update on the diphoton + met analysis

Update on the Diphoton + MET Analysis Bruce Schumm, channeling Ben Auerbach (Argonne), Osamu Jinnouchi (Tokyo Tech), Susan Fowler (Penn) UC Santa Cruz / SCIPP 6 March 2014 SUSY General Analysis Meeting

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Update on the Diphoton + MET Analysis. Bruce Schumm, channeling Ben Auerbach (Argonne), Osamu Jinnouchi (Tokyo Tech), Susan Fowler (Penn) UC Santa Cruz / SCIPP 6 March 2014 SUSY General Analysis Meeting. Conference Note public in early January: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Update on the Diphoton + MET Analysis

Update on the Diphoton + MET Analysis

Bruce Schumm, channeling Ben Auerbach (Argonne), Osamu

Jinnouchi (Tokyo Tech), Susan Fowler (Penn)

UC Santa Cruz / SCIPP

6 March 2014 SUSY General Analysis Meeting

Page 2: Update on the Diphoton + MET Analysis

06 March 2014 2

Conference Note public in early January:

Search for Supersymmetry in Diphoton Events with Large MissingTransverse Momentum in 8 TeV pp Collision Data with the ATLASDetector


List of Tasks generated to move from note to paper…

Page 3: Update on the Diphoton + MET Analysis

04 June 2013 3

First: MC performance on tight-tight sample

LocHadTopo has slightly larger tails than MetRefFinal

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04 June 2013 4

• QCDtg+Iso close to tight-tight (signal) distribution proxy for high MET• QCDtg provides good representation of tight-tight MET distribution• QCDg+Iso also looks good but statistics are low.

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04 June 2013 5

• For LocHadTopo, both QCDtg and QCDg seen to provide a good representation of the tight-tight MET distribution (again, using QCDtg-Iso as a proxy at high MET)

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16 July 2013 6

Next: Signal Regions

We define five signal regions, for:

• Strong production, high and low bino mass (SP1,SP2)• Weak production, high and low bino mass (WP1,WP2)• Choose MET cut to suppress backgrounds (MIS)

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04 June 2013 7

Direct Background Estimate Methodology


e.g. for signal region WP2

Estimate = C*(A/B)

Nominal control sample is QCDtg_50_noIso

This is METRefFinal; can also look at QCDtg and QCDg of LocHadTopo









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19 December 2012 8

Nominal QCD Background

Control Region Study

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19 December 2012 9

We have performed the WP2 QCD background estimate without the \dphij cut, finding that the expected background rises from $0.90 \pm 0.35$ to $1.7 \pm 0.5$. It should be noted that the background would be expected to rise with the removal of the \dphij cut; if the `gg' distribution of Fig.~\ref{fig:dphij} is the correct distribution of the WP2 QCD background, this increase would be about 20\%, to 1.1 events. The observed value of 1.7 events is approximately 50% higher than this, which we interpret as an additional 50% systematic uncertainty on both the WP2 and MIS QCD background estimates.


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19 December 2012 10

QCDg+Iso Comparison

LocHadTopo Comparison

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16 July 2013 11

SP1 Meff


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SP2 Meff


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16 July 2013 13

Combining all the above information yields the following overall result for

QCD background(See Note for justifications…)

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04 June 2013 14

Electroweak Backgrounds (W, ttbar, etc.)

~75% involve e fake; much of remainder incorporatedin QCD backgrounds

Reconstruct e sample; scale by measured e fake rate

+/- 25% uncertainty from non e fake processes

+/- 10% uncertainty from fake rate measurement

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04 June 2013 15

e Fake Rate Results

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e Sample Statistics and EW Background Estimates

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04 June 2013 17

Irreducible Backgrounds

Z; Z

• Small contribution • NLO K-factor 2.0 +/- 0.3 (well understood) Estimate directly from MC

W; Wl

• Larger contribution• NLO K-factor 3.0 +/- 3.0• Dominant background systematic Constrain with new data-driven study

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04 June 2013 18

W K Factor


LO “radiation zero” eliminated at NLOGrows with hardness of radiation Rapidly-varying function of W system recoil

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04 June 2013 19

Can we constrain the W K factorwith an lgg (l = e,) sample?

Ben Auerbach

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04 June 2013 20

Choose study region to be • 50 < MET < 250 (leave MIS signal region blind)

• PT(l) > 100

Ben Auerbach

Nexpected = 7.4 (6.5 W)

Nobserved = 7.0

K factor of 3.0 +\- 1.2

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16 July 2013 21

Irreducible background results

And then putting it all together…

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16 July 2013 22

60 < MET < 100 Sideband Studies – No Dphi cut

100 < MET < 150 Sideband Studies – No Dphi cut

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16 July 2013 23

60 < MET < 100 Sideband – Dphi_g_MET > 0.5

100 < MET < 150 Sideband – Dphi_g_MET > 0.5

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16 July 2013 24


• Preliminary estimates of background completed

• Note updated with new background studies (nearly done) ATL-COM-PHYS-2013-109

• Addressing comments from prior review (before p1328/p1181 MET changes that threw us back)

• Starting to build toward request for unblinding

• In the mean time, are developing limit-setting approach, and beginning to evaluate signal systematics

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04 June 2013 25

MET Issues

• Are latest (“post-Moriond”?) object definitions included in p3128 EGamma10NoTauLoose MET?

• We will need in any case to assemble our own “fluctuated” EGamma10NoTauLoose in order to do systematic studies

• But for now, background estimates largely insensitive to MET systematics (data-driven), so could use intrinsic p1328 variable if “approved”

• Will definitely need to be able to assemble EGamma10NoTauLoose from scratch soon though.