ups rm specification sheet.pdf

WORK INSTRUCTION TO WORK INSTRUCTION D SAMPI.ES FOR INSPECTTON DOC.NO:WI8208 PAGE OF VENDQR AND l.{l l{N\\'N4^tcritrl'lcsting l . r\r ril\'. r)ttLJliirl'l1l:llYsl; l0llowrnu 1l lan. 1t{od/\\rilc). sanrples-wilI beclrau'rr b1' labor atorvas Pcf the (l{cf r\SN4l'liANSI R ltj l8 4M-1q87) r \:r I i.l: : I\ Cl,\Slr. ( r1: C-:Ol L.\\i Ir I-IAVT: l O CUT SAI\41) LLiIrROMEACI I COl l-) li Llr il,rnc srlt)lll0 is re.lectcd thclot \\illbe rciecicd \ () I l,.: I l r.lrndrcl,iil \\,illbc clccliccl as pel Sarnpling Plarr {cr llirtatrt'tc|s l.l':l'5 6 arrcl l()()''r' i rspcctitttr lbr' () parall.lelcrs ltlentiolled bclotl'' I l lli Sanlllles ltc srlplloserl 1o l-llrss illl tcst ellLlstctl I ol: l-l-sl s i t llardness in Ill{ll I t I errsilc stfencth ct o4itgc l{edLtctiilrr in art'it .i; Sullacc i)c l c ci 1 -l t lnt:rnal ctltells. I'orLlsitr jl\lrcrosltitcLittc i) ) ! )('..lfl)ul i/.llLi()rl I r I hcrtricrtl (.ollrll()srtloll \r ) i 1,' (ltt, rirLlirY I cSi 9 t ( oirtirtg -[ ]ttcltrless I (l) ijl)sclllng tcsLs S.rtrt p lr- Size -----l

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UPS Rm Specification sheet





    D O C . N O : W I 8 2 0 8PAGE OF


    l . { l l { N \ \ ' N 4 ^ t c r i t r l ' l c s t i n g

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    r \ : r I i . l : : I \ Cl , \Slr . ( r1: C-:Ol L. \ \ i I r I - IAVT: l O CUT SAI\41) LLi I rROM EACI I COl l - )

    l i L l r i l , r nc s r l t ) l l l 0 i s re . l ec t cd thc l o t \ \ i l l be r c iec i cd

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  • UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001'

    Rev No.: 00Date of lssue:01 09 12

    UPS Engineering Standards

    Raw Material Specification For Mechanical Fasteners

    1. Scope:

    This s tandard establ ishes pnysica l ' mechanical and meta l lurg ica l

    carbon, a l loy and sta in less i tee l bars ' rods and wire used for

    tensi le mechanical fasteners and other co ld formed components '

    2. ReferencedDocuments:

    A5TM Sta nda rd s:

    F 2282-O3:Quality Assurance Requirements for Carbon & Alloy Steel Wire' Rods and Bars


    Mecha nica I Fasteners'

    " A 370, T"r , Methods and Def ini t ions for Mechanical Test ing of Steel Products '

    A 751:Test Methods, pract ices and terminorogy for chemicar Analysis of steer Products

    E 112:Test Methods for Determining Average Grain Size'

    E 1077:Test Methods for Est imat ing the Depth of Decarbur izat ion of steel spectmens'

    E 381: Method ot Macroetch Test ing Steel Bars' Bi l lets ' Blooms and forgings

    3. TerminologY:

    Anneol ing -A process ot heat ing to and holding steel at given temperature for a

    given t ime and then

    cool ing at a given rate used - to

    soften or produce change in microstructure or both to ennance

    formabi l i ty and reduce tensi le strength'

    gor _ produced from hot roled or cast bir lets /brooms rof led to coir in a s ingre strand

    ldp - A longi tudinal surface discont inui ty extending into bar ' rod or wire caused

    by doubl ing over of

    melal d u r ing hot rol l ing'

    Rod -P roduced f romho t ro I l edo rcas tb i | | e t s , usua l | y ro l I ed inamu l t i p I es t randm i | | t henco j l ed in toone cont inuous length '

    seams _A longi tudinal discont inui ty extending radial ly into bar, rod or wire seams

    in raw mater lal

    used for the manufacture of fasteners or formed parts may lead to the format ion of bursts '

    Sphero id i z ing -A fo rmo fannea | i ng invo l vesp ro |o lgedhea t inga t tempera tu renear . the lowerc r i t i ca ltemperature fol lowed "u

    ; ; ; ; " i ; ' object of spr1"roiai ' in; is to forming spheroidal carbides


    al low high degree of formabi l l tY'

    requirements of cold heading qual i ty

    manufactur ing premium qual i ty high

  • UPS STD No': RMSTD 001

    Rev No.: 00Date of lssue: 01,09 12

    UPS Engineering Standards

    *-*-,"*ri"tspecif icationFotMtlhanl1 j"*"ngt

    Wire - Produced from hot rolled or annealed rods/bar by cold drawing for the

    desired size and mechanical properties'

    Wire is furnished in the following conditions:

    Direct drawn (DD) - or DFAB)or bar (DFSR or DFSB)

    and finally lidht drawn to size

    purpose of obtaining

    , Manufacturing:

    . Metting Proctice -ftlesteel shall be melted in basic oxygen or electric

    furnace process'

    cos t i ngPrac t i ce_S tee | sna | l be inBo tcas to r con t i nuouscas t t omee t t he requ i remen tso f t h i sspecification.

    De-oxidot ionProct ice-rnemater iaIshal |beaIuminumki| |edwithf ineausteni t icgrainsizenumoer.

    vocuumDegdss ing -S tee tsha l |be 'p rocessed th roughvacuumdegass ing rou te tocon t ro ld i sso |vedgasses and inclusion content '

    5. Chemical comPosition -

    :onfirming to the requirements specified in Table-1'

    'n" p|.ooitl|. to determihe ner1e11a9'e of elements

    r''rr n'ut u"*initut boron content of 0 0008% and

    tanium content of 0 '01%'

    wa,nino - ,,!u ho;i:q-::^:3',::,;i:i:i::::::",iill?'rli!,,i" meet the minimum quench hordness

    reou i rement shown in tob le -J ' EoLr t Iequt tc l ' tL r ' \ " " - - -

    6. Gaitevel:

    The maximum amount of gas level shal l not exceed as specif ied in table-z'

    7. Metallurgical Structure:

    7.1 Grain Size AnalYsis:

    rhe steel shall have a srain srze number of AsrM-6-8 and on;:1#:"":ti':::T:l::llt[$:

    and reported. Conformance to this grain size to 70% of the grar


    basis for accePtance'

    Page 2 of lt

  • UPS Engineering Standards UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001Rev No.: 00Date of lssue: 0! :09.!2

    Raw Material Specif icat ion For Mechanical Fasteners

    Yi":^:: l , l lT.1:, :u9., grain ref ining etement, the f ine austenit ic srain size requirement shai l be;:+J :"r?::iliff ;I::":",:l:iuminum

    .ont"nt i, not L,s than o.or%. rhe g.ain ;ize tlst specified

    7.2 Inc lus ion Rat ing:

    lnc lus ion rat ing for A, B, c , and D-type sha, not exceed 1.5 & 2.0 for heavy and th in ser ies respectrve lv .

    7.3 5p hero id izat ion:

    ; iT:15j i : : ; : lealed steer shal l meet minimum test rat ins or G2. opt imum spheroidizat ion is equal

    " The spheroidizat ion rat ing shal l be performed on a pol ished transverse sample etched with nrtar at amagnif icat ion of 5o0x or more The examinat ion rr"r ror rpi"roioizat ion shal l be at or near the centreof the rod or wire.

    7.4 Deca rbu r izat ion:

    The ent i re per iphery of a rod or wi re sample having carbon content more than 0. j .5% shal l be examrnedfor decarbur izat ion at a magni f icat ion of 100X,

    No f ree ferr j te is a l lowed and average par t ia l decarbur izat ion depth shal l not exceed fo l lowing r rmrts -

    UPS t

  • UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001

    Rev No.: 00Date of lssue: 0X.09.12

    UPS Engineering Standards

    Raw Material Specification For Mechanical Fasteners

    Permissible Depth of Partial DecarburizationSize (MM)

    0.10 MM Max

    0.15 MM or '1% of diameter whichever is minimumDia< 10 MM

    Dia>10 MM

    Mechanical ProPerties:

    wire furnished in the various conditions ihall conform to the mechanical properties specified in table-

    3. The values in this table 6.* i ""n J"r igned to provide opt imum cold head-abi l i ty and tool l i fe '

    No ind i v i dua I t es tVa luesha | | beou to f t hespec i f i ca t i on ' I nany |o t , t hemax imumVa luesha l l no tbemore than by 10% of minimum value for bteels with carbon

    content over 0 30%'

    Hardenabi l i ty for steels with a speci f ied minimum carbon content o.zoyo or {eatet shal l be determined

    by quenching in oi l f rom 8,0-f i ; " ; ; ; pu' g"a" A sample of length 3xdia quenched and hardness to

    be checked at core after.rn,nr-i*O].. q;r,?h h.rdn"rs ihull not be less than limits specified

    S |ugsp repared f romeachco i | sha | |no texh ib i t anyc rack ,whenupse t f romthehe igh to f l . sxD iamete rto height of 0.sxDiameter a o^sxDi"."t", for coid heading

    and recessed heading wire respectivelY lf

    upset-abi l i tv test is done, %RA requirement shal l be considered as ful f i l led'

    Mechan ica lp rope r t i esva lueso fca rbonanda l l oys tee l sshown in tab le -3a re fo r theHRA 'HRD'SAFandSAIP condit ions.

    9. Dime nsional Tolerance:

    Bar, rod and wire dimensional to lerances are shown in table-4'

    10, lnternal Defects:

    The wire/rod shall be free lrom internal imperfections such as pipes, -cracks, porosity and segregation'

    lnternal soundness shal l be cinr i i t t per eiate r oi nst l E 3Sl Mater ial should uT tested'

    11. Surface conditio n:

    Wire and rod sha|| be free from detrimenta| surface imperfections inc|uding seams, voids,

    pits, cracks,

    rol l mark and laps t ' *r . ' t i 'n ' "" t imferfect lons deeper than 0 075 MM ot o5%

    of diameter

    whichever is minimum, shal l be subject to reject ion'

    Samp |es requ i r i ngassessmen to f suchsu r face impe r fec t i onssha l | bep repa redbyme ta l l og raph i ctechnique, sui tably etched t^ i atpt f t of

    imperfect ion measured radial ly f rom the surface at a

    magnif icat ion of 1O0X' Mater ial should be MPI tested'


    Page 4 of 18

  • UPS Engineering Standards UPS STD No. : RMSTD 001Rev No. : 00Date of lssue: 01.09.12Raw Material Specif icat ion For Mechanical Fasteners

    12. Sur face Coat ing:Wire shal l be suppl ied in Z inc-Phosphated coated condi t ion wi th a min imum coat ing weight of 7 .5gm/mm2 Adequate care shoutd be taken dur ing handl ing and t ransi t to mainta in the in tegr i ty of thecoa t ing.

    13. Test Report:

    The mater ia l suppl ier shal l furn ish a s igned test repor t wi th each shipment cer t i fy ing the fo l lowingminimum info rm at ion -

    o Steel suppl ier and address/ Mi l l source and address ( i f d i f ferent f rom steel suppl ier )0 lssue date of cer t i f icate. H e a t N o

    j o Grade. S i z e' supply cond i t ion, , , Ma n ufactur ing processe Reduct ion Rat io. Chemicalcomposi t ion wi th gas levelo Grain s ize, , Inc lus ion rat ing{ l \4 icrost ructure/ Spheroid izat ion rat ings Heat t reatment response (Quench hardness). H a rd ness. Tensi le Strength. %Reduct io n of area

    14. ldent i f icat ion of Mater ia l :

    Each coi l shal l be ident i f ied wi th proper ly at tached ident i f icat ion tag. Fol lowing min imum informat ion< h r l l h e m o n r i n n c r l a n t : o -

    o Nme of suppl ier or t rademark- 0 H e a t N o

    . G r a d eo Sizea Cor l non Weighi o f cor l

    Raj Kamal S inghPage 5 o f 18

    lof,ihJl;:':;;z,P6,1="re o r lss u'i----'- "

  • UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001

    Rev No. l 00oate of lssue: 01.09.12

    UPS Engineering Standards

    Raw Material Specification For Mechanical Fasteners

    Table - 1: Chemical comPosition

    Ct% Mo% B% Othe rsGrade C% si% Mn% S% P% Ni%

    1006M i n 0 . 1 5 0 .24

    Max 0.08 0.30 0.40 0.025 0.025

    1008Min 0.30

    0J2sMax 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.025

    1010Min 0.08 0.1s 0.30

    0.02sMax 0 .13 0.30 0.60 0.025

    1015Min 0 .13 0.1s 0.30

    Max 0 .18 0 .30 0.60 0.025 0,02s

    1018Min 0 .15 0 .15 0.60

    Max 0.20 0.30 0.90 0.025 0.02 5

    1020M i n 0 . 18 0 . 1 5 0.30

    0.025Max 0.23 0.30 0.60 0.02 5

    I U J )

    Min 0 .32 0.1s 0.60

    0.02 5Max 0.38 | o.3o 0.90 I 0.025

    1.045M i n 0.43 I 0.1s 0.60 |

    Max 0.50 I 0,30 0.90 0.025 0.025

    L54LMin 0 .3 5 0 . 1 5 r , 5 )

    0.025 0.025Max o .44 0.30 I . O J0,0008

    10821M i n 0 .18 0 .15 0.60

    0.025 0.0030 IMax 0 .2 3 0.30 I 0.90 0.0250.0008

    10821MM i n 0 .18 0.1s 0 .80

    0.0030Max 0.2 3 0.30 1.10 0.025 0.025


    to\22M i n 0 . 1 8 0 . 1 5 0.70

    0.0030Max 0.23 0.30 1.00 0.025 0.025

    0.00080 .15 0.30

    L0B23Min 0.20

    0.0030Max 0.2 5 0.30 0.60 0.025


    Raj Kamal S ingh Page 7 ot 18


  • UPS Engineering Standards UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001Rev No.: 00Date of lssue:01.09.12Raw Material Specification For Mechanical Fasteners

    Table - 1: Chemical comPosition

    G r a d e c% si% MnYo s% P % N i % Ct% Mo% s% Oth e rs

    10833M i n 0.30 0.15 0.70 0.20 0.0008

    M a x 0 .36 0.30 1.00 0.025 0.02s 0.40 0.0030

    10835M i n 0.3 2 0.15 0.60 0.0008

    Max 0 .38 0.30 0.90 0.025 0.025 0.0030

    t 0B38M i n 0 .3 5 0.15 0.70 0.0008

    Max 0.42 0.30 1.00 0.025 0.025 0.0030

    1 5 8 2 5tv n o.23 0.15 0.90 0.0008

    Max o.28 0.30 1.20 0.025 0.025 0.0030

    15 841Min 0.35 0.1s 1.35 0.0008

    Max o.44 0.30 I . O J 0,025 0.025 0.0030

    19Mn84M i n o .17 0 . 1 5 0.80 0.0008

    M a x 0.24 0.30 L . l , ) 0.025 0.025 0.0050

    1 9 M n 8 4 MMin 0.21 0.15 0.90 0.20 0.0008

    Max 0.26 0.30'J.,2Q 0.025 0.025 0.40 0.0030

    23Mn84M i n 0 .27 0 .15 0.80 0.0015

    M a x 0.2 s 0.30 1.00 0.025 0.02 5 0.60 0.0060

    4037M i n 0 .3 5 0.15 0.70 0 .20

    Max 0.40 0.30 0.90 0.025 0.025 0.30

    40837M i n 0.35 0 . 1 5 0.70 0.20


    Max 0.40 0.30 0.90 0.025 0.025 0.300.0030

    0.95 0.0008

    51837M i n 0 .35 0 . 1 5 0.3s

    Max 0.40 0.30 0.45 0.025 0.025 i . . r)0.0030

    15Cr3M i n o.L2 0 .15 0.40 0.40

    Max 0 . 1 8 0.30 0.60 0.025 0,025 0.70


    77 Cr3M i n 0.14 0.1s 0.40

    0.025 0.90Max 0.20 0.30 0.70 0.025

    Page 8 of 18

  • UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001

    Rev No.: 00Date of lssue: 01.09.12

    UPS Engineering Standards

    Raw Material Specif ication For Mechanical Fasteners

    Table - 1: Chemical comPosition

    Grade c% si% Mn% s% P% N i % C(% Mo% B%Others

    SC1415HM i n o.72 u . t f 0.85

    t , z )Max 0 .18 0.30 0.90 0.02s 0.025

    P% NiTo Cr% Mo% s% OthersG r a d e si% Mn% s%

    4lcr4Min 0.38 0 .15 0.50 0.90

    Max 0.45 0 .30 0.80 0.025 0.025 1.20


    3Cr435M i n 0 .3 3 0 . 1 5 0.50

    M a X 0 .38 0.30 0.85 0.025 0.025 L.20


    61"50M i n 0.48 0 .15 o.70

    Max 0 .5 3 0.30 0.90 0.025 0.025 1.10



    5 21.00

    M i n 0.95 0 .15

    Max 1 . 1 0 0 .30 0.50 0.025 0.0251.60

    0.98 0 .15 0,25 1 .30Min1.60

    M a x 1 . 1 0 0.30 0.45 0.02s 0.025


    EN31M i n 0.90 0 .15 0.30

    1.60Max 1 .20 0 .30 0.75 0.025 0.025

    EN 1AM i n 0.07 o.1s I o.8o 0.20

    0.025Max o.1s lo .3oI1 .20 0.30

    EN8Mrn l0 .3s 10 .15 0.50

    Max 0.45 | 0.30 1.00 0.025 0.025

    EN 8DM i n 0.40 0 . 1 5 0.70

    Max 0.45 0.30 0.90 0.025 0.02s

    o.1zEN 8M

    Min 0 .3 5 0.1s 1.00

    0.060Max 0.45 0 .30 1 ,30 0.20

    EN 9M i n 0.s0 0.15 0.80

    Max 0.60 0.30 0.80 0.025 0.0250.15

    4 L 3 5 M i n 0 .33 0 .15 0.70

    ffi;'' ,llo' siPage 9 of 18

  • Table - 1: Chemical comPosition

    UPS Engineering Standards UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001

    Rev No.: 00Date of lssue:01.09.L2Raw Material Specif ication For Mechanical Fasteners

    6rade C% si% M n % s% P% Ni% C(% Mo% BTo Others

    Max 0 .38 0.30 0.90 0.025 0.025 1 . 1 0 u . 2 >

    4L36M i n 0 .34 0 . 1 5 0.70 0.80 U . I J

    Max 0.39 0.30 0.90 0.02 5 0.025 1.10

    c rade c% si% Mn% s% P% N i % Cr% Mo% s% Others

    4137M i n 0.35 0.15 0.70 0.80 0.15

    Max 0.40 0.30 0.90 0.025 0.025 1 .10 0.25

    4140Min 0.38 0. L5 0.75 0.80 0 .15

    Max 0.43 0.30 1.00 0.025 0.025 1 .10 0.25

    scM435M i n u . 5 5 0.15 0.60 0.90 0.15

    M a x 0.38 0.30 0.85 0.02 5 0.025 L.ZO 0.25

    scM440M i n 0 .38 0.15 0.60 0.90 0 . 1 5

    Max 0.43 0.30 0,8s 0.025 0.025 1.20 0.25

    E N 1 9M i n 0 .3 5 0 . 1 5 0,50 0.90 0.20

    Max 0,45 0.30 0.80 0.02s 0.02 s 1 .50 0.40

    E N 1 9 M( D i a > 3 6 )

    M i n 0.40 0 . 1 5 0.70 1 .30 0.30

    M a x 0.45 0 .3 5 0.80 0.025 0.02 s 1.50 0.40

    SCM 415 HM i n o.12 0 . 1 5 0,50 0.85 0 . 1 5

    Max 0 . 1 8 0.30 0.90 0.025 0.02 5 ! , z ) 0.3s

    1 .00 . 0.75 0.08

    EN 353M i n 0 .15 0.50

    Max 0.20 0.30 1.00 0.02s 0.02 s 1 .50 r .z5 0 . 1 5

    0.40 0,40 0 . 1 5

    8640M i n 0 .38 0 . 1 5 0.70

    Max 0.43 0.30 1.00 0.025 0.025 0.70 0.650.30

    0.40 0.40 0.15

    8640HM i n 0 .38 0 . 1 5 0.75

    Max 0.43 0.30 1.00 0.025 0.02s 0.70 0.60o.25

    0.40 0.40 0 .1586sOl8650H

    M i n 0.48 0 . 1 5 o.75

    Max 0.53 0.30 1.00 0.025 0.025 0.700.60 0.2 5

    Raj Kamal Singh Page 10 of 1


  • Table - 1: Chemical comoosit ion

    Prepared By

    Raj Kamal S ingh

    q\^ ' '

    Verified By Approved 8y s*:ii Page 11 o f 18

    ;'*;;':li,:l-,-',j;Ad'';ll t\ ' '

  • UPS Engineering Standards UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001Rev No . :00Da te o f l ssue :01 .09 .12Raw Material Specif icat ion For Mechanical Fasteners

    G rade C% s i% M n % s% P% N i % Cr% Mo% s% Others

    AISI3 0 2 H Q

    3 1 6 C u

    M i n 9.00 17.00 C u- 2.0

    Max 0.03 1.00 2.00 0.040 0.015 11.00 L9.00 3.00

    Max 0 .03 1.00 2.00 0.045 0.030 74.OO 18.00 3.00 4.00

    Atst 410M i n 11 .50

    Max 0.15 1.00 1.00 0.040 0.030 0.60 13.50

    A ts l 416M in 12.00

    M a x 0 . 1 5 1.00 L Z ) 0.040 0.030 0.60 14.00

    Alst 430M i n 16.00

    Max 0.03 0 .75 1.00 0.040 0.030 0.60 18.00

    Table - 1: ChemicalcomPosit ion

    braoe C% si% M n % s% P% Ni% Cr% Mo% B% Others

    A286M i n 24.oo 13 .5 0 1.00 Ti-1.90

    Max 0.08 1.00 2.00 0.040 0.030 27 ,OO 16.00 1.50 2 .35

    Notes for Table - 1 :

    Residual E lement L imi ts : Max Residual l imi ts for a l lgrades unless otherwise speci f ied shal l be -

    Cr.t - 0.20%. Ni - 0. 10%, Ct - O-!O%, Mo - 0.04%, Sn - O'02%, N - 0 009%, S - O 0007%

    Total combined res iduals shal l not exceed 0 35%o.

    Product Analys is Tolerance: Product analys is may be made on f i l ished mater ia l o f each heat The

    composi t ion shal l conf i rm to the requi rement in tab le-1 for the speci f ied grade subject to permiss ib le

    var ia t ions for product analys is in tab le-1a and table-1b, as appl icable '

    Table - 1a: Permissible Variat ion from Speci f ied Chemical Range for carbon Steels

    Element Specified Ra ngg__(7"1 tvariation0.

    Ca rbon

    Upto 0.250.25-0.5 5Over 0.55

    Manganeseupto 0.900.90"1.65

    Raj Kamal S inghPage 12 o f 18

  • I





    Table - 2: Permissible Gas LevelMax Level

    3 PPM

    1 5 P P M

    UPS STD No': RMSID 001

    Rev No.: 00Date of lssue: 01.09'12

    UPS Engineering Standards

    Raw Material Specification For Mechanical Fasteners

    Max only 0.008P hos p ho rous0.008

    Sulphur Max Onlv0.02

    Si l ico n l Jn to 0 .300.03

    Copper Over Max Only

    T in Over Max OnlY 0.010.03

    Nickel over Max Onlv0.03

    Chromium Over Max OnlY

    Molybdenum Over Max OnlY0.01

    Vanadium Over Max gnlYU.U-L

    Table - 1b: Permissible var iat ion from speci f ied chemical Range for Al loy steels

    Upto 0.300.30-0.75

    Upto 0.90Over 0.90

    tJpto 1.00Over 1.00Upto 0.90Over 0.90Chromium

    Upto 0.200.20"0.40.... MolYbdenum

    Over Max On

    r i i ;*{: ::t,:: -". ::-1 i

    90 PPM

  • UPS Engineering Standards UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001Rev No.: 00Date of lssue: 01.09.12Raw Material Specif icat ion For Mechanical Fasteners

    Table - 3: Mechanical Properties


    G radeMax Tensi le(rrr/wrvrt) Min %Ra

    Max Hard nessBefore Drawing


    Max H a rdnessAfter Drawing


    Min QuenchHardness (HRC)

    1006 430 62 60-70 75 N/A

    1008 430 62 60-70 75 N/A

    1010 460 62 - 60-70 75 N/A

    1 0 1 5 460 62 60-70 82 N/A

    1018 520 62 60-70 82 N/A

    " 1020 520 62 60-70 8238

    1035 620 60 60-70 82 38

    1045 620 55 70-85 90 50

    1 5 4 1 620 55 70-85 90 50

    1 0 8 2 1 620 60 70-80 90 38

    1 0 8 2 1 M 620 60 70-80 90 38

    10822 620 60 70-80 90 38

    10823 620 60 70-80 90 38

    10833 620 55 70-80 90 42

    10838 620 5 5 70-80 90 42

    15 B2s 620 5 5 70-80 90 40

    1 5 8 4 1 620 55 70-80 90 50

    19Mn84 6tu 55 70-80 90 42

    19Mn84M 620 5 5 70-80 90 4 2

    23Mn84 620 55 70-80 90

    4037 650 55 70-80 90 50

    40837 '65 0 55 70-80 9048

    51837 650 55 70-80 9048

    15C13 520 62 60-70 8238

    I7 Cr3 520 62 60-70 8238

    Raj Kam a l S inghPage 15 o f 18

    i. ',t'

  • Table - 3: Mechanical Properties

    ( ; 4 rNTF? : - r l - l -ED C( )

    UPS Engineering Standards UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001Rev No . :00 iDate of lssue:0L.09.12Raw Material Specif icat ion For Mechanical Fasteners

    G rade Max Tensi le(N/MM1 Min %Ra

    Max HardnessBefore Drawing


    Max HardnessAfter Drawing


    Min QuenchHardness (HRC)

    SC1415 H 620 5 5 70-80 90 38

    47Cr4 620 55 70-80 90 50

    SCr435 620 55 _ 70-80 90 50

    6150 620 55 70-80 90

    5UJ2 800 45 80-90 702 62

    . 52100 800 45 80-90 LO2 62

    E N 3 1 800 45 80-90 702

    EN 1A 6ZO 55 70-80 90 38

    EN 8 620 55 75-85 95 50

    EN 8D 620 75-85 95 50

    E N 8 M 620 55 75-85 95 50

    E N 9 800 45 80-90 L02 48

    4135 620 55 70-80 90 50

    413 6 620 55 70-80 90 50

    4r37 620 55 70-80 90 50

    41,40 620 55 70-80 90 50

    scM435 620 55 70-80 90 50

    scM440 620 55 .70-80 . 90 50

    EN19 620 50 80-90 702 50

    E N 1 9 M 620 50 80-90 702 50

    scM 415 H 670 50 65-75 85 5 6

    EN 353 620 50 65-75 85 38

    8640 700 55 70-80 90 50

    8640H 700 55 70-80 90 5086s0i86s0H 700 55 / 5 - 6 ) 95 54

    Raj Karnal Singh

    TE OF t55U8. . . . . . ' . . . . . . ' .

    PaBe 16 of 18

  • UPS STD No.: RMSTD 001

    Rev No.: 00Da te o f l ssue :01 .09 .12

    UPS Engineering Standards

    Raw Material Specif ication For Mechanical Fasteners

    Table - 3: Mechanical ProPerties

    Max Hard nessBefore Drawing


    Max Hard nessAfter Drawing

    (HRB) _

    Min QuenchHardness (HRC)Grade

    Max Te ns i le(N/MM1

    Min %Ra

    E N 2 4 620 50 80-90toz




    AlSl 302 520'60 70-80

    AISI 302HQ s20 60 70-80

    70-80 90AtSr 303 520 50

    Alsr 304 520 60 70-8090

    70-80 90AtSt 304HC s20 6070-80 90Alst 3041 s20 60

    A ls t 305 520 60 70-8090

    70-80 90XM 7 520'60

    70-80 90Ars l 316 s60 60

    70-80 90Arst 3161 560 60

    70-80 90A l S l 3 1 6 C u 560 60

    50 70-80 90Ats t 410 5 5 0

    70-80 90AtSt 416 5s0 60

    70-80 90Alsl 430 5s0 60


    Table - 4: Dimensional & Out of Roundness Tolerances

    Su pply Condit ion Size (MMl Size Tolerance (MM) Max Out of Roundness


    Max 0.010Max 0.015Max 0.020Max 0 025Max 0.040Max 0.050

    DiaS 5.005.01-10.0010.01" 15.00Dia>15.00




    SAFSDiaS16.00D ia > 16.00

    Raj Kamal S ingh

    rffiTcts\\Page 17 of 1

  • UPS STD No,: RMSTD 001Rev No . :00Date of lssue: 01 09.12

    UPS Engineering Standards

    Raw Material Specif icat ion For Mechanical Fasteners

    Table - : Sphero id izat ion Rat ing Chart

    Spl rero id izat ion >9O% or G1- (Opt imum)

    Spl- rerord iza i ion -70% or >GZ (Acceptable)

    Irrepared BY

    . - . , i r ^ t A c c e p r d b l e )Sphero ld lza t lon