uplands school weekly newsletter - term 1 issue 6 - 25 september 2015 final

1 To all in the Uplands Community, It is hard to believe we are only a fortnight away from the Mid Term Holiday in October. August and September have flown by as we have made the usual blistering start to the academic year. Next week we will be making final preparations to the Secondary School Experiential Learning Trips before we start the very exciting week away from school. (Please refer to the letter I wrote, earlier this week, to all Secondary Parents about the effect of haze on the daily activities on the trips should the air quality change during the week.) Regular activity updates will be sent from each of the trips. These updates will be posted on Facebook as they arrive! It has also been a very busy period in the Primary School. Please read the Primary News section find out more about their activities. If you have not already done so, do come and view the Year 6 & 7 Art in the Foyer. A selection of pieces have been included in this week’s newsletter. Have a great weekend! Yours sincerely, Matthew Bristow Principal Contents Message from the Principal Secondary News Mathematics Year 7 Science PSAT – Year 11 & 12 Year 7S Poems Tips for Managing Exams Primary School News Experiential Learning Programme 2015 Lip Sync – Battle kicks off a fun weekend in Boarding The IB Learner Profile Inter-House Photo Competition UPTA News Upcoming Events

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The weekly newsletter of The International School of Penang (Uplands)


Page 1: Uplands School Weekly Newsletter - Term 1 Issue 6 - 25 September 2015 Final


To all in the Uplands Community,

It is hard to believe we are only a

fortnight away from the Mid Term

Holiday in October. August and

September have flown by as we have

made the usual blistering start to the

academic year.

Next week we will be making final

preparations to the Secondary School Experiential

Learning Trips before we start the very exciting

week away from school. (Please refer to the letter I

wrote, earlier this week, to all Secondary Parents

about the effect of haze on the daily activities on the

trips should the air quality change during the week.)

Regular activity updates will be sent from each of

the trips. These updates will be posted on Facebook

as they arrive!

It has also been a very busy period in the Primary

School. Please read the Primary News section find

out more about their activities. If you have not

already done so, do come and view the Year 6 & 7

Art in the Foyer. A selection of pieces have been

included in this week’s newsletter.

Have a great weekend!

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Bristow


Contents Message from the Principal Secondary News Mathematics Year 7 Science PSAT – Year 11 & 12 Year 7S Poems Tips for Managing Exams Primary School News Experiential Learning Programme 2015 Lip Sync – Battle kicks off a fun weekend in Boarding The IB Learner Profile Inter-House Photo Competition UPTA News Upcoming Events

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Today sees the end of Week 6 of the current academic year and it is has been another broken

week, with the public holiday for Hari Raya Haji taking place yesterday. I am currently in the

process of preparing a proposed calendar for the next academic year and I hope to be able to

publish these dates after half term.

We continue to have many visits from various universities throughout the world. It is extremely

important that all students in the senior year levels (Year 10 and above) start to think about what

tertiary education they wish to pursue and also where they would like to do this. These visits

give the students the opportunity to gather more information about each university, as well as

information in regards to the availability of scholarships.

A gentle reminder that Secondary Progress Reports will be distributed on Friday 2 October with

Parent Teacher Consultations taking place on Tuesday 27 October, between 8:00am and 3:30pm.

The online booking process will be communicated to you over the coming weeks. Please take an

active interest in your child’s education and make appointments with their teachers to discuss

their effort and attainment.

Next Thursday we will be holding a Parent Information Evening for Key Stage 3 (Years 7 – 9)

between 6:30pm and 8:00pm. This will take place in the Block F MPH with our Head of

Curriculum & Assessment, Mr Paul Rose, and the Key Stage 3 Coordinator, Ms Easton,

presenting information about the curriculum and assessment, including the reporting “levels”.

We look forward to seeing you there next week.

Have a great weekend

Craig Skinner

Head of Secondary School

[email protected]

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For more information: http://www.3plearning.com/worldeducationgames/

As this will take place during the half-term holidays, please register individually if you wish to

participate. It is FREE.

Justine Bell, Head of English; Julie Tan, Head of Maths; Michael White, Head of Science

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Year 7 have been studying a Unit of work on cells in living organisms. They started off by looking

at pre-prepared slides of a range of animal and plant cells. They then prepared their own slide

of onion cells by taking a very thin layer of onion skin, staining it, and then placing it on a

microscope slide. This procedure is quite a tedious operation as can be seen from the photos.

Seeing real cells for the first time was a new and rewarding experience for the students.

Michael White

Head of Faculty Science

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PSAT - Limited Spaces available

We still have a few spaces available for this highly recommended preparation for the SAT test.

For those considering going to the USA for University, and some in Singapore, this is HIGHLY

RECOMMENDED. The SAT is changing in May of this year, and this will be the first test to

prepare and give a view to the new version. Email or see Mr. Mitchell by Wednesday of next


Bill Mitchell

Head of Pastoral, Universities & Careers

In English, 7S students have been looking at some poems to begin the year. What better way to

begin a year?

The Melbourne poet, Chris Wallace-Crabbe, has been providing inspiration. In his wonderful

collection Selected Poems 1956 – 1994, there is a small section entitled “The Bits and Pieces” which

contains a selection of poetic descriptions of everyday objects: Emu, Nectarines, Telephone, to name

a few. You can find them all at the Australian Poetry Library’s website.

7S students have been writing some “bits and pieces” poems of their own. Their intimate

observation, control of rhyme and sophisticated use of imagery and metaphor have been terrific

to observe. Enjoy!

Thanks again

James Butterfield

English Teacher

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This is the third article offering guidance on study, revision and exam preparation. As you

already know, pupils in years 10 to 13 will be receiving some coaching and guidance about study,

revision and exam preparation as part of their PSHE lessons this semester.

Mr. Johnston (School Counselor) and Mrs. Bush (Learning Support) have submitted 3 articles

each a fortnight apart in the newsletter which aim to provide parents with a summary of

information given to the pupils in PHSE so that they can support their child at home to study

and revise effectively.

The articles were entitled:

· Tips for effective Study (Friday 28th August newsletter)

· Tips for effective Revision (Friday 11th September newsletter)

· Tips for Managing Exams

Exam Skills

The countdown to exams.

The countdown to exams starts at the beginning of the school year and for many subjects course

work starts before this in previous years.

The wise student knows this and studies accordingly. This means:

· Pay attention

· Ask Questions

· Discuss your work

· Keep up with assignments

· Produce quality work

· Organize your work

All these things contribute in a small way to better exam performance and revision.

It takes lots small brush strokes to paint a picture

The run up to exams

As exams get closer a student needs to adopt a more disciplined attitude. This helps in two main


· Planning and preparation for the exam

· Managing stress and increasing confidence

Both of these things will increase your performance and results.

Adopt a positive mental attitude toward your exams.

Stress has a detrimental effect on your ability to recall information and perform at your best.

However the right amount of ‘vital tension’ is also useful to enhance your performance.

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Positive ways to think about exams is to treat them as:

· Your opportunity to show people what you know.

· Your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding and skills.

Turn ‘fear’ into ‘excitement’ and turn ‘anxiety’ into ‘vital tension’ to help mentally prepare.

Closer to exams

Shift the balance of study time toward exam preparation.

Consider the following

Social life

· Put it on hold for a while

· Reduce nights out and late evenings

· Plan the rewards you will give yourself after the exams

Exam preparation

· Adapt your schedule

· Let your friends know

· Let your family know

Look after yourself

· Eat, drink and sleep well

· Take exercise

· Plan your down time

Study time and revision as exams get closer (refer to previous articles)

By now you will know what exams you are actually taking. Make sure your schedule allocates

time to each exam subject. Create the best revision schedule you can.

· Divide your time up logically

· Build in down time / breaks to give your brain a rest.

· Study hard topics as well as easy ones

· Stop study at a reasonable time

· Be self-disciplined

· Use the time productively (e.g. ask yourself ‘Is working with friends helping’?)

The best schedule in the world is useless unless YOU use the time effectively.

YOU are the person who will make the difference for YOU

Use a variety of study and revision methods (see previous articles)

Exam preparation

Know the exam format

A good start is to know the exam format. Knowing what to expect will reduce stress, and being

familiar with the format will help build confidence.

Make sure you know exactly what is required for each exam. Ask your teacher – Practice the


The format could include:

· Multiple choice

· Short answers

· Essay

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· Recital

· Oral presentation

And many more.

When you know the format be prepared and practice:

· Establish how many questions there will be.

· Be familiar with the vocabulary used.

· Work on the pace required to complete the exam

· Identify areas you need to develop.

When working through past papers

· Become aware of the questions that challenge you most

· Become aware of questions where the wording is not clear to you.

Seek help from your teachers to improve your understanding.

During the exam period

Know when and where to be

Have your timetable handy and let your parents or dorm staff know your schedule too (as back


Be mentally and physically prepared on the day

Go to bed at a reasonable time, make sure you sleep well, make sure you are fed and hydrated.


Arrive in plenty of time for your exam, bring all the equipment you will need for the exam and

go to the toilet before the exam.

These simple steps help reduce stress on the day. Be relaxed and focused - your preparation will

help ensure you are ready.

Arriving to an exam late or ill prepared will increase stress unnecessarily.

An important reminder

Beware of cramming

‘Cramming is the equivalent of stuffing your body before a sports event. If you stuff your brains

with too much information at the last minute it does not have the processing time it needs to

recall information efficiently. This increases the chances of a ‘mental block’ in the exam.

Furthermore the crammed information disappears quickly after study anyway. Cramming is

usually a fear response to lack of preparation and is usually a fear inducing, sick making, waste

of time’.

(Tony Buzan – memory expert)

In the exam

Exam Technique

Go into the exam with a positive attitude. This is your opportunity to showcase what you know

Take your time

· Read the instructions on the front sheet of the paper

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· Understand the instructions

· Follow the instructions

· Know what questions to answer

· Know where to put your answers.

Use Reading time

· Read the paper through

· Plan your approach

· Identify questions you can answer immediately

Work at a steady pace

· Not too fast / too slow

· Work consistently and persistently

Work steadily and methodically

· Start with straight forward questions

· Don’t dwell on those you can’t do – move on

· Return to the harder questions later

· Work through each question in a structured way.

Stay composed and work accurately

· Read the questions carefully (underline or highlight key words)

· Give yourself time to answer

· Allocate time for the question

Answer the question carefully

· Write neatly and legibly

· Draw diagrams large and accurately

· Read back your answer and consider how well it answers the question

Stay composed

· Stay alert and focused

· If you become short of time stay calm – note the main points of remaining questions

· If you finish early check your work thoroughly

· Never leave the exam early

If you are stuck · Calmly go to the next question

· Return to the unfinished question later

· If you are really stuck make an informed guess

Multiple choice questions

· Eliminate the answers you know are wrong

· Beware of careless mistakes

· Read the instructions / questions carefully

After the exam

· Give yourself a small reward

· Look ahead positively to the next one

· Avoid worrying reflections e.g. talking to friends afterwards.

Above all

Give it your best shot, perform as well as you can and prepare as well as you can.

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Exams are important but they are not the only key to a successful future.

In-School Supports

If you experience exam stress to a level which adversely affects your performance do

something about it early. You can ask for support in exam (stress) management by

contacting Mr. Johnston (School Counselor)

If you need support to develop practical exam management skills (study, revision,

organization, scheduling etc.) you can contact Mrs. Bush (Learning Support)

For subject related issues please speak to your teachers or tutors.

In each case, if you need support the sooner you can address your needs the better.

And Finally

We hope this series of 3 articles was useful for you as both students and parents in

helping you think and plan for your important exam years.

David Johnston – School Counselor Merissa Bush – Learning Support

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This week it was the rain causing disruption to our programme. On Wednesday, Year 4 students

were unable to visit the Youth Park as planned however a back-up plan was put into action and

the MPH replaced the Youth Park. Special thanks goes to Gillian Gray for sharing her expertise

with the children in Year 4. On Wednesday evening many parents came to visit classes to learn

more about what the PYP looks like in the different year groups. In November we have planned

an Introduction to the IB PYP Parent Information Session designed specifically for parents who

are new to the programme.

Year 3 have re-scheduled their visit to Taiping Zoo on Thursday, 1st October. Year 6 will present

their Fashion Parade on Thursday 1st October at 10:30am in the foyer. Parents are invited to

attend. On Friday morning, 2nd October year 6 students plan to visit the Batik Factory in Teluk


Future Events

Thursday 1st October – Year 3 visit to Taiping Zoo

Thursday 1st October – Year 6 Fashion Parade – 10:30am – foyer

Friday 2nd October – Year 6 visit to Batik factory, Teluk Bahang – 8:45 – 11:30am

10th - 18th October – School Closed – Half-term break

Thursday 29th October – Primary Halloween Party – 5:00-7:30pm

Friday 13th November – Year 5/6 Production – Penangpac Theatre, Straits Quay

Tuesday 24th November – An Introduction to the IB PYP

for parents new to Uplands Primary – 7:00pm

Wednesday 16th December – Whole School Christmas Concert – 6:30pm

Have an enjoyable weekend.

Alison Nicholson

Head of Primary

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I enjoyed visiting the Mosque and learning about how Muslims pray. I

enjoyed eating roti canai and drinking teh tarik. I like walking around

and smelling different foods. Lastly, I enjoyed listening to the man from

the Mosque reciting in Arabic language.

Johanne 5s

I’ve learnt that the Buddhists burn joss sticks to pray to their Gods, there

are different sizes of joss sticks. The Muslim kids have to learn the Arabic

language, reading and writing so that they can read their Holy Book

because they have to memorize it.

Vridhi 5s

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Indonesia and Thailand

The Experiential Learning Programme is only two weeks away, and I hope you are feeling as

excited as I am! All the opportunities for adventure, community service, forging stronger

friendships and a stronger sense of community, belonging and personal growth! How could we

not feel enthusiastic? Personally, I'm a strong proponent of experiential learning as it offers the

students the opportunity to learn through experience and reflection upon that experience. As

John Dewey, the American philosopher, psychologist and educational reformer once noted: ”We

do not learn from experience; we learn from reflecting upon experience”, and that's exactly the

opportunity we want to create for Uplands' students. Please keep in mind that an important

function of education at any level is to develop the personality of the individual and the

significance of his life to him- or herself and as well as to others. I sincerely hope that this year's

Experiential Learning Program is a firm step in that direction.

Having mentioned the above, there are a few logistical matters I'd like to share to avoid confusion

and misunderstandings.

The flight details for the Year 10 trip to Bintan, Indonesia are as follows:



We shall be meeting 2 ½ hours prior to departure at Secret Recipe; a place which is situated at

the Departure Hall of Penang Airport and is easy to spot and recognise. I shall be there waiting

for you.

The flight details for the Year 11 trip to Krabi, Thailand are as follows:

Flight Details:





Likewise, Mr. Skinner will be there awaiting you 2 ½ hours prior to departure time at Secret


Upon return, please pick your children up at the airport in a timely manner. Also, make sure to

inform a staff member from Uplands before taking your child with you.

During our trip, you can contact the school if you have any queries related to our trip. The trip

leaders and school administration will be in contact at all times.

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Next, for those who haven’t done so as yet, please remember to complete the request for

information through SurveyMonkey:

For year 10:


For year 11:


The SurveyMonkey login is:



Please complete the surveys as soon as possible as the information is crucial for the insurance.

Finally, please allow me to ask you once more to pack lightly as your children might have to

carry their luggage for quite a distance before reaching their accommodation.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me through

[email protected]

Thank you.

With kind regards,

Kim Derudder

Head of Year 10 & 11


Year 12 Padang residential trip 4-9 October 2015


TRAVEL BAG-preferably a Rucksack ( Not huge suitcase, recommend 10kg max)

Small carry on bag










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Flight details;

Fly Penang-KL-Padang

AK6111 04OCT PG-KL 0835 0935

AK405 04OCT KL-PDG 1325 1330

AK404 09OCT PDG-KL 1355 1605

AK6128 09OCT KL-PG 1935 2030


Sunday-Tuesday will be spent at Echo Homestay, Harau. The best source of information

regarding the homestay is via TripAdvisor.

Wednesday and Thursday we will be staying at Nuansa Maninjau Resort; website,




Year 12 Trip- The program and outline of activities

Trip outline:

Day 1, Sun 4 Oct, arrive in Padang, go straight to Harau with stops in between

Next 4 days, until Wed afternoon, we do a mix of adventure activities and CIP:

- Rafting

- Waterfall trek

- Night trek

- Flying fox into village pool

- Campfire

- CIP:

o Build road

o Paint houses (potential house repair)

o Paint chairs in local school + interaction

Day 4: Wed 7 Oct: late afternoon, go to Maninjau, check into Nuansa

Day 5: Full day at Maninjau

Day 6: go home.

More details:

Day 1. Sun 4 Oct. Drive from airport to Minang Kabau village, see beautiful traditional Minang

Kabau houses at the lunch stop. After lunch, drive to Indonesia’s old historic capital, Bukittingi,

and see the Japanese tunnels and Panorama Park. Following this, we drive to Harau Valley,

check in at Echo home stay, dinner, night briefing.

Day 2. Mon 5 Oct. After breakfast full day CIP (construct volleyball field and do road building).

After dinner we do a night walk.

Day 3. Tue 6 Oct. After breakfast half day CIP until lunch time.

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Plan the public game on day 4 together with the local people

In the afternoon we divide the group in 2:

Group A. Flying fox +waterfall trek.

Group B. Bamboo rafting

After dinner camp fire Jagung Bakar, Pisang Bakar (BBQ corn and banana)

Day 4. Wed 7 Oct. After breakfast:

Group A. Bamboo Rafting

Group B. Flying fox +waterfall trek.

After that, organize a carnival game on the new volleyball field!!

After this event we go to Nuansa hotel, stopping on the way at Lawang Panorama and Sungai

Landir Panorama.

Check in to Nuansa hotel.

Day 5. Thu 8 Oct. After breakfast agriculture trek with breathtaking panoramic views over one

of the world’s most beautiful lakes.

After lunch back to Nuansa hotel rest and afternoon play football and games with local kids team.

We will add local cooking here also to the mix!

Day 6. Fri 9 Oct. After breakfast early morning drive back to Padang.

Andrew North

Head of Faculty Humanities

Year 8 and 9 Experiential Learning Trips

As we draw closer to the week of our trips can I remind you of a few key details that you need

to be fully aware of before we travel.


Departure from school is 6.00am Monday 5th Oct. Please drop your child off at the main school

entrance no later than 5.50am please with their travel bag (soft bag please) and day bag with

snacks and drinks for the first leg of the journey to the Perhentian Islands. The students can bring

some money to purchase additional snacks during the journey if they want to.

Arrival back at school will be 4:30pm Friday 9th October. Please collect your child promptly from

the main school gates.


Girls need to dress conservatively in long board shorts to the knees and no thin-strapped t shirts.

Sun cream will be essential as is an old set of clothes to wear on the day they renovate a local

village house as this involves painting.


Departure from school is 7:30am Monday 5th Oct. Please drop your child off at the main school

entrance no later than 7:15am please with their travel bag (soft bag please) and day bag with

snacks and drinks for the first leg of the journey to Merapoh. The students can bring some money

to purchase additional snacks during the journey if they want to.

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Arrival back at school will be 4:00pm Friday 9th October. Please collect your child promptly from

the main school gates.


Bring a sleeping bag, small pillow and ground mat (labelled with name) in addition to a soft

travel bag and their day bag. Bring a second pair of shoes as one day their feet will get wet. Bring

a torch for the evenings and long trousers and tops might be preferable to avoid scratches and


If you as parents have any last minute questions please don’t hesitate to contact me

[email protected] and I will do my best to answer your queries. We do have back-up

plans for pollution and wet/ stormy weather but I can assure you your children will have a great

time and I know they are all very much looking forward to the experience.

Ms Collis

Head of Years 8/9

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Boarding students competed in the first lip-sync battle in the boarding house this year. The

majority of students were involved, if not in performing then in judging, hosting and organising

the music for the event.

Six acts battled it out in the first round to go through to the final. The three finalists, who had to

present a second song, were MNSS, (Michelle, Natalia, Selina and Sydney) Joe, Joel and YiYang,

plus Jackson C and Soon Aun. It was extremely close, but the judges decided that Jackson and

Soon Aun had all the makings of lip sync champions, closely followed by Joe, Joel and YiYang,

with MNSS hot on their heels in third place. I must say a huge thank you to all of the boarders

for getting involved and giving us all an entertaining evening.

It was also NG’s last evening with all the boarders together, as on Sunday morning she left

Uplands School and Boarding House to join her family in Canada. It was great to see her friends

come to say goodbye to her and we all wish her the very best for the future.

The fun continued on Sunday afternoon when the majority of boarders showed off their bowling

skills at Penang Bowl in Georgetown. The students had a great time bowling, laughing, eating

and drinking and generally enjoying themselves.

Next week will see Friday night Movie Night then a great trip to Jump Street for an afternoon of

trampolining with Miss Marshall.

Lynne Pearson

Boarding House Parent


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The IB programmes at Uplands School promote the education of the whole person, emphasizing

intellectual, personal, emotional and social growth, with the principle of educating the whole

person for a life of active, responsible citizenship.

The IB Learner Profile is a set of ten attributes and descriptors (on the next page) that define the

type of learner the IB hopes to develop through its programmes. They are also the type of

learners that Uplands hopes to develop, not just through the PYP and the DP but across the whole


All of our primary students are familiar with the learner profile through our hugely successful

Primary Years Programme. Our Diploma Programme students (Years 12 and 13) are also aware

of their importance; the ten profiles can be seen in most classrooms and as wonderful artwork in

the refectory. We have been increasingly bringing the ten learner profiles into the lower

secondary school and they will feature strongly in the upcoming ELP trips.

On our recent IB DP Day, the new Year 12 students were split into groups that then had to work

together to create ‘totems’ that not only represented their group, but also all ten learner profiles.

Their efforts were so impressive that we have included photographs of all the totems they

created. Can you spot the ten learner profiles in each totem?

Mr Andrew Cartlidge

IBDP Coordinator

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Our next social gathering is now confirmed for a PIZZA EVENING at the Golden Sands on

TUESDAY the 6th OCTOBER 6.00-8.00PM. This is more of a social occassion compared to our

Coffee mornings, and Children are also welcomed. Please, if possible, RSVP to

[email protected]

Please find below list of Clubs and Contacts if you would like to participate:

Monday Football 8-9pm on the Astro Turf @UPLANDS-

[email protected]

Monday Titans Netball League 6-9pm in the Sports Hall @ UPLANDS-

[email protected]

Monday Softball 4.30-5.30pm on the Astro Turf @UPLANDS-

[email protected]

Tuesday Ultimate Frisbee 5.30-6.30pm on the Astro Turf @ UPLANDS-

[email protected]

Wednesday Basketball 7pm-9pm in the Sports Hall @ UPLANDS-

[email protected]

Wednesday Badminton 5.40pm-7.00pm in the Sport Hall @UPLANDS-

[email protected]

Thursday Volleyball 4.30pm-5.30pm in the Sports Hall @UPLANDS-

[email protected]

Thursday ART & CRAFT 8.30am-11.30am in School Canteen @UPLANDS-

[email protected]

Friday Touch Rugby 3.00pm-4.00pm on the Astro Turf @ UPLANDS-

[email protected]

Saturday Morning Cycling Club, meet outside UPLANDS school @9.00am-

[email protected]

There will be an announcement about TENNIS and PING PONG CLUBS soon, sorry for our

delay. We are hoping to start both of these from the week after next. If you are interested in any

SOCIAL or SPORTING activity for UPTA to support or set up please email [email protected]

Regarding our UPTA COMMUNITY PRIVILEGE PROGRAMME, please find the following

additional restaurant who has agreed to partner with us and extend privileges to our members

from today. The offer is subject to the same terms and conditions as before (i.e. not in

conjunction with other offers, and showing Uplands card upon payment or reservation):

Grumpiez Green Pepper Mexican, No. 27 Jalan Sungei Kelian, Tanjung Bungah, (Tel: 04 890 5880)

10% Discount on total bill, weekdays only.

If you are interested in the UPTA, its Committee, what we do, and for ANY general help about

life in PENANG please email [email protected]

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Mid Term Break – School closed at 2.40 pm Friday 9 October 2015

Boarding House closes at 12.00 noon Saturday 10 October 2015

Boarding House re-opens at 2.30 pm Sunday 18 October 2015

School re-opens at 8.00 am Monday 19 October 2015

Primary Halloween Party – 5:00-7:30pm Thursday 29 October 2015

Deepavali – School Closed Tuesday 10 November 2015

U15 FOBISIA Games – Dulwich College Suzhou Thursday 12 to Saturday 14

November 2015

Year 5/6 Production – PenangPAC Theatre, Straits Quay Friday 13 November 2015

An Introduction to the IB PYP – for parents new to

Uplands Primary – 7:00pm Tuesday 24th November

Whole School Christmas Concert – 6:30pm Wednesday 16th December

Term 1 ends at 12.00 noon Friday 18 December 2015

Boarding House closes at 12.00 noon Saturday 19 December 2015

Orientation Day for all new students – morning Monday 11 January 2016

Boarding House re-opens at 2.30 pm Monday 11 January 2016

Term 2 starts for all students – 8.00 am Tuesday 12 Jasnuary 2016

