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USA Cycling Online Event Solution

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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USA Cycling Online Event Solution

Use of USA Cycling’s Event Solution

Without the complete online event solution…

Online Registration Program Timeline & Update Development of online & onsite registration system for

nationals (Jan – July 2010 ) Two Test events

o February 2010o April 2010

First USA Cycling National – Collegiate Road (May) Almost 10,000 rider registrations for 12 USA Cycling National

Championships (cyclocross on-going) Online registration programming for all other USA Cycling

events (August – ongoing) Online post-event check-out programming (August – ongoing)

Online Registration Program Timeline & Update Beta Test I – internal staff (September – ongoing) Beta Test II with promoters (October – ongoing)

o Erik Anderson, Washingtono Mark Guthart, Iowao Eric Smith, Californiao Barry Owen, Coloradoo Andrew Ruggles, Minnesotao Dan Alms, Minnesotao Bryan Leuenberger, Texaso Nick Rebhuhn, Washingtono Douglas Long, Missouri o Michael Delaney, Minnesotao Tim Hall, Tennessee

Two Feedback & Follow Up Conference Call with Promoters

Online Registration Program Timeline & Update

December 1st launch to all promoters Test server will remain available for any promoters wanting to try out

the system (great for ongoing training & education) Monthly training & education webinars (online permitting,

registration & post-event check out)o Wednesday, November 10th

o Tuesday, November 16th

o Tuesday, November 30th

Feed back processes (ex. promoter surveys, rider surveys, etc..)

Online Permitting & Event Registration Matt Keith, Lead Programmer

Online Post-event Check-out - Heather Abbott, project programmer

General Flow of Event Program


Promoters can receive assistanceo Monday thru Friday 8:00 a.m – 8:00 p.m mtno Saturdays 8:00 – 12:00 p.m. mtno Working with internal membership staff & regional coordinatorso IT Staff will be on call for membership & regional coordinator


Dedicated email & phone lineo [email protected] 719-434-4288

Percentage of events using online event permitting system

Year # Events Online Percentage

2010 2293 54%

2009 2635 44%

2008 2523 37%

2007 2442 29%

2006 2248 16%

2005 2176 .5%