“ur outfit is ugly…just kiddin”-the bully, the bullied & the bystander the ethical...

Download “Ur outfit is ugly…Just kiddin”-The Bully, the Bullied & the Bystander The Ethical Responsibilities of the School Counselor Donna Clark Love Bullying Prevention

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Ur outfit is uglyJust kiddin-The Bully, the Bullied & the Bystander The Ethical Responsibilities of the School Counselor Donna Clark Love Bullying Prevention Trainer Slide 2 BULLY THE WORD BULLY COMES FROM THE SCANDINAVIAN WORD, MOBBING. Dan Olweus, Bullying At School Slide 3 BULLYING defined: A student is being bullied or victimized when he A student is being bullied or victimized when he or she is being exposed, repeatedly, and over time, repeatedly, and over time, to negative actions on the to negative actions on the part of one or more part of one or more students. students. Slide 4 Bullying is an Imbalance of Power Bullying requires an imbalance of power between perpetrator and victim which may be manifested through physical might, intelligence, verbal, or social skills. Corbis Dan Olweus, Bullying At School Slide 5 Intention to Harm, Disturb, or Intimidate Imbalance of Power Happens Often & Repeatedly Is Sufficiently Severe, Pervasive, & Persistent Is It Bullying? No Bullying Donna Clark Love Slide 6 New Bullying Law definition now includes following components Expression through electronic means; Exploits an imbalance of power; Interferes with a student's education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school; Is sufficiently severe, persistent, AND pervasive enough Slide 7 Texas Bully Law House Bill 1942 By law, we must have An established procedure for reporting & investigating a bullying incident & determining whether the incident occurred Available counseling options for victim, witness and student A procedure for providing notice of an incident to a parent of both the victim and bully Slide 8 Texas Bully Law House Bill 1942 By law, we must have Curriculum that addresses awareness, prevention, & intervention of bullying Policy which prohibits disciplinary measures for victims who use reasonable self-defense Reporting procedures must be posted on the districts Internet website Slide 9 The Legal Standard of Liability Schools can be charged with deliberate indifference in cases. The school is held responsible for knowing" or should have known of the bullying conduct/incidents and was deliberately indifferent to the pattern of conduct. Slide 10 Effective BP Frameworks have these (5) characteristics in common: Whole Permission to Consistent & Enforced Consequences Support Activities/Interventions for Bullying Prevention seen not as Slide 11 ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors A.1.- Is responsible for A.3.- Works jointly with the counselee A.6.- Screens prospective group members C.1.- Treats colleagues with Slide 12 Eye Rolling Starting Rumors Gesturing Staring / Leering Writing Graffiti Threatening Name Calling Taunting / Ridiculing Digital Bullying Damaging Property Sexual Harassment Stalking Intimidation / Extortion Spitting / Pushing Shoving / Punching Hitting / Kicking Flashing a weapon Stabbing someone Shooting someone with a gun Johnson Institute Slide 13 Counseling Options for Students who Bully Teach Difference between Aggression & Assertion Warn & Check- Classroom Interventions Create Opportunities for Positive power Teach Impulse Control Rituals of Respect Challenge Normative Beliefs Safety Plan Weekly Contracts/Tier of Consequences Slide 14 Counseling Options for Students who are Victimized Challenge Normative Behaviors Encourage Involvement in Non-Competitive Recreation Small Friendship Groups on Specific Social Skills Real-Life Scenarios Cognitive Solution- Focused Approaches Confront CFOV- Distorted Thinking Design Safety Plan & Check-In System Slide 15 Counseling Options for Bystanders Rituals of Respect Create Pledges/Championing a Cause Teach Group Peer Interventions Reward Outstanding Bystander Interventions or RAK Read BP Books that promote standing up for others Slide 16 How Can a Bystander Intervene? Support a victim in private Alert an adult that a bullying situation is occurring Offer support to victim in presence of bully Join forces to protect a victim; teaming up with others Donna Clark Love Slide 17 Stop the Bullying : On-The-Spot 1. Immediately 2. Stand between... 3. Escort... 4. Do not ask... 5. Find out details... 6. Support... Slide 18 What is Cyber Bullying? Cyber Bullying involves the use of information and communication technologies to deliberately harm or injure an individual or group. Slide 19 Top (4) Cyber Bullying Infractions Using images Stealing Sending Creating. Slide 20 Cyber-Community Lingo Chat room Bulletin boards Flame Cyber-citizen Cyber- space Blogring Twitter Leet Speak Sexting Slide 21 Text Messaging & Instant Messaging Abbreviations: Commonly Used by Our Kids LOL IHU LOPSOD BFF URH MoS DIKU OLL 8 BRB URF BWL F2F PG11 TDTM PM G2B PAL CTN S IPN BU A/S/LURU GNOC TA CRS LMINRL LMAO 53X MYOB RUMORF Donna Clark Love Slide 22 Leet ( Leetspeak) A4 /-1 B8 13 C( [ D.. I) [) E3 FI= Slide 23 Cyber Pals Jasmine ( 5 th grader) and Nicole- Child Diabetes Darrell ( 3 rd grader) and ?- Comic Book Collector Slide 24 Digital Bullying Counseling Students Inform students to: Tell an adult you trustparent, older sibling, teacher, etc if you receive inappropriate messages or postings. If you are being bullied, get offline immediately. Block unwanted or abusive e-mails or instant messages. Never reply to harassing messages. If bullying includes physical threats, report to police, also. Save any harassing messages and forward to your parents, your Internet Service Provider and make a report to school. www.media-awareness.ca/english D. Clark Love Slide 25 Bullying Prevention Pledge We will not bully other students. We will try to help students who are bullied. We will make it a point to include ALL students who are easily left out. When we know someone is being bullied, we will stand up, or report it. D. Clark/M. Carpenter Slide 26 Top Ten Efforts To Prevent Bullying School Wide 1. **Provide awareness training for students, teachers, administrators, parents, and other school staff.** 2. Select members for the BP task force, including students. 3. Select an on-site task force leader. D. Clark Love Slide 27 Top Ten Efforts To Prevent Bullying School Wide 4. Assess your schools needs and goals. 5. Develop an anti-bullying policy that includes digital bullying guidelines & consequences. 6. Implement uniform classroom rules to prevent bullying with consistent consequences. 7. Identify resources for bullies, victims, and families. Slide 28 D. Clark Love Top Ten Efforts To Prevent Bullying School Wide 8. Provide increased supervising in areas where bullying tends to occur. 9. Integrate anti-bullying themes and activities into curriculum; make it part of the culture. 10. Involve parents and community. Slide 29 Bullying is NOT accepted at our School! We will see that it comes to an end. Slide 30 Youll look up and down streets. Look em over with care. About some you will say, I dont choose to go there. With your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, youre too smart to go down any not-so-good streets. Dr. Suess, Oh, the Places Youll Go! Slide 31 Here, you are safe. Here, I will take care of you. Here, I will not hurt you. Here, you may not hurt yourself. Here, you will not be hurt. Here, you will be helped. Here, I will help you. Here, you will help. Here, you will be a friend. Here you will have friends. Here, I will be your friend. Mary N. Wonderlick Here. Slide 32 Contact Information Donna Clark Love [email protected] www.schoolbullyingexpert.com 281-467-4861