u.s.-prc politicai ·nenotiations, 1967-1984 · unclassified • r-3298 thlt document conaitb or...

.. UNClASSIFIED R-3298 Thlt document conaitb or 127 pages. Copy_tio. of 150 copies. Series 0. U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations, 1967-1984 An Annotated Chronology (U) Richard H. Solomon December 1985 ' ' OEPARTMEN1 OF STATE tS;FPCfCOR ( ) R£L.EASE ( ) DECLASSIFY MR Cues Onzy : ()(I EXCISE · 0() EO Cit.rotion5--------- ..... ( ) DC:N't' PART ...,.. FOiA Eumpt ions V 1 1 U 3 \)... ( ( ) CLASSIFY u ( ) S or ( 1 C OAO ( I OEI..Ei£ Non- Rupo9r.i\·e ,JJIIO I\\ TS PA E.utnp'tj()na I { ) DOWNGRADE TS it) ( ) S or ( } C 0 .. RAND COH TROl NO. 503· 1161 MACHAK DECLARATION CIVIL ACTION NO. 9' - 0362 (TFB) EXHIBIT ATTACHMENT 1 Approved tor Dat e

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Page 1: U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations, 1967-1984 · UNClASSIFIED • R-3298 Thlt document conaitb or 127 pages.Copy_tio . .0~ of 150 copies.Series 0. U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations,



Thlt document conaitb or 127 pages. Copy_tio . .0~ of 150 copies. Series 0.

U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations, 1967-1984

An Annotated Chronology (U)

Richard H. Solomon

December 1985


( ) R£L.EASE ( ) DECLASSIFY MR Cues Onzy: ()(I EXCISE · 0() o::c~,.tSSIFY EO Cit.rotion5---------..... ( ) DC:N't' li~ PART ...,..

FOiA Eumptions V 11 U 3 \)... ( f~J ( ) CLASSIFY u ( ) S or ( 1 C OAO ( I OEI..Ei£ Non- Rupo9r.i\·e ,JJIIO I\\ TS a~nt:r~ ·

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RAND COHTROl NO. 503·1161


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Page 2: U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations, 1967-1984 · UNClASSIFIED • R-3298 Thlt document conaitb or 127 pages.Copy_tio . .0~ of 150 copies.Series 0. U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations,


1977 January I

Kissinp. Qiao 011:anhua. 1ft New Yort City (1:30-11:30 p.m.)

Kis:s:in,er • Huan1 Zhcn (4:35--5:40 p.m.)

J::issinau. Seauary ot Sw.e«.sirrw.e Cynrs V.ua. H~1 Zhc:a (1: 1.S.2:40 p.m.)

MAX compbitU aboc.ll PRC amc:b ca llimllld U.S. ~of &be~ Qiao t~Qiu MAX fot sflowint ~ teprd.inc lbe Soviets 11 Hds:iDti and iD Antol&. RAJ: Ql'ftS Challact o( poliriall alppOft ror ow. ia che u.s. because o( ~ Cllnml

cMl.J mood wm Gmil che usa·. ability co aid ow. II cbe Somu attact.. Qiao pn::s;sures HAX CJO Tli'twz. ~~ ~ Tliwu ~b)' ltqx.blic:m polite' olfte:ial&.

RZ asscns PRC internal sitn2tioa •Cllcenc:n~• aAcr ~~ of lhc Oa.na of Four. as:swc::s HAK Mao·s loteip policy wiD be sustalncct presses HAX oa Deed for continuity lt2 U.S. policy whh &be DeW U.S. admlnis:tntion; asks Cor word on H.U:'s.mcctin&widl T&mtDy C¥tc:r in 0oeotPt. ~ NA 'TO mini.sz.erial InUlin&. and press rumon th.at HAX will Wl'ite bis ~ se.d::s ~ &Nt PRC-cWLed cSoc::ui')')Cf)cs or lhc N"&:l.OC.fcrd p:riod wm acx be d"t:SdosM

MAX and HZ reUen.lt rheit n:spcai¥e posiaoas cwa ~HZ c:ompWn.s &boar CanA::r m•mem c:alii.ce T~ •OUna· as flavine a~ aunu• impl'iation v~ ape e:s:9!S suppon Cor~ S'hanp:ai Comman.ique and che pin:iple orOttC ouaa: Ia cb:s DOl respond e H'Z"1 n:marb aboat &be Deed ID

opp:l$C cbe "Polar Bear.· •

Page 3: U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations, 1967-1984 · UNClASSIFIED • R-3298 Thlt document conaitb or 127 pages.Copy_tio . .0~ of 150 copies.Series 0. U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations,






'' ~iororr~ts Summ at')'/ComCMcts

Pn:.sident Jimmy~ One: n:::l!rltnU U.S. com.miuncnt co d'lc SC a d'lc ·Hu=t~(l~ -a=is• ot cbe U.S.-PRC rebf.ioaship. HZ: 1'k &&) ft.btionship will conci.nue co inlprovc so loa& u che

SC is ldhcted 10; any rio1ations will aaiJe ad¥ax results: 10 DC>mWiz.e tW.tions. cbe U.S.masl withdraw Ia ~ from Ta.i~ abtop1.e the dt:J~ creaty.

and lf::Y't:r cf.iplc:wrwic ~ Cantr ~ bopcs j II Q 1, fat a pe:xxfuJ resolution of lhc Tai....-.sls:sue

p.,s DC)(.CS &he

•tund:lmenw d.&Spu~· ~ lhe PRC and lhe USSR..!xlt ays &his should DOl inJubit development of JUte-(0-SUet relations. Canu says he sent a~ 10 lhe Y .etn.amese leaden c.xpressin1 inlel"CSt ia ~ulnc U.S.·SRV rebtions.. HZ: -we &hink: dUs is 1ood. • He a.s:sures Carter &haL PRC inte.I'"IW siuarion is DOW •vet)' tood and ~re·; f.bo's policic:s will be fu.Dy i.mpleme:ued by Hua Ouorcnc.

Scaewy ot Swe CV ptqX>Sd he visit PRC in Au rust: ioronns ot C}'NS Vance· H~J.:~nt Woodc:Dck appointment as new USLO OUef; bricls Zhcft on his recent trip co Moscow. SALT. CTB. IDd:ian

0ceat1 issues. 2.airc. HZ: The Sovicu en~necru!a ~invasion ofZa.ire; it &he U.S. cb:s DOdlin& h will only boost Soviet expansionism and the U..S. willcetbutt.

Cane pvcs Nocre -:11 is imporw~t dl.u. we make propus tDwltd Dune com~ ~C reUUon.s wi.th the Ptop~·, Republi-: o! l&ircss O.ina ••• and .-e hope r.o find a fcrmula wbidl C3Zl

brid'e .:>me or the dilrJCUltic:s dw. Jtlllscp&Qte as..

StatbrJ' ol Sbtt V&Dct Ia IJ.djie1

H.uanr Hua · vance CV prt:lCtiU !Out d•horiron o(U..S. forelp p:Xey.

. ,_ . . ( ... ~ .: . _.'" ;,. .. ';.·~ ; :··

\!.; . ' -

r rt<· · .- · - r-1 i !: ! . ' . . ..

.. - • - ..... . ) t .. : •

Page 4: U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations, 1967-1984 · UNClASSIFIED • R-3298 Thlt document conaitb or 127 pages.Copy_tio . .0~ of 150 copies.Series 0. U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations,


. •

Hta~c Hua ·VAnCe (9' .30-12:00 a.m..)

4.' ,..~ ,,, ,_-.

Hu:m, Baa · Vance (9-.lO--J~ 1$ Lm.)

.. .


cv bric!s oc $o\-acu ia Atric.a. HH A)'l So~ .a.ions iA Atria arc ftO( litnil.ed and accidenUal; ast;s U U.S. will~ 'll'itb cbc USSR and maincam tbe ~ ~of po..-er. CV on oormaliz2U()Q;

1m on u.s . ..SO\'lel reW.ions: We Uunt cne u~.IS a.t:raid of the Sovieu: the ~papower ri~ is about 10 le,.:):f to 1 .-cr1d ~.


aeprdin& DOnlWintioa.. \. "V 's pn:senuaon IS a •IW'QL ·en:.n the posiU:::ln of Ford ia ~97S:

ev-a .. womW" USO ~ on ·a'aivan 1.s jm 1 •Oa&les:s em~ Ot -ua1son oQ'" ace..

O:UturJJ c:::x.a.anee:s.. RH &:bu:nks tbe aced rcr a ~oe..

ll,!. ' r,:_ i.'l r f)!'i' ~ f !"""" . ~ ~· l .- • p ! ~

Page 5: U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations, 1967-1984 · UNClASSIFIED • R-3298 Thlt document conaitb or 127 pages.Copy_tio . .0~ of 150 copies.Series 0. U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations,


Novcmbc:r 17

Ru:a Gaolc:n1. Vm::c {4~5:lSpA)

John W allacl:l anide ca fRC •&dblJ&ry• oa T&iQD issue

Ruant HI.D • U.S. 1..blsoo Office Chid ~Woodcock:

.. I'RC Fotclp Ministry ot&:Wir:lvi= ~~I:! OW.

:. :. .';

.(t~ .... ·:. · . • · ~_,{~.;:---=~:·~- .. d

.. : ~·· :. . "' ,-.


Rua disalsses PRC in&emal atfain. rhe Soviet UDioa; Huant7llcn will be r=aiJcd IS PRO.O Qic:l.

1obn P. Wanach.. "'Qina Stet~ Sol\.eninc oa T&hou,. • BaltimoRN~~

De.n& NomWir.acioa -- •tct tw:t" b)' v aDCC \'idt. -He Lays oat I'RC posi tiao OCI nonna.Iiz:atioa.. (See n.t Ntw r«t r...u, tnmJ

Di.scus:sioa ofln&una1iona! Jinracioo.. CV D)'S Caner Jti1J I'CVie1vinJ oomWi:nDoa issues; .-heo n:vicr compleled. USLO OUd Wood=od: will mal:e pn:sel)ation ofUSG news. HH: Premier Hca Ouofcnt bop:.s Pre:sideaf Clna wiD view U.S • .nC rehtion.s !rom loni-Letm s:tn.lqic and pot.irical perspective.. no« as diplomatic ls:sue; no immediate upre.ssioa ol USG vica-s is DCO"'$$Sty; OU.na will DOC

pn::ss for aiOIUlian.


HZ's f2rewe1J an. CV bnds on Rocu ol Africa. ).{jddle ~and SALT •

Page 6: U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations, 1967-1984 · UNClASSIFIED • R-3298 Thlt document conaitb or 127 pages.Copy_tio . .0~ of 150 copies.Series 0. U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations,



1978 January 16





May 21

Huan1 Hua • Bru:z:insti (9:52a..m..-1:20 p.m)

Huan1 Hua· Bru:z.inski (3:30-&.CO p.m.)

Den1 • Brzezinski (<&:0~:30 p.m.)


~otSw.efoc £ut Asia md h:::i6: A.C.Wrs JUdwd Holbrook.e {4:05 p.m,J

. . . .

. . .

... ...

U.S..f'R.C POUT1CA1. ~noNS, 1961-IHc


ZB briefs Haft 011 Car&.cr•a Dip 10 bdi&.. Cbe MjddJe

East. and w CSla"A Europe.

HH: 'T'bc rivalty ~ cfle two he&emoai: IUpetpOwctl Is lhe INjoc J0UrCC o(..,or1d iftsabiliq; chc U.S. is on lhe ddensi YC and (ears Cbe $<Met Union.,lu ~ 10 Soviel erp:wioftism. as bl An,ob.. ate ~ Oina doe$ DO( fear encltclc:meru: &he U.S. is not qualif ted 10 raise the human ri1hts issue rqatdift' Cambodia:

()lit\a ...ni ShOW no nu.i'biJity 011 t.c:nns {OC


ZB: ~ a..n say co behalf oC Pn::s idenr Cat1.et t.tw abc U.S.lw mad.e up iu mind 10 oorm.aliz.e U.S.·PRC ' n:latioca.·

. ... . .. ..

. . .. · ..


. • . .. .. •• :"·."=

. . . . -. : : :: I • • ' " 4

'4l-'e 100L f()t'WU!liO Presk1ent untrl :: · : : . JN.tln' up his m.ind to non:naliu::; <· .... : : ~· ... ! . ·:

Page 7: U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations, 1967-1984 · UNClASSIFIED • R-3298 Thlt document conaitb or 127 pages.Copy_tio . .0~ of 150 copies.Series 0. U.S.-PRC Politicai ·Nenotiations,

)l(ay 21




~ ..

I>irccu MOO Forcip A.trm Barcaa Oai Oczlpca - Depgcy AJ:sis%arU ~ ot Dct'ensc Manoa JJnmowia '(.t:JO.S:.O p.mJ

T~.~n~ Na.tWanr • NSC Sta!!Munbct B=jamiD Hubcrmar1 (4::30-5:40 p.m.)

Rua Ciooleftl • Bnuinski (5:25--7:25 p.m.)

FW Oeqina • NSC SW! Member Samocl Hunti.citDD

Va:a • fiuant Hua . (lQSS.ll!.SS un.) _

Bna.irW:i ·Han Xu (11:.30-11."00 a.m..)



. ow resisa aa •e.xdwlae· ol news on Sovkt forces bl Asi.1; rebuu &be view cflat rhc::se fon::cs arc tarzeted lattdJ (Ill OUna.

. . • • • • > • . : .. _.. :·: ..

. . Di.scussioa ot PRM-10 and PO-J l. . .

. · .. .. · ·. :._-: . \ .. .. .

. . - . ~ ~,· :'

CV: Woodco:k wiD s.ooo' ~th.te-~ons oa oonnalintioa izl Beip~ HH: It )'OQ ..-w Dc.nJ fD 'risil the u.s ... we must 'lt'Cd hmSc::r to norm.aliu as Den, Is &ettinr otdet: It the U.S. continues 10 ·~ ~ Solid Union. It w.ill ba:ln our rclationshlp.