urban renewal


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Post on 25-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Urban Renewal


The design and development of a city should be human oriented. Thus, the people needs

and requirement have to be in the highest priority. Basic needs of human are such cloth, food,

residential and transport. After that, the next level such as entertainment, spiritual happiness,

healthcare and convenience for disable person. But, what we found in Kajang, most of the

building orientations are not satisfied in terms of convenience for disabled and aging people. The

transport system especially bus services also not very efficient and this may be the biggest

challenge in redesign Kajang.

Development and redesign of city does not mean full exploration and opening of new

land. In reverse, it should considering the existing landscape, topographic and biodiversity of an

area. Thus, natural environment such as reserved forest, catchment areas and natural streams

should be considered in the process of redesign a city. The main one is the protection of Langat

river as main water source intake for seven water treatment plants in Selangor area.

Natural resources refer to something derived from the environment. Many of them are

essential for our survival while others are used for satisfying our needs. Natural resources may be

further classified in different way by its basis of origin. Nowadays, Kajang no longer focus on

mining due to the exhausted of tin. Thus, it is a lesson for us not to over exploitation and relies

on certain resources. In development of Kajang, it is preferable for utilization of renewable

resources such as solar power and wind energy.

To avoid greed and show off attitude, it is preferable to have socialism for economic

system rather than capitalism oriented. In capitalism economy system, the prices of goods and

services are controlled mainly through supply and demand and also competition. Supply is the

amount of good or service produced by firm and which is available for sale. Demand is the

amount of good that people are willing to buy at specific price. Prices tend to rise when demand

exceeds supply, and fall when supply exceeds demand. In theory, the market is able to coordinate

itself when a new equilibrium price and quantity is reached. However, if the demand of people is

higher than the actual demand that they need and the supply is maintained, this will lead to the

increase of price, thus effort to provide the supply to the people is increased and consequently

environment will be victim to be sacrificed.


Page 2: Urban Renewal


So, in redesign Kajang, economy activities planned will try to meet everybody needs as

much as possible and in the same time everybody is ensure to have equivalent quality of life,

which mean that gap between rich and poor will be smaller. Economic growth will achieve its

balance, which is the ideal stage. No more over demand to increase the burden on earth.

Suggested economic activities are preferable to environmental friendly, such as organic

agriculture, professional knowledge services, green buildings development and etc.

In Kajang redesign development, social quality has to increase in terms of mentally and

personally, which mean that people have high awareness about relationship between human and

environment. People will start desired for simple life and not to ultimately enjoyment of physical

sense, which will lead to unlimited exploitation of limited natural resources. Lifestyle od people

have to change from freedom in desire to freedom from desire. People who live in Kajang have

to start adapt to lifestyle change, which is not only care about themselves on earning money,

chase for glory and place wealth in ultimate position. In reverse, people have to undergo lifestyle

which have close relationship with environment and not damage the natural ecosystem for their

own comfort.

After the development of Kajang under redesign development, most of the existing

natural forest will be reserved. From the well planned building orientation and reserved places

for plantation, it is believe that air quality and atmosphere condition in Kajang are satisfactory.

Besides that, together with the utilization of renewable energy and high technology for transport

system which has have zero emission of greenhouse gases, this will effectively ensure

environment quality in Kajang is in good condition. However, environmental quality is not only

about air quality, on the same water and land quality also more to be taken into consideration.

Thus, high technology and engineered method should apply on solid waste management and

water resources as well, to ensure good quality and minimum impact to water and land.

The existing main road that connecting from other places in Kajang now are Kajang

Dispersal Link Expressway, Cheras Kajang Expressway, North South Expressway and Kajang

Seremban Expressway . While the public transport that connect the Kajang Town and the other


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city are commuter, Rapid KL buses and taxis. There are also public transport travel within

Kajang which are mini bus and taxis.

To minimize the environmental impact due to motorized vehicle and new construction of

access road as mentioned, the existing main road that connecting Kajang are not adjusted much,

while there are no newly access road construct. Instead of construction new road which will

encourage people to use more private vehicle, the tramline system which travel internally in

Kajang was introduced. This tramline system is utilizing the electric energy as power of

movement while the electricity generation is from hydrogen fuel cell and biomass. Both of

sources of electric are renewable energy and cause harmless impact to environment, thus it is

advisable solution for power supply of public transport.

Urban renewal is a program of land redevelopment in areas of moderate to high density

urban land use. Renewal has had both successes and failures. Urban renewal, the publicly

subsidized destruction of old inner-city properties and construction of new development, began

nationwide with the Housing Act of 1949. The legislation authorized the federal government to

pay cities at least two-thirds of the difference between the cost of acquiring and clearing a

blighted area and the price the land brought when sold to a private development. Urban renewal

involves the relocation of businesses, the demolition of structures, the relocation of people, and

the use of eminent domain (government purchase of property for public purpose) as a legal

instrument to take private property for city-initiated development projects. This process is also

carried out in rural areas, referred to as village renewal, though may not be exactly the same in

practice. Kajang can take urban renewal approach to redesign their city. But Kajang is an old

town with business, structures and people are located for long time ago and it involves so many

aspects to be considered for example relocation of people is very hard to be done.

Downtowns are the places where ideas and people converge. It is in our downtowns

where both innovative small businesses and private investment are taking root, fostering the

economic activity. Development will be permitted where all external spaces, including streets,

footpaths, civic spaces, other open spaces have been designed as an integral part of the scheme as

a whole, it is recommends that specific policy action is taken to encourage downtown


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development by mixed-use development, foster urban redevelopment, and reinvest in our

transportation and urban infrastructure.