update anti aging medicine


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Post on 13-Apr-2017



Health & Medicine

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Chandrawati, dr, M.Biomed.AAM

Common belief

• Aging is considered as a “normal” cycle of life that must be accepted with no argue.

• Destiny • Therefore in general, aging people accept any dysfunction

as a natural disorder or disease even though it disturbs their quality of life

Can we do something ?

• Aging Aging gracefully • Healthy Aging

However, many basic and clinical data showed that aging process can be

delayed, even reversed

Why do we age?

2 Major Problems :

As all diseases, aging can be

• Prevented

• Treated

• Reversed

The change of paradigm should be expressed in the medical services

ANTI AGING IS NOT ….. • Plastic surgery (facelift,

tummy tucks, etc)

• Getting new joints with orthopedic surgery

• Treating aches and pains with medication

• Expensive laser treatment

• Anti aging creams

• Bigger breast

• Skinny

• Thick and shiny hair

ANTI AGING IS more than….

Application in daily practice:

• Early detection of aging process and age-related disorders or dysfunctions

• Advice or suggestion for practicing healthy life style

• Replacement therapy: supplement, hormone, stem cell therapy in the next

Early detection of aging process and

age-related disorders or dysfunctions

should be based on

• signs and symptoms

• physical examination

• Biochemistry tests for biomarkers of aging

One of early signs and symptoms

of aging process is sexual dysfunction

• Sexual dysfunctions and other

• sexual problems often cause stress

• and disturb the quality of life

Suggestion for practicing healthy life style

• •enough sleep or rest

• •healthy diet

• •regular exercise

• •avoid toxic substance

• •avoid or manage stress

• •healthy sex

Miss Venezuela 2000 Eva Ekvall has died at 28 because of breast cancer

• “We invest a lot of money in looking beautiful and not in health care"

• “There's a huge taboo around breast cancer. But in this country people get their boobs done every day, so I don't understand how breast cancer can be a problem when everybody's showing their breasts"

So far, around 24 factors have met the criteria and can be considered biomarkers. They may be indicated especially for males or for females, and

figures may vary between the sexes. http://www.anti-aging-plan.com/en/biomarkers_of_aging

1. 17-ketosteroid/ 17-hydroxycortiosteroid ratio (male)

2. Ascorbic acid

3. Basal Metabolic Rate

4. Blood pressure- pulse

5. Blood pressure- systolic

6. Body Mass Index (female)

7. Caries index

8. Creatinine clearance


10. Fibrinogen

11. Hair baldness (male)

12. Hair grayness

13. Handgrip strength

14. Hemoglobin A1C

15. Lung capacity- FEV1

16. Lung capacity- FVC

17. Maximum oxygen update (male)

18. Near vision

19. Noradrenaline- plasma (male)

20. Peridontal index

21. PSA total (male)

22. Skin elasticity

23. Testosterone free (male)

24. Zinc- serum

Replacement therapy

• Treatment can be given to combat all causative factors of aging process

• The use of certain antioxidant is scientifically proved to combat free radicals

• Replacement therapy is considered to reverse decreased level of any substances needed for optimal function of body system

• Replacement therapy for decreased or deficient hormones, supplementation of mineral, vitamin, or other essential substances, and stem cell therapy.

New Hope

Telomeres & Aging

• It is believed that shortened telomeres in mitotic (dividing) cells may be responsible for some of the changes we associate with normal aging.

How Does Telomerase Work?

• Some cells are immortal because their telomerase is switched on

• Examples of immortal cells: blood cells and cancer cells

• Cancer cells do not age because they produce telomerase, which keeps the telomere intact.