update on the alignment of seed policies to sadc seed protocol - malawi

Malawi Task Teams (Seed, Variety Release and Phytosanitary and Quarantine Measures)

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Update on the alignment of Seed policies to SADC Seed protocol - Malawi. Malawi Task Teams (Seed, Variety Release and Phytosanitary and Quarantine Measures). Introduction. Status of the policies Seed Act (1996) – outdated and now undergoing review - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Malawi Task Teams(Seed, Variety Release and Phytosanitary and Quarantine


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IntroductionStatus of the policies

Seed Act (1996) – outdated and now undergoing review

Variety Release – non- existent (release through the ATCC) non-exhaustive approach.

Malawi does not yet have the legislation for the awarding of plant variety protection

A variety release committee has been institutionalized to work under the ATCC.

Plant Protection Act (1969)– draft bill ready and

regulations outdated.

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ApproachThree task teams (Experts) were constituted:

Variety ReleasePhytosanitary and Quarantine measuresSeed Certification and Quality assurance

The teams have met twice, the first meeting for a briefing and the second one was to commence the exercise.

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Review of Seed Legislation The following documents were gathered;

Seed Act, 1996, Seed Policy, 1993 and Seed Regulations, 2003

Gaps were identified in the documents

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Seed Policy gapsThe policy needs to include key operational

institutional and operational linkagesAbsence of public and private sectors,

CGIARs and civil societies partnership DSU not in the legislation

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Policy gaps continued..Seed production to include individual/ group

associations not only companiesPBR system to include all crops and not

hybrids only Composition of the ‘National seed

Commission’ spelt out Inclusion of some omitted cropsAdministration of the inspection, Registration

and testing fees spelt out in the new Act

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Gaps identified in the ActThese included, for example: no provision for

horticulture and forestry seeds, absence of mechanized hybrid production..etc

QDS not included now to be taken on boardSuggestion to establish Seed Certification

Scheme which will be semi autonomous Refusal/cancellation procedures to be

incorporated in the Act

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Seed Regulations GapsRelated to harvesting of hybrid seed, forms,

addition of crops under compulsory certification and labeling

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PHYTOSANITARY AND QUARANTINE LEGISLATIONDraft Plant Protection Bill is ready to be

submitted to CabinetTook into account the Regional and

international protocol – IPPC, WTO, SADC and COMESA

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Review of RegulationsProcess initiated, identified gap and

suggested amendments to the regulations.Reviewed schedule in terms of proceduresReviewed the list for pest of quarantine

importance for movement of seed within SADC countries

Yet to start the review of pest list of quarantine importance if seed is coming from outside SADC

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Variety ReleaseGathered and analyzed relevant documents

that have a bearing on seed variety release:Environmental ActSeed Act (1988 and 1996)Malawi Plant Breeder’s Rights (Draft Bill)Seed Policy 1993National Agriculture PolicySADC Plant Variety Protection ProtocolSADC Seed Harmonisation Protocol

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ApproachThe VRC legislation is going to be

incorporated into the Seed ActTo include DUS and VCU

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ConclusionsHad some teething coordination problem but

hope to sort them as soon as we get backThe delays due to logistics have been

surmountedWork calendar – annual review meetings Exercise will be accomplished!

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Thank you for your attentionasante sana!!