upcoming events - the learning...

Visit our website: learningvillage.org.uk Positivity ~ Bouncebackability ~ Personal responsibility ~ Understand your impact ~ Huge goals GREENWAYS PRIMARY ACADEMY NEWSLETTER December 2018 Edition Dear Parents/Carers, November has proven to be a busy month with many fund raising events as well as Greenways Has Got Talent and parent workshops. To start the month the children enjoyed the Power of One Anti-Bullying assembly to support their learning during anti-bullying week and all children have signed the oath to ensure bullying does not happen at Greenways, which is fantastic. In addition to anti-bullying week, it was also road safety week and you will have seen the HGV truck on the playground whereby all children got to sit in the drivers seat whilst learning about being safe on our roads. The Academy received a class set of high visibility vests for children and teachers by supporting this amazing service. The fund raising that has taken place this month has been one of the biggest successes the Academy has had. Arranged by the Enterprise Department and Miss Stone, the Children in Need event raised £789.52 in total which included the raffle for Pudsey, cake sale and sponsored skip; thank you for supporting such a worthy cause. Pudsey has now found his forever home with Emily in year 4. The Greenways Has Got Talent event was also incredibly well supported by parents, which not only raised £669.50 for the PTFA, it also allowed children to shine by displaying a talent that they have. Many thanks to all parents for supporting the three nights, it was an amazing event rightfully requested by our pupils. We hope that the build up to Christmas will be just as much fun as November has been, so we look forward to seeing as many parents and family members as possible supporting our EYFS & KS1 Christmas Productions and KS2 carol concert on the last day of term. Tickets are available for all events in the office. Regards, Miss J Garside Head of School Beauty and the Beast Panto for KS1 & 2 PTFA Christmas Enterprise Fair 3.30pm-5:00pm Magician in for EYFS Singing Stars Concert at the Mitchell Arts Centre EYFS Christmas Production 9.30am KS1 Christmas Production 2.15pm Upcoming Events 06.12.18 10.12.18 KS1 Christmas Production 9.30am EYFS Christmas Production 2pm Christmas jumper day, Christmas Dinner Day & Class parties in the afternoon. KS2 Christmas Carol Concert 2.15pm 20.12.18 19.12.18 21.12.18 18.12.18 10.12.18 07.12.18 8 I just wanted to take this opportunity to give parents an update on where we were regarding our kitchen becoming fully functional. We are currently still in discussions with the council and electric companies to try and get a third fix power supply sub-station relocated so that we can power all of the new equipment and get the kitchen fully functional. We appreciate your patience and support with this and reassure you that City Catering are providing high quality lunches for your children. Kitchen Update

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Page 1: Upcoming Events - The Learning Villagelearningvillage.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/December-2018.pdf · Positivity ~ Bouncebackability ~ Personal responsibility ~ Understand

Visit our website: learningvillage.org.uk

Positivity ~ Bouncebackability ~ Personal responsibility ~ Understand your impact ~ Huge goals


Dear Parents/Carers, November has proven to be a busy month with many fund raising events as well as Greenways Has Got Talent and parent workshops. To start the month the children enjoyed the Power of One Anti-Bullying assembly to support their learning during anti-bullying week and all children have signed the oath to ensure bullying does not happen at Greenways, which is fantastic. In addition to anti-bullying week, it was also road safety week and you will have seen the HGV truck on the playground whereby all children got to sit in the drivers seat whilst learning about being safe on our roads. The Academy received a class set of high visibility vests for children and teachers by supporting this amazing service. The fund raising that has taken place this month has been one of the biggest successes the Academy has had. Arranged by the Enterprise Department and Miss Stone, the Children in Need event raised £789.52 in total which included the raffle for Pudsey, cake sale and sponsored skip; thank you for supporting such a worthy cause. Pudsey has now found his forever home with Emily in year 4. The Greenways Has Got Talent event was also incredibly well supported by parents, which not only raised £669.50 for the PTFA, it also allowed children to shine by displaying a talent that they have. Many thanks to all parents for supporting the three nights, it was an amazing event rightfully requested by our pupils. We hope that the build up to Christmas will be just as much fun as November has been, so we look forward to seeing as many parents and family members as possible supporting our EYFS & KS1 Christmas Productions and KS2 carol concert on the last day of term. Tickets are available for all events in the office. Regards, Miss J Garside Head of School

Beauty and the Beast Panto for

KS1 & 2

PTFA Christmas Enterprise Fair 3.30pm-5:00pm

Magician in for EYFS

Singing Stars Concert at the Mitchell Arts


EYFS Christmas Production 9.30am

KS1 Christmas

Production 2.15pm

Upcoming Events 06.12.18 10.12.18

KS1 Christmas Production 9.30am

EYFS Christmas Production 2pm

Christmas jumper day, Christmas

Dinner Day & Class parties in the


KS2 Christmas Carol Concert


20.12.18 19.12.18 21.12.18

18.12.18 10.12.18 07.12.18


I just wanted to take this opportunity to give

parents an update on where we were regarding our kitchen becoming fully functional. We are currently still in discussions with the council and electric companies to try and get a third fix power supply sub-station relocated so that we can power all of the new equipment and get the kitchen fully functional. We appreciate your patience and support with this and reassure you that City Catering are providing high quality lunches for your children.

Kitchen Update

Page 2: Upcoming Events - The Learning Villagelearningvillage.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/December-2018.pdf · Positivity ~ Bouncebackability ~ Personal responsibility ~ Understand

Visit our website: learningvillage.org.uk

Positivity ~ Bouncebackability ~ Personal responsibility ~ Understand your impact ~ Huge goals

Thank you for supporting our PTFA event—Greenways Has Got Talent event this year. Below we have a photo of our winner who showed us all that Greenways really does have Talent!

This year our Inclusion and Equality Department have launched the Signal 1 shoebox appeal where children and parents were invited to fill a shoe box full of goodies for a child in a Eastern Europe.

We have filled approximately 100 boxes which is an amazing achievement and will be gifted to children as Christmas boxes in December. Many thanks for your kind support and generosity with this.

Children in Need 2018 Thank you for all of the kind donations for our Children in Need event. Below is a phot of our Year 4 winner who has now given Pudsey his forever home!


Shoe Box Appeal Currently we have many after school clubs taking place across all key stages in the academy, which also include sports. As the weather begins to change there may be days where clubs such as football or netball have to be cancelled for the children’s safety and well-being. If this is the case, a text will be sent as soon as possible so that parents can arrange alternative child care if needed. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Also, can parents/carers please ensure they collect their child/ren from after school clubs promptly. Staff who do not work within the academy have commitments following Greenways after school clubs and are not able to supervise children for an addition 15 minutes before they are collected. If you are unsure what time a club finishes, please check with the staff member running the club or the November newsletter. Please do let the office know if someone else is collecting your child from an after school club. Many thanks.

Christmas Enterprise Fair On Friday 7th December, the PTFA will be hosting our annual Christmas Enterprise fair whereby festive treats will be on sale which have been made by the children.

The PTFA will be present selling tea/coffee and cakes and there will be a used book stall where you can grab a bargain of an

enjoyable read.

Please come along and support this event which will start at 3.30pm until 5.00pm.

Greenways Has Got Talent

After School Clubs

Thank-you! As you may have noticed, on our KS1 and KS2 playgrounds we have recently purchased some planters for our children to plant bulbs in to support their science learning on British flowers and seasons. Can I please say a big thankyou to the staff at Thursfield Nurseries, especially Guy Thursfield, for making the planters for us and supplying us with free bulbs to support the children's learning, as well as making an attractive feature on our playgrounds.

Page 3: Upcoming Events - The Learning Villagelearningvillage.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/December-2018.pdf · Positivity ~ Bouncebackability ~ Personal responsibility ~ Understand

Visit our website: learningvillage.org.uk

Positivity ~ Bouncebackability ~ Personal responsibility ~ Understand your impact ~ Huge goals


Monthly Attendance

Nursery 96.69%

Reception 95.34%

Year 1 94.78%

Year 2 98.68%

Year 3 98.13%

Year 4 97.82%

Year 5 90.26%

Year 6 96.26%

Whole Academy

Target = 96%
