urban quality principles draft

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10 Urban Quality

Principles orMexico City


DRAFT SEPT. 22 2008

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p 02 · gehl architects ·

DRAFT 080922


LONG-TERM GOAL: Plac ingpeople frst in sustainable urbandevelopment in Latin America

Transport Oriented


Ground Floor


Public Lie Public

Space Survey - CTS

utilizes Gehl Architects


Public LiePublic Space Survey


10 Urban QualityPrinciples

CTS - reSponSibiliTy 

Data collection•

Report Content•

Final report document•

GeHl - reSponSibiliTy 

Data collection methodology•

Strategic guidance to report content•

Quality assurance or nal report•




CollAborATion beTWeen CTS AnDGeHl ArCHiTeCTS


In Spring 2008, CTS embarked on three ambitious

projects that indivuallay represent signicant studies

into key actors that contribute to the quality o Mexico

City. Collectively these three projects can be used

to dene vital parameters or the sustainable urban

development o Mexico City in the coming years.


Gehl Architects work to improve city environments in

cities around the world.

A major objective or Gehl Architects is to create

more coherence between city lie and the city’s built

environment. Gehl Architects strongly believe that public

lie should at the top o the agenda and great care is

needed to accommodate or the people populating

our cities. To achieve this objective Gehl Architects have

developed the Public Lie and Public Space (PLPS) Surveyas a working tool to achieve the goal o placing people in

the center o the city planning process.

Gehl Architects have conducted Public Lie and Public

Space surveys in numerous cities around the world

including; New York City, San Francisco, London, Sydney,

Stockholm, Zürich, Copenhagen, and Melbourne.


For previous studies, Gehl Architects have perormed all

the tasks associated with the PLPS Survey. In this case

however, Gehl Architects acted as a supervising body. Gehl

trained CTS sta in the PLPS survey methodology, and

provided quality assurance throughout the development o

the fnal document. It is CTS, however that is responsible

or all the content o the ormal Eje Central PLPS Survey

Report. Gehl Architects ocussed on applying the analysis

conducted on Eje Central to outline key principles that can

be applied to several major corridors in the city, including

several Eje Viales and other major city arteries.



 Social Enviromental



Urban Development

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DRAFT 080922

GeHl ArCHiTeCTS pHiloSopHy AnD


our ViSion

Gehl Architects’ vision is to create better cities. We

aspire to create cities that are lively, healthy, diverse and

sae - and thereby improve people’s quality o lie.

Gehl Architects work to create sustainable

environments or the 21st century. Our approach

to design extends beyond the use o sustainable

materials and advocating walking, cycling and alternative

transport. We promote a holistic liestyle. Our design

solutions prioritize lie quality, health, saety and an

inclusive environment or all. We regard the public

realm is a place or all people, regardless o ethnic

background, age, socio-economic class, disability,

religion, or the like. Residents, visitors, students,

workers, children, and the elderly are all invited to meet

in the public realm.





  nw Ct Sacs 

(Jan Gehl and Lars Gemzøe,

2001) provides an interna-tional perspective on the

renaissance o public lie and

public spaces over the past

25 years. City strategies rom

Barcelona, Lyon, Strasbourg,

Freiburg, Copenhagen, Port-

land, Curitiba, Cordoba and

Melbourne are presented as

well as 39 remarkable new

public spaces. Published in

Danish, English, Spanish, Por-

tuguese, Czech and Chinese


  pc Sacs - pc

lf (Jan Gehl and Lars

Gemzøe, 1996) describes

34 years o development o

the public spaces in Copen-

hagen and documents the

impressive growth o public

lie that ollowed. Winner o

the “Edra/Places Research

Award” USA 1998.

GeHl liTerATure

The work o Gehl Architects is based on Jans

Gehl’s 40 years o extensive research on lie in

public spaces. Our research deals with the many

actors that infuence public lie and public space

and how people use it.

  lf btw bdgs (Jan

Gehl) rst published in 1971, conti-

nues to be a widely used handbook

on the relationship between public

spaces and the social lie o cities.

Published in many versions and in

15 languages.

  nw Ct lf 

(Gehl, Gemzøe, Kirknæs & Søndergaard, 2006) Over the past

50 years, the use o public space has changed dramatical ly. In

years past, city lie was characterised by work related pursuits,

whereas today city lie is increasingly dominated by recreation

and culture related activities. New City Lie is a handbook

describing how to improve the quality o lie in the city by

responding to the challenges acing cities in the 21st century.

Published in Danish and English.

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p 04  · gehl architects ·

DRAFT 080922

CTS proJeCT role

Eje Central ‘ Zero Emission

Corridor’ projekt

An exTenSiVe STuDy 

Utilizing standard GIS data collection techniques, CTS

collected relevant data along the entire 12km Eje Central

Corridor. At ten specic key areas, CTS utilized the

Public Lie Public Space Survey methodology with the

guidance o supervision o Gehl Architects. These ten

areas highlighted to the right.

This analysis together with a more background and

context both or the work o CTS and Eje Central as well

as a series o recommendations can be ound in the

CTS “Urban Quality Study - Eje Central” document

  C T S

 U r b a n  Q  u a l

 i t y  S t u d y

 -  E J E  C E N T

 RA L 



































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ApplyinG THe plpS SurVey MeTHoDoloGy 

In general there are three scales in which the PLPS

survey methodology can be applied and utilized.

1. Project Specic – When a specic project is PLPS as

a baseline study rom which to measure improvements

in the quality o public lie and the increase in activity

resulting rom public realm improvements. In this case

the PLPS is used as an evaluation criteria to judge the

project’s success.

2. Neighborhood / District - A PLPS study can be carried

out in an approximate 1km2 area, to gain a better

understanding o the character - both problems and

potential - o a neighborhood. In this case the PLPS

can be used to inorm what types o public realm

improvements should be made in the district and how

the neighborhood relates to the rest o the city.

3. City Wide - By careully choosing several key districts,

spaces, and streets located throughout the city, a PLPS

study can be undertaken to orm the basis o a city

urban development policy. In this case the PLPS is

used as a catalyst or change to alter the mindset o city

ocilas and promote a more holisitc people oriented

approach to city design.

FroM eJe CenTrAl To eJe ViAleS

Although CTS utilzed the PLPS methodolgy, this

document does not t neatly into any o the three

categories mentioned above, but rather touches on all

three. Gehl Architects have studied Eje Central at three

specic intersections in the Centro Historico district.

This analysis has inormed the 10 principles outlined

here, and could be used in conjunction with uture

studies to create a more comprehensive development

ramework that could be applied throughout Mexico



DRAFT 080922













GeHl ArCHiTeCTS proJeCT role

Using the PLPS survey methodology

Gehl Architcts studied Eje Central inCentro Historico in detail.

This specic analysis and general recom-

mendations could be developed urther

to result in an Urban Development Frame-

work plan or Eje Viales as well as to uture

major corridor improvements.

 G E H L A R

 C H I T E C T S

 U R BA N  Q 


 P R I N C I P L

 E S

I I?

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p 06  · gehl architects ·

DRAFT 080922

More To WAlkinG THAn WAlkinG

Walking is rst and oremost a type o transportation,

but it also provides an opportunity to spend time in the

public realm. Walking can be about experiencing the

city at a comortable pace, looking at shop windows,

beautiul buildings, interesting views and other people.

The Public Lie Public Space surveys conducted on April

9th and April 20th 2008 examine how urban spaces

are used and the extent that people walk in Mexico

City in general and along Eje Central specically. The

survey data collected provides inormation on where

people walk, either as part o their daily activities, or

or recreational purposes. This inormation can orm

the basis on which to make uture decisions on which

streets and routes need to be improved.

Despite numerous

obstacles, thousands opeople walk along EjeCentral everyday

i i


Salto de Agua


Bellas Artes

5 Mayo

Plaza de la Solaridad

Plaza Aquil es Serdan



26,150 27,110





i i


Salto de Agua


Bellas Artes

5 Mayo

Plaza de la


Plaza Aq uil es Serdan




17,950 18,560


70,120 43,410



peDeSTriAn TrAFFiC in CenTro HiSToriCo

WeekDAy peDeSTriAn TrAFFiC WeekenD peDeSTriAn TrAFFiC

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DRAFT 080922

WAlkinG For pleASure

Any city can have heavy pedestrian trac. People

oten need to walk between bus stops, car parks or

rail stations and their nal destinations. But a good

indication o the quality o the pedestrian environment

is the volume o pedestrian trac when people don’t

have to walk, but choose to do so because the public

environment is enjoyable.


Comparing weekday and weekend pedestrian volume

is a good way o determining which streets invite

residents and visitors to spend time in the city, and

which do not.

The gures suggest that dierent areas o Eje Central

are used drastically dierently throughout the course

o the week. Some sections such as near Bellas Artes

are obviously used or leisure and ree time activities,

while others like South o Bellas Artes and at Saltode Agua are used almost exclusively or necessary

activities during the week. When people have ree

time they choose to come to Bellas Artes but avoid

Salto de Ague. These drastic di erence in which Eje

Central is used suggest that the design should acilitate

and accommodate these use patterns – or at the very

least they support the claim that Eje Central cannot be

considered as one uniorm street.

Pedestrian traffic along Eje Central at Victoria












   t   h  o  u  s  a  n   d  s  o   f  p  e   d  e  s   t  r   i  a  n  s   8  a  m  -   8  p  m

Pedestrian trac along Eje Central atSalto de Agua weekend is


less than weekday trac

Pedestrian Trac along Eje Central atAv. Juarez is


less than weekday trac

Pedestrian trac along Eje Central atVictoria is


more than weekday trac

Pedestrian Trac along E je Central atBellas Artes is

+ 150%

more than weekday trac

WeekDAy WeekenD WeekDAy  WeekenD

WeekDAy WeekenD

Use o Eje Central orleisure activities varies

greatly rom neighborhoodto neighborhood

neCeSSAry AnD opTionAl peDeSTriAn


WeekDAy WeekenD

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GeTTinG ArounD

lACkinG CoMForT AnD DiGniTy 

The conditions along Eje Central exempliy a landscape

in which the needs o the pedestrian have been

orgotten. Space usually reserved or pedestrians along

sidewalks has been taken over by vehicles, vendors,

and subway inrastructure creating an environment with

little room or pedestrians.

The roadway along Eje Central is in top condition, while

the sidewalks are in poor repair, urther enorcing the

priority given to motorized vehicles.

Walking along Eje Central,one is reminded again and

again that car is King andthat pedestrians are secondclass citizens

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DRAFT 080922

GeTTinG ArounD

Eje Central is plagued bydangerous crossings andnumerous obstacles atcorners and along side


peDeSTriAnS Are A loW prioriTy 

Along Eje Central it’s not only vehicles that have been

given priority over pedestrians. Mexico City has allowed

inormal vendors, pay phone companies, and even a

variety o signs and postings to inringe on pedestrian


Pedestrian desire lines - the shortest and most direct

path between destinations - are completely neglected

orcing pedestrians out into the vehicular lane way or up

on to narrow and hard to navigate curbs.

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p 010 · gehl architects ·

DRAFT 080922

inTernATionAl STreeT CoMpAriSon

Weekday pedestrian trac

between 8 am - 8 pm -other capitals

Weekday pedestrian trac

between 8 am - 8 pm -Mexico City

Weekday pedestrian trac

between 8 pm - 10 pm

An unDer-perForMinG bouleVArD

Gehl Architects have surveyed pedestrian activity along

major streets in cities around the world utilizing the

same methodology employed in Mexico City.

Comparing pedestrian data rom other cities with the

data collected in Centro Historico sheds light on howEje Central and major side streets compare to key

streets in other World Capitals.

Such a comparison suggests that relatively ew people

choose to walk in Mexico City compared to other

world capitals. One reason or this might be that the

pedestrian environment in Mexico City o poor quality

when compared to other major world capitals and

even in relation to much smaller cities (in terms o


Mexico City is under-perorming in relation to

pedestrian activity in otherworld capitals

 S  y d n e y , G  e or  g e S  t  r  e e t  

2  0  0 7 

M el   b  o ur n e , S w a n s  t   on S  t  r  e e t  

 (   s  o u t  h  )   ,2  0  0 4 

L  on d  on ,R  e g en t   S  t  r  e e t  

2  0  0 2 

 C  o p enh  a  g en ,V  e s  t   er  b r  o g a  d  e

2  0  0  5 

 S  t   o c k h  ol  m ,H a mn g a  t   a n

2  0  0  5 





L  on d  on , Oxf   or  d  S  t  r  e e t  

2  0  0 2 

B r  o a  d w a  y b  t  w. 3 1  s  t   a n d  3 2 n d 

2  0  0 7 


T i  m e S  q u a r  e (  B r  o a  d w a  y a n d 

7  t  h A v e. a  t  4 4  t  h  )  

2  0  0 7 


E  j   e C  en t  r  a l   (  V i   c  t   or i   a 

2  0  0  8 


E  j   e C  en t  r  a l   (  B  el  l   a  s A r  t   e s  )  

2  0  0  8 


V i   c  t   or i   a 

2  0  0  8 


 5 . d  eM a  y o

2  0  0  8 

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2  0  0  8 


129,830 137,400

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HiGHWAy DeSiGn in THe CiTy 

The design o Eje Central clearly aspires to achieve one

goal only - maximum vehicular trac capacity. But

vehicle capacity alone is not the role o major urban

boulevards. In large cities around the world, major

corridors are conceived as routes or a variety o users

- pedestrians, cyclists, public transportation as well as

private vehicles.

The design o Eje Central, however, doesn’t respond to

its urban context and cater or a wide-variety o users

but rather resembles a highway designed or high

vehicular trac speed. Unortunately inviting cars only

brings more cars, and Eje Central in Centro Historico is

most times heavily congested so vehicular trac rarely

moves rapidly.

The result is an odd and unpleasant combination o wide

yet congested vehicular laneways, lled with slow-

moving noisy and polluting vehicles, where pedestrians

are orced to navigate a highway environment

inappropriately placed in the heart o a bustling city.

Unortunately the model o Eje Central has been applied

to many o the main corridors in Mexico City, especially

the Eje Viales.

Major Mexico City streetsare designed as highways

rather than vibrant urbanboulevards


DRAFT 080922

STreeTS Do noT inViTe For WAlkinG

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p 012 · gehl architects ·

DRAFT 080922

prinCipleS For urbAn QuAliTy 

Based on the analysis o Eje Central described on the

previous pages, this section outlines 10 key principles to

promote urban quality, especially along major corridors

in Mexico City.

pc 1.

ConSiDer THe QuAliTy CriTeriA

eVAluATion CriTeriA

Gehl Architects have developed a key word list

or ensuring quality in the public realm. Achieving

these criteria alone does not guarantee a successul

public space, but these twelve categories should be

considered when designing spaces and streets or


    P    R     O

    T    E     C    T    I     O    N

     C     O    M    F     O

    R    T

    E    N    J     O    Y    M    E    N    T


Against Crime & Violence

- Well lit

- Allow for passive surveillance

- Overlap functions in space and time

Varying Seasonal Activity- seasonal activities. (skating, christmas

markets, )

- extra protection from unpleasant

climatic conditions

- Lighting

Dimensioned at human scale

- Dimensioning of buildings & spaces

in observance of the important human

dimensions related to senses, movements,

size & behavior.






Standing and Staying

- Attractive and functional edges

- Defined spots for staying

- Objects to lean against or stand next to

Play, Recreation, and Interaction

- Allow for physical activity, play, interaction

and entertainment

- Temporary activities (markets, festivals,

exhibitions etc.)

- Optional activities (resting, meeting, social


- Create opportunities for people to interact

in the public realm

Positive Aspects of Climate

- Sun / shade

- Warmth / coolness

- Breeze / ventilation

Aesthetic and Sensory

- Quality design, fine detailing, robust


- Views / vistas

- Rich sensory experiences

Day, Evening, and Night Activity- 24 hour city

- Variety of functions throughout

the day

- Light in the windows (residences)

- Mixed-use

- Lighting in human scale

Visual Contact- Coherent way-finding

- Unhindered views

- Interesting views

- Lighting (when dark)

Audio and Verbal Contact- Low ambient noise level

- Public seating arrangements

condusive to communicating


- Defined zones for sitting

- Maximize advantages - pleasant views,

people watching

- Good mix of public and café seating

- Resting opportunities


- Room for walking

- Accesibility to key areas

- Interesting facades

- No obstacles

- Quality surfaces

Against unpleasant sensoryexperiences

- Wind / Draft

- Rain / Snow

- Cold / Heat

- Pollution

- Dust, Glare, Noise

Against Vehicular Trafc

--Traffic accidents

- Pollution, fumes, noise

- Visibility

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DRAFT 080922

MAJor CorriDorS in MexiCo CiTy ToDAy 

Most major corridors act as a barrier and repels public lie rom

the adjacent neighborhoods. The corridor is such a dividing line

that neighborhood character has been dened by where the

community meets the corridor

MAJor CorriDorS in MexiCo CiTy ToMorroW

Major routes should unite the diverse neighborhoods that

stretch out along its axis. Corridors like Eje Central can connect

communities and serve as a catalyst or diverse range o public lie


today - a barrier or public lie tomorrow - a ‘zipper’ and a connector

pc 2.

re-enViSion MAJor rouTeS

AS A “Zipper” oF publiC liFe

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ho ommond,

mmnd nd mnnd

tno Dmn

pnnn Dmn

pk Dmn

CreATinG SynerGy 

By considering the public realm holistically rather than

in pieces as typically is the case in traditional planning

process, the quality criteria can be ull-lled.

p 014 · gehl architects ·

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pc 3.

TreAT CorriDorS HoliSTiCAlly 

FroM builDinG FACADe To

builDinG FACADe

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DRAFT 080922

pc 4.

bAlAnCe prioriTy To ACCoMMoDATe

For All STreeT uSerStoday long-termshort-term

Inner city trafc in Copenhagen

Copenhagen model split 20062%



leArninG FroM CopenHAGen

Over the past 40 years Copenhagen has consistently

strived to improve conditions or pedestrians andcyclists.

People have accepted the invitation!

The vehicle is king

and highway design

permeates the historic

inner city core.

Inecient micro bus

trac accounts or

a majority o public

transport trips

Ocial bus service is

oten delayed due to

private vehicles invading

dedicated bus lanes

Few people choose

to walk due to poor

conditions and those

that do walk are

uncomortable and long

or a car

Poorly planned and unsae

bicycle lanes attract ew

cyclists and only those

with no other option dare

to cycle in the City

Motorists witness that

other modes o transport

are aster and more


The demand or micro

bus alls as Mexico City

prioritizes and invests

in other more ecient

means o transit

Dedicated bus lanes are

enorced and access to

bus stops or pedestrians

and cyclists is increased

Simple changes such

as widening side walks

and shortening crossing

distances drastically

improve the pedestrian


Sae dedicated bike

tracks ocus on short

1-3 km trips and secure

bicycle parking allows

or combined transport

trips with bus, metro, and

regional train

Vehicular trac capacity

can be reduced and more

space given to other

transport modes

As demand alls, routes

will disappear and only

the most ecient and

necessary routes remain

Several ecient bus

rapid transit routes are

developed or longer trips

within the City

More and more people

choose to walk in the City

as this is the best way

to soak up the lively and

diversity city culture o

Mexico City

The dedicated bicycle

track network grows

and people chose to

bike urther distances

as cycling becomes an

option or all residents

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p 016 · gehl architects ·

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pc 5.

iMproVe ConDiTionS For


Respect pedestrian desire lines Ensure eective sidewalk width

Simpliy street crossings Ensure access or all

eVeryone iS A peDeSTriAn

All city users are at one time or another a pedestrian.

Rather it be the bus passenger en route to and rom the

bus stop or the motorist that walks to his destination

rom his parking spot. Thereore improving conditions

or pedestrians is the best way to improve Mexico City

or everyone.

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DRAFT 080922

pc 6.

ConSiDer iMproVeMenTS AlonG THe CorriDor

AS A CATAlyST For CHAnGe in THe WiDer DiSTriCT

The corridor must be con-

sidered in the context o the

nodes (transit stops, destina-

tions) and neighborhoods it

passes through and connects

The role o the node can then

be considered in the wider

public space network o each


The transit node can then

expand in unction and im-

portance to become a local

“heart” o public lie and activ-

ity in the district

In that way the new heart can

become a catalyst or change

or improvements in the public

realm throughout the neighbor-


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pc 7.

iMproVe ACCeSS To THe CorriDor

For peDeSTriAnS AnD CyCliSTS



Major Corridors

as ecient public transport routes

su by


Secure bicycle


create better access

or pedestrians to

the heart o each

district and/or neigh-


create dedicated bicy-

cle lanes and bicycle

parking on key “eeder


1 km

3 km














Trolley Bus/BRT

ACCeSS For eVeryone

Given the size and scale o Mexico City, pedestrians and

cyclists cannot be expected to travel long distances.

Thereore in terms o pedestrians and cyclists the role

o the corridor in the local district is oten the most

important. Longer routes are the responsibility o

ecient public transport, but getting to those public

transit nodes should also be easy, pleasant and sae.

By improving access to the corridor within a 1km radius

or pedestrians, and a 3km radius or cyclists, the

corridor can truly become an ecient transit corridor as

well as a vital destination or people and an attractor o

public lie.

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A similar urban orm (the shape and character o

streets and spaces) might transcend the boundaries

o neighborhoods. The corridor should be perceived

as a continuous route while responding to unique

characteristics o each district and neighborhood in the

context its urban orm.


DRAFT 080922

pc 8.

iMpleMenT VAriouS STreeT TypoloGieS

WiTHin THe SAMe CorriDor

pedestrian public space


shared space

similar paving and planting treatments can be rearranged to createunique street typologies

square boulevard shared space

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2,5-4 m


4,2 m

  p e d   e s  t   r  i      a n s 

v  e  g e t    a  t   i      on

2,5-4 m 11,6 m 4,2 m

 t   r   ol     l      e   y 

  p e d   e s  t   r  i      a n s 

v  e  g e t    a  t   i      on

 t   r   ol     l      e   y 

3 m 3 m


 p e d  e s  t  r i    a n s 

v  e g e t   a  t  i    on

2,5 m 3,5 m 4,2 m3,5 m

 t  r  ol   l    e  y 

 t  r  ol   l    e  y 

 c  a r  s 

 c  a r  s 

2,7 m 2,7 m 2,7 m

 c  a r  s 

 c  a r  s 

 p e d  e s  t  r i    a n s 

v  e g e t   a  t  i    on

0,3 m1,6 m0,3 m

2,5 m 3 m3 m 2,7 m

typical Eje Viales section

urban boulevard section

31 m

31 m

re-iMAGine MexiCo CiTy CorriDorS

One way to recapture the urbanity that in places is

neglected in Mexico City is to re-imagine the City’s

major corridors as 2-way urban boulevards rather than

suburban highways.

p 020 · gehl architects ·

DRAFT 080922

pc 9.

ConSiDer MAJor CorriDorS AS

urbAn bouleVArDS

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reSponDinG To THe urbAn ConTexT

The two-way urban boulevard model can be ound in

capitals around the world. The street type with wide

sidewalks, a generous median, and public transportation

access promotes slower vehicular trac and improves

access or motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists alike.


DRAFT 080922

pc 9.

ConSiDer MAJor CorriDorS AS

urbAn bouleVArDS

Paris - Champ Elysée

Sydney - Pitt Street

NY - Park Avenue

Melburne - Swanston Street

DRAFT 080922

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pArT oF A lArGer neTWork

While major city corridors are vital to the city transport

system, they do not need to meet all the city’s needs

themselves. When considered as part o a street

hierarchy that is sometimes the role o the corridor can

be appropriately dened to compliment the rest o the

local and city-wide street network.

p 022 · gehl architects ·

DRAFT 080922







pc 10.

ConSiDer THe CorriDor in A WiDer

STreeT HierArCHy 

DRAFT 080922

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DRAFT 080922

pc 10.

ConSiDer THe CorriDor AS pArT oF

A WiDer STreeT HierArCHy 


2 way trac•

dedicated bike lanes•

wide side walks•


slow one-way trac•

bicyclists are welcome but no•

track is provided

wide side walks•


good access to commercial and retail activities•

bike track•

curb-side parking•

wide side walks carried over side streets•