayama (regulation of breath)

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The Upanisadic Path:Patanjali’s Yoga

5. Pratyahara (withdrawal of senses from

their respective objects)

6. Dharana (contemplation)

7. Dhyana (one-pointed attention)

8. Samadhi (absorption/concentration)

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The Upanisadic Path

• Object of Meditation : Numerous suggestions , visualization, verbalization, mystic syllable OM

• Bhagwad Gita– Yukta asita matparah :“the thought of God” ; atmasamstham manah kritwa, i.e. mind firmly fixed on the Self

• Deep Absorption leads to purification of mind and eventually to merger with “Self”

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• Cause of suffering : Avidya or ignorance• Avidya: ignorance giving rise to tanha due to

instinctive reactions to the bodily feelings, the sensations , which are mostly below the threshold of our normal awareness

• Tanha makes the mind impure which leads to suffering

• Complete eradication of tanha by following the Noble Eight-fold Path

The Buddha’s Path

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• The Practice of Eightfold Noble Path• Sila : samma vaca , samma kammanta,

samma ajivo• Samadhi : samma vayamo , samma sati

, samma samadhi – emphasis of samma sati : fourfold => kaya..,

vedana.., citta..., dhamma….anupassana• Pannya: samma sankappo, samma dithi

The Buddha’s Path

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• Samma dithi is the Liberating insight yam kinci vedyati dukkhasmim

• This can arise only though practice of samma sati --especially the non-reactive observation of the sensations yatha bhuta-nana-darsanam

• This leads to purification of the mind by slowly changing our deep rooted habit pattern of instinctual response to sensations and eradicating tanha

The Buddha’s Path

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• Two types of Meditation : . samatha-bhavana and vipassana-bhavana : (Development of ) Tranquility and Insight

• Samatha :Tranquility due to increased concentration : 40 objects of meditation including one’s own respiration (Anapana)– doesn’t lead to complete extinction of suffering

since some anusaya kilesa buried in deep unconscious mind , do not get eradicated

The Buddha’s Path

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• Vipassana, or insight meditation also begins with concentration exercises…….but after mind is relatively free from distractions we begin to examine with full awareness all that is happening in the body-mind complex ,which thereby reveal their basiccharacteristics of impermanence (anicca)and impersonality (anatta).

• Detailed Instruction in Mahasatipatthana suttam

The Buddha’s Path

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• Complete purification of the mind prepares the ground for the final leap into Nibbana , the transcendental Reality

• This naturally leads to transmutation of the consciousness as old habit patterns are extinguished completely, without any residue.

• Pure mind has innate characteristics of metta, karuna, mudita and uppekkha

The Buddha’s Path

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Comparative Analysis• Similar preparatory steps : yama panc-sila• Need for calming and gaining mastery over the

mind to become Avrattcaksuh • Suggest different objects to increase the

concentration power of the mind • Final step :

– Upanisadic : meditation on “self” , OM– The Buddha : satipatthana leads to Nibbana

• The main distinction : no observation of somatic sensations/feelings in Upanisadic path

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Concluding Remarks

• The essence of spiritual development : Purification of the mind

• Final steps differ …… but not contradictory ,any one can verify the claims !!

• “Practical” result of the practice : metta , karuna, mudita , upekkha

• Any path leading to such qualities should bewelcome!!

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Thank you !!

Bhavatu sabba Mangalam!