u.s. epa, pesticide product label, turf pride fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4....

UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON,D.C. 20460 OFFICEOF PREVENTION: PESTICIDES AND TOXIC- SUBSTANCES Ms. Rebecca M. Horton Consultant! Agent AUG 2 4 2007 Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc. P.O. Box 628202 Orlando, FL 32862-8202 RE: Additional Brand Name (TurfPride®AccuBlend™ Fertilizer with 0.25% Barricade Pre-Emergence Herbicide), Revise Warranty Statement; and removal.of . . "1-800-CLEANUP"frOlll Stonlge &Dtsposal text . EPA Registration Number: 35512-51 Date of Submission: July 23; 2007 Dear Ms. Horton: The Agency is in receiptof your Applicatio ll for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) dated July 2007; for the produCt TurfPrlde® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine. The Registration Division (RD) has conducted a review of this request for . its applicability under PRN 98-1O.and finds that the-actions requested_ fall within the scope of .PRN 98-10. The labelsubmittedWith the applicati()nhasbeeristamped ''Notification'' and will be placed in our recOrds.·· . If you have any questions, please call me directly at 703-305-6249 or Joyce Edwards of my staff at 703.;308 .. 5479. . Sincerely, Linda Arrington -Notification$ &M:inor Fonnulations Team Leader Registration Division (7505P) . Of;fice of Pesticide Programs

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Page 1: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address




Ms. Rebecca M. Horton Consultant! Agent

AUG 2 4 2007

Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc. P.O. Box 628202 Orlando, FL 32862-8202

RE: Additional Brand Name (TurfPride®AccuBlend™ Fertilizer with 0.25% Barricade Pre-Emergence Herbicide), Revise Warranty Statement; and removal.of

. . "1-800-CLEANUP"frOlll Stonlge &Dtsposal text . EPA Registration Number: 35512-51 Date of Submission: July 23; 2007

Dear Ms. Horton:

The Agency is in receiptof your Applicatioll for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration Notice (PRN) 98~10 dated July ~3, 2007; for the produCt TurfPrlde® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine. The Registration Division (RD) has conducted a review of this request for

. its applicability under PRN 98-1O.and finds that the-actions requested_ fall within the scope of .PRN 98-10. The labelsubmittedWith the applicati()nhasbeeristamped ''Notification'' and will be placed in our recOrds.·· .

If you have any questions, please call me directly at 703-305-6249 or Joyce Edwards of my staff at 703.;308 .. 5479. .



Linda Arrington -Notification$ &M:inor Fonnulations Team Leader Registration Division (7505P) . Of;fice of Pesticide Programs

Page 2: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

~i - i.fl1e.d ,'- on te"",. HfD", fDnn. ~orm ADDroved, OMB No 2070-OO8C 11: eXIIlr .. 2· ·95

&EPA United States ~ Registration

OPP Identifier Number

Environmental Protection Agency Amendment Washington, DC 20460

V Other

Application for Pesticide - Section I 1. Company/Product Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification 35512-51 Miller ~Non'e D Restricted

4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23

5. Name and Address of Applicant (Include ZIP Code) 6~ Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)

Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc. (bJ(i), my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling

P.O. Box 628202 to:

Orlando, FL 32862-8202 EPA Reg. No.

o Check if this is s new s.ddress Product Name

Section - II

D Amendment - Explain below. U Final printed labels in repsonse to NOTDFlCAmN

D 0 Agency latter dated

Resubmission iii response to Agency letter dated "Me Too" Application. AUG 242007

EJ Notification - Explain below. D Other - Explain below.

Explanation: Use additional pagels) if necessary. (For section I and Section II.)

NOTIFICATION: of Additional Brand Name (Turf Pride® AccuBlend™ Fertilizer with 0.25% Barricade Pre-Emergence Herbicide); revised warranty statement; & removal of "1·800-CLEANUP" from Storage & Disposal text.

This notification is consistent with the provisions of PR Notice 98-10 and EPA regulations at 40 CFR 152.46, and no other changes have been made to the labeling or the Confidential Statement of Formula of this product. Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc. understands thBt it is a viOlation of 18 U.s.c. Sec. 1001 to willfully maks any false statement to EPA, and further underStandS that if/his notification is nOt consistent with the terms of PR Notice 98-10 and 40 CFRI52.46, this product may be in viOlation of FIFRA and Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc. may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under sec.ons 12 and 14 of FIFRA.

1---- Section - III ----1. Material Th~ Will Be Packaged In: ~ Child·Resistant Packaging --

~ Water Soluble Packaging 2.T~ tJ Ves B Ves

-------.--- _ Metal

No - Plastic No Glass

• Certification must If ·Ves" No. par

~ - Paper

btl submitted Unit Packaging wgt.

~ age wgt I container - Other (Specify)

3. Location of Net content~ 4. Size(s) Retail Container 15.LOC~S U Label U Iner

~ on label

~I is Affixed to Product UUthograPh U· Other. ----Paper Ptlued ----. Stenciftd

Section -IV 1. Contact Point (Camp/eta items directly below for idantificBtion of individual to be contsctad, if nacasssry, to proc8SS this sppli~/i't'ii::/n,)

Name Title Telephone No •. ~I,clu~e Area Code)

Consultant/Agent (540) 375-8826 L <.

Rebecca M. Horton ' .. \ t L I. I ( ,

Certification , 8. p~te ~pplication ,

I certify that the statements I have mede on this form and all attachments thereto are true, accurate and co~~~tt', rteceivlJj '-,.

I acknowledge that any knowlinglly false or misleading statement may be punishable by fine or imprisoMl8nt ot, , ' , <~8!.ampldt both under applicable law. ,

... t ~ ( t , ,

~k~JAJk~ 3. Title e ((!

Consultant/Agent I, I • , 'I I ,

4. Typ;a--Name .. '

5. Data

Rebecca M. Horton July 23, 2007

. . EPA Form 8570·1 IRev. 3·94\ PreVIous editions are obsolete • '. Whit •• EPA FIle Copy longlnal) V.Dow • Applicant Copy

Page 3: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

~.e r.lld iMtructiOM O~ revene befol'fJ comDletlfl!l form. Form~Droved .OMB No. 2070-006<l A 2fl{ emir" '·28 5

United States ~ Registration OPP Identifier Number

&EPA Environmental Protection Agency ,Amendment Washington. DC 20460

V' Other

Application for Pesticide - Section I 1. CompanylProduct Number 2. EPA Product Manager 3. Proposed Classification 35512-51 Miller ~None o Restricted

4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23

5. Name and Address of Applicant (lnc/ude ZIP Code) 6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3)

Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc. (b)(i), my product is similar or identical in composition and labeling

P.O. Box 628202 to;

Orlando, FL 32862-8202 EPA Reg. No.

, D Check if this is a new address Product Name

Section - II

D Amendment· Explain below. U Final printed labels in repsonse to Agency letter dated

D Resubmission in response to Agency letter dated D "Me Too" Application.

0 Notification· Explain below. 0 Other· Explain below.

Explanation: Use edditional page(s) if necessary. (For section I and Section II.)

NOTIFICATION: of Additional Brand Name (Turf Pride® AccuBlend™ Fertilizer with 0.25% Barricade Pre-Emergence Herbicide); revised warranty statement; & removal of "1-800·CLEANUP" from Storage & Disposal text.

This notifiCation is consistent with the provisions of PR Nolice 98- to and EPA regulations at 40 CFR 152,46. and no oIher c/JaJIges have been made to the labeling or the Confidential Statement 01 Formula of this product. Howard FefllliZ9r & Chemical Co,. Inc. understands that h is a violation of 18 U.s.C. Sac. 1001 to wl1lfully makB any false statement to EPA. and further understands that if this not,rication is not consistent with the terms of PR Notice 98· I 0 and 40 CFR 152.46. this product may be in violation of FIFRA and Howard FBflilizef & Chemical Co., Inc. may be subject to enforcement action and penalties under S9CuOns 12 and f 4 of FIFRA

I~ Section - III -----1. Material Th~ Will Be Packeged In: ----. , -...

~ Water Soluble Packaging 2.T~ Child·Resistant Packaging

tjves B Ves

~ Vr-- Metal

. No r-- Plastic No No Glass

• CBrtification must If "Ves" No. per

~ r--Paper

btl submitttld Unit Packaging wgt.

~ age wgt contai.nar

'---Other (Specify)

. f

3. Location of Net content~ 4. Size(s) Retail Container 15.Loc~ns U Lebel ,U' Iner U on label

6~al is Affixed to Product UUthograPh U Other ----Peper relued ----, Stenci ltd

Section - IV 1. Contact Point {Complete items directly below for identification of individualto be contactfJd. if necessary. to procBSS this BPplicl!(~II;.1


Nama Title Telephone No. (iricill'Je Area Code'

Rebecca M. Horton Consultant/Agent (540)375-8826' "c (

l . , Certification t .. ( ~ ( I 6. Date t.\pplicaticin . < ,

I certify that the statements I have made on this form and all attachments thereto are tNe, accurate and cor/lplete •• R.~Claiv~ . c l

I acknowledge that any knowlinglly false or misleading statement may be punishable by fine or imprisorvnen\ (.r, •• : , (S"ifmped) both under applicable law. e , I (. I ~ , e ,

I '1?~ A- J;l~v-:--l {t. I , , ,

3. TItle I (I t ,

Consultant/Agent \ I ( t

, , . 4. Typ~Name 5. Date , . ,

Rebecca M. Horton July 23,2007 ' ,

.. EPA Form 8570-1 (R.v. 3·941 PraVlous edItiOns are obsolete. WhIte - EPA FIJe Copy (origin'" V.Dow • App~centCoPy

Page 4: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

NOl1ACAoo:J) fr'


TURF PRIDE® FERTILIZER with 0.25% PRODIAMINE [Additional Brand Name(s): TurfPride® AccuBiend™ Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine; John Deere® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine; Turf Pride® AccuBlend™ Fertilizer with 0.25% Barricade Pre-Emergence Herbicide] ,

PRE-EMERGENCE HERBICIDE For pre-emergence control of weed grasses and broadleaf weeds in established turf grasses, lawns, golf course

fairways (not for putting greens), and sod farms. Use around landscape ornamentals, including established perennials and wildflower plantings.

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Prodiamine·, .................................................................. : ......................... 0.25%

OTHER INGREDIENTS: ............................................................................. 9975% Total ............................................................................................... 1 00.00%

• (CAS No. 2909-21-2)

NETWT 50 POUNDS (22.7 kg)




FIRST AID Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor. or going for treatment. You may also contact the National Pesticide Information Center at 1-800-858-7378 for emergency medical treatment information.

If swallowed: • Call poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice.

• Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. • Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison

control center or doctor. • n'; nnt aivA "nvthinab '~,,'h In an : n"ronn

If In Eyes: • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes.

• Remove contact lenses. if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinSing eye.

• Call a poison control center or doctor for trea.tment advice.

Ifon skin • Take off contaminated clothing. or ctothlng: • Rinse skin Immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.

• Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

If Inhaled: • Move person to fresh·air. • If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give

artificial respiration, preferably by mouth-to-mouth, if possible. • Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment



CAUTION: Causes moderate eye injury (irritation). Harmful if inhaled or absoribed through the skin. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Avoid breathing dust.· Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Prolonged or frequent repeated skin contact while handling the material may cause allergic reactions In some individuals.

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Applicators and other handlers must wear long·sleeved shirt and long pants; chemical resistant gloves; shoes plus socks; and a dust mask. Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning and maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.

User Safety Recommendations Users should: Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inSide. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing. Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into clean clothing.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS This product has low solubility in water. At the limits of solubility, this product is not toxic to fish. However at concentrations above the level of water solubility, it may be toxic to fish. Do not apply directiy to water, to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark. Drift and runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in adjacent sites. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters.

EPA Reg. No. 35512-51 July 23, 2007-notif

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is !l violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner Inconsistent with its labeling .

Do not apply this product in a way that wilt' contact workers or other persons, either directiy or through drift. Only protected handlers may be inthe area during application. For any requirements speCific to your State or Tribe, oonsult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation. .

Do not graze or feed livestock forage or hat cut from areas treated with this product. Do not apply aerially. Failure to follow the directions for use and precautions on this label may result in poor weed control, illegal residues, damaged turf or ornamental plants.

AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard contains requirements for the protection of . agriCultural workers on farms, forests and nurseries and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, notification, and emergency assistance. It also contains specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE) notification to workers, and restricted-entry Intervals. The requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker Protection Standard (sod farms, commercial nurseries. .. Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted-entry interval (REI) of 12 hours. PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permitted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is: coveralls; chemical resistant gloves such as butyl rubber> 14 mils or natural rubber> 14 mils or Nitrile rubber> 14 mils; and shoes plus soclks.

NON-AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS The requirements of this box apply to uses of this product that are NOT within the scope of the Worker Protection Standard for agricultural pesticides (40 CFR part 170). The 'WPS" applies when this product is used to produce agricultural plants on farms, forests, or nurseries. Applicators and handlers should wear long-sleeved shirt, long pants, chemical reSistant gloves, shoes with socks, and protective eyewear. Thoroughly wash face and hands with soap and water after exposure and before eating or smoking. Launder exposed clothing before reuse. Do not allow reentry to treated areas until dusts have settled and the turfgrass or soil Is dry:

Approximate Dates of ==-----' Crabgrass Gennlnatlon

Northern Zone After May 10 T@nsltlonal Zone After April 20 Upper Southern Zone After Mar. 20 Southern States Jan 1 to Mar. 20

( (1:C. This product is a turf fertilizer and a pre-emergence herbiCide that provides r3sidual control of many grass and broadleaf weeds in established turf gra~es, golf c(,u; st:lf(excluding putting greens), for sod farms, and lawns, and around landscape orname~~le, esta,!llished perennials and wildflower plantings. It controls susceptible weeds by inhibiting wee1 SE':'!d germination and root development. Most effective weed control will be obtained when ':11'3 product is activated by at least 14 inch of rainfall, irrigatiCO-, ~r 1:1t~~.ow (1 to 2 inchec~) incorporation, prior to weed seed germination and within 14 dayr follov.ingl~ppllcation. Do not graze or feed livestock forage cut from areas treated with tljs produC:. Do not a,)~:y aerilily. Do not apply to golf oourse putting greens .. Failure to follow t~E!d!ror.c!~o.ns for use:dnd'p[e.caJtions on this label may result In poor weed control, crop InJUry, or Illegal r~sldues.

u. L \. .~ <. I.,.

APPLICATION'DIRECTIONS' , Apply uniformly with suitable calibrated applicatiC:1 equ'pment. Do not apply otherwise.

, t ~ ( (

ESTABLISHED TURF This product is a pre-emergence herbicide that, when property apPli~, .YfJI'controi certain grass and broadleaf weeds in established turf grass and lawns. The maximum amount of material that may be applied per year is given for each turf grass~\.e~ies in,the M!l!!!n!!.!!l Annual Rates section of this label. Most effective weed control In turf ~{,!s~es will be obtained

EPA Est. No. 35512-FL-2 Page 1 of 8 Pages

Page 5: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

when this product Is activated by at least Y.. inch of rainfall or irrigation prior to weed seed germination and within 14 days following appiication. See map for approximate crabgrass seed germination dates.

USE PRECAUTIONS The foilowing precautions appiy to the use cifthis product In turf grasses and lawns: (1) . Application of this prodUct may thin emerged annual bluegrass and newiy overseeded grasses. (2) Do not apply to overseeded turf within SO days after seeding or untii after the second mowing whichever is longer. Injury to .desirable seedlings is likely If thls product is applied before seedling secondllry roots are in the second inch of soil, not thatch pius soil. (3) Do not cut (harvest) treated sod before 120 days after appiication. Do not appiy to newiy set sad until the foilowing year. (4) Application to turf stressed by drought, low fertility, or pest damage may result in turf Injury. (5) Disturbing the herbidde barrier with cultural practices such as disking may result in reduced weed controi. (S) Do not apply this product to putting greens, or areas where dichondra, colonial bentgrass, velvet bentgrass, or annual bluegrass (Poa annual are deSIrable species.

Rates of Application This product may be applied as a single application or in sequential applications to control weeds germinating throughout the year. All applications must be made prior to germination of the target weeds. This product wili not control established weeds. Maximum use rate selection should be based on turf spades. The length of time of residual pre-emergence weed control provided by this product is related to the rate applied. .

MAXIMUM ANNUAL RATES This product is recommended for use on the turf grass spedes listed in the foliowing table. Do not e xceed the maximum vearlv rate as oiven in the foliowing table.

Maximum application rate of this produc1 per calendar year . bv turfarass species (1)

Turf Species Lbs .. Product/Acre Lbs. a.JJAcre

Creeping Bentgrass 260 Ibs. 0.S51bs

Creeping Red Fescue 3001bs. 0.75Ibs.

Buffalograss Kentucky Bluegrass 4001bs. 1.00Ibs. Perennial RYeorass Bermudagrass (2) Bahiagrass Cenlipedegrass Seashore Paspalum 6001bs. 1.50Ibs. SI. Augustinegrass Tall Fescue (including turf type) Zoysia

(1) These are the maXImum rates per calendar year by speaes llmotations. (2) May be used on newly·sprigged or piugged Bermudagrass at rates not 10 exceed ~ ~. Newiy·sprigged or plugged Bermudagrass stoion rooting may be temporarily retarded. Suppression only of Foxtail, Goosegrass and Rescuegrass due to reduced product rates used in Sprigging situations. . • Do not appiy more than 300 Ibs. of this producl to the same area per calendar year . • Use the higher rates of this product to achieve higher levels of fertility and longer periods of weed .control for each turf type, but do not exceed the maximum application rates as specified in the Maximum Annual Rates table.

WEEDS CONTROLLED When used in accordance with this label, this product wili provide control of the foliowing weeds.

. Barnyardgrass Bluegrass, Annual

(Poa annual Carpetweed Chickweed, Common Chickweed, Mouseear

(from seed) Crabgrass (Large,Smooth) Crowfootgrass Cupgrass, Wooliy Foxtails, Annual Goosegrass (1)

Henbit Itchgrass Johnsongrass

(from seed) Junglerice Knotweed Kochia Lambsquarter, Common Lovegrass Panicum (Texas,

Fall, Browntop) Pigweed

Purslane, Common Pusley, Florida Rescuegrass (3) Shepherd's Purse (2) Signal grass, Broadleaf Speedwell, Persian Sprangietop Spurge, Prostrate Witchgrass Woodsorrel, Yellow

(from seed)

(1) In many areas a single application of 260 to 600 Ibs. per acre wili control gaasegrass. However, under heavy goosegrass pressure and/or an extended growing season, most effective weed control may be obtained by making an IniUal application of 2S0 10 400 Ibs. per acre foliowed after 60 to 90 days by a second application al doses that would not exceed those give in the Maximum Annual Rates table. Do not exceed the maximum rate for turf grass species listed in the MaJ(imum Annual Rates table on this label. (2) Application for Shepherd's purse should be made in late summer, fali, or winler prior to gemination. . (3) Suppression only of rescuegrass.

Sequential appiication may be made so long as the total amount of product applied does not exceed the maximum annual application rates recommended for each turf spedes. Ali applications must be made prior to germination of the weed seeds.

WHEN TO APPLY AFTER OVERSEEDING TURF Do not apply to overseeded lurf within SO days after seeding or until after the second mowing, whichever is longei. Injury to desirable seedlings is likely if this product is applied before seedling secondary roolS are In the second inch of soil, not thatch plus soii.

WHEN TO 0YERSEED AFTER APPLICATION This product wili inhibit the gemination of turf species if overseeded too soon after appiication. Follow rates and intervals in the table below for best overseeding and/or reseeding results.

EPA Reg. No, 35512-51 July 23, 2007-notif

Product Rate Months Before Overseedlng LbsiAcre a.JJAcre Northem Transition Southern

200 0.50 4 4 4 260 0.S5 5 4 4 300 0.75 6 5 5 320 O.BO S S 400 1.00 - 7 7 456 1.14 - - 9 520 1.30 - - 10 600 1.SO - - 12

Application Equipment and Spreader Saltlnas The size and bulk densily of granules In this product may vary; Iherefore, calibrate your granular applicalor prior to application of this product. Follow directions in the owner's manual for calibraling your spreader. The settings indicated in Ihe following table should only be used as a guide In calibrating your spreader.

SPREADER SETTINGS To aooiv the recommended amounts of a.lJacre

Which are as follows: 0.S51b 0.751b 1.01b 1.501b 50 Ibs. treats SQ. fl.: B,375 7,256 5,446 3,S31 Spreader Sattlnas Scott's Everllreen lB" #XX #xx #XX #xx Scoll's Speedy Broadcast #XX #XX #XX #xx Red Devil Broadcast #XX #xx #xx #xx Reoublic EZ Dro lS" #XX #xx #xx #xx Republic EZ Broadcasl #xx #xx #XX #xx Republic EZ Trctr .• #xx #xx #xx #xx Scolls RBA #XX #xx #XX #xx Lesco New #xx #xx #xx #xx


This product may be applied for reslduat pre-ernergency control around Ornamentals as listed •

USE RATES . Apply 2S0 to SOO Ibs. per acre (5.97Ibs. to 13.77lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.) of landscape plants, in fall and/or spring. Use higher rates of application for longer oontrol periods. Sequential applications may be made so long as Ihe total amount of product applied does nol exceed the maximum annual appiication rate of 600 Ibs. per acre.

APPLICATION TIMING AND INFORMATION Apply uniforn"iy 10 Ihe surface of the soil in onnamental planting beds with a granular applicalor. Calibrale your appiicator to assure appropriate dosage as described above under ·Use Rales", prior 10 applicalion. Calibrale your applicator as described in Ihe owner's manual. The bulk density of this product may vary; therefore, to assure that the producl is applied at the rates described, you must use a calibrated applicator.

This product is a pre-emergence herbidde and will not conlrol emerged weeds. Most effective weed control In omamentals will be obtained when this product is activated by at least Y.. inches of rainfall or irrigation, or with shallow (1 to 2 inches) mecihanical incorporation, prior to weed seed germination and within 14 days following application.

Besl weed controi is obtained when this product is appiied to Soil free of dods, weeds, and debris such as leaves. Prior to appiication of this product, controi existing vegetation by hand weeding, cultivation, or the use of an appropriate posl-emergence herbidde.

ESTABLISHED LANDSCAPE ORNAMENTALS This product may be appiied 10 established omamentals as a broadcast, over Ihe top, or direcled application. Irrigation or rainfall soon after appiication will wash residues off piant foliage and activale this product in Ihe soil.

(.. (. C.t.

NEWLY TRANSPLANTED LANDSCAPE ORNAMENr;'"ALS . This product may be applied to newiy transplanted ornamentals as a brba'dcast, over the top, or directed appiication. Delay appiication to allow soil to setUe ero:lrt1c'ew Ir;msplants and water thoroughly before applying this product. Apply after cullings form \:lOI~ and become established. Apply before budding/grafting or after buds/grafts have takerftc;·avoid any inhibition of the tissue union. Irrigate after aprtic-a:j~,,~~ above directedc

(. C t


This product will nol harm most trees, shrub!: \jr,~~ r:x' flowers. Jhe'sr..eC:i~s listed here are lolerant to this product. Besl results will be obtair;Jd wt;::m this product Is uniformly applied to Ihe soil surface. This product may be appiied over lilt, top of these ~e~, provided spray residue on shoots of plants is washed to the ,~II'Y_ o.~er tha top ifrira..tlOn o( by adequale rain soon after appiication. .

, l

! <. I'

L L \.

EPA Est. No. 35512-FL-2 Page 2 of 8 Pages

Page 6: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

For Use Around Landscape Ornamentals Including established perennials and wlldnowers, as listed.

Common Name Fir species" Balsam, Fraser Noble, etc. Abelia: Sherwood Japanese Maple Norw<l}' Maple Yarrow: Kin!! Edward Kiwi' Lily-of-the-Nile (African lily)

Five-Leaf or Chocolate Vine Lady's Leek, Nodding Onion Japanese Anemone AQuilegia: Red and Gold Vine Hill Manzanita Cape Weed Wormwood; Silver Mound, Castle Aster: Bonny Blue, Purple Dome

Ladv Fern; Fem Ladv Japanese Aucuba Fibrous Begonia: Hardy Grandis Barberry Wintergreen Barberry Mentor Barberrv Japanese Barberrv Warty Barberry

Snowbank Bougainvillea Buller1lv·Bush Dward Blue); Roval Red Japanese Boxwood Weeping BotUebrush Scotch Heather Tussock Bellflower (White Clies Trumpet Creeper, Trumeet Flower, Madame Galen Hottentot Fig, Ice Plant Featherv Cassia Wild Lilac

False Cypress

Cleyera Citrus species' Coreopsis Callioesis: Eariv Sunrise, Moonbeam Flowering Dogwood American Dogwood Pampas Grass CranbE!rry~ Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Bearberry Cotoneaster Rockspray Cotoneaster Hawthorne Lucifer Italian Cypress White Trailin Ice Plant Coaperi Pink Larkspur: Blue Elf Dianthus: Maiden Pinks "Zing" Cheddar Pink Hop Bush Coneflower, Pufllle; Maanus Silverberrv Wintercreeper Japanese Spindle Tree ~(Everr:sreen Euonymus Sereadln!! Euonvrnus Japanese Aralia Border Forsythia WeepingForsvtnia Greenstem Forsythia Gaillardia, Blanket Flower: "Goblin" Gardenia, Cape-Jasmine,Radicans

Gentian Cranesbill Gladiotus soecies" Baby's Breath english Ivy Sunrose Daymy: Aztec Gold Stella De Oro, Tender Love Rose of Sharon" Mallow: Disco Belle White Chinese Hibiscus Hosta, Plantain Lily Fragrant Hosta, "Searsucker"

Bigleaf Hydrangea Chinese HoIlv Japanese Hotly; Helleri American Hotly

EPA Reg. No. 35512-51 July 23, 2007-notif

SclenUnc Name Abiesspp" Abetia grandiflora Acer Dalmatum A. Dlatanoides Achntea, sp .. Actinidia chinensis' Agapanthus africanus Aaapanthus orientalis Akebia auintata Alliumcemuum Anemone hybrida AaUlleaia so. Arctostaphvtos densiflora Arctotheca calendula Artemesia sp. Aster sp. Aster X Frikartii Athrium Fitiz-femina Aucuba 'abOnica Begonia sp. Berberis gladwynensis B. 'ulianae B. mentorensis B. thunberr:sii B. veffucu/osa Bergenia cordifo/ia BoI/onia asteroids Bougainvillea spp. Buddleia davldil Buxus microphylla Callistemon viminalis Calluna vulgaris Campanula caroatica Campis X Tagtiabuana Carpobrotus edulis Cassia artemisoides Ceanolhus rigidus Ceratostlgma p/umbagonoides Chamaecyparis pisifera Chrysanthemum n)pponicum Cieyera 'aponica Citrus sPP.' Coreopsis SP. Comus florida C. sto/onifera Cortaderia sellcana Cotoneaster aDiculatus C. buxifolius C. dammeri C. microDhvtlus Cretaegus SPP. Crocosmia sp. Cupressus sempervirens Delosperma alba Delosperma sp. Delphinium SP. Dianthus deltoids D. aratianopomanus Dodonea viscose Echinacea purourea Elaeagnus pungens Euonvmus fortunei E. 'aponica E. kiautschovica Fatsia 'aoonica ForsYlhia intermedia F. suspense F. virldisslma Gaillardia sp. Gardenia jasmlno/des Gaura sp. Gentiana dahurica Geranium cinereum Gladiolus spp ... GvosophHa reDens Hedera helix Hellanthemum sp. Hemerocallis so. HIbiscus Hibiscus sp. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Hosta Diantaalnea H. Sleboldiana Houttuynia cordata var.

varieaata Hydranaea macrophylla lIex comuta I. cranata I.opaca

For Use Around Landscape Ornamentals Including established perennials and wildflowers, as listed (cont'd.) ,

Common Name Hollv Yaupon Holly; Schillings

Sword·Leaved Iris; Jodelsong Siberian Iris; Cabernet Irissoecies" Winter Jasmine Chinese Juniper; Nick's Compact. Parsonnii Shore Juniper; Blue Pacific Parsoni Creeping Juniper Walnut' Shrimp Plant

Crape Mvrtle Crape Myrtle; Tuscarora Weeping Lantana Lavender; Munstead Edelweiss Chinese Privet; Varlegata AmurPrivet Japanese Privet Glossy Privet /WaxleaO Lilv; Jazz Bill Blue LUv; Turf; Silver Mound; Evergreen Giant Liriope, Variegated Lirioee. Creeein!! Cardinal Flower, Indian Pink Japanese Honeysuckle Tatarian Honevsuckle Bur!!undv Loosestrife; Modern Pink Magnolia species" Ice Plant Crabapple' Yaku Jima Silberfeder Heavenlv Bamboo Narcissus species" Oleander Olive' Mondo Grass Osmanthus False HolM: Gulf Tide Trailin!! African Daisy Sourwood Tree Peony Fountain Grass (Dwarf)

Avocado' Frasier's Photinia Redtip) Dragonhead False; Vivid Spruce species-_lCotorado, Blue, Norway, etc. Lilv-of-the-Valley Bush Calabrian Pine Canary Island Pine Slash Pine Aleppo Pine Austrian Pine Longleaf Pine Monterev Pine Japanese Black Pine Eastem White Pine Scotch Pine Loblotly Pine V1rllinia Pine Pistachio' Queensland PiHosporum Japanese Plttosporum Japanese Yew English Laurel Almond. Apricot. Nectarine Peach, Plum & Prune' Douglas Fir" Firethom (Scariet Firethom Firethom Bradford Pear SP. Oak, Shumard's Red ( l ~ ( f ..

Oak species Indian Hawthome Yedda Hawthorn t t.. ~ L l

Coral Bells, Delaware Valley White, Flame Cree~ Formosa, Girard Crimson. George L. Tabor. Hino-crimson. PJM. Roseum Elegans, WakeiebisG. '.V;.(,,' Gumbo ._:_ .. -, Lady Bank's Rose' Rosemary' Black-Eyed Susan; Goldstrum Santolina Saxifrage; Purple Dome Pincushion Flower

ScienUnc Name I. perny; I. vomatoria Inula ensifolia lrisensata Iris siberica lrisspp." Jasminlum udiflorum Juniperus chlnesis J. conferta J. davurca J. horizontatis Jug/anssp. Justicia brandegeana

Lagerstromia Indica agerstromia Indica X

Fauriei Lantana montevidensis Lavender sp. Leontopedium alpinum Ligustrum sinense L. amurense L. 'aponioum L.lucidum LUlumso. Liriope muscari Liriope Muscari var. variegata Lirlope soicata Lobelia Cardlnalis LoniCera aponica L. tatarica Lorooetalum chinense LYlhrum so. Magnolia spp. " Ma/eophora luleo/a Malussp.· Miscanthus sinensis Nandina domestica Narcissus spp. -, Nerium'o/eander Olea europea' Ophiopogon 'aponicus Osmanthus heterohvllus Osteosoermum fruticosum OxydendfUm art>oreum Paeonia suffruticosa Pennisetum setaceumi Perovskia atriplicifo/ia Persea americana Photinia fraseri Physotegia V/ainiana PiceasPP." Pieris 'aponica Pinus brutfa P. canariensis P. elliottii P. halepensis P. nklra P. palustrus P. radiata P. thunberr:siana P. strobus P. s'llvestris P. taeds P. vlrginiana Pistachio sp,' PitlOSD rum rhombifolium P.tobira Podocarpus macrophy/lus Prunus /aurocerasus Prunus SD.I~ (. t. t".

Pseudott;ug!, men1.:as/i·' PyracanthB eooonea P. fortunC81l'. c P.koidwmii <.. <-

Pyrussp. '. -e Quercus ShumJrdii ~ Quercus,l!J'Il-,--. Riijihiole-"S/slndii:e. C Raphio/e sis U. n:-ellata

Rhododen[f'Pn.. ('!'cludlng Azalea) , (' , , ( (.

Rosa banksiae' Rosmarin'.'JrK.:nalis· Rudbeckia Sf>. c

Santo/Ina Vi;e;;s SaxifraQd \.ll. (

Scabiosa SP. • . -"

EPA Est. No. 35512-FL-2 Page 3 of8 Pages

Page 7: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

For Use Around landscape Ornamentals Including established ~erennlals and wildflowers as listed (cont'd.)

Common Name SclenUfic Name Stonecrop Sedumslbum Stonecrop; Lldakense Sedum cauticola Stonecro Sedum dasyphyllum Stonecrop; Draaon's Blood Sedum spurium Spirea: Anthony Waterer Soiraea Bumalda Austfalian Brushcherrv Syzvgium paniculatum Japanese Yew Taxus cuspidata Yew T.medla Germander Teucrium so. Meadow Rue Thalie/rum dipterocaf/Jum American Arborvitae Thu a oecidentalis Star Jasmine Trachelospermum asiatum Canada Hemlock Tsuaa canadensis Tulip species Tulips soo. Veronica, Speedwell; Sunny Border Veronica sp. Japanese Vibumum Viburnum 'spanicum Sweet Vibumum V. odoratissimum Japanese Snowball V.olicatum canary Island Vibumum V. rigidum Arrow wood Viburnum II. suspensum Laurustinus V. tinus Cranberry Bush V. trilobium Leathe~eaf Vibumum V. wrightil Greater Periwinkle, Vinca Vinca ma'or Common Periwinkle Vinca Vinca minor GraDe" Vftisso." Old Fashioned Weiaela Weigela florida SDanish Bayonet, Yucca Yucca aloifolia Adam's Needle, Yucca Y. filamentasa

"00 not use on food oducin trees, vines or lants "Not for use on container rown lants.

STORAGE & DISPOSAL Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. STORAGE; Store in original container away from 'other fertilizer, feed, or foodstuffs and separated from other pesticides. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL; Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility. CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Do not reuse empty bag. Completely empty bag into application equipment. Then dispose of empty bag in a sanitary landfill or at an incineration facility or, if allowed by State and local authorities, by burning locally. If burned, stay out of smoke.

If product is spilled. sweep up and use as per label instructions or dispose of as indicated above. .


Total Nitrogen (N)" ........................................................................ x.xx% x.xx% Ammoniacal Nitrogen x.xx% Nitrate Nitrogen x.xx% Water Soluble (and/or Urea) Nitrogen x.xx% Water Insoluble Nitrogen

Available Phosphate (P20 S) ......... '. .............. · ..... , .......................... .x.xx% Soluble Potash (K20) .................................................................... x.xx% Magnesium (Mg) ........................................................................... x.xx%

x.xx% Water Soluble MagneSium (Mg) Boron (B) ....................................................................................... x.xx% Total Copper (Cu) ......................................................................... x.xx%

x.xx% Water Soluble Copper (Cu) Total Iron (Fe) .............................................................................. .x.xx%

x.xx% Water Soluble Iron (Fe) Total Manganese (Mn) ............................................ , .................... X.xx%

x.xx% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn)

~:~~i~~u(~n~~.~.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::~ x.xx% Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)

Derived from .....

'X.xx% slowly available nitrogen from ...

Chlorine (CI), not more than x.xx%.


EPA Reg. No. 35512-51 July 23, 2007-notif

CONDITIONS OF SALE & WARRANTY Read the entire Directions for Use, CondiUons, Disdaimer of Wamanties, and Limitation of Liability before using this product. If the terms are not acceptable, retum the unopened container at once. By using this product, user and buyer accept the following CondiUons, Disclaimer of Warranties, and Limitations of Liability.

CONDITIONS: The directions for use of this product are believed to be adequale and should be followed carefully. However it Is impossible to eliminate all risks associated with the use of this product. Injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as weather conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner of use or application, all of wihich are beyond the control of Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc. All such risks shall be assumed by the user or buyer. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: To the extent consistent with applicable law, there are no warranties express or implied, of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise, wihich extend beyond the statements made on this tabel. No agent of Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc. is authorized to make any wamanlies beyond those contained herein or to modify the warranties contained herein. To the extent consistent with applicable law. Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc. disdaims any liability wihatsoever for speCial, inCidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use or handling of this product. LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES: To the extent consistent with applicable law, the exclusive remedy of the user or buyer for any and all/osses, injuries or damages resulting from the use or handling of this product, wihether in contract warranty, tort, negligence, strict liabllily or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price, or at Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co., Inc.'s option, the replacement of the product.

HOWARD FERTILIZER & CHEMICAL CO., INC. P.O. Box 628202, Orlando, FL 32862-8202

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EPA Est. No. 35512-FL-2 Page 4 of 8 Pages

Page 8: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address


TURF PRIDE® FERTILIZER with 0.25% PRODIAMINE [Additional Brand Name(s): TurfPride® AccuBlend™ Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine; John Deere® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine; Turf Pride® AccuBlend™ Fertilizer with 0.25% Barricade Pre-Emergence Herbicide]

PRE-EMERGENCE HERBICIDE For pre-emergence control of weed grasses and ~roadleaf weeds in established residential lawns and

ornamental landscapes, including established perennials and wildflower plantings.

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Prodiamine· .......................................................................... : .................. 0.25%

OTHER INGREDIENTS: ............................................................................. ~ Total ............................................................................................... 100.00%

• (CAS No. 2909·21·2)

NET WT 25 POUNDS (11.4 kg)




FIRST AID Have Ihe product container or label wilh you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. You may also contact the National Pesticide . Information Center at 1·800-858-7378 for emergency medical treatment information.

If swallowed: • Call poison control center 'or doctor immediately for treatment advice.

• Have person sip a glass of water if able to sWallow. • Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison

control center or doctor. • n'; nnt aiVA "nvthina bv mouth to an "",onn

If In Eyes: • Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes.

• Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinSing eye.

• Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

It on skin • Take off contaminated dothing. or clothing: • Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.

• Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

If Inhaled: • Move person to fresh air. • If person is not breathing. call 911 or an ambulance. then give

artificial respiration. preferably by mo~th-to-mouth. If possible. • Call a poison control center or doctor for further treatment



CAUTION: Causes moderate eye injury (irritation). Harmful if inNiled or absorbed through the skin. Avoid contact with skin. eyes. or dothing. Avoid breathing dust. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. Prolonged or frequent repeated skin contact while handling the material may cause allergic reactions in some individuals. .

Wear long sleeved shirt. long pants, chemical resistant gloves. shoes plus socks. and a dust mask. Wash hands before eating. drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet. Remove dothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on dean dothing. Wash the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change Into dean dot~ing.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS This product has low solubility in water. At the limits of solubility, this product is not tOl<iC to fish. However at concentrations above the level of water solubility, it may be toxic to fish. Do not apply directly to water. Drift and runoff from treated areas may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in adjacent sites. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwaters.

EPA Reg. No: 35512-51 July 23, 2007-notif


It Is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with Its labeling . Not for use in commercial greenhouses. nurseries. on sod farms or grass grown for seed. For residential use only.

Not for use on plants being grown for sale or other commercial use. or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes. For use on plants intended for aesthetic purposes or dimatic modification and being grown in ornamental gardens or on lawns and grounds.

Do not graze or feed livestock forage or hat cut from areas treated with this product. Do not apply aerially. Failure to follow the directions for use and precautic:ms on this label may result in poor weed control. illegal residues. damaged turf or ornamental plants.

Approximate Dates of Crabgrass Gennlnatlon

Northern Zone After May 10 Transilional Zone After April 20 Upper Southern Zone After Mar. 20 Southern States Jan 1 to Mar. 20

This product is a turf ferlilizer and a pre-emergence herbicide that provides residual control of many grass and broadleaf weeds in established residential lawns and around landscape ornamentals, established perennials and wildflower plantings. It controls susceptible weeds by inhibiting weed seed germination and root development. Most effective weed control will be obtained when this product is activated by at least ~ inch of rainfall. irrigation. or shallow (1 to 2 inches) incorporation, prior to weed seed genmlnation and within 14 days following application. Do not graze or feed domestic animals forage cut from areas treated with this product. Failure to follow the directions for use and precautions on this label may result in poer weed control. crop injury. or Illegal residues.

APPLICATION DIRECTIONS Apply uniformiy with suitable calibrated application equipment. 00 not apply otherwise.

ESTABLISHED TURF This product is a pre-emergence herbicide that. when properly applied. will control certain grass and broadleaf weeds in established turf grass and lawns. The maximum amount of material that may be applied per year is given for each turf grass species in the Maximum Annual Rates section of this label. Most effective weed control in turf grasses.will be obtained when this product is activated by at least X. inch of rainfall or irrigation prior to weed seed . germination and within 14 days following application. See map for approximate crabgrass seed germination dates.

USE PRECAUTIONS The following precautions apply to the use of this product in turf g.is&e~ ane lawns: (1) Application of this product may thin emerged annual bluegrass and_~e~y.overseeded grasses. (2) Do not apply to overseeded turf within 60 days after seeding or until after the second mowing whichever is longer. Injury to desirable seedlings is likelyif'~t;:s praGuct is applied before seedling secondary roots are in the second Inch of soil. not thatCn~oll's soil. (3) 00 not apply to newly set sod until the following year. (4) Application to turf stressed by drought. low . fertility, or pest damage may result in turf Inj~'1' (-Jj'r:.;&:urbing the herbl.:ide barrier with cultural practices such as diskillg may result~ redlJce€weed co\,~~?,. (6),,00 not apply this product to areas where dichondra, colonial bentgrass. velvet ben~9ra~s, or !'nnual bluegrass (Pos annual are desirable species. • , ( , ( '. <, ,

L '. t IJ

( (

Rates 0; ;:'1-f.lI~t1on . ( . This product may be applied as a single app~iC;'ltl~ ~r'ln sequential ap~lications to control weeds genminating throughout the year. All applications rrust be made prior to germination of the target weeds. This product will not control established weeds. r.la.cixm use rate selection should be based on turf species. The length of time of reSidual pi e-emeflle: .ce weed control provided by this product is reiated to the rate applied. < C , ,.

EPA Est. No. 35512-FL-2 Page 5 of 8 Pages

Page 9: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

MAXIMUM ANNUAL RATES This product is recommended for use on the turf grass species listed in the follOWing table. Do not exceed the maximum yearly rate as given in the following table.

Maximum application rate of thIs product per calendar year by turfgrasB species (1) .

Turf SpecIes Lbs. ProductJ1,OOO ft' Creeping Bentgrass 6lbs. Creeping Red Fescue 7lbs. Buffalograss Kenlucky Bluegrass 9lbs. Perennial RyeQrass BerrrnJdagrass (2) Bahiagrass Centipedegrass Seashore Paspalum 141bs. St. Augustinegrass Tall Fescue (inCluding turf type) Zoysi<l

(1) These are the maXImum rates per calendar year by speCIes IIrrutatlons. (2) May be used on newiy-sprigged or plugged Bermudagrass at rates not to exoeed ~ per 1 000 ft'. Newly-sprigged or plugged Bermudagrass stolon rooting may be temporarily retarded. Suppression only of Foxtail, Goosegrass and Resouegrass due to reduoed product rates used in sprigging situations. , Do nol apply more than 14 Ibs. of this product to the same 1,000 II' area per calendar year. , Use the higher rates of this product to achieve higher levels of fertility and longer periods of weed control for each turf type, but do not exoeed the maximum application rates as Specified In the Maximum Annual Rates table.

WEEDS CONTROLLED When used in accordance with this label, this product will provide control of the follOWing weeds. Bamyardgrass Bluegrass, Annual

(Poaannua) Carpetweed Chickweed, Common Chickweed, Mouseear

(from seed) Crabgrass (Large,smooth) Crowfootgrass , Cupgrass, Woolly Foxtails, Annual Goosegrass (1)

Henbit Itchgrass Johnsongrass

(from seed) Junglerice Knotweed Kochia Lambsquarter, Common Lovegrass Panicum (Texas,

Fall, Browntop) Pigweed

Purslane, Common Pusley, Florida Rescuegrass (3) Shepherd's Purse (2) Signal grass, Broadleaf Speedwell, Persian Sprangletop' Spurge, Prostrate Witchgrass Woodsorrel, Yellow

(from seed)

(1) In many areas a single application of 6 to 14 Ibs. per 1,000 ft' will control goosegrass. However, under heavy goosegrass pressure andlor an extended grOWing season, most . effective weed control may be obtained by making an initial application of 6 to 9 Ibs. per 1,000 ft' followed after 60 to 90 days by a second application at doses that would not exceed those give in the Maximum Annual Rates table. Do not exceed the maximum rate for turf grass species listed in the Maximum Annual Rates table on this label. (2) Application for Shepherd's purse should be made in late summer, fall, or winter prior to germination. (3) Suppression only of rescuegrass.

Sequential application may be made so long as the total amount of product applied does not exoeed the maximum annual application rates recommended for each turf species. All applications must be made prior to germination of the weed seeds.

WHEN TO APPLY AFTER OVEBSEEDING TURF Do not apply to overseeded turf within 60 days after seeding or until after the second mowing, whichever is lOnger. Injury to desirable seedlings is likely if this product is applied before seedling secondary roots are In the second inch of soil, not thatch plus soil.

WHEN TO OVERSEED AFTER APPLI!(ATION This product will inhibit the germination of turf species if overseeded too soon after application. Follow rates and intervals in the table below for best overseedlng and/or reseedIng resullS.

Product Rate Months Before Overaeedlng Lbs/1,OOO If Northern 4.5 4 6 5 7 6 7.4 -9 . 10.5 -

'12 14

EPA Reg. No, 35512-51 . July 23, 2007-notif

Transition 4 4 5 6 7


Southern 4 4 5 6 7 9 10 12

Molleatlon EquIpment and Spreader StUlngs The size and bulk density of granules in this product may vary; therefore, calibrate your granular applicator prior to application of this product. Follow directions in the owner's manual for calibrating your spreader. The settings indicated in the follOWing table should only be used as a guide in calibrating your spreader.

SPREADER SETTINGS To aoolv the recommended amounts of product per 1,000 It'

Which are as follows: 61bs 71bs 91bs 141bs 25 Ibs. trealS sq. ft.: 4,166 3572 2,778 1,7B5 Spreader SettIngs Scott's Everareen 18" #XX #XX #XX #XX

. Scott's Speedy Broadcast #XX #xx #xx #XX Red Devil Broadcast #XX #xx #xx #XX Reoublic EZ Droo 18' #XX #XX #XX #XX Republic EZ Broadcast #XX #XX #XX #xx Republic EZ Trctr .• #XX #XX #xx #xx Scotts RBA #xx #xx #XX #xx LescoNew #XX #XX #XX #XX


ThIs product may be applied for residual pre-emergence control around Ornamentals as listed,

USE RATES Apply 6 to 14 Ibs. per 1,000 tt' of landscape planlS, in fall andlor spring. Use higher rates of application for longer control periods. Sequential applications may be made so long as the total amount of product applied does not exoeed the maximum annual application rate of 14 Ibs. per 1,OOOft' . .

APPLICATION TIMING AND INFORMATION Apply unitormly to the surface of the soli in omamental planting beds with a granular applicator. Calibrate your applicator 10 assure appropriate dosage as described above under "Use Rates", prior to application. Calibrate your applicator as described in the owner's manual. The bulk density of this product may vary; therefore, to assure that the product is applied a\ the rates described, you must use II calibrated applicator.

This product is a pre-emergenoe herbicide and will nol control emerged weeds. Most effective weed control in omamentals will be obtained when this product is activated by at least ~ inches of rainfall or irrigation, or with shallow (1 to 2 inches) mechanical incorporation, prior to weed seed gerrrination and within 14 days fOllowing application.

Best weed control is obtained when this product is applied to soil free of dods, weeds, and debris such as leaves. Prior to application of this produc~ control existing vegetation by hand weeding, cultivation, or the use of an appropriate post-emergenoe herbicide.

ESTABLISHED LANDSCAPE ORNAMENTALS This producl may be applied to established omamentals as a broadcast, over the top, or directed application. Irrigation or rainfall soon after application will wash residues off plant foliage and activate this product in the soil.

NEWLY TRANSPLANTED LANDSCAPE ORNAMENTALS This product may be applied to newly transplanted omamentals as a broadcast, over the top, or directed application. Oell!y application to allow soil to selUe around new transplants and water thoroughly before applying this product. Apply after cuttings form roolS and become established. Apply before budding/grafting or after buds/grafts have taken to avoid any inhibition of the tissue union. Irrigate after application as above directed ..

TOLERANT ORNAMENTAL SPECIES This product will not harm most trees, shrubs, vines and flowers. The species listed here are tolerant to this product. Best resullS will be obtained when this product is uniformly applied to the soil surface. This product may be applied over the top of these species, provided spray residue on shoots of plants is washed to the soil by over the top irrigatlon or by adequate rain soon after application. .

For Use Around Landscape Ornamentals IncludIng established perennIals and wildflowers, as listed.

Common Name Fir species"" Balsam Fraser, Noble, etc. Abelia: Sherwood Japanese Maple Norway Maple Yarrow: King Edward Kiwi" Lily-of-the-Nile (African lily)

Five-Leaf or Chocolate Vine Lady's Leek, Nodding Onion Japanese Anemone Aauileaia: Red and Gold Vine Hill Manzanita Cape Weed Wonnwood' Silver Mound Castle Aster: Bonny Blue, Purple Dome

Lady Fern; Fem Lady Jaoanese Aucuba Fibrous Be®nia: Hardy Grandis Ba~ Wintergreen Barberry Mentor Barberrv Japanese Barberry Warty Barberry

Scientific Name Abiassoo"" Abelia' arandlllora Acer oalmatum A. atanoides Achillea, so. Actinidia ch/nensis" AgapanthLs'df. !wnus Aga~ninllsO(ienl"'lis Akebia Cluiiiliitit Allillm cCri:JJJm , Anemone hvbrid~ ACllllleaia so. , .. , . Aretostaohylo~'densiflora .--

c. • Aretothe":? ca/eMll1a Arteme~.'a s '. [.

-, -; -, -, I Asler.pc ' ,,'

l ,1 Aster X Fr!~,.,t;i, Alhrlum'."BIz-fcmir.3

.• , -: -.-. T AllCllba a06nlca ' I. :- t. I •• ( Beaonia so. -.

BerberIUl/!d~ens/s B. 'uliaM" ". . .. B. menlDr.Jr..J/: L

B. thunb!"iH __ B. verruculoSi' . Beroenia oordifc.'ic

EPA Est No. 35512-FL-2 Page 6 of 8 Pages

Page 10: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

1 For Use Around Landscape Ornamentals .

Including established perennials and wildflowers, as listed (cont'd.l Common Name Snowbank Bougainvillea Butterflv-Bush Dward Blue; Royal Red JaDanese Boxwood WeeDing Bottlebrush Scotch Heather Tussock Bellflower (White Clips Trumoet CreeDer. Trumoet Flower, Madame Galen Hottentot Fig Ice Plant Feathery Cassia Wild Lilac

False Cypress

Cleyera Citrus sDecies' CoreoDsis CaliioDsis: Ea~v Sunrise, Moonbeam Flowering Doowood American Dogwood Pampas Grass CranberrY Cotoneaster Cotoneaster Bearberry Cotoneaster Rockspray Cotoneaster Hawthome Lucifer ttalian CVDress White Trailing Ice Plant Coooeri Pink Larksour. Blue Elf Dianthus: Maiden Pinks "Zina" Cheddar Pink Ho Bush Coneflower, PurDIe; Maanus Silverberrv Wintercreeoer Jaoanese Soindle Tree Everoreen Euonvmus SDreadina Euonvmus JaDanese Aralia Border ForsYthia WeeDino Forsvthia Greenstem Forsvthia Gaillardia, Blanket Flower: "Goblin" Gardenia, Cape-Jasmine,Radicans

Gentian Cranesbill Gladiolus soecies-Babv's Breath Enalish Iw Sunrose Davlily: Aztec Gold, Stella De Oro, Tender Love Rose of Sharon-Mallow: Disco Belle White Chinese Hibiscus Hosta, Plantain Lllv , Fraorant Hosla, "Searsucker"

Bialeaf Hvdramlea Chinese HoIlv Jaoanese Holly; Helleri American HoIlv Hollv Yaupon Holly; Schillings

Sword-Leaved Iris; Jodelsong Siberian Iris' cabemet Iris soecies" Winter Jasmine Chinese Juniper; Nick's Comoact, Parsonnii Shore Junioer; Blue Pacific Parsoni CreeDina Juniper Walnut' Shrirrp Plant

CraDe Mvrile Craae Mvrtle; Tuscarora WeeDing Lantana Lavender; Munstead Edelweiss Chinese Privet; Variegata AmurPrivet Japanese Privet Glossv Privet rwaxleaO

EPA Reg. No. 35512-51 July 23, 2007-notif

Sclentfflc Name Bol/onia asteroids Bouoainvillaa soo. Buddleia davidli

. Buxus microohY{la Callistemon viminalis Calluna vukIaris Camoanula caroatica Camois X Tagliabuana Caroobrotus edulis Cassia artemisoides Ceanothus rigidus Ceratostiama olumbaoonoides Chamaecyparis pisifera ChrYSanthemum niooonicum Clevera aoonica Citrussoo. ' Coreoosis so. Comus florida C. st%nifera Cortaderia selkIana Cotoneaster aoiculatus C. buxifolius C. dammeri C. microoh lIus CretallQus soo. Crocosmia sll: Cuiiressus semoarvirens DekIsoerma alba Delosoerma so. Diiiihinium so. Dianthus deltoids D. oratianooolitanus' Dodonea viscose Echinacea ourourea Elaeaanus ounaens Euonymus fortunei E. 'aoonica E. klautschovica Fatsla 'aoonica FOrSvlhia intermedia F. susoensa F. vlridisslma GaUiardia so. Gardenia Jasminoides Gaura So. Gentiana dahurica Geranium cinereum Gladiolus soo. " GViiioohl7a reoans Hedera helix Hellanthemum so. Hemerocallis so. Hibiscus Hibiscus so. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Hosta olantaoinea H. Sieboldiana Houttuynia cordata var.

vari90ata . Hvdrangea macroohylla lIexcomuta I. crenata 1.0000ca I.oemy{ I. voroatoria Inula ensifolia Iris ensata Iris siberica Iris soo." Jasminium udiflorum JuniDerus chinesis J. conferta J. davurca J. horizontalis Juolansso. Justicia brendegeana

Laaerstromia Indica Lagerstromia indica X

Fauriei Lantana montevidensis Lavender so. Leontooodium a/oinum Liaustrum slnense L. amurense L. aoonicum L.lucidum

Lilli; Jazz BlCBlue Lily; Turf; L17lum so. Silver Mound; Everoreen Giant LiriaDe muscari Lirioae, Varieaated Lir/oJ; e Muscari var. varieoata

. For Use Around Landscape Ornamentals Including established perennials and wildflowers, as listed (cont'd.l

Common Name Scientific Name Liriooe Creenino Liria e Sribita Cardinal Flower, Indian Pink Lobelia Cardinalis Jaoanese Honevsuckle Lonicera 'aoonica Tatarian HoneySuckle L tatarica BUrDundV Lorooetalum chinense Loosestrife; Modern Pink Lythrumso. Maanolia soecies" Maanolia soo. -Ice Plant Ma/eoDhora luteo/a CrabaoDie' Malus so.' Yaku Jima Silberfeder Miscanthus sinensis Heavenlv Bamboo Nandina domestica Narcissus snecies" Narcissus sliD." Oleander Nerium oleander Olive' Olea eurooea' Mondo Grass OohiOiiOiiOn/aoonicus Osmanthus False Holly): Gulf Tide Osmanthus hetemhvllus Traililiil African Daisv Osteosoermum fruticosum Sourwood OxVdendrum arboreum Tree Peony Paeonia suffruticosa Fountain Grass (Dwarf) Pennisetum setaceumi

Perovslcia atriDlicifolfa Avocado' Persea americana Frasier's Photinia Redtio\ Photinia (raseri Draoonhead, False; Vivid Phvsotiiiiia Viainiana SDruce soecies" Colorado Blue Norway, etc. PlceasOD." LliY-of-the-Valley Bush Pieris 'aoonica Calabrian Pine Pinusbrutia Canary Island Pine P. canariensis Slash Pine P. elliotlii Aleono Pine P. ha/eoensis Austrian Pine P. nora lonaleaf Pine P. oalustrus MonterevPine P. radiata Jaoanese Black Pine P. thunbefiiiana Eastern White Pine P. strobus Scotch Pine P. svlvestris Loblollv Pine P. taeda Viralnla Pine P. viroiniana Pistachio' Pistachio so .• Queensland PillosDorum Jaoanese PittoSiiirum rllombifolium Pillosoorum P. tabira JaMneseYew Poclocarous macroohvllus Eiialish .Laurel Prunus laurocerasus Almond, ADricot, Nectarine, Peach, Plum & Prune' Prunus-Sij. ' DooDlas Fir" Pseudotsuoa menzies;;-Flrethorn Scarlet PvrRcantha coccinea Firethom P: fortuneana Firethom P. koidzumli Bradford Pear so. Pvmsso. Oak, Shumard's Red Quercus Shumardii Oak soecies Quercus SOD. Indian Hawthorne RaDhioJeosis indica Yedda Hawthom RaDhioleasis umbellata Coral Bells, Delaware Valley White, Flame Creeper, Rhododendron (including Formosa, Girard Crimson, George L. Tabor, HinD- Azalea) crimson, PJM, Roseum Elegans, Wakeiebisu, White Gumbo Ladv Bank's Rose' Rosemary' Black-Eved Susan; Goldstrum Santolina Saxifraae; PurDIe Dome Pincushion Flower Stonecroo StonecroD; lidakense Stonecroo Stonecroo; Draoon's Blood Sol rea: Anthonv Waterer Australian Brushcherrv Ja""nese Yew Yew Germander Meadow Rue American Arborvitae Star Jasmine canada Hemlock Tullo soedes Veronica, Saeedwell; Sunny Border Jaoanese Vibumum Sweet Vibumum Jaoanese Snowball canary Island Viburnum Arrow wood Vibumum Laurustinus Cranbenv Bush Leathe~eaf Viburnum

Rosa bankslae' Rosmarinus officinal/s' Rudbeckia so. Santo/ina, vlrens Saxifraaa so. Scabiosa Sii. Sedumalbum Sedum cauticola Sedum dasvohY{lum Sedum SD;lri~["Ir Solraea l.Jumalda c Svzvoium'DiirliciJlatum Taws c[.'s)i:!ata l

T. media l l

Teuer/um so. ~'-.-

l ~. t. { « " Thallctrum dlll:erocaroum ----' : '!. Thuja occidenta/is .----1' Tracheif:.SDi-mum asiatum

<... L \ .. l I TSL a wnadt.l!.is ,~; Tullpa sop., , ,

~. l {

Veronic:: sO. -,- , ' < . I. Viburnum'· '.,Jl)fJ/ci.m , (. V. oaoratissim'Jm

V. o/1catum -V.-,iIlidum·' < < •.

V. SUSD6It~ '". ( V. tinus V. triloliiu;£'- . .--V. wriohtil l.l

EPA Est. No. 35512-FL-2 Page 7 of 8 Pages

Page 11: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

. ,

Greater Periwinkl e, Vinca Vinca rna' r Common Periwin kle Vinca Vinca minor Grape' Vitis s .'. Old Fashioned W ei ela We' ela florida Spanish Bayonet, Yucca Yucca 81oifolia Adam's Needle, Yucca Y. filamentosa

'Do not use on f cod roducin trees, vines or lants "Not for use on container rown lants.

STORAGE & DISPOSAL ore in original Container, in a cool dry place out of reach of children STORAGE: St

and pets. DISPOSAL: If empty - Do not reuse this container. Place in trash or offer for

lable. If partly filled - Call you local solid waste agency for recycling if avai disposal instru ctions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.


Total Nitrogen ( N)' ........................................................................ x.xx% x.xx% x.xx% x.xx% x.xx%

Ammoniacal Nitrogen Nitrate Nitrogen Water Soluble (andlor Urea) Nitrogen Water Insoluble Nitrogen

Available Phos phate (P205) .......................................................... x.xx% Soluble Potash (K20) .................................................................... x.xx% Magnesium (M g) ........................................................................... x.xx%

Water Soluble Magnesium (Mg) . x.xx% Boron (B) ......... .............................................................................. x.xx% Total Copper ( Cu) ........................................................................ .x.xx%

x.xx% Water Soluble Copper (Cu) Total Iron (Fe) .. ............................................................................. x.xx%

x.xx% Water Soluble Iron (Fe) Total Mangane se (Mn) ................................................................. x.xx%

x.xx% Water Soluble Manganese (Mn) Molybdenum ( Mo) ....... ; ................................................................. x.xx% Total Zinc (Zn) . .............................. : .............................................. x.xx%

x.xx% Water Soluble Zinc (Zn)

Derived from ...

'x.xx% slowly a vailable nitrogen from ...


CONDITIONS OF SALE & WARRANTY Read the entire Di Liability before usi

rections for Use, Conditions, Disdaimer of Warranties, and Limitation of ng this product. If the terms are not acceptable, retum the unopened

container at once. By using this product, user and buyer accept the following Conditions, rranties, and Limitations of Liability. Dlsdaimer of Wa

CONDITIONS: Th be followed carefu

e directions for use of this product are believed to be adequate and should lIy. However it is impossible to eliminate all risks associated with the use of

ry, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of eather conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner of use or which are beyond the control of Howard Fertilizer & Chemlcat Co., Inc. All e assumed by the user or buyer.

this product. Inju such factors as w application, all of such risks shall b DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: To the extent consistent with applicable law, there are no warranties expres otherwise, which Fertilizer & Che herein or to modi law. Howard Fert

s or implied, of mSrchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose or extend beyond the statements made on this label. No agent of Howard

mlcal Co., Inc. Is authorized to make any warranties beyond those contained fy the warranties contained herein. To the extent consistent with applicable IIlzer & Chemical Co., tnc, disdaims any liability whatsoever for special, equential damages resulUng from the use or handling of thiS product. incidental, or cons

LIMITATION OF WARRANTIES: To the extent consistent with applicable law, the exclusive remedy of the use r or buyer for any and all losses, injuries or damages resulting from the use

product, whether in contract warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability or or handling of this ot exceed the purchase price, or at Howard Fertilizer & Chemical Co" replacement of the product.

otherwise, shall n Inc.'s option, the

HOWARD FERTILIZER & CHEMICAL CO., INC. 28202, Orlando, FL 32862-8202 P.O. Box 6

EPA Reg, N 0,35512-51 -notif July 23, 2007


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EPA Est. No, 355U·FL-2 Page 8 of 8 Pages

Page 12: U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, Turf Pride Fertilizer ...€¦ · 24/08/2007  · 4. Company/Product (Name) PM' Turf Pride® Fertilizer with 0.25% Prodiamine 23 5. Name and Address

118% East Main Street' Suite 1 Salem, VA 24153-3805 phone 540.375.8826 fox 540.375.8827

Joanne Miller (PM 23) Document Processing Desk (NOTIF) Office of Pesticide ProgramslReg. Div. (7504P) u.s. Environmental Protection Agency Ariel Rios Bldg. 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Washington, DC 20460

CERTIFIED MAIL #7007 0710 0002 11796367 July 23, 2007

Re: EPA Reg. No. 35512-51, TurfPride® Fertilizer with O.25%Prodiamine . Notification


Attn: Ms. Miller (PM 23)

On behalf of Howard Fertilizer & Chemical C_o., Inc. of Orlando, Florida, enclosed is notification of an additional brand name (TurfPride® AccuBlend Fertilizer with 0.25% Barricade Pre-Emergence Herbicide), revised warranty statement, and removal of 1-800-CLEANUP from the Storage & Disposal text for the above­referenced -pesticide registration.

The following documents are enclosed:

1) EPA Form #8570-1, Application for Pesticide - Notification (2 copies) 2) Copy of the proposed label with revisions highlighted in blue.

If further action or information is required on Howard's behalf, please advise.

Best regards,

~~ ).A tidlh-.-Rebecca M. Horton Consultant! Agent for HOWARD FERTILIZER & CHEMICAL CO., INC.



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