user experience matters - denver jan - shortend

User Experience Matters ! (or How to put the User back into your Software Design) Christof Sprenger Christof Sprenger Architect Evangelist Architect Evangelist Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation [email protected] [email protected]

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User Experience Matters - Denver Jan - shortend


Page 1: User Experience Matters - Denver Jan - shortend

User Experience Matters !(or How to put the User back into your Software Design)

User Experience Matters !(or How to put the User back into your Software Design)

Christof SprengerChristof SprengerArchitect Evangelist Architect Evangelist Microsoft CorporationMicrosoft [email protected]

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User Experience, what is that?User Experience, what is that?

Why should we care?Why should we care?

What we can do.What we can do.

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User ExperienceUser Experience

UXUX is a term used to describe the overall is a term used to describe the overall experience and satisfaction a user has experience and satisfaction a user has when using a product or system. when using a product or system. [wikipedia][wikipedia]

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UX tenets: useful, usable, and UX tenets: useful, usable, and desirabledesirable

≈ $10.99 ≈ $22.95

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1. 1. User User experience experience scenariosscenarios

2. 2. Task flow Task flow storyboardstoryboard

5. 5. User experience User experience scorecardscorecard

3. 3. Task flow Task flow modelmodel

4. 4. Low-fidelity Low-fidelity prototypeprototype

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Page 7: User Experience Matters - Denver Jan - shortend

“Architecture is the balance between art and


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How does that apply to Software How does that apply to Software Architecture?Architecture?



UX (Design, Art ?)UX (Design, Art ?)

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User Experience for Architects and User Experience for Architects and DevelopersDevelopers

A FrameworkA Framework

promote the role of UX to developers and promote the role of UX to developers and architectsarchitects

shared vocabulary, practical, non shared vocabulary, practical, non intrusiveintrusive

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3 I’s and 9 P’s3 I’s and 9 P’s

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