user-initiated learning (uil) kshitij judah, tom dietterich, alan fern, jed irvine, michael slater,...

User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim Blythe, Christopher Ellwood, Melinda Gervasio, Bill Jarrold

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Page 1: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

User-Initiated Learning (UIL)

Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli,

Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton,

Jim Blythe,

Christopher Ellwood, Melinda Gervasio, Bill Jarrold

Page 2: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

CALO: Intelligent Assistant for the Desktop Knowledge Worker

Learn to Understand Meetings

Learn to Keep User Organized

Learn to Manage Email

Learn to Prepare information Products

Learn to Schedule and Execute

CALO: Learning to be an Intelligent Assistant

PAL Program Focus: “Learning in the Wild”


Page 3: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

User-Initiated Learning

All of CALO’s learning components can perform Learning In The Wild (LITW)

But the learning tasks are all pre-defined by CALO’s engineers:

What to learn What information is relevant for learning How to acquire training examples How to apply the learned knowledge

UIL Goal: Make it possible for the user to define new learning tasks after the system is deployed


Page 4: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Motivating Scenario:Forgetting to Set Sensitivity



Sets sensitivity to confidential

Sends email to team

Sends email to a colleague

“Lunch today?”

Does not set sensitivity to confidential

Collaborates on aClassified project

Sends email to team

Forgets to set sensitivity to confidential

Research Team


Page 5: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Motivating Scenario:Forgetting to Set Sensitivity


“Please do not forget to set sensitivity when sending email”


Research Team

Teaches CALO to learn to predict whether user has forgot to set sensitivity

Sends email to team

CALO reminds user to set sensitivity


Page 6: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

User-CALO Interaction: Teaching CALO to Predict Sensitivity

SAT Based Reasoning System

SAT Based Reasoning System



InstrumentedOutlook Events


Integrated Task LearningIntegrated Task Learning


Compose new email

Modify Procedure

Procedure Demonstration and Learning Task Creation

User Interface for Feature Guidance

User Interface for Feature Guidance

User SelectedFeatures


Feature Guidance

Email + Related Objects

CALO Ontology


Feature Guidance

Machine LearnerMachine Learner


Training Examples


Legal Features

SAT Based Reasoning System

SAT Based Reasoning System

Class Labels


Page 7: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

User-CALO Interaction: Teaching CALO to Predict Sensitivity

SAT Based Reasoning System

SAT Based Reasoning System



InstrumentedOutlook Events


Integrated Task LearningIntegrated Task Learning


Compose new email

Modify Procedure

Procedure Demonstration and Learning Task Creation

User Interface for Feature Guidance

User Interface for Feature Guidance

User SelectedFeatures


Feature Guidance

Email + Related Objects

CALO Ontology


Feature Guidance

Machine LearnerMachine Learner


Training Examples


Legal Features

SAT Based Reasoning System

SAT Based Reasoning System

Class Labels


Page 8: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Initiating Learning via Demonstration LAPDOG: Transforms an observed sequence of

instrumented events into a SPARK procedure

SPARK representation generalizes the dataflow between the actions of the workflow


Page 9: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Initiating Learning via Demonstration TAILOR: Supports procedure editing

For UIL, it allows adding a condition to one or more steps in a procedure


Page 10: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Initiating Learning via Demonstration The condition becomes the new predicate to be learned


Page 11: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

User-CALO Interaction: Teaching CALO to Predict Sensitivity

SAT Based Reasoning System

SAT Based Reasoning System



InstrumentedOutlook Events


Integrated Task LearningIntegrated Task Learning


Compose new email

Modify Procedure

Procedure Demonstration and Learning Task Creation

User Interface for Feature Guidance

User Interface for Feature Guidance

User SelectedFeatures


Feature Guidance

Email + Related Objects

CALO Ontology


Feature Guidance

Machine LearnerMachine Learner


Training Examples


Legal Features

SAT Based Reasoning System

SAT Based Reasoning System

Class Labels


Page 12: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Inferring Feature LegalityHasToFieldHasSubjectHasBodyHasAttachment HasSensitivity…


HasToFieldHasSubjectHasBodyHasAttachment HasSensitivity…




CCRecipient PrevEmailMessage Project


Subset of Ontology

Naively, the system will use all features For example, system will use HasSensitivity

Dangerous to use HasSensitivity: Has one-to-one correlation with target and is present at

training time Not present at test time

Feature filtering removes such features at training time 12

Page 13: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Feature Guidance Interface


Page 14: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

User-CALO Interaction: Teaching CALO to Predict Sensitivity

SAT Based Reasoning System

SAT Based Reasoning System



InstrumentedOutlook Events


Integrated Task LearningIntegrated Task Learning


Compose new email

Modify Procedure

Procedure Demonstration and Learning Task Creation

User Interface for Feature Guidance

User Interface for Feature Guidance

User SelectedFeatures


Feature Guidance

Email + Related Objects

CALO Ontology


Feature Guidance

Machine LearnerMachine Learner


Training Examples


Legal Features

SAT Based Reasoning System

SAT Based Reasoning System

Class Labels


Page 15: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Training Instance Generation

Goal: autonomously generate labeled training instances for the learning component from stored user emails

Problem: actions used to create emails are not stored in the CALO knowledge base, so we need to infer how email was created

{defprocedure do_rememberSensitivity....[do: (openComposeEmailWindow $newEmail)][do: (changeEmailField $newEmail "to")][do: (changeEmailField $newEmail "subject")][do: (changeEmailField $newEmail "body")][if: (learnBranchPoint $newEmail) [do: (changeEmailField $newEmail "sensitivity")]][do: (sendEmailInitial $newEmail)]....}

Specifically, we want to know: Whether an email is an instance of the

procedure? Which branch was taken during creation

of the email? No such inference can be drawn


Page 16: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Training Instance Generation



NewComposition ComposeNewMailReplyComposition ReplyToMailHasAttachment (AttachFile ForwardMail)…



ProcInstance (u1 u2 … Un)( forget label) (C1 C2 … Cn)

{defprocedure do_rememberSensitivity....[do: (openComposeEmailWindow $newEmail)][do: (changeEmailField $newEmail "to")][do: (changeEmailField $newEmail "subject")][do: (changeEmailField $newEmail "body")][if: (learnBranchPoint $newEmail) [do: (changeEmailField $newEmail "sensitivity")]][do: (sendEmailInitial $newEmail)]....}


Formula (LAF)


Formula (LAF)


NewComposition ReplyCompositionHasToFieldHasSubjectHasBodyHasAttachment …



E forget ╞ (ProcInstance Label)

E forget ╞ (ProcInstance Label)


Positive Example


Discard email


Page 17: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

The Learning Component Logistic Regression is used as the core learning


Features Relational features extracted from ontology

Incorporate User Advice on Features Apply large prior variance on user selected features Select prior variance on rest of the features through cross-


Automated Model Selection Parameters: Prior variance on weights, classification threshold Technique: Maximization of leave-one-out cross-validation

estimate of kappa


Page 18: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Assisting the User:Reminding


Page 19: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation

Problems: Attachment Prediction Importance Prediction

Learning Configurations Compared: No User Advice + Fixed Model Parameters User Advice + Fixed Model Parameters No User Advice + Automatic parameter Tuning User Advice + Automatic parameter Tuning

User Advice: 18 keywords in the body text for each problem


Page 20: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Data Set

Set of 340 emails obtained from a real desktop user

256 training set + 84 test set

For each training set size, compute mean kappa () using test set to generate learning curves

is a statistical measure of inter-rater agreement for discrete classes

is a common evaluation metric in cases when the classes have a skewed distribution


Page 21: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Learning Curves

Attachment Prediction 28

Page 22: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Learning Curves

Attachment Prediction 29

Page 23: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Learning Curves

Attachment Prediction 30

Page 24: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Learning Curves

Attachment Prediction 31

Page 25: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Learning Curves

Importance Prediction 32

Page 26: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Learning Curves

Importance Prediction 33

Page 27: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Learning Curves

Importance Prediction 34

Page 28: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Learning Curves

Importance Prediction 35

Page 29: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Robustness to Bad Advice

We intended to test the robustness of the system to bad advice

Bad advice was generated as follows: Use SVM based feature selection in WEKA to

produce a ranking of user provided keywords

Replace top three words in the ranking with randomly selected words from the vocabulary


Page 30: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Robustness to Bad Advice

Attachment Prediction 37

Page 31: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Robustness to Bad Advice

Attachment Prediction 38

Page 32: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Robustness to Bad Advice

Attachment Prediction 39

Page 33: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Robustness to Bad Advice

Attachment Prediction 40

Page 34: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Robustness to Bad Advice

Importance Prediction 41

Page 35: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Robustness to Bad Advice

Importance Prediction 42

Page 36: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Robustness to Bad Advice

Importance Prediction 43

Page 37: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Robustness to Bad Advice

Importance Prediction 44

Page 38: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Prediction Utility

We want to evaluate the utility of the system for the user

We use a new metric called Critical Cost Ratio (CCR)

Intuition: A measure of how high cost of forgetting should be compared to cost of interruption for the system to be useful

Intuition : Hence, if CCR is low, the system is useful more often

For example, if CCR=10, then cost of forgetting should be 10 times more than cost of interruption for net benefit


Page 39: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Prediction Utility

Attachment Prediction 47

At size 256, cost of forgetting should be at least 5 times of cost of interruption to gain net benefit from the system

Page 40: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Empirical Evaluation:Prediction Utility

Importance Prediction 49

Page 41: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Lessons Learned

User interfaces should support rich instrumentation, automation, and intervention

User interfaces should come with models of their behavior

User advice is helpful but not critical

Self-tuning learning algorithms are critical for success


Page 42: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Beyond UIL: System-Initiated Learning

CALO should notice when it could help the user by formulating and solving new learning tasks

Additional Requirements Knowledge of user’s goals, user’s costs, user’s

failure modes (e.g., forgetting, over-committing, typos)

Knowledge of what is likely to be learnable and what is not

Knowledge of how to formulate learning problems (classification, prediction, anomaly detection, etc.)


Page 43: User-Initiated Learning (UIL) Kshitij Judah, Tom Dietterich, Alan Fern, Jed Irvine, Michael Slater, Prasad Tadepalli, Oliver Brdiczka, Jim Thornton, Jim

Thank youand
