user id creation form

Download User id creation form

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Post on 02-Aug-2015




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1. SAP USER ID CREATION Form Please tick (any one) of the Sl No Type of Change Requestchange request: 1 User ID Creation 2 User ID Deletion 3 User ID Blocking/De-Activating Date: ___________________ Sl No Particulars Details 1 Employee Name 2 SAP User ID/Employee No. 3 Designation 4 Department 5 Process Owner (Name) 6 First Name 7 Last Name 8 Mail ID 9 Contact Number 10 Function 2. Request Raised By: (Name in Caps) ____________________________ Designation: ____________________________ Signature _____________________________ Request Approved By: (Name of HOD) ___________________________ Designation: ____________________________ Signature _____________________________ 1 2 Request Approved By (Name of SAP Manager) ____________________________ Designation: ____________________________ Signature _____________________________ Request Approved By Hariharan Subramanian (IT Dept. Head ) ____________________________ Designation: ____________________________ Signature _____________________________