updated pitch – post feedback

By Itamar, Toby, Mitch and Zak UPDATED PITCH – POST FEEDBACK

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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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By Itamar, Toby, Mitch and Zak


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THE 3 IDEAS• Our ideas remained the same:

• Biblical – Biffy Clyro

• Duality – Slipknot

• The Pretender – Foo Fighters

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THE STAR IMAGE• The star image will also remain the same since we are going for a kind of Biffy Clyro look

since their image is represented as organic as the band members will never wear the same clothes. Additionally, band members in the rock genre typically include wearing short/no sleeves or go shirtless in order to display their tattoos. The clothes that we will wear in our music video is very specific as there will be no two band members wearing the same clothes. This will add diversity to our band as we will all dress originally unlike synthetic bands.

• The location of which we will use will help us address our star image since we will be performing as a band at the Waterloo graffiti tunnel. This location adds to the dark and complex-looking background of which we plan to use in order to give an aspect of originality and help the audience understand from the get-go that we are an organic rock band. Other bands have performed in similar locations such as Foo Fighters, Biffy Clyro.

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TARGET AUDIENCE• Our target audience has changed from 13-25 to 15-40 as we believe those age ranges

will all be interested in watching our music video, since even older people have been brought up with the rock eras of the 80s and 90s therefore they would still like our music video.

• Since our music video narrative is about the conflict of inner emotions, we believe people within that age group can have personal relations and/or experiences with out narrative, thus leading them to understand and enjoy the music video.

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PERFORMANCE ELEMENT• We plan to film the band playing in the Waterloo graffiti tunnel (after having been given

permission to film there) which we believe is a suitable location to fit in with our bands image. Other similar bands such as Foo Fighters, Biffy Clyro and Nirvana have filmed in similar locations. There will be other locations used in the narrative element of our music video such as empty rooms, the outdoors and an office. We believe that a range of locations as such can help give a variety of our performance element and it will help illustrate our narrative element as well.

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NARRATIVE ELEMENT• The beginning of the song will feature the band warming up in the graffiti tunnel, with

various cuts back and forth between the band and the main character getting dressed smartly for work. There will then be conflicts between himself and his girlfriend and his workplace, thus leading him to become angrier over time. Towards the end of the music video the main character ends up being taken over by his inner-self which is demonstrated by the character destroying his workplace and room. Towards the end of the song the band will play a lot more aggressively which is portrayed by their facial expressions and aggressive movements with their instruments. The song finishes with the main character’s inner-self having won and taken over the character’s body, therefore he will no longer have to be “the pretender”, since the song adds to the narrative that there is an inner turmoil between the body and the mind.

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CASTING• The casting has been altered slightly:

• Itamar Blauer – Leader singer + Main character

• Mitch Levy – Drummer + Backup vocals

• Toby Taylor – Bassist

• Oriyya Rekhavi – Guitarist (We chose to have a female guitar player as it will add to our diversity and we can relate to other bands that have females such as Evanescence.)

• Zak Rosenfeld – Cameraman

• NOTE: We will all be using the cameras depending on which shots are being filmed, for example if there are shots of just a guitar player, the lead singer could film that; since we will ensure that all members of the band will film scenes within the music video.

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PROPS• More props will be needed including an office and office paraphernalia, yet we will still

include all the instruments (guitar, drums, bass (inc. microphone)), lighting kit and clothes.