urban life, milton edition


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Post on 07-Mar-2016




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A magazine about the life in Milton, including travel pieces and memories from when we were growing up in our town


New Do

By: Christine Wilkinson

Everyone always seems to have that dreaded haircut, the dreaded haircut which their mom took them to and told the barber exactly what she wanted done. It didn’t matter what you wanted, it was up to her.

It was a mild morning in mid March. The snow on the ground was beginning to melt, and the trees were full of tiny little buds where the leaves were about to sprout. March break had just ended, and on the Saturday before school my mom decided it would be a good idea to take me to get a chin

length hair cut, seeing as the warm weather was coming soon.

With red blushed cheeks and shaking hands, I wore my striped rainbow tuque on my head. My mom had to drag me through the hallway in the little country school I attended, just outside of town. Scared of what the other kids would think, I kept my hat on and slowly let go of my mom’s hand to go sit on the carpet.

Mrs. Anthony, my kindergarten teacher, welcomed us back and took attendance. When she called our name, she asked that each of us say our favourite thing we did over the break.

“Christine?” she called as she looked up at me through her round glasses. I raised my hand and opened my mouth to speak, but before I could, she said something else. “Why are you wearing a hat?” she asked. “You can’t wear hats in school.”

Putting my hat on that morning, I had completely forgotten about this rule.

“Please take it off, and then you can tell us your favourite part of the break.” I raised my hand to my head. Shyly, I pulled it off, placed it in my lap and dropped my head to look down at my hands. All my friends gasped with open jaws.

“Your hair!” my best friend Cadence said.

“It’s pretty!” shouted Renee, one of my other good friends at the time.

My friend Dustin reached up to touch it. “It’s so soft,” he said.

“Settle down class,” our teacher said with a warm smile, “Now Christine, what was your favourite thing you did?”

I looked up, my face glowing. “Getting my hair cut!” I said, proudly.

Right then, I realized I shouldn’t worry so much what others are going to think of me. All that mattered was that I was happy who I am, and the way I looked.

A Day at Springridge

By: Deanne Lindsay

Some, well actually most, tell me that my fear of frogs and toads is completely irrational. But I can still remember the warm June day when I first felt my deep rooted fear.

It was the summer before I started Kindergarten. Aka; the good ol’ days. My

older sisters were at school full time, so my mom and her friend took me strawberry picking at

Springridge Farm. I loved strawberries, and even had a cute little outfit for the occasion. It felt like the best day of my life. That is, until the toad incident anyways.

I was picking the richest red fruits off the small bushel when I realized I had picked all the good ones. My little arm pulled on the green branch, as I tried to find more of my favourite fruit. What I found was neither my favourite, nor a fruit.

The pulled back branch revealed a big, bumpy, slimy, gross toad. It sat there, just staring at me. The toad appeared to be nibbling on a strawberry. I got such a fright because I was not expecting a toad. I was actually hoping for some plump strawberries. Then the toad jumped and I couldn’t see where it had gone. The way it’s scrunched up legs seemed to grow into long, straight legs sent shivers up my spine. I envisioned it coming after me in all its slimy glory. I felt panicked as I thought how its slimy webbed feet would feel on my skin if it hoped on to me. It wasn’t a small toad either. Much bigger than my fist, or even both my fists. I was so afraid I immediately picked up my basket and ran to my mom in the next row over, to tell her the terrifying news.

At the age of five, my mom comforted me. However, at the age of seventeen, she no longer thinks it’s cute and charming.

A Sister, a Friend

By: Hayley Wimmer

My older sister and I were glued to the window watching the fluffy flakes slowly caress the ground. Jumping for joy, we ask our mother if we could go imprint on the freshly fallen snow. Being told it’s too late and it’s time for bed, we struggled putting up a fight. And tragically lost.

Springing out of our toasty warm beds the next morning, we ran and leaped onto our sleeping parents, clamouring to go out and jump in the fluffy, beautiful wonder. Dressing ourselves in snow pants, hats, scarves and gloves, we bolted through the door and landed in the glistening snow, with a puff in a

heap of arms and legs. The freezing, crunchy snow tingled our skin. The wet snow melting into our mouths as we wanted a light snack.

Crisp, cold air bit our noses, making us resemble Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Creating snowmen, snow angels and performing snow ball fights were the moments I longed for with my

sister. Burying her in the snow, with only the outline of her face showing, is the time where I would laugh the hardest, while my mom grabbed the camera to capture and freeze this moment in time. Working as a team, laughing, and enjoying each other’s company, made our relationship stronger.

I miss the days where you had no worries, and can let loose, make a lovely new friend out of snow, and enjoy time with your sister.

Now that we are older, I still feel the strong connection with my sister that I did when I was six. It will stay with us as we grow older and mature, and it will always be as strong as it was eleven years ago.

Deck the Halls

By: Christine Wilkinson

It is no surprise that people in town are scrambling to get ready for Christmas. People are on their roofs hanging their lights, or dancing around in the house stringing

garland and placing poinsettias. As you’re driving down the street you may notice many cars with a Christmas tree attached to their roof bringing it home to decorate. You may be shopping in Canadian Tire and notice that the artificial trees are running low. It is nice to see all these

Miltonians in the Christmas spirit. Although, it seems that each year, the prices on Christmas trees increase. Whether the tree is real or fake, it costs more and more every year.

For all my life, I was used to dragging out the same tree each Christmas season. Between November 28th, after my Dad’s birthday, and December 7th, we would put it up and decorate it together.

Two years ago, after all my years of pestering my parents to get a real tree, they finally gave in. We went to Terra Greenhouses and paid $150 for the biggest and tallest real tree that was possible to fit in my house. My mom and dad were not impressed with this expense and said that the following year we would have to find somewhere better to go.

Last year when I was coming home from school, and placing my uneaten lunch on the counter, I noticed a flyer. It said “CHRISTMAS TREES” in big, bold, red print. I read further and realized that I knew the family that was advertising this great tradition. The Nurse family was opening up their farm for people to come and buy their Christmas trees from them. The Nurse’s own a large piece of property just outside of Milton, in Georgetown, called “Nurseland Farms”. The flyer invited us to come and pick our own tree any day on a weekend from December 1st up to the 23rd.

When my parents got home, I asked them if that’s where we were getting our tree from this year, instead of Terra again. “Yes,” my mom said, “we’re not paying another $150 for a tree that we put on the side of the road after New Years.” It didn’t really matter to me where we got our tree. All that mattered was that it would be real, big, and tall. I couldn’t wait for another Christmas where our entire house smelled of fresh pine!

After going there last year and again this year, I decided that Nurseland had the best Christmas trees. Not only were they the nicest looking trees, and best quality for the cheapest price, but they gave my family the greatest experience.

This nicely run family farm sold many different types of trees, including Colorado Blue Spruce, Fraser Fir, Balsam Fir, Eastern White Pine, Grand Fir, and a few others. After we arrived and parked the car, we ventured over to the barn pet the horses while we waited for the shuttle. The shuttle was a tractor pulling a wagon, in which we boarded and it took us out to the field. Before boarding the shuttle though, we had to select a saw from the barn to take with us. We would be cutting down our own tree.

The shuttle dropped us off in a little clearing with a glowing fire near the first row of Christmas trees. All of us were bundled in our coats, hats, scarves, and mittens, but the fire felt very nice on such a chilly day. We walked up and down the rows in search for the perfect tree. My brother, sister and I ran around throwing snowballs at each other while we looked. Our

parents along with my Aunt followed behind us, shouting out at us when they thought they found a good tree. All of the ones they found were too small for my liking.

Finally we found the perfect tree. I had to look up to see the top, and with joint hands, my siblings and I couldn’t fit around it. Next was the fun part, we took turns cutting down our tree. Each of us made little progress with the saw each time, so it was much easier to take turns rather than tiring one person out. Once our tree was cut, we carried it back to the clearing and enjoyed the fire until the tractor came for us.

Back at the barn, we gave Mr. Nurse $20 to pay for the tree and the experience. We returned our borrowed saw, and received a cup of hot chocolate to warm us up. My Dad attached the tree to the back of the truck to take it home.

Nurseland Farms has the best Christmas trees in town. For only $20, you get to enjoy bonding with your family, a warm fire, a scenic wagon ride through a field, hot chocolate, and a beautiful tree for the holidays. Why spend $150 at Terra for only a tree that gets thrown away after Christmas anyways?

Mayor’s Work

By: Deanne Lindsay

Mayors are seen as the head of towns and cities, guiding their people through life in the city. Mayor Gord Krantz has been doing this in the city of Milton for as long as I can remember. He has been mayor since my family moved here in 1995, and even before then. But like all mayors, there must be something different that sets them apart. With Krantz, I believe that it is his community involvement that truly does the job.

Although Milton is known as one of the fastest growing cities in North America, Mayor Krantz still finds a way to make it out to town events. Krantz is often seen at charity events like Milton’s Annual Relay for Life or even just

breakfasts at Troy’s Diner. The mayor can also be found at fun events like the Fall Fair, awarding

ribbons or even grabbing a hot dog at the annual Milton Street Festival on Main Street. It is due to the mayor’s capability to meet and greet the people of his city and see first hand what is important to them, that keeps Milton with that small town feeling.

Gord Krantz grew up in Milton, way back when it was just a small farming town. He has really seen Milton grow. I think because he’s grown up here gives him the upper

advantage to running the town and meeting the people’s needs. For example, with the opening of Milton’s first art center, I can not help but think Krantz grew up here wanting to have more opportunities in town. Further, with all the conservation parks in and around the escarpment, the citizens of Milton can tell that Krantz cares about keeping a stable environment, which is important to us all. Even if we don’t recognize that it is. Further, because of the constant development of the town, along with the conservation sites, Krantz is showing his citizens that he wants to give us the best infrastructure to support his citizens without going too crazy.

Mayor Krantz has been serving as mayor for thirty years. The people of Milton have really grown to know and trust him. This must be one of the many reasons why he gets voted in election after election. The people of Milton have trusted him to put the well being of their families and neighbourhoods first. Krantz has done an excellent job of this by expanding the city where it really needs to be. Like the addition of new grocery stores, updated libraries, increased transportation services and the expansion of the Milton Sports Center and even the announcement of the hospital expansion.

But in all fairness, I really am impartial to Krantz. When I was five years old my mom worked for an organization called “Welcome Wagon” which welcomed new families and babies into town. One day, my mother and her colleague were being awarded a plaque from Mayor Krantz for their service rendered in town. My mom brought me along to the ceremony. I don’t remember too much about that day, but I do remember the mayor shaking my hand and offering me jelly beans off his desk. To a five year old, anyone that offers you jelly beans is a good person. He even offered to take pictures with us all, which I would later bring into show and tell in my kindergarten class. Where I would smile proudly because I had met the mayor.

Krantz has been serving our community whole heartily for thirty years. I truly believe that it is due to his people skills that he has been able to maintain his position for so long and truly help Milton grow in the best way possible.

Milton’s New High School

By: Hayley Wimmer

As some may know, one of Milton’s original high school, Ernest C. Drury School for the Deaf, will be coming to a close this June. A new high school is in the process of being built, and it is hoped to be finished for the September 2012 school year. The new school’s

location is on the Louis St. Laurent Street, off of Thompson Road. After many debates and presentations, the name of the school finally reached a verdict. Craig Kielburger Secondary School is the final decision. People are probably wondering what is going to happen to the still remaining E.C Drury. From many sources, it is said there are a few options. One thought is changing the building into an elementary school. Another idea is making the school into Board offices. Finally, it is also being considered altering it into a public school for grades six, seven and eight. Nothing is for sure set in stone, and more choices are bubbling around in people’s minds.

Being a grade twelve student, and a senior at E.C Drury, I have many memories and accomplishments at this school. It is hard to see it slowly vanish, and knowing that it will not be here for my high school reunion. E.C Drury is full of memories to every individual student, and it is sad to see it disappear. I’m sure the new high school will carry on the legacy of E.C Drury. Craig Kielburger Secondary School is continuing on the Spartan mascot, as that is the present figure at E.C Drury. I am ecstatic to see one small piece of Drury is continuing on, letting people remember one aspect of the school.

With the new school’s name, Craig Kielburger Secondary, students and faculty should be proud to go to a building named after such a respected, honourable, impactful man. Craig Kielburger is one of the biggest heroes in the world; he is trying to fight hunger and poverty in Africa. The impact he has put on the world, has inspired many to make a change, which is an important message in which the school represents. Students will be able to relate more easily to Craig Kielburger than they were with Ernest C. Drury. Students are more familiar with the accomplishments and actions done by Craig over Ernest.

The most popular location within E.C Drury is the lockerbay. It is where students keep their possessions, socialize and work on their studies. The lockerbay is also an area where some bullying occurs between the older and younger grades. At the new school, there will not be any

area similar to the lockerbay. With this action, it will help prevent any kind of bullying throughout the school. Also, it is an encouraging way for students to pursue their studies, as they will not be surrounded by distractions, so they can succeed in their classes.

The Last Song

By: Christine Wilkinson

I was scanning the shelves in indigo looking for a new book to read this coming summer while I was camping. I’m not going to lie; I tend to judge a book by its cover. If it has an appealing look to the outside of it, I generally tend to pick it up and read the synopsis to then see if I will like it. Finding most of the shelves rather boring, I went to the most featured section where I found a lot of the books that were hitting the big screen. I then came across of a book with a picture of a beach on it. Since I loved beaches so much, I picked it up to see what it was about. Liking the sounds of it, I decided to purchase it. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks would be my new summer read.

The novel is about an angry seventeen-year-old girl named Ronnie. She was forced to move from her

home in New York City with her Mom, to spend summer with her Dad at his beach house in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Ronnie’s mom thought it was in her and her adorable brother, Jonah’s, best interest to leave the city for the summer and spend time with their Dad who they hadn’t seen in 3 years. Ronnie is very resentful and rebellious, and does not want to be there at all. She threatens to return to New York and rejects all of her Dad’s attempts to reach out to her and make things right again since the divorce. After getting into some trouble with her new found friend, Blaze, and her “bad boy” boyfriend, Marcus, she decides she should try to smarten up and prove to her Dad she’s not that bad of a person. She discovers a turtle’s nest and camps out to protect it. She soon meets Will, the town’s heartthrob. He is the last person she thought she would fall for or ever talk to. After spending lots of time together, and opening herself up to him, she finds herself falling in love with him. Her heart is then opened up to the greatest happiness and pain she has ever known. Eventually, she finds out a dark secret about her Dad and ends up sticking by his side through the rest of the summer and fall.

My favourite part of the book is when the sea turtles hatch from their nest on the beach. Throughout the novel they are an important symbol. They bring everyone together to watch the little babies scramble to find their way to the ocean. This section of the book shows how important it is to live in a nice community, and makes you realize you should appreciate all that you have and love those who care about you.

I recommend this book to anyone who likes fluffy reads. It is very predictable, as I could guess what would happen in the rest of the novel after I read the first 2 chapters. If you are an emotional person, be prepared to cry. I am not even that emotional, especially when it comes to books, but I cried during this one. Nicholas Sparks is known for his romance novels, and making readers fall for the cliché’s and become hopeless romantics. Personally, I loved this book. It is a great summer read. Nicholas Sparks really captured the strong, growing relationships between the protagonist and her Dad and love interest. I have never been to this part of North Carolina, but I almost felt as if I was there as I was reading it. This book is one that will stay on my shelf and come out again for me to read in the future.

A New Store in Town

By: Deanne Lindsay

With the introduction of anything new, whether it be a product or not, there is bound to be apprehension and nay Sayers. The opening of the new Longo’s in Milton is no exception. Citizens from all

over town were complaining that the grocery store was being built in an inconvenient location and that the parking lot would be much too small to handle the high volume of people expected to shop there. Needless to say, I was a bit nervous to visit the store for my first time. However, once I was there, my nerves relaxed. Sure the parking lot may be a bit small, but no

one visits a grocery store just to hang out in the parking lot. You go to a grocery store to buy your groceries. Personally, I think, this is where Longo’s shines.

The store is smaller than other grocery stores in Milton. But I prefer this because even though it was my first time there, I didn’t feel like I was lost between isles, like I often do in bigger stores, that I go to regularly. Also, Longo’s has a lot more to offer than other grocery stores in town. For starters, they have a salad bar. This is where you pick what kind of salad you want, anything from pasta to fruit, get a container that will suit your family, and load it up. I thought this is great. You don’t have to be stuck with all the pre packaged food that we so often see at every other store. Also, this feature allows customers to take as much or as little food as they need, thus helping them not to be wasteful. Of course Longo’s still has pre-packaged salads for all those who are constantly busy and on the go. But it doesn’t just stop there. The store also offers a wide variety of hot and ready dinners as well as freshly made pastas that just need to be heated up at home. I love this. Mainly I love this because any type of pasta is my favourite meal, but it

takes too long to cook. Not with Longo’s help though! Now I can have my favourite meal whenever I please.

In grocery stores I often find myself feeling confused as to why products are placed where they are. Sometimes I think to myself “Why is the salsa by the dog food? Shouldn’t it be in the same isle as the tacos?” In Longo’s I had no such thoughts. I was going down the chip isle and the shelves across from the Lay’s potato chips were cans and bottles of pop. These are truly products that are meant to go together. Longo’s just seemed much more organized than other grocery stores, when it came to where products were placed. Which in turn makes grocery shopping quick and easy, so you don’t have to run around the whole store looking for the items on your shopping list.

Something that I really loved about this new Longo’s is that it’s a grocery store. Just a grocery store. Too many stores in Milton have tried to become superstores and sell anything and everything in one quick shop. Although this feature is convenient, I find myself buying things that I didn’t come to the grocery store for, thus spending more money. At Longo’s, they just sell things that would be found in a typical grocery store. This means that I can make it in and out without blowing my budget.

A feature that I really loved about this Longo’s is the Starbucks built right into the store. Now, after a busy day, you can go do your groceries and get a coffee to keep you energized to actually make dinner after shopping. Or, you can even take a little latté break after picking up dinner for that night.

All in all, I found Longo’s to be a great experience, regardless of what the community was saying. They carried all my favourite brands, have great new features and are very organized. Overall, I would recommend that everybody go and see how great Milton’s newest grocery store really is. After all, we don’t stop going to our favourite movie theatre or restaurant just because the parking lot is a little bit wacky.

Footloose Will Have You Dancing to the Theatre

By: Hayley Wimmer

Everyone loves a toe-tapping, seat dancing movie. Maybe there is one that sticks out in your mind, and maybe it is your favourite. Director, Craig Brewer delivers a new spin on the classic 1984 film. Brewer portrays the same characters, storyline and hip-twisting music, similar to the original,

but just with more of a 21st century feel. Kenny Wormald and Julianne Hough’s performance deserve and A+. They are full of emotion, desire and are sure to capture the audience’s hearts.

Ren MacCormack (Wormald) is transferred from big city Boston, to the small southern town of Bomont, where he experiences a major lawful shock. After a tragic car accident,

resulting in the death of five teenagers, Bomont’s councilman and respected Reverend Shaw Moore (Dennis Quaid) responded by enforcing laws that prohibit loud music and public dancing. Not the one to follow the crowd, Ren decides to take a stand and challenge the law to abolish the ridiculous rules. During the process, Ren finds himself falling for the Reverend’s troubled teenage daughter Ariel (Julianne Hough).

This movie is rated PG-13, which may turn off some of the younger children. With some offensive language and content, this film grasps the attention of young adults. This film also captures the attention of the adult population seeing as they may have watched the original.

With the recreation of the song “Footloose”, now sung by country singer Blake Shelton, along with the extra music in the film, would fit more along with young adult genre.

This new feature film is a great family film, that has an inspiring lesson and moral. It teaches teens to stand up for what they believe in, and let no one stop you. It is a great remake of an 80’s classic that has enjoyable aspects. The use of music, the actors performances and the fun original storyline, are only a few great qualities the film has. Footloose is ultimately a movie to run to the theatre to watch.

Small Town Meets Big City

By: Christine Wilkinson

For years, I had dreamed of leaving this little town and going to a big city. I mean, I had been to Toronto many times, but that was only an hour away, it wasn’t exciting anymore. I wanted to go far, into a different country even. I wanted to go to the city where Home Alone was filmed, and where all the famous people came to shop, the city that all the songs

are sung about. I wanted to go to the city that never sleeps- the big apple. I wanted to go to New York City. It was a long car ride I had endured with my cousin, my Aunt and my Mom. We’d been driving for nearly 10 hours, with many stops along the way for food. Singing “Life is a highway” was getting a little old, and the black leather seats were becoming hot on my bare tanned legs. I could tell my cousin was getting restless too. Both of us had our elbows rested on the middle console and our hands cradling our face. We were sharing the candy we bought from the Cracker barrel earlier that day- probably because we didn’t have anything better to do. My Mom reached back from front passenger seat and hit my leg. “Look,” she said, pointing, “we’re here!” Gazing out the window, I could hardly believe my eyes. When I was told that the New York City skyline is one of the top things on the list you must see before you die, I didn’t understand why something so commercialized could be so gorgeous. The jagged shapes of the dark buildings contrasted amazingly against the dusty pink sky. Lights glowed on every skyscraper

and reflected in the Hudson River. The Empire State building stood out like a giant amongst a crowd of little mice looking up at him. I now understood why it was so highly talked about. It was something I couldn’t take my eyes off of, it was incredible. I looked ahead and saw a sign that said “The Lincoln Tunnel”. “What’s that?” I asked. “We’re about to go through a tunnel that takes us under the river and into the city,” replied my Auntie Dawn. I took another look at the beautiful skyline before the tunnel swallowed us. I was so excited to see it up close, on the other side. I wondered what it would look like at different times a day, but I’m sure either way it would still give me chills with its jagged shapes and sparkling lights. The tunnel was dark and full of cars and buses rushing in and out of the city. Light zipped by and lit up the car as we passed each lantern attached to the wall. When we reached the end, we were officially in Manhattan, New York. I couldn’t help but gaze up at the big buildings ahead of us. Entering the downtown area was intense. The streets were flooded with yellow taxis and tour buses. Pedestrians crossed with the sure confidence that everyone else would move out of their way. I don’t know how my Aunt kept so calm. Although it was night, it wasn’t dark. Every building was still brightly lit. The flashing signs and billboards illuminated the sky. After we reached our hotel, with a lovely view of Times Square, might I add, we freshened up and decided it was time to explore. My Mom, with her Nikon camera around her neck, was such a typical tourist. “Let’s go!” she said, with a smile stretching from ear to ear. Times Square is the most amazing place, with streets full of cars and people, surrounded by tall concrete buildings. People from every culture filled the road and sidewalks. Huge flashing signs covered every building in the area. The energy was amazing; it plastered a smile across my face. It filled the air, caressing my skin and giving me gossebumps. Shops and stores lined the streets. A giant yellow M&M character hung off the side of a building marking the M&M factory we just couldn’t resist but to go into. I couldn’t believe it. I was so used to being able to walk so freely down the main streets of Milton. Maybe pass one or two people along the way. I could walk into most stores and there’d hardly be anyone else in there with me. Even Toronto wasn’t this hectic. We were bumping into someone everywhere we went. The sidewalks were crowded with unfamiliar faces. I fell in love. The high I felt from all these people, the lights, and the hustle and bustle, was fantastic. Just a little taste of the city made me want to come back. Who knows, maybe I’ll end up living in NYC one day.

The Perfect Family Getaway

By: Deanne Lindsay

Most families who live in busy, bustling cities are always looking for a new way to get out of town and just relax. Of course, my family is no exception.

With all the distractions of living in an ever-growing city, my family, mainly my parents,

decided it was time to get away. Time to shut off the Blackberry’s and power-down the laptops. It was time for a family vacation.

I have to admit, I had mixed emotions when my parents announced to the trip to Prince Edward Island. After all, the only thing I really knew about P.E.I was that there was a lot of potatoes, and potatoes didn’t seem very exciting to me. I became even more mixed about the trip when my parents told both my sister and I, the entire family would be making the long, very, very, long, drive from Milton to Charlottetown.

However, as I had more time to think about the trip, and as my parents told me more, I got more and more excited. I started to look for new beachwear online and look for things that I would want to keep me busy in the car. Any sense of uneasiness disappeared. I began to think more about the warm beaches, with the space to actually play outside and all the sunsets we would watch, as the sun dipped below the ocean. Needless to say, that when the five a.m. leave time in the middle of July finally rolled around, I was down right ecstatic.

The drive wasn’t even as bad as I had built it up in my mind to be. I was so exhausted from the early wake up time that I had slept all the way to Montreal, which would be where we would spend our first night. As far as I was concerned, it was a sucky start to what was supposed to be an awesome vacation.

I was so looking forward to the quiet, private time on beaches; Montreal was anything but that. Mixed with the grogginess of sleeping all day, the noises of the busy city seemed ten times louder than they actually were. However, Montreal wasn’t totally bad. The hotel did have big, plush, beds that were exactly what I needed after the long day. I was also very grateful that by the end of the next day I would hopefully be on a beach listening to the waves and watching the stars twinkle in the black sky.

The next day seemed to wiz by. Before I knew it, our silver Pontiac was crossing the massive Confederation Bridge. As I was still trying to get over the size and intensity of the bridge, we were pulling into the driveway of a cute little cottage. This humble little home with a sandy yard would be all ours for the next week.

The interior of the cottage was cozy, and even came complete with a sunroom. The best part of the cottage, other than the incredibly soft beds, was that beach was just a mere five minutes away. I could already hear the waves crashing. The beach would become our second home, as we spent bits of everyday, or even the whole day there, over the next week.

Although the Atlantic Ocean was a bit frigid to spend much time swimming in, its salty water was refreshing. Especially after spending hours picking the perfect seashells for all the creatures and castles I had made in the sand. I was shocked to see that colour of the sand when we got there. It was as something I had never seen before. The soft sand was a red rust colour that contrasted the deep blue of the ocean perfectly. I remember laughing as my sister and I ran up and down the shore, poking the squishy tops of stranded jelly fish. Or watching the tide come in as

we spent the whole day at the beach. I can still remember how the moon shone off the water; clear enough to be a mirror. I sometimes even long to hear the waves crashing to lull me to sleep at night.

Going into town was an experience all on its own. The cute little shops were all filled with beachy décor. No one seemed in a rush to do anything. The people in P.E.I were just living life as it happened, one day at a time. No phones to take them away, no papers screaming to be filled out.

Getting to Prince Edward Island was an adventure all on its own. But once we got there, all the stresses and worries seemed to float away with the morning tide. If I were to go on this trip again, I wouldn’t change a thing.

Fashion Abroad

By: Hayley Wimmer

When thinking about Europe, people mostly come up with the idea of sightseeing or all of the historical landmarks. But one of the main attractions when it comes to Europe is the wide variety of shopping. I love shopping. Every paycheck I receive, goes immediately into the new latest trends fund.

My first time going to Europe was an experience I’ll never forget. It was spectacular how many shops, malls and stores are throughout the continent.

When I first arrived in Berlin, Germany, I wasn’t expecting to see many shopping places; I was saving that for Paris. To my amazement, there were many cute, little boutiques on the side of streets that offer great prices for great quality. I remember this small, girly boutique that had extraordinary scarves, jewelry and bags. I spent nearly one hundred euros in that shop within one hundred seconds.

Moving our war down to Amsterdam, I noticed the change in shops. In the Netherlands, there are an endless supply of touristy shops and boutiques. It is a great place for buying souvenirs for friends and family back at home, but I felt as though there weren’t any high end fashion shops. Amsterdam had many stores with many items that would be great memorable objects. Sweaters, key chains, cards, and mini trinkets are all wonderful, thoughtful souvenirs.

The last stop on my trip was Paris, France. This is truly the destination for which to save your money for. The high-class, sophisticated feeling the city has is amazing itself. The lights, the rushes of people make the experience worthwhile. The sweet, fresh smell of homemade croissants dance up my nose. It has this unique, high energy that is not at all vacant in the small town in Ontario where I live. Almost at every block, there is a shop, whether it is for souvenirs, or a fancy, expensive store full of the hottest European fashions. Paris is a remarkable place, with

many things to offer- shopping being first on my list. It is the homeland for talented, famous designers. Dolce and Gabana, Chanel, Dior, are all but a few examples of the popular brands. Getting the fabulous clothing and accessories is every girls dream; it makes you feel like you are in the “loop”. When I am handed a bag, I can’t help but smile, not even thinking how much I am spending on only one shirt.

European fashion is extremely different then it is here in Canada. It is a life-changing experience and a wonderful privilege to take part in.