us vet corps resources

On behalf of a grateful nation Introducing US Vet Corps Resources

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On behalf of a grateful nation


US Vet Corps Resources

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For over a decade America has been embroiled in a war brought

to our shores by a barbarous act of terrorism on 9/11.

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Even now our nation’s finest fighting men and women are in harm’s way

across the globe in defense of our most cherished liberty.

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A major obstacle our veterans face is the difficulty of transitioning

from a military to civilian life upon return home

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What is alarming is that after heeding the call and sacrificing in defense

of our nation our veterans are facing tremendous challenges:

More veterans have committed suicide than killed in

action in our two most recent major conflicts!

800,000 to 1 million unemployed veterans at present

12 million underemployed veterans, who are forced to

work multiple part-time jobs in order to make ends meet

Even more shocking is that there are over 67,500

homeless veterans

With an alarming increase in female veterans recently

reported homeless.

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Veterans are having tremendous challenges finding jobs in a

tough market brought on by a stagnant economy.

Our weak economy is a crisis that has devastated our nation and our

government has been flailing in its response to the need for job creation.

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It’s quite a challenge when leaving the


While in service you were

an integral member of a

highly skilled team…

Responsible for the lives of

your soldiers

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You were responsible for multi-million dollar equipment

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You defended our nation

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and saved lives…

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You protected our borders and our airspace

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Upon your return

home you lose your


Its difficult to know where

to turn for help in your


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There is a backlog of almost 900,000 veterans still waiting for benefits at the

VA and a maze of dead ends and websites by organizations promising help

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It is unconscionable that these brave men and women, the very back bone of our nation,

should have such difficulty upon their return home after defending our freedom.

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On behalf of a grateful nation,

US Vet Corps Resources

Is a dedicated advocate for our veterans

helping them figure out their next move.

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A US Vet Corps Resources Center is the crossroads

where a grateful community and our veterans meet

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In a collaborative effort with other great non-profits and local community

volunteers, Vet Corps Resources is dedicated to helping Veterans dream a

new dream and attain that dream once they return home.

Our goal is to help veterans find stability in their new

life physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially.

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A primary focus is helping our veterans deal

with the unseen wounds of war

by facilitating complimentary and confidential counseling to help a

veteran and their loved ones find emotional and spiritual wholeness

so they are able to move on with their lives and dream a new dream.

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Whether it’s help finding the right

college or figuring out grants and

scholarships to pay for it…

help finding a great job…

or help writing a business plan or

patenting a new invention and

obtaining a small business loan,

US Vet Corps Resources is dedicated

to helping you reach your new dream!

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After laying their lives on the line in defense of our freedom, our veterans

have not only earned our respect but also our thanks. To US Vet Corps

Resources, thanks is more than just words - it is dedication to serving our

veterans in their time of need just as they served our country.

Our veterans deserve no less.

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Mission Statement

On behalf of a grateful nation, U.S. Vet Corps Resources, in a collaborative

effort with other great non-profits and local community volunteers, is dedicated

to helping Veterans, first responders, and their families in their transition from

active service to civilian life. We will endeavor to be the crossroads where a

grateful community and our veterans meet. Using the resources and

relationships at our disposal, we will help them dream new dreams and attain

those dreams once they return home. We will engage the local community to

help Veterans find stability in their new lives physically, emotionally, spiritually,

and financially. We will accomplish this by opening our centers to the

community and other excellent non-profits who are committed to assisting

veterans and offer volunteer services focused in four main areas: training and

higher education, jobs and careers, entrepreneurship, and wellness. We believe

that as our Veterans find stability in their new civilian lives, they will respond by

strengthening our communities as they reengage as the effective leaders they

are. As a grateful nation we owe then no less.

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To support our efforts in this endeavor

Please make contributions to:

US Vet Corps Resources

PO Box 1884

Charleston, SC 29402

There is much to do.

To join our efforts or for more information:

Tim Taylor 843.276.2840


Lauren Martel 843.298.3831