urban design, architecture, landscaping & urban planning portfolio


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Salma Showika's Portfolio including selected Urban Design, Architecture, Landscaping & Urban Planning Projects


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July 2012

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Stock Park Project2011

in ain Sukhna, egyPt

Graduation Project, Ain Shams UniversityGrade A+ - Kept Record

Urban Design and Landscaping for the whole layout, Architectural Design for

the Buildings, 3D modelling on 3D Max and Strategic Proposal for the whole Ain

Sukhna Coast

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Stock Park Project“Where Business meets Pleasure”

A city that complements the Ain Sukhna port with its Business, Hospitality and Leisure zones.It could be the main economic support for Sukhna Port.

The Main Economic Support for AinSukhna Port

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Pre-Project StudieS“Where Business meets Pleasure”

The Studies include the Strategic Proposal along the whole coast and the concept which guided the main lines of the project.

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1. Strategic Proposal:

The vision acheived in the strategy through 4 main things:1- Support Infrastructure through:

a- electric Tram For Labour Coming From Suez

b-National Cargo railway line connected to Sukhna Port.

c- Separating heavy transportation from passengers vehicles .

2- Enlarging the Port’s space by 75%, and increasing its basins.

3-Exhibition areas and services around the port.

4-Different types of Leisure areas along the coast.

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2. Project Guidelines Study:

2.The grid of the leisure areas ( park - waterfront ...) takes the abstract shape of Sedimentary rocks’ Layers (which is the main rocktype in Ain Sukhna).

3.While the business zone’s Grid is more strict than that of Leisure zone.(as it’s a man made issue not as natural as the the park).

1. The Main Water line takes the shape of Abstract stock Line (as the main building in the project is the stock Market,& connects the Ain Sukhna’s water (Spring) with the Suez Gulf’s Water)

All the vertices of the main path ( STOCK line) ends at the Main building of each zone.

Main Arts area

Hotel Building

“Stock Market” Building

Project’s main Entrance

Main entrance of the park

Ain Sukhna Spring

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Layout Shot

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View from the Bridge

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The Detail Layout and 3d

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The Detail Layout and 3d

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View from the Mountain

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The Aquarium Shot

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Promo Sharm Project2012

in Sharm el Sheikh, egyPt

conSultant: ÖKOPLAN CONsuLtiNg


my ScoPe of Work: Participated in the Urban Design stage

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Urban Design Stage(Before Landscaping)

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Layout _ Upper PartUrban Design Stage(Before Landscaping)

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Expo City Project2010

near Wadi degla, egyPt

Urban Design, Ain Shams UniversityGrade A

Urban Design and Landscaping for the whole layout, Architectural Design for the

Buildings and 3D modelling on 3D Max

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Project StudieS:

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1. Concept:

2. Water & Greenery:

4. Zoning:

3. Solid & Void:

Nile Delta extending from Wadi Degla >>>> Classifying the project site into the 3 main zones: Tourism , commercial & Cultural (activities done in Egypt depending on Nile River The masses of these zones take the shape of the Delta.

>>> bringing up Park between the Delta 2 branches (As Nile is the main reason of Agriculture in Egypt)

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3D Shot

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3D Shot

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3D Shot

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multi- PurPoSe toWer2011

iN Los Angeles Downtown, USA in Competition with American

Students4th Year Project, Ain Shams University

Architectural Design and 3D modelling on 3D Max

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Project StudieS

Explaining the Vision, Concept and the Description of the massing strategy.

Then illustrating the Program and the Sustainability studies.

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1. Vision:

3. Program:

2. Concept:Description of the massing strategy:

4.1. Green platforms study:

“Cultural Beacon complements Los Angeles Cultural Magnets“

15% RETAIL ( 3 Floors out of 24 )

`10% MUSEUM (2 Floors out of 24)

The building takes the Shape of Green stepsleading to the culture centre & museum at the top of the building.

using green platform outside the building helps reducing air temperature inside, minimize the effect of hot air on our building using plants and small trees which work as natural cooler.

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4.2. SuStainabiLity StudieS:

4. Zoning:

3. Solid & Void:

Oriented windows

Green Slabs:acts as also louvers, and reducing air temperature inside, minimize the effect of hot air on the building using plants and small trees which work as natural cooler.

Louvers: Horizontal inclined louvers for the south elevation >>> as the sun is high.

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Ground Retail Floor Plan

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Typical Hotel Floor Plan

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3D Day Shot

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3D Night Shot

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Perfume comPany toWer2010

in cairo, egyPt

3rd Year Project, Ain Shams UniversityGrade A

Architectural Design and 3D modelling on3D Max

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3D Shot

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The Concept:Description of the massing strategy:

The building takes the Shape of abstract flower with one leaf.A Steel Truss layer stands between the leaf and the flower core , that gives the form a sense of strength

3D Shot

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Layout Shot

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Sokhna South Beach2012

in ain Sokhna, egyPt

conSultant: ÖKOPLAN ConsultingEngineerS

my ScoPe of Work: Participated in the Landscape Working (Planting Drawings:

Shrubs and Ground Cover

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Construction DrawingsPlanting - Shrubs and Ground Cover

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Part 1Construction DrawingsPlanting - Shrubs and Ground Cover

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Part 2Construction DrawingsPlanting - Shrubs and Ground Cover

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doWntoWn uPgrading2009-2010

in cairo, egyPt

Urban Planning Course, Ain Shams University

my ScoPe of Work: Participated in the Surveys, SWOT Analysis, Stakeholders

Analysis, setting the strategy and otherplanning procedures in a team work

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1.StudieS & baSic MaPS

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2.ViSuaL anaLySiS 1&2

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ViSuaL anaLySiS 3

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3.deMograPhic & Socio-econoMic StudieS

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4.SWot anaLySiS

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5.aSSetS MaP

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6.goaLS & ProjectS

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8. Strategic aLternatiVeS “Max-Min Matrix”

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9. Strategic Line 1

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Strategic Line 2&3

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10. SuggeSted ProjectS to decreaSe the traffic jaM in the doWntoWn

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houSing Project2011

in neW cairo, egyPt

Housing Course, Ain Shams University my ScoPe of Work: 3D modelling

& Design for several buildings, participated in housing calculations & Layout Design and other housing

procedures in a team work

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3d Shot for the WhoLe area

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3d Shot_ViLLaS

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3d Shot_ViLLaS

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3d Shot_ the aPartMent buiLdingS

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3d night Shot

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