usaid/rule of law program quarter 2 progress report

USAID/Rule of Law Program Quarter 2 Progress Report January 1, 2019 to March 31, 2019 Submission Date: April 15, 2019 Contract Number: AID-OAA-I-13-00036/ AID-278-TO-16-00001 Contract Period: November 15, 2015 – November 14, 2020 COR Name: George Kara’a Submitted by: Qais Jabareen, Chief of Party Tetra Tech DPK 15, Abdul Rahim Al Haj Mod’d St. Swefieh, Amman - Jordan Tel: +962 6 5859196/7 Email: [email protected] This document was produced for review and approval by the United States Agency for International Development / Jordan (USAID/Jordan).

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USAID/Rule of Law Program

Quarter 2 Progress Report January 1, 2019 to March 31, 2019

Submission Date: April 15, 2019 Contract Number: AID-OAA-I-13-00036/ AID-278-TO-16-00001 Contract Period: November 15, 2015 – November 14, 2020 COR Name: George Kara’a Submitted by: Qais Jabareen, Chief of Party

Tetra Tech DPK 15, Abdul Rahim Al Haj Mod’d St. Swefieh, Amman - Jordan Tel: +962 6 5859196/7 Email: [email protected] This document was produced for review and approval by the United States Agency for International Development / Jordan (USAID/Jordan).

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Acronyms and Abbreviations ................................................................................ 5

Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 6

1. Activity Overview ........................................................................................... 7

a. Activity Details ............................................................................................................. 7 b. Executive Summary ..................................................................................................... 8

II. Activity Implementation .............................................................................. 10

COMPONENT 1: STRENGTHENED GOJ ACCOUNTABILITY, TRANSPARENCY, JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE, AND PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS ................................................................................................................................ 10

1.1 Enhance the working environment and culture of excellence in the public sector .......................................................................................................................... 10

1.7 Strengthen justice sector accountability, transparency, judicial independence, and protection of human rights ............................................................................ 20

In cooperation with the JC and the JIJ, and in line with the Royal Committee Recommendations, ROLP continued to support the JC in delivering the Arabic Typing Trainings to judges across the kingdom. To date, 509 First Instance and Conciliation judges (377 males and 132 female) from Amman, Aqaba, Irbid, Zarqa Maan, Karak and Al-Tafileh Courts of First Instance have been trained, in addition to 69 of the 80 diploma students of the JIJ. ....................................................... 20

1.8 Critical judicial and public accountability processes, practices, linkages, and coordination between governmental and non- governmental actors strengthened .............................................................................................................. 23

COMPONENT 2: INCREASED PUBLIC DEMAND FOR PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY, TRANSPARENCY, RULE OF LAW, AND PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS ........................................................................................................................ 24

2.1 Improve the capacity of the CCD to enhance governance, transparency, integrity, and accountability in public and private sectors .............................. 24

2.2 Improve the capacity of the Jordan Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission to meet international and domestic commitments .................. 26

2.3 Increase citizen awareness and advocacy for public accountability, transparency, rule of law, protection of human rights, and women’s access to justice ..................................................................................................................... 26

COMPONENT 3: INTEGRATING ACTIVITIES AND RESULTS INTO OTHER USAID PROGRAMS ........................................................................................................................... 30

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III. Planned Activities for Next Quarter ........................................................ 34

Annex 1: PDT QR1 FY 19 ................................................................................... 37

Annex 2: Financial Information ........................................................................... 44

Annex 3: Management and Administrative Issues........................................... 49

Annex 4: TraiNet Report .................................................................................... 50

Annex 5: Success Stories ....................................................................................... 0

2 Annex 6: Environmental Status Report ............................................................................ 3

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APPO Amman Public Prosecution Department ATI Access to Information AWLN BOQ

Arab Women’s Legal Network Bill of Quantity

CCD Companies Controller Department CDFJ Center for Defending the Freedom of Journalists GLP Government Leadership Program CSO Civil Society Organization GOJ Government of Jordan IBLAW International Business Legal Associates ICT Information and Communication Technology IEC Independent Elections Commission IPA IPDU

Institute of Public Administration Institutional Performance Development Unit at the Prime Ministry

IT Information Technology JC Judicial Council JIJ Judicial Institute of Jordan KACE King Abdullah II Center for Excellence M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MOJ Ministry of Justice MOSD Ministry of Social Development NGO Non-governmental Organization NITC National Information and Technology Center OGP Open Government Partnership PWD Persons with Disabilities Rasheed Rasheed Coalition for Integrity and Transparency ROLP Rule of Law Program SG General Secretariat SOP Standard Operating Procedure SRS System Requirements Specification USAID United States Agency for International Development

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Introduction The purpose of the USAID Rule of Law Program (ROLP) is to:

Support Jordanian efforts to enhance government accountability to citizens

Strengthen the rule of law to better protect human and legal rights

Increase the effectiveness of civil society and private sector organizations to advocate for their interests, provide services to their members, and participate in the governing processes.

This program supports civil society and private sector efforts to demand greater assurances from their government with regard to those protections and accountability. ROLP consists of three main components:

COMPONENT 1 This component consists of a comprehensive and wide-ranging series of interventions focusing on governmental entities and their respective capacities. Engaged counterparts include the Ministry of Public Sector Development (MOPSD) and the Justice Sector. It focuses on the following pillars:

MOPSD: Provides an ideal mechanism for engaging the Government of Jordan (GOJ) with civil society organizations (CSOs) and public advocacy groups with an interest in governmental accountability, transparency, and integrity. MOPSD is one of the foremost facilitators of overall GOJ improvement. The stronger and more effective it becomes, the more likely it will successfully carry out its mandate and achieve USAID’s envisioned goals and results.

Justice Sector: Consists of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and the Judicial Council (JC), overseeing all courts, the judiciary, the Attorney General and prosecution authority, and the Judicial Institute of Jordan (JIJ).

COMPONENT 2 This component supports non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and CSOs, primarily through grants. Through grants and technical assistance, NGOs and CSOs engage in monitoring and advocacy activities that test the GOJ’s ability and willingness to provide transparent and accountable decision-making and everyday functioning. This “bottom-up” approach examines and monitors governmental protection of human rights with particular attention on justice and rule of law for all, and a focus on traditionally disadvantaged populations such as women and youth.


This component focuses on integrating activities and results into, and with, other USAID programs. ROLP achieves this through close coordination with other USAID programs across sectors as well as with other donors. Opportunities for integration with other programs arise in areas such as the promotion of gender-based and youth programs.

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a. Activity Details

Activity Details

Activity Name

Activity Start / End Date November 15, 2015 – November 14, 2020

Name of Prime Implementing Partner Tetra Tech DPK

Contract/Agreement Number AID-OAA-I-13-00036/ AID-278-TO-16-00001

Name of Subcontractors/Sub-awardees:

Subcontracts: Integrated Standard Solutions, Deloitte Consulting, 3G Engineering Consultancy, Kaizen Company, To Excel Consulting, Ahmad Abu Dari EST, High Hawks Technology Co., General Computers & Electronics Co., Imagine Technologies, IMKAN for Multi Construction Enterprises, Wosool Management & Technology Consulting, National Computer Company - OPTIMIZA Jordan, Autographics, Mostaqbal Engineering & Environmental Consultants, Technology Engineering & Contracting Co., Al-Awadi for Scaffolding & Prefabricated Houses, Azmi Zuraiqat & Partner for Contracting, Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. Consulting (TAG-Consult), Qisar Contracting Company, International Business Legal Associates (IBLAW), Arab Orient Insurance – GIG Grants: Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists, Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development, Arab Women Legal Network, King Abdullah II Center for Excellence, Rasheed for Integrity and Transparency

Geographic Coverage (Governorates / Districts) All Governorates in Jordan

Reporting Period Quarter 2 FY 2019 (January-March 2019)

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b. Executive Summary

This quarterly report details ROLP’s performance during the period from January 1 through March 31, 2019.

Component 1

Under this component, ROLP aims to strengthen GOJ accountability, transparency, judicial independence, and protection of human rights.

To enhance the working environment and culture of excellence in the public sector, ROLP committed to upgrade the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) and reposition it to become a specialized, high-quality provider of trainings, research, and consultancy services for the public sector in Jordan and the region. During this quarter, the winning bidder/contractor, Al Qaisar, continued their work on the IPA building. They finished the demolition and electromechanical work and started the construction tiling work on the 3rd floor. For the 2nd floor, part of the demolishing and electromechanical work is done.

On January 24, a closing ceremony was held for the first phase of the Government Leadership Program (GLP).

On March 13-14, ROLP supported JC in holding the fourth Arab Union for Administrative Judiciary sessions to discuss topics related to rights of expression and the administrative judges’ authorities in controlling administrative decisions related to rights of expression. ROLP continued to support JC in developing the Annual Judicial Report, the final draft of which is currently being reviewed by JC.

ROLP continued to deliver Arabic Typing Trainings to judges across the Kingdom. To date, 509 First Instance and Conciliation judges (377 males and 132 female) from Amman, Aqaba, Irbid, Zarqa Maan, Karak and Al-Tafileh Courts of First Instance have been trained, in addition to 69 of the 80 diploma students of the JIJ.

ROLP interns continued to support the filing and archiving efforts in various courts across the Kingdom to ease the workload, reduce the backlog, and ensure that the cases are available online.

A post-test survey was conducted at the Irbid Civil Execution Department to measure the court user’s satisfaction with the processes following ROLP intervention. The results of the survey showed a 48.5% increase in the percentage of the execution of judgment department clients’ who were satisfied with the services they received in comparison to the pre- test survey conducted last year.

Component 2

Under this component, ROLP aims to increase public demand for public accountability, transparency, rule of law, and protection of human rights.

ROLP continued to provide post-automation support to CCD operational staff and banks; this support included enhancements not limited to, licensing conditions, new banks, creating users for banks and stakeholders, training for CCD new auditors, technical staff and banks users.

ROLP supported the CCD in finalizing the development and testing of three main priority services: User Management, Issuing Certificates of Registration, and Deposit of Financial Statements. On January 29, CCD officially launched both the “User Management” and “Issuing Certificates” e-services.

ROLP is working closely with JIACC on automating the complaints and grievances service to make sure that complaints received are dealt with in a timely and accurate manner, both internally and with other partners and stakeholders.

Considering that separate data bases disrupts the flow of data related to the societies services which ROLP is supporting MOSD in developing, the two databases well be unified; the two entities began the work this quarter.

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ROLP and MOSD also completed the data gathering and development of SRS for 6 new e-services to be developed over the course of next quarter. ROLP continued to provide support to select CSOs to enable citizens to hold their government accountable, advocate for a more transparent and corruption-free government, get access to information, and promote good governance. These include:

The Center for Defending the Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) to strengthen government transparency and accountability by bolstering Access to Information Law (ATI) implementation. CDFJ worked on updating their accomplishments report concerning the ATI procedures introduced at the 22 target ministries and public institutions

The Arab Women’s Legal Network (AWLN) to mainstream gender issues in the justice sector. AWLN continued to work on the implementation of their Year 2 plan by preparing a full list of public and private universities in Amman with law schools to target for the mentorship program.

King Abdullah II Center for Excellence (KACE)-Jordan Excellence Acceleration Program, which continued to work on revamping the award criteria, the 4G criteria, best government service criteria and the innovation award criteria.

Component 3

During this quarter, ROLP Component 3 provided extensive support to various government entities such as MOJ, MOSD, JC, and IEC in developing various media plans, brochures, and videos, covering a wide range of information. During this quarter, technical media support to the MOJ Media Unit included: preparing speeches and press releases; supporting media coverage for the various MOJ events; monitoring public news, opinions and Jordanian news; producing a video report of news briefs on the most important activities and meetings of the Minister of Justice; and providing written and online published news updates on activities and official meetings.

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1.1 Enhance the working environment and culture of excellence in the public sector

1.1.1 Upgrade the IPA and reposition it to become a specialized, high-quality provider of management training for the public sector

Enhance the Institutional Performance Development Unit in Prime Ministry performance and ensure continuous improvements On January 15, ROLP met with Ms. Badrieh Balbaisy, the former General Secretariat (SG) of MOPSD and current consultant at the Performance Development Unit at the Prime Ministry, to discuss areas of cooperation. To this end, ROLP supported the Institutional Performance Development Unit at the Prime Ministry in the following pre-determined areas of support: Specify gaps related to institutional governance and its policies, procedures and internal

compliance; Perform a work load analysis Define institutional objectives for each organizational unit that’s tied to the institutional strategic

objectives, and Develop plans related to succession planning among 102 entities in the government.

Workload Analysis To support the Institutional Performance Development Unit at the Prime Ministry in their workload analysis, in January and February, ROLP STTA Dr. Qais Khalafat developed the first draft of the workload study’s methodology along with the study’s data gathering and analysis forms. Following that, and to ensure the adoption of a participatory approach, the STTA along with ROLP staff, conducted a meeting with the technical team at the Prime Ministry to discuss the forms and apply any necessary amendments to the methodology and the tools. As a result, the methodology and the forms were circulated to all targeted governmental organizations. In cooperation with the IPDU at the Prime Ministry, and in response of the cabinet’s decision, No. 2076 dated November 26, 2018, ROLP held a 5-day workshop on February 24-28 to provide the methodology and tools that can help determine the number of excess employees relative to the needs of targeted governmental entities (workload analysis). The workshop targeted 200 liaison officers from all targeted entities and proved to be a massive success.

During March, STTA Qais Khalafat conducted a series of meetings with the workload analysis steering committee. The first meeting was with the team members involved in the “workload analysis of their institutions” on the topic of follow up post implementation. The STTA further developed a list of tips on workload analysis implementation for the focal points in governmental organizations. To sum up all concerns hindering a smooth flow of the study, he met with Eng. Badreyeh Blbisi, Secretary General of the Institutional Performance Development Administration at the Prime Ministry to ensure efficient implementation. Governance To assist the IPDU at the Prime Ministry in their governance interventions with the government, to promote self-reliance and self-sufficiency of the government staff, and ensure democratic governance, ROLP is currently working with the unit’s assigned staff on developing necessary governance methodologies, building the capacity of public sector employees in specific areas, conducting a study analysis and providing recommendations on needed policies. The assistance will mainly support the

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national team to develop the assessment sheets, organize the assessment process, train assessors, supervise assessors work, and review assessment reports. To this end, ROLP conducted the following; Worked with the unit on developing the assessment sheets (tools) for the three governance

principles declared by the government: rule of Law, effectiveness, and efficiency. Conducted a one-day training session on January 20 on how to use the develop assessment sheets

(tools) to build the capacity of the National Governance Team. The session was attended by 44 participants in total, split into two groups of 22, and delivered over a course of three hours each.

On January 30, ROLP met with the IPDU to review and agree on the governance support scope of work and resolve some pending issues. ROLP further received approval to support 45 participants from the national governance team to attend the governance and excellence conference held on February 7 and conducted by Jordanian Quality Association. Two sessions were conducted with the National Governance to discuss the governance assessors’ feedback on the assessment process after visiting 32 government entities. That feedback was turned into a list of recommendations and submitted to the IPDU for their review and action. Additionally, on January 31, ROLP supported 45 national governance team members to participate in the Governance and Excellence Conference to enhance their governance capacities. ROLP closely worked with the national governance team on improving governance process assessment steps from desk study, site visits, to feed-back report preparation. To this end, two feedback sessions were conducted with Institutional Performance Development and Governance national teams’ assessors to obtain their feedback following their assessment of 32 government entities. ROLP summarized the main points discussed during the feedback sessions and delivered the summarized report to the Institutional Performance Development Unit. Further to the above, ROLP conducted assessment visits to four of the governmental institutions from two critical sectors: water (Ministry of Water and Irrigation and Water Authority), and industry and finance (Companies Control Department and Jordan Institution for Standards and Metrology). The assessments resulted in technical recommendations and determined areas for improvement provided by ROLP experts for both sectors. ROLP will support the Institutional Performance Development Unit in analyzing governance feedback reports for 30 institutions to develop recommendations on what policies or actions could be adopted by the government of Jordan to improve governance within the public sector. Institutional objectives for each organizational unit Over the course of this quarter, and in response of the cabinet’s decision No. 2076 dated November 26 2018 to define the objectives of each organizational unit linked to the strategic objectives of the service, resulting from national objectives, ROLP STTA Widad Quteishat, along with the IPDA, formed a working team comprising of representatives from targeted departments and a number of subject matter experts from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Supply, Ministry of Finance, and Civil Service Bureau, to prepare an indicative guide to identify the objectives of the organizational units in targeted governmental entities. The guide was developed according to best international, Arab and local practices with the goal to help governmental entities and institutions in improving strategic planning processes and link institutional performance to individual performance, with emphasis on providing technical and advisory support to

Image 1 National governance team during a session on governance assessor’s feedback

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governmental entities. Following that, ROLP will provide support to several workshops on the developed guide during the next quarter. 1.2 Enhance the working environment and culture of excellence in the public sector 1.2.1 Upgrade the IPA and position it to become a specialized, high-quality provider of management training for the public sector During this quarter, the Institutional Development Unit at the Prime Ministry, IPA, and ROLP had a more hands on approach to their mutual projects to support economic security and stability, and to promote self-reliance and self-sufficiency through developing new operating models for the IPA to deliver better trainings; renovating the IPA to enhance the quality of trainings delivered; and reduce costs of external rentals. This came to ground when the second part of the first phase (Implementation Results Presentation) of the GLP was executed on January 14 and the construction of the IPA began to progress as planned. Operating Model On January 22, ROLP met with IPA management to review, discuss, and agree on the newly amended bylaws that reflect the main operating model which will facilitate the implementation and ease the process. The meeting resulted in the teams agreeing on as well as adding some incremental articles which will reflect the operating model effectively. Building/Construction On January 21, ROLP held a meeting with the contracting company, Al Qaisar, and the supervision firm, Al Mostaqbal, to review all project’s risks and reach a settlement for each. The meeting resulted in reviewing all clauses and revising BOQ items and commencing work on the construction as previously agreed on. On January 23, ROLP met again with both entities to sign the contract of the project and agree on the next steps. ROLP submitted a commencement letter to IPA and the second and third floors of the IPA were evacuated. Throughout February and March, the contracting company at the IPA finished the demolition and electromechanical work and started the construction work on the 3rd floor. For the 2nd floor, part of the demolishing and electromechanical work is complete, and the flow of the construction project is according schedule. Government Leadership Program On January 24, the Institutional Development Unit and ROLP held a closing event for the GLP phase 1. The event included two parts: presentations on the implementation of the solutions, and the certificate awards, handed out by H.E Majd Shweikeh who attended the closing ceremony.

Image 2; H.E Majd Shweikeh handing out certificates of completion of GLP

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1.3 Improve justice sector’s IT systems to support their growth whilst enhancing the justice sector’s quality control

To enhance court procedures, efficiency, accountability, and enforcement of rules, IBLAW continue to develop the study to determine technical and functional requirements, database structure, and user interface of Jordan’s e-judiciary system and to develop the Mizan 3 Case Management System. MOJ, ROLP, and IBLAW formed a high committee and small technical teams; the high committee will be reviewing and approving the work done by IBLAW, while the technical teams meet on weekly bases to discuss the progress of IBLAW’s Mizan 3 study, as well as facilitate their needs and support them in accomplishing their tasks.

To date, IBLAW conducted a literature review as a starting point; they compiled, reviewed, and summarized all recent studies and analyses concerning courts’ performance, case management, civil, criminal, and administrative case processing, the execution departments, enforcement of criminal decisions, court services, and user perceptions, etc. to assess the potential of technology to address challenges currently facing the judiciary. They also conducted a review of all current legislations governing all aspects of the judiciary and any legislative developments such as the output of the Royal Commission on the judiciary. The aim of this review is to list all the judicial, managerial, administrative, and financial functions of the judiciary, and list all current IT systems including Mizan 2 and all other functioning information technology systems operating within the Judiciary.

Over the course of the coming six months, IBLAW will continue to work on identifying justice sector functionalities and processes as well as Mizan 3 objectives, conducting gap analyses, reviewing international best practices, identifying e-judiciary electronic documents, identifying justice sector reports and key performance indicators that are required to assess and reflect on the overall performance of the judiciary, drafting the technical requirements report and the e-filing legal instructions report for Mizan 3; also, issuing the final reports and preparing the draft and final RFPs for the Mizan 3 system development.

1.3.1 Analyze and Automate some of MOJ Services through its Web Portal and Other Internal Processes within the Departments

During this quarter, MOJ and ROLP had communicated with the MOICT to ensure that the security, quality, and performance of the previously developed 20 e-services are working up to standard.

Due to the success of these 20 e-services developed with ROLP support, and the visible increase in their use by public, lawyers, private businesses, ministries departments, court’s clerks and typists, MOJ requested that the ROLP IT team participate in the Transformation Technology Committee to assist in prioritizing, planning, and determining the next 20 e-services the team will develop for the year 2019.

Over the course of the next quarter, the Transformation Technical Committee will decide on the new 20 e-services to be developed so that both MOJ and ROLP IT teams can begin with the information gathering phase, the re-engineering, and the preparation of the SRS for these services that they will then develop.

Video Conference System

During this quarter, ROLP finished the procurement process of the video conference systems to cover four courts and four rehabilitation and correction centres across the Kingdom. The video conference system will link one court to one rehabilitation and correction centre. To this end, the following was conducted;

Visited the four proposed rehabilitation and correction centres to make sure that the allocated rooms are appropriate for the Video Conference System.

RFP was developed and sent to 17 vendors to provide their offers. A winning vendor was selected (per DPK procurement policy) but the contract is yet to be signed.

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A meeting with all involved parties (MOJ, PSD & ROLP) and the winning vendor will be conducted during the next quarter to discuss next steps for installing the Video Conference System in pre-determined locations in Jordan and other technical issues before signing the contract.

Judicial Institute of Jordan E-learning Registration System

ROLP continues to support the JIJ in upgrading their e-learning system through subcontracting with TAG-Consultants, who worked in conjunction with the JIJ and added a new e-registration system to the JIJ available courses. This new feature included the following specifications;

The new system will enable the students to register into a course set/collection

Each student can enrol him or herself into the course and await the admin approval

The admin can enrol students and provide them with course suggestions based on the course set/collection they are registered in

As a verification method, registered students will receive an SMS notification to approve their course enrolment(s)

All data related to this system will be migrated to the JIJ data base

Restructuring study of civil and criminal clerk offices for the Amman Court of First Instance

ROLP continued to support MOJ in the reengineering of the New Palace of Justice to achieve a comprehensive employee model. To this end, several meetings and brainstorming sessions were conducted with the Court Administrative Manager and Court staff to discuss the main existing processes clustering them into four main ones. These include receiving applications, registration, fee calculation, and payment of orders. Based on the above-mentioned processes, a reengineering draft report was delivered to the Amman Court of First Instance administrative manager for feedback before starting up with the implementation phase. ROLP’s recommendations speak to the main functions that should be delivered from a single window (comprehensive employee module) to enhance the quality of services and increase customer satisfaction. Courts Excellence Award ROLP is currently supporting the MOJ in designing and developing a courts excellence award model. During this quarter, ROLP delivered the final version of the main award criteria, award score sheet, and assessor’s guide. This was followed by several meetings with the MOJ team and JC to discuss both of their staffs’ feedback on the Courts Award Model. In addition, a meeting was conducted with His Excellency, Minster of Justice, and MOJ Leaders, during which the award criteria were presented. His Excellency asked the MOJ team to revisit the award criteria and KPI’s according to court priorities and study the idea of a mystery shopper to conduct visits to courts. 1.4 Provide technical assistance and material support to improve justice service delivery and court and case management

To support the justice sector’s efforts to strengthen accountability, transparency, judicial independence, and protection of human rights, and to further good governance to ensure Jordan’s long-term stability, ROLP supported the JC in the following; The Fourth Meeting of the Arab Union for Administrative Judiciary

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During the third meeting of the Arab Union for Administrative Judiciary held in Cairo on August 1, 2018, the Kingdom of Jordan, represented by the Chief Justice, was selected to head the Arab Union for Administrative Judiciary for two years. As such, it was decided to hold the fourth Arab Union for Administrative Judiciary in Jordan on March 13-14, under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II, in which 15 Arab countries participated. The JC approached ROLP for support with the logistics and the planning for the event, and ROLP agreed to provide it as this event directly support’s the project’s goal of enhancing transparency and promoting stability. The sessions at the workshops included topics related to rights of expression and the administrative judges’ authorities in controlling administrative decisions related to rights of expression. The opening ceremony was attended by the Chief Justice, numerous current and former Ministers and high-ranking officials, court chief judges and judges, both local and regional. The opening ceremony was followed by a two-day workshop, which 150 regional judges and legal professionals attended. The workshop resulted in numerous recommendations including: emphasizing the role of administrative judges in enhancing freedom of expression as a main constitutional right, encouraging Arab countries to grant the jurisdiction of controlling publishing decisions to the administrative judiciary, and issuing legal frames to regulate and organize the use of social media, while avoiding the restriction of freedom of expression. 1.4.1 Provide Court of Cassation with Legal References To support the JC in the decision-making process and develop their expertise to promote self-reliance and self-sufficiency, ROLP organized a 5-day trip for three senior judges of the Technical Office at the Court of Cassation to the Egypt book fair to procure 406 legal references from 15 publishers to be used at the Technical Office when doing research or drafting judgements. The trip was held from February 1-5.

1.4.2 Provide Technical Assistance to Develop and Publish JC 2018 Annual Judicial Report Another area in which ROLP supports the JC is the development of the Annual Judicial Reports, which document accomplishments and performance, serving as an important tool in increasing transparency in decision-making through enhanced communication and outreach by the JC, building the public’s trust in the justice sector. During the previous years, ROLP’s support was limited to designing and printing the reports; this year with the 2018 report, however, ROLP took a more hands on approach and supported the JC in collecting necessary data and obtaining the matrix and judges’ classification information. The content of the report is currently being reviewed by the JC and will be finalized and printed during the next quarter.

1.4.3 Reduce undue influences and increase transparency and effectiveness of the decision-making process in the operation of the Judicial Council

Enhance JC’s administrative functions through providing technical support and organizing the structure of JC General Secretariat.

Implement findings of the need assessment for the General Secretariat establishment.

Image 3; A snapshot of the fourth meeting of the Arab Union for Administrative Judiciary

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Follow up and finalize the development of the JC General Secretariat organizational structure.

During this quarter, ROLP continued to support the JC in the establishment of the General Secretariat at the JC in accordance with the Bylaws no. 123 for the year 2017, to establish capacities for planning, training, budgeting, and human resources administration.

To this end, and to facilitate their work, ROLP provided the JC with:

The final batch of needed furniture and tools for JC General Secretariat.

A media specialist and two assistants at the media and communication unit at general secretariat to work on:

• Developing an implementation action plan for the media and communication unit

• Reviewing and updating the media and communication unit structure

• Assessing the JC website content and contributing to the development of new website, and

• Setting up and optimizing JC social media pages within each platform.

Enhancing the media and communications unit within JC’s General Secretariat is an important tool in enhancing public accountability and transparency as well as building the public’s trust in the judiciary, which in turn, ensures the Kingdom’s stability. 1.4.4 ROLP staff and Interns at the JC General Secretariat

During this quarter, ROLP interns continued to support the JC staff in their daily tasks which include: monitoring daily media reports, assisting the Planning and Development unit in developing the courts guidelines for both civil and criminal cases, updating the JC website by uploading new decisions of the Court of Cassation and JC, and coordinating general secretariat events and training sessions, specifically with the Training and Specialization Unit, and support the JC in preparing for the fourth meeting of the Arab Union for Administrative Judiciary. 1.5 Provide ongoing support to enhance the New Palace of Justice Execution of Judgement Department 1.5.1Provide assistance to address back logs, archive files, clean data on MIZAN, and perform data entry with support from ROLP interns.

Provide technical assistance and material support to improve justice service delivery and court and case management.

Conduct training workshops for judges, clerks, and judicial partners to enhance their capacity.

To support Jordan’s economic growth and stability, by revamping the justice service delivery and court and case management, which lead to fast and reliable execution of judgements, ROLP continued to support the NPOJ in the following activities outlined below.

Criminal, Civil Conciliation and First Instance Divisions

ROLP interns archived all cases at the Criminal, Civil Conciliation and First Instance Courts, totaling 20108 cases and 141950 papers. This activity expedites the issuing of notices to defendants and sending summary judgements to the Public Prosecutor. It further allows for Civil Conciliation and First Instance cases to be sent to the Court of Appeal without any delay previously caused by the cases being accumulated at the department.

To further facilitate their work, ROLP delivered 150 scanners to MOJ to have the cases archived right away and avoid their accumulation. This activity also aligns with the Royal Committee recommendation

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on implementing a paperless court system, consistent with His Majesty’s vision for an e-government, which allows for more efficient and transparent services to be made available to the public. 1.6 Provide support to enhance the Civil Execution of Judgments Department operations for South, East, North, and West Amman Courts To ensure that Jordanian courts are operating in a fast, reliable, and low-cost way, which in turn improves business environment and economic growth and stability, ROLP, during this quarter, worked on the following:

East Amman Court

The posttest survey, planned for this quarter, to measure the extent and success of ROLP intervention and the public’s satisfaction with the new processes was postponed until next quarter by the Chief Judge of the East Amman Court, as they are facing an internal issue which would have been reflected in the survey results. As such, it was determined that the survey would be conducted after resolving the issues.

North Amman Court

During this quarter, ROLP continued to support the Civil Execution Department at the North Amman Court in archiving case files on the system to allow lawyers and judges alike to review their cases and register their petitions online. To date, ROLP interns archived 611 case files, totaling 278035 papers, registered in the year 2012.

ROLP is further assisting the department to register case files on the Mizan system, To date, they registered 640 cases, allowing lawyers to review their cases through the MOJ web portal. Clerk Office at the Criminal Court of First Instance ROLP continued to assist the North Amman Criminal Conciliation and First Instance Clerk Offices in archiving the final verdicts to help them clear the accumulated case files.

During this quarter, they have archived 22116 verdicts for notification clerk’s office. 641 cases, totaling 12372 papers. This effort will expedite the process of sending appeal cases to the Court of Appeal and allows for maintaining an electronic copy of the cases, in line with the Royal Committee recommendations for a paperless court system.

Expand the Execution of Judgements Enhancement Project to Irbid First Instance Court

Over the course of this quarter, ROLP continued to support MOJ in enhancing the Irbid Civil Execution Department along with the Irbid Court of First Instance, as follows.

Irbid Court of First Instance

On February 10, based on the request of the Chief Judge of the Irbid Court of First Instance to assist the court in carrying out the work related to the newly issued Amnesty Law, ROLP interns supported the staff in printing summary judgements, totaling 2508 verdicts and 18480 papers.

Restructuring of the Civil Clerk office

Following the completion of the renovation work of the first floor of the Irbid Court of First Instance during the previous quarter, ROLP handed over the furniture for the new Clerks Offices during this quarter to improve workflow and working conditions.

This intervention resulted in clearing out space previously occupied by court clerks that is now dedicated to seven new Judges, thus expediting the judicial process by lowering the caseloads of the existing judges.

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Irbid Civil Execution Department

During the previous quarter, ROLP completed the re-engineering of the Irbid Civil Execution Department, a project which began on July 29 as part of ROLP efforts to roll out the success enjoyed at the Amman Civil Execution Department to all courts across the Kingdom. During this quarter, ROLP continued support to court employees at the Civil Execution Department in archiving and registering cases on Mizan, to allow lawyers to use the e-services provided by MOJ and work on their cases from their offices rather than visiting the courts. On March 21, ROLP interns completed archiving all ongoing case files in the mentioned department, totaling 21990 case files.

On March 19, ROLP interns began registering case files onto the barcode system. This will expedite the process of retrieving cases and protect them from loss or tampering.

During March 2019, the M&E office conducted a post-test survey for the intervention that was implemented in the execution of judgment department in Irbid Palace of Justice. In total, 262 respondents participated in this survey (39% of them were females) from the department’s clients (banks, companies and individuals’ representatives). Respondents were asked to answer the survey questions (self-administered survey) that included questions concerning respondents’ satisfaction with services provided by this department and obstacles they faced during service delivery.

Post-test survey results showed a 48.5% increase in client satisfaction with the services they received from the execution of judgment department in comparison to the pre-test survey conducted last year as illustrated in the below graph.

Image 4; Irbid Civil Execution warehouse before and after ROLP intervention

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The number of obstacles reported by respondents during the pre-survey (before ROLP interventions) declined as result of the improvements in the service-providing process. Improvement, as outlined by the civil execution clients, mainly related to: number of cases lawyer can work on per day (from 93% in pre -test declined to 55% in post- test), cases file loss (from 86% to 65%), lack of consistency in service inflow (from 77% to 66%) and lack of consistency between places allocated for service provision (from 89% to 67%). 1.6.1 Roll Out the Success of the Amman Civil Execution Department to Courts Across the Kingdom Zarqa Court

During this quarter, ROLP continued to support court employees at the Civil Execution Department of Zarqa in archiving and registering cases onto the Mizan system, creating electronic copies of each cases, which allows lawyers to work on them from their offices rather than attending to the department which created additional traffic and workload on the staff. To date, ROLP interns supported in archiving a total of 28954 case files, totaling 604615 papers.

MOJ with ROLP support began the process of re-engineering the Civil Execution Department. The work has been divided between the two; with ROLP providing the necessary furniture to improve working conditions and MOJ handling all the construction work.

On March 27, the reengineering process of the Zarqa Civil Execution Department was completed. The main purpose of this project was to make the department’s facilities more effective and efficient at implementing their work, thereby improving capacity in justice service delivery. This would improve the facility’s accessibility to serve the public, increasing access to justice, in the hopes that this will improve citizen perceptions of the integrity and quality of government institutions. ROLP further implemented the inquiry system for lawyers and public alike and an appointment system for lawyers to reduce waiting time. Jerash Court ROLP is further cooperating with MOJ on enhancing the Civil Execution Department at Jerash Court. To this end, a site visit was conducted along with MOJ engineers on Thursday, March 10, 2019. to assess their












Respondents' satisfactionin pre-test survey

Respondents' satisfactionin post-test survey




Change in Respondents' Satisfaction with Civil Execution Department/Irbid services as result of ROLP Intervention

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needs. To this end, ROLP STTA drafted sketches for the department which were submitted to MOJ for approval. Work will continue during the next quarter. On March 28, 2019 ROLP received the BOQ from STTA, which ROLP will proceed with next quarter. Aqaba Court ROLP is also supporting the MOJ in enhancing the Civil Execution Department of Aqaba Court. To this end, a site visit was held on Wednesday 30th of January 2019, to the location with MOJ engineers to assess their needs, following which, ROLP STTA drafted sketches which were submitted to MOJ on March 19. Once approved, a BOQ will be published in the newspapers.

On March 28, 2019 ROLP received the BOQ from STTA, which ROLP will proceed with next quarter. 1.7 Strengthen justice sector accountability, transparency, judicial independence, and protection of human rights 1.7.1 Strengthen the JIJ’s planning and delivery of trainings throughout the justice sector

1.7.2 Assist the MOJ in implementing part(s) of their training plan for 2017

In cooperation with the JC and the JIJ, and in line with the Royal Committee Recommendations, ROLP continued to support the JC in delivering the Arabic Typing Trainings to judges across the kingdom. To date, 509 First Instance and Conciliation judges (377 males and 132 female) from Amman, Aqaba, Irbid, Zarqa Maan, Karak and AL-Tafileh Courts of First Instance have been trained, in addition to 69 of the 80 diploma students of the JIJ. Since there is often a shortage of typists in courts, and one typist serves several judges, this delays the issuing of judgements, as judges used to write them by hand and then pass them onto the typists to type before they are sent to the parties, which also affected the procedural time limits. As such, with these trainings, the judges become capable of typing their own judgements and do not need to rely on the typists as much, promoting self-reliance and self-sufficiency. Finalize Delivering Arabic Typing Training to the Amman Court of Appeal Judges

During the previous quarter, the first group of the Appeal judges completed the Arabic Typing Training, totaling 31 judges, and the second group, totaling 21 judges, began their training on November 26, which concluded on January 14. During this quarter, on February 18, the last 16 judges of the Amman Court of Appeal completed their Arabic Typing Training, bringing the total number to 67. Thus, all Amman Court of Appeal judges have been trained. According to the report submitted by the trainer, the judges, who at the beginning of the trainings were very unfamiliar with computers that they struggled to even turn them on, have shown the most remarkable progress. The judges

Male ,377

Female, 132

Total number of judges who attended Arabic typing trainings

conducted by ROLP to date, distributed by Gender

Image 5; one of the participating judges during the training

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receive certificates of completion to testify that they have successfully completed the training course, spanning 40 hours in total.

Expansion of the Judges Typing Training to Karak Governorate

A total of 14 judges participated in the training in the Karak governorate which began on December 9 and concluded on January 15. The participating judges were very pleased with the training and on the last day of the training brought a cake to thank ROLP and celebrate their completion of the training. The Chief Judge the Karak Court of First Instance also held a gradution ceremony to congratulate the trainees and express his sincere gratitutude to ROLP for holding these trainings. Expansion of the Arabic Typing Training to Al-Tafileh Governorate ROLP continued to expand the training to various governorates across the Kingdom, and on January 27, following the proper arrangements with the JC, began to deliver the training to seven Conciliation and First Instance judges of Al-Tafileh Court of First Instance which concluded on February 11. These judges too, showed remarkable progress and impressive results. They received certificates of completion to testify that they have successfully completed the training course of 30 hours in total. Due to the interest in the trainings, ROLP is looking into conducting more of them in the governorate. Expansion of the Arabic Typing Training to Madaba Court of First Instance The JC further requested for the Madaba Court of First Instance judges to be included in the training. Thus, following the proper arrangements, ROLP, on March 19, began to deliver the training to 14 Conciliation and First Instance judges of Madaba. Criminal Phenomena Study During this quarter, ROLP continued to support MOJ to implement the Royal Committee’s recommendations related to criminal justice by supporting the development of a Criminal Phenomena Study. This study is based on Mizan data provided by the MOJ, at ROLP’s request, in addition to the data gathered from prisoners. The following diagrams illustrate part of the report’s results (e.g. the actual number of registered criminal cases for all courts between the years 2013-2017 along with the prediction of criminal cases expected to be committed during the next three years). Figure one was prepared based on Regression coefficient. Moreover, the study shows that in the year 2017, 4.2/100 population committed a crime in Jordan, as shown in figure 3.

The purpose of this study is to; Identify the quantity and quality of criminal cases based on

geographical distribution and gender; Categorize these cases by type of conviction; Categorize these cases by number of defendants; Recognize Mizan data challenges, accuracy and harmonization; Suggest a coding system to classify types of criminal cases

according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime coding system;

Identify Mizan problems related to criminal cases; Identify the economic and social reasons behind committing

crimes; Recognize the reasons behind repetition of crimes

committed, and Submit suggestions and recommendations related to reducing

criminal crimes in Jordan.

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On January 23, ROLP met with the MOJ committee formed by the Minister of Justice to study the criminal phenomena in Jordan and to discuss the two reports prepared by ROLP, which were approved by the committee. ROLP is further working on the final status report, based on the parties of the cases, to be able to identify the convicted prisoners considered “recidivist.” This report will include:

Recidivist convicted prisoners during all years for all crimes















2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021







2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019 2020 2021

Figure (1): Number of Registered criminal cases for the years 2013-2017 at all type of courts (Criminal Conciliation, Criminal Misdemeanors, Grand felony), & a predication of criminal cases expected to be registered at the

years 2019-2021at all type of courts

Figure (2): Number of registered Grand felony cases for 2013-2017 & the predication of felony cases expected to be registered for the years


Figure (3); Criminal cases for every 100 people (18 years and older) at Grand Felony Court, Criminal First Instance court and criminal

conciliation courts for the year 2017 compared to 2013











4.1 4.1 4.1 44.8 4.9





54.8 4.4






4.8 4.45



year 2013 year 2017

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Recidivist prisoners during 2013-2017 of 24 crimes identified by the committee as the most committed crimes, and

Recidivist prisoners for each year separately, from 2013 to 2017. On March 11, another meeting was held based on the request of MOJ Secretary General, requesting ROLP assistance in entering the data collected from prisoners. To this end, ROLP developed an Electronic Data Entry program, and on March 19, held a one-day training to introduce MOJ staff to coding variables and entering collected data on the program as initial process to enter data and analyze it on SPSS package. ROLP further finalized the third report concerning the twenty-four most committed crimes in Jordan during the years 2013-2017, totaling 420563 cases, as well as the statistical report studying all criminal cases based on the parties of the cases, totaling 1.614.983 parties, to enable the committee to identify the convicted prisoners considered recidivist convicted prisoners. The study shows that 642.418 of the convicted prisoners are recidivist, which means that 75% of the convicted (parties to the case) are recidivist, which is unideal and needs to be further analyzed to find the reasons for it. The Secretary General of MOJ expressed his sincere gratitude to ROLP support of this study and approved all reports that were prepared by ROLP. The reports were delivered to experts of the committee to start the analytical part of the study after finalizing the statistical report for the gathered data from prisoners, which will be prepared by ROLP. 1.8 Critical judicial and public accountability processes, practices, linkages, and coordination between governmental and non- governmental actors strengthened

1.8.1 Amman Attorney General Department Reengineered Process

Developing a new case management system

During this quarter, ROLP continued to support MOJ in establishing new processes related to archiving all reviewed decisions by Attorney General Assistants at the Amman Attorney General Department. To date, ROLP interns archived electronically reviewed and challenged decisions of the department, totaling 7,089 decisions, consisting of 29,306 pages. This process is expected to save time and effort when the case is sent to the original court as it will allow lawyers and involved parties to file appeals or challenge decisions by obtaining an electronic copy of the decision without having to go through the time-consuming process of filing a request to warehouses to obtain a physical copy of the decision. It will further allow for the cases to be tracked and prevent any tampering, compromising the integrity of the documents.

Meanwhile, ROLP interns at the Amman Attorney General Department continue to archive the decisions for the years 2013-2017, totaling 32,154 decisions, consisting of 110,619 pages, as well as correspondences totaling 60,390 letters consisting of 492,277 pages, registering incoming cases (16,048) and registering cases after review (18,746).

Prior to ROLP intervention, the filing at the department was limited to manual filling while now, all filing is being done electronically. This effort will make it substantially easier to locate files and improve case management at the department; this directly feeds into His Majesty’s vision for an e-government and a paperless justice system which will improve the services delivered to the public, businesses, and lawyers.

1.9 Increase access to justice through process re-engineering of Amman Public Prosecution Office

1.9.1 Continuous Warehouse Coordination at Amman Public Prosecution Department (APPO)

Over the course of this quarter, ROLP interns further supported APPO’s Criminal Execution Office by supporting the staff in archiving criminal cases, totaling 2161 criminal cases (41961 pages) and supporting

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the staff in registering criminal judgments, totaling 4,900 judgements, 1,295 subpoenas, and another 3,400 electronically sent subpoenas to the judicial officer’s department; there were also 6,049 limited duration statements, and 2,937 Amnesty statements for the year 2011. This specific intervention lead to a noticeable decline in pending cases which means that there was an acceleration in executing criminal judgments. Supporting the Amman Public Prosecution Department and Amman Attorney General Department in Carrying out Amnesty Law Related Work

Both the Amman Attorney General and the First Amman Public Prosecutor requested ROLP support in dealing with the workload as a result of implementing the Amnesty Law issued on February 5;

At the Amman Public Prosecution Department, ROLP interns supported the issuing of release notifications and notice of warrant revocation, totaling 16,385 cases completed out of 18,604 cases that were subject to amnesty. ROLP interns continued to support the Criminal Execution clerks with organizing the criminal execution clerk office at the Amman Public Prosecution Department, auditing cases and preparing amnesty statements. In total, the interns handled 10,588 cases, issued 2,819 notice of warrant revocation and archived a total of 9,799 notices of warrant revocation, issuing and archiving 1,070 release notices. At the Amman Attorney General Department, interns supported the completion of 4,078 cases.

ROLP has been supporting the restructuring of the Criminal Evidence Warehouse at the Irbid Court of First Instance. ROLP prepared an assessment report on the resources and re-engineering needed to enhance the warehouse, including separating criminal evidence by jurisdiction and use of bar-coded evidence storage bags to speed up evidence retrieval and avoid tampering. An estimated 3,000 bags of different sizes are needed, in addition to a barcode machine, and one printer. COMPONENT 2: INCREASED PUBLIC DEMAND FOR PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY, TRANSPARENCY, RULE OF LAW, AND PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS

2.1 Improve the capacity of the CCD to enhance governance, transparency, integrity, and accountability in public and private sectors

2.1.1 Finish development of portal containing unified application for registering all types of companies

Finalize the automation and integration processes for 5 types of companies

Supporting the CCD plays a vital part in ensuring the security and stability of Jordan’s economy as it is where companies are registered and is foreign entities’ first point of contact with Jordan. Through process re-engineering of CCD services and developing new e-services, ROLP supports the improvement of Jordan’s business environment which leads to more investments and economic growth. It further serves his Majesty’s vision for an e-government. As previously reported, on December 23, CCD launched the e-services for registering 5 different types of companies. During this quarter, ROLP continued to provide post-automation support to CCD operational staff and banks. This support included enhancements not

Image 6; shows some of the cases archived by ROLP interns

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limited to, licensing conditions, new banks, creating users for banks and stakeholders, training for CCD new auditors, technical staff and banks users.

To date, only 28 company registration applications were submitted through the new e-services, all of which were related to Limited Liability Companies. Of these 28 applications, eight Limited Liability Companies were registered. Weak demand for CCD e-Services may be caused by the lack of an e-signature law, which requires users to come personally to the CCD to sign papers and lack of awareness of published services. Accordingly, ROLP agreed to support CCD in conducting a comprehensive national awareness campaign starting next quarter which will include posters, brochures and social media posts.

During the previous quarter, ROLP supported the CCD in finalizing the development and testing of three main priority services: User Management, Issuing Certificates of Registration and Deposit of Financial Statements. On January 29, CCD officially launched both the “User Management” and “Issuing Certificates” e-services. As for the third e-service, “Deposit of Financial Statements” e-service, CCD requested input from the Jordan Association of Certified Public Accountants to confirm the accuracy of financial equations. ROLP in turn supported the CCD to address the Association’s comments. The service is expected to be launched early next quarter.

At the time of writing the report, CCD received and processed a total of 73 online applications for User Management and 19 requests for Issuing Certificates. Also, during this quarter, ROLP continued to support the CCD in gathering technical requirements regarding legal amendments to the Limited Liability Companies service which includes six sub-services such as submitting the general assembly meeting minutes, transferring shares, and modifying memorandum and articles of associations. Furthermore, following CCD’s approval of the SRS, ROLP initiated the development of the legal amendments e-service, which will take place during the next quarter.

Develop an automation action plan with CCD for priority services

In a meeting the Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply, Minister of Information and Communication and Technology, and Companies Controller identified high priority services based on annual demand including (1) approval of foreign funding for non-for-profit companies, (2) registering private shareholding companies, (3) Motion of Verification Letters for Courts, (4) legal amendments on General Partnership companies; and (5) liquidating general/ limited partnership companies. ROLP and CCD developed a detailed automation plan for those services which are expected to be up and running and available to the public by the end of the year. The total of 13 CCD e-services will meet 97 percent of public demand.

Process re-engineering of CCD’ E-Services to promote good governance practices

Image 7; a screenshot of the CCD web portal developed with ROLP support

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Following the official submission of the developed “To Be” SOPs and flow charts to the CCD, the MOICT officially approved the reengineering process for CCD and provided several comments to be taken into consideration when developing SRSs later in the automation phase.

Other Support to CCD

As previously mentioned, ROLP supported CCD in dispatching two IT staff members to .Net and Oracle training courses. The staff continued to receive training during this quarter, who will further rotate in joining ROLP team for on-the-job training to ensure sustainability. ROLP initiated recruitment process for a consultant to provide IT assessment and consultation services on the existing hardware at CCD data center to provide recommendations for hardware upgrades and development of a Disaster Recovery Data Center at another location. ROLP has been supporting the CCD to move companies’ files from CCD to a new warehouse in Rusaifeh. During this quarter, ROLP interns continued to archive the cancelled companies’ files, totaling 36,704 files, thus allowing CCD to move the documents to their warehouses in Rusaifeh region. ROLP will assist the CCD in phase 2 of archiving 15,553 files of cancelled companies.

2.2 Improve the capacity of the Jordan Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission to meet international and domestic commitments

2.2.1Provide technical assistance to support JIACC; continue to support case management automation

Complaints Automated Service Receiving and processing grievances and complaints is one of JIACC’s highest demand services. As such, JIACC is keen to automate this service to make sure that complaints received are dealt with in a timely and accurate manner both internally and with other partners and stakeholders. To this end, ROLP assigned one business analyst from its IT team to study the business flow through intensive meetings with different JIACC business owners and developed the System Requirement Specification document (SRS), describing in detail the behavior of an automated system, and how it should function. ROLP submitted the SRS to JIACC for review and approval, which is needed for ROLP to proceed with the automation process. ROLP was expecting to receive JIACC’s approval shortly, however, due to the resignation of the chairperson and the appointment of a new one on March 4, the approval has been delayed indefinitely. ROLP envisions to outsource the automation of this service once the SRS document is ready and approved. JIACC is also collaborating with one of ROLP grantees, Rasheed for Integrity and Anti- Corruption, to provide the JIACC with technical help to implement certain projects within the JIACC strategy, such as: (1) youth anti-corruption and favoritism pledge, (2) private sector code of conduct, (3) investment sector gap analysis and comparison study of the national legal framework against UNCAC, (4) development of a road map for internal integrity compliance module, to be adopted by the private sector, and (5) a training program on complaint management system. More details are in the Grants section.

2.3 Increase citizen awareness and advocacy for public accountability, transparency, rule of law, protection of human rights, and women’s access to justice

During this reporting period, ROLP continued to support selected CSOs to enable citizens to hold their government accountable, advocate for a more transparent and corruption-free government, gain access to information, and promote good governance. The CSOs engaged with ROLP are:

The CDFJ to strengthen public transparency and accountability by bolstering ATI implementation Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development to increase public accountability as part of OGP AWLN to mainstream gender issues in the justice sector Rasheed to promote integrity, transparency, and fight corruption, and King Abdullah II Center for Excellence (KACE)-Jordan Excellence Acceleration Program.

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Below is a description of each grant’s objectives and achievements during this reporting period.

Strengthen Government’s Transparency and Accountability

Access to Information (ATI) Law Enhancement Plans

CDFJ prepared status reports on all 22 public institutions highlighting their achievements and areas in which the procedures are yet to be implemented. The reports were shared with the targeted institutions to be considered when preparing their year four work plans.

The media consultant contracted to perform mystery shopper visits and submit information requests to the 22 targeted public institutions completed all the visits during a period between November 19 and December 19. These visits resulted in 16 public institutions out of the targeted 22 provided the consultant with the requested information, while 5 did not provide any information (did not answer). Thirteen of the 16 institutions provided the information within the legal period of 30 days, while 3 answered after the end of the legal period. Using seven criteria such as speed of response, of the 22 visited organizations, five entities scored 6/7, four scored 5/7, three scored 4/7, seven scored 3/7, and two scored 1/7.

Using these findings, throughout the quarter, E'raf continued follow-up site visits with 22 targeted ministries and public institutions to discuss their assessments and provide them with feedback and recommendations. Meetings were held with the Ministry of Agriculture and the National Aid fund; Assistant Secretary General of the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and the director of the services department; the Ministry of Culture (two meetings); the Jordan Securities Commission; the Greater Amman Municipality; the Income and Sales Tax department; the Ministry of Social Development; the Ministry of Energy; the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology; the Ministry of Labor; the Ministry of Environment; the Ministry of Youth; the National Information Technology Center; the Ministry of Justice; KACE; the Ministry of Health; the Ministry of Industry and Trade; the Civil Service Bureau; the Civil Status and Passport Department; the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The technical expert assisting target entities with the electronic information request application visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Justice to advise on the electronic ATI request and record.

On January 15, CDFJ held their second information coordinators’ forum, attended by 42 information coordinators from the 22 targeted public institutions. During this quarter, CDFJ applied for a 12 months cost extension to continue working on the development of ATI protocol and develop an information classification protocol. This cost extension will involve close coordination with the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology as the main government focal point for information classification. The original three years grant ended On February 15, 2019, the cost extension will continue until February 15, 2020.

Enhance public awareness of anti-corruption, integrity, and accountability concepts

Activity 1: Youth against Nepotism and Favoritism

Rasheed and NDI discussed including the Integrity Module in all the 24 universities that have the Ana Usharek program in this semester. NDI welcomed the idea and put it immediately into action. During this quarter, Rasheed began to work with Haya Cultural Center on the puppet shows for school children. The shows are planned for September/October 2019 for grades 3, 6 and 9. Haya Cultural Center will work with the students who wrote the stories to adapt them as comprehensible puppet shows. The link of the youth integrity pledge was sent to NDI to disseminate it on their social media pages. NDI coordinators also encouraged the youth to sign the pledge during the Integrity Module sessions.

Activity 2: Compliance in the Private Sector on Business Principles for Integrity and Countering Bribery

The registration of the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) Scorecard was completed within the National Library. Copies in Arabic and English were printed and distributed to interested audience. JIACC

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submitted the revised private sector code of conduct (prepared last year with the support of a Rasheed Compliance Expert) to the private sector regulators for comment. JIACC will then work on enforcing the code of conduct in the private sector. Rasheed began arranging with the Integrity and Transparency chapter in Palestine (AMAN) to hold trainings on encouraging integrity in public and private sectors for JIACC staff and the Business Integrity 6 Step Tool for the JIACC and CCD staff.

Rasheed held a Complaint System training for JIACC investigative, IT and legal staff on March 25-26. The training by Belal Bargouthi of TI AMAN Palestine covered: defining the meaning of “Complaint”, conditions for accepting the complaint, international criteria and best practices in complaints management, skills and values needed for the person managing the complaints, opening a compliant file, investigating, confidentiality of the investigation, relationship with the stakeholders/relevant parties.

Activity 3: Collective Action for Enhancing the Compatibility with the UNCAC and Bilateral Agreements

On January 8, a comprehensive legal review report of the investment sector and a scorecard were submitted to relevant project managers by Rasheed’s legal experts and researcher. This was followed by summaries of several the most important corruption issues related to the investment sector received from JIACC. After incorporating feedback from JIACC, the final report was submitted to JIACC for internal discussions and to set a date to launch it. Rasheed and JIACC discussed next sector to assess against the United Nations Convention for Anti-Corruption and Bilateral Agreements. JIACC suggested Companies, Health, and Municipalities. The decision is pending input from the new Head of JIACC.

Mainstream Gender in the Justice Sector

The Mentorship Program – Targeting University Students:

AWLN began selecting Amman public and private law schools to be targeted in the mentorship program. AWLN held three meetings with Petra University, Al Ahleyyeh University and Amman Arab University. Each showed great interest in the mentorship program and AWLN sent a formal invitation of participation. AWLN further began selections of NGOs (e.g., Tadamon), entities and mentors to participate in the program. A total of 20 students were connected with entities and mentors to enrich their knowledge. AWLN team interviewed students from 4 universities and selected the final 20 students who will join the program. The students were divided into three groups to be mentored by judges, lawyers, and Tadamon. Every quarter, the groups will rotate to work with each of the three different mentors. AWLN held a workshop on soft and communication skills for the students’ mentorship program on Saturday March 23. A total of 20 female students and mentors have participated to date.

The Mentorship Program – Targeting 6 lawyers from 0-5 years & 20 judges from 0-3 years:

Based on discussions with USAID, AWLN included junior female judges and lawyers in the mentorship program, and limited work with law faculties to four instead of five universities. The JC asked AWLN to include the 73 newly appointed male and female judges in the program and discussed with JIJ covering some of the expenses. Both the JC and JIJ confirmed their cooperation including organizing field visits to different institutions. AWLN is waiting on the JC to send nominations of senior and junior judges. AWLN also met with the Jordanian Lawyers Union who named six new law graduates to join the mentees.

Capacity Building Program:

Image 8; complaint system training

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On February 25, AWLN held a focus group for lawyers to identify their capacity building needs. AWLN was planning to hold the Judges Focus group on February 24 but was canceled based on the JC’s request as they are working on identifying the training needs for the judges. The lawyers came up with a long list of training topics including: conciliation law, amended income tax law, lawyers billing systems, labor law amendments, and alternative sanctions and skills such as drafting litigation and final statements, drafting contracts, and managing law offices. The lawyers further requested some other rights related topics such as Universal Periodic Review recommendations and CEDAW.

On March 24, AWLN conducted a workshop on the amended new “Income Taxation Law”. Nine judges and 18 lawyers participated in the workshop co-delivered by a judge and lawyer. Participants discussed the amendments’ implications, including their impacts on women and on judicial sector personnel. Participants requested AWLN to expand the workshop into an in-depth 4-day certification course.

King Abdullah II Center for Excellence, KACE – Jordan Excellence Acceleration Program

During this quarter, KACE completed Excellence Days trainings at the 10 public universities eligible for the King Abdullah II Award for Excellence. The 4G criteria were finalized for best government service criteria and the innovation award and are expected to be launched during the next quarter.

KACE approved the final draft of the road map for the energy sector strategy. On March 7, KACE presented the report to the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, who was very impressed and requested to update some of the data highlighted in the report. Once the report is updated, it will be presented and shared with the relevant stakeholders in the energy sector in cooperation with the Ministry of Energy. KACE experts decided to next focus on the health sector instead of the transportation sector. The final report is expected to be ready during next quarter.

The Innovation Award criteria was finalized and published online. Templates for participation were distributed to the 104 public institutions. By April 28, all 20 entities should be finished with each stage including the mentorship phase of the program. The second Leaders for Excellence training was delivered to the remaining 25 participants on January 21-22. KACE is planning to hold another EFQM training for the leaders’ positions pending funds availability. KACE prepared a short video explaining how the Assessors Relationship Management (ARM) system works and the importance of registration for the assessors. KACE will launch the video when launching the 4G criteria. The video can be found at: During this quarter KACE continued the series of the benchmarking services trainings for the government staff participating in the Award. The fourth and final batch will be held on April 3-4.

2.4 Strengthen GOJ accountability, transparency, judicial independence and protection of human rights

2.4.1 Support the development of e-services at MOSD

2.4.2 Improve the capacity of the MOSD to meet international and domestic commitments in public accountability and transparency

2.4.3 Support the development of e-services at MOSD

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To strengthen the MOSD’s performance, accountability, and service delivery, and to move from the current manual paper system to an automated one, ROLP continued to support its development of e-services. ROLP met with MOSD’s Institutional Development Unit to discuss the best approach to unify MOSD’s three separate databases (one for the registrar department, one for the association department and one for the newly developed database emerging from the newly automated services), into one unified database to enhance the flow of data related to societies, which is currently scattered. MOSD consulted an IT company to help them in unifying the database and requested ROLP support in developing an action plan and specific requirements and tasks for the project. It was agreed that ROLP IT staff will be available to assist. ROLP supported data gathering and SRS development for key e-services (see text box). ROLP is further supporting MOSD in developing the SRS “modification of internal bylaws of local societies”. During the quarter, MOSD with extensive ROLP support, automated the following e-services;

1. Modification of bylaws 2. Reissuance of lost certificates of registration 3. Enabling foreign associations to open bank accounts 4. Facilitating the access of foreign associations to tax and customs exemptions 5. Obtaining work permits for foreign societies employees and volunteers 6. Facilitating local societies to open bank account 7. Facilitating local societies to obtain work permits for employees and volunteers

On March 3, ROLP’s IT team presented the first five e-services above to the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (MOICT) who provided their comments. Once the comments were addressed, MOSD formally submitted the e-services to MOICT for testing early next quarter.

2.5 Increase public demand for public accountability, transparency, rule of law and protection of human rights; and improve justice sector’s capacity to comply with international and domestic commitments in public accountability

Facilitate disabled access to justice through capacity building to the Ministry of Justice including raising tolerance and communication with the Persons with Disabilities during litigation

To promote democratic governance, and to ensure the inclusion of all citizens in the judicial proceedings, ROLP coordinated with the MOJ to conduct three trainings for 60 court employees across the Kingdom on the people with disabilities’ rights to equal access and participation in the courts. It was agreed to hold the trainings during the month of April in Amman, Irbid, and Madaba. The trainings will focus on the concept of disability and its impact on their rights in equal participation in and accessing justice, as well as information on the relevance to courts of the convention of the rights of persons with disabilities.


3.1 Supporting the JC Media and Communications Directorate approach and activities

3.1.1 Contribute to building the public’s confidence in the MOJ through providing key public services

Consistent communications policy and platform fosters greater transparency and promotes confidence in the judiciary and business environment, which leads to economic security and stability. Upon request from the Minister of Justice and the Head of Media and Communications Unit, ROLP is providing technical

MOSD Planned New E-Services 1. Registration of unions 2. Facilitating the tax exemption for foreign

societies 3. Opening a bank account for foreign

societies 4. Tax and customs exemptions for foreign

societies 5. Optional association dissolution 6. Opening a bank account for local societies

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media support to an array of media activities that are directed towards improving the visibility of the MOJ achievements and outreach to the public for utilizing the e-services. ROLP’s media team met with the MOJ’s new Head of the Media and Communications Unit to discuss ways to support the Media Unit in revising their Media Strategy, the media operation plans and implementation of media and communications activities for supporting the visibility of the MOJ achievements and outreach to the public for utilizing the e-services. ROLP agreed to provide the MOJ with a graphic design consultant who will fulfill the gap for designing necessary multi-media material that will support the visibility and outreach plan of the MOJ; assist the Head of Media Unit and the graphic designer in setting a work plan for implementing media material design and short video production for supporting the MOJ visibility and outreach to the public for utilizing the e-services; and support the media unit in devising an internal communications plan for gathering proper information on the MOJ achievements. During the quarter, ROLP hired the graphic design consultant who started implementing the multi-media and video production.

Prime Minister Dr. Omar Al Razzaz sponsors the Ministry of Justice launching ceremony of the first package of 20 e-services aimed at facilitating litigation and the courts’ workload

ROLP supported the MOJ in developing multi-media material which was screened during the ministry’s launching event of the e-services project on March 21. The E-services Launching Event was held under the patronage of Prime Minister of Jordan with the participation of the minister of Information and Communication Technology and other ministers, Judicial Council representatives, judges, MOJ selected staff and other key participants. In his speech, HE the Prime Minister emphasized the importance of developing e-services, explaining that as many as 300,000 people used to wait to apply for the Non-Conviction Registration Certificate, which is now available with the click of a button. HE the Prime Minister stressed the pivotal role of e-services in moving forward with the National Renaissance Plan for Jordan.

Both HE Dr. Omar Al Razzaz, the Prime Minister and HE Dr. Bassam Talhouni, the Minister of Justice acknowledged the strategic partnership of USAID/Jordan with the MOJ in the e-services development, which is going to contribute to improving the quality of services for citizens, accelerate litigation procedures, reduce court visits, reduce court staff workload and enhanced operations efficiency.

The video about the Ministry’s e-transformation project 2020, which included e-services targeting lawyers, citizens, companies and banks is now online: the MOJ E-services Introductory Video. ROLP also supported a presentation and 250 copies of an infographic brochures on the 20 MOJ e-services and how to access the web portal. On average, the Ministry of Justice's e-services web portal is reached by 11,000 visitors per day (380,000 per month), while 62.2 percent of visitors access the web portal through smart phones, 31.2 percent through computers, and 6 percent by tablets. During this quarter, ROLP finalized user manual content for 10 out of 20 e-services. ROLP will seek the MOJ’s final approval for final user manual production for each e-service to upload the final electronic copies on the MOJ web portal.

Image 9; Screenshot of an MOJ user manual

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ROLP technical media support to the Media Unit at the MOJ

Through a ROLP media employee embedded at the MOJ, ROLP is supporting the MOJ in producing news articles and press releases for major events and activities of the MOJ, that are then sent to local media agencies and News Websites and published. ROLP supports writing responses to inaccurate articles relating to the justice system, such as responding to the Chief editor of Al-Ghad on the press release published in Al-Ghad newspaper "Justice: Legal Aid System Loopholes and Lack of Inclusiveness" by pointing out the mistakes made by the journalist about the components of the Legal Aid System. ROLP continues to support the monitoring of press releases related to the Ministry of Justice’s work in Jordanian newspapers and news websites daily to provide responses to the audience when necessary, as well as support the follow-up on advertisements issued by various courts in Jordan.

Judicial Council

ROLP Support to Judicial Council Judges Electoral Dispute Resolution Training

On Thursday, February 28, a meeting was conducted between ROLP, the IEC and the JC to discuss the EDR training for Judges Program. A total of 25 sessions will take place across the Kingdom over the course of one year; 17 sessions will be held in middle governorates, 6 sessions in northern governorates and 2 sessions in southern governorates. 30 to 35 judges will attend each session, for a total of 761 judges.

Independent Elections Commission

Building Capacity of IEC Media Unit

During this quarter, ROLP media team at the IEC supported the preparation for all media campaign activities of Amman Chamber of Commerce Elections such as multimedia material design, working on the online media strategy, social media posters content calendar and design and public posts. The ROLP media team attended the Chamber of Commerce elections for Ramtha city on Saturday and provided full media coverage and support on social media and other media outlets for final voting results. The media team are also working to enhance the cyber security system. They met a digital consultant who will provide a security assessment proposal according to IEC specifications. Work is still in progress for building a media monitoring and analysis software that will classify public opinion data to improve communication with the Jordanian public and enhance public confidence in IEC’s role as an independent governmental entity.

Capacity Building and Curriculum Development of Digital Marketing learning materials

During this quarter ROLP’s media team worked with the IEC’s digital media team on creating a curriculum for Digital Marketing learning materials including Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing, and Google Analytics. This will help current and future team members in improving their media role across public sector organizations. The extensive course on digital media design will incorporate training on Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator for IEC Media Unit staff. The media team conducted internal training sessions for digital media team members on SEO towards enhancing outreach with the Jordanian public, including “Effective paid search campaigns”. The curriculum material in media and design will be used for training other public entities staff including Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Energy and Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs. Other training efforts are directed internally to IEC cadres to train them on graphic design, developing team skills in photography, production, directing, critique and writing. The completion of the first draft of the training courses will be ready next quarter.

ROLP Media Support to developing the IEC new website

In working to support the website development for the IEC, ROLP’s media team embarked on working on a website concept paper that will include technical requirements and security measures covering the

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IEC’s main objectives for the website, particularly in reaching out to the Jordanian public in relation to its public services. ROLP’s media team developed a TOR for the IEC new website that either will be designed by a third-party company or developed in-house. To ensure meeting security requirements of the website, ROLP Media Team met with the National Information Technology Center (NITC) representatives for a technical security consultation. The team also developed a new layout design for the IEC website interface and conducted a presentation of this work at the IEC.

ROLP’s media team supporting the Media Unit are working on building a new website for the IEC using in-house skills, building an e-learning website for the electoral institute using in-house skills. During this quarter, they held brainstorming sessions for deciding on a new concept of the new website. To help the IEC Social media team develop more creative and appealing media content with good quality depending on internal skills and competences the visual designer is preparing a design for a Video Production Studio space that will include all requirements for a flawless sound and video recording process, from equipment, HVAC, and Insulation. The figures below show the layout (a 3D shot) of the Video Production Studio Visualization and the proposed floor plan for the Video Production Studio, respectively. ROLP’s Media Team continue to carry out media monitoring for mentions on IEC and elections in Jordan on social media platforms, which aims to build knowledge and understanding of the public’s opinion and feedback on IEC’s work, who in return can take actions to improve reciprocal communication with the digital audience.

ROLP Media Consultant Support to the IEC

During this quarter, ROLP Media Consultant finalized the fourth review and amendment for eight ISO SOPs, including 5 in Arabic and 3 in English. These SOPs are almost final and require the inclusion of measurement methods. Meanwhile, ROLP Media Consultant is working on the review of an SOP for social media and three new procedures for the Communications Department. The STTA further reviewed 8 SOPs related to communications and media strategy, outreach and awareness framework, previous awareness plan, and political party communication paper.

ROLP supporting the IEC in developing electronic connectivity with the court system

The MOJ, with ROLP support, has created a new account for the IEC on Mizan System that will allow the commission to be electronically connect and instantaneously aware of any submitted/filed appeal/challenge they are a party to and to share them at a later stage with the public in a searchable and easy manner. The purpose of this joint development work and use of this new system is to increase transparency of appeals and objections made by citizens and make them available to all concerned parties. ROLP’s support allow the IEC to be directly informed of any appeal / objection submitted and made by the public at a later stage in accordance with an easy-to-find method. Making these appeals public is a crucial step to provide citizens with a fair access to information and make them more involved in the voting process.

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Activities Planned for the Next Quarter Date: October – December 2017

Component 1 Institutional Enhancement Team

Commence the support for the 2nd and 3rd phase of the Government Leadership Program along with the subcontractors Deloitte US.

Support the Institutional development unit in the prime ministry of their development priorities according to the national government priorities where deem convenient.

Continue work and support Institutional Performance Development Unit in Prime Ministry on analysis of results and recommendation on future governance policies. Define Institutional objectives for each organizational unit that’s tied to the institutional strategic objectives

1. Continue supporting Institutional Performance Development Unit in Prime Ministry on the following activities Provide training for targeted employees in targeted entities on the implementation of the

objectives guide and use the related tools on how determine institutional objectives and how to link them with strategic objectives and national goals.

Analyze data gathered from targeted governmental entities and develop a comprehensive report along with recommendations on needed policies and improvement areas to enhance overall objectives.

Justice Sector Gather information, re-engineering, and develop new 20 services according to the MOJ priorities. Start the Implementation of the Restructuring study of Civil and criminal Clerk offices for the Amman first instance court and start implementing its results. Continue working on Mizan 3 study.

Continue the support MOJ to implement the courts Excellence Award. Finalize the Implementation of the Video Conference System.

opening ceremony of Irbid Civil Execution Department on April. Start the re-engineering process in Aqaba and Jerash Civil Execution Departments Assist in drafting and designing the civil and criminal manuals for courts, as result of the last procedural law amendments. Ongoing support to cassation court technical office and judicial council general secretariat with needed specialist and Interns Assisting judicial council to design print out 1500 copies of judiciary 2018annual report and a special five copies for his majesty the king Establishment of judicial council general secretariat and ongoing support to court of cassation

FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 35/56 April 15, 2019

Expansion of the Judges Typing Training to the rest of Governorates (Jerash, Salat )and continue the training at Amman Appeal Court.

Continue to Support Amman Attorney General Department with four interns to assist them with their work upon their request.

Provide legal training to judges, administrative staff and centers on juvenile law

Continue to support Amman Public Prosecution Department to execute criminal Judgement and warehouse management.

Continue Support Irbid first Instance court criminal evidence warehouse by Revamping the Data Warehouse Management System.

Component 2 CCD Finalize and launch “deposit of Financial Statements” e-Service Submit “registration of private shareholding company” e-Service for testing by MoICT Submit “Request for approval on foreign fund” e-Service for testing by MoICT Continue development of “legal amendments for L.L. companies” e-Services Implement a major enhancement for all services covering “internal workflow of application” Finalize archiving files for cancelled companies JIACC Conduct further planning meeting with the JIACC to reach consensus on the amended SRS. Produce an amended SRS document with a simplified version for automation purposes. Assess the needed software and hardware to support the intended automated system Procure a service provider to conduct the automation ( if decided not to be carried out internally by ROLP IT team). PWD’s Conduct a training to equip the MoJ employees with communication skills to facilitate communication with people with disabilities regarding their right to litigation and develop highly tolerant employees in our courts to ensure the PwDs rights to equal participation in court proceedings and nondiscriminatory litigation processes MOSD Finalize the standard requirements specifications (SRS) for 6 services (depending on available recourses) Finalize automation of 4 services: (depending on available recourses) Grants CDFJ: 1. Continue to follow up with the 22 targeted institutions on enhancement of their action plans and quality assurance tool. 2. Start working on the ATI protocol AWLN:

1. Continue following up on the mentorship programs activities.

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2. Hold capacity building trainings and discussion sessions according to the schedule.

Rasheed Coalition:

1. Continue the youth campaigns. 2. Launch the legal review of the local laws vs. bilateral agreements for the investment sector. 3. Finalize the private sector Code of Conduct. 4. Initiate the puppet show activities

Start conducting capacity building workshops for JIACC, CCD and private sector. KACE:

1. Launch the new award criteria. 2. Continue the benchmarking services program. 3. Finish the work on the health sector strategy.

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Annex 1: PDT QR1 FY 19









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ROLP GOAL: Rule of Law and Public Accountability Strengthened

1.Percent of respondents who perceive improvements in the ROL aspects on which USAID is focused (M 2.2.b)

Sex, age, disability

Baseline, Endline survey

National Survey 0 N/A TBD







Baseline result (QR3 FY17) Overall perception towards access to justice 41.2% Overall perception towards ROL 69%

Overall perception towards Justice Independence 80.3% 2.Number of laws,

policies and regulations that will lead to reforms in democratic accountability supported by USG (M 2.b)

Laws, policies regulations,


ROLP Records Reviews

0 3 5 3 1 3 4 1



TBD 9 10

M target fy16-19= 2,2,2,2

Qais, Nabil, Raja

IR 1: Judicial Independence and Effectiveness Enhanced

1.a Ease of Doing Business Rank (Enforcing Contract)

N/A Annually

World Bank Group

Enforcing Contract rank 124 (2016)

124 124 118 124 116 118 114 108


110 14 108

Overall rank 119, (2016) 104 (2019)

Nabil, Oday

1.b World Justice Project (WJP) Index N/A Annu

ally WJP

.56 (WJP 2015)

.58 .59 .60 .60 .62 .57 .64 N/A N/A .66 10%

Score .57

Rank 49

2018 report published March, 2019

Essa, Oday

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Sub IR 1.1 Judiciary Independence Improved

1.1.a Percent of respondents who perceive improvements in judiciary performance as result of USG assistance

Respondent (lawyers, citizens)


Court Users’ Survey

39% 39% 45% N/A 50% N/A 55% N/A N/A 60% 21% 39% Will be

conducted Q3 2019


1.1.b Number of action/operational plans for justice sector reform adopted with USG assistance (M 2.2.1.a)



ROLP Records Reviews

0 3 3 3 2 3 36 3 N/A N/A 3 15 41


Sub Sub IR 1.1.1: Judicial sector compliance with international standards improved 1.1.1.a Number of USG-assisted courts with improved case management systems (M 2.2.1.b) (DR 1.5-1)

Court type (admin courts and regular courts)


ROLP Records Reviews

0 4 4 14 17 20 25 18 N/A 10 18 74 56

Khaled Oday Abed

Respondents’ satisfaction with enforcement of judgment efficiency

Beneficiaries (Bank, companies, individuals rep)

Semi annual

ROLP Records Reviews /survey

29% 29% 40% N/A 70% 78% 70% N/A

77.5% (Irbid post-test)

70% 78%

This is a sub indicator to illustrate the % of the survey respondents’ satisfaction

Manal Oday

1.1.1.b Percent change of respondents’ satisfaction with enforcement of judgment efficiency

Beneficiaries (Bank, companies, individuals rep)

Semi annual

ROLP Records Reviews /survey

29% 29% 40% N/A 40%

49% (post-test


40% N/A 48.5% (Irbid) 40% 49%

Targets and Results represent different group of courts each year

Sub Sub Sub IR Justice Sector personnel capacity enhanced

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ty Number of judicial personnel trained with USG assistance (M 2.2.1.c) (DR. 1.3-1)

Judges/ Admin personnel Sex


ROLP Records Reviews

0 100 215 400 474 400 1690 1200 346 63 900 3000 2788

Totals for FYs16&17 amended based on M&E Data Tracker System in developed QR1, 2018

Lamees, Ala, Essa, Khaled, Oday

Sub Sub Sub IR Justice Sector Institutional Capacity strengthened Number of standard procedures adopted by judicial sector in compliance with international standards

N/A Quarterly

ROLP Records Reviews

0 5 3 10 12 10 68 10 32 10 10 45 125

Essa, Khaled Lamees Oday Abed Number of public facility spaces accessible to persons with disabilities developed with USG assistance

Disability (vision and mobility)


ROLP Records Reviews

0 0 N/A 3 2 3 7 3 0 1 3 12 10

Raja Rawshan Lamees

Sub Sub IR 1.1.2 Laws and regulations to enhance judicial independence reviewed and amended

1.1.2.a Number of laws, regulations, policies and procedures designed to enhance judicial independence and effectiveness supported with USG Assistance (M 2.2.a)

Law, policy, regulation procedure


ROLP Records Reviews

0 0 N/A 1 0 1 3 1 N/A N/A 0 3 3 M target fy16-18= 1,4,4

Qais, Nabil

1.1.2.b Number of legal instruments drafted, proposed or adopted with USG assistance designed to promote gender equality or non-discrimination against women or girls at the national or sub-

Drafted, Proposed, Adopted


ROLP Records Reviews

0 0 N/A 1 0 2 2 2 N/A N/A 2 7 2

M target fy15-19= 5,7,2,2,2


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national level (F GNDR-1) (M 4.2.a)

IR 2 GOJ Accountability and Transparency Strengthened 2.a Corruption Perception Index Score N/A Annu


Transparency International (TI)

53 (TI 2015) 0 48 53 48 54 49 54 N/A N/A 55 49


2018 report published Feb 2019


Sub IR 2.1 Accountability and transparency are Effectively Implemented in Public Sector

2.1.a Number of GOJ entities adopting the standard accountability, transparency and anti-corruption procedures developed as result of ROLP assistance

Entities Annually

ROLP records reviews

0 0 N/A 3 7 3 0 3 2 N/A 3 12 9

Eman, Oday, Amani, Sahar Ban

2.1.b Number of action/operational plans for anti-corruption commission reform adopted with USG assistance

N/A Annually

ROLP records reviews

0 0 N/A 2 5 2 18 1 N/A N/A 0 5 23

Raja Ban Sahar

Sub Sub IR 2.1.1Public Sector Institutional capacity equipped to implement accountability, transparency and anti- corruption international standards 2.1.1.a Number of government officials receiving USG supported training by type of training and trainees



ROLP records review

0 100 217 150 430 150 383 150 409 389 150 700 1828

Totals for FYs16&17 amended based on M&E Data Tracker System in QR1, 2018

Sahar, Ban Amani

2.1.1.b Number of GOJ entities adopting the access to information new developed process

GOJ entity Annually

ROLP records review

0 0 N/A 5 16 5 6 5 N/A N/A 5 20 22 Not-cumulative

Raja, Amani

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2.1.1.c Number of standard accountability, transparency and anti-corruption procedures developed to be used across public institutions/entities (M 2.2.2.a)



ROLP records review

0 5 5 5 74 5 16 20 74 10 5 25 179

Sahar, Ban Amani

2.1.1.d Number of new accountability, transparency and anti-corruption curricula developed with USG assistance(M 2.2.2.b)

Curricula type ( anti-corruption/integrity and accountability


ROLP Records Reviews

0 0 N/A 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 2 6 3


IR 3 Public demand for accountability, transparency, ROL, and protection of human rights increased

3.a Number of domestic NGOs engaged in monitoring or advocacy work on human rights receiving USG support (M 2.2.3.a)

Owner sex Quarterly

ROLP records reviews

0 0 N/A 2 2 2 5 1 1 N/A TBD 5 8

Not-cumulative (for life of


Raja Amani

Sub IR 3.1 Public awareness and advocacy for accountability, transparency, protection of HR increased

3.1.a Number of USG-assisted campaigns and programs to enhance public understanding, NGO support and media coverage of public accountability, transparency and judicial independence

Campaign type (Media, Social media)


ROLP records reviews

0 0 N/A 2 2 3 5 1 2 0 0 6 9


3.1.b Percentage of participants with increased level of knowledge and understanding of gender equality principles and

Participants’ gender


ROLP records reviews

0 0 N/A 10% 0 10% 92% 10% 86% N/A 10% 91%

M target fy16-19= 30%,50%,60%,70%


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women’s rights as a result of USG interventions (M4.1.a)

3.1.c Number of USG-supported community meetings and educational events that expand social dialogue on gender equality (M 4.1.b)

Location Quarterly

ROLP records reviews

0 0 N/A 4 0 8 1 0 1 5 0 12 7

M target fy16-19= 100,80,80,100


3.1.d Number of USG-funded organizations representing marginalized constituencies trying to affect government policy or conducting government oversight (M 2.3.2.a)

Location/ Governorate


ROLP records reviews

0 0 N/A 1 1 2 3 1

Same organizatio


Same organizatio


0 5 5

Not –accumulative

Raja Amani

Sub IR 3.2 NGOs monitoring/oversight of GOJ performance in accountability, transparency and HR enhanced 3.2.a Number of interns from university students who participated in accountability, transparency and HR programs implemented by ROLP

University, sex


ROLP records review

0 20 29 80 48 60 167 60 22 58 60 280 216

Actuals to date= total # of interns participated

in ROLP internship program

Ala’a Oday Lamees Amani

3.2.b Number of effective advocacy initiatives that resulted in the change of a legal procedure, bylaw or legislation (M 2.3.b)

N/A Annually

ROLP records review

0 0 N/A 1 1 1 1 1 N/A N/A 0 3 2 M target fy16-18= 4,6,6


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3.2.c Number of training days provided to journalists with USG assistance, measured by person-days of training

Trainees gender


ROLP & Grantees records review

0 0 N/A 5 3 5 2 5 0

5 20 5 days


3.2.d Number of human rights defenders trained and supported (M 2.2.3.b) (DR 6.1-2)

Gender Quarterly

ROLP & Grantees records review

0 0 N/A 10 22 10 0 10 0 0 10 40 22


Cross Cutting XC1 Number of workshops, awareness raising, or events conducted with ROLP support to increase knowledge/skills

N/A Quarterly

ROLP records review

0 10 12 10 31 10 29 10 17 4 10 50 93

Workshops, Brainstorming and Awareness Sessions


XC2 Number of assessments and research studies supported by ROLP

Assessment type (quan, qual)


ROLP records review

0 10 13 5 13 3 4 2 5 N/A 2 22 35


XC3 Number of partnerships established by ROLP with other USAID/Jordan IPs, government sector, public sector, universities, NGOs

Partners Annually

ROLP records review

0 1 3 4 5 4 6 4 10 N/A 4 16 24

Ala’a Manal

XC4 Number of communication and advocacy materials created with ROLP support

N/A Annually

ROLP records review

0 0 N/A 2 10 2 64 2 5 6 2 8 85


FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 44/56 April 15, 2019

Annex 2: Financial Information

FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 45/56 April 15, 2019

b. Sub-award Details

Grantee Amount Period of Performance Description

Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists

August 16, 2016 – February 14, 2020

Technical support to strengthen government transparency and accountability by bolstering Access to Information Law implementation

Al Hayat Center for Civil Society Development

October 11, 2016 – October 10, 2018

* Completed *

Technical support to increase public accountability as part of the Open Government Partnership initiative

Arab Women Legal

Network December 7, 2017-

December 6, 2019

Technical support to mainstream gender in the judicial sector

King Abdullah II Center for Excellence

January 11, 2018 – May 10, 2019

Technical support to improve performance in Jordanian public institutions

Rasheed for Integrity and Transparency

January 11, 2018 – January 10, 2020

*eligible for extension through

July 10, 2020

Technical support to promote greater transparency, good governance, and performance in the government of Jordan

Subcontractor Amount Period of Performance Description

Integrated Standard Solutions

February 15, 2016 – August 14, 2020

Technical assistance on rule of law and public accountability issues to other USG sector activities. Provides expertise in IT and e-government,

process reengineering, and performance monitoring Deloitte Consulting,

LLP February 1, 2016 – November

14, 2020 Technical assistance in the areas of public accountability systems,

processes, practices, mechanisms, and tools. Provides further capacity building to government and other counterparts in areas including but not

limited to: meeting anticorruption standards, strengthening financial management, and internal and external audits, etc.

FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 46/56 April 15, 2019

3G Engineering Consultancy, LLC

August 14, 2016 – September 30, 2017

* Completed *

Architectural and engineering design services to include schematic design, production of drawings and sketches, and cost estimations for the renovation of the Execution of Judgements Department project

Kaizen Company August 18, 2016 – August 17, 2020

Expert resource with successful experience in Jordan on development of human and institutional capacity development and organizational

assessments To Excel Consulting

September 1, 2016 – May 11,


* Completed *

Implementation of a household survey to collect data on public perception towards the rule of law in Jordan and GOJ performance and

service delivery

Ahmad Abu Dari EST

October 23, 2016 – February 20, 2017

* Completed *

Construction and renovation services and commodities at the General Prosecution Department in Central Amman, Jordan

High Hawks Technology Co.

January 08, 2017 – March 12, 2017

* Completed *

Delivery and installation of 600 desktops and 20 laptops to the MOJ including a 5-year onsite warranty

General Computers & Electronics Co.

February 12, 2017 – March 20, 2017

* Completed *

Delivery and installation of 450 printers and 385 scanners to the MOJ including a 5-year warranty

Imagine Technologies

February 19, 2017 – October 10, 2017

* Completed *

Mobile phone application design services for the MOPSD Government Complaints System

Imagine Technologies

March 26, 2017 – November 01, 2017

* Completed *

Development of the JIACC website

IMKAN for Multi Construction

Enterprises L.L.C.

May 21, 2017- September 30, 2017

* Completed *

Renovation/Construction of the Execution of Judgments Department at the New Palace of Justice

IMKAN for Multi Construction

Enterprises L.L.C.

April 23, 2017 – May 18, 2017

* Completed *

Construction/Renovation of Temporary Office Space for Execution of Judgments Department at New Palace of Justice

FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 47/56 April 15, 2019

Wosool Management & Technology


April 23, 2017 – January 31, 2018

* Completed *

Provide the IEC warehouses with a warehouse management system

National Computer Company -


June 18, 2017 – June 17, 2018

* Completed *

Maintenance & support services for MIZAN 2 Court Automation System


September 05, 2017 – October 19, 2017

* Completed *

CCD Web Portal Integration Services

Imagine Technologies

September 14, 2017 – October 26, 2017

* Completed *

Development of the Governorate Council Website

Mostaqbal Engineering & Environmental Consultants

February 18, 2018 – February 17, 2020

supervision, monitoring, and assurance services during the redesign and renovation of the Institute of Public Administration (IPA)

Ahmad Abu Dari EST

May 23, 2018 – July 26, 2018 * Completed *

Construction/Renovation of Amman First Instance Court

Technology Engineering &

Contracting Co. LTD

May 30, 2018 – August 09, 2018

* Completed *

Construction/Renovation of the Appeal Court Technical Office at the New Palace of Justice

Al-Awadi for Scaffolding &

Prefabricated Houses

May 10, 2018 – June 28, 2018 * Completed *

Construction of a prefabricated trailer caravan for the Court of First Instance “CFI” in Irbid, Jordan.

Al-Awadi for Scaffolding &

Prefabricated Houses

May 20, 2018 – July 05, 2018 * Completed *

Construction of a prefabricated trailer caravan for the Cassation Court in Amman, Jordan.

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Azmi Zuraiqat & Partner for Contracting

July 28, 2018 – December 06, 2018

* Completed *

Construction/Renovation of the Civil Execution Department at the First Instance Court of Irbid, Jordan

Azmi Zuraiqat & Partner for Contracting

November 11, 2018 – January 10, 2019

* Completed *

Construction / Renovation of the First Floor of the New Palace of Justice of Irbid, Jordan

National Computer Company -


October 01, 2018 – September 30, 2019

Maintenance & support services for MIZAN 2 Court Automation System

Abu-Ghazaleh & Co. Consulting (TAG-


November 11, 2018 – February 28, 2019 * Completed *

Judicial Institute of Jordan E-Registration System

Qisar Contracting Company

November 27, 2018 – January 15, 2020

Construction / Renovation of Institute of Public Administration

International Business Legal

Associates (IBLAW)

October 31, 2018 – August 31, 2020

MIZAN 3 Case Management System Assessment, Design, and Supervision

Arab Orient Insurance – GIG

January 21, 2019 – January 20, 2020

Medical Insurance Coverage for ROLP staff and their dependents

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Annex 3: Management and Administrative Issues

During this quarter, ROLP had the following personnel changes:

New Hire Ahmad Badwan .Net Developer 01-Jan-19

New Hire Shahed Nussairat Judicial Council Media Assistant 02-Jan-19

New Hire Hamza Al-Zarieni Quality Assurance Coordinator 03-Feb-19 New Hire Ibrahim Al-Mahasneh Junior Court Coordinator 03-Mar-19 New Hire Qais Al-Naser Judicial Council Media Assistant 07-Mar-19

List of Staff and Consultants in and out of the country

Ms. Saba Abu Bakr

ROLP Consultant On/around March 16-30, 2019; extended to on/around April 13, 2019.

West Bank/Palestine to/from Jordan

Mr. Belal Al-Barghouthi

Grantee Rasheed Consultant

On/around March 25-26, 2019 West Bank/Palestine to/from Jordan

Mr. Essa Maimoun

ROLP Staff On/around February 1-5, 2019 Jordan to/from Egypt

Ms. Saba Abu Bakr

ROLP Consultant On/around January 15-31, 2019. West Bank/Palestine to/from Jordan

Mr. Hesham Mabrouk

Subcontractor Deloitte Staff

On/around January 9-17, 2019 USA to/from Jordan

Ms. Ameera Bayoumi

Subcontractor Deloitte Staff

On/around January 5-17, 2019 USA to/from Jordan

Status Name Position Effective Date

Name Position Travel Dates Notes

FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 50/56 April 15, 2019

Annex 4: TraiNet Report

The following table shows the training activities developed by ROLP during this quarter that were uploaded to TraiNet.

Program Name Start Date End Date Subject Field Total Budget (USD)

Total Male

Total Female

Total Trainees

USAID Budget

(USD) Per Participant

Training Type

Principles of Arabic Typing Training 19. Provided typing trainings to strengthen democratic accountability and rule of law. Amman, Jordan

1/20/2019 2/18/2019

Computer and Information Sciences and

Support Services


PROGRAM – Workshop

King Abdullah Center for Excellence: Standards training, Jordan University of Science and Technology.

1/23/2019 1/24/2019 Interpersonal and Social Skills

training expenses will be available

by the end of April

14 8 22

training expenses

will be available by the end of



FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 51/56 April 15, 2019

Principles of Arabic Typing Training 2/03/2019 2/14/2019

Computer and Information Sciences and

Support Services


PROGRAM – Workshop

King Abdullah Center for Excellence: Standards training, Mutah University.

2/6/2019 2/7/2019 Interpersonal and Social Skills

training expenses will be available

by the end of April

27 3 30

training expenses

will be available by the end of



King Abdullah Center for Excellence: Standards training, 2/17/2019 2/18/2019 Interpersonal

and Social Skills

training expenses will be available

by the end of April

25 4 29

training expenses

will be available by the end of



FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 52/56 April 15, 2019

Complaints System Management Training. 3/25/2019 3/26/2019

Computer and Information Sciences and

Support Services

training expenses will be available

by the end of April

8 5 13

training expenses

will be available by the end of



Benchmarking training. 3/27/2019 3/28/2019 Interpersonal and Social Skills

training expenses will be available

by the end of April

13 10 23

training expenses

will be available by the end of



Principles of Arabic Typing Training 3/19/2019 4/01/2019

Computer and Information Sciences and

Support Services

training expenses will be available

third week of April

10 4 14

training expenses

will be available

third week of April


Specialized training-3D, Amman, Jordan 01/20/2019 01/21/2019

Interpersonal And Social


training expenses will be available

by the end of April

6 11 17

training expenses

will be available by the end of



FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 0/56 April 15, 2019

Annex 5: Success Stories

FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 1/56 April 15, 2019

FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 2/56 April 15, 2019

FY 2019 Quarter 2 Report: Rule of Law Program P 3/56 April 15, 2019

Annex 6: Environmental Status Report

Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plans (EMMPs) are being implemented for the following two ROLP activities during Quarter 2. Renovation of the First Floor of the Irbid Palace of Justice (POJ)

• Project Schedule: November 11, 2018 – January 10, 2019 (estimated) • Project Cost: USD • Project Scope of Work: Modification to the building interiors of the first floor of the Irbid POJ.

The total area of the renovation is approximately 225 square meters. • Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP)

o Original Submission: August 28, 2018 o Revised Submission: September 12, 2018 o USAID Approval: September 13, 2018 o Summary of Mitigation and Monitoring Measures:

Construction-Engineering Subcontractor will systematically implement appropriate policies/procedures, including those detailed in the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Plan and Environmental & Social Action (ESA) Plan, in accordance with relevant environmental, planning/building, safety regulations, and best practices.

ROLP Architect-Consultant will provide onsite oversight/monitoring to ensure compliance with all relevant policies/plans and environmental, planning/building, safety regulations, and best practices

o Status of Mitigation and Monitoring Measures: All mitigation and monitoring measures completed

• Project Status: Completed Renovation of the Institute of Public Administration (IPA)

• Project Schedule: January 27, 2019 – January 26, 2020 (estimated) • Project Cost: (estimated) • Project Scope of Work: Modification to the exteriors and interiors of the IPA building. The total

area of the renovation is approximately 6,000 square meters and consists of six floors. • Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (EMMP)

o Original Submission: August 30, 2018 o Revised Submission: September 9, 2018 o USAID Approval: September 10, 2018 o Summary of Mitigation and Monitoring Measures:

Construction-Engineering Subcontractor will systematically implement appropriate policies/procedures, including those detailed in the HSE Plan and ESA Plan, in accordance with relevant environmental, planning/building, safety regulations, and best practices.

Construction-Supervision Subcontractor will provide onsite oversight/monitoring to ensure compliance with all relevant policies/plans and environmental, planning/building, safety regulations, and best practices

o Status: All mitigation and monitoring measures being implemented o Project Status: In process