us epa region 9 · pdf file · 2015-08-29facility in south los angeles which...


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Page 1: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage
Page 2: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

US EPA Region 9 EPCRA §302-312/ CERCLA §103/ Clean Air Act §112(r)(1) Inspection Report

Stationary Source Allenco Energy Inc. Date of Inspection November 6, 2013 USEPA Contact Jeremy Johnstone, USEPA Region. 9 Description of Opening meeting with facility representatives Activities Inspection consisting of the following activities:

-Document review -Field verification -Personnel interviews Closing meeting with facility representatives

Inspection Participants Jeremy Johnstone, USEPA Region 9 Inspector 415-972-3499

[email protected]

Travis Cain, USEPA Region 9 Inspector 415-972-3161 cain. [email protected]

Janice Witul, USEPA Region 9 Inspector 415-972-3089 [email protected]

David Basjnger, USEPA Region 9 lnspector415-972-3506 [email protected]

Tim Parker, VP Operations, 562-989-6100 [email protected]

Logan Allen, VP Sales, 562-989-61 00 [email protected]

Allenco Energy Inc., los Angeles CA November 8, 2013 Page1

Page 3: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


USEPA Facility ID # NA

Most Recent Submission NA

Facility Location 814 w. 23rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90007

Lat/Long 34.032°S, -118.278°W

NumberofEmproyees 4

Description of Surrounding Urban, Mount St. Mary's College adjacent to east, south and west, residential across the street to the

At& a north


Procass ID If. NA Program Lave/ NA Process Chemicals Crude oil, methane

NAICSCode 211111, Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas Extraction


An evaluation of compliance with Sections 302-312 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA),Section 103 of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), and Section 112(r)(1)of the Clean Air act (CAA) was conducted as part of a multi-media inspection of Allenco Energy Inc. (AIIenco) crude oil pumping/separation/transfer facility in Los Angeles, CA. In addition the afore-mentioned authorities the inspection also included compliance evaluations under the Clean Air Act's Stationary Source Program and the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) program of the Oil Pollution Act (OPA). The inspection was prompted by concerns about the facility that had been expressed by the local community.

This report discusses the inspection under the above-mentioned EPCRA, CERCLA and CAA § 112( r) authorities. Separate reports will be prepared for inspection activities under the other authorities.

Al!enco Energy 111c .• Los Angeles CA November 6, 2013 Page2

Page 4: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

Opening meeting Inspector Johnstone presented his credentials and EPA inspection documents consisting of a Notice of Inspection, Right to Claim ConfKtentiality and Receipt for Documents and explained their contents. The facility representative and EPA inspector signed all copies prior to the end of the inspection and copies of signed documents were left with the facility.

FACILITY I PROCESS DESCRIPTION Allenco operates a crude oil secondary recovery pumping, s~paration and transfer facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water from five active wells. Allenco operates the facility under a lease agreement with the Catholic Archdiocese, which owns the land. The facility reportedly dates to the late 1960s, although Allenco only assumed operational control of the facility In 2009 from the predecessor operator St. James OU. At the time of facility transfer, all 21 production wells were idle, but in 2010 Allenco restarted five of the wells and currently produce$. approximately 80 barrels of crude oil and 8000 barrels of produced water daily. The produced water is reinjected into the formation via a single injection pump in order to enhance further oil recovery. Crude oil is metered into the Crimson Oil Pipeline for sale. The facility also produces natural gas from the formation, this gas is consumed in onsite microturbines and the resulting electricity is fed into the local power grid for sale.

Operating equipment at the facUity includes, wellhead pumps, produced fluids transfer pumps, free water knockout, test separators, crude storage tanks, produced water tanks, gas separator unit, vapor recovery unit, water injection pump, microturbines. The facility also has "Fire Eye" flame detectors and methane detectors at a few locations in the facility, as well as a water deluge system in the well gallery and three fire monitors (water cannons) along the south wall of the production pit.


EPCRA §311-312: 1. The facility provided a copy of the California Hazardous Material Business Plan

(HMBP) Hazardous Materials Inventory (EPCRS §312 Tier II equivalent) that had been submitted to the City of Los Angeles Fire Dept. (the CUPA) on September 11, 2013. The CUPA inspector had notified the facility in October 24, 2013 that the submittal was incomplete. There was no evidence of any previous submittals, and a subsequent call to the CUPA verified that none had been made.

Allenco Energy Inc., Los Angeles CA NovemberS, 2013 Page3

Page 5: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

EPCRA §304/ CERCLA §103: 1. Neither methane nor crude oil have a reportable quantity {RQ) established under

either EPCRA or CERCLA. In addition, facility representatives reported that the facility has not had any significant releases of any hazardous chemical during its tenure as operator of the facility.

CAA §112(r)(1) General Duty Clause: The obligations of the General Duty Clause apply to the crude oil and natural gas produced at the facility both may be considered Extremely Hazardous Substances within the meaning of the GDC. Therefore, evaluation of GDC compliance at the facility under this investigation was evaluated with respect to the facility's operation of components that handle, and would have the potential to be involved in an accidental release of, either of these materials.

1. On the day of the inspection no significant petroleum-based odors were apparent. Most noticeable was a slight odor of orange peel oil, which facility representatives indicated was used to mask other odors. {See Photo 20)

2. The name plate on the facility's Free Water Knock Out (FWKO) pressure vessel indicates that it was constructed in 1967. Nameplates for the other pressure vessels had been painted over and were illegible. {See Photos 8, 1 0)

3. External corrosion was visible on the lower pressure vessel of the west test separator. (See Photo 11)

4. The facility produced a report dated December 2012 documenting the results of tank shell thickness testing that the facility had had performed under AB 1960. Other tan this report the facility had no documenta~ion available to document conformance with Recognized and Generally Acceptable Good Engineering Standards (RAGAGEPs).

5. Other than the report indicated in Item 4 immediately above, the facility was not able to provide documentation of conformance with Inspection, Testing and Preventive Maintenance (ITPM) RAGAGEPs, particularly API 653, API 510, API 570, and API RP 576.


Potential Violation: EPCRA §312 The facility did not submit any HMBP lnventory!Tier II reports for Reporting Years 2009-2011 to CUPA.

Altenco En•f11Y Inc .• Los Angeles CA NovemberS, 2013 Page4

Page 6: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

Potential Violation: CAA §112(r)(1) The facility was not able to document that it is operating a safe facility in that there is no evidence of its conformance with any of the following applicable RAGAGEPs:

API 653 -Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction (with respect to the faciJity's atmospheric tanks)

API 510 - Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration (with respect to the facility's free water knockout and separator vessels}

API 570 - Piping Inspection Code: In-service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration of Piping Systems (with respect to the facility's produced fluids, crude and natural gas piping)

API RP 576 - Inspection of Pressure Relieving Devices (for PROs on FWKO and separators)

Manufacturers' specifications for the maintenance and calibration of the flame detectors and methane detectors installed onsite.

List of Attachments -1. EPCRA §§302-312/ CERCLA §103 Inspection Checklist 2. Signed Notice of Inspection Form 3. Signed Notice of Right to Claim Confidentiality Form 4. Signed Receipt of Documents Form 5. Inspection Participation Sign-in Sheet 6. Photo Log 7. Facility Documents

/2-· '3· 13 (date} Reviewer

Allenco Energy Inc., Los Angeles CA

j z..- 5 - \3 --

November 6, 2013 Page5

Page 7: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


EPCRA §§302-312/ CERCLA §1031nspection Checklist

Page 8: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


EPCRA §§302-312/CERCLA §103 Inspection Checklist


Inspection Date/Time: 6 November 2013 0930

Facility Name: Alienee Energy Inc.

Facility Address: 814 w. 23n:l St Los Angeles, CA 90007

Facility Rep. Name/Title/Phone #: ~ ~ , ·T M pc..-rw v'"""':l o~o../.Jl.\ol~

I I s.~L ~~ (.a..lOO

Inspector's Name/Phone #: Jeremy Johnstone, 415-972-3499

1. LEPC/CUPA and Fire Oepartment contact(s) (include contact name and phone numbers)

LA y=-'1) c, V-;p A ~ --12 ~\....(..~ ~~o" - F c)v....e.rvc... E!. "2...--~ 7-f

2. Brief description of receptors (residents, schools, other facilities, etc.)



Distance to receptors

Number of employees L.{

< 1/4 mile < 1 mile < 4 miles > 4 miles

Hours of operatiOn: 2 Y /1-,

5. Brief description of operation (hazardous substances used or stored on-site)

o:.R r rodL)<V\ /ttl ~""-<...0 ~ ~./ S <i< S ,-1/\.U. ~~'f {l:.J.. 2..-D 0 '{

I e,·"-(.( ~~ ~ 1 ~ ~ 2 y~'""' b...t.:-+··~ '«f" ....._oSt-

1 l 'f oF-c:..C.P I CJ(, 1, A-rc..c)

c;rt .J~ I <i &-=t - o ~ 6. a) Has facility had EHSs on site at Bn}L time in the last three calendar years in an amount

equal to or greater than the TPQ? o Yes o No

b) - Has facility had a CERCLA HS or an OSHA HS on site at any time during the last three calendar years in an amount equal to or greater than 10,000 lbs. (Or in California, more than the CA listed TPQ)? o Yes o No

Page 9: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

7. EPCRA §303: Has facility provided name and contact information for the Facility Emergency Response Coordinator? (If yes, request copy)

Yes No

8. EPCRA §304/CERCLA §103: Has facility had any accidental releases of reportable quantities of EHSs or CERCLA HSs? If yes, fill in the information on the table in Attachment 1 and request documentation (monitoring equipment data, maintenance logs, spill reports, etc.).

Yes ~

Release Summary

Release Date, Time and Chemical Name(s)ICAS #(s) To Whom Reported (include Amount report number(s), dates and (When was facility aware of the times and request copies of release.) spill reports and letters)

9. EPCRA §311: Has facility provided either a Jist or MSDSs for EHSs on site in quantities equal to or greater than the TPQs?

Yes No {If yes, request copy)

10. EPCRA §312: Has facility provided a Tier II annual hazardous substance inventory to the SERC, LEPC and Fire Department (or in California, a Hazardous Material Disclosure with their Business Plan to the CUPA)?

Yes No (If yes, request copy)

L' t d d t f b 'ttal 1s years an a es o su m1

Tier II Inventory Information

Reporting Year Agency to Whom Submitted Date Submitted {verified by agency - yin)

Page 10: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Signed Notice of Inspection Form

Page 11: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) §1 03; Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) §§302-312; and

Clean Air Act §112r Risk Management Program (CAA RMP)


6 November 2013 0930


Jeremy Johnstone 415-972-3499 USEPA Region 9 (SFD-9-3)

75 Hawthorne St., San Francisco CA 94105

FACILITY NAME: Allenco Energy Inc.


814 W. 23rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90007

REASON FOR INSPECTION: U. S. EPA is conducting this inspection for the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of Section 103(e) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and liability Act (CERCLA), Sections 302 through 312 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act (CM).

The scope of this inspection may include, but is not limited to reviewing and obtaining copies of documents and records; interviews and taking of statements; reviewing of chemical manufacturing, importing, processing, and/or use facilities, including waste handling and treatment operations; taking samples and photographs; and any other inspection activities necessary to determine compliance with the Acts.

~ lV Jeremy Johnstone

TITLE Environmental Engineer



~;11~ /r NAME


Page 12: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Signed Notice of Right to Claim Confidentiality Form

Page 13: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) §103; Emergency Planr:ting and Community Right-to-Know Act {EPCRA) §§302-312; and

Clean Air Act §112r Risk Management Program {CAA RMP)


6 November 2013 0930


Jeremy Johnstone 415·972-3499 USEPA Region 9 (SFD-9-3) 75 Hawthorne st, San Francisco CA 94105

FACILITY NAME: Allenco Energy Inc.


814 W. 23rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90007

Notice of Right to Claim Confidentiality: You may assert a business confidentiality claim covering all or part of the information requested during the course of this inspection, as provided in 40 C.F.R. §2.203(b). To make a confidentiality claim, submit the requested information and indicate that you are making a claim of confidentiality. Any document over which you make a claim of confidentiality should be marked by either attaching a cover sheet stamped or typed with a legend to indicate the intent to claim confidentiality. The stamp or typed legend or other suitable form of notice should employ language such as "trade secrer or "proprietary" or "company confidential" and indicate a date if any when the information should no longer be treated as confidential.

All confidentiality daims are subject to agency verification and must be made in accordance with 40 C.F.R. §2.208 which provides in part that you satisfactorily show that you have taken reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the Information and that you intend to continue to do so; and that the information is not and has not been, reasonably obtainable by legitimate means without your consent.

NOTE: Signature of this Receipt of Notice of Right to Claim Confidentiality verifies only that such notice has been received and does not waive that right.


~ ); ~ 'N.JAE ) V

Jeremy Johnstone

TITLE DATE SIGNED Environmental Engineer ( { · (:, • 13



DATE SIGNED / 1 · 6-J3

Page 14: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Signed Receipt of Documents Form

Page 15: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act {CERCLA) §103; Emergency Planning and Community Right-~Know Act {EPCRA) §§302-312; and

Clean Air Act §112r Risk Management Program (CAA RMP)


6 November 2013 0930 Allenco Energy Inc.


Jeremy Johnstone 415-972-3499 814 W. 23rd St. USEPA Region 9 (SFD-9-3) Los Angeles. CA 90007 75 Hawthorne St San Francisco CA 94105

During inspection, copies of the following documents were received from the above referenced facilities:

Document Date Author Title <D I 71: ~b "-\ e~ (A~ (:,;t/ji ~ ·..J.e W\ .... ) ~-· . "('' . I I l,( 5 (l l ~.

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I~ ~~~Gm~ RECIPIENT SIGNATURE~~ kc _/; .- . "'" .! • (:' 7l

~E I V NAME ~ Cf2 r/< t ~ Jeremy Johnstone


f ) t~C' ~CS 1 Jr:i'\ DATE SIGNED

Environmental Engineer /(·2 ·/3 tl -- ~·f)

Cl> ~ .... n ~ y> nviJl..P {,J ll /1 ~ 1 '}

1 j) Qf c. "fl .fld p N.f<,.,...~f

Page 16: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Inspection Participation Sheet

Page 17: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Date: Facility Name: 6 November 2013 0930

Allenco Energy Inc.


814 W. 23rd St. US EPA Region 9, SFD-9-3 75 Hawthorne St. Los Angeles, CA 90007 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone No.: (415) 972-3499


Tel. 562"989-6100


Jeremy Johnstone USEPA Region 9 Env. Engr. 415-972-3499 [email protected]

Lo Ct'f A \l -t"' A \\f"' IJ ·p ~ . \(~ li L .A 1\f., € AJI,?(" (~~,. . r .. ,

5 ~twi-

6'~Qr(v t· ""-\ "3fl·lt7]-6 y ';-

- ----·-····--··----

Page 18: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Digital Camera Photo Log -Archival Images

Page 19: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency INSPECTION PHOTO LOG Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness Program

• Photographer: LOS ANGELES, CA T. CAIN

Photo Description:

View east into production area. Scrubtler in foreground, FWKO (round horizontal vessel) in center back, brine tank to near left, crude tank to back left.


Photo Description:

Scale Inhibitor added to produced water injactate

Page 20: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

USEPA Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness

Photographer: CAIN

Photo No. 3

Photo Deacrtptlon:

Hydraulic oil storage. south of well gallery



View west from Inside well gallery

Allenco Energy Los Angeles. CA

6 Nov2013

Page 21: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

USEPA Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness

Photographer: CAIN

Photo No. 5

Photo Description:

Fire--Eye flame detector mounted In east end of well gallery

Photo No. 6

Dave Basinger using the FUR camera at a producing wellhead

Allenco Energy Los Angeles, CA

6 Nov2013

Page 22: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

USEPA Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness

Photographer: CAIN

Photo No. 7

Photo Description:

West end of Free Water Knodt Out (FWKO)

Photo No. 8

Photo Description:

Name Plate for the FWKO. Note fabrica1ion date is given as 1967, the capacity as 350 bbls and the Alowable Maximum Working Pressure as 55 psi

Allenco Energy los Angeles, CA

' I

. -- ---

6 Nov2013

Page 23: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

USEPA Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness

Photographer: CAIN

Photo No. 9

Photo Description:

View south of two separators.


Photo Description:

Painted over nameplate on east separator depided In Photo 9. Both separators' name plates were painted over In the manner.

Allenco Energy Los Angeles, CA

6 Nov2013

Page 24: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

USEPA Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness

Photographer: CAIN

Photo No. 11

Photo Description:

Paint flakfng and surface pitting of bottom vessel on wast separator

Photo No. 12

View northeast of production area. Note fire monitors along south railing

(Note- Photo taken by J. Witul)

Allenco Energy Los Angeles. CA


I \ r

6 Nov2013

Page 25: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

USEPA Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness

Photographer. CAIN

Photo No. 13

Pho~ Description:

Top vessel of west separator. Note painted nameplate and pressure relief device.

Photo No. 14·

Fire-Eye flame detector mounted at east end of production area

Allenco Energy Los Angeles. CA

6 Nov2013

Page 26: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

USEPA Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness

Photographer: CAIN

Photo No. 16

Photo Description:

Tank of emulsion breaker, one of 4 traatment chemicals located in the production araa

Methane gas detector located outside of facility office

Allenco Energy Los Angeles, CA

Me EB-1040 E mu!s•<>n Bre .tT



Page 27: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

USEPA Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness

Photographer: CAIN

Photo No. 17

Photo Description:

Produced water injection pump, located in pump house

Photo No. 18

2 natural gas compressors located in the pump house

Allanco Energy Los Angeles, CA

6 Nov2013

Page 28: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

USEPA Region 9 Emergency Prevention & Preparedness

Photographer: CAIN

Photo No. 19


(Note- Photo taken by J. Wttul)

Allenco Energy Los Angeles, CA

6 Nov2013

Page 29: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Facility Documents

Page 30: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

Facility Summary for AllenCo Energy (CERS ID: 10456009): CERS ... https://cersregulator.calepa.cagov/Facility/1 045600S

1 of2

..... II I I llll liE II m & JD I .... j •

Facllttr: AllenCo Energy (CERSID: 1CM56009) J:i2m! » facility Searr.l'l » Fac!l!!y Summarv: 1045!1009







Manis" FacJ!Jty


L9cll!pn MIA

Ftclltty Name: Aile nCo Energy Buelnua Name: AllenCo Enemy IS!gnal Hill. C&> CUPA: l.os Angelta Cjtv Fire Department

-FacNJty-lnformation------- - -------, r-Qwn81'-lnfonnati'.,on---------------.

AllanCo EIMIIIIY AllenCo Energy. Inc:. 814 W 23rd St 2109 Gundry Ave L01 Angu!ee, CA 90007 Signal Hill, CA 90756 (310) !105-8638 (682) 989-8100

L---------------------------~ rflrimaty·Emergenoy-Gontac r-Secondii!Y Emergency Contact----------. nn Parker Mldl Bayer

Vlcla.Prulclent Opetallana hW!tQtr (682) 969-11100 (582) 989-111 DO (310) 506-8538 (24-hou, (310) 505-87117 (24-hour)

~--------------------------~ rEnvJronmentaHlontac:t---------.;.._---,

Tlm Plllfler


Locll FICII!ty Ill FA0028157

EPAID CAL000365174 (5112) 989-81 DO


Malnng AddnU 2109 Guncty Ave Signal Hill, CA 90766 United 818188

bmttteHtnd·~ompiiii'ICt Dab!· ......----------,

r....-t Sllbmltal Dala Q/1111013 2:32PM



l'aclllly ReQIIator Key Coull!)' No Ftdllty Regulatt>r Key In CERS Loe Anoelea


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Underground Slorage Tlnke

~ PelrOIIKim Stontgt PD.

Callrllmla Acddenll! Re!ea~~e Program

I Tiered Permitting

Recydable Maleriela Report

Remota .,..ste Coneolldlllon Site Annual Notlftclllon

H...UCU. waate Til* CID8ure Certlftcldlon

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10/3112013 11:51 AM

Page 31: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

Facility Submittal Details: CERS Regulator ~

1 of2

1111111 ...... Ql J' II n ''' lea

Facility Submlttlll: AllenCo Energy (10456009) 1::l.!!m! » Subm!Hal Seatch » Sld>mltllll: 911112013 (10458009)

SUbmllal: Sap.11, 2013~ PM

AccapMd OCt. 24, 2013 !>it SJ!QirW !nn.• -=---.1110 -alth11~-.r-•l"U,_.In..-prMogeobLaa..., .. IHCIIJFifll Do~ld. Submllled forCERS ID 10451009 on e/1112013 2:32PM by Michael Poppenhffjmor of Arenco Enerov CSignal HVI CAl Submltlal waa Accepted on 1 012412013 by Marcus LooK for Los Angeles Q!ty Fire Department

'"J Business Activities Q l Bysloess Owner/OPerator Jdentifie~tton

Not Acc:epted Oct 24, 2013 ~ s.n:nr.t ~ ..

-= "lbu cannot CI18Jlg•h """"'or IIlii ~ BM!onfMca ... ~· ho .. lnl-onl pn.tlog .. lllr w ...,,., •• CJtr F1n Doporm.~ Submllled forCERS 10 104§6009 on 1111112013 2:32PM by Mir::hsel Poppen/leimer of AJJenCo Energy (Signal H111, CAl Submlllal was Not Accepted on 1 012412013 by Matc:ul LooK for los Angeles Ci!V Flra Department Comments by ~ You JOOSt Include all chamlcala 1hat are over CUAt. disclosure amount. You have solvent over 1000 gal and several other unldentllled chemlcall on 81\e, please Include al chemicals In your Inventory dladoaure. Your map must b1clude aM required Information - sample map at this Unk httpa:fMwvi.laMeupalnfo.orgl-'lmages/SampleFacilttyMap.qlf

U Hazardous Material lnventprv I! 'm , Sil!! Map !Olnclal U&e Only): Upload Pocumenteal ~

Not Accepted OCt. 24, 2013 !iat SJinrr.JW !l.lnJI

N••: 'lllu -net chlrGe 1110 .....,, otiNt __ _,-~· ha,.lnluftlclent plhllogoa lllr ...,, Alllaloo Cll)ll'ln Dopa.,.tot.

Submitted forCERS 10 10156009 on 1111112013 2:32PM by Michael Ppppgnht!merof Al!enCo Energy {S!QOi!l Hilt CAl Submittal was Not Accepted on 10124/2013 by Marcus Look for Los Ano@!11 Citv Fu-e Department Comments by regulator. Con~DIIdallld Eme!vency ReaponseJConll•ncy piM 11 milllflg local Unllled Program Agency phone I . Training requirements are Incomplete per lllt 19, Section 2731. Mlaaing mlllgal!IOn. prevenllon and abatement of hazards to persons, property or the environment.

J Ernemency Responaa/Contingencv Plan· Uoload Oocument/sl ~ Employee Training Plan· Uplpad DoQJmentCa) IQ

. S1.1bmlt.led Sep. 11, 2013 ~l ~ttnn.ll SJIIVi

Nola: 'lllu -net Clliii'III'O lhl-ollhll &ill-Bomont becauttl(IU ,_.ln...nlolont pt;llogttltlt Lal AIIQIIIt Cll)ll'lrl Dl~llmtt>l.

Submitted forCERS 10 10456009 on e/11/2013 2:32PM by Mjchael P9Dpenl!elmerof AJienCo Enemy !Signal Hill. CA>

..t AbOveground Petroleum Storage Act pgcumentation: Provided Elsewhere in CERS

Vt!'!lon 2.22.01471 Enhanceman)l ) CERS Ctntrll Oiapno!!!CII C<mdil!ooa of Uaa I frivacy Polb I ~ l.l:ti.IQ

c .. illlmlt Et!Warmanlal Reporting Syatarn: Buo~ I 0 2013 Calilomla Enlllnmmanlal Prol8dlon Agency CERS Technical Support Be ouest Teeholc.t! Auis lance

10/31/2013 11:53 AM

Page 32: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

Hazardous Material Inventory: CERS Regulator Page 1 of2

C..llfomllt environmw~tAI Aepnrting Syrtem: Regulator

Submittals ~ponclers

Hazardous Material Inventory: AllenCo Energy !:lllm.!! )) Subm>ttal :SN!fl:h » Subm IIAl: 9 '11/2013 11•)45600j} >> Metrnal& lnvtonl<>:v: Hrmrdo••s Matensl i"Ynr.tory ll~t>l Accepte,l!l » Mat<Orla! OelaJl

You must complete a separate Inventory page for each lndlvid ual hazaflloua material and hazardous wast.e that you handle at your fadlil}' in an agg regale quantity subjed to Hazardous Material Business Plan {HMBP) repott!ng requlremenls. The completed Inventory must relied all hazardous materials at your fac:ill!y,ntported separately for each building or outside storage area, with separate entriee for Llnique occurrences of physical state, storage temperatunt, storage preAura. W!)ere the aggn~gate quantllias of eome hazardous materials are below the HMBP threahold reporting quanllly, report the general hazard class of the mate!lllls (e.g., ''Mlsc. Flammable Liquids"), 1'81her than the Common Name, and the aggregate quantity of an hazardous matarlllls having this hazard class which indMdually are below the threshold reporting quantity.

Submltlal Element Hlatory

Submllled forCERS 10 ~on 9111/2013 2:32PM by Miclztelf>ogaenl!eimar of ARenCo Ene!oy CSiru!J!.l:!!ll.....Qa Sutimllllll was Not Accepted on 10/24/2013 by Marcus l.ook for Los Anoeles City Flee Department Comments by regulator: You must include all chemicals that are over CUPA disclosure amount. You have solvent over 1000 gal and several other unidentified chemtcats on site, please include ell c:hemlcllls in your Inventory disdosure. Your map must include all required infonnalion see sample map at this link hltps:/f;

Cheml~lldentificatlon and Physi~l Propertle·..------------ ---·------------ -----­

CIIamlcal Name Crude 011

Com1110n Nnme CAS Number Crude 011 8002·05·9

Ph~Jcal Slate llqyld

H&uriiOUI Motellol Type P~ Pure

Chemic,..! Hazan! Classification---------------·---------

SiS No

RadiOictloe No


File Cadtl CIOftiU fby pllor!ly) fodoml Hazard C&tcgor!<J• Yes Fire~~

No RactJvt ~'? No Pressure Roleaoe 9 No Aeullt Heallh :t~

No Chronic Hnt!h ~'

Slate Wute Code ~

LookuP Code

CE~S Chemical Llbrnry ID


Traao $ecr81 No

Inventory Location and Quantity --------- - ------ - ----------·-----·----------...,

Chentlcal Location Tank Fann

Chf¥1lcal Location Conflden!lll EPCRA No

Map• (Optlon~l) GTid#(OpUonal)

Inventory Storage In formation

Vas Abov.ogrouncl Tanl\

No Undervround Tank No T1nk Inside Building

No Steel Drvm

No Pl••lioiNon...,~talllc Drum

Storage Pr.,.surc Ambient

M' C txture omponent:s

liaurdous Componont Namo

... . -

No C&n

NO Clll>oy

No Sflo No FlborOrttm No Bag

ASNurnl><!r ~bvWoloht . . . . . .


Additional ChemicaUMaterial Oesc rlption­

Addlt!o""' Ch~mlcal Description Information ~B

Crulltd By: M!duoer Polll'onhoi..., .., 81211/2013 a:O~ PM 1M~ UpdOilod B;e-"-nb- on Balt.!OU3:51 PM

No eo ..

Average Dally Amount Maximum Dilly Amount '•• ~10 3~0

LArveet Cont.\lnar Annuar waste Amount <1 10!iDD


No Cylinder No Tank TNck. Tank Wagon No Tank Cor, All II Cztr No Glau eonre

No Piastre BotUo No ToteBin


No Oth~r

Slon~ge Tcmporatu,. Ambient


Unite (Inventory) Qalfons

EHS nents~,· Addltio not Mixture Compo . .




·-·- -··---]

https:/ /cersregul~tor .cal 1 32946/Facil ity I l 0456009/Submittai/H Ml/4 ... I 0/30/2013

Page 33: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

Hazardous Material Inventory: CERS Regulator Page 1 of2

Cotil'omi;l Envoronltll!nlDI Repe>ltlng System: Regulator

Fadlilles Compli:"oce

Hazardous Material Inventory: AllenCo Energy 1::!2!!!! » Ji~li!!J;.,..,-;r. >> ~'lll!al 911 :rlQ13 !1 04S6C~ » Matotal£ ln~eniOIY: Hszarthus MaWifll l•weNOf}' .'IIOIAe<.epledJ


Submitted forCERS 10 ~on 9/11/2013 2:32PM by MicbsatPDoaenhetmeror AllenCo Enemy CSional Hjl! CAl Submittal was Not Accepted on 10/24/2013 by Marcus Look for Los Angeles City Fire Department Comments by regulator: You must Include aU chemicals that ere owr CUPA disclosure amount. You have solvent over 1000 Qlll and several other unidentified chemicals 01'1 site, please include all chemicals In your inventory d!sdosure. Your m11p must include 1111 required Information see sample map at this Tink!l!tyMap.gif

rwurn to Sut:rT 'llal

Hazardous Materials Inventory (1) Not Accepted Ocl24, 2013

--· l C~m~~n Nam~ -~;;, ~~

-- ..... TcAs'-·-- i- ·--- -

! 8002-()5-9

.. --~---­LocaUon .. . ----Tank Farm

.J~~ ~ii)'_A~nt ' 3,570 ga!tone

C~"!Oto•• Enwo••m•ot~l F<cpc.rt 1111 Sys:om 8u&ln~••l ,.., 2Q1 a CaliloC!>JO En-.!romr,.;n1a1 Pl<•lec.!''"' Agency CERS !e< SIIJ•;lO<t Regvo.tTeehnicai ASI!jstan:;t


Dlsplay!ng ilema 1 - 1 of 1

c gov /Business/ 13 2946/Faci I i ty I I 04 5 6009/Subm ittaVHMI/4 ... 10/30/2013

Page 34: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

General Site Map Supplemental Documentation: CERS Regulator Page I of2

Sllbnlittals Regul:!tors ComJllbnce

Site Map (Official Use Orily): AllenCo Energy lli!!n'! )) §ll~!!l!!tal Sf'.a~ » ~t~:V/60 I? t1(MSoS0~ >> Meteria!G lnvl'mooy Sil" M'lp (OtJ c~>l U!W O.o'y) (Not Acc~p'~dl

Supplemental Documentation

Site Mlp (Oflicfal Use Only) You are only required to p!l>Vide supplemental documentation as specified by your local regulator(s}.

Submittal Element History

Submitted forCERS ID ~on 911112013 2:32PM by Mtcfl8el pqopeahei~ol Al'enCo Energy !Signal Hill CA) Submltlal was Not Accepted on 10/2412013 by Mlf'C!J& Look for Los Angeles Citv F~te De~.!l.!lllm! Comments by reglila!or. You mus1lndude all chemicals that are over CUPA diSdO$ure amount. You have solvenT over 1000 gal and severe! other unidenTified chemicals on site, please indude all chemicals in your Inventory disdosure. Your map must include all raq11lred inlonnatlon see sample map at this link htlps:/

unified Prag,.m LOcal Reporting Re~~uirements for ,.,. Angeles City Fin o.,.rtment leted fadll~ In this j¥11sdlalan .,.., reqUired to repor1 haurttous mate~ls wllere quantities oxattd tile Collifornl~ Fire Code ponnlt omounts .s ameodtd by LA City Fire. Refer

o LAFD Sld I 68 {http·«!ptd gretpreyeqttqpladffpqna'BO bm nt dts amp; pdP for il complete list of permit amounts.L.AFD Flre~E..:!!W _ _____ _ _ _

Document Options Uplo•d Oocumentls) Public Internet URL Prov•ded Elsewht'rE< in CERS ?rovt<lod to Regulator Stored a\ Facility E•ornpt

Document Upload(s)

Document Till•

,A,!J!!O!!Ied Sit<> Map 101!!cial Use O'!!ll (Ad.obo Pel', 3G2 Kl!)

CrHIH lly: Mldla•l Popponh-r on llf1112D13 2:21 PM IAat Upclowd By. '-"'luoel Popponhtlmor on ll/1112013 :l:21 PM

C.Uil'')!Tii.• ErrA'Ill\rneall> R~ &y'l"""' ~S3f C'\2( 13 Cs~'omla i:r V>rCilff\elllal Pt~~e!l Aqt nc. C ERS Tet:mic;aJ Suppoct ~pctr.lg!l Ass!~

CERS Document Uplosd Poljcv

iiaii· ·· Authored 9/11/2013

c https://cersregulator .cal epa. !Business/132946/F acility I 1 0456009/SubmittaVHMJ/4 ... 10/30/2013

Page 35: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

General Site Map Supplemental Documentation: CERS Regulator Page 2 of2

.C 0456009/Submittai/HMI/4. .. 10/30/2013

Page 36: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

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Page 37: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

814 W 23rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90007 - Google Maps

Got:>gle . . l

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-1\ j


d. ,/



Page 1 of2

To see all the details fhat are visible on the screen, use the "Print" link next to the map.

9/1 1!2013

Page 38: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Customer: AllenCo AB 1960 Certified Inspection


Brine Water Tank #1 AllenCo Energy Lease

814 West 23rd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007 M1121212

500 I E. Commercenter Drive. Suite 250, Bakersfield, C A, 93309 P: (661) 371-2800, F: t661 -371-2801)


Page 39: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Tank Summary

3.0 Inspection Personnel

4.0 Engineering Calculations

4.1 Shell Renewal Calculations

5.0 Shell Diagram

6.0 Pictures

7.0 GPS Location Map

Page 40: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


AllenCo has contracted Divenified Project Services International, Inc. to perform an In Service Inspection on the tank Iota ted at 814 West 23rd, Los Angeles, CA 90007. This iospedlon was completed with the current triterla set forth In AB 1960 Title 14, Division l , Chapter 4, Section 1773.4.

The primary goal of this inspedion is to provide your company wltb an assessment of tbe equipment condition. The resultant report shall contain the required Information to assess the general condition of the tank sheD per AB 1960.

The Ultrasonic thickness readings and visual inspection methods were used to assess the shell plate condition. These methods were used externaUy and provided data relating to the present condition of the equipment.

Tbe tank is a rectangular 1 course above ground storage tank that is currently in service. Tbls tank is 8' H x 14' L x 8'W aod equipped with a fixed roof. The following lists all findings and recommendations.

A total of4 spot thickness readings were taken at the Thidmess Monitoring Locations (TML) shown on the provided Shell Diagram (5.0). For all corrosion data based on the gathered thickness readlnp see Shell Renewal Calculations (4.0) The re--inspectton date Is based on AB 1960 Section 1773.4.a.

No visual external corrosion was noted on shell staves.


It is recommended if this tank is "Out Of Service" to be properly take this tank out of service as stated in ABl%0 1773.~.(a).( 4)

It is recommended to properly identity this tank with the operator's tank Identification number as stated in AB1960 1773.3 (a).

,-;;::' ~ . ,I

, . .-:-.. ·: .~ /.....-,!::?~-- .<-~~f.Jt!:.-

Inspector Signature: ____ _ _ _______ _

Brian Wilson AP1653 Certification # 6051

Page 41: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Tank Number/ID: Tank Owner: Construction Design: Product: Spedfie Gravity: Manufacturer: Manufacture Date: Data Plate Present: NFPA Placard:


Diameter (ft.): Helgbt (ft.): Length (ft.): Width (ft.): Capacity (BBLS):


Foundation: Setondary Containment: Leak Detection Barrier: Cathodic Protection: Ground Cable: Bottom: SheD: Roof: Primary Seal: Secondary Seal:


Internal Access: Roof Attess:


Floor Internal: Shell Internal: SheD External: Roof: External:

None ADenCo API llF (Shop welded - 90-750bbl) Out of Service NA unknown unknown None Yes

8 24 8 273.55

Native Soil w/ Ringwall Concrete Containment Yes N/A None Butt Welded Butt Welded Butt Welded None None

Man way Vertical Ladderw/o Platform

Unknown Unknown Epoxy Coated Epoxy Coated

Page 42: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


DPSI examination personnel are qualified and certified in accordance with DPSI's Quality Assurance Program. Procedure DPSI-WP~t. Tbis proeedure meets or eueeds the guidelioes contained in tbe American Society for Nondestructive Testing's Recommended Practice, SNT-TC-lA.

Brian Wilson API 653 Inspector

Roo Allen Levelll ASNT Technician

Jesse Kindrat Technician Assistant

Shane Manning Technician Assistant

Page 43: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


T prev::: previous thlckaeu measurement of shell course under consideration, as recorded at last inspection or aomJnal tblckaess if no previous thickness measurements, in inches.

T ad = Minimum thiclmess measurement of the shell course under consideration, as recorded at the time of Inspection, in illches. T min = minimum required of shell course, at the aUowable fill beipt, In inches. Ca =Remaining corrosion aUowaaee of the shell course uader consideratioa, in iacbes. Cr::: Corrosion rate of tbe shell course under consideration, in inches per year. RL "' Estimated remaining life ofthe shell course under coosideration, in years. FHe = Calculated Fill Height = SEtactll.6DG+ 1 (SEtact/4.6DG+ .3) plus the total product height below the course of study, in feet. Yt = Tlme spaa between tblckness readings or age of the taak If nominal thickness ill used for tprev, Jn years.

Ca = T aet- T miD = RemaJn.lng Corrosion Allowance (inches) Cr::: T prey - T act I Yt "" Corrosion Rate (iaehes per year) RL = Ca I Cr ::: Remaining Life (years)

Date laspected 1211412012 Yt =Tank age (years) E::: Efficiency D = Tank Diamter Y = Mln. Yield Streagth T = Min. Tensile Strenlfh G =Product Gravity

*** Next Inspection Due Date:

20 0.7

-30000 55000



** 30000 lbJir if unknown ** 55000 lbJht lfunknown

Dleember 14,1017 I

Page 44: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

·~ I'll

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Page 45: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Vessel Overview TaukComer

Tank Wall I I Tank Wall I

Page 46: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

7.0 GPS Location Map

Address: 814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007

GPS: Latitude 34.072526 Longitude -118.27804

Page 47: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Allen Co AB 1960 Certified Inspection


Crude Oil Tank #4 AllenCo Energy Lease

814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 MI121212

5001 E. Commercenter Drive, Suite 250, Bakersfield, CA, 93309 P: (66 I) 371-2800, F: (661-371-280 I)

Page 48: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


1.0 Exe~utive Summary

2.0 Tank Summary

3.0 Inspection Personnel

4.0 Engineering Calculations

4.1 Shell Renewal CalcuJations

4.2 SheD Corrosion Rate

4.3 Next lnspe~tion Date

5.0 Shell Diagram

6.0 Pictures

7.0 GPS Loeation Map

Page 49: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


AUenCo hu contracted Diversified Project Services lntematioaal, Inc. to perform an In Service inspectioa on the lease located at 814 W.l3rd. St. Los Angeles, CA 90007. This inspection was completed wltb tbe curreat criteria set forth in AB 1960 Title 14, Division 2, Chapter 4, Section 1773.4.

Tbe primary goal of this inspection is to provide your compaay wltb an assessment of the equipment condition. The resultaut report shall contain tbe required information to assess the general condition oftbe tank shell per AB 1960.

The Ultruonic thickness readings and visual inspection methods were used to assess the shell plate conditiou. These methods were used edemaUy and provided data relating to the present condition of the equipmeut.

The tank is a rectaugular, 1 course above ground storage tank that Is curreutly in service. This tank Is 8'H :1 35'L x lO'W.and equipped with a welded metal roof. The following lists aU findings and recommendations.

A total of 4 spot thickness readings were takea at the Thickness Monitoriag Locations (TML) shown on tbe provided Shell Diagram (5.0). For aU corrosion data based on the gathered thickness readings see Shell Renewal Calculations (4.0). The re-inspec:tion date Is based on AB 1960 Section 1773.4.a.

No visual external corrosion wu noted on shell staves •


It is recommended to properly identify this tauk with tbe operator's tank identlftcatlon number as stated in AB1960 1773.3 (a).

.,.....-::' /6.:; ... ~/(' g:;-~1L-~ ........ ~e:'.:.-•. -

lnspector Signature: _ _ _________ _ _ _

Brian Wilson APT 653 Certification # 6051

Page 50: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Tank Number: Tank Owoer: Construction Design: Product: Specific Gravity: Manufacturer: Manufacture Date: Data Plate Present: NFPA Placard:


Diameter (ft.): Height (ft.): Leagtb (ft.): Width (ft.): Capac:ity (BBLS):


Foundation: Secondary Containment: Leak Deted:lon Barrier: Cathodic Protection: Ground Cable: Bottom: Shell: Roof: Primary Seal: Secondary Seal:


Internal Access: Roof Access:


Floor Internal: Shell Internal: Shell E'lternal: Roof: E.J:ternal:

None Allen Co API llF (Shop welded- 90-7SObbl) Oil 0.79 Uaknowa Unknown None Yes

8 35 10 498.67

Native Soil w/ Riagwall Concrete Containment Yes None None Butt Welded Butt Welded Batt Welded None None

Maaway Vertical Ladder w/o Platform

Ubknown Unknowa Epoty Coated Epoty Coated

Page 51: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


DPSI examination personnel an quaUfled and certified in acwrdance with DPSI's Quality A.tsurance Program, Procedure DPSI-WP-01. Tbls procedure meets or exceeds the guideltnes contained in the American Society for Nondestructive Testing's Recommended Practice, SNT-TC-tA.

Brian Wilson API 653 Inspector

Ron Allen Level ll ASNT Technician

Jesse Kindrat Teebnlclan Aasistant

Shane Manning Technician Aasistant

Page 52: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


T prev = previous tbiclmess meuurement of sheD course uader conslderatioa, as re4:orded at last lmpectioa or aominal thickness if ao previous thickness measuremeat!, lD incbes.

Tact= Minimum thickness measurement of the shell course under eoasideratlon, as recorded at the ofi.Dspectloa, in iDcbes. T miD = minimum required thickness ofshell course, at the mas.Jmu:m allowable fill height, In Inches. Ca = RemainiDc corrosioa allowance oftbe shell coarse uader consideratioa, In laches. Cr"" Corrosion nte of the sheD course under coasideration, in im:bes per year. RL = Estimated remaining Ufe of tbe sheD coune uader consideratioo, in years. FHc =Calculated Fill Height = SEtactll.6DG+l (SEtaet/4.6DG+.3),plus the total product height below the course of study, In feet. Yt= Time span between thickness readiags or age of the taak If nominal thickness is used for tprev, io years.

Ca =Tact - T miD= RemaiDing Corrosion AUowance (inches) Cr"' T prev - T act I Yt = Corrosion Rate (Inches per year) RL = Ca I Cr = Remaiolng Life (yean)

Date lospected ll/14/1012 Yt = Tank age (yean) E "' Efficiency D"' Tank Diamter Y =Min. Yield Streagtb T "" MiD. Tensile Strength G = Product Garvity

*** Next Inspection Due Date:

20 l -

30000 55000 0.79


• * 30000 lbflin' if unknown

** 55000 lbflir if uatmown

December 14,2017 I

Page 53: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Coane##l I

I TML##tl I TMLIIll ITML#3l 2"

0 I TML##41


0 0 ~ z• s• z• oo 0

s SE E NE N NW w sw s

r· cBmii J

TML##l O.lllJ I TML##4 0.141 I

TML##7 0.237

_TML#lO 0.240 J

IAi{:: I

Page 54: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Taok Side View Tank Corner

I Roof VIew I I NFPA Placard I

Page 55: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

7.0 GPS Location Map

Address: 814 West 23rd. Los Angeles. CA 90007

GPS: Latitude 34.072526 Longitude -118.278038

Page 56: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Allen Co AB 1960 Certified Inspection


Crude Oil Tank #5 AllenCo Energy Lease

814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 MI121212

5001 E. Commercenter Drive, Suite 250, Bakersfield, CA, 93~09 P: (661)371-2800, F: (661-371.-2801)


Page 57: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Tank Summary

3.0 Inspection Personnel

4.0 Engineering Calculations

4.1 Shell Renewal Calculations

4.2 Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3 Next Inspection Date

5.0 Shell Diagram

6.0 Pictures

7.0 GPS Location Map

Page 58: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Allen Co bas contracted Diversified Project Services International, Ioc. to perform an Io Service iospection on the AllenCo Energy Lease located at 814 W. llrd. St. Los Angeles, 90007. This iospection was completed with the current criteria set forth in AB 1960 Title 14, Division l, Chapter 4, Section 1773.4.

The primary goal of this Inspection Js to provide your company with an assessment of the equipmeot cooditioo. The resultant report shall contain tbe required l.oformation to assess the general condition of the tank shell per AB 1960.

The Ultrasonic thickness readiogs and visual inspection methods were used to assess tbe shell plate condition. These methocb were used externally and provided data relatiog to tbe present condltioo of the equipment.

The tank is a rectangular, 1 course above ground storage tank that is currently in service. This tank is 8'H x 10'L x 10'W with a fixed welded roof. The following Hsts aU findings and recommendations.

A total of 4 spot thickness readings were taken at the Thickuess Monitoring Locations (TML) shown oo the provided Shell Diagram (5.0). For all corrosion data based on the gathered thickness readings see Shell Renewal Calculations (4.0). Tbe re-inspection date is based on AB 1960 Section 1773.4.a.

No visual external corrosion was noted.


It is recommended to properly Identify this tank witb the operator's tank identification number as stated in AB1960 1773.3 (a).

,.--;:;> ~·/< / #..i4.~- .... ~.r~t:'f-._.

?--· Inspector Signature: _ ______ _ _____ _

Brian Wilson API653 Certification# 6051

Page 59: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Tank Number: Tank Owner: Construction Design: Product: Speclflc Gravity: Manufacturer:

• Manufacture Date: Data Plate Present: NFPA Placard:


Diameter (ft.): Heigbt (tt.): Length (ft.): Widtb (ft.): Capadty (BBLS):


Foundation: Secondary Containment: Leak Detection Barrier: Cathodic Protection: Grouod Cable: Bottom: Shell: Roof: Primary Seal: Secondary Seal:


Internal A~ess: Roof Access:


Floor Internal: SbeU Internal: Shell E:rtemal: Roof: External:

None AllenCo APillF (Shop welded- 90-750bbl) CrudeOU 0.79 Unknown Unknown No Yes


Native Soil wl Ringwall Concrete Containment Yes None None Butt Welded Butt Welded Butt Welded None None

Manway Vertical Ladder w/o Platform

Unknown Unknown Epoxy Coated Epoxy Coated

Page 60: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


DPSI examination personnel are qualified and certified Ia aeoordanee wltb DPSI's QuaUty Auunnee Program. Procedure DPSI·WP·Ol. Tbls procedure meets or eseeeds the guidelines contained iD tbe America a Society for Nondestructive Testing's Recommended Practic~ SNT-TC-lA.

Brian Wilson API 653 Inspector

Ron Allen Level II ASNT Teebaiclan

Jesse Kindrat Tecbnieian Assistant

Sbane Manning · Teehniclan Assistant

Page 61: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


T prev = previous thickness meuurement of sheD course under consideration, as recorded at last inspection or nominal thickness if no previous thickness measurements, in inches.

T act = Minimum thickness measurement of tbe sheD course under consideration, as recorded at the time of lospection, In Inches. T miD = min.lmum required thlckne5l! of sheD course, at the maximum aUowable fill helgbt, in Inches. Ca = RemainiDg corrosion aUowance ofthe shell course under consideration, in inches. Cr = Corrosion rate of the sheD course under consideration, Jn inches per year. RL = Estimated remaining life of tbe sheD course under consideration, iD years. FHc =Calculated FUI Height"" SEtacti2.6DG+1 (SEtacU4.6DG+.3) plus the total product height below the course of study, in feet. Yt =Time span between thickness readings or age of tbe tank if nominal thickness Is used for tprev, In years.

Ca =Tact - T min= Remalalag Corrosion AUowauce (inches) Cr = T prev- T act I Yt • Corrosion Rate (inches per year) RL = Ca I Cr = Remaining Life (years)

Date Inspected tl/14/lOU Yt = Tank age (yean) E = Efficiency D • Tank Dlamter Y = MiD. Yield Strength T • Min. Tensile Strength G = Product Garvlty

*** Next Inspection Doe Date:

20 I .

30000 55000 0.79


.. lOOOO Jb(Jin• If uoknown

** 55000 lbf/ln• if unknown

December 14, 1017

Page 62: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage




I TMLNtl I TMLI#21 lnu.#JI ITML#4

2" 2" .---

0 0 3'x2'

s SE E NE N NW w sw s

CC...*i ··~:J

TML##l 0.143 TMLI#2 0.235

TML#J 0.330

TML#4 0.228

IA;I:: I

Page 63: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



I Tank Side

Corner of Tank I I I

I Tank Corner I Tank Corner I

Page 64: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

7.0 GPS Location Map

Address: 814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007

GPS: Latitude 34.072526 Longitude ~118.278038

Page 65: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Allen Co AB 1960 Certified Inspection


Crude Oil Tank #6 AllenCo Energy Lease

814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 MI121212

5001 E. Commercenter Drive, Suite 250, Bakersfield, CA, 93309 P: (661) 371-2800, F: (661-371-2801)

www.dpsiinc .com

Page 66: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Tank Summary

3.0 Inspection Personnel

4.0 Engineering Calculations

4.1 Shell Renewal Calculations

4.2 Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3 Next Inspedion Date

5.0 Shell Diagram

6.0 Pictures

7.0 GPS Location Map

Page 67: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


AllenCo has contracted Diversified Project Services International, Inc. to perform an In Service inspettion on the located at 814 W. 23rd. St. Los Angeles, CA 90007. This inspection was completed with the current criteria set forth in AB 1960 Title 14, Division 1, Cbapter 4, Section 1773.4. ·

The primary goal of this inspection is to provide your company with an assessment of the equipment condition. The resultant report shaU contain the required information to assess the general condition of the tank shell per AB 1960.

The Ultrasonic thickness readlng11 and visual inspection methods were used to assess the shell plate condition. These methods were used externally and provided data relating to the present condition of the equipment.

The tank is a rectangular, 1 course above ground storage tank that Is currently in service. This tank is 8'H x. 20'L :a: lO'W and equipped with a welded fb:ed roof. The foUowing lists aU findings and recommendations.

A total of 4 spot thickness readings were taken at the Thickness Monitoring Locations (fML) shown on the provided Shell Diagram (5.0). For all corrosion data based on the gathered thickness readings see Shell Renewal Calculations (4.0). The re-tnspedion date Is based on AB 1960 Section 1773.4.a.

No visual external corrosion was noted.


It is recommended to properly Identify this tank with the operator's tank identification number as stated in AB1960 1773.3 (a).

..,..., . ·. /:;;:"/ . .~/ /':! .

f?.f~ ..,..__ ,.0~$"';.., :..._,.. Inspector Signature: ,,.. · · · ·

Brian Wilson API 653 Certification # 6051

Page 68: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Tank Number: Tank Owner: Construction Design: Product: Specific Gravity: Manufacturer: Manufacture Date: Data Plate Present: NFPA Placard:


Diameter (ft.): Height (ft.): Length (ft.):

. Width {ft.):

Capacity (BBLS):


Fouudation: Seeondary Containment: Leak Detection Barrier: Cathodic Protectioa: Grouud Cable: Bottom: SheD: Roof: Primary Seal: Secondary Seal:


Internal Access: Roof Attess:


Floor laternal: SheD Internal: Shell External: Roof: Eiternal:

Nooe AlleaCo API llF (Shop welded- 90-750bbl) CrudeOU 0.79 Uoknown Unknown None Yes

8 20 10 l84.9S

Native Soil w/ Rlngwall Concrete Containment Yes None Noae Butt Welded Butt Welded Butt Welded None None

Man way Vertical Ladder w/o Platform

Unknown UnknoWil Epoxy Coated Epoxy Coated

Page 69: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


DPSI examination per.sonnel are qualified and certined in accordance with DPSI's Quality Assurance Program, Procedure DPSI-WP-01. This procedure meets or exceeds the guideUnes coatained Jn the American Society for Nondestructive Testing's Recommeaded Practice, SNT-TC-lA.

Brian Wilson API 653 Inspector

Ron Allen Level II ASNf Techniciaa

Je.sse Kindrat Technician Assistaat

Silane Mannin& Technician Assistant

Page 70: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


T prev == previous thtclmess measurement of shell course under consideration, as recorded at last inspection or nominal thidmess if no previous thickness measurements, In inches.

T act • MIDJmum tbic:kness measurement of the sbeU course under coasideration, as recorded at the tilDe of inspection, in inches. T min • minimum required thickness of sbell course, at the maximum aUowable fill height, in inc:bes. Ca = RemainiDg corrosion allowance of the sbeU course under c:onsidenttoo, in inches. Cr = Corrosion rate of the sbeU course under c:onsiderattoa, in inches per year. RL =Estimated remainiDg life of the shell eourse under considenttoa, in years.

FHc =Calculated Fill Height = SEtac:tJl.fiDG+l (SEtac:t/4.600+.3) pillS tbe total product height below tbe course of study, in feet. Yt =Time span between tblclmess readfDgs or age oftbe tallk ifoominal thickness Is used for tprev, in years.

Ca = T act- T min ,. Remaining CorrosJoa AUowanc:e (inches) Cr • T prev - T act I Yt = Corrosfoa Rate (inches per year) RL = Ca I Cr.,. Remaining Ufe (years)

Date Inspected tl/14/2012 Yt =Tank age (yean) .E = Emc:feac:y D.,. Tank Diamter Y = Mia. Yield Streagtb T A Min. Tensile Strength G = Product Garvity

*** Next Iospectioo Due Date:

18 I -

30000 55000 0.79


* * 30000 lbf/in• if Ulllmown

u 55000 lbfllr if u11lmowa

December 14,1017 I

Page 71: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Coune ##l

I· I

~ I TMLNtl I TML##l l ITML#31

2. I 0

2" _·_3':1] 2' 4u

I 0 0 0 s SE E NE N NW w sw s

cc.a..r.~ 1 TML#l 0.261

TMLIIZ 0.275

TML##3 0.268

TML#t4 o.m

tA;I =I

Page 72: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


I SideofTaok I NFP A Placard

Tank Side Tank Side

I Tank Side TankSJde I

Page 73: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

' 7.0 GPS Location Map

Address: 814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007

GPS: Latitude 34.072526 Longitude -118.278038

Page 74: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Allen Co AB 1960 Certified Inspection


Injection Water Tank #2 AllenCo Energy Lease

814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 MI121212

500 l E. Commercenter Drive, Suite 250. Bakersfield. CA. 93309 P: (661) 37 1-2800. F: (661-371-280 1)

Page 75: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


1.0 Exe~utive Summary

2.0 Tank Summary

3.0 Inspection Persoaael

4.0 Engiaeering Calculations

4.1 Shell Renewal Calculations

4.2 Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3 Next Inspe~tioa Date

5.0 Shell Diagram

6.0 Pictures

7.0 GPS Location Map

Page 76: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


ADen Co bas contracted Diversified Project Services International, Inc. to perform an In Service Jospeetion on the lease located at 814 W. 23rd St. los Angeles, CA 90007. This inspedioo was completed with the current criteria set forth in AB 1960 Title 14, Division 2, Chapter 4, Section 1773.4.

The primary goal of this inspection is to provide your company with an assessment of the equipment condition. The resultant report shall contain the required Information to assess the general condition of the tank shell per AB 1960.

The Ultrasonic thickness readings and visual inspection methods were used to assess the shell plate condition. These methods were used uternally and provided data relating to the present condition of the equipment.

The tank Is a rectangular, 1 course above ground storage tank that Is currently In service. This tank is 8'H x 30'L x lO'W equipped with a fixed welded roof. The following lists all fmdings and recommendations.

A total of 4 spot tbJckneu readings were taken at the Thickness Monitoring Loeatiou (TML) shown on the provided Shell Diagram (5.0). For, aU corrosion data based on the gathered thiclmess readings see Shell Renewal Calculations (4.0). The .re-lnspection date is based oo AB 1960 Section 1773.4.a.

No visual e.xternal corrosion was noted on shell staves.


It is reeommeoded to properly identify this tank with the operator's taok identification number as stated in AB1960 1773.3 (a).

'$;:?- '#(/ a~ /~·· ?-';·::-... ~-fi~· ~- --

'·"" Inspector Signature: _ ____________ _

Brian Wilson API 653 Certification# 6051

Page 77: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Tank Number: Tank Owner: Construction Design: Product: Specific Gravity: Manufadurer: Manufacture Date: Data Plate Present: NFP A Placard:


Diameter (ft.): Height (ft.): Length (ft.): Width (fL): Capacity (BBLS):


Foundation: Secondary Containment: Leak Detection Barrier: Cathodic Protection: Ground Cable: Bottom: Shell: Roof: Primary Seal: Secondary Seal:


Internal Access: Roof Access:


Floor Internal: SheD Internal: Shell External: Roof: External:

None AllenCo API 12F (Sbop welded- 90-7S0bbl) Injection Water 1.0 Unlmown Unknown None Yes


8 30 10 427.43

Native Soil w/o Ringwall Concrete Containment Yes None None Butt Welded Butt Welded Butt Welded None None

Man way V ertJcal Ladder w/o Platform

Unknown Unknown Epoxy Coated Epoxy Coated

Page 78: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


DPSI eumination personnel are qualified and certified In accordance witb DPSI's Quality Assurance Program. Procedure DPSI-WP-01. This procedure meets or exceeds tbe guidelines contaiDed ill tbe American Sodety for Nondestructive Testing's Recommended Practice, SNT-TC-lA.

Brian Wilson API 653 Inspector

Ron Allen Level II ASNT Technician

Jeue Kind rat Technician Assistant

Shane Manning Technician Assistant

Page 79: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


T prev "" previous tlli~kness measurement of sheJI ~ourse under ~oosideratioo, as recorded at last inspection or nominal thickness if no previous thickness measurements, iD iDches.

T act = Minimum thldmess measurement oftlte shell course under consideration, as re«:orded at the time ofinspectioo, iD Inches. T min "" minimum required thickness of sheD course, at the maximum aUowable fill helgbt, in in~hes. Ca "" Remaining ~orrosion aUowan~e of the sheD course under consideration. in inches. Cr == Corrosion rate of the sbeU course uader cooslderatioa, iD Inches per year. RL = Estimated remaining life of the sheD course under consideration, iD years. FHc ... Cal~ulated FW Height = SEtac:tll.6DG+ I (SEtac:t/4.6DG+.3) plus the total product height below the course of study, in feet. Yt = Time span between tbtc:bess readlags or age of the tank Jf nomiDaJ thldmeu is DSed for tprev, in years.

Ca = T act - T min ,.. RemaJniu& Corrosion Allowance (inches) Cr == T prev -Tact I Yt'"' Corrosion Rate (laches per year) RL = Ca I Cr = Remaining Life (years)

Date Inspected 12/l4110l1 Yt= Tank age (yean) E= Em~iency D =Tank Diamter Y = Min. Yield Strength T = Min. Tensile Strength G "' Product Garvlty

• .. Next Inspection Due Date:

10 I

-30000 ~5010



.... 30000 lbf/lnl II unknown

** 55000 lbf/in• if unJmowo

December 14,1017

Page 80: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage




00 ITML~n iO I TML#ll ITML##31 I TML##41


' I


oo 0 MW

~uto I

0 ~ --~- ---~

s SE: E NE N NW w. sw s

I CtpnetR I TML#l 0.171

TML##4 0.263

TML##7 0.257

TML#lO 0.260

IA;I = I

Page 81: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Side of Tank Tank

Tank corner Epoxy coating I

I Wall picture I Tank Top Picture I

Page 82: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

7.0 GPS Location Map

Address: 814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007

GPS: Latitude 34.072526 Longttude -118.278038

Page 83: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage




Customer: AllenCo AB 1960 Certified Inspection


Injection Water Tank #3. AllenCo Energy Lease

814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007 MI121212

5001 E. Commercenter Drive, SLJite 250, Bakersfield, CA, 93309 P: (661) 371-2800, F: (661-371 -280 I)


Page 84: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


1.0 Executive Summary

2.0 Tank Summary

3.0 Inspection Personnel

4.0 Engineering Calculations

4.1 Shell Renewal Calculations

4.2 Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3 Next Inspection J)ate

5.0 Shell Diagram

6.0 Pictures

7.0 GPS Location Map

Page 85: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


AllenCo bas contracted Diversified Project Services International, Inc. to perform an In Service inspection on the Lease located at 814 W. 23rd. St. Los Aneeles, CA 90007. This inspection was completed with the current criteria set forth in AB 1960 Title 14, Division 2, Chapter 4, Section 1773.4.

The primary goal of tbJs inspection Is to provide your company with an assessment of the equipment condition. The resultant report shall contain the required information to wess tbe general condition of the tank shell per AB 1960.

1 ue unne!IIUDlt: autt:IIUle&r reauaop anu YlliiUBl Ul!llpet:uoo memuu:s Wen! u111eu tu H!ll!llealll uae :s1nm

plate condition. These methods were used e:xtemally and provided data relating to tbe present condition ofthe equipment.

The tank is arectangular, 1 course above ground storage tank tbat is currently in service. This tank is 8'H :s: 20'L x 10'W and equipped with a welded fixed roof. Tbe following lists all findings and recommendations.

A total of 4 spot tbldu~ess readings were ta~e" aUbe Thickness Monitoring Locations (TML) shown on tbe provided Shell Diagram (5.0). For all corrosion data based on the gathered thickness readings see Shell Renewal Calculations (4.0). There-inspection date Is based on AB 1960 Section 1773.4.a.

No visual external corrosion was noted on sbeU staves.


It is recommended to properly Identify this tank wltb the operator's tank Identification number as stated In AB1960 1773.3 (a).

~'/~ ·:' // .f.fffi---- .. ?'?ctP:-- -Inspector Signature: ____________ _ _

Brian Wilson API 653 Certification# 6051

Page 86: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Tank Number: Tank Owner: Construction Design: Product: Specific Gravity: Manufacturer: Manufacture Date: Data Plate Present: NFPA Placard:


Diameter (ft.): HeJpt (ft.): Length (ft.): Width (ft.): Capacity (BBLS):


Foundation: Secondary Containment: Leak Deteeiion Barrier: · Cathodic Protection: Ground Cable: Bottom: Shell: Roof: Primary Seal: Secondary Seal:


Internal Access: Roof Access:


Floor Internal: Shell Internal: Shell External: Roof: External:

None AllenCo API12F (Shop welded - 90.. 7S0bbl) Injection Water

Unknown Unknown None Yes



8 20 10 284.95

Native Soli w/ Rfngwall Concrete ContaiDJDent Yes None None Butt Welded Butt Welded Butt Welded None None

Manway . Vertical Ladder w/o Platform

Uiilmown Unknown Epoxy Coated Epoxy Coated

Page 87: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


DPSI eumination personnel are qualified and eertified In accordanee with DPSI's QuaiJty Assuranee Program, Procedure DPSI-WP-01. This procedure meets or exceeds tbe guidelines contained in the Amerlan Sodety for Nondestructive Testing's Recommended Practice, SNT-TC­lA.

Brian WUson API 653 Inspector

Ron Allen Level II ASNT Technician

Jesse Kindrat TechniciJIIn Assistant

Shane Manning Technician Assistant

Page 88: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


T prev = previous tbiclmess measurement of shell course under consideration, as recorded at last inspection or nominal tblclmess if ao previous tbickDess measuremeab, iD i:Dcha.

T ad= Minimum tbiclutess measurement of tbe shell course under consideration, as recorded at the time of inspection, in inches. T min= minimum required thickness of sheD course, at the maximum aUowable fill heigbt, in inches. Ca = RemaiDiDg corrosion aUowance of~e shell coarse under consideration, in inches. Cr =Corrosion rate of the shell coune uader consideration, iD inches per year. RL = Estimated remainiDg Ufe of the sheD course under consideration, In yean. FHc • Calculated Fill Height ""' SEtactll.6DG+l (SEtact/4.6DG+.3) plus the total produet heigbt below the course of study, in feet. Yt= Time span between tbickDas readiDgs or age oftbe taak If nominal thickness is used for tprev, in yean.

Ca = T ad- T min= Remaining Corrosion AUowance (inches) Cr • T prev - T act I Yt • Corrosion Rate (iDcbes per year) RL = Ca I Cr • Remaining Life (yean)

Date Inspected ll/J4/l012 Yt = Tank age (years) E= Efficiency D • Tank Dlamter Y = Mill. Yield Strength T = Min. TensUe Strength G = Product Garvity

••• Next Inspection Due Date:

20 I -

30001 ssooo



•• 30000 lbffm' if unknown •• SSOOO lbflla1 If unkllowo

I December 14, 1017

Page 89: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage



Counel#l .

I TMLtll I TMLI#Z I ITML#31 ITML#4 1 Noz

4" 0 0

2' 2. 0 4" 4" 4"

Oeanout D 0 000 ---

s SE E NE N NW w sw s

I c ..... ,l I TML #l O.ll9

TML114 0.213 TML##7 0.235

TML#lO 0.131


Page 90: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage


Tauk Side V.ew Side view

Side View I Tank Side View I

Side View I

Page 91: US EPA Region 9 · PDF file · 2015-08-29facility in south Los Angeles which produces crude oil, natural gas and produced water ... free water knockout, test separators, crude storage

7.0 GPS Location Map

Address: 814 West 23rd. Los Angeles, CA 90007

GPS: Latitude 34.072526 Longitude -118.278038